o jr. Murray Department PREPARED IN TIIE INTERESTS OF TIIE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. t MHSVOMI I &m l :- If any ofthereaderi of the Journal know of a ootid nt oranitern of interest in this vicinity and triZJ mail tame to this oic it mil appear urUr this Keating Wiuxint ali item of intend. Editor Journal) nBORRQW A DOLLAR n FROM TOMORROW And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind in money matters any more than in anything else. A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs straight; it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game. If you are not familiar with the ridvantages, we'll be glad to explain how it will benefit your personal business. Murray State Bank Or ) MURRAY, NEBRASKA A Complete Surprint After the chicken pie supper last by about twenty-five others, repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Frledrich, a mile southeast of town, and gave them a complete surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Frledrich were soft In the "Land of Morpheus, wnen tne band opened up, and soon there was a stir in the house. When everything was In readiness for the reception of the midnight marauders, the doors were flung open and all were Invited Infslde. It was a most complete sur prise and after spending a short time very socially, the band and party re turned to town. , Mr. and Mrs. Fried rich were somewhat embarrassed be cause they were not prepared for the, reception of the party as they would like to have been, and on taking leave they were extended a very cordial Invitation to come again when they would be better prepared for their reception. DC 3C n FOREST FIRES HEAR MURRAY ii Several Residences and Other Property Saved by Heroic Efforts of Neighbors. Visitors in the city from down In the neighborhood of Murray and Un ion report that several disastrous fires broke out yesterday while the high winds were blowing and threatened to destroy a great amount of prop erty before they were gotten under control. The extent of the fires can be judged when it is stated that many farmers for miles around were sum moned to help fight the flames which, fanned by a high wind threatened to sweep a vast stretch of country. One fire, which is supposed to have been Wedding Anniversary. started by sparKs from an engine on lit -a i 11 - j l Friday. March 25. 1910. occurs the lUB r' B'"tttU ,,ul ovur " BU,a" 4 8th wedding anniversary of Mr. and 8,riP of C0UDtry 80uth of Murray but Mrs. W. II. Heck, of Elmwood, Nob. was otten under contro1 without a These good people are now 73 years great deal of damage. Anotner tire was started near me fr ft II 6i. Our Easter Shoe Show is Ready! You will certainly take pleiis ure in seeing) these handsome shoes and we will certainly take the greatest pleasure in showing thera to you. Then, if you buy your Easter Shoes here, there will be an other pleasure in store for you in the way of satisfaction afforded you, by your correctly dressed feet. There's a touch of style and well-bredness to our shoes, and we have such a variety of models and leathers that you're sure of finding here 1 Mrs; Minnie Stokes was shopping In Omaha Friday. Alf Nickels has a son down with the pneumonia. I). C. Rhoden was an Omaha visi tor in Omaha Inst Friday. Some great bargains In shoes. Holmes & Smith. Frank Mooro Is reported quite sick, but nothing serious is apprehended. Mr. and Mrs G. VV. Iloedeker took In the play at the Parmele on Friday night. Highest prlccH paid for lard, but ter, eggs and poultry. We need them. Holmes & Smith. ' Mrs. J. V. Edmunds visited rela tives In Shenandoah, Iowa, last week, returning home Tuesday. f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Connally de parted for Wnuaa, Neb., Tuesday to visit her brother, Albert Harm. Mrs. Chas Muti and Mrs Mlnford were shopping in Nebraska City last Thursday. Harry Baxter la reported on the kIcV list. Kd.Midklff has a son also numbered with the sick. Little Nellie Rhoden, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Rhoden, is quite III with what threatens to be pneu monia. t Miss Isabella Young will entertain Saturday afternoon in honor of her guest, Miss Anna Jacobson of Beth any, Neb. In order to move them quick, we are going, for one week only, to sell 12 1-2 cent peaa at $1.00 per down. Holmes & Smith. Cart Gregord. son of J. R. C. Greg ory, who has been dangerously 111 for romp time. Is now on the Improve, and In a fair way fo a permanent recovery. Miss Pauline Oldham went to Louisville Wednesday morning to in struct some young people who are putting on a play at that place. Mrs. Marmond Heck entertained the following Invited guests Sunday at llnner: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jame son, of Weeping Water, Mr. Torrence Klemming ond family, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Raker and daughter Opha. Rev. T. K. Surface, who formerly resided In the Mynard neighborhood, but now of Shelby, Neb., has been viKltlng at Mynard and here sinco last Friday. He lectured at the Presbyterian church Wednesday even ing. Mrs. .1. F. Urendel went to Avoca Wednesday morning, where her hus band has been for some time looking after the patients of Dr. Will Drendel who has been quite 111. We are pleas (! to learn that he Is now In a fair way of an early recovery. Mrs. Mini McDonald entertained a few of her lady friends at dinner Tues day. Those who were fortunate) enough to be present were: Mrs. Lloyd Gapen, Mrs. A. L. Maker, Mrs. II. F. Urendel, Mrs. Frank Moore, Mrs. Dave Young, Misses liita Nick els and Annabel Moore. The many friends of Uncle lUlly Wiley will regret to learn that he is iuite ill. Uncle Hilly is one of the arly plonoerB of Cass county, com ing hero In the early 50's, and his friends are legion, lie is quite aged and his friends 'hope that nothing serious will result from his present John Dararon has moved onto the I). J. Pitman farm, where he will as sist Dick Pitman In farming. Mrs. Will Stokes took the train here Wednesday morning for Weep ing Water, where she went to visit Mrs. Jake Miller. Re sure and get a glass pitcher. Dig assortment on sale at 19 cents. Holmes & Smith. The Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church will give a Dutch Market Supper at the church on Sat urday night, March 26, 1910. Every body come. Do sure and look at our fine line of dress hats at $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00.' They are up-to-date. Holmes & Smith. Mrs. W. C. Rrown departed Wed nesday morning for Vlllsca, Iowa, to visit her parents for a couple of weeks but he will recover of age, and are living on the farm which they homesteaded In the 70's. They are the parents of Mr. Har- mond Reck, living west of Murray, i who is a great friend of the Jour nal, and who always likes to remind Midkiff place and swept over quite a section of land before the flames were gotten under control. This fire threatened to spread into some woods In that vicinity and develop Into a the old people of their anniversaries rogular freBt flre but by dlnt f hard worn on me pari oi tne larmers irom adjoining property it was put out and the adjacent property saved. The most serious fire was that with a suitable present in honor of the event. Thla time Harmond pre sents his father and mother with thnt profit hmiHphnld nereflfritv. the m tu i i t, ...Bl wnicn siariea eariy yesterday morn Plattsmouth Journal to the extent of ' ing some nve to six miles southeast one year's subscription, believing that they will appreciate this present as fully as would anything he could give them." The Journal hopes Mr. and Mrs. Beck will live to celebrate many more anniversaries. JUST YOUR EASTER SHOE! There are handsome Patent Leathers, Suedes, Gun Metal and Cravenettes, in Oxford?, Ties, Pumps, Ankle Strap, Sailor Ties, just shown for Spring, so we say Come, See Our Easter Shoes FETCH'S U u . kzj u sza La m 7 t. . Shoe Store of Murray. According to Frank LII- lie who came up this morning from his home near that neighborhood a tract somewhere between one hundred and two hundred and sixty acres of land on the old Woolsey place was burned over and Frank Vallery who Mr. and Mrs. Churchill returned lives on the place suffered quite a I T M !. X - - - fc home Monday. Mrs. Churchill visit- 8 in ournea umuer ana ience poms, ed her husband's sister in Lincoln, the fire sweeping his fances before It. while Mac went further west on a Tne general supposition seems to be hunting trip. Mac says he enjoyed his that this fire was ignited from some and destroyed fences will be quite heavy. Mr. Vallery was deeply grate ful to his good neighbors for their timely assistance. Reports from various points in the state tell of great fires at different places and much loss of property, the trouble being that the high wind fan ned the flames and carried the fire over much country. outing very much. A large number of Murray people attended the Randall sale Wednesday, Will looks somewhat forlorn, It was largely attended and every- sparks left Bmoldering from a brush flre which Mr. Houston bad been burning the night before. G. W. Shrader noticed the fire in the early The "Sunshine Band" of the Chris- worth tlan church will repeat the "Rainbow Mrs. Joe Cook is down sick with Klniona" play at the church on Sat- remlttant fever, but Is Improving, urday night, April 9. Don't fall to Doc Long's little daughter Grade, attend and thus encourage home tal- 1r ill with pneumonia. ent ability. The "Sunshine Band" of the Chris tian church will render the play, "The thing sold well, bringing all they were morning and was worried over the smoae ana tne size or it doc it was not until the flames bad gotten Into the woods on the Woolsey place that the seriousness of the situation dawn ed on the neighboring farmers. Many were at the Kandall sale and these hurried to fight the flre while many People who are looking for a good others fame down from the north and Rainbow Klmona club,".at Nehawka reasonable priced home one where east and assisted In the fight. At the on Saturday night. April 16. The the ,ncome U reater than the ,n' t,rae the men howed u" the name8 .ood neoole c,f that burg will do well investigate these aescnoea do- were within low: a few feet of Mr. Val- lery's houses and his barns and but 160 acres V mile from town with for this timely assistance of the 40 acres broken,' 50 acres hay, bal- neighbors, his property would have No improvements, been lort. By back-firing, the flames to attend and note what home talent can do. Tnn Vlllnirtnn nnd wife were here ,.. u !,. anco In pasture, over Sunday visiting old neighbors . . , and friends. They were former resi dents of Cass county but moved to P.lalnvlew, where they resided for the past seven or eight year. Having sold out there they expect to make their future home In Colorado. After the services at the Presbyter Ian church last Sunday night, the congregation derided to issue a call for Rev. J. Smith, who was pastor of the church here threo years ago. Mr. Smith Is now attending a Presby terian college at Pittsburg, Pa., and has signified his Intention of accept ing the call. The chicken pie supper at Lough- rldge's hall last Saturday evening and the band concert In connection there, with, waB a grand success In every particular. The supper was given by the Missionary society of the Pres byterian church and the ladles of the unolittu ilannfvn errant nrnitlt fnr ttlfl J " " " v . T7l- ... A . i .u, ,.l.,f .fflr luuic. ran Uuuc,Su u1Ul luminal in ttiuiu iuio t-n-ftnufc ,!. i was conducted. Commenced Action. In district court Earl R. Blish has commenced an action against the Cf B. & Q. Ry. and the Relief Depart ment of that road for $2,000 dam ages for the loss of bis foot which was taken off in the collision here last July and for which he recently recovered a Judgment against the company of $10,000. The petition al- lges this amount due blm under the terms of his membership in the re lief department. In county court today two matters were set for hearing. In the matter of the estate of Frank G. Brown, de ceased, the accounts of the adminis trator, II. N. Meeker of Greenwood, were examined and allowed and he and his bondsmen released from the liability on his bond. In the matter of the estate of B. J. Hudson the hearing on the appointment of an administrator was postponed. Sandy loam clay sub-soil. Price $52.50 per acre. Half section 1 mile from town, 160 acres broken, 10 acres trees, 70 acres hay, balance pasture. Fair Improve ments, consisting of house, barn, corn crib, granery and windmill, small orchard. Price $45.00 per acre. 160 acres 1 miles from town with fruit. Barn granery, corn crib, provements. Price $24.00 per acre. 103 acres M mile from town, with 50 acres broken, 15 acres tamo grass, 10 acres hog pasture, 35 acres past ure, goou bearing orcnard, small small fruit. Ram, granery, corn crib, windmill, hog house. All fenced and In good shape. Price $65.00 per acre. 360 acres 1 V4 miles from town, 200 acres hay and bottom pasture, 140 acres In cultivation, running wa ter, 5 acres timber, 10 acres hog were confined to a narroy space. As Loss of Weight. A constant loss of weight is al ways a symptom of a serious sick ness. The loss of weight Is always followed by loss of strength and many other difficulties. The only way to regain your health, Is to excite a vigorous appetite and a perfect dlges- tion of food. In this respect we can heartily recommend yoa Trlner's American Elixir of zTuer W ine as a remedy you can depend upon. It will not only force the organs of digestion to resume their normal work, but will also give them enough strength to do so without exertion. Begin with the treatment soon la order to prevent the sickness to reach a point where it will resist all treat ment. When your complexion be comes pale or yellowish, when your weight and strength decline, your appetite is poor, the digestion is im perfect and you get easily tired, then there is time to use Trlner's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Smoke "Acorns," the cigar with a Attention, Horsemen. The Journal office is better equip ped than ever to print horse bills, and we want your work in this line. We have a full line of horse and Jack cuts and can do your work promptly and in a first class manner. Let us it was the loss in burned over forest reputation. Made by Ptak & Bajeck. Ihave your order. A Meo LittU' 1'arty. Monday evening a little party gath- civd at the Loughrldgo hall and spent several hours in social enjoyment. Cards was the principal amusement, and after tiring of this a lunch was Latllo nnd hay bnrrii 8cnlt8 aiul wlnd. crib, granery, rattle shed, chicken houso, windmill and hog house. Price $65.00 per acre. 160 acres 44 miles from town, 30 acres tame hay, about 40 acres past ure, balance under cultivation. 50 acres fenced hog tight. Good house, good barn, corn crib, granery, largo FOR I TDD (33 - -J - s SI s I oo ts oc , O 3 CZ s 1 CO It you're looking for something particularly attractive in Easter footwear you'll find representation in our Easter window. Don't mar the effect of your Easter attire by wearing shoes that are not proper. spread. It was a lato hour when they adjourned and departed for their res pectlve homes, feeling that they had mill. Price $65.00 per acre. These farms are all close to town, good schools, churches, rural mail spent the evening most enjoyably. routes and telephone. We have others Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. whk.h mny gult you thofle do not . t. Iirown, or. and Mrs. u. H. Oil- We rnn ala0 how you cneapcr unm more. .Mr. ana airs. . u. ruman, provod WPRtern lands at bargain Mr. and Mrs. o. A. Davis; Misses prl(m Call and see ua or write to Mattle Mannear and Tessle Stokes, WATSOX LAND CO., Brunswick, and Mr. Albert Young. Neb. For Sale or Rent. Blacksmith shop with an abund ance of tools, gasoline engine, etc. R. R. Nlckles and his estimable wife made a trip to the city today I to attend to some business matters in connection with the spring crop MEN'S NIFTY OXFORDS in Patent, Gun, Calf, Tans, in conservative shapes or snappy styles WOMEN'S OXFORDS in Tatent, Tans, in Ribbon Ties, Pumps and new Spring Creations $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 THIS WAY FOR EASTER FOOTWEAR- !hirwdl x on Good opening for the right man. James Loughrldgo, Illness. planting. r