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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1910)
n 1 1 t OF: V JaekSg Mares and Mules! On the Kendall farm, near Union, Nebraska, on Wednesday, March 23, 1910 commencing at 8:30, a.m.: Two Jacks, large individuals, quick performers; twenty mares, sixteen of which are safe in foal; forty seven mules, from ono to three years old. Complete line of farm machinery, including one J. I. Case Steam Threshing outfit, which is in good condition. Fro transportation provided to and from farm to all persona arriving on the train. For further particulars address ANDREW E. TAYLOR rxiox. (L'ds r.) Grandma Elizu Haruum Is very seriously ill with an attack of pneu i lunula, and lur ronuuiuii is c ausing . hir relatives and friends much alarm, ibut it is earnestly hoped that a fav orable ihange may take place soon, j L. R. Upton's hardware store was Itnf red by a young burglar last Fri !iny liipht by going through a window in the basement. After getting into the store he loaded up with a 32 revolver, i or 5 boxes of catridges and some safety razors. Mrs. John P. Todd, after several days visit with Union erlatives and friends, went to Omaha Friday even ing to join her hui-band, and on Saturday they departed for their Canada home. Mrs. Jake Eikeubary arrived Tues day afternoon from Brush, Colo., to visit her parents, G. F. MeXaraee and wife and other Union relatives and friends. She will remain here for some time to be with her father hose health is quite poorly. M. II. Shoemaker is another farm- who will become a Union citizen the near future. He is getting ready to have a modern stylo rcsi dence erected In the east part of town, and will be a neighbor of I). W ''oster when both families get moved into town Welcome to such estlm able people as Shoemaker and Foster families. The Wegotta hotel is now open and ready for business, having thrown open Its door3 Tuesday morning. Ed Leach, the proprietor, Informs us that he is there to give the public the best services possible. At last Un ion has what Is has long needed, and It Is a hotel that Union and 1 citizens should be proud of. WegoIU hotel, that's what we have. Ex-Governor George L. Sheldon changed cars here last Saturday on his way to the south to his Mississip pi home. Mr. Sheldon Is looking fine, greeting many friends at the depot with his usual smile and hand shake. D. W. Foster commenced work Tuesday getting things In shape for building a fine modern home on his lots east of the Fresbyterlan church. Mr. Foster has plans for a fine home and Intends to move from the farm to town and take things easy. in DOC UNION, NEBRASKA, fl DC A Fine Horse. About as fine a stallion as ever came to Nebraska has been brought In within the past few days by Henry Hlrz a3 the result of his trip to Corn, Ing, la., several days ago. After re turning to the city Mr. Hlrz conclud ed to colse an option he had on the animal and accordingly he paid for hlra and had him sent here. The ani mal Is a splendid black I'erchcron, a magnificent animal in every respect. The weight of the horse is in the neighborhood of 2,000 pounds and he looks every inch the thorough bred which he Is. lie is a powerfully built animal with plenty of good bone and altogether one of the best ani mals which horsemen have ever seen here. Talking with several who have been Intimately connected with the horse business for years and who have viewed this animal they pro nounce it, without exception, to be one of the best they ever seen. Mr. Hire intends to keep the nnlmal at his farm west of the city and hopes that the patronage will Justify his heavy expenditure for It. The stal lion cost, him $1,500 and he Is con sidered a good bargain at the price. The firm selling him Is tho well known Ayres Ilros., of Corning, la., a visit to whose horse farm Mr. llln declares is worth anyone 8 tlmo. This farm which is located close to Corn ing comprises some 800 acres which Is used almost exclusively for horse breeding purposes, there being only a very small fraction of It In corn or other grain. On this Immense farm of high priced land there are some C(mh to the Southern l'aciilc. Julius Pepperburg, the Lincoln clgnr man, Is spending the day In the city In the interest of his cigars coming In last evening. Mr. Pepper berg states that his son Leo recently resigned his place as a member of the geological department of the government to accept a position nt much better pay and with better pros poets for advancement with the Southern Pacific railroad company in California. The many friends of young Mr. Pcpporberg will bo de lighted to hear of his advancement and trust that he has but just start 'n1 rn thn nmrnrrl uov ITa a o i. u iii tuc up n ui u ti u; jiv io bright, capable and energetic young mnn and there Is no doubt of his ultimately standing, at the head of his profession. He becomes assistant geologist of the railroad compnny, an Important position and one of much responsibility. mum i: op pi in n a riov. Stat of Nebraska, tn district court for the C ounty of Cass. IVliliou la unlet Till. George W. iiarshnian, plaliuilt' Jeremiah S. C'arr, J. S. Carr. W. V. V,i:,UK!"im, Jul n II. .vla.wa, t: ustee; Marliia V. (.limit, Martha W. Carr, Joseph A'lton tlelig, denofeva Oerlg und Then sa Ceng, heirs and devisees of Henry Oerig, d; Sarah A. Wlllison, Sarah A. Wilson Marquis and husband, L. K. Marquis, George F. Dixon. Rebecca Ashley, Rebecca U. Conner und Imsl.and Conner, first and real name unknown; George F. Dlxson, George H. VickRoy, Mary 1. McCartney, A. K. McCartney, Amanda J. McCartney, William D. Gregory und wile, liellndu Gregory, George W. Betts and wife, Rachel J. Betts, non-residents of the State of Nebraska; H. Wolph, 11. W. Show and Clendenen W. Mitchell, only nurvivlng heirs of H. O. Wolph und wife, Ksther Woljdi, deceased; Amelia tl. Jlalde man, formerly widow of Addison 1'. Weston, deceased, and his only sur viving heir and devisee. The unknown heirs and devisees of Jeremiah S. Carr and of tii wife, Martha V. Carr, deceased; the unknown heirs ami devisees of J. S. Carr, deceased; the unknown assignees, heirs and devisees of W. W. WilliriKhum, deceased, tho un known assignees, heirs and devisees of Joi n II. .laon, trustee, deceased, the unknown heirs and devisees of Mar Ilia W. Grant, deceased; tho unknown heirs and devisees of Sarah A. Wllli son deceased: the unknown heirs and devisees of Sarall A. Wilson Marquis and of her hushand, L. K. Marquis, de ceased; the unknown heirs of George F. Dixon, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of ilehecca Ashley, deceased; the unknown heirs and dvlsees of lte hecca J). Conner and ol her hushand Conner, real name unknown, last above described by said Kehecca Ashley in the name of lUbecca l. Con ner, and said Conner, real name I r parts For lltMiie. J. IJ. McXurlin and family of near Los Angeles, Cal., who have been visiting In the city with John McXur lin and family, departed yesterday afternoon for Greenwood where they will make a visit with Mr. McN'ur lin'a father, Ii. B. McXurlin, after which they will return to their home. They had a very pleasant visit with Mr. McNuiiln's family while here and were sorry that the time allowed it came to an end so soon. In County Coui. In county court today a petition wns filed for the admission to pro bate of the last will and testament of Esdras C. Swan late of Big Piney Uinta county, Wyoming. The peti tion is filed by the widow, Mrs. Mln nlo R. Swan who asks for her ap pointment as executrix. The will de vises property in this county valued at $2,500. The petition wns filed by Mr. Kidendall of Omaha, a brother of the widow. M. 1. Improvement. The Missouri Pacific Is about ready to ask bidders to make figures on some work of considerable magnitude In the neighborhood of Nebraska City and Union. It Is understood one cut off Is to be built that will Involve the moving of a large amount of dirt and that a number of smaller grading contracts are a part of the general scheme for line Improvements In that vicinity. The company . Is planning to rebuild all of its Nebraska system, and this line straightening and grade ellmatlon Is a part of the rebuilding scheme. After this Is completed, the new rails are in place and the bridges Kt renirthened it la undorotnnd tha AAA KaiiI rf Hinftrl.wl nntmnld lknaA ' ...r. . - . - Omaha and Lincoln lines are to be being the only kind the Arm deals in., ba,lnHted nallaJlt,nKi ,t ,g under- Found. A gold watch. Open face with R. L. P. on dial. The owner can have same by paying for trouble and this ad. Inquire of W, D. Stewart at W A Becker's. I am going away in a week on ten days. Call at once. Cass County Teachers Meeting. The general meeting of the teach ers of Cass county will be held at Louisville, on Saturday, April 16. Mary E. Foster, Superintendent. The result Is that they only have for sale the best blooded animals to be had. Their stallions are all genuine Imported animals and the stock is kept up to the high standard which they set years ago. Mr. Hlrz is an stood, will follow next year.' Journal. -State AIwayH Appreciated. II. J. Melslnger and his sons Willie nnd Allio of Cedar Creek came down enterprising horseman and the Jour- this morning on the Schuyler train Hal notes with prldo his determlna- to look after some business matters tlon to promote the growth of blood- in tho city. While In the city H. J. ed horses In this section. paid tho Journal a pleasant call and Incidentally, renewed tho subscrip tion of G. L. Melslnger for tho paper for another year. Tho Journal al ways appreciates Henry's culls nnd he can always rest, assured of a warm welcome nt tho hands of tho pub Usher. A Sceno of Activity. Tho office, of Miss Mary Foster, county superintendent, this afternoon was a scene of activity, there being a largo number of younj: ladies pres ent taking tho examination for teach er's certificates. Several young men were also on tho list nnd were poring over tho questions. Besides a num ber of applicants from this city tho following from tho country were pres ent: Miss Ethel Wiles of Weeping Water: Misses May Durbln, Mario Kunz, Messrs. Win roettger, Ralph Utley, all of Elmwood; MIbbcs Alpha Andrews, . Bertha Smoota of Avoca and the Misses Eva and May Tlckwell of Murdock. George P. Melslnger, one of the sterling citizens of the county is In the city today meeting old friends and attending to business. Mr. Melslnger has Just finished moving to Cedar Creek where he will be in close touch with his farm and at the same time be so situated that he can make easy rail trips to this city or elsewhere as suits his convenience. Ho wag much moved by the death of his good friend Conrad Schlnter and will bo among those attending the funeral Monday. The motion for n new trial In the case of Cass County vs. Snrp County which was decided a number of days ago against this county, Is Bet down for argument nt Omaha on Saturday, March 20. County Attorney Ramsey will bo present and argue for the county, I. rcarlman ('aniu''d'oVntulB morn ing from Omaha to look after his businiMB matters in the city. Co you war, I an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or writo ROBERT WILKINSON, Dunbar, tleb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service, Reasonable Rates deceased; the unknown heirs and de Isees of (leorjfe K Dlxson, deceased ; the unknown heirs and devisees of Mary I'. McCartney, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of A. K. McCartney, deceased; the unknown heirs and de visees of Amanda J. McCartney, de ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of William 1). Gregory and of his wife, Lielinda Gregory, deeensed; the un known heirs and devisees of George W. Hetts and wife, ltachel J. Hetts. de ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees, respectively, of Joseph Anton Goritf, Genofeva GerlK and Thersa Gerlg, de ceased, Defendants Notice to each and all of the above named non-residents of the State of Nebraska and to each and all of the above named unknown helra and de visees, defendants. To each and all of the above named non-residents of the state of Nebraska, and to each and all of the above named unknown heirs and devisees, defend ants. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the ISth day of February, A. P., 1H1U, plaintiff filed his petition In the district court for the County of Cass, State of Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to confirm and quiet his title against you and each of you In and to tho following described lands In the County of Cass, State of Nebras ka, to-wlt: The west half (w'A) of the northwest fiuarter (nw'4) of section numbered thirty-five (35), the west half (w) of the northeast quarter (ne!4 ) of sahl sec tlon numbered thlrty-nve (3a), the west half ( w ,i ) of the sou theft st quarter (sel4 ) of said section numbered thirty-five (3d), the east half (e',4) of the north east quarter (neVi) of section numbered thirty-four (34), the northeast quarter (ne',i) of the southeast quarter (seli) of suid section numbered thirty-four (34), the east half evj) of the west half (w4) of the northeast quarter (ne'i) of said section numbered thirty four (31), and the east half (e) of the northwest quarter (nw'4) of the southeast quarter (seU) of said sec tlon numbered thirty-four (34), all of said lands In township numbered ten (Id) north of range numbered twelve (12). In the County of Cass. State of Nebraska for that plaintif by himself and grantors has been In the open, con Urinous, exclusive, adverse possession of shIiI described lands for more than twenty-seven (27) years prior to the date of filing this petition, thereby ac quiring absolute title to said innds nnd thereby harrlmr nil claims of title there to, and liens thereupon by long lapse of time. To especially have cancelled of record a certain deeil of trust given by tie fondant, Jeremiah S. Carr, In the name of J. S. Carr to defendant, John II Maxon, trustee, on the said northwest quarter (nwV, ) of the northeast quarter (ne',4) of said section numbered thirty five (3!i) said township nnd range, to se cure the payment of the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to defendant, W. V. Willlngham, sold deed of trust ecorded In Hook "A" at pnge 15!). of the deed records of said County of Cass. To confirm and quiet title in plaintiff and against defendant, Martha W. Grant, In and to the southwest one fourth (svv'i) of the northeast one- fourth (neVa) and the west half (WM,1 of the southeast one-fourth (sei) of snld section numbered thlrty-nve (.lf) said township and range, by reason of a deed of conveyance of said, lands by defendant. Jeremiah S. Carr, to said Martha V. Grant of date September 10. lKfiK, and recorded in Hook H at page 3X1), of the deed records of said ountv of Cass, under which deed said Martha W. Grant claims an interest In aid lands. To confirm and nulet title tn plalntIT to be northeast quarter (ne'4 ) of the south- ast miarter (se'i) or said section num berod thirty-four (34). said township and range as against defendants, eorce w. Hetts and wife. ltachel J. lletts. Sarah A. Wlllison. Sarah A. Wil son Marquis and husband, I,. R. Mar quis, by reason or a deed or convey ance of said lands by said George W, lletts and wife to said Sarah A. Wllli son of date of April 28, 1868, recorded In Hook "K" at pago 245. or the neea records of said county, under which deed said Sarah A. Wlllison claims an Interest In said lands, and to confirm and quiet title In plaintiff to the lands last above described, as against sam Surah A. Wilson Marouls and husband U K. Martinis, bv reason of a deed or ronevyance of said lands to one. Henry finrlar. of date February 25. 1S75. and recorded In hook "U" at page oa, oi the deed records of said county, under which deed the said L. K. Marquis claims an Interest In said lands. Also to confirm and quiet in plaintiff title In the lnndu last above aeserinea against defendants, Joseph Anton Oerlg, heirs and devisees of Henry Gerlg, de ceased, by reason of a certain legacy of four thousand dollars (J4000.00r be queathed to said Inst named defend ants of said Henry Oerlg, deceased, said legacy creating on apparent lien upon the lands last above aescnoea To cancel of record a certain novver of attorney given by defendant, George F Dlxson. to defendnnt. Georp-e ti vick- Unv. recorded in Hook H' at Page 014 of the aald records of said County of Cnss. covering the south half (8) of the southwest one-fourth (sw'i) of the northwest one-fourth (nw'i) orsnid section numbered thirty-five (35) and Mm oust h f (eM.) of the southeast one-fourth (se',4) 'be east one-half (e'fc) of tho northwest one-fourth inwi!) of the northeast one-fourth die'.); the east iialf o,) of the southwest one-fourth (sw'4) of the northenst one-fourth (ne'4) and the east half (e'.) of the northwest one fourth (nw'i") of tho southeast one fourth (se'4) of sold section numbered thirty-four (34), tnld township and range. To confirm and qulot title In plain tiff niralnst defendants. George F. Dix on. Kebeccn Ashley, Hobeeea 1). Conner, and husband Conner, real name unknown, Amelia II, lialdemnn, form erly widow and only heir and devisee of Adiltion P. Weston, deeensed, to the east half (eH of the northwest quar ter (nw'i) of the southeast quarter oi) and the west hnlf (w4) of the east half (eH of the west half (wifc) of the northeast quarter (ne'4) nil "In said section numbered thirty four (34) said township and range by renson of a claim to said lnnds by said Kebcera Ashley under a deed of con veyance thereof by said George F. Dixon to said Rebecca Ashley of date September 14th, A. T 1"(!0. Recorded In Honk "P" t pnire 12R. of the deed record" of snhl rountv; and bv renson of o deed of conveyance of the lands 1 A Must iH-lijihUui Kveiiin-. The Christian Endeavor society ,f unknown, her husband, to said Addison the Presbyterian church held a uio-t I'. Weston of date November 5. 1V14, ; recorded In Hook (!" at page 260, of , delightful social meeting at the cozy the deed leeonls of said countv, but; v, mk.d r,u iv,., . i whin, deed by misial.-e and om.n.ssi.,1, hm" of Ru,h JchllSOH la.-t was not signed by said Conner, 'veiling and which very larstly real name unknown. To cnnfliiii ami quiet title In plain- attended, there being about fiity Cart iiov.' a.' .McCa'.Vy .v'u.nnda j Th j - J. McCartney to the west half ture of a St. Patrick's party and in of the northwest one-fourth (nwVi) of 1 . . . . . . . said section numbered thii t v -tive cli) j (1,1'f nee to that saint, as well as and to the east buif (e'.4 of the north- the day, the charming rooms of the east one-fourth I ire Vt ) of said section numbered tbirty-fuur :!)), the east half ;Johnson nome were prettily decorated (e'ji oi ine wesi nan (',,) oi me northeast one-fourth tne'H) of said sec tion numbered thirty-four (34) and the east half (e'-i) of the northwest one fourth (nw'ij of the southeast one fourth (se'i) of said section numbered (34), all of said lands in said township and range, by reason of a deed of con veyance of said lands by A. S. Mc Cartney, Henry M McCartney and said Mary 1". McCartney and said A. K. Mc Cartney to defendant, Amanda J. Mc Cartney, dated August 20, lMiti, and re corded in Hook "J" at page 340, uf the deed records of said county, in which deed said Mary 1'. McCartney and said A. K. McCartney failed to Join in the acknowledgement thereof. To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff against defendants, George F Dlxson. George F. Dixon, William I). Gregory and wife, Delinda Gregory, and H. Wolph, R W. Show and Clendenen W. Mitchell, only surviving heirs and de visees of Henry C. WolphV deceased, to the east half (e'4) and twenty acres off of the east side of the west half (wU) of the northeast quarter (ne',i) of said section numbered thirty-four (34). said township and range, by rea son of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said George F. Dixon to H. C. Wolph of date October 29, I860, and recorded In Book "D" at page 217, of the deed records of said County of Cass; and by reoson of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said George F. Dixon in the name of George F. Dlxson, to de fendant. William D. Gregory ot date October 29, 180, and recorded In Book 'D at page 179, of said deed records; and by reason of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said William 1). Gre gory and wife, lielinda Gregory, to said Addison H. Weston or date August 1, 18fi3, and recorded in Book "F" at page 216 of said deed records; and also by reason of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said H. O. Wolph and wife, Ksther w olph. to said Addison I . Wes ton, of date August 19, 1863, and re corded in Hook "F" at page 217, of said deed records, the description in said several deeds of conveyance of said and being uncertain and indefinite. You end each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of April, A. L., 1910. In de fault thereof Judgment will be entered confirming and quieting title to all the lands above described In plaintlfr and against each and all of you and for costs of suit. George W. Harshman, Plaintiff. By Rasll S. Ramsey and William C. Ramsey. Attorneys for Plaintiff. wi;h shamrocks and green crepe pa per streamers, the majoiity of the young people, also, wearing soma green. For the occasion the social com mittee planned several amusement stunts introduced were entered into with much interest and enthusiasm by the guests and produced consider able merriment. During the evening Miss Mildred Johnson furnished a vocal sol, which was very charmingly rend ered and thoroughly appreciated hy the guests. A guessing contest was also introduced, the questions beiug written on green paper. In this con test Miss Edna Shopp captured the first prize, an Irish flag, while in the cut for the second prize, I.elau-1 Briggs was the lucky winner. Sham rocks bearing unique lines of poetry and a number were then distributed and each one requested to find part ners by matching the numbers. Re freshments were then served after which the remainder of the evening was spent dancing the Virginia Rent and other amusements. Misses IlelW Hunter and Mabel Brown assisted Is serving and wore little green aproarf. NOTICK OF ITHMCATION Id the District Court nf the County of Chum. State of .Nebraska. Charles K. Schwab and Mary C. Schwab, I'laintifTs vs. James Kldwell, Dorothy A. Ramsey, W illiam B. Ramsey, Hugh H. Ramsey, Lawrence I. Ramsey, Charles o Ramsey. John Ramsey. James Ram sey, sole surviving heirs of John Ramsev, deceased, Spratlen, Davis & Company, a firm composed of William H. Spratlen, William i: Davis and A, H. Argyle, first and real name un known, their successors and assign ees; W. P. Davis, SamuelChambers William It. Spratlen, William V. Dav is. A. H. Argyle. first and real name unknown, non-residents of the State of Nebraska: the unknown heirs and devisees of James Kldwell, deceased the unknown heirs and devisees of William H. Spratlen, deceased; the un known heirs and devisees of Vrilllam 1", Davis, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of W. I. Davis deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of A. H. Argyle, first and real name un known, deceased; the unknown heirs nnd devisees of Samuel Chambers, deceased: the unknown heirs and fie visees of Susanna Brock deceased 1 lefendants F.ach and all of the above named non residents of the Statu of Nebraska, and each and all of the above named un known heirs and devisees, defendants are hereby notified that on the 19th dav of March. A 1)., 1910, plaintiffs filed their petition In the District Court, of the county of lass, isenrasKa, i lie od iect and prayer of wiiirh is to con linn and quiet their title In them and I against you, and each of you, In and to the following described lands, situated In the county of Cass, State of Nebras ka, by reason of open, notorious, ex clusive, peaceable, continuous ami ad verse possession tliercor by them and their grantors, for more than twenty five years, towlt: The north half (n'i) of the southeast quarter (se'4). and the north half (n')of the southeast quar ter (sev) or the southeast quarter (se'i) of section thirty-one (31), town ship eleven (11), north, range fourteen (14), east of the sixth principal meri- llan, and to bar you and eacn or you from having or claiming any right. title or interest In or to said described real estate, or any part thereof, and for equitable relief; and to confirm and quiet their title In them and against the unknown heirs and devisees oi Susanna Brock, deceased, to the fol lowing described real estate, situated In said county and said state, by reason of a mortgage deed, executed and de livered by plaintiffs to one Susanna Brock, now deceased, to secure the pay ment to her of an annual sum during her lifetime upon said real estate, to wlt: Lots two (2), nine (9), thirteen 13). and fourteen (14). all In the north east quarter (ne'4) of the northeast quarter (new), and the south half (s) of the northeast qnarter (ne4), and the northwest quarter nw'4 of the north east quarter (neV4) all In the section township and range nereinberore de scribed, said mortgage being unreleased of record, and also to tar you, the said unknown heirs and devisees of Susanna Brock, deceased, from having or claim ing any right, title or Interest in or to said last described real estate, or any part thereof, and for equitable relief. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1910. In default thereof. Judgment will be entered con firming and quieting title to all the real estate, above described, in plaintiffs herein. Charles K. Schwab Mary C. Schwab. I'laintifTs By their Attorneys i Ramsey & Ramsey. (First publication March 21, 1910.) At the Parnicle last Sight. "Is Marriage a Faiure?" was ren dered by the William Grew players fe a large audience last night. Ti play 1b full of fun and kept the audi ence in a continued laughter and god humor throughout. We noted eie new face among the members of tha company, and that was Mr. Snydwr, who took the part of "Benjamin Bit. tercorn," and he was very clever m Ma acting. Mr. Grew has been tear fortunate in selecting good perfom ers, and Mr. Snyder is no excep tion. The company is composed f comparatively young people and thy all present a fine appearance up the stage. They all perform thoir parts to perfection. While the play last night may not have been up la the expectations of some, it was just what others wanted fun. Xext Fri day night this company will further demontsrate Its versatility by present ing the romatlc play, "Way 0t West." There is now little need to dwell on the ability of every player ef this company for all have grown In to favor with those of Plattsmouth's people who have seen them. The Grew company is one of the best stock companies ever appearing here in fact, about the best, and the i crease in the size of the audienoe each Friday night indicates the grow ing popularity of the company. To Consult Specialist. B. F. Goodman, wife and little soa were passengers on the mornia? train for Omaha, the parents taking the little fellow up for a consultation with an eye specialist. The boy ha. been trouble for some time with aa affection of the eyes and local treat ment seems to have been unavailii? so the parents were advised to coa sult a specialist. It is not long since the little fellow went through a selge of typhoid fever and pneumonia and he was left in a weakened state which prevented an operation before. It Is now believed that he is strong enough to stand an operation and he is being taken to the metropolis fer an examination with that end in view. It is to be hoped that the trouble can be averted without an operation but in case it cannot it is hoped that the operation will be easily gotten over and he will soon be all right. NOTICK TO lli:i)ITOHS. Static or Nkihiaska. i I , CorNTT conrr. COfNTY OKtASS f In the matter of the estate of J. Glen Royal, deceased. Nut Ice Is hereby given that the credi tors of said deceased will meet the ad ministrator of said estate, before me, county judge of Cass county, Nebraska, nt tlio county court room In l'latts mouth. In said county, on the 12th day of April. A. D., 1910, nnd on'the 12th day of October. A. 1 ., 1910, at 111 o clock a. in., each duv, fur the purposo of pre senting their claims for examination, nil luslment and allowance. Six months nre allowed for the credi tors of said deceased to present their claims, nnd ono year and six months for the administrator to settle said estnte, from the 12th day of April, A. 1)., 1910. Witness my hand and seal of snld county court, nt I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this 14 day of March, A. D.. 1910. Allen J. Beeson. County Judge. William C. Ramsey, Attorney. i (Seal) " Nick llalmes, the sturdy German farmer from just west of the city, is in the city attending to business mat ters, having driven in this morning to spend the day with friends In the city. I.KGAI, NOTIC K. State of Nebraska,) )ss. In County Court County of Cass. ) IN THE MATTER OF TUB KSTATti . OF JOHN WE1CHKL, DKCEASISD. To all persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed In this court the peti tion of Albert A Welchel, alleging therein that paid John Welchel, depart ed this life in said county, leaving a last will and testament. The prayer of said petition Is that said will he allowed and probated an t that administration of snld estate be granted to said John It. Welchel. You are further notified that a hear ing will be had upon said petition be fore this court in the county court room in I'lattsmouth, In snld county, on the 12th day of April, 1910, at o'clock a. m., and that nil objections. If any, must he filed on or before said day and hour of heaiing. Dated this 21st day of March, 1910. By the Court, Allen J. lieesnn, (Seal ) County ' J udge. i iai, Mvrii i;. State of Nebraska,) )ss. In County Court Countv of Cass. ) IN Til Fi MATTKR OF Till? l; ST ATI"' OF MARV J Gl.TIIMANN, DKCEAS l'.D. To all persons Interested: You are hereby notified that tho administrator of snld estate has file his final report and petition for final settlement of snld estate, and that a hearing will be bad upon the some be fore nie. the county Judge of said coun ty, at I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, April 1910, at 10 o'clock a, m of said day. and all objections. If any, must bo file.l before said hour of said day. Witness my band and seal of sull county court of said county, this 2Nt day of March, 1910. Allen J. Beeson, St l I County Jui.