The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 21, 1910, Image 1

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NO 21
One of the Most Highly Respected and Best Known Citizens of
Plattsmouth and Cass County is No More.
From Friday's Dally. .
DIED Schlater. Conrad, at his home
in Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on Fri
day, March 18, 1910. at 7 o'clock
a. m., of bronchial affection, aged
77 years, 2 months and 23 days.
Funeral on Monday, March 21,
1910, from St. John's Catholic
church, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.,
Rev. Father M. A. Shine officiat
ing. Interment at the Catholic
cemetery at Plattsmouth, 'Nebras
ka. After an illness of long duration
death this morning claimed Conrad
Schlater, for many years a resident
of Cass county and one of its most
respect and best beloved citizens.
Owing to the advanced age of the de
ceased his death did not come as a
surprise as ho had been in failing
health for several years past but his
remarkable vitality and his strong
constitution had enabled him to rally
frcm a number of other attacks and
to the end hope was entertained that
this might be the case once more. He
had been seriously ill for some time
back but severeal weeks ago he had
made one of his unexpected gains in
strength and had so far advanced to
ward good health that he was able to
come down town. As was always
his custom he made the trip without
an overcoat and this proved to be the
direct cause of his death as he con
tracted a cold from which he did not
Deceased was one of the men whom
everyone in Cass county delighted
to honor. He stood at the pinnacle,
of true, honest, stury manhood. Dur
iag the more than half a century he
had dwelt among the people of Cass
county, he had made a name for him
self as one of the most upright of
its men. lie was a man of unswerv
ing honor and personal integrity cf
high, pure and lofty character, and
the soul of honesty. A long and busy
life in which he had witnessed the
coming and going of many thousands
of men in this country, closed abso
lutely stainless when the eyes of this
excellent citizen closed in their lust
long sleep. Conrad Schlater is sin
' cerely mourned throughout Cass
county by a great host of friends who
had known and respected him in his
lifetime and the sorrowing and be
reaved widow and children have the
profound sympathy of everyone who
had known him.
Conrad Schlater was born in Ger
many on the Christmas day of the
year 1832. He came of that sturdy,
strong German stock which in the
latter years of the nineteenth cen
tury spread over the world and did
much for the progress of civilization.
He was educated in the schools of the
fatherland, receiving there the rudi
ments of that learning which he em
ployed to so good an advantage when
he cast his lot in the new world.
Here too, he was inculcated with the
spirit of Democracy which was then
rising in the empire and this early
training had a powerful influence on
his later life in the states. The ex
tent of the simple, homelike life of
the German race was well exemplified
in Conrad Schlater and during his
long residence in America, he showed
the benefit" of the early training he
received in his home in the father
land. In early life he was united to
the Catholic church and throughout
his long residence here there was no
more devout member of the church
than he.
Coming to America in the year
1849, Mr. Schlater lived for a number
of years In the eastern states and on
July 9, 1856, he was united in mar
riage to Miss Mary J. Donelan in the
state of Indiana and of this union
which has been a happy one for more
than fifty years, there was born four
children, two daughters and two sons.
Of the daughters one, Mrs. Carrie
Tighe, wife of Joseph Tighe lives at
llavelock, Neb. The other daughter is
Mrs. Annie Fitzgerald, wife of Ed
ward Fitzgerald of this city. One son
is Frank K. Schlater, present county
treasurer of this county. The other
son William, was accidentally killed
several years ago by the fall of a
horse. All three of the surviving
T. H. Green of Elmwooa came In
last evening to attend to some busi
ness matters in the city, registering
over night at the Riley.
children were at the bedside of the
aged man when the last summons
came this morning.
It was in the year 18o9, that de
ceased located in Cass county, and
this has been his residence ever since,
he having lived for many years of his
life at or near Louisville and his later
years having been spent in this city,
where he made his home with his '
During his early life In this coun
try, deceased had been a pioneer of
very observing habits and in the later
years when he was taking life's ease,
he was prone to put in his hours in
writing delightful reminscences of his
early life and of the many adventures
which he had in the pioneer days.
Having made a number of trips across
the plains in the early days when the
overland trail was beset with Indians
and. bandits, trie aged citizen had a
world of stories of exciting adven
tures which would take a large vol
ume to tell. Through all these he
came safely and with that rare tact
and judgment which distinguished
him in his Inter life, he succeeded
in many times averting serious trou
ble. Readers of the Louisville Cour
ier and the Journal will recall with
delight the articles which his gifted
pen had written and many a well
worn scrap book today lies open at
the pages whereon are pasted the
story of a past age In western civili
zation penned by this excellent man.
To the last the mind of the deceased
was clear and he conversed during
his declining days with old friends,
reverting back to the days when life
was hard and living fraught with
perils which today would daunt all
but the strongest.
Throughout his long life Conrad
Schlater was a Democrat of the un
compromising type. He believed
thoroughly In the people and trusted
them implicitly. Affiliated as he was
with the Democratic party, he be
lieved in the sacred rights of the
great mass of the people and their
right and ability to rule and rule
wisely. He was with all that a man
of very liberal views and he, was un
alterably opposed to the enactment
of laws which fettered the liberty of
the individual. Owning these princi
ples he was always opposed to sumpt
uary legislation and he deplored to
the end the modern tendency to re
strict the liberty of the individual.
With the rise in politics of William J.
Bryan, Mr. Schlater attached himself
to his cause and during the memor
able campaigns in which that states
man took part, he had no more faith
ful and loyal follower than in Conrad
Schlater. From this political intimacy
grew a strong bond of personal
friendship between the two minds
which thought so much alike and
there was never a time when the
two men could meet and talk together
that they did not seize the opportun
ity. The news of the death of his
old friend will fall heavily upon Mr.
Bryan who had known him to love
and esteem him.
Always a faithful Catholic as is
spoken of above, the last sad rites
for this noted Nebraska pioneer will
be held on next Monday from the
St. John's Catholic church in this
city, mass being said by Rev. Father
Shine. The remains will be laid away
in consecrated ground in the Catholic
cemetery west of the city.
As an evidence of the faith which
deceased had in his church it may be
said that when he lived at College
Hill near Louisville his home was the
haven of the priest and he took the
greatest delight In being the host for
these faithful workers of the church.
There was in the deceased a broad
charity, however, which was not
bounded by church ties and the wan
dered and the wayfarer in the world
never left his door with his cry for
help unheard and unheeded. It is
Indeed a great loss to the community
when so good a man as Conrad Schla
ter Is called to his reward and his
many friends will be bowed in grief
before the inexorable decree of Provi
dence. Adam Illld, one of the best farmers
of the precinct, la spending the day
in the city with his son, having come
;in this morning from his home.
Children of Mrs. Kate Oliver
Celebrate Mother's Seventy.
Second Birthday
From Friday's Pally.
Yesterday the home of Mrs. Kate
Oliver on north Third street was the
scene of a fine family reunion and
an appropriate celebration of two
great events. The first and the great
est was the seventy-first anniversary
of the birth of the hostess, Mrs. Kate
Oliver, secondly and quite incident
ally, was the anniversary of St. Pat
rick, the patron saint of the Emerald
The party which gatherede at the
Oliver home was composed of the
children of Mrs. Oliver and a large
number of warm personal friends who
were anxious to aid her In rounding
out another milestone in a long life.
For the occasion the parlors of the
Oliver home had been decorated
throughout in the color of the day
green. There were festoons of the
shamrock everywhere and Intersper
sed among this dainty plant were the
flags of "Ould" Ireland with Its gold
en harp resplendant upon the emerald
background. Tiny Irish flags in pro
fusion added to the picturesque and
effectiveness of the scene and the
motto "Erin Go Bragh" was in evi
dence throughout the house.
Of course, the feature of this gala
occasion was the family dinner. The
tables upon which this feast was
spread were handsomely decorated in
green and minature Irish flags form
ed here as elsewhere, one of the
pretty features of the decorations.
The dinner in itself was an elaborate
ffalr, the markets having been scored
for all the delicacies and dainties of
the season. The dinner was of three
courses and it was one of the most
superb served In this city in years.
As spoken of above, the'guests for
this day included besides immediate
relatives many friends and one of
the rules of the occasion was that
green should be the prevailing tint of
dress. In consequence of this, all
things on the premises bore a din-
tinctly emerald hue emblematic of
early spring and of the "ould sod"
This annual gathering Is one of the
features of Mrs. Oliver's life. Each
year her children gcther together
and observe witn her each recurring
anniversary and the meetings are al
ways happy events, long remembered
in the hearts of all. The gathering
this year was perhaps the greatest of
all which have taken place. In addi
tion to the children present, Mrs.
Oliver had the pleasure of seeing a
number of her sisters with their sons
and daughters at the festal board, so
that the family this year was larger
than ever before ana a more robust
and healthy family never sat down
to a table than this was, and they
all hope to return annually for many
years. Among the guests present
were: Mrs. D. P. Aylesworth and
daughter, Mrs. Charles Williams,
Miss Genevieve Stiles, all of Kansas
City, Mo.; Mrs. Margaret Hallen, of
Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eads
and daughter Miss Fern, of South
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Ward and
son, of Omaha; Mrs. Anna Miller and
sons, Harry and John; Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller
and son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van
Cleave and daughters, Mrs. Gage and
daughters, all of Fort Crook; and
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Morgan and
daughter, Miss Gertrude of this city.
A Hard Hit.
The editor of the Plattsmouth
News, which is misnamed, for it fails
to publish any, says that "the coming
Into Weeping Water of a load of corn
caiiRes the inhabitants to fly to the
windows and doors to see it go by."
Now we will wager you anything from
a year's subscription to many plunks
that Weeping Water grain dealers
buy five bushels of corn to Platts
niouth's one. That there is Rhlpped
out more hogs, cattle and grain thnn
go out of Plattsmouth. More fanners
teams are in Weeping Water every
day than in Plattsmouth. Our mer
chants collect their accounts with less
trouble. The county feeds five times
more poor people In Plattsmouth than
about the "hum-drum life of a coun
try village," or "the cock that crows
in the morning," but fix your rotten
old walks and scrape the mud out of
your streets. If you can't get the
government to build something or the
county to pave for you, get busy your.
self and spend your own money
Weeping Water Republican.
lnr Judgment.
Tin- News editor of Plattsmouth Is
standing up for his home town with a
chip on his shoulder. The position
might', argue ability, but shows
mighty poor judgment as a circula
tion builder. The censors down there
have got him scared to death, and
about all that appears is a snap and
growl at some one as he Issues his
sheet day after day. It reminds one
of a dog sucking a dry bone and
fears it will be taken away. Weep
ing Water Republican.
Captures Parties Who Burglar
ized Boone and Davis' Store
at Weeping Water.
Last Monday night the clothing
store of Boone & Davis at Weeping
Water was broken into and a quantity
of clothing stolen. The parties who
did the job also broke into a bunk
car of the Missouri Pacific railroad
at Manloy but they did not secure
plunder at this point. They went on
to Louisville, having their spoils in
a sack and at that point a disagree
ment arose between them as to the
dlvison of it. One man finally left
for Lincoln without taking any of
the junk wfth him and the other
two were gathered into custody by
the Louisville marshal who is some
sleuth. This was on Tuesday and
the marshal hurled the men, into
the Louisville calaboose. During
that night they came near digging
their. way out and Wednesday the
marshal telephoned the Bherllf Ito
come out and get the prisoners which
he did that night. They were in
carcerated in jail here Wednesday
night and held all day yesterday with
out the sheriff notifying the county
attorney of the marshal's victims, be
ing IiThis dutches. They were taken
from the jail this morning by the
sheriff and had an interview with
County Attorney Ramsey. They give
the names of James Lynch and Henry
Harrison and are young men in
years but have the indications of be
ing rather hardened in crime.
The Interview which the two young
men had with County Attorney Ram
sey this morning resulted in their
telling him all the facts In the case
and admitting that they were the
parties who did the burglary. After
the interview they were taken to
county court where the county at
torney filed a complaint against them
charging them with burgalry and also
with grand larceny, the goods taken
being valued at more than $50.
The men were arraigned before
Judge Beeson and plead guilty to the
complaints being held by him for
appearance at the present term of the
district court in bonds of $500 each
which they were unable to give and
in consequence of which they were
remanded to jail. They seem to be
rather young and Impressed thefcoun
ty attorney as not overly experienced
In crime.
Sheriff Quinton Informed the coun
ty attorney this morning that he had
tried to get him over the phone yes
terday morning to notify him of the
capture of the two men but could not
catch him before the train left for
Lincoln, he (the sheriff) going to
that city on the early Burlington
train with an insane man.
Comply With the I -aw.
Considerable grief is In store for
horse breeders of the state who have
taken no steps to comply with bcc
tlon 567, A, chapter 4, article L 1 of
the compiled statutes of Nebraska for
1909, by which the last legislature
sought to prevent the representation
of stallion owners that their horses
were pure bred when they had no
certificate to that effect. The law
provides that any owner of a pure
bred horse shall secure a certificate
from the stud book of the occasion
In which his horse is registered and
shall present this to the animal hus
bandry department of the university
of Nebraska who shall puss thereon
and If satisfactory shall Issu to the
owner a certificate. Any owner of a
horse who does not hold such certi
ficate must in all descriptive adver
tising speak of the horse ns a grade
stallion. A hand-bill to this effect
must be placed over the horse's stall.
The penalty for the violation of any
of the provisions of the above act Is a
fine of not more and $100 and Im
prisonment for not more than thirty
HDS flieillE
The Commercial Club Have an
Interesting Meeting.
The session of the commercial club
held last evening was not nearly so
largely attended as the merits of the
matters which were up for considera
tion deserved. President Falter was
ill and unable to attend and Secre
tary Wescott was detained by im
portant business so he was unable to
attend. Vice President Windham
presided in Mr. Falter's absence and
C. W. Baylor acted as secretary.
The most important matter coming
up for consideration was the report of
the committee on macadamizing Chi
cago avenue. John Bauer for the
committee made a report which stated
in effect what has been heretofore
printed in the Journal relative to the
offer of A. S. Will to furnish teams
for grading the avenue, teams for
hauling tho rock and to supervise the
work of macadamizing the avenue for
the city free of charge providing the
city would furnish the rock and the
hand labor required in the premises.
It is reported that a draft of tho
proposition would bo presented at
the next meeting of the council em
bodying these proposals and that the
committee hoped for its adoption by
the council. A laughable feature of
Mr. Bauer's remarks was the fact
that he was entirely oblivious of Mr.
Will being in the room when deliver
ing them and only discovered his
presence when the chairman called
upon Mr. Will for a statement. Mr.
Will reaffirmed what Mr. Bauer had
said and expressed his willingness to
carry out the work as provided in
hecommitteo report which Mr. Bauer
had submitted. However, Mr. Will
stated that there would have to be
some provision made for moving Borne
of the telephone poles on the avenue,
removing the present wooden bridge
across the avenue" and substituting
there for drain pipe and also to
straightening out the creek along
the avenue. A general discussion was
participated in by Bvcral members
and George E. Dovey suggested that
an estimate of the cost should be
made and submitted to the council
together with the proposal. This the
committee promised to make up and
later a motion by A. L. Tidd that
the committee be empowered to hire
an engineer and make the estimnte
carried. Manager Davis of the Ne
braska Telephone company who was
present stated that the company stood
ready to move the poles which would
be required to be moved if the work
was done, but he wanted time In
which to get ready for this work. A
motion was also adopted which was
proposed by Mr. Baylor that the mem
bers of the commercial dub attend
the session of the council at which
the proposal was to be presented.
Another matter which came up for
discussion wus the holding of an
other carnival or stock show or some
thing along that line and It was de
cided to allow the president of the
club to appoint ten delegates from
the city and twenty from the coun
try to get together and formulate
some plan for holding an appropriate
county fair, a live stock Bhow, a corn
carnival and the like were made but
no definite conclusion was reached
on the matter. Mr. Tidd of the ad
vertising committee was authorized to
obtain estimates on the cost of print
ing a pamplet which would present
the manifold advantages of Platts
mouth to the public and present the
figures at the next meeting of the
It was also decided to send three
delegates to the meeting of the com
mercial dubs of tho stato which is to
be held at Columbus shortly and
President Falter, Secretary Wescott
and A. L. Tidd were chosen ns dele
gates, tho dub to pay their expenses.
Tho altcrna.U-8 chosen wero R. II.
Windham, A. S. Will and one other.
A motion to join Fremont and other
cities in securing tho attendance of a
good roads lecturer in this city to talk
upon this subject, was also adopted,
i Several minor matters wero taken
up and discussed after which tho
meeting adjourned until the first
Thursday In April.
In connection with tho movement
to macadamize Chicago evenue, Mr.
Will states this morning to a Journal
representative that he would like to
go over the avenue tomorrow with
some representatives of the city or
the club and asked that two men Join
him with a tape line, and he believed
would be required and give them
some idea of the cost of the work. Mr.
Will will be compelled to leave to
morrow evening for Mexico City and
will be gone for several days, hence
he Is anxious to get the work in shape
before he leaves. It is understood
that Mayor Sattler and probably
Chairman Weber of the streets com
mltteo will go over the matter with
Mr. Will tomorrow.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Pres.
byterian' Church Enjoy a
Good Time.
From Frhluy'a Dally.
The Ladles Auxiliary of the Pres
byterian church held a most delight
ful St. Patrick's party last evening
at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. H. A.
Schneider, to which the husbands and
friends of this organisation were iu
vited. In deference to the season
and for the occasion the charming
rooms of the Schneider home had
been handsomly decorated with a
generous use of green, there being
shamrock portieres and streamers
of green crepe paper draped through,
out the rooms.
At the apolnted hour of 7, a most
elegant supper was served. It In
needless to say ought f the supper
Itself. It was prepared by the mem
bers of the auxiliary and was thor
oughly up to the standard which this
splendid organization has produced la
the past. The serving of the supper
also partook of the St. Patrick's spir
it, the napkins bearing the shamrock
and harp. Each guest also received a
paper shamrock as a souvenir of this
most enjoyable occasion.
Following the supper a potato race
was then Introduced. Mr. Roberts
won the prize, a potato with a green
ribbon tied around it. Miss Verun
Cole then favored the company with
an Instrumental solo which was fol
lowed by a vocal solo by Mrs. J. W.
Gamble, both being most thoroughly
appreciated by those present. The
gentlemen then Indulged in a verj
amusing stunt, that of pinning the
tail on the pig. Miss Bernlce Newell
then delighted the company with a
reading In a most charming manner.
The guests were then invited to one
of tho rooms where was to be found
a table bearing many different arti
cles. The guests were requested to
glance over these articles and theu
repair to the other rooms and jot
down what they could remember
seeing. In this contet Lynn Miner
carried off the prize. The remainder
of the evening was spent In music,
social conversation and the like.
Storing up Coal.
The Burlington Is storing more
coal at llavelock. At first it was plan
ned to Btore about 65,000 tons there.
Already 70,000 tons have been un
loaded. The first estimate was rais
ed to 75,000 tons and then It was
raised to 100,000. It is said the
total amount may be 200,000 tons
before storing may cease. The coul
is now being unloaded at the rate of
about a train load a day, and the
force of laborers used there has been
Increased several times since the
work started. It Is unloaded by
shovel from the cars.
It is claimed that this is a good
quality of coal and that it is being
stored in anticipation of trouble later
on with the mlnerB or a fuel shortage.
While trouble seems to have blown
over In the Iowa and Illinois coal
fields, negotiations for the new sche
dule are still pending In the Kansas
and Missouri district. By drawlne
tho supply from western mines tlm
railroad permits the accumulation of
larger stores on the lines east of the
river from nearby mines. State
1'oikIm No lince For Trusli.
County Commissioner Fiiediich
who was out to his farm thia morn
ing came in this afternoon. He re
ports that a great many complaints
havo reached tho commissioners of
tho hedges along a quarter of a mile
of road leading to Eight Mile Grove
precinct, have been cut off and the
tops thrown in the road, making the
passage dangerous for public travel
and liable to produco runaways. He
hopes that the parties throwing theso
tops out In the road will take speedy
action and get them out of tho way,
otherwise the commissioners will
have the same removed. The hedges
are liable to cause runaways and is
1 also dangerous for automobile tires.
he could easily show them what
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