Murray Department. 1. L o -! - (j .PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. r an ittm of interest in this vicinity and trill mail name to tijs office it irill appear unfcr this hcudinq ! If any of tlie within of the Journal know of a social f eiU cr F tc ut (til tiun of iu'cmt. Editor Journal. fBORBOW A DOLLARn FROM TOMORROW And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind in money matters any more than in anything else. A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs Btraight; it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game. If you are not familiar with the advantages, we'll be glad to explain how it will benefit your personal business. u Murray State Bank MURRAY, NEBRASKA Mrs. Charles Carroll is number & with the sick. Mrs. James Speck west of Mynard, Is down sick again. Mrs. James Loughrldge Is somwhat improving at this writing. . .Mrs. Joe Cook Is another one who is numbered with the afflicted. Doc Long's entire household, with the exception of himself, Is down sick. J. R. C. Gregory shipped a car of MYXAKD,- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Vil-s spent Sunday at Oscar Gapen's. '. G. W. Snyder wa3 a Platt'smouth visitor Tuesday. Mr. 11. Robins of Denver, Col., vis ited Sunday with W. T. Richardson and family, he being a brother of Mrs. Richardson. Will Propst who has been attend- hogs Wednesday to the South Om- ,n fol,t,S ,n York Neb- returned aVio vafb-.t - luuuie uie him ui nits wt'eit. uuu inai rk v v. Walker Gilmore has been quite Wm- stokea and 80n anJ sick for a few days, but nothing ser- daughter Elsie expect to depart fox ious, it is thought. . Calgary, Canada, Thursday, Mrs. Be sure and attend the band con- Stokes will go later, cert and the chicken pie supper at JIlss'8 Mayola and Ednah Propst, the hall Saturday evening. visited with their brother Dwight, and The farmers are very busy and thev report the young man getting consequently business among the along nicely. II The above cut represents an exhibition of the test applied to a C. B- S. Bug. gy and Wagon Pole, on February 12, 1910, at Gothenburg, Neb. merchants Is not very pressing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stokes, Misses 'Mrs. D. C. Rhoden, Pearl Lewis Anna Snydep and Elsle Stokes 81,ent ouuutij ai u. u. Auani a. A. S. Will shipped two cars of fine cattle to the South Omaha market n cz 3C DC n John Lloyd was a Plattsmouth visi tor Friday evening. The reading class met with Mrs. Gilmore Monday afternoon. Don't fall to attend the chicken pie socliil Saturday evening. . Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Pitman enter tained Pauline and Fay Oldham and Mattle Mannear Wednesday at din ner. Mrs. .Jhiucs Holmes returned home from Omaha Saturday where she spmt the week visiting with her sis ter. MIks Margie Walker was In Platts mouth last Friday evening, going for a short visit with the Misses Dovey, and to attend the play nt the Parmcle. The Persbyterlans will give ft S. O. Pitman made a business trip to Omaha Monday. James Loughrldge was an Omaha visitor last Friday. Misses Bessie Brendel and Leila Vallery were Nehawka visitors Wed nesday. MIbs Tessie Stokes Is able to bo about after her serious Illness of sev eral days. Come and have a good time Satur day night. Get a good supper and hear the band. Mrs. Nick Klaurens entertained Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Spangler at dinner Sunday. Dr. B. F. Brendel was a brief vis itor In Plattsmouth Wednesday, go ing up on business. ' Mrs. Ed Tutt, of Plattsmouth, ac- rhlcken pi; social Saturday evening companled by Miss Ina Davis, visited :at Loughridgc's hall. The Murray In Murray Wednesday, bun will give a concert. Come and i Will Hamilton's little daughter, have good time. j Kiln, who has been quite 111 for sev- ii is rumored tnat jonn i;ook ex perts to return soon and open up and Margaret Conneur attended the play at the Parmele Friday evening. Airs. Adda Stokes and famtlv are moving In the rooms over the tele- jTuesdny phone office. This will make it much more convenient for the family. Mrs. Dave Lloyd Is now able to get around without crutches, and Is Sou u Dinslingiiislied General. G. G. Garcia representing H. B. Claflin & Co., of New York, spent In a fair way to ultimate recovery last evening in the city, having an of the use of her injured limb. interview with George E. Dovey, head Mrs. S. V. Yoimir. who has heen ill I0 vey. & Son and taking orders irom mat enterprising nrm ior ian goods. Mr. Garcia is a son of a dis- for some time is Improving some what and her manv friends hone shp will soon be in the enjoyment of good tlngul81hId ire' boing the 80n of the harness shop. Many of the farm ers of this vicinity are hoping that lobo or some one else will open It ?' Mattle Mannear, Isabella Young, Margie Walker, Pauline and Fay Old ham' and Mrs. W. C. Brown formed a party of pleasure seekers who at tended the play in riattsmouth Fri day evening. The Murray band would like to Dlay for you Saturday night. The Presbyterian ladies win no flighted to cook for you anti C3e treasury of the Missionary society will then be pleased to have your 2." cents. The Missionary society met with Mr?. Smith Friday afternoon. Officers were elected for the coming year. Mrs. W1H Brown, president; Mrs. Kennedy, vice president; Mrs. S. O. Pitman, secretary: Mrs Geo. A. Gil more, treasurer. (!. R. Rhojlen, one of the prosper; oug young farmers of Cass county, residing ner Mynard, was In Flatts mouththls week, looking after some business, and while here called nt the .lonrnal office and-enrolled his name for the Dally Journal, also an order for bills announcing dates for his line horse the coming season. Mrs. George Melslnger Wednesday morning was taken to the St. Josepb. hospital In Omaha, where she will eral days, is on the Improve. Pauline and Fay Oldham enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Will Brown and Albert Young at supper Wednesday. J. W. Holmes was a visitor in Plattsmouth Wednesday evening, where he went to have some dental work done Mrs. W. S. Smith made a brief visit health. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown enter tained Misses Mattle Mlnnear, Isa bella Young, Pauline and Fay Old ham and Mr. Albert Young at supper Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman enter tained at dinner Tuesday. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis. There will be a basket social at The men shown in the cut are: (1) C. B. Schleicher, President and Gen eral Manager of the C. B. S. Pole Company; (2) E. A. Calling, a wealthy stockman of Gothenburg; (3) John Ralston, the well knewn commis sion man of South Omaha; (4) T. T. Marcott, Vice-President of the company and retired stockman of Brady, Neb.; (5) G. Shostrom, member of Shostrom & Blixt, implement and wagon dealers, Gothenburg, Neb. The combined weight of these men was in excess of 600 pounds. Ju t as the lion is the king of beaats, the eagle the king of birds, so is the C. B. S. pole and necKyoke the king of all poles and neckyokes. The neckyokes are on sale in IMattsmouth by all implement dealers and the buggy and wagon pole is for sale by E. Manspeaker. Call on them. FREE IF II General Garcia, the great Cuban gen eral. He Is a refined and polished gentleman and a thorough American, no Indication of his Spanish ances try. He laughingly referred this morning to his father's determination at one time to fight the United States and stated that he had never en tertained such views but, on the con trary, he was more than pleased with the country and the American peo ple. He speaks English as If it was the school house In Murray on Friday hla mothr to"gue nd is a, Pleaslnf uu v ri saiiwiiauni.. nil. utwtiu B leiu- tory does not Include Nebraska but covers Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, where Spanish speaking peo ple abound, his house finding it ne cessary to have some one on that ter- evenlng, March 18, Everybody is wel come. Ladles coming without bask ets will be charged a small admission fee. Dr. and Mrs. Gilmore entertained n ti'W nt thplr frlpnriu nt Hlnnur Snt. urdav. Covers wer laid for Mr. and rlt0ry wh ould'speak that tongue Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. 0. "e de this c,lty and one other Ne" A Davis. Mrs. Adda Stokes and Miss b.rafika .,ty OW,ng to nab,llty of Mattle Mannear. For Sale or Rent. Blacksmith shop with an abund ance of tools, gasoline engine, etc. Good opening for the right man. 1 James Loughrldge, the regular man to make the territory just now and he was glad to say his trip here was a success. He departed this morning for the west being ac companied as far as Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Dovey who will spend the day in that city. Saturday, March '10. This Is the date on which the La dies of the Christian church will hold their bazaar and social. These IMdn't Do it on Purprose. Fred B. Egenberger who drives the fiery untamed steeds on the delivery wacon of the Plattsmouth Bottling ladles always get up something in- work. th. mornlne Buffered a dl. , '"'D- , " teresting, and It goes without saying t ;h 0e f h , f to Omaha Wednesday morning, going Mlo, ,hlu avant tt,m nrnva 8ter nen one 01 the rear wheels or up on the early train and returning , " Vhl r. I ' r mmWr7ho 7t' the wagon collaPsed and let tQe B tion to the rule. Remember the date. LornpP or th WBeon rtown on thn ana pe sure you attend. at 1 1 o'clock A. M. Holmes mude a visit to Plattsmouth Tuesday. The roads be ing In pretty fair condition he drove up, returning In the evening. pavement with a loud bang, incident ally spilling a good portion of the sawdust over the street In front of the store of A. Bach on east Main Fred had just turned into Attention, Horsemen. The Journal bffice is better equip ped than ever to print horse bills, and street Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker were in we want your work in this line. We Main street from the alley and was Plattsmouth Monday, driving up. have a fuU line of horse and Jack KOing at his usual terrific Dace when This Is 'Mr. Walker's first visit to the cuts and can do your work promptly the wheel which was minus several county seat since last November. and in a first class manner. Let us nrvnkeit let. 1 rinse Tin denies that hn Misses Bessie Brendel and Leila nave,, your oruer. purposely caused the accident so that i i Vallery were guests of Mr. and Mrs. . he could be off duty and celebrate St. Glon Vallery near Mynard from Sat- Tmmih. iteiih Nventv.Timi Patrick's day in the mornln' but his urday evening until Monday even- A birthday dinner was given Tues- boss Is said to have suspicions of his ing. rinv. March 8. 19 to. in hnnnr of mih own and he got another wagon and Mat Slemnn. who is vlsltlne at the Tatmtie'Relch, of Plattsmouth, at the 8pt the gentleman to work at once. home of his brother-in-law, Dnvo ho of -Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gansemer, The only damage done was the des- Rakes:1 five miles southeast of Mur- six miles northwest of Murray. It "union 01 me wagon wneei ana in- . - - - I t.i..i-.. ... .. I In rod fcolinpa nt Mr Jirpnhprirer ray. was taken quite 111 several days was airs, ueicn s seveniy-mira unni- - - " since, is improving and will soon be versary, and the event was highly well. ' enjoyed, by those present. It will be DltAG THK ROADS. unnecessary to remark that Mrs. Your Money Back if You are Not Satisfied with the Medi cine We Recommend. We are so positive that our rem edy will permanently relieve consti pation, no matter how chronic it may be, that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory results. It is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs. Laxatives of cathartics do much harm. They cause a reaction, Irritate and weaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Besides, their use becomes a habit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weak ness of the nerves and muscles of the large Intestines or descending' colon. To expect permanent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these organs and restore them to healthier activity. The discovery of the active prin dple of our remedy involved the labor of the world's greatest re search chemists. As an active agent it possesses the valuable qualities of the best known intenstlnal tonics as well as being particularly . pleasant and prompt in its results. We want you to try RexaU Order lies on our recommendation. They are exceedingly pleasant to take, be ing eaten like candy, and are ideal for children, delicate persons and old folks, as well as for the robust. They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands. They do not purge, cause excessive loosenness nor create any inconvenience whatever. They may be taken at any time, day or night. They will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation, if not of surgical variety, arid the my riads of associate or dependent chronic ailments, if taken with reg ularity for a reasonable length of time. They come in two sizes of packages, 12 tablets, 10 cents; 36 tablets, 25 cents. Sold in Platts mouth only at our store The Rexall Storei F. G. Fricke & Co., Union block. Cenimerclal Club Meeting. The regular meeting of the com mercial club will be held tonight at their rooms in Coates' hall. All mem bers are especially urged to be pres ent as there will be a report on the good roads proposition on hand. The committee appointed at a previous meeting consisting of Messrs. A. S. Will, John Bauer, Jr., and Bert Pol lock will report and the report will make very interesting reading. The matter of good roads for the city is one of vital importance to all and the club desires every business man to be present and take the subject up. The merchants are especially interested in the outcome of the agi tation for good roads and they should make it a point to be present and put themselves on record as to their position in the matter. The meeting convenes at 8 p. m., sharp, tonight. Will Not Attend. The Journal yesterday stated that the district meeting of the Odd Fel lows which is in session at Nebraska City today would have a large dele gation headed by W. Holly, deputy patriarch. It was incorrect and arose from a misunderstanding by the re porter who is not familiar with the officials of the order. The delega tion from this city should have been in charge of F. H. Stelmker, district deputy grand master, Mr. Holly be ing deputy patriarch of the encamp ment. Owing to the pressure of bus iness.Mr. Stelmker found himself unable to get away today to attend the rally but a number of other mem bers of the order together with sev eral candidates for initiation were passengers for Nebraska City this morning. Fortify now against the Grip tor it comes every season sure! Preven tics the little Candy Cold Cure Tab lets offer In this respect a most cer tain and dependable safeguard. Pre ventics, at the "sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. But promptness is all-important. Keep Preventic8 In the pocket or purse, for instant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold by all dealers. Phllpot, Fred Illld, George Hansen. Drag the road! When the summer time is here, Drag the road! mimuii ill leiereure lu u ureuiwuK out on the neck. Dr. B. F. Brendel U'nnt ivll h him lit Allioixn rvr ..... ..... ....... .,... I TiiUb Illld. Mr Shafer and Mr and vm, u i .1,0 be operated upon for appendicitis. Kno","Tdi the dlHpaao no,lnKJ(;rhu"; Mrs. John Bock. Mrs. Reich was at lu the wlnter cold and drear; It is though necessary to do so. Dr. 1 ' " her best and her face was beaming Drag the road! 1 . 1 .. j. 1 j 1 . ... wim smues uuring me enure any. When you ve nothing else to uo, Mrs. J. T. Brendel returned from Good cheer means good health, and if but an hour or two, weeping water Friday , evening, this excellent old lady Is in the en- Drag the road! 1 where she was called on account of joyment of both. May Tauntle, as it will keep as good as new, mlsfortunto of her mother, Mrs. A. Mrs. Reich Is formerly known, enjoy wilth a purpose firm and true, K. Jameson fracturing one of her the return of many another birthday. Fall in line it's up to you Former Mayor II. R. Gerlng came down from Omaha this afternoon to attend to business matters. George A. Melslnger and C. H. Vallery, two of the precinct's able citizens, came in this morning and were passengers for Omaha where they will spend the day. They in sisted on telling the reporter that they were sneaking away from their wives. ' oc DC 3C DC DO J. F. Brendel accompanied her to the hospital. The Roynl Neighbors will liohfa bazaar and market at the Woodman hall on Saturday, April 2, where they will have many articles for sale, such ns ,sun-bonnets, aprons and dressing snrqur-R. Also dressed chickens, pies and cakes, just what the people need for a Sunday dinner. Harry Tigner has two children on the sick list. On Wednesday of lust week Frank Reed who lives with his brother Charles, two miles runt of town, cut his left foot quite budly' while chop ping In tlw! timber. The nxo glanced and the sharp otlgo struck the foot. Ho wns Immediately brought to Mur ray and the' wound dressed by the llrs. Brclel.. The Injured member is improving very nicely, but ho bus not been able yet to walk on It. lower limbs. When she left her mother that lady was doing well, and further reports verify the fact that her recovery will be complete In a very short, time. Drag the road! Wm. Stohlman and A. A. Schoer- man from Manley and the vicinity of St u born as Mules Louisville came down to the city this are liver and bowels sometimes; seem morning to attend to some business to balk without cause. Then there's Jnmes Nickels, of Bloomfleld, Knox matters and visit a few hours with trouble Loss of Appeite Indlges- county, came down Tuesday night, friends. While here the gentlemen tlon, Nervousness, Despondency and spent Wednesday at the home of called at the Journnl office and greet- Headaches. But such troubles fly be- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ed the editors and the publisher and fore Dr. King's New Life rills, the N'lrkrlw, nenr this town. Jim was had a real social chat. They nro both world's best Stomac h and Liver rein- reared to manhood in Cnss county, staunch Democrat and good people edv. So ensv. 2Sr at F. G Fiicke & but left bore about seven years ago and the Journal is delighted to have Co. for Knox county, where ho has since them call whenever they happen to be resided. lie' expects to remove- in a In town. Mr. Stohlman has been able Mrs. Joseph Fetzer and daughter muni nine 10 nenr jtapiu v ny, boutn to get out to work on the roails In his Miss Charlotte are spending todny Dakota, and emtio down to 'visit' the district and he Is rapidly getting them Omaha, having gone to that city thi old home ere making the chance. into the finest of Bhane. mornlna:. f -PATTON'S SUN PROOF- 0 Keep your buildings well paiuted. Paint always increass the value of your property. We carry a complete assortment of Pattou's Pure Paint, Pure Wbite Lead, Pure Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Ture Turpentine and Colors. We can supply you with necessary Brushes, Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, and in fact, anything in the Taint line. Our New Wall. Taper Stock is complete, and have the latest fashionable patterns in stock. Come in and ste them. 0 "Pa Pi 11 m n 0 C22ID PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS S23 OfiC ti rmCTT-rsi gggrasygn f-