The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 03, 1910, Image 7

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    The Avoca apartment
News Items Gjlliard Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thlt Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
Dan Lynn was ovtr from Union
Jeff Weleher whs up from Dunbar
Carlos Durham is now head clerk
at Ruhge's livery barn.
V. A. Hollenberger and wife were
Omaha visitors Monday.
J. M. McFarland was on the sick
list the first of the week.
vV. I. Smoots is building a new
residence for Geo. Peters.
Miss Marguerite Francis spent Sun
day with her parents at Dunbar.
Edward Morley was a Weeping
Water business visitor Tuesday.
Mesdames Ora E. Copes and T. W.
Malcolm were at Omaha Monday.
, See the new line of wall paper at
Copes' drug store before you buy.
L. J. Marquardt was numbered
among the sick ones the first of the
A. E. Cutter was down from Be
thany the first of the week on busi
ness. ,
William McCullough, an old time
Avoca boy, is visiting relatives in this
vicinity. ,
Attend the program given by the
Blues at the town hall Monday night,
March 7th. '
Mrs. J. M. Palmer of Nehawka, is
spending a few days with relatives
east of town ,
J. H. Conrad and family moved
to the W. H. Betts, Jr., farm the first
of the week.
E. Taylor was down from Spring
field Thursday attending the Odd
Fellows district meeting.
E. Nutzman and E. C. Nutzman
were In western Nebraska this week
looking at real estate.
Chas. Rudge, Jr., and wife of Nel
son, are visiting at the home of H. A.
Ruhge west of town.
Victoria Lynn, the last numbor of
the lecture course, at the town hall
Saturday night. Attend.
Browns Tennessee Minstrels ap
peared before a crowded. house at the
town hall Monday night.
Theron Malcolm and wife were at
Weeping Water Sunday visiting at
the home of W. 0. Ogden.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Foreman were
Lincoln visitors Friday.
Albert Foreman went to Lincoln
Friday evening.
H. Stroemer and A. Klyer drove to
Elmwood Monday.
Ed. Stone went to Lincoln Tuesday
Mrs. Chas. R. Jordan returned from
Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E Schroff have rent
ted rooms from the Alvo Telephone-
Co., and will begin housekeeping
Mr. Schroff takes the place of Mr.
Nelson as operator for the Rock Is-
George Hay shipped hogs to the
South Omaha market Wednesday.
Ray Moore moved the first of the
week to some other section where he
will make his future home.
Friends of Miss Aleta Rouse gave
her a surprise last Saturday even
ing, the occasion being her 16th
birthday. They took well-filled bask
ets and all had an excellent time.
Miss Luella Stout went to Lin
coln last Wednesday, returning home
on Thursday.
Judd Weaver of South Bend, visit
ed relatives in Alvo from Saturday
until Monday.
Byron Foreman, cousin of G. P.,
A. J., and J. II. Foreman, 'came in
Tuesday from South Dakota to visit
a few days
Mr. and Mrs. S M. Prouty were
passengers for Lincoln Tuesday even
lg. Mrs. Kelly of Lincoln visited at
the home of S. M. Prouty the first
f the week.
Ed. Uptegrove who has been visit
ing the home folks for a few days
has returned to his home at Sidney,
Emmett Friend and family return
ed to University Place Friday even
iiff. Mrs. Hamilton and Raymond came
in Sunday to visit relatives.
To Late For Last Wwk.
John Young made a trip to Omaha
Thursday to see his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Detlep Barmick re
turned Thursday to Coleridge, Neb.,
after spending a week at the home
of W. II. Puis and family.
Quite a number of from this lo
cality attended the dance at Murray
Saturday night.
William Puis made a business trip
to Flattsmouth Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Engelkemeler
returned to their home Thursday at
Plattsmouth after attending the Lutz
Fuls wedding.
W. H. Puis delivered hogs to Mur-
I . Alios Agnes Durham left the first
J of the week for Lincoln where she j
will attend business college. i
J. M. Dunbar and family left Tues- i
day for a visit with relatives at Bur
lington, Iowa and Missouri.
Geo. Carr and wife of Talniage,
were visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Jos. Sherfy, north of town Monday.
The first program of the Christian
Sunday school contest will be given
by the "Blues" next Monday night,
March 7th, at the town hall.
William Chene and wife are now
residents of Avoca, having purchased
the J. P. Peckham residence, form
erly occupied by Melvln Kear.
William Chene and wife are now
residents of Avoca, having purchased
the J. P. Peckham residence, form
erly occupied by Melvin Kear.
Russell Orme,' painter and paper
hanger, has located in Avoca. If you
need any paper hanging give him a
all, he guarantees all his work. Leave
word at Copes' drug store.
The Avoca Bachelor Club will give
a play entitled "Sudden Arrival" at
the town hall March 17th. The pro
ceeds to go the Avoca Base Ball team.
As Avoca expects to have a first-class
ball team this year, let everyone turn
out and help swell . the crowd, and
help with your share to support a
good team here this year.
School Notes.
The high school room enjoyed their
Star day Thursday afternoon.
Many of the pupils attended the
speaking the Congregational church
gave Thursday afternoon.
Claude Hollenberger and Vincent
Smoots have been on ten sick list.
The eighth grade examination will
be held March 24 and 25.
' The primary room had their Star
day Monday afternoon.
The school program will be given
March 11.
The intermediate room will miss
two of its pupils, Viola and Clara
Parker, who have moved away.
Several of our boys are out of
school tills week for corn-shucking.
ery market for which he received the
neat sum of $8.:!5 per hundred
In the write-up of the Lutz-Puls
wedding we unintentionally omitted
the names of Carl Engelkemeler and
family, Fred Hild and family and
Mr. and Mrs. John Durham.'
Chas. Herren moved Monday to the
Chas. Boedeker farm, where he will
farm this coming season.
P. A. Hild was a Maple Grove caller
Fritz Lutz madj a business trip
to Plattsmouth Wednesday.
J. L. Young went to Omaha Wed
nesday evening to see how his father
is getting along.
Quite a number from this locality
attended the automobile show at Om
aha this week.
Baby won't suffer five minutes with
croup if you apply Dr. Thomas' Eclec
tic Oil at once. It acts like magic.
Mrs. Henry InliehW Entertains.
The hospitable home of Mrs. II.
Inhelder was the scene of a pleasant
gathering Wednesday evening, Feb
ruary 23. This date being Miss
Young's birthday in whose honor the
guests were invited. She having been
invited to take dinner with the fam
ily did not suspect the pleasant sur
prise, which awaited her at a late
At the appointed hour the guests
arrived in a body completely surpris
ing the guest of honor.
They proceeded to make merry at
once. An enjoyable evening was
spent by all in music and games.
Later very palatable refrshments were
served by the hostess. ,
Miss Young was the recipient of
many beautiful and useful gifts,
among which were a number of dain
ty birthday cakes.
At a later hour the guests depart
ed wishing the honored guest many
more returns of such birthdays and
thanking the hostess for the very
pleasant evening.
Those present were: Misses Emma
Eikenberry, Emma Gauer, Anna
Gauer, Louis Gauer Mary Moore,
Lula Stoehr, Lena Young, Inez Horn,
Tillie Dugan, Elsie Inhelder; Mes
dames Wolf, Horn Inhelder. Messrs.
Emll Meisinger, Jeff Salberg Eddie
Gobbleman, August Keil Carl Koll,
Henry Inhelder.
Jlmmle Dorr of Nehawka, one of
the bright young men of that thriving
little village, has been visiting in the
county seat several days this week.
Jimmie is a nice young fellow and if
his attraction here is a female, we say
that he is also worthy of most any
young lady in Cass county.
Regulates the bowels, promotes
easy natural movement, cures con
stipation Doan's Regulets. Ask
your druggist for them. 2Cc. a box.
P (Til 0
A, D. S. Druggist
Article 3.
Did you ever stop and figure the
interest you are receiving on your
investment when your money is in
high priced land. Land that is valu
ed at $150 to $200 per acre. Stop
and figure it out. You will find
you are considering your work and
expense, only getting about 5 per
cent on your investment. Then figure
cheaper western land at $50 per acre
and fifty bushels of corn to the acre
and see on which investment you are
drawing the most interest and you
will find the cheaper land far in the
Look over the western country and
buy yourself a home that you can
some day pay for. You will find the
people in this cheaper country as
well educated and refined as you will
find in the U. S. Hospitable, well to
do hustlers. Living costs you no
more. These farms can be bought
dose to the railroads, church, schools,
etc. If you want a home look for
reasonable priced land that produces.
Are you frequently hoarse? Do
you have that annoying tickling in
your throat? Does your cough an
noy you nt night, and do you raise
mucus In the morning? Do you want
relief? If so, take Chamberlain's
Cough Demedy and you will be well
pleased. Sold by all dealers.
Better Investigate This Proposition.
Have secured part Interest in some
mineral land. I want to get the
other interest and begin develope
ment work this spring. 1 need help
quick and will give control to party
or parties taking interest Believe
this offers opportunity to make good
money. Have had 13 years practi
cal field experience. Best references.
You better investigate this proposi
tion. C. J. Haven,
tf Elkhorn, Colo.
Fully nine out of every ten cases
of rheumatism is simply rheumatism
of the muscles due to cold or damp,
or chronic rheumatism, neither of
which require any Internal treatment.
All that is needed to afford relief is
the free application of Chamberlain's
Liniment. Give it a trial. You are
certain to be pleased with the quick
relief which it affords. Sold by all
I'ai'ni Deal 1m Closed.
It will be remembered that about
a year ago Mr. II. C. Long purchased
the farm directly opposite his pres
ent fine farm home west of Murray,
from the Wehrbein hers, which deal
was not fully completed until the last
few days, that is the full purchase
price being paid and the deed trans
ferred. TheBe latter rather Import
ant details were completed last week,
and now Mr. Long is In full posses
sion of the place. This is another
occasion where Mr. Long makes a
pretty lucky move, as the farm could
be sold today considerably in advance
of the price paid a year ago. The
farm contains 160 acres and will
make a valuable addition to Mr.
Long's farm. '
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets invariably bring relief to wo
men suffering from chronic constipa
tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness,
sallowneRB of the skin and dyspepsia.
Sold by all dealers.
Fine white Plymouth Rock roost
ers for sale at lb cents and $1 each.
Mrs. II. C. Long,
2tw Murray, Neb.
William Starkjohn is looking af
ter buslneBB matters in Omaha, hav-j
Ing gone to that city on the morning
Lie hard and steadfast work, and conscientiouf business methods, and a fixed
determination to succeed along straight lines and no other. Good resolutions
however, must be coupled with" good merchandise, both being essential and
necessary factors in making .character for the store. In selecting our Spring
btock we kept in view only the highest standard, therefore it is safe to say in
making your selections you take no chances. We have the larger part of our
spring goods ready for your inspection, and want in particular to call vour at
tention to the following
. .(Mrs. J. P. Keil of Cullom who has
been spending several days visiting
with her son Philip Keil near this
city, came in last evening and spent
the night with the family of John
McNurlin, departing this morning
for her home.
Ray Davis of Eight Mile Grove,
came in this morning to be a passcn-
have orrived. The new shapes and shades will appeal to all well
dressed men and young men. Grays plain and with fancy bind
ings are very good. Blues, browns, moselle, catawba and black
are among the other leading shades.
We have a full line of Stetson's staple shapes in black and Belly
If you wear a
Our French Gonformateur Does the Work,
The Home
Stetson Hats
W. Sh
ful Emwam
Everett's Classics
A moskeag Double Ex
Manville Chambray
Red Seal Zephyrs
French Galatea, 36 inch wide
Scotch Zephyrs " " "
Emerald Cloth, 30 inches wide
Lustre Linen, 36 inch wide
Brahma Cloth, 27 inches wide
Egyptian Madras, 36 inches wide
D. D. Chambrays, 30 inches wide
French Lina, 42 inches wide
ger on the morning train for Omaha
where his wife has been a patient at
St. Joseph's hospital for several weeks
past. The lady was operated upon
some time ago and has been progres
sing toward recovery in a very satis
factory manner since. Mr. Davis is
much encouraged over her condition
and hopes to be able to remove her to
Stiff Hal Remember We Shape It
of Hart, Schafjncr & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts
1 Oc
124 c
18 c
. . 15 c
her home very shortly.
Mrs. Mary Glenn is among those
spending today in Omaha, having
gone to that city this morning on the
enrly train.
George Oldham was a visitor yes
terday In Murray, a passenger
for that city on the morning M. P.
train, and returning In the evening.
to Fit Your Head.
I it
To Fit Th. Head
7 f
Somi I