The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 28, 1910, Image 1

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NO 17
4 A
Several Trainmen are Slightly Injured as the Result of a Tail-End
Collision Early This Morning.
Krom Friday's Tally.
Brakeman Stratum, on extra 1980,
very severely bruised and contused
a tout the body. No bones broken
and no internal Injuries. Not ser
ious. Brakeman II. T. Brown, extra
2202, head cut and lacerated and
severe bruises on body. Not serious.
One of the most peculiar wrecks to
take place in recent years was that
which occurred this about
4:30 a.m., when three freights
trashed together at the west end
of the local yards. The wreck was
an expensive one from a monetary
stand point but quite fortunately nojlfihe(L Tne refrigerator car was fill
lives were lost, although several of
the trainmen received severe cuts and
The wreck occurred about one
hundred yards west of the point
where Earl Blish was Injured In the . lta resisting power was so great that
wreck of last July, the same curve u aim0Kt stripped the engine of its
seeming to be in some manner eon-upiH,r works. Tne headlight, smoke
nected with the all-fated event. stack, steam and sand domes and cab
The crash which tore up so much were torn off almost completely and
property for the Burlington occurred the engine looked as if it had been
almost opposite the pumping station ' shot to pieces by a cannon ball. The
of the Plattsmourh Water company I damage, however, is not nearly so
and it was accompanied by circum-great Hs would appear and did not
stances which render it one of the j interfere with the ability of the
most unusual and peculiar in local engine to move,
railway annals. At the point where The engineer and fireman of en
the accident occurred the tracks arejgine 2202, west bound, when they
protected by semaphores, the outer or saw the caboose of extra 1980 tilt
distance signal being located at a 'sharply toward them and heard the
point perhaps a half mile west ot!crash 0f the engine and caboose,
where the accident occurred and the 'promptly leaped from their engine
inner or home signal being almost ' just in time to sa' themselves from
opposite the point where the wreck probable death as the cab was torn
happened. . -
These signals are supposed to form
an almost perfect guard against ac-
cldent and if they are observed, they i
unquestionably do this. , j
Last night the semaphores worked I
all right and showed the train which ,
started the trouble a clear track. In
the earlier part of the night the yards
at Pacific Junction and this city were
blocked and extra 1980 which was
run into, had laid outside the local
yards for some five hours waiting for
the block to be cleared. It came east
from Oreapolis at about 12:30 a. m.,
while the train which ran into it No.
76, a regular east bound freight train,
did not pass Oreapolis until after 4
a. m. The operator at Oreapolis pre
sumed from the time which had
elapsed that the tracks at Platts
mouth were clear and let the regular
past. Just before it showed up the
block was cleared and the semaphore
showed white to No. 7C. The extra
1980 had Just started to move when
it was struck.
The accident resulted in three
freight trains being tangled up and
all three suffering more or less.
The trains Involved were an extra
west bound, engine 2202, Engineer
Conners and Conductor Coman; ex
tra, east bound, engine 1980, En
gineer Carlson and Conductor Lewis;
train No. 76, east bound, with En
gineer Roasner and Conductor Dunn.
Of all the trainmen involved in the
wreck, only two were injured suffi
ciently to need the services of a sur
geon. The wreck which was of the tall
end variety resulted from the colli
slon of the engine of train No. 76 and
the caboose of extra 1980. The re
gular train which had been cleared
at Oreapolis as stated above and was
also cleared according to the sema
phore outside the local yards, was
making good time after passing the
distance signal dashed around the
curve and engine 2203, plunged Into
the caboose of the extra. Brakeman
Stratton of the extra 1980, was on
the caboose at the time of the wreck
and his first warning of danger was
when the engine came tearing into
the caboose and he found himself
pinioned in the wreck of the ca
boose. At the time the engine struck
the caboose, the latter was tilted
Kharply over to the cast directly in
front of engine 2202 which was west
und. The caboose was almost lifted
bodily from Its trucks by the impact
f the monster engine in the rear and
hardly had the one struck it when
the cupola of the caboose was struck
by the smoke stack of engine 2202
and the demolition of the caboose
At the time of the accident Stratton
was watching the oncoming west
bound train on the other track and
did not observe the approach of train
76 which came so near being the
cause of his death. .
As engine 2202 was going at a
fast rate of speed when It struck the
caboose, this train continued to roll
along, the remnants of the caboose
grinding and splintering the sides of
the west bound freight for almost
its entire length, this process assist
ing in the destruction of the caboose.
The latter also wa3 forced by the ,
paet of the locomotive behind it into
a refrigerator car just ahead of. it
and this too, was-praetieally demol-
ed with oranges and this luscious
fruit was scattered to the four winds
by the force of the collision.
When the caboose struck the en
gine 2202 of the west bound extra
off the engine almost as they left it.
The other cars which were demol
ished in the crash were in the east
bound extra, several empty coal cars
being driven into one another by the
force of the Impact of the trains and
DP1S 80 bay telescoped that they
will virtually have to be rebuilt.
The engine on train 76 aiao was
somewhat damaged'In the collision,
although not enough to put it out of
commission and it was able to move
with its own steam after the wreck
had been cleared away, even assisting
in the process. The headlight was
knocked off It, the pilot partially de
molished and the running board on
the side of the boiler partly broken
down and the number plate on the
front of the boiler was slighty burn
ed. The enginemen of this train also
promptly jumped when they saw the
tail-lights of the caboose show up
and escaped without injury.
The most serious feature of the
wreck was the catching of Brakeman
Stratton in the caboose, lie was
caught beneath the wreckage and
held down by the car timbers while
the train still moved on Into the
yards. Fortunately the trains were
brought to a stop as quickly as pos
sible and steps were immediately
taken to rescue him from his peril
ous position. At this time it was
seen that coals from the caboose
stove had set the wreckage in which
he was pinioned on fire, and hurried
efforts were made to stop the flames
and save him from a horrible death.
This was done by water which was
carried in buckets from the several
l'motlves. Stratton was drenched
with water while this work was In
progress and afterwards suffered
severely from the cold as the cold air
struck him. He was rescued from
his critical position In about an hour
and a half after the wreck and hur
ried to the office of the company sur
geon, his condition being throught
critical at that time. He will go to
his home at Creston, la., this evening.
At the office, however, an examination
showed his injuries to be painful but
not serious.
Brakeman Brown of the west
bound train sustained his Injuries by
being struck by the projecting parts
of the regrlgerator car and the ca
boose nnd he was not seriously hurt,
cuts and bruises from contact with
the moving and flying boards and
splinters being the extent of his In
juries. Responsibility for the wreck seems
to be on the operator at Oreapolis
for letting No. 76 Into the block be
fore it was clear.
According to the rules the train had
no right In the block as long ns the
extra 19 SO was lu it but it entered
the block just the same and as a
result struck the extra. An Investi
gation will be held by the railroad
company to fix the responsibility for
the disaster.
The wreck resulted In blocking
both the east and west bound main
lines although no damage to speak
of was done to the tracks As a
result of the blocking, train No. 6,
due here at 7:52, for Chicago, was
detoured via Council Bluffs. Train
No. 15 for Omaha was held at Pacific
Junction for forty-five minutes and
left this about about one hour late,
the train being cleared aiiout 9:15
a. m.. The loss to the company
from the wreck is placed by good
judges at from $5,000 to $7,000.
Andrew. Gets a Light Sentence
. of Twenty Days in Jail While
the Wife Gets Five Days.
From Friday's ' Dally.
Before Judge Archer this morning
Andrew Brissey and his wife were
arraigned and asked to plead to the
complaint filed by Peter Claua charg
ing them with grand larceny and
with obtaining money under false
pretense. The case was noticed at
length in Wednesday's Journal and
arose from their having disposed of
some household goods, the property
of a Mrs. Tagg, to Mr. Claus.
When arraigned this morning the
parties agreed to enter a plea of
guilty to petit .larceny, this action
being taken by the consent of the
county attorney. It was also under
stood that Mrs. Brissey should be let
off with a light sentence on account
of the children which the parties had.
Judge Archer therefore sentenced her
to five days in jail, the time to date
from her incarceration lust Monday.
This let her out with no further de
tention. The husband received a sen
tence of twenty days which Is to date
from Monday and which give him
about fifteen days longer to serve.
The money which was taken from
the Bri.sseys was ordered returned to
Peter Claus from whom it was ob
tained. This money had been held
by the sheriff pending an order for
Its disposal.
It appears that the defendants
were much put out over the action
of Judge Archer In letting the woman
off so lightly and that they wanted
her to remain in the Jail until the
time of the husband had expired. The
court could not see It In that light
nor could the county attorney, each
of whom thought it best to have her
where Bhe could give the children her
attention. It was said after the trial
that she was destitute and that she
would likely become a county charge,
although arrangements may be made
to prevent this unhappy consequence
Have Big Time.
Last Saturday night, the member
of the Degree of Honor lodge at Ce
dar Creek quietly got together and
proceeds to give Mrs. Laura Wall
lnger, one of their beloved members
a surprise party. Mrs. Wallinger in
tends to depart in a few days for
Pekin, 111., where she will make her
home and this party was arranged to
express to her the high appreciation
which her lodge friends felt for her
and the esteem in which she is held
As a memento of their feeling, they
presented her with a very handsome
Degree of Honor pin, the joint gift
of those present that evening. The
feature of the evening aside from
greeting Mrs. Wallinger was a splen
did supper which was tendered her, a
table being spread with every delicacy
of the Reason and the several guests
doing full Justice, to the repast. It
wus a late hour w hen the merry party
broke up and the guests had bid
Mrs. Wallinger a good-by and ex
tended their best wishes for a happy
time in her now home.
Those attending included Messr.
and Mesdames J. W. Wolff, A. O.
Ault, W. H. Seybert, O. (1. Moislnger,
Andrew Thomsen, Mrs. C. O. May
field of Loulvsllle, Mrs. Bertha Ahl of
Louisville, Mrs. Mary Duff, Mrs. Geo.
Lutz, Mrs. Bertha Lohnes, Mrs. II.
Inhelder, Mrs. (Icorge Horn, Mrs. Geo.
E. Sayles, Mrs. J. J. Schneider, Mrs.
Wm. Nessen, Miss Cora Melslnger,
Miss Edna Melslnger, Miss TIllIo Du
gan, Miss Verla Schneider.
Mrs. Kate Minor Is a visitor today
with friends In Omaha, going to that
city this morning.
n: ii
Miss Annie Johnson and Mr. O,
A. Nyitrom Married at Swed
ish Mission Church.
From Saturday' Pally.
One of the handsomest weddings
held in this city for some time was
that last evening at the Swedish Mis.
sion church when Rev. J. E. Swanson
of Wahoo, united In marriage Miss
Annie Johnson of this city and Mr.
Oscar A. Nystrom of Omaha. For
the occasion the church had been
handsomely decorated In green and
white, the aisles of the church hav
ing been especially prepared for the
occasion by white carpeting laid down
them. The decorations at the altar
before which the young, couple were
to plight their troth consisted of
handsome white wedding bells sus
pended from a large candle studded
arch, an effect artistic in the extreme.
The ceremony took place prompt
ly tit eight o'clock," the strains of
Mendelsohn's wedi!ng march sound
ing for at that hour, MIsb Esther
Thoren, a coubIh of the bride, presid
ing ,flt the instrument.
Tjie bridal party entered the church
to the strains of the music, the way
being led by the little ribbon bearers,
Misses Elfie llallstrom and Augusta
Wayengien who were, followed by
Mis Svea Johnson, a sister of the
bride who acted as flower maiden.
Misa Johnson was charmingly gowned
in a; handsome silk princess, which
quitaeffettively displayed her beauty.
Aftef the flower girl cama the groom
and his best man, Mr. E. M. Thoren
of Stromsburg, Neb., both of whom
were dressed in the conventional
Immediately following the groom
and his groomsman came the bride's
maids, Misses Ida Johnson, a sister
of the bride, and Miss Elizebeth Shea,
a close presonal friend, both of tills
city. The bridesmaids were 'charm
ingly attired in gowns of real lace
They"wore accompanied by Messrs
E. Beckstrom of this city and Mr
Paul Thoren of Strombery, both of
whom were also groomsmen and who
were attired In the black costume of
The maid of honor, Miss Josephine
Nystrom, a sister of the groom, came
next in the party, Miss Nystrom be
ing handsome in an exquisite em
pire gown of old rose silk, which well
accentuated her blonde beauty.
Immediately behind the maid of
honor came the charming bride upon
the arm of her father, Mr. Gust. John
son. The bride was exceedingly
handsome in a white spangled silk
princess gown, wearing the white
tulle veil, and carrying a large and
handsome boquet of bride's roses.
The party met at the gate of the
altar where the words which. were to
unite them as one for life were pro
nounced by Rev. J. E. Swanson who
had come to the city especially for
this auspicious occasion from his
home at Wahoo, Neb. The ceremony
which united these two young souls
took place beneath the wedding bells
which are spoken of above as one of
the striking portions of the decora
tions. The bridal party immediately after
the close of the ceremony, were taken
in carriages to the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust. Johnson
In South Park, where a reception was
tendered the newly wedded pair. The
handsome home of Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson had been tastefully decorat
ed for the occasion In the same colors
which had been used at the church
white and green. The dining room
especially was handsome where the
color scheme was given full play.
During the progress of the reception
which wns largely attended by the
many friends of the couple, luncheon
was served, this being a threo course
affair. One striking feature of the
luncheon was the bridal cake. This
was a magnificent representation of a
flowere studded bower in the back
ground of which were delineated
minature reporductlon of tho bride
and the groom. Tho reception was
also marked by the production of a
splendid program which had been ar
ranged by Miss Ida Johnson, a sister
of the charming bride.
There were a very large number
of handsome and expensive presents
given tho bride and groom, an espe
cially fine token being presented to
the happy couple by their friends
In this city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Nystrom departed
this morning on the Burlington train
for Omaha where they will be the
icni nni
guests of Dr. J. O. Nystrom and fam
ily for several days, after which they
will leave for the west on a bridal
trip of several weeks, and will be at
home to their friends at North Platte,
Neb., where they will make their fu
ture home, after March 15th.
The contracting parties to this
happy marriage are quite well known
In this city, especially the bride who
Is a Plattsmouth product and one of
its fairest flowers. She is the charm
ing and accomplished daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gust. Johnson of this city, a
young lady of much personal charm
and rare attainments. Having lived
here for so many years, she has made
herself a great many friends who
regret exceedingly .to have her leave
this city but who wish her all the
good fortune possible In her venture
upon the seas of matrimony.
The groom is a son of Dr. Nystrom
of Omaha, a young man of much abil
ity and great personal worth, and one
who stands very high with all who
have the pleasure of knowing him.
He has quite a number of personal
friends In this city as well as in
aha, all of whom unite in wishing him
a Jong and happy married life. The
happy,, couple will make their future
home at North Platte wher? the
groom will enter business life.
W ill Hold llcaiing Here.
The state railway commission have
notified Attorney C. L. Graves that
they will come here on next Wednes
day to hold a hearing upon his com
plaint filed against the Missouri Paci
fic. The compalnt was filed several
weeks ago, setting for the condition
of affairs in and about the depot and
asking that the railway commission
order the company to provide neces
sary and proper facilities. The com
pany, through Its attorney, J. V. Orr
of Atchison, filed answer alleging
that "Union is not a growing or pro
gressive town," nnd that "tho build
ing used as a station Is ample for
all business done at said station."
These seem to be the principal points
on' which the case will be contested.
The case will be heard by the three
railway commissioners, beginning at
I o'clock next Wednesday afternoon,
and it Is probable that n number of
witnesses will bo called to testify, and
no doubt the hearing will attract
many who are Interested or have
a desire to hear the matter threshed
out after the form of court procedure.
Union Lodger.
Real Khtnte Transfers.
Register of Deeds Snyder- today
filed several transfers of real estate
which show that this branch of prop
erty keeps on the move in Cass coun
A warranty deed from John and
Mary Shoumal to Jos. and Mary
Racck conveying lots 8 to 15 In
clusive in block C, Duke's addition to
Plattsmouth for the consideration of
$800 was filed.
A mortgage deed was filed from
Charles 11. and Martha S. Lewis to
Sakrls Llndholm covering the east
half of the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 11,
and the east half of the east half of
the northwest quarter of the north
west quarter of section 14, all In
town 12, range 13, for the sum of
A warranty deed was filed convey
ing the north half of the northeast
quarter of section 32, town 10 range
9, for the consideration of $8,320
from Otto Lubber and wife Etta F.,
to John T. Lyell.
A mortgage ueeu covering the
above premises was also executed by
J. T. Lyell and his wife Estella to
Otto Lubbers for the sum of $4,000.
Death lit Idalio.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Llndholm of this
city a few days since received word
from Boise, Idaho, of the death of
their daughter, Mrs. Stella Nagel at
that point. Mrs. Nagel was married
In this city several months ago and
had been a resident of Boise but a
short time. She is to bo burled to
morrow at Valparaiso, Neb., whither
her brother Elmer and Ernest and
her Bister Mabel went this morning.
The message did not Btato tho cause
of death nlthough Mr. Llndholm un
derstood it to bo the effects of an
operation which was recently per
form upon the lady. They have the
deep sympathy of all In their bf
The ladles Aid society of the M. E.
society were most delightfully enter
tained at the pleasant home of Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Glenn yesterday af
ternoon. The weather being most
Ideal, there were a large number of
the ladles present who Bpent a most
enjoyablo afternoon. During the af
ternoon a delicious luncheon was
So Say The Jury After a Very
Brief Deliberation.
From Friday's Dally.
In district court yesterday after
noon the trial of the State vs. Chas.
H. Nellgh was completed. One or
two witnesses were examined on th
minor phases of the case including
Mrs. Charles A. Peterson who testi
fied to some conversations with Mrs.
Nellgh, in which the latter expressed
herself as wishing for a final separa
tion. After the conclusion of the
testimony the counsel argued and
submitted the case, County Attorney
Ramsey arguing for conviction and
Matthew G-ering making a strong
argument for acquittal, dwelling
largely on the plaintiff being here
with her folks Instead of living In
Cuming county with her husband. The
Jury retired after supper and after
a brief deliberation retuned a ver
dict of acquittal of the defendant
who was thereupon released.
This morning tho case of Propst
vs. Waggoner was taken up and
tried to a jury in district court. This
Is' a case on appeal from a decision
of Justice Archer. It Involves the
prices of a cream seperator sold the
defendants by the plaintiff. The
trial In the Justice court resulted in
a decision In favor of the plaintiff.
A. L. Tldd represents the plaintiff and
Matthew Gering the defendant. The
case is a short one and probably will
go to the Jury this evening.
l'laiiM of Ml. Vatigci'.
M. Fanger and son Bennie, are
spending several days in Omaha with
relatives, going up this morning. If
the plfins'which Mr. Fanger has un
der consideration go through, Platts
mouth will shortly receive an acquisi
tion in the shape of several expert 1
-millinery trimmers and also receive
the establishment of a millinery and
trimming house. Mr. Fanger has de
termined if he can make the proper
arrangents to have all the millinery
work for hla Omaha house and the
local house done here. His entire
force of trimmers will bo brought to
tills city where the work will be done
and the finished product turned out.
This will be shipped from here to
Omaha and the latter point will be
come merely the selling and distribut
ing point. This means the expendi
ture of quite a tidy sum of money
here and Is a distinct move In ad
vance. It Is believed by Mr. Fanger "
thnt he can secure the trimmers and
have them In this city by the middle
of the coming week when work can
be started up.
HroiiiKlick ( aiiM-s riijuiy.
Charles Martin, the barber, yes
terday afternoon received a severe
bruising up by a fall down his cellar
stairs Into the basement. Mr. Martin
started down the stairs after a scut
tle of coal and in the darkness did
not perceive a broomstick which was;
lying across one of the steps. Step
ping upon It, it turned with him and
precipitated him to the bottom of
the steps. He was painfully bruised'
In the fall but fortunately did not
sustain any broken bones. The fall
injured him so badly that he was ob
liged to close his shop yesterday af
ternoon. It Is to be hoped that he
will be able to be back at his work
within a very few days. Mr. Martin
has no idea as to how the broom
stick came to b In the position it
was, and it had not been left standing
on the steps at any time In the past.
Colored Woman Insane.
The commissioners of Insanity to
day investigated a complaint filed be
fore them charging Mrs. Emma Al
len, a negro womnn, living in the
third ward with insanity. After an
Investigation the commission found
tho woman to be insune and she will
bo taken to the asylum at Lincoln
very shortly. The commission pres
ent were Clerk of the Court Robert
son, Attorney Dwyer and Dr. B. F.
Brendel of Murray. Sheriff Qulnton
Investigated tho case yesterday af
ternoon, the party living In his neigh
borhood, and manifesting signs of
violent Insanity yesterday.
It is learned that an aunt of Mrs.
Ida Brissey, the woman whose hus
band is spending several days in jail
for disposing of property which he
had no title to, haB taken the woman
and her children to her home in
South Tark and will give them a,
home, a highly charltnble nnd chris
tian act.