DAILY PERSONAL NEWS t Y Y Y Y y Short Items of Interest FromT ues day Evenings Daily Journal Robtert H. Patton is a visitor to tej in Omaha, going to that city on the morning train. Jos. Habirl and wife are spending today In Omaha, having gone to that dtj on the morning train. Dr. B. F. Hrendel of Murray was in the city yesterday evening for a few hours from his home. t Miss Olive Jones Is a visitor this afternoon in Omaha, going to that city on the afternoon train. Herman Martens came down last evening for a brief visit in the city with his mother and sisters. Mrs. C. S. Forbes Bpent yesterday afternoon In Omaha, having gone to that city on the afternoon train. Miss E. Dartlett was a passenger on the morning train for Omaha, where she will spend the day. A fine program will be given Tues day evening, the best talent in the city will furnish the entertainment. Jos. Hadraba is among those spend ing the day In Omaha visiting with friends and taking In the automobile show. V. Kuncl, the baker, Is attending to business In Omaha this afternoon, going to that city on the afternoon train. Miss Lillian Iiookmeyer. was a pas senger for Omaha this afternoon to take up h"r mimic classes for the week. MIhb Ethel Uallance arrived home Saturday evening from her school at Peru to spend several days with her parents. C. S. Forbes was among those who traveled to Omaha today to make a visit with friends and relatives for the day. John llallstrom is among those spending Washington's birthday In Omaha, having gono to that city this morning. E. A. VVurl Is attending to busi ness matters this afternoon In Om aha, having gone to that city on train No. 2.1. L. W. Lorenz is among those who! had business this afternon In Omaha I to look after, going there on the af ternoon train. M. Fanger is attending to business in Omaha this afternoon being a passenger for that city on the af ternoon train. Janus Loughridge and W. Brown of Murray came up last evening to at- tend lodge meeting, returning home on the late train. Eric Beckstrom Is among the crowd spending today in Omaha, hav ing gone to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. J. M. Leek came down Sat urday night for a visit of several days with friends, returning to her home at 1021 L. street, Lincoln this morn ing. C. A. Hagegstrom of Ixniisvillo who baa been visiting for several days ia the city, departed this morning for Omaha where he will spend the day with friends. i Wm. Budlg, manufacturer of the world famous Denver Special and Senate Chamber cigars, is extolling their merits to the merchants of Paci fic Junction and Glen wood today. John. P. Melslnger and wlfo came In this morning from their home and are spending today In Omaha, having gone to that city on the morning train. Mrs. S. A. Button and little son who have been visiting In the city with her parents, departed Monday af ternoon for her home at University Place. Miss Anna Hawkinson of Lincoln, who has been making a brief visit in the city looking after somo business matters, returnod to her borne yes terday afternoon. Misses Elsa Thelrolf and Gertrude Morgan spent last Saturday and Sun day at the pleasant home of Miss VIMa Capen, tear Murray, Having a royal time and being very finely en tertained by Miss Gapen and her par ents. The young ladles returned homo Sunday evening. George 11. Wood, the Louisville land man, was In the city yesterday looking after business matters, and while hero called upon the Journal tiffiee for a social conversation of a few minutes. George insists that the Beaver Valley lands aro Just a llttlo the best out, and ho expects to de part in a few days with another crowd of hotneseekers for the Montana coun try. t Y y t y Y Mrs. M. Fanger is spending the day In Omaha visiting with her moth-d er and other relatives. Henry Hesse Is a visitor today in Omaha visiting the automobile show and meeting old friends. Mrs. G. E. Dovey and son Charles are visitors today in Omaha attend ing the automobile show. ThoB. M. Patterson was a passen ger this morning' for Omaha where he will spend the day. 1 C. D. Grimes, local reporter on the Journal, is taking in the sights at Omaha this afternoon. John Dajeck is among those spend ing today in Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Charles C. Parme'.e and son Pol lock are visitors today in Omaha, go ing to that city on the morning train. Miss Amelia Martens is spending the day In Omaha, being a passenger on the early morning train for that city Miss Jessie Robertson was a pas senger this morning for Omaha where she will spend the day with her sis ter. Miss Clee Applegate Is among the many spending today in Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Miss Martha Geohry is spending today in Omaha, going to the city this morning on the early Burlington train. MIhb Emma Bauer Is a visitor with friends today In Omaha, going there this morning on the early Burlington train. . Charles B; II and family who have been visiting for a few days in Bur lington, la., returned to the city this morning. Mrs George Dodge was a passenger on the morning train for Omaha, where she will spend the day with her children Miss Verna Cole Is among those spending today In Omaha with her friends, having gone to that city on the early train. Pred Mann ,s a v,sltor wl,h frlen(l8 ,n 0maha- hav1" one t0 that city this morning on the enrly Burlington train. Mrs. Mary E. Eccles of Rosewell, N. M., a sister of Mrs. Silas Long, Is In the city making a visit with her for a few weeks. A. L. Anderson departed on the morning train for eastern Iowa, where jho wlM ook aft(,r business matters for Beveral days. Anton Toman was a passenger this morning for Omaha where he will spend the day making a visit with his friend Frank Jauda. County Judge Beeson Is celebrating Washington's birthday in' Red Oak, la., today, going there this morning on No. 6. G. A. Roman departed this morn ing for Ralston where he will Join the Burlington bridge gang which Is working there. Mrs. Alex Clifton spent a few hours In the city yesterday attending to business, returning to her home in Omaha on the afternoon train. C. A. Johnson, wife and daughter Alice are visitors today In Omaha, having gone to that city this morn ing on the early train. Mrs. gaffer and daughter Mrs. Ac cord are visitors today In Omaha, having gone to that city this monv Ing on the early train. R. J. Hayes and wife were passeng ers through the city this morning for Lincoln, having been visiting with friends down the line of the M. P. Carl J. Kunsman Is another brass foundry mechanic spending the day In the metropolis, going there this morning on the early Burlington train. Pat Egan and son are among the largo crowd of Plattsmouth people observing Washington's birthday In Omaha, going there on the morning train. Policeman Henry Trout la taking a few days layoff and departed this morning for Red Oak, la., where he will attend a wedding of a niece this evening. J. R. Hunter was a passenger thl morning for Gibson, where ho will relieve the Burlington storekeeper who Is sick, nnd will remain for sev eral days. Mrs. Butler of Omaha came down last evening nnd was a visitor at the exercises of the Knights and Ladles of Security, the guest of Mrs. Emily . Dickson, returning to her home this morning. Joe Ubershal is one of the em- Ployes of the bras, foundry who is spending the day In Omaha, being aj passenger for that city this morning on the early train. I J. B. Merritt of New York who has been in the city for several days rep-1 resenting his wholeasle house, and in-! cidentally visiting with old friends, departed this morning for Lincoln. W. S. Soper and wife were visitors last night in the city, coming up from their home at Nebraska City to attend the anniversary of the Knights and Ladies of Security and returning this morning. Steve Orton, one pf the pioneers of Weeping. "Water and a prominent business man of that place, was in the city last evening attending to busi ness matters .and meeting with old friends. Mrs. E. J. Doolin of Hamburg, la., who has been visiting in the city with Asbury Jacks and her nieces, re turned to her home this morning, be ing accompanied as far as Pacific Junction by Mr. Jacks. Fred L. N'utzman, one of the best citizens of Nehawka, was in the city yesterday looking after business mat ters and returning to his home this morning. Robert E. French, grand lecturer of the masons has been spending sev eral days in the city administering lectures to several classes of appli cants for degrees in the order. Judge Travis went to Omaha this afternoon to visit his brother, Ike, who has been in one of the hospitals in that cityfor th past several months. He has so far recovered ps to be removed to his home In Om aha which his many friends in this city will be glad to learn. Myron E. Wheeler, who has been in the city taking the testimony in the case of Bllsh vs. the C. B. & Q. R. R., departed this morning for his head quarters at Lincoln, stopping for the day in Council Bluffs where he has been engaged In taking the testimony In a very important railroad case in federal court. I'leiiNuntly l',nt rtaincd. The beautiful home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Silas Long on high school hill last Saturday evening was the scene of a merry gathering when a large number of friends attended a recep tion given Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cole of Alberta, Canada, who are making a visit of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Long and other relatives. Mr. Cole Is the youngest brother of Mrs. Long. The evening was a most rare one, there being an abundance of pleasures had and everyone given a most de lightful occasion. There were in numerable games, one very laughable one being naming the minister's cat, a pastime which everyone hugely en Joyefd and which caused roars, of laughter. There were other games had which were most amusing. In addition some superb music was given, there being a number of harming voices in the audience. Speaking was another feature of the evening which served to handsomely pass the time away and It was a late hour when the guests found themselves obliged to go home. In fact, they came near being caught by the lights going out but they had such a good time they didn't mind that. There was an attendance of some forty-five guests In all. V. M. It. V. Lecture. The Young Men's Bible class of the Methodist church last evening held another most Interesting session of their winter's season, the occasion be- ng a lecture delivered to them ly Dr. J. B. Martin. Dr. Martin addres sed the gathering which was a large one upon "Emergency Treatments" or what to do In case of an accident. His address was confined to a discus sion of the hnman body and especial ly the heart, the frailltles of the hu man body and heart. He then spoke at length on accidents which the hu man frame might encounter and the best medical treatment in such a case A more complete account of this most Interesting talk will be given in these columns tomorrow. Will Extend Call. A special meeting of the trustees of the Presbyterian church was held Sunday evening at the church parlors, when the matter of extending a call to Rev. Cade of Cincinnati, O., was considered. Rev. Cade's visit to this lty made a most favorable Impression and it was decided to extend a call to him at onco. It Is understood that he is offered a salary of $1,200 per year. There are great hopes that he can Bee his way clear to accept the call and tako this pulpit as the con gregation seems to consider him the most likely of Beveral who have been talked of for this pulpit. Mules for Sale. The I'tntlersigned has a few good mules and several horses for sale. Conift and see them at my farm. Z. W. SHRADKR. kotick op rvBUCATtox. 8,at?,f 7"' c"i"tr'Ct CUrt fr pmtio. t uuin Title. George W. Harshman. plaintiff vs. Jeremiah S. Carr, J. S. Carr. W. W. Willingham, John II. Maxon, trustee; Martha W. Grant, Martha W. Carr, Joseph Anton Gerlg. Genofeva Gerlg and Theresa Gerlg. heirs and devisees of Henry Gerig, deceased; Sarah A. Willlson, Sarah A. Wilson Marquis and husband, U K. Marquis, George r. iixon, Keoecca Ashley, Kebecca I. t'onner and husband Conner. first and real name unknown; George V. Dlxson, George H. VIckRov. Mary 1'. McCartney, A. K. McCartney, Amanda J. McCartney, William I). Gregory and wire. Dellnda Gregory. George W. Betts and wife. Kachel J. Betts. non-residents of the State of Nebraska; B. Wolph, Br W. Show and Clendenen W. Mitchell, onlv surviving heirs of H. C Wolph and wife, Esther Wolph, deceased; Amelia B. Halde man. formerly widow of Addison P. Weston, deceased, and his only sur viving heir and devisee. The unknown heirs and devisees f Jeremiah S. Carr and of his wife. Martha v. iarr. deceased: the unknown heirs and devisees of J. 8. Carr. deceased: the unknown assignees, heirs and duvlanu of W. W. Willingham. deceased, the un. known assignees, heirs and devisees of John H. Maxon, trustee, deceased, the unknown heirs and devisees of Mar tha W. Grant, deceased: the unknown heirs and devisees of Sarah A. Willi. son deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of Sarah A. Wilson Marquis and of her husbund, L. K. Marquis, de ceased; the unknown heirs of George F. inxon, uereaseu; me unknown heirs and devisees of Rebecca Ashley, deceased; the unknown heirs and dvlsees of Ke- Decca u. Conner and of her husband Conner, real name unknown. oeceasea; me unknown heirs and de vlsees of George V. IHxson, deceased: the unknown neirs and devisees of Mary P. McCartney, deceased; the unknown heirs and devisees of A. K. McCartney, deceased; the unknown heirs and de visees of Amanda J. McCartney, de ceased: the unknown heirs and devisees of William I). Gregory and of his wife, Dellnda Gregory, deceased; the un known heirs and devisees of George W. Betts and wife. Hachel J. Betts. de ceased; the unknown heirs and devisees, respectively, or Joseph Anton Gerlg, Genofeva Gerlg and Thersa Gerlg, de ceased. Defendants Notice to each and all of the above named non-residents of the State of Nebraska and to each and all of the above named unknown heirs and de visees, defendants. To each and all of the above named non-residents of the state of Nebraska, and to each and all of the above named unknown heirs and devisees, defend ants. You and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the ISth dav of February, A. P.. 1910, plaintiff filed his petition In the district court for the County of lass, .state or rsenraska, the object and prayer of which Isoto confirm and quiet his title n&ainst you and each of you In and to the following described lands In the County of Cnss, State of Nebras ka, to-wlt: The west half (wty) of the northwest quarter (nwV't) of section numbered thirty-five da), the west half ( w ) of the northeast quarter (ne'4 of said sec tion numbered thirty-five (.IS), the west alf ( w V4 ) of the southeast quarter (so1..) of said section numbered thirty-live ::.r), the east half leVfei of the north east quarter (ne'4) of section numbered thirty-four (34). the northeast quarter (iie1) or the southeast quarter (se'i) of said section numbered thirty-four (34), the east half (o) of the west half (w' of the northeast quarter (ne'A) or said section numbered thirty four CI4), and the east half le) of the northwest quarter (nwi) of the southeast quarter (se'4 ) of said sec tion numbered thirty-four (34), all of said lands In township numbered ten (10) north of range numbered twelve (121, In the County of Cass, State of Nebraska for that plaintif by himself and grantors has been in the open, con tinuous, exclusive, adverse possession of suid described lands for more than twenty-seven C.'7 years prior to the date of filing this petition, thereby ac quiring absolute title to said lands and hereby barring all claims of title there to, and liens thereupon by long lapse of time. To especially have cancelled of record a certain deed of trust given by de fendant. Jeremiah S. Carr, In the name of J. S. Carr to defendant, John H. Maxon, trustee, on the said northwest quarter (nwVi ) of the northeast quarter (neVi) of said section numbered thirty five (:!5) said township and range, to se cure the payment of the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) to defendant, W. W. Wllllngliam, said deed of trust recorded in Book "A". at page 2 55, of the deed records of said County of Cass. To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff anil against defendant. Martha W. Grant, In and to the southwest one fourth (sw'i) of the northeast one fourth (neU) and the west half (wV4) of t lie southeast one-fourth lse',4) of said section numbered thirty-five (35) said township and range, by reason of a deed of conveyance of said lands hv defendant. Jeremiah S. Carr, to said Martha W. Grant of date September 30, 1K5S, and recorded in Book "B" at page 3X9, of the deed records of said County of Cass, under which deed Raid Martha W. Grant claims an interest in said lands. To confirm and quiet title In plaintiff to the northeast quarter (ne4 ) of the south east quarter (se) of said section num bered thirty-four (34), said township and range as against derenoants, George W. Betts and wife, Rachel J. Betts. Sarah A. Willlson, Sarah A. li on Marquis and husband, U K. Mar quis, by reason of a deed of convey ance of said lands by said George W. Betts and wife to said Sarah A. Willl son of date of April 28. 1S68, recorded In Book K at page 24a. of the deed records of said county, under which deed said Surah A. Willlson claims an Interest In said lands, and to confirm and quiet title in plaintiff to the lands last above described, as against sain Sarah A. Wilson Marquis and husband, I 10. Marquis, by reason of a deed or conevyance of said lands to one, Henry iluiiir. of date February 25. 1875. and recorded In Book U at page os, or the deed records of said county, under which deed the said L. "K. Marquis claims an Interest in said lands. Also to confirm and quiet In plaintiff title to the lands last above descriueu against defendants, Joseph Anton Gerlg, Genofeva Gerlg, and Theresa uerig, heirs and dev sees of Henry Gerlg, ne ceased, bv reason of a certain legacy of four thousand dollars ($4000.00) be queathed to suld last named defend ants of said Henry Gerlg, deceased, said legacy creating an apparent lien upon the lands last above described. To cancel of record a certain power of attorney given by defendant. George K Dlxson, to derenaant, ueore-e n vick IIiiv. recorded in Book "B'' at page 614, of the said records of said County of Cass, covering the south half (sty) of the southwest one-rourtn tswj or ine northwest one-fourth (nwVi) of said section numbered thirty-five (35) and the east half (e) of the southeast one-fourth (se4) the east one-half (eVfc) of the northwest one-fourth (nw4) of the northeast one-fourth (neil) of the east half (eH) or the southwest one-fourth ('HI of the northeast one-fourth (neVi) and the enst half e) of the northwest one-r.im-tti rnwUl of the southeast one- fourth (seVi) of said section numbered thirty-four (34), said township and range. , , To conrirm ami qulei Tine in pinin tlff nirnlnst defendants. George F. Dix on, Kebecca Ashley, Itebecca P. Conner, and husband Conner, rem numo iinlr now II . Amelln It Hnlileman. form erlv widow nnd only heir nnd devisee of Addison P. Weston, deceased, to the enst half (eH of the northwest quar ter nw4) of the southeast quarter (se4) nnd the west half w4) of the east half teH) of the west half (wtj) of the northeast quarter (neVi) all in said section numbered thirty four (34) said township and range bv reason of a claim to said lands by said Itebecca Ashley under a deed of con veyance thereof by said George K ,,iu..n 4 a ..LI 1 nlnrfn Aahlnv of nntA September 14th. A. D., 10. llecorded In Hook "D" nt page 12H, of the deed records of said county: anil by reason of a deed of conveyance of the lands last above described by said Rebecca Ashley in the name of Kebecca D. Con ner, and said -Conner, real name unknown, her husband, to said Addison P. Weston of date November 6, 1864, recorded In Book "G" at page 280, of the deed records of said county, but which deed by mistake and ommisslon wa not signed by said Conner, real name unknown. To confirm and quiet title in plaln tlfT against defendants, Mary 1. Mc Cartney, A. K. McCartney and Amanda J. McCartney to the west half (wV4) of the northwest one-fourth (nw,) of said section numbered thirty-five (35) and to the east half (eV4 of the north east one-fourth (ne'O of said section numbered thirty-four (34), the east half tevl or me west half (wty) of the northeast one-fourth tneVl) of said sec tion numbered thirty-four 34i nnd ma east half of the northwest one- lourm mwi or the southeast one fourth (se4) of said section numbered (34). all of said lands in an 1.1 inwn,hin and range, by reason of a deed of con veyance or said lands bv A. 8. Mc Cartney, Henry M McCartney and said Mary V. McCartney and said A. K. Mc Cartney to defendant. Amanda J. Mc Cartney, dated August 20, 1866. and re corded in Book "J- at page 340, at the deed records of said county, in which deed said Mary P. McCartney and said A. E. McCartney failed to join In the acknowledgement thereof. To confirm and quiet title .In plaintiff against defendants, George F Dlxson. George F. Dixon, William D. Gregory and wife. Dellnda Grea-orv. inH u Wolph, B. W. Show and Clendenen w Miicnen, oniy surviving heirs and de visees of Henry C. Wolph, deceased, to the east half (ei) and twenty acres off of the east side of the west half (wV4) of the northeast quarter (ne) of said section numbered thirty-four (34), said township and range, by rea son of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said George F. Dixon to H. C Wolph of date October 29, I860, and recorded in Book "D" at page 217, of the deed records of said County of Cass; and by reason of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said George F. Dixon in the name of George F. Dlxson, to de fendant, William D. Gregory of date October 29. I860, and recorded in Book "D" at page 179, of said deed records; and by reason of a deed of conveyance of said lands by said William V. Ore gory and wife, Dellnda Gregory, to said Addigon P. Weston Of date August 19, 1863, and recorded In Book "F" at page 216 of said deed records: and also hv reason of a deed of conveyance of said ! amis dv sain ri. c. wolph and wife, Ksther Wolph, to said Addison P. Wes ton. of date August 19, 1863, and re corded In Book "F" at page 217, of Raid deed records, the description In said several deeds of conveyance of said land being uncertain and Indefinite. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of April, A. D., 1910. In de fault thereof Judgment will be entered confirming and quieting title to all the lands above described In plaintiff and against each and all of you and for costs of suit. George W. Harshmnn. Plaintiff. Mv Basil S. Itamsev and William C. llamsey Attorney for Plaintiff. Legal otlee. IN T1!K DISTRICT COUUT OF CASS CDCNTV, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the application of Henry Zuckweller. guardian of the es tate of Orla-n McCullv, Willie McCully and Kddle McCullv, minors, for a license to sell real estate. On rending ami filing the petition, duly verllled of Ilanry Zuck weller, guardian of the persons and estate of Or'-in McCully, Willie McCully and Kddie McCully, minors, for license to sell the following described real estate to-wlt: Dot twenty-one In the north west quarter of the southeast quarter of section nineteen, township No. 12, range No. fourteen east of the 6th p. m. containing thirteen and one half acres more or less. Also lot one hundred and seven, northwest of the southeast of section nineteen, township twelve, range four teen east of the 6th p, m. for the pur pose of raising funds for the education and maintenance of said minors, Kddie McCully, and for the Investment of the shine of Orlan and Willie. It Is therefore ordered that the next kin of said minors and all rjersons In. terested In said estate appear before mn at chambers in the court house In the City of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Xehraska, on the 21st day of March, 1!)10, at 1 o'clock p. m., to show cause. If any there be, why license should not bo granted to said Henry Zuckweller, guardian, to sell said real estate for the purpose set forth. And It Is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks In the Plnttsmouth Journal, a newspaper printed and published In said county of Cass. Dated at chambers In said county of Cass this 14th day of February, 1910. HARVEY D. Tit A VIS. Judge of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. English Spavin Liniment removes Hard, Soft, or Calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses; also blood Spavins, Curbs, Splints, Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of one bottle. A wonderful Blem ish Cure. Sold by Gering & Co., drug gists. Henry Hemple came In this morn ing from Lincoln to look after some business matters and visit with his folks. February (Bulletin of Special Katies! HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS:-February 1st and 15th, and the 1st and,3rd Tuesday of each subsequent month, to the West, Nortwest and South west, the farm land regions. A chance for a splendid tour of the WeRt at very low rates. WINTER TOURIST RATES: Daily through February and March to all Southwestern, Gulf, Cuban and California resorts. Very Cheap One Way Rates To Puget Sound and Pacific Coast Only $25.00 from eastern and central Nebraska to Seattle, Portlanc Spo kane, Butte, Helena, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other far western desti nations. Tickets sold from March 1st THROUGH SERVICE: These Bleepers; daily through tourist sleepers via Northern Pacific Express, daily through tourist sleepers via Great Northern Express, through upper Northwest, daily xhrough tourist sleepers via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake City, and Southern Pacific. Get in touch with me, and let me give you descriptive literature, arrange for your berths and assist you in every way poBsible. W. ii III! I i L. W. WAKELY, mm iitnui rare in the can- Pure in the baking. Never Fails. Try it Wegxu Hotel. , That's what we have, and it will tx a first-class and up-to-date-hotel ready for business about the first of March. The name "Wegota hotel" was one of the seventy names sent In by Ledger readers. The commit tee consisting of L. R. Upton, G. W. Saxon and C. L. Graves, met Wed nesday afternoon and carefully con sidered the seventy names in the box, and the "Wegota hotel" was the choice of the committee and approved by Edward Leach, the proprietor. The committee then eyamined the numbers to find the winner of the week's board and discovered the the name was sent in by two persona Reese Delaney and A. E. Stites and both will chew from the "grub ticket" as long as it lasta. Hurrah! Hurrah! Wegota hotel! Union Led ger. Miss Ina Hatt was a passenger this morning for the north, going to Om aha on the early train. overcoat! There are at least two months of weather before Spring that demand an overcoat. But, leave this outf the ques tion. If you couldn't wear it one day until next winter, you ought to buy a coat of us now. (Quality and price reasons.) Our HABT. SCHAFFNER & MARX quality, with the all wool and shape retaining guarantee. Our extremely low pi ices at this season of the year: any overcoat in the store. Tlie Home of ' Hart, Hhaffner d- Marx (Jlotlm Manhattan Shirts Stctmn lints to April 15th. tickets honored in chair cars and tourist L. PICKETT, Agent, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. G. P. G., Omaha, Neb. m I ECONOMY!