Murray Department PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY If an; of thenaihrtof the Journal know of a social emit or an item of interest Vacant all item of intercut. Editor Journal. nlORROW A DOLLARn FROM TOMORROW V J V And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind in money matters any more than in anything else. A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs straight; it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game. If you are not familiar with the ridvantages, we'll be glad to explain how it will benefit your personal business. Murray State Bank nc MURRAY, 3C D. C. Ithoden spent Wednesday in Omaha vlHiting the automobile show. XI. C. Whltehond from south of Murray, was a county seat visitor lat Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Churchill at tended the play In Plattsmouth last Friday evening. It. C. Bailey from west of Murray, was a business vlHltor In the county stat last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes en tertained several friends at dinner Tuesday evening. This Is ap age of fa.kc-8, and the public has surely been handed a pack. ge by Mr. (Jroundhog. Jonn Campbell of Union, has i ,nM n.. m t L i ' ! bought the old Lindsay property and will mnv I uiviu it v-1 v iu liic near luiurr, Mr. Nicholas Frederlch and Philip Shafer, from Mt. Pleasant precinct, were lsltlng In Murray Sunday. S. 0. l'ltman has been confined to his home for a few days with Bore throat, but Ih better at the present .! roe. Mrs. A. L. Maker and daughter Opha, were in Plattsm'nuth Saturday, returning home from a visit In Om aha. Rex Young moved Tuesday from his place on Main street to the Christian parsonage which he has rented for the coming year. Misses Clee Applegate and Hell, both teachers In the Plattsmouth schools, were guests of Mrs. W. C. Drown Saturday and Sunday. Rev. White of Omaha is holding a aerie of meetings Rt the Presbyterian hurch. Rev. hlte Is a very able minister and it will do you good to hear him. Mrs. Adda Stokes, who has so dellgently served at the telephone switch board for some time, took sev eral days vacation and visited with her sister, near Manley. Dan Kiser came in from Lincoln Saturday, where he had been visiting his son Ford, who is in a hospital at that place. He reports hi son much better, and that he will soon he able to return home a well boy Wm. Puis, Sr., and Fritz Luti from weHt of Murray, were county seat visitors Wednesday looking af ter some business matters. While there Fritz called at the Journal office and enrolled his name for the paper for the next year. Miss Pauline Oldham was one of the guests that attended the Wash ington anniversary party given by Mrs. W. II. Newell Tuesday after noon, and gave the guests several very Interesting reading, which were highly appreciated by all. J. T. Porter from soutu 01 Murray waa In Palttsmouth Monday looking after some business matters. This was John's first visit to tho county tteat since Inst fall, and, of course, the Journal was glad to receive a pleas ant call from him. Fritz Lutz has rented the Davis rarm west of Murray for tho coming year. This Is a pretty good sized farm, mostly under cultivation, but Fritz Intends tackling it without help nd ho will come about as near farm lng It as tho next one, too. This 1 th farm where Chns. Herren has resided, lint we' did not learn whore lie moved. NEBRASKA zd n DC Enoch Moreland has rented the Hall place, three miles east of Mur ray, to where he will soon move. Cat. Snavely and wife moved to Ne hawka Tuesday, where he will be engaged lu farming this season. Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Troop, who has been suffering from pneumonia, is somewhat improved at the present writing. J. A. Walker, who has been quite sick with grip for the past few weeks, is able to be about some which his many friends will be gratified to learn. Kangaroo court convened Monday evening at which time some import ant cases were tried. Considerable ex- cltement prevailed when a clash came . .... . ... "v"u wuuBO .vmuuvu auumkj Long and Lambert in a matter of court rulings. When parti princepa packed grips and left on the midnight train, his honor was compelled to make a ten-mile drive as a substitute for the absconded. "Justice shall prevail," says the judge. P. H. Melslnger and son Walter of Cedar Creek came down this morn ing from their home to look after business matters In the city, return ing this afternoon on the Schuyler train. F. M. Young, Jr., one of Murray's best known citizens who is soon to epart from this section, Is spending today In the city attending matters of Importance and while here paid the Journal office a pleasant call. Miles Standlsh, one of the best ItlzetiH of Rock Dluffs precinct, was In the city today, coming up to at tend to business matters and visit with friends and relatives. Another Hlg Dane?. The Murray dancing club will give another one of their pleasant dances at the Jenkins hall In Murray on Snturday evening, March 5th. The music will be furnished by the Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha. This dance will be given free to all members of the lub, but an admission will be charged for all others. Moves to Near Tnion. E. J. Mougey and John Doughtey, two of the best friends that the Journal has in Liberty precinct, were In the city Monday, coming in over land after the household goods of Mr. and Mrs. Link Denson, who has accepted a position on the farm with Mr. Mougey this year. We have al ways heard that Link was a mighty good worker and we know that ho has a mighty good man to work for this year. Both gentlemen made the Journal office a brief call and while here Mr. Doughty paid for his paper for another year. Name Were Omitted. In the wrlteup of the Tuls-Lutz wedding In the Monday issue of the Journal, through an error of ours, we failed to mention somo of those in attendance on this pleasant occasion They were as follows: Carl Engel kemelor and family. Fred Illld and family, and John Durman and wife, also tho nnmcs of Willie nnd Sophia Kraeger were mis-spelled. This la simply an error on the part of the printer, and wo regtet mitt they were ommltted, but we recHved the notice of same tno lato for the Monday Issue, AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL RE A DEBS. in this vicinity and uill mail same to this . A Fine Kntertal anient. I "The Rainbow Klmona" rendered by the young ladies composing the "Sunshine Band" of the Christian church, was well and nobly done, and the young ladles covered themselves with glory. Miss Isabelle Young as president of the club, acted her part to perfection a'B did also Miss Lala Vallery as vice president of the so ciety. Miss Ruth Thomason, as treas urer, demonstrated to the society that she .knew how to take care of the funds of the organization. The secre tary, Miss Grace Porter performed her part very well as the class poet, Miss Olga Minford. Miss Loretta Carroll, as president of the basket ball team, did splendidly, as did also Miss Marie Davis in the character of Winnefred Turner, a student. Edith Jones, the new sen ior, was well taken by Miss Bessie Brendel, who always does well at anything she undertakes. As Rose Jackson, Miss Penelope's Impish little colored maid. Miss Clara Copenhaver, did her purt to perfection. As a whole the young ladies did much bet ter than was expected, and they de servo great credit for the manner in which they presented "The Rainbow Klmona." The attendance was large and everyone was well pleased with the entertainment and went away proclaiming it a great success, and praising those who took part in making it so. The Late William Dale. Mr. Wm. Dale was born Novem ber 1, 1843, in Smith county, Va. When the country engaged in the con flict of .the 'sixties" he was pressed into service for the south and served as drummer boy till the close of the war. On May 3, 1886, he was mar ried to Chrlstena Caroline Naff, at Friendship, Washington county, Va., and they lived there until a few years ago, when with their children, they came to Nebraska, settling in Ne hawka. Seven children were given them. One boy and a girl dfed in childhood and the others are living today, i. e., Mr. Jessie Rice, Mrs. Emma Wood stock, Mrs. Fannie Tucker, John and Blair, Mr. Dale has one surviving sister who lives in Virginia. After a short illness he died Febru ry B, 1910. Aged 66 years, 3 montn and 4 days The funeral was held In the Otter bein U. B. church, Rev. C. A. Burdick of Nehawka conducting the services. Farewell Reception. An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Nichols Klaurens Saturday evening, when a farewell dinner was given in honor of Mrs. Col. Snavely. The table was beauti fully decorated and fairly groaned beneath a bountiful supply of deli cious things to eat. An epicureau connoisseur would have to place his seal of approval upon the. .dinner served. This was an occasion for a good time, and all enjoyed themsel ves (hugely. Those present were: Mesdames Cal. Snavely, J. W. Ber ger, JcBsie Hendricks, James Jenk ins, B. F. Brendel, O. II Gilmore, W. C. Brown Ran Minford and Miss Margie Walker. Mrs. Snavely, as a parting remebrance, was presented with a set of Havlin china plates. "Did you ever see a stuttering wo man? is a question fired back and forth amongst the villagers. The 'pro pounded' puts his index finger against massive brow, studies a few min utes and finally responds, 'no!' Each have seen scores of men who stutter ed, but have never seen a woman. Why don't women Btutter? 'How old Ann?' - Notice. All those who are indebted to me would do a great favor if they would call and settle their accounts with me at once, as I have obligations to meet. Also blacksmith, accounts of William Loughridge. Wishing you all a prosperous new year, Respectfully : ours, tf James Loughridge. Fine white Plymouth Rock roost ei'8 for sale at it cents and 1 each. Mrs. II. C. Long, 2tw Murray, Neb. F. A. Hansen of Nehawka came in last evening on the M. P. train and this morning was a passenger for Omaha where he will spend tho day at the automobile show. He was ac companied on the Journey by Fred L. Illld and wife who came from their home In the country for the purpose of goirg there on the early morning train. office it mU appear wuler thin lu.aiinq GEIS ill SHARE IF II ESTATE Miss Florence Sheldon Todd is Deeded Her Share Worth $75,000. A deed filled today in the office cf Register of Deeds Snyder discloses that a partition of the estate of the late Lawson Sheldon, Is now under way and the large land holdings which he possessed at the time of his death are being broken up and distributed among the heirs. The deed In question conveys to Florence S. Todd, one of the heirs six hundred and forty acres cf land besides sev eral fractional lots and a lot In the village of Nehawka as her share of the realty of the estate. The deed Is executed by Gerturde S. Wolph and her husband B. Wolph, George Lawson Sheldon and his wife. Rose, Frank P. Sheldon and wife Emma, and Vilas P. Sheldon and wife Maud for the consideration of one dollar and as a partition of the estate. Ac cording to the deed the following land is allotted to Miss Todd, viz: a four-fifths Interest in the north west quarter of section 28, town 10, range 12, the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the north west quarter, and lot 3 in the south east quarter of the northwest quarter of section 16, and the south half of the northeast quarter of section 17 and lot 1 in the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 17, town 10, range 13, and the south east quarter of the southeast quarter of section 20, town 10, range 13, and lot 1 in block 5, town of Nehawka, Neb. This makes her share in the realty at 640 acres with two fraction al lots and a lot in Nehawka which Is valued at a total of probably $75, 000 or $80,000. An agreement between Charles R. Metteer and John W. Phlfpot pro vides for the sale by the former to the latter of the east half of the southwest qaarter of section 27, town 11, range 12, a tract of 80 acres, for the sum of $8,000. Various terms of payment for the realty are incor porated in the agreement. A warranty deea has also been filed conveying one-thfrd of the eawt one third of lot 7 In block 64, Weeping Water from Wm. H. and M. L. Pool and John W. and Lucy Colbert to M. M. Butler for the consideration of $666. A warranty deed was also filed conveying the southeast quarter of action 34, town 10, range 9, from Guy and Sarah M. Fender to Lincoln If. Earll, a tract of 160 acres for $12,400. A mortgage deed given by Lincoln If. and Emma Earll to Charles J. Bfls, for the snm of $5,000 covers tne property conveyed in the above des cribed deed. A Correction. In the Journal's report of the fare well reception given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. FP S. Young last week, we unintentionally omitted to state that the same was tndered in honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snavely, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley. Mr. and Mrs. Snavely who have resided in this community for a number of years, have removed to a farm near Nehawka, and the reception was in tended as much for Mr. and Mrs. Snavely as for Mr. and Mrs. Wiley. It is injustice to all parties, and especially to Mrs. A. L. Baker and Mrs. McDonald who were the prime movers in getting up this pleasant af fair, that we make this correction. Mr. and Mrs. Snavely are highly es teemed by the citizens of Murray, and It was with deep regret that their leaving this community occurred, and everyone wishes them health and proseprlty in their new home.' We are very sorry the error occurred, as no injustice to any of the parties was Intended. Well Pleased in Lltei1y. L. F. Korhell from near Union, was in the city a couple of days this week looking after some business, and visiting with his many friends In and neur the county stiat. While hero he paid this office a brief call, Informing us that he is doing well down In Liberty, and likes his new home, but always enjoys a visit with his old friends here. Conrad Cend of Cedar Creek is anions those spending today In the city, eoniitiR in last evening to at tend to business. ilfll ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENP. AVeselabte Fr:pxi(ion&r,ls similaiinSi!icFooifan(!Rc5iili tingiiicSioiiiatlisandDwcIsi Ml ProraalcsDistionfliefrfuI ncss and lfcsf.Contalns nriitor OpiunuMorphinc nor Mineral KOT NARCOTIC. hoi' 1 Rcspkui SftJ" Jlx.Smna fivrmmt -lliCartmdtltdi ilirmSeril f mSrrf Slpr himitmtai Hunt. Aperfcct Remedy IbrConsRpa- non sour aroraacn.uiamiuta Worms jCoirvulsions JevcriSu ncss and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. yVj": 12 i 0XXiM.ii italic fftiti ai Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE ISSETS III E Are Charged With Disposing of Household Goods That Did Not Belong to Them. Andrew Brlssey and his wife were placed under arrest last Monday night just as they were about to leave the city for a trip to the south. The arrest was made at the M. P. station by Nlgbt Officers Trout and Young who were armed with war rants charging the couple with grand larceny and also , with obtaining money under false pretenses. The complaints against the parties were filed by Peter Claus, who had pur chased what purported to be the j household effects of the Brlssey's Monday afternoon. According to the story as told by Mr. Claus, he was approached by Mrs. Brlssey who wanted to sell him the furniture in the house which they were occupying. He examined the property and con cluded to purchase the same, offering tho couple $20 for it. This was ac cepted and the money was" paid over to them. Mr. Claus then loaded up the property and had it taken to his store. The bouse which the Brlssey's occupied was the property of an insane woman, who is now in the asylum at Lincoln, and the prop erty in the house was hers as well The woman is represented in this city by Attorney A. L. Tidd. At the time Mr. 'Claus was removing the furniture from the house, some of the neighbors living In the adjoining property noticed the matter and fin ally told him of their suspicions. He consulted Mr. Tidd and learned that the Brlssey's had no title to the goods they had sold him. He Im mediately concluded to take steps to protect himself and got into touch with County Attorney Ramsey with the result that a complaint was filed before Justice Archer. Immediately on selling the prop erty to Mr. Claus, Brlssey and his wife began preparations to leave the city and Intended to go south on the midnight M. P. train. They went to the depot with this idea in view and here they ran into the officers as out lined above. After the arrest the parties were brought down to the city where the woman and the child ren were , taken to the rooms of Dep uty Sheriff and Jailer Manspeaker and confined there while Bnasey was cast into jail. It was the intention to aralgn the parties today but Coun ty Attorney Ramsey was too busy In district court today to get to the matter and the case will have to go over until the present case on trial in the district courf Is disposed of. The complaint which is filed against the parties alleges the value of the goods which they Bold to be be ovpr $50 but it is not believed that proof of this can be established and it is probable the greatest amount which the goods will no valued at will not exceed $30. The goods sold had been stored In the house as the property of the insane woman, a Mrs. Tagg, and were distinctly ex empted from the property rented to Guaranteed under the aw For Infants and Children. Tlis Kind You Have Always Bought Bean For Over Thirty Years fo) 1U TMI OINTAVH COMPANY, H( TOHK OITV. the prisoners. The accused parties do not seem to realize the gravity of their offense and several who helped them move to the depot are of the opinion that the wife had very little to do with the case. All of the money which Claus advanced for tho goods with the exception of $1 was found on the person of the man and returned to Mr. Claus. The one dollar which was missing, Brlssey Btates he used to pay for hauling their trunks and bundles to the M. P. depot. . Gerroan Ht. Paul's Church. , Sunday school 9:30 a. m. . No service will be held next Sun day as the pastor has to preach In Talmage, Neb. Our passion service next week will be held on Friday evening at 8 o'clock instead of Wednesday. Teachers' meeting will be Thursday evening. Mrs. L. E. Schaulis is spending to day in Omaha, having gone to that city on the morning train. LfiPORT OF TflE CONDITION or THK Murray StaJe Devrvk Of Murray, Nebraska, Charter No. 678 Imtirporaled In the Stain of Nebraska, at tho ckwe of buslneHH February Ji 1W0. RE5H)CKCF.S l-nans and discounts (D5.7T1 ! Overdraft, wyurcdand unsecured... W6 Kt Ranking Iioumu. furniture and flxtumt 2.7U6 00 Current expeases and taxe paid l.MH 74 lu from national, Mtat and private bankand banlcrm 10.2.Vtff Checks and ltin of exchange A5 DO Currency 2,2000 Gold coin 4lO00 Silver, nickels and cents Mi 4 I3.5W IH Total J74.TW LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In.... IIO.OnD OA Purplus fund 00 I'milvlded profit 2,694 62 Individual deposits subject to check 49.07S 10 Demand certificates of deposit I. OKI 50 Time cert lllcates of deposit. . 4.b7N &O--5&.014 10 Notes and bills re-dLscounte d &00O 00 Total 74.70b72 Statiof Nibraska, I . County of Cass, f I. W. O. Hoedeker. cashier of the above named bank, do hereby swear that the above statement Is a correct and true copy of the report made to the fHte banking board. W. O. Hokpih cr. Cashbv. AMMf t(,,,As. C. Pahmbi.e. Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ULh day of February, lltiu. I). J. PrrvAK, . IksalJ Notary Public 5 the V: Mm Notlr f Sale. S IN THK COUNTY COUIIT OP CARS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the matter of the estate of Dabner T. Thacker, deceased. Notice Is hereby nlven that In pur suance of an order of Hon. Allen J. Heeson. county Judge of said Cass coun ty, made and entered on the 23rd day of February. 1910, for the sale of the per sonal estate beloniflnif to the estate of Dabner T. Thacker. deceased, as herein after described there will be sold at the south door of the court house at I'latts mouth, Nebraska, on the 15th day of March, 110. at 10 o'clock a. m to the hlRhest bidder for cash the following described personal property, to-wlt: One note of the principal sum of lri.000 signed by Walter A. Thacker and Iella Thacker, dated April 8, HON due in ten (10) years with interest at 5 per cent and secured by a mortgag on the southeast quarter of section 5, township 10, range 14, In Casg county, Nebarska, and lot 4, In section 4, town ship 10, range II, In Cass county, Ne braska, all containing 167.70 acres more or less; on said note Interest has been paid to the amount of IS7.r0. Four chnlrs, one rocking chair, one complete bed. one cream separator, har row, one pair of scales, one wagon, one stand, two cupboards, one post auger one carpet loom . One note of W. A. Thacker, In the principal sum of $72.50. dated March 7. 1908, and duo In one year with Inter est at 8 per cent: one note of W. A Tluicker In the principal sum of tlAO.OU (late.l February 8, 1S0.S, and due In one year with Interest nt 4 per cent. For the purpose or paving snlil debts i. charges ami expenses of snhl estate and' 1 fur tho purpose of converting sold ns- V seis into money ror distribution, It n necessary to sell the mime. ,KI sale will remain open one hour. l. li. Iwver, II . N. lovev Attorney Administrator. i x-e -