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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1910)
Nb- IIi,tr,ca, Soe be mouth OMwta SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION-EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXIX PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24, 1910 NO 0 3 TELL OF HER CHILD EXPERIENCES Qtl THE STAGE III THIS STATE Miss Alice Dovey in an Interview How it Feels to Be Sunday's Chicago Tribune contains a delightful interview with Miss Alice Dovey, the prima donna of Lew Fields' "Old Dutch," playing this week In Chicago. The Journal takes pelasme in printing this happy little Interview which is so characteristic of the little star. Miss Dovey is mak ing a great hit in her new role in Chicago as well as New York. Next week the play moves to St. Louis for a week after which the company goes to Kansas City. Owing to the in dependents not having a theatre in Omaha the announcement of her visit to that city was in error and Kansas City will be as close as Miss Dovey fan get to her old home. The loss of the Gayety or the Burwood to the Independents closed them out of the Omaha field as the other theatres are all controlled by the syndicate or trust. The Tribune's interview la as follows: "The Barnstorming Babies." This was the name under which, ot so many years ago, Alice Dovey, prima donna with Lew Fields, and her sister Ethel traveled through Ne braska, and with many a laugh at thought of "the old days" the former discussed her experience in the parlor ef the Bismark hotel, where she is stopping during the Chicago engage Kent. "We were always crazy to go on the stage the two of us," she said. "We made up our minds that we would, I am confident, before we were out of long clothes and we never swerved one iota from our determina tion. And we wanted to do the big things. No musical comedy or things ' of the kind for us. We wanted io play Romeo and Juliet and Ophelia and all the classic plays the two little snips of us! Why, our legs didn't look much bigger than toothpicks and Ihe rest of us was built accordingly. "Well, we studied with a teacher in Nebraska for a while and then we went to Europe with our grandmother and spent five years there studying dramatic art and singing. Mme. Cel lini used to rave over my voice and prophesy what a wonderful singer I was to become. At about that time, owever, my mother came after us and took us back to' Nebraska. "Nothing would do then but that she let us travel around through the little country towns and give per formances. Finally she agreed to this and we started out. We were Just like regular stars had an advance man and bills posted all over fences with our names on them and every thing. And how proud we were of it all. "I remember one day, as we were driving along a country road, a wo man and a little girl, evidently from some farm, passed us. The little girl was carrying a basket of berries. As she spied us she stopped so suddenly that she spilled all the fruit and call ed to her mother, who was a little distance behind her: TO THE GROUNDHOG There is No More Dependence to Be Placed in Him Than Other Weather Prophets The second predicted storm for last week arrived on time Saturday Ight, or rather early Sunday morn ing, when snow commenced falling and during the greater part of t..e morning the fleecy mantle continued o descend and by noon several in ches of snow lay over the landscape. In the afternoon the skies cleared and it was plcasnnt, although rather told. Last night was sharp and ciear and this morning thermometers In various parts of the city registered from 6 to 10 below zero. The high winds which were predicted for today fulled to materialize, much to the re lief of everybody. The papers this morning do not contain anything con cerning a bad storm and it seems to have disappeared without any mater ial damage. in the Chicago Tribune Tells a Child Actress. "O, maw, look quick. It's them play actor girls. "Well, maybe you think we weren't stuck up for about three days! To thing that we were even recognized on the highways as being actresses. It came near being too much." "Were you playing 'Romeo and Jul iet' at that time?" queried the visi tor. "Indeed, yes and Ophelia! I was Ophelia when that happened, and I guess everybody who attended the shows agreed I was without question the craziest Ophelia that they ever saw. "Nothing ever feazed us. One night we were playing in a theatre where the stage property was not all that it might be. In the balcony scene two men had to stand under the balcony and support it while I leaned over and did my part. But I didn't mind it a bit. "The people used to love to have us come to the towns and many times we would not be allowed to go to the hotels, but would be the guests of the best families. Then we had re ceptions given in our honor and all that. O, were you ever at a reception in a small town? No? Well, you've missed part of young lire. "The first one that was ever given for me was in linion, Neb., and I was so small that I had to stand on a piano to receive the guests. But I wasn't the least bit self-conscious. These people were interested in me because of my art, I knew, and, as my art was such a wonderful thing to me, I had no embarassment what ever in standing up as a representative- oficr At the present time Miss Dovey is not "much bigger than a minute, as some of her friends are fond of put ting it. Looking at her slight little figure one wonders where such a big voice can find room. She is pale and dark eyed and dark haired and ex ceedingly vivacious and interesting. She laughed when asked where she put her voice and answered: "Well, I am not conscious of hav ing it anywhere, but you make me think of what Mme. Cellini said to me one time when I visited her in after years. She said: " 'O, child, how you used to sing! How you used to sing with those lit tle legs of yours!' " In connection with Miss Dovey it is stated that she will appear next spring in another Lew Fields' produc tion which will be a musical review along the lines of "Follies of 1909," the name of which is not yet selected. In this company will also appear Miss Ethel Dovey and her husband Frede rick Truesdell. Rehearsals for the new production will commence im mediately following the close of the present tour of "Old Iutch" and continue the greater part of the sum mer so that the Misses Dovey and Mr. Truesdell will not have much time to spend the summer at home in this city. The predictions in the weekly fore cast of the weather bureau for the coming week, however, are not at all pleasing. For Nebraska the predic tion for today is fair In the east; snow in west portion Monday; colder in south portion; Tuesday, probably snow. The bureau further says: "Heavy overcoats and warm furs will be In demand all over the country during the present week. Unusually stormy and cold weather is the Indication In practically all of the districts from the Rockies to the Atlantic coast, and from the Rockies over the north Pacific states. A storm area tomorrow and Tues day will cross the central valleys, at tended by heavy snow In the north ern, rain or snow in the middle, and aln In the southern parts of the coun try. Clear, cold weather will follow the storm, overspreading the Missis sippi valley and the upper lakes Mon day. A Ffcond sforiii, also to be follow ed by a cold wave, will appear In the extreme west about Tuesday and cross the plains and central valley states Wednesday. Nice prospect, eh! Abas the ground ing! Krai Estate Transfers. Several mortgages and transfers were placed on record today in the office of Register of Deeds Snyder including a conveyance of the south half of the northwest quarter of sec tion 3, town 10, range 13 from C. M. and Sarah A. Whitehead to Jefferson D. .Cross for the consideration of T.000T. V, . , ., A mortgage deeds was. also filed from G, W., and. Llbble Walling to A." D. ' Wejton 'for', $768.60 covering wo-thirds interest of mortgage In lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 In West Greenwood. A mortgage deed was also filed by Wilhelmina and Aug. Bach to the First National bank of Plattsmouth for $500 covering tax lot 15, section 4, town 11, range 14, Plattsmouth. A warranty deed was filed by Carl 5. and Henrlette Jack covering the west half of the west half of the northeast quarter of section 18, and the east 28 acres of the northwest quarter of section 18, which is con veyed to Emery Clemens for the con sideration of $8,700. The C. B. & Q. Ry., also excuted a land contract to Andrew Hamlo of the southwest quarter of section 19, town 11, range 9. Funeral Held Here Yesterday Interment Made at Oak Hill The remains of the late Mrs. Thos. Hodgson arrived in this city yester day morning and were taken direct ly from the train to Oak Hill ceme tery where they were laid to rest bo side the husband of the deceased. There were no services held in this city save the burial service of the Episcopal church which was given at the cemetery by Canon Burgess. A daughter and her husband and a grand-daughter as well as several close personal friends accompanied the remains from Galesburg, 111., to this city. Deceased was xty-one years of age at the time of her death and was a native of England: She was mar ried to Thomas Hodgson in that coun try many years ago, and together they came to America,. locating in this city for several years where he was em ployed In the Burlington shops here. After several years here Mr. Hodgson was transferred to different points on the Burlington and eventually located at Galesburg, where they had a daughter living. Some nine years ago Thomas Hodgson died and his re mains were Interred In Oak Hill ceme tery at this place, A daughter was married in this city twenty years ago to W. C. Coates of Galesburg, 111., by Canon Burgess, the wedding taking place on the day following the death of a sister of the bride, all the ar rangements having been completed before her death. The daughter was buried at Oak Hill also. , Mrs. Hodgson will be recalled by numerous Plattsmouth people who knew her as a most lovable, christian woman who was an ideal wife and mother and the deepest sympathy goes out to the afflicted daughter. Narrow Escape. W. D. Jones last Saturday night had a narrow escape from very ser ious injury and possible deatn while engaged in sewing up a lecerated leg of a mare belonging to John Bee son. He was called to attend to the animal which was badly cut on one of the legs and was Just in the act of sewing up the injured member when the animal suddenly one of Its heels, striking Mr. Jones over the right eye and hurling him backward against the side of the stable. Very fortunately tho blow was delivered at close rango for the full force to be felt and nothing more than a bruis ed and lacerated temple was the re sult. The force of the blow, how ever, was such that he was thrown against the side of the barn with considerable force and sustained a badly bruised hip. He administered home remedies to tho several wounds and contusions and was able to be out of tho houue yesterday morning, although he did not feel as young and foxy as he might. Ha was thankful that the Injury was no worse, how ever, as It might have been a very serious one. The full force of the kick delivered at the spot where the animal landed the blow would havo resulted in death and it was a miracle that Mr. Jones was standing as close as he was and escaped so luckily. CELEBRATES II TY-FIRST BIRTHDAY The Event Was in the Shape of a Surprise to Mrs. Thomas South The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas South last Saturday even ing 'was the scene of a happy gather ing: when a arge number .of friends of Mrs. South, gathered .there and gave her a birthday, surprise party, the i occasion being her thirty-first birthday. The affair had been ar ranged by her husband quite un known to her and she was greatly surprised when the large party came trooping In on her. She speedily re covered herself possession and soon made her friends at home, the even ing being one of the most enjoyable they have ever put in. The pleasant features of such gath erings were much in evidence in cluding a number of fine musical sel ections, both vocal and Instrumental and, the playing of many games of various sorts. To cap the climax there was spread at a late hour, a table which was laden with all the delicacies of the season, the guests corajng prepared to enjoy a feast than which few better have ever been ser ved In the city. So. carefully had the supper fea ture been looked after that none left the'South residence but felt that they had been amply recompensed for their coming and when the hour came for the; merry party to break up there were none but had the deepest re gret so pheasant had the evening been. They depatred for tjheir homes after having extended their best wishes for the recurrence of many more anni versaries for their delightful hostess. Those attending included Messrs. and Mesdamcs B. C. Hyde, H. G. Van Horn, George Perry, Jacob Jones, Joshua Andrews, Henry Steinhauer, George Ward, W. M. Gravctt, Cath erine Lindsey, Mrs. Grace Nellgh, Mrs. Erall Lamborg, Mrs. Sarah Cole of 'Hamburg, la., Mrs. Sarah White of Hamburg, la., Misses Eva Ward, Ellen Lindsey, Esther Jones, Trua South, Mr. James Andrews, William Andrews, Sandy Andrews. An KHrt at the llimineNN. Myron E. Wheeler who has been reporting the Bllsh case for the Bur lington road, was compelled to come down to the city yesterday afternoon to extend some or the testimony and will remain to finish taking down of the testimony. He was accompanied by George Mechem, one of his ex pert stenographers and typewriters who transcribed the notes and return ed to Lincoln this morning. Mr. Wheeler, as is generally known, while a young man, is one of the oldest stenographers in the service in this country, having been in the businss for the past twenty-eight years. It is understood there Is only one other stenographer in the state exepeda his length of service. Mr. Wheeler has a very large establishment at Lin coln, employing a great many expert typists and stenographers and hand ling a vast amount of such work. His services are In constant demand and he is frequently called to all parts of the country on this business. The office which he maintains in Lincoln Is one of the most complete in the country and is equipped with all the modern devices for expediting busi ness. The notes taken down by Mr. .Wheeler are read by bim into a phonograph, a largo numoer of sylin ders being in constant use, the cylin ders being placed In the machines and reading the copy to the typists. In this manner a vast amount of testi mony can be transcribed in a very short time. Mr. Wheeler was born in this city and is well known to the older residents, he having left here many years ago, and they take a Just pride in the rise which he has made in his chosen profession and the dig nity which he has lent to the work. The work in the Bllsh case promises to be quite extensive and will form a voluminous record when It Is com pleted. John Mdslnger, one of the best of Cass county's citizens living near Ce dar Creek, was in the city Saturday afternoon and renewed his subscrip tion to the Semi-Weekly Journal. The Journal Is qulto proud of having such excellent citizens as Mr. Melsingcr on Its list and hopes to long continue to have the pleasure of carrying the news to him. Fresh fruits of all kinds at Ed. Mason's. Funeral of William Wohlfarth. The remains of the late William Wohlfarth arrived in the city this morning from New York City, hav ing been brought here for Interment by his brother Christian G. Wohlfarth and the latter's son Paul. Mr. Wohl farth died in New York City on last Monday, a message being sent his brother here. The funeral of the deceased will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) morning from the undertaking rooms of Mlcheal Hild on south Sixth street. Services will be held at Oak Hill cemetery by Rev. Steger of St. Paul's Evangelical church. Interment will be In Oak Hill. William Wohlfarth was born in Germany on November 23, 1853, and died in New York city on Feb. 12, 1910, at the age of 46 years, 2 months and 19 days. His early life was spent tn Germany where he grew up as a travelling salesman, being employed in that business for several years be fore coming to this country. He amlgrated to" America in the year 1879 and for a number of years, he travelled over America going as far west as San Francisco, and thence making his way back, stopping for some, time in Helena, Mont. At var ious places where he stopped he fol lowed his profession of book-keeper and accountant and in Nov. 1886, he came to this city where he took the position af book-keeper for his broth er Christinn, who had then taken over the business of Bauer & Wohlfarth, and who for several years ran a groc ery and queenware store in this city. Here he remained for some six or seven months when he again went east, eventually locating in New York city where for the past seven years he has been running a book store. He was a Blngle man of quiet, reserved tastes and a great lover of books. Deceased is survived by one broth er Christian of this city, and a sister living in Germany. Ills cousin, Wil liam Wohlfarth is also a resident of this city. The most sincere symapthy of a very large number of friends is extended to the sorrowing brother In his bereavement. . . Remove to Xenr Nehawka. John A. Doughty, one of the best citizens from the vicinity of Nehawka, Is in the city today, having driven up In company with one of his neighbors to assist Lincoln Denson In moving his household goods down to that section where Mr. Dcnson has taken work. While here Mr. Doughty call ed upon the Journal and renewed his ubscrlptlon to the Bcrai-weekly, some, thing which Is much appreciated by the publisher. Mr. Denson has ac cepted a Job with one of Mr. Dough ty's neighbors and the Journal has no hesitancy in stating that he is a mighty good man as his employer will find. In fact, this is a case where all parties are open to con gratulations as Mr. Denson secures a location among some mighty good people while they secure an excellent nighbor in Mr .Denson. Born on M. V. Train. Passengers on the Lincoln train on the Missouri Pacific Saturday evening were consldearbly Jolted up between Nehawka and Weeping Water. It is not unuBunl for them to be Jolted up on this road but this was not In the usual sense and is merely figuratively speaking. A family of Russian eml grants en route to Lincoln had an addition while the train was speed ing along, a baby being born to them. The people were named Henry Phillip and wife and were en route to rela, tlves named Johannes Schmal, living In Lincoln. The Lincoln police were notified of the birth of the child and had an ambulance waiting for the train as well as the city physician. The mother and child were taken in the ambulance to the Schmal home, none the worse for their unusual ex perience. Will locate in This City. Dr. Herman Grccder, at present employed as a government inspector of stock, located at Ames, la., has resigned his position and will locate In this city where he will practice his profession of veterinary surgeon. Dr. Greeder comes to this city very highly recommended as a veterinary and doubtless will provo a most ac ceptable addition to the professional men of the city. He has had a great denl of experience In veterinary work and is well qualified to cope with the most troublesomo complaints of the animal kingdom. He expects to move his family to this city about tho first of April, and will occupy the property of Thos. South in South Park. 'IS IIEl'JELL ENTERTAINS A Most Delightful Event for All Who Were Present. The Instructors of our city schols. as well as a number of young people. were entertained in a most delightful manner at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Newell on Saturday afternoon by their daughter Miss Ber nlce. When invited to the Newell home everyone always expects a fine time and expectations were fully rea lized in the entertainment of Satur day afternoon. For a time music, both vocal and instrumental, social conversation and the like were thor oughly enjoyed. Previous to the ar rival of the guests, advertlsemnts had been pinned on the walls of the var ious rooms and during the afternoon pencils and paper were distributed and the guests requested to guess what was being advertised. Five suc ceeded in guessing the same number and in the cut for the prize, Miss Pearl Staats was awarded the first prize and Miss Hawksworth carried off the booby prize. Following this contest, each guest was requested to write a few lines of poetry and in this most arduous task, Misses Howard, Johnston and Hawksworth were win ners but Miss Howard received tho prize. Small tables were then placed In the parlors, at which the guesu were seated, four at each table, their places at these tables being marked by dainty little place cards. A most elegant dinner was then served, Miss Bernlce being assisted by Miss Bertha Rlchoy and Mrs. Newell. After the tables had been removed an hour or so was most enjoyably spent In danc ing th Virginia Reel, after which the guests departed for their homes in debted to the hostess for the delight ful evening spent. Those who enjoyed Miss Newell's hospitality on this occasion were Miss es Nettle Hawksworth, Pearl Staats. Alma Larson, Alice Johnston Elva Douglass of Bessett, Neb., Amelia and Henrietta Marten, Claire and Hazel ovey, Homing, Shlpman, Verna Cole, Marthnt Goehry, Mabel Davis, Gladys Sullivan, Cnrriu Greenwald, Pearl Nicholas, Genevieve Howard, Mar garet Hodgert Helen Travis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gamble and Mr. B. L. Harrison. Recommend Preparation. George W. Snyder, t'ue well knowir horse and cattle man ot the precinct,, was in the Journal office Saturday and took occasion to say that he 1 shaking, hands with himself over the good work which W. D. Jones did for him last week when he had a mare which was Bick with kidney trouble. The mare became affected cn Tuesday night last and for a while he thought he was going to lose her. He tele phoned Mr. Jones In this city and the latter ordered him to use several bottles of a medicine which Mr. Jones sells for such troubles on the animal and relieve her until such a time as he could get out there. Mr. Snyder has always made it a point to keep this medicine in the nouse, aavlngr learned from past expc.-iotl-e in at it was Invaluable for animal troubles and he took one bottle and gave It to the animal. It apparently did not do much good and he telephoned Mr. Jones who told him to give here an other which he did. Mr. Jones ar rived on the scene shortly afterwards and gave the animal s6me more but It was along In the afternoon before the medicine took effect when the animal became easier and eventually recovered. The use of this medicine obviated the use of instruments and Mr. Snyder is more than pleased over the outcome. He is loud In praise of this remedy which Is manufactured by Mr. Jones who has It for sale. It can also be obtained at F. O. Frlcke's and Mr. Snyder advises all farmers having animals worth keep ing to lay in a 8tofc of It. By the use of it this one time Mr. Snyder feels that he is ahead one $250 mare. Claus Boetal departed this morning for Omaha where he has taken a posi tion with the Standard Oil company as a wagon driver. Mr. Boeial has lived In this city for many years, In fact, nil his life and is an energetic hard worker, lie is a young man who does not know what it is to get tired and he will give his new eployers the best of service. His family will fol low later to his new home and the best wishes of his many friends g with him.