The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1910, Image 7

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    The .Avoca Department
louse TqEio Uatar
News Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
I i '
Silverware, watches and clocks at
Samuel Johnson was at Walton this
week. '
John Neumester was at Omaha on
Tuesday. "
J. B. Frey was here from Talmage
BenJ. Betts was a Syracuse visitor
this week.
Better buy that popular song or
music at Copes'.
Geo. Frey of Berlin was a business
visitor Monday.
"Miss May Bogard was at. Weeping
Water Tuesday.
Mrs. R. Trook' has been on the
sick list this week.
Dr. J. W. Brendel and wife were
at Omaha Tuesday.
Carlos Durham was a visitor in this
city Tuesday evening.
Browns Tennessee Minstrels at the
town hall February 26th.
John Gollner was over from Palm
yra the first of the week.
Mrs. B. C. Marquardt was at Lin
coIh several days this week.
Dr. B. F. Brendel was over from
Murray the first of the week.
L. J. Marquardt and wife were at
Omaha the first of the week.
H. M. Marquardt and Herman Cat
lau were at Union Sunday.
Miss Lane of Berlin was the guest
of Miss Lydla Benecke Monday.
Chris Nutzman and wife of Bert
rand are visiting Avoca relatives.
Ell Lunday and wife are spending
the week with relatives at Douglas.
The Misses Hensley of Berlin were
visiting at the Oxford hotel Monday.
Ora E. Copes and Theron Malcolm
were Omaha business visitors Tues
Some people sit and let opportuni
ties pass and then complain that the
ether fellow is making money. Op
portunities are presenting themselves
more at present than they have in tle
past at least more people are seeing
thorn. The demand for $150.00 an
acre land Is diminishing and the de
mand for cheaper land is Increasing.
Homesteads are getting more
scarce. The U. S. Land office open
ed practically their last desirable
land for homestead entry when they
threw open last October, tftH Chey
enne and Standing Rock Tran re
servation in South Dakota. What is
the younger generation of our coun
try to do wait for what their fath
er's own, when there are probably
several to be reckoned in the divis
ion? Cheaper land will pay bigger profit
and more interest on the investment
and raise in comparison more than,
the $150.00 land. Do not drag your
life out on 40 acres of land worth
$150.00 to $200.00 per acre when it
will not produce enough to pay in
terest on the Investment and hardly
a living.
Foneral Tomorrow.
The funeral of the late Edwin R.
Todd will take place tomorroy (Fri
day) afternoon from the Christian
church in this city at 1:30 p. m. The
casket will be open at the home of
Sol Adamson until noon on Friday
morning for those who desire to take
a last look at their beloved friend.
The services at the church will be
conducted by Rev. Luther Moore.
Do you know that croup can be
prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the croupy cough
appears and it will prevent the at
tack. It is also a certain cure for
rronp and has never been known to
fall. Sold by all dealers.
I have the reputation of
being a good man to
sharpen your horse shoes
for icy roads; but the
are better they wear
longer and are always
sharp; so I must recom
mend them even though
I don't make much out of
it. I can't afford to be
old-fashioned at the ex
pense of my good custom
ers. Rowe Calks save
you, your horse and your
money. They can be
easily taken out and sofl-
road ' Blunt Calks" put in when a thaw comes, thus
saving the Steel-Center Calks and still assuring a good
climbing power. pm.r.,-.j .
R. C. BAILEY, Agent, 4 1-2 miles west and one
one mile south of Murray.
Mrs. Samuel Johnson spent sev
eral days this week with Lincoln rela
tives. The dance at the town hall Mon
day evening was attended by a large
Mr. Kaufman, formerly a resident
of Avoca, died at his home in Lin
coln last week.
Attend the Old Maid's convention
Friday night. You will be entertain
ed. Don't miss it.
W. I. Smoots and Carl Schroeder
were at Weeping Water Friday even
ing attending lodge.
Miss Bidie Fahnestock returned the
first of the week from a visit with
Kansas City relatives. ..
Edward Morley sold his fine team
of horses this week, receiving four
hundred dollars for them.
John True received the sad news
the first of the week that his mother
who resides in Kansas was dead.
. Asa Johnson held a public sale
Tuesday. A large crowd was present
and everything sold at a good price.
- Come to the Odd Fellows meeting
at the Congregational church next
Thursday at 2.30. Remember every
one is invited.
The "Blues" of the Christian Sun
day school contest, will give their
program at the town hall . Tuesday
evening, February 22. A cordial (in
vitation Is extended to all.
The Odd Fellows district meeting
will be held at Avoca on Thursday,
February 24 th. The afternoon ses
sion will be held at the Congregation
al church at 2:30. Rev. P. M. Orr
of Lincoln will deliver the address.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Ceorge Bruchoeber will move
Oklahoma some time next week.
The Capwell family loaded their
household goods yesterday and will
oon be full fledged residents of South
Ernest Backemeyer of Mullen, Neb.,
came in Monday evening for a short
visit with his parents, Rev. and Mrs.
F. Backemeyer and sister, Mrs. H. H.
Louis Jensen quits the farm on ac
count of 111 health, and it Is not now
known what he will do or where he
will locate, but the hearty good wish
es of a host of friends will attend him
and his family in their new field of
Home From I'vtoiiili-d Visit.
Mrs. E. E. Go dwin and son Robt.
Propst returned home this morning
fiom a four weeks visit with relatives
and friends In various towns in Iowa
and Illinois. While the trip had
many pleasures connected with it,
there was one that was filled to the
j brim with sorrow, that being the
j death of Mrs. Goodwin's sister, Mrs.
Amelia Orndorf of Long Grove, la.,
who died about the first of the pres
ent month, at whoso home the two
old ladles had laid plans for such a
pleasant visit, and they had planned
to return to Cass county for the sum
mer at the home of Mrs. Goodwin.
High Hogs.
E. J. Mougey one of the Journal's
staunch friends from near Union, was
in the city a few hours last evening
en route home from Omaha, where he
had been with a car load of hogs.
While in the city Mr. Mougey paid
the Journal office a brief call and in
conversation with him he tells us
that he met with a good market, re
ceiving $8.75 for bis porkers.
if ri r
P (n) P
3 vJ II
A. D. S, Druggist
Team Han Away.
The fine large team of McMaken &
Son yesterday afternoon indulged, in
a runaway which might have had
disastrous results to the animals but
for the rarest good fortune. They
broke from the hitching rack in front
of the office of McMaken & Sons on
south Sixth street and made a lively
run up Chicago avenuo until they
came to the homo of Mrs. Agnes
Chapman where one of the animals
then the other fell. The one falling
first was dragged quite a ways. A. II.
Koubek and a number of other citi
zens in the neighborhood at the time
saw the team fall and hurried to
them. Mr. Joe McMaken came up a
little later and had quite a Btruggle
with one of the animals berore it was
gotten on Its feet uninjured. By the
greatest good fortune there were no
serious damage done either of the
animals, although for a few moments
ft looked as if at least one would be
bndly crippled.
A few minutes delay in treating
some cases of croup, even the length
of time it takes to go for a doctor
aften proves dangerous. The safest
way is to keep Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy in the house, and at the first
indication of croup give the child a
dose. Pleasant to take and always
cures. Sold by all dealers.
Delightful Visit.
Robt. Propst and mother who have
been spending several weeks at their
old home near Dubuque, la., return
ed to their homo at Mynard this
morning, coming via Omaha. They
had a delightful visit, especially the
aged lady, who found quite a num
ber of good friends and relatives
still living near the old home. Al
though they had some severe weather
during the time they were away, they
did not let that interfere with them
and their friends made them forget
all about It. Both are looking fine
after their trip and seem to have im
proved wonderfully during their vaca
tion. Despite all this they were glad
to once more get back to Nebraska
soil and meet their good friends in
this neighborhood.
Soothes itching skin. Heals cuts or
burns without a scar. Cures piles,
eczema, salt rheum, any itching.
Doan's Ointment. Your druggist sells
'rha o t
-Lilt. J-fUllUilJ OCdsUII
1191 I
will soon be open. With ;;
a little more favorable ;;
weather, we will start the
t sound of hammers and t
t trowels. I am, as usual t
V 1 1i J . i T
picyaiu unustanu reaay t
v i i a. r- .it i i t
iu Luuirutt lor an Kinds
of work, pertaining build- ;;
,ings of all classes.
Thanking the people ;;
of this city and county ;;
for past patronage, we
again ask at your hand '
t an opportunity ior esti
mating your work. Re
liable and up-to-date es-
t timate guaranteed at all
4. times backed by lorty t
. .... .
4. years oi experience in
t many states. Strict at-
j- iciuion anti prompt re- t
X SDonceto all business in.
trusted to us.
Very Respectfully,
stagnant .water to collect
Perfect plumbing in a house often means perfect
health to the household, and inferior plumbing may
mean sickness and worse. Let us have the fixing
of your household plumbing, and we will guarantee
to save a lot of your annual doctor bills.
"Honest work at an honest price" is our motto
S Hardware Heating Plumbing
Knights and Ladies of Security
Plan Big Time Monday
Arrangements are being made for
a grand observance on next Monday
evening, February 21, of the four
teenth anniversary of the founding of
the local council of the Knights and
I Ladies of Security and a fine program
Is being prepared for the occasion,
j The program will consist of music,
, oratory and all the enjoyable things
whicli such an occasion calls forth.
mere win he a number or prominent
visitors present from abroad Includ
ing Mrs. Clarke, the national con
ductor of the order and Hon. John A.
Dempster and wife who were so in
strumental in the organization of the
local council. Mr. Dempster Is now
'one of the most prominent Insurance
men of the west and his views on
insurance subjects are fii great de
mand. He will deliver an nddrcss
which will be of great Interest to all
whether members of fraternal Insur
ance orders or not. In addition ar
rangements have been perfected for
a very enjoyable time for all who
attend and the program has been so
nrranged that there will bp something
for everyone to enjoy.
The growth of the Knights and
Ladles of Security since the founding
of the council In this city has been
little short of marvelous and all In
dication point to a continuance of
their wonderful prosperity. In 1896
when the local council was formed
the order had a membership of 10,
000. It's reserve fund at that time
was about $25,000. Today the mem
bership of the order hovers around
the 100,000 mark while the reserve
has grown to the sum of $1,500,000.
The reserve fund which is now being
adopted by nearly every fraternal
order in the country as the base of
strength, was first called into active
use by the Knight and Ladles of
Security. They originated the idea
that a fraternal insurance organiza
tion should have a reserve financial
strength sufficient to Insure Its sound
ness and this Idea has spread and
grown until now this Is recognized as
the only Bound principal upon which
such an order Bhould be founded.
The growth and strength of the
order Is well reflected In the local
council which has steadily grown In
membership In this city and which
has strengthened its financial stand
ing until it is one of the strongest
if not the strongest fraternal order
In the city. The membership Is com
posed as the name would indicate, of
both gentlemen and ladles and much
of the success which has attended It,
has been due to the work of the
latter who have ever taken a deep
Interest In its success. Their good
work will bo in evidence Monday
evening when the excellent program
which has been prepared will bo rend
ered. If troubled with indigestion, con
stipation, no appetite or feel bilious,
give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv
er Tablets a trial and you will bo
pleased with tho result. These tab
lots Invigorate the stomach and liver
and strengthen the digestion. Sold by
all dealers.
Ben Horning, one of the good citi
zens from Just south of tho city,
spent tho morning here attending to
business matters.
Feel languid, weak, run-down?
Headache? Stomach "off?" Just a
plain case of la.y liver. Burdock
Blood Bitters tones liver and stomach,
romutcs digestion, purifies the blood.
But we don't not in
we claim to do the most thorough, perfect, clean
and satisfactory Plumbing . work of any concern ,
in the town, and we back up our assertion b
proving it. Every bath room should be fitted with
a perfect sanitary system of piping and drainage.
There should be but little .-h-,
in bowl, tran nr rlhm.
ii rem? x ; n i . r.
im il f I 1T11TTT
1. 1 i III If I
" 11 1
xvjm "w,
SICKNESS may come to you, but if you have
money in the bank you'll be sure to be taken care
of; because you can then take care of yourself.
We will pay you"3 per cent interest on the
money you put in our bank and compound tho" in
terest every twelve months.
While it Is often Impossible to pre
vent an accident, it Is never impos
sible to be prepared it is not beyond
any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a
bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and
you are prepared for sprains, bruises
and like Injuries. Sold by all denlers.
Mrs. Troop was among those go
ing to Omaha yesterday afternoon,
where she will visit her brother, I
H. Young at tho hospital there. Mr.
Young continues to get along nicely
and will doubtless soon be In shape
to bo taken to his home at Nehawka,
something which his many friends
will be glad to learn.
J. YV. Larkin spent yesterday after
noon in Omaha, going there to look
after business.
You den't nctd a Dark
Room the Kokak Way. It
isn't a kodak if it isn't an
Eastman. Our store is the
only .place in town where you"can buy a kodak or kodak
supplies. Come and see them.
the Plumbing business.
' IK - ,' I I
1 YoirAM- '
WULf !
Irle Awarih'd.
Secretary Wescott of the commer
cial ciuu yesterday afternoon made
the official announcement of the win
ners of the prizes offered for the
largest number of button sales for
the Irving lecture, at the high school.
Out of fifteen pri.eH awarded, twelve
of them went to members of the
high school and the remainder went
to the pupils In the central building,
making all of them awarded to school
pupils. This is highly flattering
showing for the pupils and reveals the
fact that there was a lot of rustling
done. Mr. Wescott in awarding the
prizes congratulated the pupils upon
their excellent showicg and remarked
that their good work would come
back in increased benefits to th