The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 17, 1910, Image 6

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    Hani H. Young, Olga Minford, Clara
Copohaver, Marie Dorris, Verna
Hat.hett, Loretta Carroll, Miss Paul
'ay DepaEimeni
ine Oldham, Margaret Conner, Peari
Lewis. Louisa Virgin, C. M. Read,
Klla Virgin, Wayne Lewis, Fraak
Rearh, Llcyd Lewis, Ie Kniss.
' any of the remkrs of the Journal kiww of a noHal emit or an item of interest
Wt vant all item (if interest. Editor Journal.) '
And you are always in debt. It doesn't pay to be behind
in money matters any more than in anything else.
A Checking Account will aid you in keeping affairs straight;
it will be the means to put you ahead in life's game.
If you are not familiar with the fidvantages, we'll be glud
to explain how it will benefit your personal business.
Murray State B
Dr. J. T. Brendel was an Omaha
visitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young were
guests of William Oliver over Sun
day. He sure and hear the music at the
piny Saturday night at the Christian
Robert, the oldest son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Troop, I quite sick
with pneumonia.
Albert Young departed Friday for
Capa, S. 1)., where ho will probably
make bis future home.
J. A. Walker Is still rcndned to his
room, but reports come from his bed.
side that be la Improving,
"The Ralubow Klmona" Is a play
wcrth seeing, and It only costs 2."
cents to see It. Take the whole fam
ily. Miss Clara Young came home Fif
day morning to see her brother Al
bert, before he departed for South
Mr. and Mrs. J. II Fai ls entertained
T)r, 13. F. Brendel and wife, Dr. Jake
Drendel and wife and Miss Bessie
1 1 re n del at dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Shera and Mrs. Keenan of
Omaha, mother and sister of Mrs. J.
W. Holmes, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs, Holmes for a few days.
' Tbo baby, of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Mild, living In Might Mllo Grove, re
ceived n severe burn on the arm Mon
day by upsetting a cup of hot coffee
on It.
Enoch Norland's home has been
gladdened by a new baby, born last
Monday. We suppone the new arrival
Is a boy, as Enoch has been stepping
Mry high ever since It came.
For "2 cents you can see "Tbo
Rainbow Kimonii" at the Christian
church Saturday night. That Is uot
much to see our own dear girls play
I heir parts. Be sure and attend.
'The Rainbow Klmona" Is played
by tin r own girls, ami everyone Khould j
turn out and see how well they per
froni their parts. 25 cents Is mt
much for ft Jiomo entertainment.
Mrs. Adda Parks of riattsniouth,
was an attendant at the dinner
given In honor of Mr. and Mrs. War
ten Wiley, nt the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. S. Young Wednesday.
Lee Oldham and W. D. Wheeler,
who attended the Democratic banquet
at Lincoln Monday night, returned
home on tho noon train Tuesday, very
much enthused over the prospects for
Mrs. S. O. Pitman returned home
from Plattsmouth Saturday morning,
where sho has been under the doctor's
care for over two weeks. Since which
time Sam has worm a smile of con
tentment on bis countenance. Mrs.
Pitman is also glad to get homo.
The kenslngton entertained the
other day at the home of Mrs. F. M.
Young, Sr., for her daughter, Mrs.
Warren Wiley, who will make her fu
ture home at Plulnvlew, Neb. Mrs.
Wiley Is a member of tho kenslng
ton and the demonstration was sim
ply to show the esteem In which this
excellent lady was held by the society.
On this occasion Mrs. Wiley was pre
sented with a sourvenlr spoon. It
Is with deep regret that the kenslng
ton loses Mis. Wiley from Its soclul
Mrs. C. Pengen Is numbered among
the sick ,
Mrs. Dan Lloyd continues to Im
prove somewhat.
Charles Reeves near Union is quite
sick at this writing.
Mr. and Mrs! Will Sporer were Om
aha visitors Monday.
Warren Wiley was a business visi
tor In Plattsmouth Thursday.
Reports are to the efToct that Un
cle George Shrader Is improving.
W. 11. Virgin was a Nehawka visi
tor Monday, returning Tuesday evenl
it... i . i
Auams nas been very
lck the past week, but Is mending
Dade Rake's little daughter, and
his niother-ln-law, Mrs. SIgman, are
both quite sick.
Don't fail to see "The Rainbow
Klmona" at the Christian church on
Saturday night.
Miss Margie Walker went to Ne
hawka Wednesday morning to visit
her brother, Dr. Walker.
The bnnd boys are holding regular
meetings again, very much to the
satisfaction of the people of Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hrown enter
tained at dinner last Thursday Mrs.
Mont Robb ami her daughter, MIs
(iussie, of Wyoming.
Mrs. Ray Davis, Mrs Frank Rho
en, Mrs. Hob Kendall and Mrs. Frank
Young, Sr., have been numbered with
the sick the past week.
George Nickels and his father, Wil
liam Nickels, returned from Kansas
City Sunday where they had been
looking after some business matters.
Mrs. Hattle Davis and daughter
Miss Marie, visited her uncle, Mr. Luo
Young at St. Joseph's hospital In Om
aha Monday. They report. Mr. Young
as getting along fairly well.
The Ladles' Aid society of the
Christian church will give a Martha
Washington social at the church on
February 22, which promises to
most Interesting event, as the ladies
or this society never fall in such oc
casions, i
Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Rhoden, Miss
Conner and Miss Lewis were the
guests of H. C. Long and family Sun
day. One is always glad when they
have an opportunity to partake of
Mrs. Long's dinners. It does one's
soul good to visit at the Long home.
Mr. A. M. Holmes Is making a visit
In the northern part of the state,
where he went to attend tho wedding
of a nelee. He will be Joined by his
son Roy, of Chicago, at Davenport,
Neb., where the marriage Is to occur,
who will accompany his father on
his return home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kelsey arrived
Tuesday evening and Mrs. Kelsey will
remain with tho family of her brother-in-law,
II. C. Long, while Mr. Kel
sey goes to Faragut, Iowa, near which
place he recently purchased a quarter
section of land at $135 per acre.
When he gets matters arranged satis
factory, Mrs. Kelsey will follow him
to their futuro home.
Fine white Plymouth Rock roost
ers for sale at vo cents and $1 each.
Mrs. II. C. Long,
2tw Murray, Neb.
in, this vicinity und vill mail tame to thin
Wedding Anniversary.
Last Monday was St. Valentine's
day. It Wb2 also the 16th wedding
anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. V. S.
Smith. At the hour when this ex
cellent couple were the least expect
ing company. In stepped a lot of In
vaders and took complte charge of
the household. And not only this but
they came loaded down with bask
ets of provisions, evidence sufficient
that they Intended to remain for some
time. The invaders in some way kept
their object a secret from Mr. and
Mrs. Smith, and their visit was a
complete surprise to them. The even
ing was spent in various amusements,
the principal feature was a marriage
ceremony to remind this happy couple
of the same performance sixteen
years ago. Ora Davis acted as mast
er of ceremonies on this occasion,
among which was the presentation of
a fine silver spoon which Mr. Davis
stated was to remind this worthy cou
ple of their "spooning days of six
teen years ago." It was a pleasant oc
casion to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, as it
was for all present. At the proper
hour the ladies accompanying the In
vaders took charge and loaded down
the table with choice vlans brought
for the occasion. The Invaders were:
Mr. and Mesdames O. A. Davis, S. O.
Pitman, 0. M. Minford, Dr. G. II.
Gllmore, J. W. Holmes, Mrs.. Adda
Stokes, Mrs. James Keenan, Omaha,
Misses Pauline and Fay Oldham,
Margie Walker, Mattie MInnear, Isa
bella Young, Ida Boedeker, Olga and
Will Minford. When the hour of
going home arrived, it was with con
siderable regret, as all agreed that
It was one of the happiest events of
their lives. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were
In their happiest glee, and felt great
ly honored for this invasion of their
friends. May they live to enjoy many
more such surprises Is the wish of
all their friends.
Llcgnntly Lutei tallied.
Last Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Brown at their hospitable home,
two and a half miles southwest of
Murray, entertained in honor of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Farrls, Mr.
and Mrs. John Spangler and Mr.
and Mrs. C. Whitehead, who are
about to depart for their new
homes. The rooms were nicely de
corated with nearts, and "Progressive
Travel" was the order of amusement
for the evening. After the guests be
came tired of "traveling," and Mr.
and Mrs. Ost had won first prize,
while Mr,. Harry Todd captured tlie
booby prize, they were asked to par
take of an elegant two-course lunch
Before departing for their varioua
homes, the guests fn honor were
wished success and prosperity In Jiheir
new homes, and all present were
grent In their praise of the host and
hostess. This community deeply re
gret the removal of such splendid
people, as they have shown them
selves to be citizens of the highest
A iicer Accident.
While returning home from Platts
mouth last Monday evening. Homer
Shrader nut with a queer accident
to one of his fine mules. He was
driving along the road when one of
the mules struck a deep wagon rut
with his left fore foot, and before he
could raise it, the loft bind foot came
forward nnd slid right under the fast
ened foot. It caused hard work for
over nn hour to extricate eitherfoot.
and when It was done It was thought
the front leg of the mule was broken.
A veterinary from Weeping Water,
who was In the neighborhood Inspect
ing cattle, was cnlled, and upon ex
amination declared the leg was badly
bruised, and with proper care would
recover. The mulo cost Mr. Shrader
-250.00 only a few days previous.
Fine Farm Sold,
Creed Harris sold his farm last
Monday at $140.00 per acre to Iowa
parties. It Is what Is known as the
William Elkenberry place, 5 miles
from Murray and 4 miles from Union,
and Is recognized as one of the best
Improved farms In that section of the
county. Slnco selling this farm he has
disposed of 39 acres adjoining the
farm on tho north to David Murray
for $125.00 per acre, making a total
of $21,700 for the $160 acres. Creed
Harris came to Cass county a number
of years ago a poor boy, and worked
on different farms and by his energy
and vim has made good In every way.
Good for Creed.
"The Rainbow Kimono" at the.
Christian church, Saturday night,
February 19.
office it mil appear uwkr tfiis heading
Friends Gather at the Home
F. M. Young, Jr., and are
Royally Entertained.
One of the most pleasant enter
tainments held In the county for
some time, was the surprise farewell
dinner tendered Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Younsr. Jr.. and family vesterdav. at
their cozy country home, one mIle
west and five miles south of this
city. When the 58 guests came in on
Mr. and Mrs. Young, they were com
pletely surprised but soon recovered
and entertained tHem in a most de
lightful manner. The occasion was in
the nature of a farewell, as this
most estimable family expect to re
move from this county to Minnesota
soon, where they will make their fu
ture home, and it may be said that
the entertainment of yesterday was
all that a most hositable mind and
expert culinary ability could devise.
A dinner such as is served, only in
a Nebraska farm home, was spread at
the noon hour to which all did ample
Justice and which elicited many com
pliments. The daintiest dishes the
larder could afford were most tempt
ingly served and were likewise great
ly enjoyed. The afternoon was devot
ed to social conversation, the review
ing of the good times the guests had
spent together and Just previous to
the close of this most delightful en
tertainment the entire company re
paired out of doors where a picture
of the group was taken. Finally the
farewells were said and those for
tunate enough to be present voted
that for down-right enjoyment, this
occasion was one of the very, best it
was ever their good fortune to parti
cipate In, the only thing to detract
from the Joyousness of the day be
ing the thought that Mr. Young and
family were soon to move away.
. Good f arm for Sale.
163 acre farm for sale, good im
provements, six miles south of Platts
mouth, and three miles northeast of
Murray. For particulars see or write
D. A. Young,
Plattsmouth, Neb., R. F. D.
All those who are Indebted to me
would do a great favor If they would
call and settle their accounts with
me at once, as I have obligations to
meet. Also blacksmith accounts of
William Loughrldge. Wishing you
all a prosperous new year,
Respectfully ; ours,
tf James Louehridee.
S-WKMUI Deuce.
The Murray Dancing club will give
another one of their pleasant dances
at the Jenkins hall In Murray on Sat
urday evening, February 19th. The
music will be furnished by the ever
popular Jacob's orchestra of Omaha.
Mako it a date now to attend this ball,
you will not regret it.
Miss Ina Davis came up from Un
on last evening for a few days visit
'vilh friends.
I Smoking Meat
Wright's Condensed Smoke
(made from hickory wood)
1 75c Per Bottle
Enough to smoke 300 pounds.
Tlie Rexall Store
Druggists and Expert Pill Mixers.
Plattsmouth Thone 18G
Rell Thone 63
Farewell Reception Tendered
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wiley
Who Move to Plainview
It was the pleasure of the Journal
scribe to attend another most en
joyable event In Murray on Wednes
day, February 13, 1910. The occa
sion being given In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Wiley, two of this vicin
ity's most worthy and popular young
people, who will make their future
home near Plainview, Neb. It was
at first Intended to hold the affair in
the Christian church, but after due
consideration it was concluded best
to hold the entertainment at the ele
gant home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F.
Young, Sr., the parents of Mrs. Wiley.
The reception was managed by Mes
dames A. L. Baker and Myra Mc-
- Donald' and the termination of the
Pleasant vent fully denotes that these
ladles done their part of the work
with completeness and dispatch, for
which they are entitled to great cred
it. The dinner was somewhat arranged
on the picnic order, and basket after
basket of eatables of all kinds were
brought In by the ladies who partlcl
pated, and several tables arranged
upon which these were placed. Chick
en, pork, beef, ham, cakes", pies and
fine home-made bread were greatly in
evidence. Besides canned fruits, pre
serves, jellies, salads, mashed pota
toes, were in profusion, and It ap
peared to us that after the large
number present had partaken to their
heart's content, there was enough
left to feed as many more. The writ
er enjoyed the dinner because It was
if the kind that just suited, and from
the way Dave Young, the Drs. Bren
del, Charley Carroll, and the other
boys went after the good things, they
enjoyed the many toothsome vlandes
fully as well as we relished everything
placed In front of us.
The rooms at the fine home of our
dear, good old friends, Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. Young, Sr., were tastely ar
ranged for the happy throng and both
were kept busy In seeing that all felt
at home while under their hospitable
roof. Their daughter, Miss Isabella,
was busy all this time, also, in look
lng after the younger set, and we can
say that she performed her part to
perfection. Being one of those young
ladles with a Joyous and happy dis
position, she made everyone around
her feel the touch of the same spirit.
Miss Isabella was ably assisted In
entertaining by Miss Bessie Brendel,
who also possesses the spirit of mak
ing everyone happy on occasions of
this character. And these young
ladles, In connection with Mesdames
Baker and McDonald were alert in
making all present feel that it was
really good to be there.
After all had partaken of the many
good things spread before them, the
afternoon was spent in social conver
sation, lntespersed with some very
choice piano selections by Mrs. Rex
Young and Miss Isabella, which
was attended at intervals by
some excellent vocal pieces by others
present. Miss Pauline Oldham, who
Is well known for her splendid elo
cutionary attainments, also entertain
ed the guests with several very in
teresting selections.
It was a late hour in the afternoon
when adjournment was taken, and
all bid Mr. and Mrs. Wiley an af
fectionate farewell, with the assur
ance that they will live happy in their
new borne and that prosperity will
always attend them. They were both
born and reared In Cass county, and
this demonstration in their honor is
but an indication of the esteem In
w hich these young people are held by
the community at large. The assem
bled guests also demonstrated their
appreciation to Mr and Mrs. Young
for the elegant manner In which they
were entertained at their home, and
when all departed It was with happy
hearts and bright smiles, knowing
full well that they had spent one of
the happiest days of tneir lives.
Those who were present to enjoy
this happy event were: Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Ken
nedy, Mrs. I. S. White, Mrs. William
Gilmour, C. E. Carroll, Col. M. A.
Bates, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young,
Sr., Mrs. D. C. Rhoden, Mr. and Mrs.
G. M. Minford, Mrs. Joanna Baxter.
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Mrs. Old
ham, Mr. and Mrs. William Rice, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Spangler, Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Fleming, Mr. and Mrs.
Rex Young, Miss Bessie Brendel, Mrs.
William Sporer, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff
Brendel, Mrs. Everett Thomason, Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Brendel, Ruth Thoma
son, Leola Vallery, Mrs. W. II. Mc-
Danlel, Verna and William McDanlel,
Lloyd Gapen, Esther Rice, Mrs. A. L.
Baker, Mrs. Mlra McDonald, Mrs.
Catherine Gapen, Mrs. Charles Car
roll, luabolla Young, Mrs. C. M. Read,
Miss Rose Read,, Miss Helen Read,
Mrs. G. II. Tark, Messrs. WUIa and
Mary Park, J. Vnnean Leonard. WIl-
"i in1
ki nt
Saturday Eve. Feb. 19
Christian Church. Murray
A fine two-act play rendered by the
Young Ladles composing the "Sun
shine Band" of the Christian Church.
Nellie VanTassel, the president of '
of the Rainbow Klmona Society.
Isabella Young
Ruth Ashton, the vice president..
Lela Vallery
Alice Marion, the treasurer
Ruth Thompson
Isabel Sutro, the secrtary
Grace Porter
Beatrice Courtney, the class poet.
Olga Minford
Olive Mercer, president of the bas
ket ball team Loretta Carroll
Winnlfred Turner, student
Marie Davis
Edith Jones, the new senior....
.Bessie Brendel
Rose Jackson, Miss Penelope's imp
ish little colored mall
Clara Copenhaver
Time the present.
Time of Presen:atlon One hour
and a half.
Locality Miss Penelope Wright's
collegiate school for young ladles.
Clalrmont on the Hudson.
Act 1 The meeting of the Rain
bow Kimona Society. Opening the
birthday box. Discussing the new
senior. The vote unfavorable. Cir
cumstantial evidence. The discovery
of Rose. The finding of Julia Arm
stead's pin. The cojrt martial. The
ghost. The unexpected appearance
of Edith The class yell.
Act 2 One week later. Preparing
stage properties. Wanted an Othel
lo. The decision. The retirement of
Olive. They play from Shakespeare.
Hamlet's advice to Romeo. Adver
tise "Oh, Its dust, dust, dustNfrom
morn 'til night" Henry VTII'b nn
derstudy. The ghost appears. The
recognition. The apology. The class
General Admission 25 Cenis '
This Entertainment is Given for the
Benflt of the Church.
Mrs. B. Seydlitz is spenCinp today
in Omaha, having gone to that city
this morning on the early train.
IT will pay you to
buy an Overcoat
1 11
Copyright Hart ScbtfTntr it Mux
now at a saving from $4 to
S8 and carry' them over un
til next season. We'd
sooner have them on your
back at cost than in our
The Home of
Hart, Shnffntr tf- Man Clothet
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
f$km mm