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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1910)
The Plattsmouth - Journal Published Semi-Weekly it Plattsmouth. lebrisku R. A. DATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoflke at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. $L50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Some alleged newspapers are ex pensive at any old price. ' :o: The enactment of laws to make men good inevitably falls. The place where men are made good is in the home circle when the mind is formed. :o: Speaking of summer resorts Ne braska in January makes a fine sum mer resort. However, this is all for gotten when the August sun commen ces to get busy. :o: The poet has wisely said that If we paid more attention to enforcing good laws we would waste less time in making poor ones. This is com mended to congress and the state leg Matures. :o: Every factory which Plattsmouth so cures means more mouths to feed and more people to clothe. Let the good work go on and let the commer cial club get busier than ever. They have done well so far but there is room for improvement. . ! ;o: Several of the newspapers Inter ested in the present predicament of the Republican party say right out that party harmony is a good thing but that party Integrity Is several degrees better. The Democrats found this out several years ago. :o: A Republican contemporary calls attention to the fact that when Mr. Bryan landed in Panama there was an earthquake in Yucatan. Every time Mr. Bryan lands in New York thero is an earthquake among the political bandits of that region also. :o: The incarceration of John R. Walsh In the penitentiary at Leavenworth at the age of 72 years, Is a striking ex ample of how the mills of the gods grind "slow but exceedingly fine." Justice triumphed in the end and a life of delinquencies must pay the Inevitable penalty. :o: All the criticism of Ex-Governor -.7 as. K. Vardaman of Mississippi who Is leading In the fight for the Bcnator hlp from that state, does not wipe wut tho fact that he will bo a dis tinct Improvement on many now in the senate and that, too, in more ways than one. :o: Senator Thirkett is said to have "lnsurged" a little in tho senate yes terday because the commltteo on order of business has been so slow In having business done. The senator Hoems to bo getting nervous and wants back into Nebraska where his fences are going Into a state of de cline truly alarming. Well, may he tnsurge. :o: While everybody is sprinkling salt on the sidewalk it might be observed that the Idea is most excellent but if It disintegrates the cement pave ment underneath, the use of It be comes highly Injudicious and It la said to have this effect. Those who are using salt this way had best take warning and be sparing in its use lest It cost a new walk. :o: Another thing which should be taken up and pushed to completion as soon as the. weather permits Is the .bridge over the Platte river Into Sarpy county. This Is sure to bo built this year and It Is understood that the stock In the concern has all been subscribed for. This being tho case let the good work go on and let the structure be completed without delay. them Is the bank guaranty law which the governor pladged the party and himself to. :o: The consumer in this country Is paying the maximum tariff rates on about everything he eats and wears and ho one has heard talk of Taft discussing Issuing a proclamation. It Isn't necessary in that case as the consumer Is within reach of the trusts and the other beneficiaries of the Al- drlch-Cannon bill. :o: Now comes another iconoclast and ruins all this beautiful theory of cold weather being healthy. He says that microbes and germs flourish In cold weather and points out that ice cream Is the most fertile producer of the microbe In existence. How now, you advocates of a fine winter weather? Come on, get busy and explain where you are at. :o: Plattsmouth Is going to succeed. It has secured two new factories since the motto was adopted and it will secure many mure before the slogan becomes frayed and worn at the edges. It Just can't help it. It has the location, It has the railroad faclll ties, it has the people and It has the push. The end of 1910 ought to see Plattsmouth at the top of the heap with more factories to its pop ulatlon than any town In Nebraska All that Is needed is to get together and push and we have got together , :o: crumbs from the great man's table were there and the people received their right amid loud acclaim. Be it known to all men that Elmer J., the "thorn in the side of Aldrich," is the people. :o: More factories, a Platte river bridge and an interurban into Cass county would make 1910 look like 1 A 1 .1 I a winner sure enougn. au inese things are on the Journal's success list for 1910 and all of them will be accomplished if the commercial club and the live wires of the city go after them. Let a strong pull be made for these things and when the year has closed It will show a pros perity record unequaled In the his tory of Nebraska cities. Boom the town and boost the boosters. :o: The county option bill to be pre sented to the legislature has been drafted by tbe anti-saloon league Isn't it about time for the ending of this eternal farce of passing rid culous and unenforceable laws. This state has been cursed with this agl tation until It well nigh sickens one, The agitation and the passage of such acts as the eight o'clock clos lng act has resulted in the gradual withdrawal of capital from the state until it has reached a stage where a halt Is necessary. Nebraska would bravely he , tackles all the problems J rise to acknowledge our appreciation hlch beset mankind. Fearless and! of a truly great mind. Let the wo- alone he attacks the abstruse prob-lman dress Just as they please so lems which have worried the human long as they dress. mind for ages and when he has fin- ished with It, It lies before his read- Richard Harding Davis who has era a mangled and bleeding wreck, written some good novels which have He sails Into the abuses which beset 1 been among the best sellers and the public service and lo! they He which can be found in any good, re- cold In eternal slumber when he Is liable Carnegie library with the backs through with them. He vigorously land covers In a very dilapidated con wields the ax upon moral delinquen- dition, now has a new side of life cles and they are not. He even tackles presented to his vision. He Is about the print paper trust and herein he to go through divorce court. A great hath the struggle of his life but he many people regard a divorce action will down It year, verily, It will be so. as next to being muck-raked and Think this all over and you can see I probably Dickey will also when the how truly a hero Is the newspaper I finish hoves In sight. Just' what ex- l man. cuse Mrs. Dickey will give to the law to: for hpr rieftlrp tn nnlto tha ereftt INTERESTED? CERTAINLY. war, correspondent Is not stated. The 'Believing that you are interested Dkv,se8 ha a resplendant wooin. with all the romantic settings which even his susceptible nature could ask In the enactment of a ship subsidy law." begins a communication re- ceived by the Courier-Journal from and fter thelr ma"lae thev fiPent the press bureau'of the Washington a noneymoon by the sad sea which lobby. We interrupt to insist that the waa aream' " e UP Courier-Journal is opposed to hoss weiiaaajr, us saa thieves and all other kinds of thieves Louisville Courier-Journal. :o: TIT-TAT-TOO. Illinois Is having a nice, quiet, lit tie sideshow all to itself down at Springfield, the state capital. It's legislature is In special session try ing to fry out a primary election law, And while we are succeeding all right, It might be Just as well to boom a conference with the Burlington for more shops for Plattsmouth. There Is no good reason why this shouldn't be done. The men now at the head of that road realize that It has no better friends on its line than in this town. There is no prospect of labor trouble here, the town has plenty of room for more shops and Its peo ple are willing to do the right thing to get them, It has good water and plenty of It and It has the best loca tion on the Bystem for big shops. What more can any corporation want than this? :o: Nothing to It, that anti-meat crus ade Is some crusade. Already out of ninety millions of . people some two hundred thousand have stopped eat lng meat. Tbe people who have to work for a living, however, will find It pretty hard to get along, without a small section of the front end of a steer for some time to come. It is hardly believed that J. Ogden Armour has yet sold his pack ing house stock on account of the boycott. More likely he will now cor ner all the available canned goods and the cheese market. It Is hard to boat a trust magnate any way you figure It. :o: The plan of the "regular" Repub llcans, as said to have been outlined, The plurality system or a majority of Is to drown out insurgency by oppos- the votes seems to be the principal have grown twice as fast as it has ing the nomination of every so-called stumbling block for the solons. Re If this had been stopped. Insurgent at the primaries, and In cently they had up a bill which pro ;o: the event that they are nominated, to vided for direct plurality primaries Illinois Is struggling with the prop- put out Independent candidates. The and an innocent looking amendment osltion to strangle the hold of the result, they figure, would be the elec- was tacked on it providing all tickets bosses on Its state polities by the tion of Democrats, be printed on one ballot identical direct primary system. If Illinois They prefer Democrats to the In- with the Nebraska law. Now comes has the same experience which Ne- surgent Republicans for the reason the press with the discovery that this braska has gone through it will con- that they believe it would crush out means to give the bosses control of sign the direct primary to" Gehenna insurgency, and they are of the opln- the primary by voting their men for or some other seaport. The theory ion that this Democratic triumph any ticket they please. Cass county is all right but under the Nebraska would be short lived, while the tri- realizes this is true for It saw It tried law the grip of the boss is tighter Umph of insurgent Republicans might not long ago. However, the clever than ever. The state and county com- mean permanent loss to the machine man who tried it found he had some mlttees absolutely control the priraar- Republicans. trouble of his own and needed all ies and name the nominees and there Their reasoning is wrong, In nu- his votes to nominate himself. The Is no appeal from their decision. And merous districts In the ,west the In- objection to the scheme Is well found the state and county organizations Uurgent Republicans are the "ma- ed. it ... i make as perfect a machine as the chine." They are in a large majority orst boss ever dared to want. and will Drobably elect their candi- Late returns today show that the o: Loto after imrnin them. Peoria Unionists In England are gaining U U I V U fc v - - 1 right merrily on the liberals and there is now a possibility of the de feat of the government after all. The returns look suspiciously as if the tactics used in the United States In 1896 had been Imported into merry Harrison Gray Otis, cCltor of a journal, Rep Los Angeles paper, takes so much de light in the dismissal of GIfford Pin chot that he names him In the same class with Dr. Cook. Anyone ac quainted with the past record of Har rison Gray Otis can understand why this Is done and it makes another glory. 'Tls such persons as Otis who are worth having against one In this world. His paper has always been the most outspoken advocate of polit! cal grafters In the world and it has Kaln lt mlght not waxed fat and flourished In Its de bauchery. When the sheet has pas of GIfford Pinchot will Burvlve as that of a man who truly loved the public welfare and who devoted him self unselfishly to it's betterment. :o: -:o:- At the same time Governor Rhal Icnbcrgcr could do a whole lot worse things than to call a special session of the legislature. Thero nro many things whick the Democratic party stands pladged to In Us last platform which they should make good before they enter on tho next one. Among Governor Shallenberger Is said to be hedging on calling an extra bos sion of the legislature and to want a petition signed by a majority of the members before so doing. If there Is no necessity for one a petition signed by the legislators should be Ignored and If it la considered advls able to enact new laws or to correct the ones heretofore passed and since held Invalid, then it should not be necessary to wait for the legislators to ask for tho session. The enactment of the recommendations and pledges of tho Democratic platform Into law should bo sufficient retiBon for calling tho solons together, lt the governor considers this has been done, the no session is necessary, :o: Now comes that "thorn In the side of Aldrich," Senator Burkett and get Into tho game In Nebraska. Yesterday great and vast outpourings of tho people met up together and formed nurkett clubs throughout tho state. All the postmasters and all tho un derlings who hope to cat of tbe -:o:- FKOM THE BUSY WORLD. The anti-meat crusade In Cleve land, Ohio, includes eggs now. Why not extend the list and refuse to eat . I Enelflnd find that tho lnneer the. oler at all? That makes a splendid and ll Aiat h If la t,nt 1 e """J enemy for Pinchot in whom he should for the money powers. This seems . rt.i u However, lt might bring J. Ogden ln.i frtti aimh noranna a a fit la tt.'nrtlv 0 a I . . t .. . .... .u. De me nisiory or me wona mat Armour, me uiem num., iuo ""6"' . , . , j I money makes the mare go and also trust, the canned goods trust and ' I 1 1 1 1 1 carries me elections. n,ngianu nas ai- the milk trust off their perch. Then ways made a lot of talk about the sterling honesty of their elections and Wellesley college near Dostlng has 8Uch rot bu lf ne may Judge by the . .... - . I rhnrnptpr nf tho rhnnppa pnlnsr on en mo tn tn rronL wun a Kin ui ouu . sed into a merited oblivion, the name lhou8and Blmoleon8 tQ tne BtrIklng there, the greater part of the talk shirtwaist makers of New York and h" hyproclsy of the rankest sort also an order for one thousand peek- The victory of the Unionists would a-boos. This enables the proposed Tea"t the passage of a tariff bill co-operative Bhirtwaist factory to anl then the United States would find start up. The scheme was mothered Put how tne 8ystem works- 0ne can The snow is still on the ground but ft womftn from the mlddle not blame the manufacturers of Eng lt Is not too early to commence to ga,d tQ b(J from 0maha( wn0 land for wanting a high tariff upon agitate that interurban road from spok'e eloquenUy ,n favor of the the same theory that the United Plattsmoutn into Lass county, ine 8chome There ,8 BOme clas8 to those States manufacturers want one to nil young women and they have set some thelr Pckets, hot pace by their action W. C. Lllley, treasurer of a Pitts- American products. The outcome of the trouble with Germany and France may be a tariff war but lt is doubt ful. When the time comes for the concession to be made they will be made. Tariff wars affect the big trusts too vitally to be allowed in this ay and age. Luther Burbank when he Invented the thornless rose did not know that Nebraska would persist in having at least one of the old fashioned kind but it does. Now there's Elmer J. Burkett who was "a thorn in the side of Aldrich," for Instance. One of the freaks of nature took place yesterday when a heavy snow storm struck southern Georgia. Thousands of people saw their first snow and the curious freak attracted great attention. There was a howling gale accompanying the storm. A storm of this kind in the latitude where It occurred is something which north ern people cannot appreciate. " t The natives of that climate have been used to warm weather for so long that they do not know what winter is and a strong wind with snow goes through them like a knife. We await with a good deal of In terest the outcome of the Ballinger Investigation. From the complexion of the committee as finally made up, we cannot see how the majority caa find against him and we look for two reports. The people will Judge the reports from the general character of the men making them and their decision will be final. This being the case we opine lt would have beea better for Ballinger to have had a committee not so overwhelming for him to start with. However, the Ald-rich-Cannon-Taft ring probably knew all the evidence and lt needed a cast Iron committee to stand the gaff. Now we shall see the blood stream. Attorney General Wlckersham haa commenced a suit against the meat trust and will dissolve lt. No doubt of this. This is terror in the camp of the packers sure "nuff." The price of beef and pork will tumble now that Wlckersham has whetted bis snick ersnee and got after them. All this la . possible and then again it is the most unlikely thing in the world. Like all the big fellows, the meat trust has waxed strong and arrogant. It has the goods and whether lt retains Its corporate existence under the name of the meat trust or under some other name, there will be an understanding as to prices. commercial club could not do better than to take this project up In the spirit of making It a success and do lng what lt can toward its building Many of the good things which the burg, Pa., Presbyterian church who Journal advocated last year have Walked off loavlng the church minus come to pass and this can be made 22, 800, came back the other day and to succeed also. It meanB a great L8ked to be cast into a cell. As the big thing for Plattsmouth but for jaller nad no warrant for him he de- every town in the county and for n,d nla reauest. He will be sloughed l the farmers all over the county. It 1 1-tor. however, for his oilferlnK. LI1 will afford accomodations far Buper- hejr Cajm8 ne gave the funds to var lor to those now given by tne rail- ,ou8 preachers who were poor and roads and it would mult in a better hardup and needed the money. May feeling throughout tho entire com- be he was technically wrong, but, be. munlty. It means to the farmer an R known, many a good minister needs even sharper advanco in the price the n,oney whilo many who ought of his real estate and it moans an to jn jail, have it thrust on them easy way to market for his products, killey may deserve commendation It means a big boom In this city and all other Cass county towns. In short, Another Solomon. In New York It means prosperity. Think It over! la young woman was arrested by o :o: detective because she was walking At last the newspaper man is com- the streets in men's clotliees. When lng into his own. A newspaper man arraigned before the police Justice, In the east bus been awarded a Car- tho latter wanted to know wherein neglo medal for heroism. This Is she had violated any law. As no on? more like. Never In the history of could tell him, be promptly ordered tho world has thero been tho like of her dlschargo, holding that there was heroism as that shown by the news- nothing Improper In her dressing ns paper man. Especially Is that true she pleased provided sho dressed. today. Behold him In all hla pristine This is well, It Bottles another of the glory, lie goes down to t'ae office and 'immortal rlglitB of woman and we Washington opines that the Unit ed States Is near to a tariff war with Germany and France. All of which is based upon the fact that Germany has sanitary provisions in Us tariff which excludes our dressed beef and our cattle while Austria and Denmark are allowed to enter under worse conditions In their products. Unless those provisions be modified or other important tariff concessions be made by Germany and France the good entering this country from those countries must pay the present tariff plus 25 per cent additional. The chance for both nations to get In un der the minimum tarlk ends Mar. 21 The Dominion of Canada enters into tho deal in that lt will be the bene flclary of a deadlock between the na tlons and wduld take away the Amerl enn trade in the countries named as It would not Impose the maximum tarlg of the United States against them. It Is but a few days since the president, acting under the authority conferred on him by the Aldrlch-Cun-non bill granted the minimum talrff to Great Britain, Italy. Russia, Spain, Turkey and Switzerland as those countries did not discriminate against Representative Lloyd of Missouri who was elected by the Republican caucus as one of the Democratic mem bers of the Ballinger Investigating committee day before yesterday re fused to serve and in this refusal he was sustained by Speaker Cannon. Last night the Democrats held an other caucus and selected Represen tative James H. Graham of Illinois In his place. Representative Graham was chosen unanimously and is un derstood to be acceptable to the Re publican majority. This Insures the Democrats of two good men on the committee and means that the probe will be thorough if they are allow ed to Investigate as they want to. There was considerable Indignation in the cauBus over the Republicans refusing to allow Ralney to serve but this feeling was suppressed as near ly as possible by the managers of the caucus. Price reduced again M. E. church parsonage, 8 rooms, bathroom barn two lots price only $1400. ' R. B. Windham, Plattsmouth. Neb. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT, WILKINSON, Dunbar, Heb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Good Service, Reasonable Tales.