The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 24, 1910, Image 1

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    Stat, Historical fica
NO 7
M. Fanger Becomes Financially
the Factory
The Journal yesterday made a
semi-official announcement that It
was almost sure Plattsmouth had an
other factory In view and today It
is glad to chronicle the fact that it
is practically certain to be here with
in a few days. The people have been
delighted over the occasion of the
cotton glove and mitten factory and
now they will be more so when they
learn that the Parisian Suit company,
a ladies tailoring establishment of
Omaha, is to open up a larger fac
tory here. The Omaha plant of the
company will be moved to this city
and the plant enlarged and the capi
tal greatly Increased.
This last acquisatlon Is due largely
to the enterprise of M. Fanger, the
department store man. Mr. Fanger
' has been working on the matter for
several weeks in conjunction with the
commercial club and he assures the
Journal that the deal is now worth
. mentioning. He takes a large Interest
in the new concern and in fact, be
comes the controlling financial factor
In it.
Last evening Jos. Reaznick, pro
prietor of the concern at Omaha came
down accompanied by his principal
designer, and in company with Mr.
Fanger looked over the proposed lo-
taHnn fnr iha nlnnt Wo calsn tfllkpri
r over the financial end of the proposi
tion with Mr. Fanger whom he had
sought to get to locate in Omaha with
him, and the result was that it was
agreed this morning to move the fac
tory from Omaha to this city. Mr.
Fanger declined to consider the pro
ject of investing his money in the
plant in Omaha. Realizing the many
advantages which this city has as a
manufacturing center, Mr. aFnger de
terminedly fought for its adoption
and was successful- in his efforts.
The fact that his explanations were
supplemented by those of President
Falter and Secretary Wescott of the
commercial club, '"onvlnced Mr. Reaz
nick of the superior advantages of
a location here.
This new institution Is engaged in
ladies tailoring. This is the manu
facture of suits, cloaks, and skirts and
it has followed the business In Om
aha with success for years. Owing
to the riecessity for enlarging the field
and the need of more capital for this
purpose, the company decided to en
list Mr. Fanger and it will remove
here and open up in this line on an
enlarged scale. At present it is doing
a fine business, not alone with Om
Murrayites Sleigh Ride.
The young people of Murray and
its vicinity several nights ago indul
ged In a real old-fashioned night out
when they made all the preparations
for a grand sleighing party. They
turne'd out in full force and accom
panied by the sound of jingling sleigh
bells they rode over the fine winter
roads and made the air merry with
their song and their laughter. The
party finally wound up at the pleas
ant home of Mr. and Mrs. Wade
Porter where genuine hospitality pre
vails and where the party found they
were right at home. The wlndup of
this great night was had when Mr.
and Mr 8. Porter produced choice
eysters and made the party take a
feast after the long ride. If anyone
failed to enjoy themselves on this
occasion It was their own fault for
the enjoyment was certainly there to
be had.
Those who participated in the big
time included Misses Emma Graves,
Ella Vergln, Clara Copenhaver, Alice
Gobbleman, Graco Forter, Jessie
Stokes, Pearl Lewis, Margaret Comar,
Leola Vallery, Ethel Spangler, Ella
Thomason. Messrs Guy Stokes, Tom
TllBon, Roy Spangler, Porter Gobble
man, Harry, Gobbleman, Errett
Thomason, Kell Rhoden, Arthur Han
son, Charley Vallery, Mr. and Mrs.
Wade Porter.
George W. Harshman, the Avoca
veteran and staunch Democrat, is In
""-the city today attending to business
matters, coming in .si. evening on
the M. P. train.
Interested in Company and Brings
to This City. v
aha houses, both jobbers and retail
ers but the business extends out over
the state and that too without any
development of the plant. The goods
of the company are sold in all the
larger cities of the state as Fremont,
Grand Island, Norfolk, Aurora, Gen
eva, Nebraska City and others and
the total sales for the year runs into
thousands of dollars.
To get into larger and better quart
ers and to be enabled In this way
to put out a force of traveling men,
has been the ambition of Mr. Reaz
nick for sometime and now it is to be
realized. A force of men will travel
out of this city and put the wares of
the new company on the market.
This means increased shipment from
this point and not only that but there
will be increased business for the
The making of ladies suits, cloaks
and skirts is something which really
flllls a long felt want here. Not alone
in the wholesale line, which is of
course, the main feature, but In the
retail business, the value of this in
stitution will be felt. Ladies desiring
suits, cloaks, or skirts and being un
able to find what they want in local
stocks can step upstairs, pick out
their goods, have their measure taken
and within a few hours the garment
will be "before them just as ordered.
That is something worth while and It
is something which the ladies will ap
preciate. Then again this Institution will
employ expert workmen in all its
lines. None but experts can do the
work wanted and none other will be
allowed to try it. Of course, there
will be a force of others who will do
work there and who will qualify
themselves as expert workmen but at
the start the employes will be brought
to the city and the work will be done
by them. As the business develops
which it is sure to do, those who learn
the trade will advance to the posi
tion of workmen and receive the
wages which go with that trade.
Plattsmouih has the people to qualify
for the best places and they will be
glad to do so. A finished workman
in this line gets handsome wages and
it means that there will be a lot of
good money released and go into cir
culation here.
This factory is now a certainty and
Mr. Fanger deserves great credit for
his work in securing it. He is prov
ing an excellent auxiliary to the com
mercial ciub officers and a regular
Trojan for progressive work.
Sleighing Party.
Quite a number of young people of
Eight Mile Grove precinct came to the
conclusion to have a genuine old fash
ioned sleighing party a few days ago.
As sleighing has been a thing of the
past In this country for many years,
the merry "party gathered and de
cided to review olden times for a few
hours, and the people who reside
along the public highway on which
they traveled will vouch for the pro
gram being carried out. The merry
sleigh load which was drawn by four
horses, proceeded to the beautiful
farm home of G. A. Meislnger, where
all were given a hearty reception, in
fact, the house was turned over td
them. Numerous games were played
and at a late hour all departed for
their homes, enjoying the trip very
Those present were: Geo. Horn,
Ed. Lohnes, Emil Meislnger, Henry
Horn, Adam Hell, Will Meislnger,
Fred Hell, Earl Terryberry, Martin
Lohnes, William Hell, Alex Meislng
er, Elmer Lohnes, Rudolph Ileil,
Misses Mamie Hall, Louise Lohnes,
Matle Terryberry, Lulu Hell, Helen
Horn, Katie Hell, Gertrude Boedcker,
Nettle Meislnger, Annie Hell, Louise
Jos. Reaznick, proprietor of the
Parlsan Suit company of Omaha, and
his lady designer, were in the city
last evening and this morning on mat
ters connected with tho establishment
of a suit and shirt factory in this
ity, returning to Omaha on tho morn
ing train.
0 E. S . ( q j et in Honor
of Visiting Grand Lodge
The meeting of Home Chapter No.
189, Order of the Eastern Star last
evening at the Masonic hall, was one
of the best the order has had In this
city in years. There was a large at
tendance of members of the order and
of the chapter present and the camp
was honored with a visit from Grand
Matron Mrs. Hattle M. Scott of
Stromburg, Neb., who made her an
nual visit and also by the presence
of Mrs. Anna E. Simpson, grand
worthy secretary of Omaha, and Mrs.
Adams of Ilavelock.
The meeting included the initiation
of several candidates into the chapter
and was followed by a banquet of su
perb excellence. The banquet was in
three courses and was a delightful
climax to a delightful evening. There
were a number of toasts responded to
during the progress of the banquet
and sevearl Impromptu speeches. Mrs.
J. W. Gamble presided as toastmlst
ress and was quite at her best in that
capacity, delighting all with the ease
and elegance with which she fulfilled
the part. On behalf of the chapter she
presented Mrs. Simpson, one of the
guests of the evening with a hand
some bouquet of carnations, in words
expressing well the pleasure of the
chapter at her visit. Mr. J. C. Peter
sen on behalf of the chapter, pre
sented Grand Worthy Matron Scott
with an elegant meat fork, expressing
In well chosen words the thanks
of the camp for her vsilt. Mrs. Ed.
S. Tutt was remembered by the offi
cers of the camp with a gold berry
spoon, Mrs. V. V. Leonard making
the presentation speech and express
ing the love of the camp and Its best
wishes for a long and happy mar
ried life. In addition there were a
number of splendid vocal and instru
mental musical selections, the form
er being given by Mrs. Mae Morgan
while the latter was the work of
Miss Kittle Cummins, both musicians
of the highest order of ability. The
entire evening was one which will
live long in the memory of all at
tending. Those in attendance included Mrs.
Hattle M. Scott, grand worthy ma
tron of Stromsburg, Neb., Mrs. Anna
E. Simpson, grand worthy secretary
of Omaha, Mrs. Adams of Ilavelock,
Mesdames J. W. Gamble, Wm. Balrd,
M. Howland, H. D. Travis, J. W. John
son, Anna Britt, Mae Morgan, V. V.
Leonard, S. M. Chapman, Ed. S. Tutt,
J, B. Martin; Misses Kittle Cummins,
Ruth Johnson, Helen Chapman, Jessie
Robertson, Blanche Bell, Bernlce Ne
well, Verna Cole, Gertrude Beeson,
Emma Bauer, Emma Myers, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Petersen, E. H. Booth,
Fred Ramge, Messrs. T. S. C. Dabb,
F. L. Cummins and Mrs. W. B. Ban
ning and Miss Taylor of Union.
Broke Limb.
Last Tuesday, a week ago, Johnnie
Gauer, the thirteen year old son of
Chris Gauer living near Cedar Creek,
sustained painful Injuries in the fol
lowing manner:
He was walking and driving an ice
wagon and on reaching the top of
the hill he stopped the team. But
instead of remaining still, the horses
started to go on and the road being
icy, Johhny slipped and fell under the
ley, Johnny slipped and fell under the
wheel ran over his left, leg, breaking
the bone Just above the ankle. It was
at first thought that the bones were
crushed but upon further examina
tion this was found to be untrue and
that It was badly broken. The physi
cian set the bones Wednesday and
Johnny is getting along as well as
can be expected. It la hoped that he
will speedily recover.
Mrs.Trtimnn Better.
The Journal is requested to state
that the condition of Mrs. Charles
Truman who has been ill at the home
of Mrs. Herman Fields for sometime
past, is very much improved. She
Is now able to get about tho houso
quite comfortably and her general
health is far better than it has been.
Her many friends will be glad, to learn
of her Improvement and hopo that
It will continue.
Sheriff Qulnton was a passenger
this mornlnar for T.lnmln wiiorn
takoB the unfortunate Vernle KIser.
(letting Ready For Trouble.
A. F. Hedengren, master carpen
ter of the Burlington, was in the
city this morning looking after com
pany business. Mr. Hedengren is pre
paring for trouble along the line when
the spring floods come and one of
his missions was to secure a pile
driver for use in case of damage to
bridges of which he has several large
ones to look after on his territory.
In addition to the bridge over the
Platte at Oreapolls, he has the bridges
at Ashland and also at Fremont to
take care of and usually they give
the company a lot of trouble In the
early spring. By getting his machin
ery in shape for prompt service he is
in a position to protect the bridges
or to replace any which may go out
The Platte is one of the hardest
streams in the western country to
handle when it rises, it's low fiat
shores allowing the water to spread
over a vast territory and cut away
the embankments. Owing to the
thickness of the ice this winter, con
siderable trouble Is expected when it
commences to go out.
Buttons Are Due.
The committee having charge of
the distribution of the slogan buttons
expected the shipment to arrive this
morning and hoped to be able to get
the pupils of the schools and others
started to selling them this evening.
In connection with this they desire
to call attention to the fact that B.
A. McElwaln offers a watch for the
party selling the largest number of
buttons, 'something which is worth
while competing for. Mr. McElwaln's
name seems to have been omitted
from the Hat of thoBe giving prizes
through inadvertence. The compe
tition promises to be keen and it is
expected that a large number of the
buttons will be Bold. Everybody
should take at least one and help the
cause along to that extent anyway.
If you are besieged by a strapping
young man from tne schools or one
of the pretty little misses from the
same institution help them and also
yourself and your town by buying. It
848 to boost
Had a Fine Vlait.
Jacob Horn and his friend George
Burt of Creighton, Neb., departed for
their homes this morning after a
pleasant visit Bince last Monday in
this vicinity with Mr. Horn's folks.
They were accompanied as far as
Omaha by P. F. Horn and George
Horn. The gentlemen had a very
pleasant visit and departed for home
with regret. ' During his stay here
Jacob J. met with many friends and
acquaintances who were more than
pleased to see him and to learn that
he was doing so well in his northern
section and did not "expect to return
here at any time in the future to
stay. He was glad to find all his old
friends here so well and sorry that
he could not make his stay a while
longer. His friend Mr. Burt was also
delighted with the trip and madelilm
self many friends while here. It is
to be hoped that the gentlemen find
It convenient to return in the near
future for a longer stay.
Buys a Fine Team.
From Friday's Daily.
William Rummell, the well known
farmer of the precinct, is now the
proud possessor of a fine team of hor
ses which he purchased yeBterday
from George W. Snyder.. The team
stood him $5G0 and they are con
sidered dirt cheap at that. They are
large, heavy, well made horses, the
team weighing In excess of 3,300
pounds and are finely bred. Those
who have seen the team and who are
qualified to Judge pronounce them as
fine a team as there is in this sec
tion and this section produces some
mighty fine animals. Mr. Rummell
considers that he got a bargain In
them and after he had parted with
them, Mr. Snyder was inclined to
take the same view. There is a Joke
connected with the payment for the
horses which the writer does not
dare to give away for it caused con
siderable uneasiness among one of
the parties for a few minutes.
iM)d For Vou.
The Plattsmouth Commercial club
offered a prize of ten dolars for the
best slogan for the "Boosters" button
and Master Connie Schlater captured
tho cart whoels. The slogan he sub
mitted was "See Plattsmouth Suc
ceed." Wo are glad to noto that
Plattsmouth is succeeding, that the
commercial club is doing Bomethlng
andgettlng something, and we wish
them success. Business men who work
together deserve the admiration and
assistance of every citizen. Watch the
Plattsmouth button wearers Weep
ing Water Republican.
Clayton Rosencrans Drives Fist
Through Glass Show Case of
Falter & Thierolf.
Frotn Friday's Dally.
Anyone having a fine, choice, first
hand, high grade line of accident in
surance will find a ready sale for
same by consulting Clayton Rosen
crans, proprietor in part of the Ho
tel Riley barber shop., Clayton has
plenty of time in which to consider
the relative merits of the different
kinds of insurance and the several
accident policies. In fact, he has
taken several days off from his work
to think it over. This morning he
came to the conclusion that he would
rest up a while and study the sub
ject after he had put one of his
mitts out of commission by thrusting
It through a large, fine, plate glass
cover of an umbrella stand' in the
pretty store of Messrs. Falter &
Clayton had entered the store to
buy several different kinds of men's
clothing and the like and was engag
ed in earnest conversation with Geo.
II. Falter, the hustling young member
of the firm when his eagle eye alight
ed upon a new lot of collars wnlrh
the firm had received.
Now, collars are something which
Clayton had on. his purchase list or
as the cash register quotes it "things
wanted," and he thought It would be
wise to look over this fine new ship
ment and select what was well suit
ed for his needs. Mr. Falter was
nothing loath and being gentleman
ly and obliging, he aorted out the dif
ferent brands of collars snd commen
ced to point out the several merits
which they had. Coming to a parti
cular glossy and attractive article,
Just fresh from the box, Mr. Falter
said "Now, Clayt, here's something
like It! Note the smooth, glossy fin
ish, the high polish which the sur
face bears, the neat fit which it
makes to the neck, the wearing quali
ties something unlimited," and bo on
and bo forth until his standard Bet
of phrases suited to this particular
brand had run out. Then he said im
pressively "Clayt, it is Just what you
have been looking for. It's what you
want." He paused to take a look at
his customer ana discovered that the
latter was much impressed with his
words. Just as he started in again to
complete the job Mr. Rosencrans
grabbed the collar out of his- hand
and said "let me see it." The exami
nation lasted but a second when he
threw it from him and exclaimed
"Wot! Me! A rubber collar. Take
that" and his trusty right arm shot
out with what was intended to be a
solar plexus blow upon Mr. Falter's
manly form. However, the latter Baw
the blow coming and neatly BldeBtep
ped allowing Mr. Rosencrans' strong
right arm to push his fist through the
side of a fine plate glass unbrella
stand. The glass was some put out of
commission as It was shattered by the
blow of the fist nicely and neatly, a
far better Job that Dr. Young did
with his gun. Also Clayton suffered a
severe cut along the back of the
hand about the knuckles, a cut deep
enough to require the services of a
surgeon and long enough to take
several BtltchcB to close.
No great damage was done the fist,
however, but the glass is an Irrepar
able ruin. That is why Clayton is now
a student of accident Insurance. He
has been compelled to hire a man to
look after each of his several busi
ness enterprises which involves the
expense of several dollars good, hard
coin of the realm and besides he has
to dig down and raise funds sufficient
to reimburse Messrs Falter & Thier
olf for the loss which he occasioned
them by his unfeeling assault on the
umbrella Btand. An insurance policy
which he was to have taken out sev
eral months ago Is now the object of
much thought and cogitation on the
part of Mr. Rosencrans and he wond
ers If there Is a brand on tho mark
et which includes payment for all
glasses broken, all time lost, all extra
workmen employed and mental an
guish. Anyone having a patent, non
forfeitable, airtight policy of this Bort
will find a ready taker by leaving his
card at the Hotel Riley barber shop.
Mrs. August Anderson departed
this morning for Lincoln where she
will make a visit of several days
with her daughter, Miss Ella and son
llathor Itougti on Hiin.
John D. Rough, one of the pioneers
of the section near Weeping Water,
came in last evening to look after
some business in the city. He arrived
here at a late hour, coming by way
of Louisville and was unable to find
accomodations at either of the two
hotels on lower main street.
As he had considerable money
about his person, he did not feel safe
In venturing up the street to the
Hotel Riley as the street vm in
serted at that hour and he went back
to tne depot where he Bpent the night
sitting in the waiting room without a
fire to warm him. Ho suffered sev
erely from the cold in consequence.
This morning after daybreak he came
up town. It has been years since he
was in Plattsmouth and he was not
well enough acquainted with the town
to be able to tell where ho was go
ing. Joe IUIni'n Some Boy.
Yesterday the stock visited at the
home of Joe .Diddle, a Burlington
shopman well known in town and left
with hlni and his wife a great big
addition to their family In the shape
of a bouncing fourteen pound boy.
That is some boy and Joe is the
proudest man in seventeen Btates.
lie went down town liiHt evening and,
surrounded by a number of hla good
friends, he told just how big, fine,
strong handsome and hearty the
young man waa. lie la finding it
mighty hard work looking after hla ,
business ns ho keeps wanting to get
away and run home and see how
son Is doing. But ho will get over it
all right, or his friends hope he will.
He was also glad to be able to say
that the mother and Bon wero doing
finely ami that he was doing better ,
than that.
Posters Make Big Show.
The committee which had in charge
the booming of Plattsmouth made ci
gars and which had printed the big,
red and black posters advocating the
smoking only of this class of goods,
have done their work well and the
front door of every business house
which handles cigars ia adorned with
the posters. They are startling and
cannot fall to attract attention and
are a splendid reminder of every
smoker's duty to his home town. The
principle back of the poster Is tho
best In the land and if the Injunction
"Boost your town" on the bills la car
ried out, the cigar makers of the city
will be over-run with business and
they ought to be. They are an In
dustrious and hardworking crowd and
their cause is just. Chairman Nemetz
says the committee mt with a fine re
ception wherever it went and that
he ia more than pleased with the re
A Vulued Aoquistlon.
The firm of E. 0. Dovey & Son
have recently made an acqusltlon to
the force employed In their Btore in
the shape of F. S. Ramsey for the
past few years with Frank Pullman
at Silver City, Ia., and for a number
of years previous to that tlmo with
M. E. Smith ft So., of Omaha. Mr.
Ramsey has moved to thla city and
will occupy the property formerly
occupied by Dr. T. P. Livingaton on,
north Sixth street. He is a gentle
man of wide experience in the dry
gooda business and thoroughly up-to-date
business man and he will be
a strong acquistlon to the forces of
the enterprising firm with which he
has associated himself. He will make
himBelf very popular with the firm's
patrons beyond question and those
dealing with him will find that he is
a salesman upon whom they can rely.
O. W. Cuum) ArroHN.
Justice Archer yesterday had two
attachment suits filed in his court
against G. W. Baumelater who had
been residing near Murray and who
was preparing to move to Oklahoma.
His goods were all la a car at Mur
ray when the officers with the at
tachment arrived on the scene. Rath
er than have to move his goods out
of the car, Baumeister promptly pul
led a roll of bills out of his pocket
which one of the witnesses described
as "big enough to choke a cow with"
and liquidated. One of the coses vas
that of J. W. Peters who asked Judg
ment for 111.25 for hay and labor and
th3 other was that of Fankonln & Sou
who wanted $60.25 for a lister and
oil sold him.
Mrs. Jos. Fetzer and daughter Miss
Charlotte, are spending today in Om
aha, having gone to that city this
morning on the early train.