array Department NEED A m I PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READERS. If any of the rtadtn of the Journal know of a social e ent or an item of interest in this vicinity and rrill mad same to this office it mil appear umkr thu heading Ve Kant all items of interest. Editor Jourwd.) M or DC DC yEach Check You Issue is a Receipt" With the Bank's Acknowledge men! Upon II! WHEN we a tamo your checks "PAID" it means that the party to whom you gave the check received. Our acknow ledgement and the party's en dorsement upon the back is double evidence. A CHECK account is the simple it, safest and most convenient method of keeping accurate record of any busi ness, either small or large. Whatever business you may have, a check account will be an advantage. It's a System to Pay by Check. Murray State Bank n f 3 MURRAY, NEBRASKA CZD f) Mm. Hay ChrlHwisser is on the nick list thin week. V, rs. Adda Stokes was shopping In .Nebraska City Monday. Mrs. Mary lllson was a visitor in Nebraska C It y Saturday. J. V. Holmes and wife were visi tors In Omaha-'Wednesday. " Albert Younrf Was a Plattsmouth visitor Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Merger is on the sick list this week, lint not serlousJy ill. Pauline Ohilmm visited a few days in Plattsmouth the first of the week. The dance given by A. Jones Sat urday night was very much of a suc cess. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopkins were .guests 'of Mr.''ahd Mrs. Ora Davis 'Thursday. ' ; Mrs. J. A. Walker is spending the week with her son, Dr.' A. B. Walker C. Dcngen is on the sick list this week. Thos Shefy Is some better at this writing. , Wm. Killisun's two children are much better. Mrs. Kline, southwest of Murray, has been quite sick. Mrs. Byron Rued is much Improved in the past few weeks. Mrs. Uay Dill's baby has been quite sick for the past week. Dr. E. A. Walker from Nehawka was a visitor In Murray Monday. John and James Campbell were callers in the county seat Wednesday. It is understood that the John Cook harness store will soon be opened up In full blast. Great clearance sale begins January 31, and continues two weeks. Watch for bargains. Miss Mary Jameson of Weeping F. Cashier W. G. Boedeker clerked for the big public sale of C. W. Chris wisser Monday. Chas. H. Boedeker and daughter, Miss Ida, drove to the county seat Wednesday afternoon, returning the same evening. W. J. Phllpot was in Murray Mon day and assisted In shipping a fine horse to the Phllpot ranch in the western part of the state. Holmes & Smith will commence their great clearance sale on Monday, January 31, and will continue for two weeks. Here's your chance for bar gains. Edmunds & Brown received a car load of coal Monday, which was very much needed in Murray and commun ity. The same was all disposed of by Monday night. Philip Kell and wife were county seat visitors today. This was Mr. Keil's first visit to Plattsmouth since In the fall. Ills extra amount of farm work has kept him close at home. (rent clearance sale begins at Holmes & Smith's on Monday, Janu ary ill, and will continue two weeks. Many articles will go regardless of cost. Watch the dates, and secure bit rga ins. Cireat Clurunce Sale. Holmes & Smith will Inaugurate their great clearance sale on Monday, January 31. This sale will continue two weeks, and many bargains will be offered in all lines of winter goods. Lloots and shoes, underwear, rubber goods, and in fact almost everything. Remember this sale and got some good bargains. Watch the Journal next week for further particulars. when the time arrived for their de parture it was with much regret. The evening was spent in social games and an elegant repast was served. The crowd voted unanimously that the host and hostess were indeed a great success as entertainers. Those who were fortunate enough to be numbered with this merry throng were: Mr. and Mesdames W. G. Boedeker, J. W. Holmes, W. S. Smith, 0. A. Davis, S. O. Pitman, Mrs. Adda Stokes, Misses Ida Boedeker, Pauline and Fay Oldham and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry the crowd was Increased by Miss Mattie Mannear, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perry. Notice. All those who are indebted to me would do a great favor if they would call and settle their accounts with me at once, as I have obligations to meet. Also blacksmith accounts of William Loughrldge. Wishing you all a prosperous new year, Respectfully yours, tf James Loughrldge. -at Nehawka. Dr. T. V. Davis of Lincoln spent Water, visited her sister, Mrs. J -3unda- with his parents, Mr. and Brendel a few days last week. Mrs. 3. A. DuvIh. Frank Sehleitctemeler was accom- , Mrs. W. C. Brown returned home pnnled to the Sweedlsh hospital In from Villsca," Iowa; Saturday morning 'Omiha by Dr. Gilmore Wednesday, and Billy Is all smiles since. Do not fall to come out and hear Sam and Dick went to Rev. Zenor expound the gospel at the Plattsmouth Wednesday, where Dick Christian church this week and next, had some dental work done. The Larklns' club will meet with Miss Margie Walker attended the Mrs. Charles lleobner Thursday af Dr. Wolf Hopper play In Omaha Sat- ternoon, and a fine tlmo is expected, nrday, returning home Monday. H. C. Mcakeii of Plattsmouth Mtb. Alva Long entertained at din- captured the big team of horses at ner Tuesday for her sister, Mrs. Chrlswlsser's Bale Monday for $578 Homer Miller of Plainvlew, Neb. The directors of the Farmers' Ele. Hampshire male pigs for sale. . vator compnny held their annual Prices reasonable. H. C. Long, meeting In the office of the elevator 2tw Murray, Neb. on the 13th, at which time they elect The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben ed Lloyd Gapen manager for the en- Noel has been quite sick for the past week but is some better at this writ ing. Dr. W. K. Loughrldge came down from Lincoln Wednesday on account of the sickness of Mrs. James Lough rldge. The Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church held a very pleasant meeting at the church Wednesday afternoon. Rev. Zenor was called to Lincoln Tuesday to preach the funeral of one of his near friends. He returned Thursday morning. Mrs. James Loughrldge has been very low for the past twenty-four hours, due to exhaustion from suf fering from neuralgia. Jake Smith took suddenly 111 last Sunday night and suffered greatly for Bcvcrcal hours, but was able to at tend the Bale Monday. Fine white' Plymouth Rock roost crs for sale at 75 cents and $1 each. Mrs. If. C. Long, 2tw Murray, Neb. While In town trading, Mrs. Levi Rusterholtz fell on the icy sidewalk Saturday and sustained Beveral Ber ious bruises. Sho is feeling bettor. at this writing. Murray people have built a coaBtor of their own and are now enjoying a little carnival of their own. They nre going to have a fine time as long ns the snow lasts. W. E. Dull, Win. Sporer and Lloyd Gapen attended tho elevator meeting at Lincoln Monday and Tuesday. Will Brown managed tho elevator while Lloyd was in Lincoln. Charley Cbiiswisser's Bale last Monday wus largely attended, and everything sold remarkably well Four horses brought $1,132.00. and other stock in proportion. Knjoyahle Time. The fine home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young, Jr., near Murray, last Thursday was the scene of a most njoyable time In the form of a good old fashioned gathering, such as quilting, rag sewing as of years long ago, when the pearest neighbors, and relatives gathered in about 10 o'clock to perform the work, and after all making an effort, the guests were' in vited to the dining room where all were served a three course dinner fit for kings. Mrs. Young had prpared one of the finest dinners for the pleasure of a number of the warmest friends of this family. It was Impossible for all Invited guests to be present but those present to enjoy the happy event were a Jolly party and laugh ter rang through the house. Only the lateness of the hour re minded the frlendB of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young they must depart with the regret that they are to looBe theso estimable people from Cass county, as they expect to leave for Minnesota in the early part of the spring. Our wish is that such happy events may occur many times with them in their new home. If you do, yon owe it to yourself to come to this store and invent before Saturday night. Saturday night closes out ten day special suit and overcoat sale and we want you to get in on this "clean up." Lots of good thinking men have invested every one of them tickled to death with the values we gave them. All suits and overcoats up to $15 sale price 010 Hait, Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats . up to $21 sale price I J" Hart, Schaffner & Marx suits and overcoats up to $30 sale price. '.. O The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts suing year. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler en tertained at dinner Sunday Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Brendel, Torrence Flem ing and family, Miss Bessie Brendel, Wm. Seybolt, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Bren del and Miss Mary Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hopkins of Wei llngton, Col., arrived Sunday to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Hopkins 1b a grand-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, and also of Mr. and Mrs A. Dill, of Plattsmouth. The meetings being Jield at the Christian church will close some time next week. The meetings have ac compllshed one good thing, to say the least. The Indebtedness on the build ing has almost disappeared In consequence. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miller of Plainvlew, camo In Monday for a vis- It with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Edmunds, pnrents of Mrs. Miller. Mr. Miller returned home Wednesday and Mrs. Miller will remain for n more extend ed visit. J. W. Berger pussed his 64th mile stone last Sunday and feels that he Is getting up In years. However, he Is enjoying fairly good health for one of his age. May he live to be one hundred years old, and then some, If possible. Tho big Bale of C. M. Chrlswlsser wns held Monday, with Col. Bob Wilk inson as auctioneer, and W. O. Boo deked as clerk. A largo crowd was In attendance and everything sold well Mr. Chrlstwlaser had 15 head of as line horses ns ever ono bocs in this country. There were several horso buyers there who bid well on them The horses all brought from $200.00 to $285.00 each. This is a sample of Col. Wilkinson's labor as an auc tlonecr. Another Merry Gathering. An enthusiastic and merry crowd or Murray people went out to the hospi table home of Mrs. Mary Allison Wed nesday evening, and to say that they were right royally entertained but half expresses it. An unusual good time was had, in the enjoyment of social .conservation and Innocent games. Notwithstanding the great thaw during the 'day, they all went and in a great big bobsled, and en Joyed the trip to and fro. An elegant lunch was spread, and on departing for home; at a late hour, they all bestowed upon Mrs. Allison words of congratulation for her very efficient qualities, as a hostess. Those who were present to enjoy this pleasant affair were: Messrs and Mesdames W. S. Smith, W. G. Boedeker, 6'. A. Davis, S. 0. Pitman, G. H. Gilmore, W. C. Brown, Misses Ida Boedeker, Margie Walker, Paul ine and Fay Oldham, Mattie Man near, Mrs:' Adda Stokes and Albert Young. ' A Great Surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Harmond Beck were united In marriage ten years ago last Tuesday, January 18th. But they little dreamed what was in store for them on that date, until they saw a large crowd of their neighbors and friends bounce In upon them. Mr. and Mrs. Beck reside four miles west of Murray and Mrs. A. L. Baker and Mrs. Ray Davis perceived the Idea of giving this excellent couple a com plete surprise on their tenth wedding anniversary, and their plans were carried out to a successful comple tion. The wedding cake for this event was made by Mrs. George Fltzpatrlck, and when the hour for refreshments arrived this masterpiece of cake-baking adorned the spread, and every member of the merry throng had an opportunity of sampling it, and all pronounced it. most excellent. It was beautifully decorated and all pro nounced it very delicious. The time spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beck was delightfully enjoyed by, all, and everyone present giTe Mrs. Ba ker and Mrs. Davis great credit for earring out the arrangements for such a pleasant event. Mr. and Mrs. Beck were greatly effected when each were presented with a fine rocker, as a token of the esteem in which they were held by the many friends sur rounding them. When the time for adjournment arrived, no one left the house until they had extended to this worthy couple the sincere hope that they might live a great many years and that each wedding anniversary would be as happily spent as this one. Those who participated in this hap py event were Rev. Llsley, Messrs. and Mesdames Chas. Herren, B. F. Brendel, H. C. Long, C. D. Spangler, J. H. Farrls, Steve Copenhaver, Chas Mutz, Ray Davis, Wm. Rice, Dr. Jake Brendel, T. W. Felmlng, Geo. Fltz Patrick, Mesdames Maggie Corbett, John Young, Rex Young, Earn Young, A. L. Baker, Misses Bertha Shrader, Gertrude Long, Bessie Brendel and Ester Rice. See ur Q Windows Other lines Proportion ately low. aasmaasrccaxi MAP1.K GROVE. Chas. Herren and William Puis made a trip to the county seat Sat urday. 1 R. A. You rig made a business trip to Omaha last Thursday. W. II. Puis attended the beard of directors' meeting of the Farmers' Elevator company at Murray Thurs day. They elected Lloyd Gapen for manager for the coming year. Quite a erowd Bpent Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hlld to help celebrate the former's birthday anniversary. Chas. Chrlswlsser's public sale Monday was largely attended. Garland Tilson is sick with the chickenpox. Miss Emma Engelkemeier is very sick at this writing. Mrs. John West shelled corn Tues day. John Urish killed his winter pork ers Tuesday. John believes in getting done before hot weather sets in. R. A. Young put up ice Tuesday from James Terryberry's pond. A surprise party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Back Tuesday. W. II. Puis made a business trip to Lincoln Wednesday. Mrs. John Durman is improving at this writing from her long siege of sickness. Rev. Spreigel spent Tuesday at the home of Louie Puis. Admit Your Guilt. Every man wishing to improve must admit his guilt. lie has to ad mit that he did not live right, that he ate or drank too much, that he spent too much time in seeking pleasures, that he negelcted his health. Once you pltead guilty you are on the road to Improvement. 'You -will have to put your body in the best shape pos sible. Start with the digestive organs. Take a course of Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine in order to strengthen the whole system. If your digestion is not right, If you have any difficulties before of after meals, if you have vomiting spells, dull head ache, poor appetite, if you get easily tired. If you are losing welyht, you may depend on Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine for a speedy relief. At drug stores. Jos. Triner. 1337-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 111. Beautiful wall calendars for 10c. ta postage. For Sale The Methodist parson age. Price reduced from $1,700 to $1,500. Has 8 rooms, cellar, city wa ter, bathroom, cistern, barn, two lots. Society wishes to build near the church. If, you are looking for a place, let us show you this. ' R. B. Windham. Knjoy a Pleasant Evening. The writer hns nlways thought that If thero were any towns on earth where the residents enjoyed themsel ves, Murray la one of that number. They never congregate at the home of any of their friends In the coun try but that they enjoy a grand, good time. On Friday evening last a bobsled well fllk'd with Murray people hied themselves out to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Perry, four miles north of town. It was Indeed a merry crowd and they mnde tho nir ring for miles around with their Joyous laughter. On arriving nt the Perry home, the glad hand of welcome was Joyfully extended. The evening passed off too Probably the greatest coffee sub stitute yet produced Is that now known to grocers everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. It actually goes a third farther than all others, and besides it is "made in a minute." No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling Is at all necessary. Pure toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. have been so cleverly blended as to give a won derfully satisfying, true genuine cof fee flavor and taste. And not a grain of real coffee is used. 100 cups, 25c. Sold by F. S. White. The tender leaves of a harmless luag-healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling, or distressing coughs, quick ly yield to the healing, soothing ac tion of this splendid prescription Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so safe and good for children, & well. Containing no opium, chlort form, or other harmful drugs, moth ers should in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's. If other remedies are offered, tell them No! Be your own judge! Sold by all dealers. A Suprise Party. Saturday evening a few young peo ple gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hoback of Union, to spend the evening. The party was a sur prise given In honor of their daugh ter, Miss Lela's eighteenth birthday. The evening was spent In a most en; Joyablo manner with jolly games and lively music. Refreshments were ser ved at the usual hour. Many nice presents were received, and the guests departed, wishing her every happy return of the evening. Those present were: Misses Jennie Talklngton, Hat tlo Clarence, Leona Taylor, Babe Graves, Sadie Jay, Ada Talklngton, Otilla Frans, Gertrude Hoback, Grace Taylor, Hattie Hoback, Mabel Jay, Lllllo Sherwood, Hazel Frans, and Bertha Burns, and Elmer Frans, Frank Andorson. Roy Gerklng, Ray Crawford, Clyde Lynde, Charles Swan, John Hoback, Ross Jay, Ernest Ander son, Grover Hoback, Vern Jay, Ree llostetter and Charles Hoback. J. W. Burnett, one of the old set tlers of Rock Bluffs . jreclnct, came in this morning from his home to look after business matters. Mr. Bur nett is farming the Iv. White place at Rock Bluffs at present and is a thrif ty and industrious citizen of that section. Alexan Wants Pajiers. In the office of Clerk of the Court Robertson today formal application was made for papers by August Alex an, a native of Sweden. Mr. Alexen has been a resident of Louisville for sometime and came down this morn ing fortified for his test of citizenship by two of the best and most reliable citizens of that vicinity, Messrs. Emil Palmer and James Stander being present to testify as to his excellence as a citizen and to give his appli cation their cordial endorsement. This is a sure test of his high standing in his community and the best of testi monial to his true worth. He return ed to his home thsl afternoon a full fledged citizen. Will Kruger departed this morning for his home at Greenwood where he has been working for some time. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanltnr; t otlon. Never falls. quickly fir the Murray brlgndo and Sold by GeiinfV& Co., druggists. PERKINS HOTEL GUTHMAN & CORY. Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska RATES $1.00 PER DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade "f'-.'a and Guarantee Satisfaction. WHEN IN THE CITY GIVE US A CALL X ? ? ? V f f V t ? ? X The Perkins Hotel ? t ? ? ? V ? ? ? ? ? V ? ? ?