The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 20, 1910, Image 2

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The Stink's Visit.
Last Sunday afternocn the Stork
made a visit to the home of Mr. am: It. C. Jahric and loft thorn a
i mm uinTiirn 1
111 j 1 1 1 H r K
Lhiiu nnuiiiLii
South Omaha Braves Treat VUilOi. Royaily-MUsouri Tribe Re
ceives Many Word of Praise for Their Excellent Work.
t- linimv Miitlu-r rtrtainlv re-i c'uoea I
his sentiments. The- young lady has Commercial Club Secure Cotton
Missouri Tribe No. 69 Improved and who told of the progress of the
Order of Red Men of this city Bent a (order and of the good work being
.tiiM sized delegation of, done all along the line. Nearly all
Kood Indiana to South Omaha last the lodges in the state were being
ft 1 Jt . rt I. -o a anI rrim
night to attend the adoption , 01 a
class of palefaces into the mysteries
of the order. The ceremonies were
exceedingly impressive and the de
grees were administered with all the j
solemnity and beauty which their dig
nity implies. The first degree was
administered by the team from Onon
dage lodge at Fort Crook and the
. - jL ,1 ninvlr
team did very nne worn aim
which was much appreciated by the
braves and warriors present. The
class consisted of 40 'members. The
attendance was very largo Including
large delegations from Omaha and
Fort Crook and a good sized crowd
from this city.
Following the ceremonies nf. adop
tion there was an elegant .banquet
served in the council hall of the camp
at which everything in the line of
eatablos were on the table. There
was also refreshments of various
kinds on hand to which all members
were made welcome. Speechmaking
was one of the features of the baiy
fliifit. the principal speakers being
n the cause of a smile on her
father's face which wen t come off
ut which gets larger as times goes
on. jne many menus oi .ua. jaun6
will be glad to know that both her
nd the little lady are getting along
nicely, and they will extend their
congratulations to the happy father.
increased at a rapid rate and mem
bers are pouring in from every quart
er. Missouri tribe received especially
flattering mention from these speak
era and much praise was heard for
th enerev and thrift which the
Plattsmouth braves were exhibiting
In fact Missouri tribe was held up
as a worthy example for all other
councils in the state and the local
braves were much pleased at the
hearty words given them. William
Hinrichsen of this city responded on
behalf of the Missourls for the many
good words said for that tribe, and
made a well considered and able
speech. Mr. Hinrichsen surprised hi
friends with hl3 ready flow of lan
guage and received a warm welcome
from the assemblage. Other speeches
occupied the time until the late. Mis
souri Pacific train came down.
A H. Koubek of this city took
along with him on the trip some ad
vertlslng matter for the dance to be
given by the Jolly Six Indians danc
Ing club-and was assured that large!
Glove and Mitten . Factory
For This OXy.
ui II
Lone a Resident of Elmwood,
Moving There in 1870.
. i 1 1
X Short Items of Interest From Wed
nesday's Evening Journal
'4 i
tnrtpo Sutton of Omaha, who presided j delegations would be here from Om-
as toastmaster and who made a strong aha, South Omaha and Fort Crook
and able Bpeech upon the merits of
the order and the wonderful progress
which it has been making. Judge
Sutton Is the Creat Junior Sagamore
of the order and Is recognized as one
of the ablest officers. Great Sachem
J. II. Crosvcnor of Aurora, also spoke
and made a splendid address bearing
upon the work of the order and the
rtntioB And responsibilities of the
members. Great Field Secretary R
Kemm was another speaker whoBe
words sounded good to the warriors
for the occasion. It was announced
at the council last night that Aurora
expected to initiate a class of 100
members on the 28th of this month,
one of the largest classes ever adopt
ed In this state.
The Red Men who attended from
this city included R. F. Otterstcin,
Jos. Svehla, Wm. Budlg, Wm. Hin
richsen, John Iverson, Frank Sabat
ka, McKlnney, Gregg, Clyde Wilcox,
John Gravett, P. F. Budlg and Anton
II. Koubek.
Many Days Aro.
A relic of the days when steam
boating on the Missouri river was not
theory but practice Is In possession
of L. C. McBrlde, chief clerk to the
superintendent of the Lincoln division
of the Burlington, In the shape of a
bill of lading to a shipment of goods
made In the old steamboat days. The
bill reads as follows:
"St. Louis and Omaha Packet Line.
PlatUmouth, Neb., June 20, 1868. E.
" F. Durke & Co., to Steamer City of
Peoria, Dr. D. II. Silver, master,
Thomas W. Sheilds, clerk. 12 cook
stoves and linings, 2,780 pounds, rate
40 cents, $11.12. Received payment.
D. H. Wheeler & Co., agents."
Railroad men In Lincoln yesterday
figured that the freight on this ship
ment now by rail would be $10J3,
the present rate being 35 cents per
hundred. Of the receiving agents for
the payment D. H. Wheeler, the head
of the firm of D. H. Wheeler & Co.,
went to Omaha a number of years
ago whore ho is still a leading busi
ness man and a well known Nebraska
Much Praise For School.
The Bchool in district No. 30 pre
sided over by Miss Mabel Root as
teacher and generally known as the
Cullom school, was visited several
davs since by several of the well
known residents of that vicinity who
have kindly Informed the Journal of
their observations and they are loud
in praise of the excellent conduct of
the school and the fine progress the
pupils are making. All of them have
children attending the school and
they cannot say too much In praise
of Miss Roofs good work. One thing
which Impressed them particularly
Died Nickel. Mrs. Peter, at her home
at Elmwood, Nebraska of pneu
monia on January 22, 1910, aged
about 60 years. Funeral on Satur
day afternoon, January 22, 1910
from the home at Elmwood, Ne
braska, at 2 o'clock p. m. Inter
ment In the cemetery at Elmwood.
Word .was received this morning
from Elmwood, Neb., of the death
at that place of Mrs. Peter Nickel for
many years a resident of .that place
and one of the pioneers or Nebraska.
Mrs. Nickel met her death from an
attack of pneumonia, having been a
sufferer from that complaint for sev
eral days.
Deceased will be quite well remem
bered throughout thia section, she
having moved to Elmwood with her
husband, the late Peter Nickel In the
year 1870, and having since resided
there. She was about 60 years of
age and spent the early years of her
life in Pekin, 111., where she was
born, removing to Elmwood after her
marriage as above set forth. She is
survived byasonand three daughters,
all of whom live at uimwooa ana
also by a niece Mrs. C. L. Ilerger of
this city.
Her husband departed this life
. m a
some seven years ago, one or. me
best known and most respected resi
dents of Cass county.
Deceased was a woman of a most
lovable character, a kind, loving and
gentle mother and a friend to all who
knew her. To the sorrowing children
and niece the deepest sympathy is ex
tended by all. To those who knew her
In her lifetime her passing comes
much as a great personal misfortune
for to each of them she was that
grandest of characters a true friend
The funeral of this beloved woman
will be held on next Saturday after
noon (January 22) from her late real
dence at Elmwood at 2 o'clock, the
Interment being made at the ceme
tery near that place. Friends of the
See Plattsmouth Succeed." It has
succeeded In landing another factory
for the city. This was made certain
today when Mr. Schutz of Glenwood.
Ia., who has been In active negotia
tions with the commercial club for
sometime past, arrived In the city and
announced positively that he would
come here and open his factory and
that, too, at once. The new factory
will be devoted to the manufacture
of men's cotton gloves and mittens
and it will be located either in the
building next door to the Smith fac
tory or in the brick residence of the
late Dr. Black In the north part of
the city, the exact location not being
determined at the hour of going to
press. One thing Is sure, however,
and that la that Plattsmouth has
added another factory to its string
and President Falter Is Justly elated
at the success which is attending the
commercial club's efforts. The new
factory will fill a long felt want In
the city and the vicinity and, as it
is in the immediate neighborhood
of the big Omaha Jobbing houses
there will be a splendid market for
all It can produce. It will employ
twelve men at the start and that Is
not bad for that kind of work, it
means twelve more families employed
and probably fifty people to buy food
and clothing in the city. This city
Is an Ideal one for this factory and
It is a sure success. The commercial
club and its hustling officers deserve
the greatest praise for getting after
these factories and securing them for
the city.
But this Is not all. A Plattsmouth
merchant la back of a movement
A. A. Doerner is looking after busi
ness matters in umana toaay, go
ing to that city on the morning train.
Fred Ramge and wife are visitors
today In the metropolis, going to
Omaha this morning on the early
Miss Ella Neuman and brother Er
nest, were passengers this morning
for Omaha, where they will Bpend
the day.
Mrs. Carl Kunsman Is among those
visiting with relatives in Omaha to
day, having gone to the metropolis
this morning.
Miss Anna Frye has accepted a
oositlon with the Plattsmouth Tele-
Dhone company as . stenographer In
the auditor's office.
Miss Genevieve Schafer of David
City, Neb., who is to take a place
in the public schools of this city, ar
rived here last evening.
William Llndoo of the Burlington
Jacob Lohnes, one of the beat of
Cass county citizens, is In the city
today attending to business matters.
Mrs. William Wetenkamp and son
are visitors today in Omaha, having
been passengers on the morning train
for that city.
Mrs. Rev. W. L. Austin is spend
ing today in Omaha, having been a
passenger for that city this morning
on the early train.
Charles Maguire, wife and son
Thomas, are spending today in Om
aha, having been passengers for that
city on the morning train.
Mrs. W. II. Rainey is among those
spending today in the metropolis,
having gone to that city this morning
on the early train.
L. G. Larson was a passenger to
Pacific Junction on the noon train
today where he will attend to some
business matters.
D. J. Pitman, the Murray grain
dealer, was In the city last evening.
For Rent Five acre farm, 2 miles
south of Plattsmouth. Enquire of J.
II. Tarns, at the county poor farm.
AT up A
was that music is being taught In the
school, there being an organ there family In this city are invited to at
and the children of Will Seybert do- tend
ing the playing. They are said to be
excellent players and do work which To a Sanitarium.
is better by far than many older pu- in the matter of the Insane case of
plls. Singing Is also taught In the Vern Riser which was on hearing yes
schools and while the visitors were terday before the Insanity commla
present the children sang while the gion, a decision was reached between
organ was played. Such progress in the members of the commission and
country schools Is to be commended Uho parents of the young man by
and It pleases the parents to know which he Is to be taken to a private
that so good a school Is available for sanitarium for treatment and kept
their children. there until a cure may be affected in
his condition. In the event that It la
See James Sochor, the merchant found that he cannot be cured, he is
tailor, about that new fall suit. to bo taken to the asylum at Lincoln.
rrrrwwwt'MJ Th t decision was reached after a full
hearing in which the young man's act
Ions were explained in detail by wit
nesses. This was a very sad case ow
Ing to the fact that it was recently
found necessary to send his brother
to the sanitarium for treatment for
the same malady. The two boys are
the sons of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Riser
who feel deeply the sad . infliction.
Their many friends extend their
heartfelt sympathy in their trouble
and trust that a cure may be affected
vprv Roon in both cases and the
young men returned to their homes.
hlch means a larger factory yet for
the city. He ia the right kind and he
has agreed to put $5,000 himself Into
the enterprise. It is not yet ripe and
for that reaaon the official announce
ment of Its success cannot be made
but It will come to Plattsmouth. The
location has been secured already and
all that remains is to complete the
details of the transfer of the fac
tory from its present location. It is
sure to be located here and you will
'See Plattsmouth Succeed." This
means two excellent and well backed
Institutions for the city and they will
mean something in the neighbor
hood of two hundred people to be
fed and clothed by Plattsmouth mer
chants. In addition a number of other
prospective Investors in the city are
expected to be here today and to
morrow and the boom is now on.
Oftsonkop Case Argued.
The case of the State vs. Fred Oa-
aenkop came up for hearing yesterday
in the supreme court at Lincoln where
Ossenkop's appeal was argued. At
torney T. J. Doyle of Lincoln and
County Attorney Ramsey of this city
appeared for the state and resisted
the argument of Matthey Gerlng of
this city who argued for a reversal
of the sentence of the district court
The case was taken under advisement
by the court as is customary In such
. I U U A ..n t T tnnnln finnnf
n.u uuVuUW.. c .u..., coming up from his home to attend
iasi evening in ine cuy, ueiug quart
ered at the Perkins hotel.
C. M. Reed, from near Murray,
was In the city today and while here I
paid the Journal office a brief call, ;
renewing his subscription.
Frank P. Sheldon, one of the strong
and able men of Nehawka, was a visi
tor in the city last evening, return
ing to his home this morning.
Superintendent of Shops Baird Is
looking after company business today
in Omaha, being a passenger on No.
IT) for that city this morning.
Mark White, Rock Bluffa' worthy
citizen, spent yesterday afternoon in
the city looking after business mat
ters, driving home in the evening.
It is announced that civil Bervice
examination for rural mall carrier
will be held on February 12 (Satur
day) at Louisville for a route out of
that place.
Col. M. A. Bates, editorial facto
tum of this entertaining paper, is in
Murray today gathering the news
items and Incidentally, meeting his
many good friends in that place.
J. A. Schooley and family of Mart
insburg, Ia., who have been in the
city for some days visiting with Mrs.
Schooley's mother, Mrs. Newland, de
parted this morning for their home
Mrs. F. A. Schlele of South Omaha,
who has been visiting in the city with
her parents Mr. ana Mrs. Wm. Weber,
departed this morning for her home
Mrs. Weber accompanied her for a
brief visit.
A. F. Hedengren, master carpenter
of the Burlington, spent last even
Ing and a few hours this morning in
the city Inspecting the progress of
work in his department, departing
for the north on No. 15.
T. J. Will and wife and Mra. F. S
Will and family were pas8enger8 thia
morning for Omaha from which point
Mrs. F. S. Will will depart for Hen
nessey, Okla., where they will make
their future home, Mr. Will attend
ing to moving from their present
located at Nelson, Neb. Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Will will return to their home
this evening.
to business matters. 4.H
M. Fanger who has been looking
after business matters in the me
tropolis, returned to his store in this
;clty thia morning.
Misse3 Marguet Rishel and Aline
Rennle are spending the day in Om
aha visiting, belnb passengers on
the morning train for that city.
Mrs.- F. W. Hawkaworth who has
been spending several weeks past in
the city, the guest of D. Hawksworth
and wife, departed thia morning for
her home near Dallas. S. D.
Conrad Baumgardner, one of Mur-
dock's reliable citizens, was in the city
today on matters in connection with
the guardianship of Sophia Kramp
ean he being the guardian.
The people of Avoca will soon have
a new postmaster, Senators Burkett
and Brown yesterday agreeing upon
William Morley for the position to
succeed the late Oustave Buss.
T. L. Phelps and William Chris-
man, the former the Burlington civil
engineer of Omaha and the latter his
assistant, were in the city last night
and this morning attending to com
pany business.
If A
Andrew Shoeman and wife and
Miss Clara Kraft, from near Louis
ville, were visitors in the city today.
Mr. Shoeman is one of the Journal's
staunch friends and while here called
and renewed for his paper.
Dr. George H. Gilmore, the well
known Murray physician, who was in
Omaha this morning on professional
buainess, came down thia afternoon
on No. 92 and visited a few hours
here before driving home. As is hl.
usual custom he paid the Journal oft
flee a welcome visit. )
L. C. W Murray, a Nebraska pion
eer and one of the state's best citi
zens is in the city today attending to
business Mr. Murray states that in
ail his experience in thia state cov
ering a period of 56 years and more,
he never saw a winter like this. For
long continued cold and bad weather
it is unparalelled. Covering so long, a
period of time Mr. Murray's recollec
tions are decidely interesting.
There is no Quinine, nothing what
ever harsh or Blckening In Preven
tics. These little Candy Cold Cure
Tablets act as by magic. A few
hours and your threatening Cold Is
broken. Candy-like In taste. Preven
tics please the children and they
break the feverishness, always. And
least of all is the economy. A large
box 48 rreventleB 25 cents. Ask
your druggst. He knows! Sold by
all dealers.
FIGURE. Put in our bank one dollar a day.
This sum and the interest on it will in twenty
years make you a comfortable fortune. The in
terest on this fortune will support you the rest of
your life.
We will pay you 3 per cent interest on the
money you put In our bank and compound the in
terest every twelve months.
County Teacher's Examination.
The county teachers' examination
for this month will be held at both
Weeping Water and riattsmouth
Examinations will be held at Weeping
Water on Friday, January 21st and
Saturday January 22nd.
Examinations will be held at Platts
mouth, Saturday, January 22nd.
Mary E. FoBter,
County Supt.
Get Well First
i i ;m ! ! ".I
Don't risk even a penny until health
first returns.
... 1..... .MW
Ana 1 menu jus . . . .
Iain the ona pnymcmn wnw mjr wi m
mill nutnf mvown Docket, my lor your nieUl.
clnalf lttniUtobriUKyouhclfil"
And lor J year ir. eihhi mri
bwn uwd nd nommeiuled In every city 'and
hamU't in America. They are positively itand
ard In every communitr-and everywhere.
Then why pay the cash, and at your risk, lor
other unwarranted anu uihtm u.u uw........
Thousands upon thousands have In the past
,..n ....... i li. Khfwin Histnrntlve.
When the Stomacn nerve. w
liey nerves lull, these sirk ones know how QUlcklj
Dr. Shoop's Restorative wUl brinf them back w
h.Hh train. UUt OCQA Uit, Ktry
Iv take no money risk whatever.Thn know
1. .h.nrni health (alls to
vs.- O UsvnM tar 111
ilst lor this test. And lor
that test a lull 30 day treatment U Ireoly granted.
But write me first for an order.
in u.. iIi.Ikt and dlMDnolntnient.
ah riniirvisu mil Dr. Hhoop's RestomUve and Dr.
),..nmtlo Rrmerir. but all are not au
1 . . n . J . CI .1 . 11...
thoniea to mve tne ou uj oo urop m u"
i.-. inr I hv .nDoinUtd an honest and r
anntKllilM dru. fist In almost
every commnn. ity, every wher
tn ..ii. mm no v r ne d. iiii imi
medicines tothe V sick. Tell mealso
ki..k Kir inn neea. ine ihiuk.
below will surely open Tip new and helpful Ideas
n thru mhn ftm not well. Kestdesyoit are perfect
ly free to consult me jusi as you wmim "
physician. My advice and the book below are
tours and without cost.
Perhaps a word or two from me will clear tip
some sorlnus allmont. I have helped thousands
upon thonsamls- by my private
..KiUn 1 nenonal advice
plan. Mr best ef- H Ol'ort 11 0"url1.'
worthyonrslwple M, VMM request. Po write
now. while you ; It fresh In
mind, for tomorrow nerer comes. Dr.BUoop, Bo
U. Kaciae. Wis.
Waiek Book skill I l4 Tost
Increase Stock.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 18. Stock
holder of the Missouri Pacific rail
way company voted today at a special
meeting to increase the bonded ln
debtednesa S175.000.000; to buy
$25,000,000 of the Iron Mountain
bonda; adopted by-lawa and voted to
buy eleven subaldlary llne8. Vice
President C. S. Clarke, presided at
the meeting. The shares of George J.
Gould and other New Tork stock
holders were voted by proxy.
The roads bought are: The Carth
age Western, the Joplin & Western,
the St. Louis, Oak Hill & Carondolet;
the Sedalla, Warsaw & Southwestern;
the Kansas City Northwestern, the
Nebraska Southern, the Omaha Belt,
the Omaha Southern, the Pacific rail
way, the Pueblo & State line, and the
Kansas & Arkansas Valley.
The lease of the Boonvllle, St.
Louis & Southern was approved.
It has been decided to use 190,
000,000 of the bond Issue in refund
ing prior Hen bonda. For equipment
obligations $500,000 will be reserved
at $52,866,000, will bo expended for
betterment and equipment under re
8trlctIona provided in the mortgage.
Unfair Discrimination.
In Eagle they have a telephone ex
change, with stockholders who have
been receiving service for fifty cents
per month. They charge people who
want 'phones and are not stockholders
one dollar per month. The people who
pay for the phones and keep up the
lines pay one-half what those do who
Just have the service without invest
ment. This seems fair, but the state
railway commission Bays that It is
unfair dis6rimlnatlon, and all must
pay alike. This decision bids fair Y'"
terminate the company. It is a wiae
railway commission that can see lat
tice In such a ruling. Weeping Wa
ter Republican.
Byron Clark denaried this morn
ing for the east, being a passenger on
Ko. 1 On Pyspertla
No. 3 On the Heart
Ko. I On the Kidneys
No. 4 For W omea
No. 6 For Men
Ko. Oa Rheumatism
Dr. Shoop's
Chamberlaln'B Cough Remedy is a
very valuable medicine for throat and
lung troubles, quickly relieves and
cureB painful breathing and a dan
gerous sounding cough which indl
eates congested lungs. Sold by all
Card of Thanks.
For the many kind expressions of
sympathy from our friends in this
city and in Omaha and especially for
the loving aid extended during the
death of our beloved brother, George
Straley by the lodgeB of the Brother
hood of Trainmen of South Omaha
and Omaha, and their loving floral
tributes, we desire to return our moat
sincere thanks.
BenJ. Brooks and wlf.
George Brooks.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
never disappointed those who use it
for obstinate coughs, colds and Irri
tations of the throat and lunga. it
stands unrivalled as a remedy for all
throat and lung diseases. Sold by a
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I No. 6.