The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 20, 1910, Image 1

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NO 6
Points Out to Commercial Club Various Ways for the Upbuilding
and Betterment of Our City.
The sermon which Canon Burgess
preached last evening at St. Luke's
Episcopal church for the especial
benefit of the members of the com
mercial club, was nbt attended near
ly as largely as its merits deserved.
Canon Burgess wa3 at his best and
delivered a sermon which was not
alone Interesting but was of the high
est order of merit. It was filled full
of thoughtful suggestions touching on
the civic duties and was also brimful
of suggestions for the uplifting of
the city. Those who did attend found
the sermon something which was of
the utmost benefit to them. Owing
to the inclement weather and the
bad getting about, the members of
the club turning out were very few
in number but what they lacked in
numbers they made up in enthusiasm.
It Is deeply to be regretted that so
light an attendance should have been
present as Canon Burgess had gone to
A Change of Weather.
A sudden change in the weather
this morning bids fair to make travel
a mighty difficult thing by nightfall.
Yesterday and early this morning the
wind was blowing from the south
with a wet, heavy fog enveloping the
earth and making breathing extreme
ly unpleasant as well as making get
ting about attended with considerable
inconvenience. The wind shifted this
morning and commenced to blow out
of the north and northwest, and with
in a few moments the mercury start
ed on the down grade. Owing to the
amount of water in the air, It was
not long before Ice commenced to
form and within a few hours a slip-
pery and tretcherous coating covered
the streets and walks, making travel
dangerous and unsafe. The mercury
has kept on the down grade all day
end bids fair by night to be hovering
about the zero mark. Should this be
the case pedestrians will do well to
use the greatest of care In' getting
A storm which was central on the
Pacllc coast Saturday night and Sun
day Is responsible for the change
which has been very sudden. The
weather bureau predicts for today
rain or snow Monday; colder in north
and west portion; Tuesday fair and
colder. The press copy Issued by the
bureau reads as follows: "Moderate
temperature for the season will pre
vail throughout the United States
during the next few days and prob
ably during the entire week. This is
the prediction made Sunday night by
.the weather bureau. Some sharp falls
in temperature are looked for in the
northern states east of the lake re
gion. Rain Is expected during the
next two days in the plain and cen
tral valley states and later in the
week in the middle of the eastern and
northeastern states. In the northern
states the precipitation of the week
will be in the form of snow."
According to this we are in for a
week of rain or snow with colder
weather, conditions anything but de
New Steel Hook Rack.
Aelpt of a rana, new an steei dook
rack which is being installed today
In the vault of his office. The new
rack Is a very handsome one, one
well worth looking at. In addition
to being a very nice ornament for
the office, it is quite convenient and
of modern construction. The growth
of business in the office has been such
that more room is needed for the
several records and the rack was
ordered to fill the long felt want. .
Visit His Mother.
Frank Archer, an old time Platts
mouth boy, but now located in Coun
cil Bluffs with an implement and wag'
,on house, spent' a few hours in the
city, being en route from Kansas
City, Mo., to his home. Frank is kept
pretty busy on the road now setting
up machines and wagons for his firm
and has been in Kansas City on that
business, stopping oft here for a few
tours visit with, his mother. Frank
met many old time friends while here
and had a delightful visit.
a great deal of especial pains in the
preparations of the sermon and it
was such as deserved careful con
sideration .from the club.
In addition to the especial sermon,
the choir had made arrangements for
a special song service aud there were
several extremely beautiful numbers
rendered. The choir numbered nine
teen members and under the direction
of Prof. Austin they gave some of the
finest musical selections ever heard
in the city. The members of the
commercial club who did not brave
the elements missed not alone a very
powerful and able sremon but they
also missed the fine music which had
been especially prepared for them.
It is to be hoped that the other ser
mons which have been arranged for
receive a better patronage than this
one and that more interest Is man!
fested In something which Is of such
vital Importance to the city and its
The Masquerade Ball at the T.
J. Sokol Hall a Great Success
The members of the T. J. Sokol
society last Saturday night held one
of the largest and best masquerades
ever given In this city. The attend
ance was very large, there being one
of the greatest crowds ever assem-
bled on the floor of the large hall
(Harlequins, clows, Irishmen,
mans, animals and nearly every con
ceivable thing was represented in
the great variety of costumes which
the maskers wore. The dancing con
tinued until & late hour, the masks
being removed at eleven o'clock. The
music for the occasion was furnished
by the Woodmen orchestra and
goes without saying that it was of
the very best and most highly enjoyed
by everyone attending. The society
took in a large sum of money on the
dance and Is deeply gratified at the
arge attendance. There receipts at
the door are said to have been the
largest in the history of the organ!
zation. Despite the large crowd there
was no disorder and the entire oc
asion was one of the finest ever given
here. Refreshments were served to
the members of the organization only
and particular pains taken to see that
the laws were carefully observed
Purchase the Palmer Building.
The Improved Order of Red Men
today Is making the final arrange
ments for the purchase of a hall of
Its own, negotiations being under way
for the purchase of the Palmer build
ing on lower Main street between
Third and Fourth streets. Dr.' A.
Barnes had started to move into the
building this morning with his res
taurant when the Red Men and the
owner of the building got together
and agreed upon a price. The pa
pers not having been made out, the
consideration is not made public. The
trustees of the order were to have
closed the deal during this afternoon.
The new quarters will be commodious
and well suited to the purposes of the
order. The entire upper floor will
be made into a lodge room and it is
supposed the lower floor will be a
banquet parlor. This gives the order
ample room and when the several
changes which it is contemplated to
make are made, things will be strict
ly up to date and the quarters will
be handsome and convenient. Further
details of the transfer will be given
The many frienas of Mr. and Mrs
Knee will be pleased to learn that
Mr. Knee who was seized with a
paralytic stroke several months ago
while attending the meeting In the
Christian tent, is much better and
Is now able to be about. It is be
lleved that the improvement is per
manent and that he will soon bo
himself once more. This at least is
the hope of his many good friends
Advertised Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Plattsmouth postoffiee o nthla (Janu
ary 17) date uncalled for, and unless
called for within a reasonable length
time they will be Bent to the
Dead Letter office at Washington. In
ailing for same please say, "adver
tised:" Miss Mary Hagar, Miss Jessie
Moore, Miss Effie Patterson, Miss
Mildred Purk. William E. Evans, A.
Roepke, Francis Hunter, Everett
Made Necessary by Daniel Will"
ard,s Election to Presidency
of B. & O. Railroad.
Sunday Chicago Record-Herald
Official announcement was made yes
terday of the reorganization of the of
flcial staff of the Burlington, made
necessary by the election of Daniel
Willard to be president of the Balti
more & Ohio. According to the ar
rangemcnt, the jurisdiction of Darius
Miller, first vice president of the
road, has been extended to all de
partments. Formerly be was In charge
of traffic only. This arangement prob
ably will be short lived, as the pro
gram calls for the election of Mr.
Miller to be president of the Bur
llngton as soon as George B. Harris
Mr. Miller will have the aid of as
sistants in the operating and in the
traffic departments. The man who
will be directly in charge of operating
matters is H. E. Byram, formerly as
sistant to second vice president. Mr
Byram yesterday took active charge
of the work. Although not enjoying
the rank of vice president, he will
have all the authority of such an of
ficial, reporting to Mr. Miller aa vice
president of all departments.
The extension of Mr. Miller's au
thority increases the importance of
the position of C. G. Burnham, as
sistant to the first vice presdent. Mr.
Burnhami' Will hereafter have full
charge of traffic and have the auth
ority of a vice president, reporting
on traffic matters to Mr. Miller. Be
fore his appointment as assistant to
the second vice president, Mr. Byram
was a member of the staff of Inspect
ors assigned to special branches of
the work of operation. This position
has not yet been filled. It Is under
stood that there Is to be no change
In the methods of conducting the
operating department, which is uni
sue. Mr. Willard's staff was made up
largely of special inspectors and sup
erintendents whose duty it was to
specialize along the various lines and
to give the vice president the benefit
of their special and expert knowledge.
The system proved effective, and It is
understood that Mr. Miller is to re
tain it.
Before leaving Chicago for Balti
more to assume the duties of presi
dent of the Baltimore & Ohio, Mr.
Willard stated that he had not form
ed any detailed plan regarding the
future of the property. He did not
take any of the Burlington posed
utilizing the material on the road
just as far as It was possible to do
Notwithstanding this statement,
there is a strong rumor from the east
that there is to bo a pretty thorough
reorganization of the Balltmore &
Ohio official staff. The Union Pacific
and Pennsylvania interests are said
to feel that results commensurate
with the possibilities have never been
gotten out of the property. Mr. Wil
lard la expected to correct all this
and the opportunity is said by rail
road men to be large.
L. 0. Hanson Insane.
The hearng of the insanity case of
L. C. Hanson from near Greenwood
which took place yesterday afternoon
at the office of Clerk of the Court
Robertson resulted in the commission
finding the man insane and ordering
that he be taken to tho state asylum
at Lincoln for confinement and treat
ment. There were a number of wit
nesses on hand and tho unfortunate
condition of tne aged gentlemen bore
out their testimony as to his falling
mind. Tho commission which consists
of Clerk Robertson, Attorney D. 0.
Dwyer and Dr. B. F. Brendel of Mur-
ray came to the conclusion that he
was insane without any trouble.
Through th 5 edium of a Maga
zine Published in Chicago.
Plattsmouth gets on the map
through the medium of an article in
the February number of the Green
Book Album magazine, a periodical
printed in Chicago, III. The article
in question Is by Miss Elsie Ferguson,
the star of the play "Such a Little
Queen," now running at a New York
play house. Regardless of what one
mny think of Miss Ferguson's article
which Is entitled "How I Became a
Star," It has served to make menton
of this city, although not in the most
flattering way however. Miss Fergu
son starts her article by describing
her early life saying: "It begins in
New York, which is quite appropri
ate, though something of a novelty In
Itself, for most of the actors and
actresses who are popular on Broad
way were reader in remote places like
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or London,
England, and so forth." Possibly Miss
Ferguson has In mind Miss Alice
Dovey, who was reared In thi remote
place and who Is decidedly popular
n Broadway at the present time. Miss
Ferguson's article Is tinctured quite
a bit with egotism but this Is a com
mon failing of actors and actresses
and the general public is unusually
Indulgent enough to overlook that.
It la nevertheless, a pleasant article
and one well worth persual.
The Green Book also speaks at
length of "Old Dutch" the Lew
Field's paly, in which Miss Alice
Dovey is playing and has the follow
Ing to say of the score of the play.
"Mr. Herbert's score Is rich In tone
and melody, bearing a relation to the
work of our other composers that
puree does to consomme. Hs chief
'oeuvre In "Old Dutch" Is "My Gypsy
Sweetheart," a song so full of spirit
and sung with such dash and aband
on, that it brings the audience to its
eet." Miss Dovey sings this song and
her work is given quite a well de
served compliment In the above
Pleasantly Entertained at "Sun
nyside" by Mrs. Wescott.
The parlor meeting of the W. C
T. U. held yesterday afternoon at
"Sunnyslde," the beautiful home of
Mrs. C. E. Wescott, proved a very
interesting meeting. It was given for
Mrs. Wallace, national organizer for
the union and the attendance was
very good considering the weather
conditions prevailing.
The chief feature of the meeting
was the address of Mrs. Wallace
which was most Interesting and time
ly. She spoke principally upon the
subject of "Woman Suffrage" and
her address was a very plain and
practical one. Incidentally, it was
also convincing as was evidenced by
the signing of the suffrage petitions
by the entire assemblage. The speak
er also took up moral problems and
the white slave traffic discussing the
latter in the only manner in which a
pure woman could speak of it. Mrs.
Wallace's entire discourse was able
and quite pleasing to all who heard
In addition to Mrs. Wallace's talk,
Miss Howard gave Beveral very lovely
vocal selections, which well repaid
those attending for braving the sllp
pery walks and the damp air. In ad
dition to Miss Howard's music little
Miss Mildred Larkln gave a vocal
selection, Mrs. Larkln accompanying
her on the piano. The young lady
did very nicely and charmed her audi
ence with the beautiful rendering
which she gave the melody.
Delicious and dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess who was
assisted In the nerving by MesdameB
C. C. Wescott and M. Howland.
The benediction closed a pleasant
and very profitable afternoon at de
llghtful "Sunnyslde."
The famous Ossenkop murder case
Is called In supreme court today
County Attorney Ramsey left for Lin
coln last evening to assist Attorney
General Thompson on behalf of the
ill U PWVI'I 11 l IKIVCV I A '"till II II a
At'tonioy. " A'.iminimrator.l yrr'lls al vegetable. Ask your
There Was a Total of 146 Slogans
and Young Connie Schlater Secures the
Prize ot Ten Dollars.
The directors of the commercial
club last evening had an exciting
esslon on, w restling with the problem
of what would be the slogan for the
lty for the new "booster" button.
When one realizes that there was a
total of 146 slogans submitted for
consideration, one can seo what a
task the eleven men had before them.
All the directors had Ideas of their
own as to what would be best to say
and they received a thorough thresh
ing out before the session ended. It
took them three hours before they
finally agreed upon the right one.
President Falter read the slogans
as submitted, all of them having been
sealed and the names of the parties
submitting them being kept from the
directors who had to select from the
Immense number, the one thing which
could not be depennded upon to win
merit from the public, both at home
and abrond. Secretary Wescott turn
ed all of the slogans over to the presi
dent, each of them being numbered
in the order In which he had received
them. As these were opened and
read, the directors looked at one an
other and gasped. They were up
against the concentrated wisdom of
all the ages from 15 to 75 years for
such were years covered by those sub
mitting ideas.
Finally the directors agreed upon
the magic words:
This slogan was submitted by Con
nie Schlater, Jr., and took the $10
prize. That he deserves it goes with
out saying. "See Plattsmouth Sue
ceed," is the proper slogan for Platts
mouth is going to succeed and that,
too, in everything it goes after. It is
to be regretted that the young man
who Bubmlttcd the slogan Is sick in
bed and this In a measure detracts
from his Joy at taking down the
prize. However, he won it sick or
well, and it is well worth the price,
The slogan "See Plattsmouth Sue
ceed" is worthy of the widest pos
slble use by everyone. Let all the
stationery of Plattsmouth business
bear these magic words, let every
sheet of wrapping paper carry this
slogan across its front, let every
envelope which goes out Into the
world have across it "See Plattsmouth
Succeed," let every sack which tho
grocer uses carry It emblazoned on its
front so that he who runs may read,
Farwell to These Excellent Peo
ple Who Expect to Leave
the City.
A most delightful little party was
given last evening at the Catholic
Sokol's fine new hall on west Elm
street, the occasion being a fare
well party to Tbos. Janda and wife
who expect to Bhortly . leave the
city. There were a large number of
good friends of this couple present
and no pains had been Bpared to
make the occasion one of the utmost
enjoyment. There were refreshments
In abundance and a fine supper was
served the assembled guests. Im
mediately following the supper and
the refreshments, a quiet little dance
was put on by the young folks and
It was a late hour before the party
broke up, everyone finding it a highly
delightful occasion and being more
than pleased with its success. The
guests retired after having extended
their best wishes to the guests, of
honor, Mr. and Mrs. Janda, and hav
ing assured them of their hopes for
a happy time in their new home.
R. E. Howard and wire and Mrs.
W. F. Warga are among those spend
ing today in Omaha, being passeng
ers for that city this morning on the
early train.
Submitted for Consideration,
let little stickers with the emblematic
words appear everywhere and the
result will be most encouraging.
Plattsmouth will succeed and the way
to do so Is to advertise it to the
The new buttons will be out right
away and they will be sold for the
purpose of raising money to defray
the expenses of the lecture of George
Blackston Irving. Mr. Irving will
speak to Plattsmouth people on
Thursday, January 27, at the Par-
mele and it will be a lecture worth
hearing. Let every man who owns
property in the city or who is in
business here and wants to make tho
town better attend this lecture and
wear the button "Seo Plattsmouth
Succeed." Let him bring along his
wife and children and put a button
on them. The buttons will be sold by
tho club nnd also by the pupils of tho
high school and will cost the nominal
sum of 25 cents. That Is cheap enough
for the rare treat which will be had.
In Nebraska City the movement to
boost their town is well under way
and they, too, have adopted a button
and a slogan. Theirs reads:
Boost Our Home.
Community Stock.
Plattsmouth believes' it has Ne
braska City bested on a slogan and
that Connie Schlater made the fine
choice when he quoted "See Platts
mouth Succeed." Plattsmouth will
grow in 1910 as never before and it
will close the year the most pros
perous city in Nebraska. "See Ptatts
mouth Succeed."
The officers of the commercial club
this morning telegraphed to the Dry
Goods Reporter at Chicago, the slogan
chosen and that paper will send 1,000
buttons to the city at once for dis
tribution. These buttons as spoken of
above, will constitute the means of
getting to hear Mr. Irvlng's lecture
and while no admission fee will be
charged, it has been decided to use
the funds raised by selling the, but
tons to defray the expenses. The
night on which the lecture is to be
given will bo known as "Booster
Night" and It will be on January 27.
The regular meeting of the com
mercial club will be held this evening
at Coates' hall and in addition to
other Important business, it Is ex
pected Dr. Todd of Omaha will bo
present and explain the merits of his
new neckyoke. A full attendance of
members is desired.
Burlington Shop Man Injured.
An accident at the Burlington
freight repair shops yesterday caus
ed R. ,W. Roberts, one of the em
ployes the loss of part of two
fingers. Mr. Roberts was engaged
in sawing a groove in a piece of sid
ing when the unfinished end of the
board slipped and hurled his fingers .
Into the saw, taking off the middle
and ring finger of the right hand.
The unfortunate man was taken to
the company surgeon who dressed the
Injuries and mado the hand as com
fortable as possible. It will be somo
time before Mr. Roberts will be able
to return to his work as the injuries
will take sometime to heal. Owing
to the pressure of business at the
shops, It has been the practice to
work overtime and on Sundays and
this accounts for Mr. Roberts being
injured on this day.
The local shops are crowded to the
utmost with business, the freight car
department being crowded with work
and doing the overtime stunt.
Entertained in Omaha.
From tho Omaha World-Herald it ,
la learned that Mrs. Guy French of
Omaha last Monday afternoon enter
tained with a box party at the
Orpheum the gueBt f honor being
Miss Nina Crlss who Is shortly to bo
married. The party included Misses
Nina Crlss, Mabel Hicks, Daisy
Rogers, Ramsburgh cf Los Angeles,
Cal Mesdames Ralph Moody, Charles
Helmer, Ira Marks, E. P. Boyer, W.
L. Unzlcker, thos. B. Bates of Platts
mouth and Guy French.
. a uaf V W IWItMM
doctor If he agrees with us. Do as he sayvf