The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1910, Image 4

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Y Short Items of Interest From Sat
$ urday Evening's Daily Journal
Miss Frances Hlber Is a visitor to
ay In Omaha, having gone to the
metropolis this morning.
It. B. Windham Is looking after
ttislness today in Omaha, going to
that city this morning.
William Tinker and wife are spend
ing today In Omaha, having been pas
sengers for that city this morning.
II. A. Graves of Julian, Neb., was
Among those In the city last evening,
Lttlng registered at the Perkins hotc1,
Mrs. Wave Allen of Weeping Wa
ter, came In last evening on the M. P.
' train and was a visitor In the city
over night.
Mrs. Ed. Rynott Is spending the
day in Omaha, being a passenger
tbls morning for that city on the
arly train.
Pollock Parmele Is among those
spending today in Omaha, having
Roue to that city on the early train
this morning.
C. E. Ilaney of Glenwodd, la., was
a business visitor in the city over-J
night, being registered at the Perkins
kotel last night.
The family of John P. Kuhney, the
Nehawka barber, have arrived in that
fclty from Enid, Okla., and will make
It their future home.
Miss Helen Travis accompanied by
tier guest, Miss Belle Martin, of San
JOBe, Cal., Is an Omaha visitor today,
olng to that city on the morning
' train.
Lemon Bates and his sister, Mrs.
Martha Batcheller from Tabor, la.,
re expected to arrive In the city to
day for a visit with the former's son,
Lee Bates and other relatives for sev
eral days.
Miss Helen Swartout, who has been
spending the holidays In the city, re
turned to her school at Concordia,
Kaa., this morning, her mother, Mrs.
Aj B. Swartout accompanying her as
far as Omaha. . '
Lee Flckler is a visitor today in
Omaha, going there to see Gotch
trestle and also see Jeffries spar.
Lee believes he will be able to tell
whether Jeff can whip Johnson after
seeing the former at his work and is
expecting a real treat.
H. L. Oldham came up this morn
ing from his home at Murray on the
morning M. P. trata and will return
with Arch Montgomery this after
noon. Mr. Montgomery drove up with
bob sled and the two gentlemen
will drive back with a wagon lond
ot coal from this city.
W. A. Fight and John Woodera de
parted this morning for their homes
t Akron, Col., after having spent sev
eral weeks In the city and vicinity
with the parents of the former gen
tleman. While hero the gentlemen
bave been engaged In erecting a barn
upon th farm of Mr. Fight's father
bear the city.
Sheriff Qulnton departed this
rooming for Lincoln, taking with him
the young man Wilson who was re
cently sentenced to serve three years
la the penitentiary for the burglary
some freight cars on the M. P.
WJlson is a mere boy and apparently
ttld not seem to realize the enormity
t his offense or to realize the signi
ficance of his trip.
We couldn't conduct this store on
it's established up-to-date basis if we didn't make
possible an en the new stock each season. "
We want to sell our winter stock left from our busy
Fall season, clear our decks and get cash, and make
room so as to be prepared for a fresh start next season.
Our January "clean up" will begin on January 12,
and last for ten days. Three prices:
$10, $14 and $18
on all Suits and Overcoats in the store. Watch for
further announcement. .
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes'
Stetson Hats Manhattan Shirts
J. D. Bramblet, a well known citi
zen from Union, Is In the city today
looking after business matters.
Frank Gobelman Is among those at
tending to business In the metropolis
today, having gone to that city this
Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and her
daughter Miss Ida, are spending to
day In Omaha making a visit with
Charles N. Sullivan, who has been
visiting his folks In this city for sev
eral days, returned to his home at
Omaha last evening.
Gua Olson Is looking after business
today In Omaha, being a passenger
for that city this morning on the
early train.
Mrs. G. B. Gould departed this
morning for Lincoln where Bhe will
make a visit with relatives for sev
eral days.
Mrs. Emma Manchester and Mrs.
Mary Nixon of Omaha will arrive In
the city today on No. 2 to visit over
Sunday with friends.
Mrs. Theobald Rlhn was a passen
ger this morning for South Omaha,
where she will make a vlnlt of sev
eral days with her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Schlele.
Mrs. William Turner, Mrs. C. A.
Marshall and Mrs. Edna Eaton, are a
party spending today In Omaha, hav
ing gone to that city on the morning
Mark White came In last evening
from his home at Rock Bluffs and
was a passenger for Omaha, where
he witnessed the athletic carnival at
the auditorium.
Rev. John Swanson was a passen
ger this morning for Omaha, where
he will spend the day, returning for
services at the Swedish Mission church
here tomorrow.
George Pomgrate was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, accompany
ing Mrs. Bable of Stuart, Neb., that
faron her retur.n home after a visit
in this city with her daughter, Mrs
J. B. Kelly of Council Bluffs, la.,
traveling representative of the Inter
national Harvester company, was in
the city yesterday and last night
making a business visit with August
Gorder, the Implment man, returning
to his headquarters this morning.
For Sul the Methodist parsonage.
Price reduced from $1,700 to $1,500.
Has 8 rooms, cellar, city water, bath
room, cistern, barn, two lots. Society
wishes to build near the church. If
you are looking for a place, let us
show you this. R. B. Windham.
Charles Ryhart of Louisville and
Arthur Anderson of Springfield, are
In the city today attending to busl
ness matters, having come down this
morning. The gentlemen paid the
Journal a very pleasant and much ap
preciated visit during their stay in
the city.
Grand Patriarch J. P. Carson of
the I. 0. O. F. encampment and F. P.
Corrlck, editor of the Odd Fellows'
official paper, both located at Lin
coin, returned to that city this morn
ing after having attended the instal
lation of the officers of Mystic en
campment In this city last evening,
i William F. Gillespie, mayor of My
nard, Is spending today In the city,
mingling' with the public and meet
' Ins old friends.
Ell Smith, one of the good citizens
from near Union, is in the city today
attending to business matters.
Phil Becker is looking after busi
ness matters in the city today, driv
ing In this morning from his home.
C. Bengen, the well known stock
raiser from near Mynard, is in the
city today looking after business mat
ters. P. If. Meislnger Is among those
coming In from his home in Eight
Mile Grove precinct to look after
business matters today. ,
J. P. Comer of Avoca, was among
those having business matter In the
city to look after, being a guest over
night at the Perkins hotel.
J. W. Magney, one of Nehawka's
best citizens, spent last evening in
the city, having come in on the M.
P. train jto look after business mat
ters. William Gilmour returned last
evening from Modale, la., where he
was called by the death of his broth
er-in-law, Charles Cutler. In another
column appears an extended notice
of Mr. Cutler's life, the copy being
furnlRhed by Mr. Gilmour.
James Smith and son Ray, from
Emerson, la., came over this morning
to look after some business matters
and visit with relatives. Mr. Smith
recently became the owner of a fine
farm west of the city and will move
Into the same by the first of March.
He is a most estimable citizen and
will be warmly welcomed to this com
munity. In Honor of Guest.
Mrs. J. E. McDanlel Is spending to
ay in Omaha chaperoning her daugh
ter Miss Virginia, and her guest,
Miss Price of Saline, Kas., who Is
making her a visit. The ladles will
spend the day sightseeing In the me
tropolis and having a fine visit. Miss
Price Is a popular young lady of
Sallna and one of rare attainments.
She Is a musician of merit and a sin
ger with a sweet and cultured voice.
She will remain In the city for sev
eral days longer. Mrs. McDanlel
last evening entertained several
guests at her beautiful home on high
school hill In honor of Miss Price,
the evening being pleasantly spent In
songs and merriment and a most de
lightful time bad.
In Omaha Hospital.
E. M. Godwin departed this morn
ing for Omaha, where he was called
by the serious Illness of Jesse Godwin.
The young man contracted lung fever
several weeks ago and last Wednes
day his condition became so serious
that it was thought best to remove
him to St. Joseph's hospital where he
might receive the best of care. He
has been delirious for several days
.nd has constantly called for Mr. God
win. That he will recover Is the hope
of his mady friends. The change In
his condition is looked for by the.
attending physicians either today or
Monday and it is hoped to be for the
Hev. T. K. Surface.
Rev.T. K. Surface of Shelby, Polk
county, Neb., who was called to the
city to conduct the funeral services
of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder,
returned to his home this morning.
Rev. Surface will be quite well re
called by many people here, having
been pastor of the United Brethren
church Just south of this city for
many years. He Is at present in
charge of the United Brethren church
at Shelby, where he has a large con
gregation. He deeply regretted the
necessity for his return on bo sad a
Magulre Introduces Bill.
The house of representatives yes
terday Representative Magulre of this
district Introduced a'.bill to appropri
ate $400,000, the improvement of
the Missouri river from the southeast
corner of the state to the mouth of
the Platte river. It provides for em
bankments, revetments and the like
to confine the waters of the stream
to their bed and to protect lowlands
along tho river. While there is small
prospect of the passage of the bill It
Is a worthy measure and Bhould be
put on the books.
Poultry Wanted
The Highest Market Price
Paid in
ati & Son
Bonds Approved of the Various
County Officials.
r,, v x..w .
i lauuiuuuui, .eu., gau. o, uiu
Board of county commissioners met
in regular session with all members
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, whereupon the
following business was transacted In
regular form:
F. E. Schlater asked the board to
approve his appointment of Miss Mia
Gerlng as clerk of the treasurer's of
fice, at a salary of $900 per year. The
board approved the appointment af
ter cutting the salary to $800.
James Robertson, clerk of the dis
trict court, made application for the
sum of $800 per annum, a salary for
Miss Jessie Robertson as deputy clerk
of the district court, and the board re
fused to allow the amount, and fixed
the salary at $700 provided the fees
amounted to the same.
Allen J. Beeson asked the board to
approve of his appointment of Miss
Gertrude Beeson as clerk to the coun
ty Judge, at a salary of $1,000 per an-
hum. Board approved the appoint-
ment after cutting the salary to $60
per month, or $720 per annum, pro
vided the fees pay the same,
A. J. Snyder askdd the board to ap- j
prove of his appointment of Miss
Florence White as deputy county re-
glster of deeds for four years, com-
meuclng January 1, 1910, at a salary
of $1,000 per annum. Board appro-
vea arier nxing me salary ai su per
annum. t
C. D. Qulnton filed his report show
ing the amount of fees for the 4th
quarter of 1909, also his report show
ing amount of fees earned for the
year 1909. Board approved the re
port. Board approved the appointment of
M. E. Manspeaker as deputy county
James Robertson, cerk of the dis
trict court, filed his report and the
same was approved, showing the
amount of fees collected for the 4th
quarter of 1909, as well as his report
showing the amount of fees.
Bond of Neb. Construction Co., for
bridge work approved.
Bond of E. F. Marshall, city asses
sor for Weeping Water approved.
Bond of P. E. Ruffner, assessor for
Plattsmouth city approved.
Bond of W. B'. Rishel. Justice of the
peace for the city of Plattsmouth ap-
Bond of John C, Murphy, assessor
for Center precinct approved.
Bond of Ruben Foster, Justice of
the peace Liberty precinct approved.
Bond of David McCaig, Justice of
the peace Stove Creek precinct ap
proved. Bond of Ed. Betts, assessor of Tip
ton precinct approved. '
Bond of N. Gishwiller, Justice of
the peace Tipton precinct approved.
Bond of W. K. Fox, deputy county
treasurer approved.
Bond of O. W. Fischer, road over
seer Stove Creek approved.
Bond of R. D.'McNurlin, constable
of Weeping Water city approved. ,
Bond of C. F. Rathbun, constable
of Louisville approved.
Bond of William Norrls, constable
of Tipton precinct approved.
Bond of City National Bank of
Weeping Water county funds appro
ved. Bond of Bank of Avoca county
funds approved.
Bond of the American Exchange
Bank of Elmwood approved.
Bond of Plattsmouth State Bank of
Plattsmouth approved.
Bond of A. J. Snyder, county re
gister of deeds approved.
Bond of J. M. Hoover, road over
seer district No. 3 approved.
Claims allowed on the general
Mrs. Dora Flelschman, care of
blind man three months.. $ 18.00
W. H. Miller, labor at Jail. 1.85
Byron Golding, poll tax re
funded, refused 3.00
L. R. Upton, mdse. to poor. . 16.20
Stander & Stander, casket for
Mike McMann 40.00
John Lohnes, Henry Likewise .
and Wm. Kaufman, digging
grave and expense Mike Mc
Mann 10.00
James Robertson, transcript
State vs. C. J. Baker... 4.00
Dr. Brendel, insane case Ford
Ktser 8.00
Wm. A. Robertson, same. ... 3.00
James Robertson, same 7.45
C. D. Qulnton, same 23.16
James Robertson, insane rase
John O'Rouke 1.45
C. D. Qulnton, same 3.55
M. Fanger, mdse 5.95
H. A. Schneider, fees and la
bor 302.00
John Kroeger, tax paid under
protest, double assessed. . . 1.45
Tom 8. Svoboda, salary and
laundry 62.50
James Robertson, State ts.
Smith and Wilson 2.55
C. D. Qulnton, same . 85
Joseph Riley, same 7.00
A. L. Tldd, same 35.00
James Robertson, costs State
vs. C. J. Baker 36.70
J. S. Munsell. notary fees.
same 15.64
c. D. Qulnton, same 3.45
Sheriff of Pierce county, same. 60
i E. J. Lunger, same 11.00
C. D. Quinton, same
Gertrude Beeson, same
M. Archer, same
Klopp & Bartlett, supplies..
G. R. Sayles, agent, house
rent to paupers
C. W. Baylor, coal to pauper
and poor farm 128.83
Sw.artz Mercantile Co., mdse
to poor
J. Hatt & Son, mdse. to poor.
M. Dalby, coal
Neb. Telephone Co., rent and
E. Diehl, M. D., consultation
to see Lee Bechtel, refused.
C. H. Longacre, care of L. G.
Bechtl, refused
C. L. Martin, livery
Neb. Institution for Feeble
Minded Youths . ".
Mary E. Foster, salary 125.00
J. H. Tarns, same 75.00
G. W. Vosb Co., coal to Mrs.
T e. ,. , .
Wm BarcIaV( luncn and mealg
to Jury
S. F. Glrardet. mdse. to Mc-
Glnnis 10.00
H. M. Soennlchsen, mdse to
countv farm nnd nnnnpm. .
a H To return
tax and overcharge.
Frledrlch, salary and ex
penses 15.20
C. R. Jordan, same 14.00
C. B. Negelmann, M. D. 4th
quarter, salary. 10.00
Plattsmouth Phone Co., tolls
and rent 23.15
F. E. Schlater, postage 2.10
W. C. Ramsey, salary and ex
penses 83.53
C. D. Quinton, boarding city
prisoners 22.85
C. D. Quinton, salary and
boarding county prisoners.. 319.30
C. D. Quinton, Jail expense. . 48.05
The News-Herald, printing.. 22.01
E. Manspeaker, arrest of Bud
Bell, expense for one iron
bed, and one load of cobbs. 5.50
E. E. Hilton, salary 48.00
C. H. Smith, postal supplies. 25.56
Road Fund.
J. M. Hoover, road word dlst.
No. 3 36.25
O. W.Voss, lumber dlst. No. 9
M- Sulser, road work dlst. 1.
jJ. H. Heneger, same, No. 9. .
Hans Kemp, same No. 1
W. W. Coatman, same No. 16
A. F. Sturn, lumber for dlst.
No. 12 15.35
Wm. Hassler, sharpen plow
for dlst. No. 1
C. F. Vallery, road work dlst.
No. 1
Frank Rouse, same No. 5 . . . .
F. E. Schlater, poll tax receipt
dlst No. 1
F. E. Schlater, same, No. 17. .
G. A. B. Hicks, road work.
dlst. No. 2
C. Melsinger, same No. 2...
Wm. Kell, same, No. 2
Henry Kell, Bame No. 2 . . . .
Board adjourned to meet January
15, 1910.
W. E. Rosencrans,
. , County Clerk.
Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 5, 1910.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present, M. L. Frledrlch, C.
R. Jordan and L. D. Swltzer, county
commissioners; W. E. Rosencrans,
county clerk. Minutes of previous
session read and approved, when the
following business was transacted in
regular form:
W. E. Rosencrans, county clerk,
filed his report showing amount of
fees earned and collected during the
4th quarter of 1909, also his yearly
report showing amount of fees earn
ed and collected for the year-1909,
same were approved by the board.
The following claims were allowed
on the general fund:
Mary E. Foster, exp r . $ 2.83
Geo. Sheesly, livery 1.50
Jas. Robertson, salary for 4 th
quarter and exp 237.00
W. E. Rosencrans, salary and
expenses 160.15
J. M. Leyda, typewriter rib
bons 1.60
Kroehler Bros., balance ac
count, error In former bill. 19.96
A. J. Beeson, State vs. Louis
Robertson , ' 5.70
A. J. Beeson, State vs. Leona
Edgerton 28.23
A. J. Beeson, State vs. B.
Hendrlckson 5.55
A. J. Boeson, State vs. Chas.
II. Nellgh 35.75
A. J. Boeson, State vs. Fred
C. Nelll 12.24
A. J. Boeson, State vs. Les
ter Mason et al 17.95
A. J. Beeson, State vs. Flor
ence G. Myers 13.29
Wm. Schmldtman, mdse to
poor farm and Jail 22.80
J. W. Crablll, repairs to treas
urer's safe, clock and type
writer 10.50
Michael Hild, mdse to poor
farm 7.60
Board adjourned to meet January
W. E. Rosencrans.
County Clerk.
, Plattsmouth, Neb., Jan. 6. 1910-
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. Present M. L. Frledrlch, C.
R. Jordan, L. D. Swltzer, county com
missioners D. C. Morgan, county
clerk. Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved, when the follow
ing business was transacted In re
gular form:
I County board proceeded to organ
ize as follows: C. R. Jordan, chair
man; L. D. Switzer, Vice Chairman;
M. L. Frledrlch, Jr. member.
I Statement of cash in hands of
2.05 county treasurer at close of business
January 5, 1910, received and placed
5.50 on file.
Report of fees collected by regls
5.00 ter of deeds for 4th. quarter, 1909,
1.00 also yearly report of 1909, approved.
Bond of F. E. Schlater, county treas
urer Cas3 county approved.
Bond of M. Archer, Justice of the
peace, Plattsmouth City, approved.
The following claims were allowed on
the general fund:
A. O. U. W. hall rent of hall
j for election $
J. C. York, barber work at
I poor farm
John Bauer, supplies to poor
Plattsmouth Water company,
water to court house and jail.
Board adjourned to meet January
11, 1910. D. C. Morgan,
County Clerk.
Are Flooding the Country.
Now is the season when the mall
order houses are flooding the country
with their advertisements and cata
logues. The way for home merchants
to successfully meet such opposition
is not by complaining and growling,
which has the effect of driving away
business, but by imitating far more
than they do tho methods of their
competitors. Mall' order houses be
lieve in letting people know what they
have to offer. Too many local mer
chants act the other way and then
complain of dull trade. Such mer
chants can make no headway against
outside competition. But the mer
chant who keeps the goods and at
tractively advertises them has the
advantage every time. Such mer
chants always have a cheerful smile
because business is good with them.
Louisville Courier.
Overcome by Escaping Gas.
II. P. Wilcox, an employe at the
gas works yesterday was overcome
by escaping gas but rescued before
any serious injury resulted. His con
dition today is reported as better and
it is not thought that any serious
complications will ensue.
The trouble occurred when Mr.
Wilcox descended into the tar well at
the works to put a plug into a pipe
leading into the well. He turned off
the gas as he supposed and started at
his work when he discovered that he
had not turned the valve qufte off
and that he was in danger of. being
overcome by the fumes. He started to
get out of the well but did not suc
ceed before the gas overcome him.
Fellow workmen discovered his pre
dicament, however, and rescued hinu
Later he was attended by a physician
and conveyed to his home.
C. L. Alleman, vice president of the
Standard Oil company is In the city
today attending to business with Col.
Henry C. McMaken, the local agent
of the company. He also met. Fred
Hawksworth, a lieutenant in his ser
vice for Bometime back, but now a
prosperous farmer in Dakota. Mr.
Alleman and Mr. Hawksworth had a
pleasant visit together.
I.Rntf. KnTipn
Pursuant to an order of service hv
4th. dav Of HnnlnK tana w-Vl?
Conn plaintiff. herT.nT hied her pVti
tlon In the district court of Cans counl
ll r.8ka,JaKttln8t 8,11(1 defendant,
the object and prayer of which la t
obtain a decree of divorce from the
defendant upon the ground of cruel
ty, habitual drunkenness and non-support,
and for the custody of two In
fant children, the Issue of said mar-
Ji 5"i "PPer9 'rm the petition
men In said cause.
Ym.u re "Quired to answer said
petition on or before the 7th. day of
February mo. Dated thla 18th. day
of December, 1909. y
Mabel Conn, plaintiff, by,
Mattikw (iRINO.
4t-12-l-09 Her" Attorney.
State of Nebraska )
, . County court.
County of Cnss )
n the matter of the estate of J.
w.ii iwji, ueceaaea. io ail persons
I You are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in this court pray
n that letters of administration be
Issued to Harry Hoynl upon the es
tate of J. Olen Uoyal, deceased, and
that a hearing will be had upon snlj
hetlttnn nn tha 111. An,, . 1
A. P., 1910. at 1 o'clock a. m., In my
office In the City of Plattsmouth. 8tat
of Nebraska, before which hour all ob
Jectllns thereto must be filed.
Witness my hand and official seal
thla 20th. day of December, A. n., 19091
WILLIAM C. RAV,VCUntjr Ju,,"e-Attorney.
ji . i . uy uis JUUK8 or tho
district court of Cans countv. Nebras
ka, at chambers of the 14th. day of
&.llLitt0?' . Conn, 7 do-
fendant. will IaIca nmi . :.