The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 10, 1910, Image 3

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Report of Secretary Henry R. Ge:ing Shows the Flattering Condi
tion of the Company's Business.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Platte Mutual Insur
ance company was held this morning
being 503 stockholders in the cor
poration present in person or repre
sented by proxy. The meeting dis
closed a most flattering state of af
fairs in the company and showed that
the past year has been one of much
prosperity for it, and that the policy
holders in the company have received
the advantage of most excellent busi
ness management and have saved
large sums in insurance charges.
A study of the report of Henry R.
Gering, secretary of the company, is
absolute proof of sound business act
ion and management. It discloses a
state of business which few companies
can show such a remarkable low rate
of expense, economy in management
and a proportion of cash holdings
greater than that of any old line com
pany In the United States. In addi
tion the report discloses that there is
not one dollar of outstanding indebt
ness of the company, not an unpaid
fire less nor an unpaid claim, a show
ing of the highest type of business
methods. The report disclosed that
there wa3 a total of 585 policies in
force during the year with a total
amount at risk of $502,323.00. The
cash holdings of the company stand
at $7.56 for every $1,000 worth of
insurance in force which is greater
by far than most mutuals, and high
er than old line companies In this
country. The report of Mr. Gering is
printed in full below.
The meeting in addition to hearing
this report elected officers for the
ensuing year, the old officers being
unanimously chosen as a mark of ap
preclation of the shareholders of their
efforts. They are as follows:
Walter J. White President.
H. M. Soennlchsen Vice President
C. A. Marshall Treasurer.
Henry It. Gering Secretary.
C. A. Marshall and Henry Herold
. Mr. Gering's report as submitted to
the shareholders of the company is
verbatim as follows:
The stockholders of the Platte Mu
tual Insurance company:
It is with pleasure that I submit
to you my annual statement of the
condition of the Platte Mutual Insur
ance company, on the 31st day of
December, 1909.
The amount of insurance In force
at this date is $502,323.00.
The increase in our cash holdings
for each thousand dollars of insur
ance in force is now $7.56, which is
a larger amount per thousand dollars
of insurance in force than any old
line company doing business in Ne
braska, or for that matter, the United
We have 583 policies in force with
$502,323 insurance in force.
We have $2,000.00 loaned out on
first mortgage and have $1,799.15
deposited, drawing interest.
There is no money In the hands of
the secertary, all money being In the
hands of the treasurer.
Another thing I wish to point to
specially is our low cost of expense.
Our entire expense for stationery,
printing, advertising, etc., for the en
tire years 13 $ 21.32
Commission paid to secretary,
policy foes 217.00
Amount paid out fcr losses
during year 232.00
Amount paid the treasurer. . . 7.50
Amount paid board of dir
ectors 114.00
Amount paid to state auditor. 1.50
Notary fees 50
Return premium on unpaid
and cancelled policies. .. . 418.75
There Is not a dollar outstanding
indebtedness, unpaid fire less, or un
paid claim.
I thank each-and every one of the
stockholders and directors for the In-
:ercst they have taken.
Respectfully submitted.
Henry R. Gering, Sec'y
Platte Mutual Insurance Co
Riley Hatcher Suttains Injuries
Which Will Lay Him Up for
Several Days.
Riley Hatcher, a laborer at the
Burlington storehouse, is taking an
enforced vacation of Beveral days as
the result of a nasty fall which he
sustained while loading material into
a car at the storehouse. In seme man
ner Mr. Hatcher's foot slipped on the
step to the car and he was thrown
backward to the ground, striking the
back of his head on a rail on a par
allel track. The force of the fall was
sufficient to cut a bad gash in the
back of the head and rendered him
unconscious. He was .hurriedly taken
to the office of the company surgeon
where an examination disclosed that
the injury was not dangerous but was
a severe one and such that he cannot
return to work for a few days. His
head was dressed so as to stop hemor
rhage from the wound. Mr. Hatcher
is not a member of the Burlington
relief and his lost time will have to
be bourn by himself. It is believed he
can return to work during the fore
part of the week.
Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder
Largely Attended by Old
Neighbors and
The last services over the late Mrs.
Elizabeth Snyder took place yester
day afternoon at the United Brethren
church just south of this city, there
being a very large attendance of Bor
rowing friends gathered to pay a
last mark of respect to one of the
best of women and a pioneer citizen
of Nebraska. The services were con
ducted by Rev. T. K. Surface, who
came to this city from his present
pastorate at Shelby, Neb., for that
purpose. For many, years Rev. Sur
face was the spirtual adviser of this
worthy woman, she being a most de
vout member of his congregation
when he was in charge of the church
here. Rev. Surface delivered an ad
dress which was full of feeling and
which well expressed the deep sorrow
which he in common with the mem
bers of the congregation felt over
i the loss of so estimable a friends as
the deceased.
There were also a large number of
floral tributes from the many good
friends of deceased. The remains were
laid to rest in Horning cemetery be
side those of her beloved husband
who had preceded her to the Better
World a number of years ago. Those
acting as pall bearers were W. T,
Adams, William Gillespie, C. H. Val
lery, T. W. Vallery, Lincoln Huffer
and Frank Shopp, all of whom had
been long time friends of the depart
ed and her family. The cortege to the
cemetery from the church was a very
long one, a largo number of carriages
and sleighs being in line.
Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder was born in
Highland county, Virginia, In the
year 1834 and departed this life on
January G, 1910, at the ripe age of
75 years, 7 months and 19 days. She
entered Into the bonds of matrimony
In her early life, marrying William
Snyder and to this union three child
ren were born, one of whom died in
infancy, the other being George W.
Snyder, son, the well known citizen
of Plattsmouth precinct and Mrs
Amanda Jean, daughter, the wife of
Charles Jean, also well known In this
While still in her early years, de
ceased emigrated to Iowa with the
Mrs. Snyder was the last survivor and
In her death passed away the sole
remaining member. Her life in Iowa
was of short duration, she removing
to Nebraska at the end of eighteen
months and becoming a resident of
this state in the year 1859, where she
has since continuously resided. Her
later years were spent at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Jean
where death claimed her.
In her lifetime the deceased was a
most devout and faithful member of
the United Brethren church and her
death will occasion a void which the
members of that congregation must
irreparably feel. Her death removes
from this community a good and
model woman and her children lose
a moBt kind and loving mother, one
to whom they could always carry their
sorrows and troubles and be sure of a
sympathetic hearing. Her many friends
realize her loss while hard to them is
her own eternal gain. Peace be to her
dust while her soul is crowned with
glory in a better and brighter world.
Officers Elected.
Mystic encampment'No. 31, I. O. O.
F. last evening held the regular In
stallation of officers at their hall on
lower Main street, the occasion being
marked by a visit from Grand Patri
arch J. P. Carson of the order and F.
P. Corrick, editor of the official Jour
nal of the order. The ceremonies at
tenaant upon the installation were
conducted by Grand Patriarch Carson
assisted by Deputy William Holly and
nembers of the encampment and were
quite Impressive. Another feature of
the evening was an extended address
by Brother Corrick which was one of
brilliancy and ability and which
was full of much sound advice to the
members of the organization. Brother
Corrick demonstrated that he was a
most interesting speaker and one who
has a great fund of humor as well
Ills address was appreciated by all In
attendance. The officers Installed
J. E. Jones C. P.
..J. P. Sattler S. W.
Virgil Mullis -J. W.
F. H. Stelmke S.
L. C. Anderson Treasurer.
' John Kirkham H. P.
Desperate Battle Follows Attemptet
Holdup in New York.
New York, Jan. 7. In a daring at
tempt to hold up a private bank li
the Green Point section ot Brooklyn
four men attacked the clerks In tk
bank, shot one of them, perhaps fatal
ly, and then gav battle to a crowd It
the street. Two robbers escaped, but
two men were arrested, who wer
Identified by the wounded man u:
cieinLers of the gang.
Simon Korn, owner of the lank an;
steamship ticket agency, had gone u
lunch, leaving his brother, Samuel, n
charge with several clerks, when foi.i
men, apparently loreigners, enterec inquired about steamship tickets
SamuJl Koin suspected their motive;
and grabbed a tray continuing sev
eral thousand dollars in coin and cur
rency and' attempted to carry it ti
the safe. Two of th Intruders lcapec
over a counter and tried to peize the
money. In the fight, one of the rob
bers fired several shots at Korn, on(
Ta:t D'r:cts Secretary Wilson
to 'Mm Chief Forester.
Executive Declares pinchot Has D
stroyed His Usefulness at a Helpful
Servant Forester Had Arranged
With Dolliver to Have .Letter Read
in Senate Against Secretary Wil
son's Advice Rouses Taft's Ire.
Washington, Jan. 8. GIfford Pin
chot was removed from his office as
forester by President Taft In dojng
of which penetrated his neck, inflict thla tha aMent eavn out a conv of
Ing a wound from which, it la said, h a letter he haJ writtcn to Mr. pinchot
may die.
Has Broken Out at Guayaquil
In which he says, In conclusion:
"By your conduct you have de
stroyed your usefulness as a helpful
subordinate of the government and It
Will Go to Sou tli Bond.
The M. W. A. orchestra has re
ceived and accepted an offer from the
M. W. A. of South Bend to play for a
dance which they are to give at that
place on next Friday, January 14th.
The letter is from Jerry McIIugh to
Manager Roy Holly, This assures the
Wodmen of South Bend and vicinity
some mighty fine music as the Wood
man orchestra of tnls city is one of
the crack musical organizations in
southeastern Nebraska and deserves
the numerous jobs they are getting.
Their reputation h being added to at
every place where they have played
since their organization, and. when
they finish their work next Friday
night it is safe to say the good people
ot South Bend will want no other in
the future. The orchestra will go to
that place on next Friday evening on
the Schuyler train, returning on Sat
urday morning.
Need a New Depot.
While at the depot Monday fore
noon the Ledger reporter counted
51 people huddled in the one little
waiting room, while 17 others were
on the outside enjoying (?) the cold.
If some of the high officials of the
Missouri Pacific had time to investi
gate they would probably conclude
that their patrons here are receiving
very shabby accommodations and that
Union needs a better depot. Union
We readily agree with the Ledger
lan. We have been in that depot dur
ing the winter when men and women
were crowded in the one waiting room
like sardines in a box. There should
be a new depot at Union by all means.
If not a new building entirely, the
company should at least put on an
annex, especially for the ladles. It is
awful for lady passengers to have to
wait an hour or two for a train and
be compelled to remain in a depot
like that at Union, crowded with men
and boys, some of them continually
smoking a pipe or cigar.
In County Court.
Judge Beeson today decided the re
plevin case of Scott vs. Denson, in
volving the right to the possession of
a wagon and harness, finding In favor
of the plaintiff, Glenn Scou, and re
storing the property, which had been
taken on execution, to him. It is
more than probable the case will be
appealed to district court.
Andrew Renner who has been in
the city making a visit with Andrew
Kroehler and wife, Is spending today
In Omaha, taking with him little
master Robert Kroehler and little
Theodosla Kroehler, whom ho
A Record of Fidelity.
Secretary Virgil Mullis of the I. O.
O. F. a few days ago received a let
ter from a member of Platte lodge
which is highly interesting reading to
the members of the order and which
he has kindly permitted the Journal
to copy. It presents a splendid re
cord of fidelity to the order, which is
well worthy of emulation, the writer
having been a member of the order
for almost fifty-six years. The letter
Lincoln, Net)., Dec. 29, 1909.
V. M. Mullis, Sec. I. O. O. F.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Dear Brother:
Sometime ago I wrote to the Odd
Fellows lodge with which I first af
filiated. I found that' I joined Scioto
Lodge No. 31, at Portsmouth, Ohio,
on March 21, 1854, and I have been
in eood Htandlnar evir nfnrp mnVInn
Imp nn tlrirl Follnur fnr mnra than flfftr.
flve years. I rather think I am the
oldest Odd Fellow in Nebraska in
point 'of continuous membership. I
am now seventy-seven years old and
seem to be falling some in health
but am proud that I have been an
una reuow ior more man naif a
1621 Sycamore St. Robt. J. Mlnford
Washington, Jan. 7. Reports to tin
war department from the canal zon
say ' advices that plague exists in
Guayaquil, Ecuador, have been re
ceived. This Is regarded as a menact
to health in the canal zone.
In view of notoriously unsanltnr)
conditions in Guayaquil and the faci
that (here is a heavy traffic between
that city and the canal zone, the wai
department has asked the secretary 01
stato to consider whether it Is not tlx
duty of the United' States to enforci
quarantine against Guayaquil. Thf
matter Is now under-consideration.
Some time' ago the conditions 01
this leading city of Ecuador became
so bad that an appeal was made to th(
United States to loan that government
some competent government ofllcla
and an authority on sanitation to tin
dertake the renovation of Guayaquil
Complying with that request, Dr
Lloyd of the health department and
marine hospital service was appointed
Better things are hoped for, but up tc
this time the conditions continue un
Recent Storm l; Manitoba Results Ir
Winnipeg, Man., Jan. 7. The storm
of the last few days in the countr)
along the Minneapolis, St. Paul and
Sault Ste. Marie railroad resulted ic
these seven deaths: Sheriff White
head of W'eyburn, Joseph Clark ol
Lang, a homesteader named Hlllborn
living south of Roleau; Lawrence
Trembley of Estevan, Andrew Cole
man and Clem Bradley, employed In
the Marw.'n wood camp, and a little
boy, wl.o was found dead in a bay
stack south of Yellow Grass. Beside
the boy were found his two Bisters
The latter had been kept warm by the
boy and were living.
Flames Starting From Mysterious Ex
plosion Prove Fatal.
Chicago, Jan. 7. Philip Dolen and
Michael O'Donnell, who were burned
in an explosion of mysterious origin
at the Lawndale pumping station, died
here. The vjctims were within a few
feet of Borne cans of oil, one of which
exploded, shattering the south end
of the boiler room. Flames Ignited the
clothing of Dolen and O'Donnell, burn
ing them beyond recognition.
Chicago Merchant Failed to Comply
With Demand for $5,000.
Chicago, Jan. 7. Falling to comply
with a demand for $5,000 contained
in letters signed "The Black Hand,'
which he received through the mall
some time ago, B. Senenl, sixty yeart
old, an Italian merchant, ' was shot
and Instantly killed by three men
while he lay asleep in the rear of hjs
store. The assailants escaped.
Two Men Killed In Snowslldei.
Sllverton, Colo., Jan. 7. But two
deaths are known to have resulted
from snowslldes following the recent
itorm. Arthur Rice was killed at
Animas Forks and Carl Brun wai
caught by a slide at the Iowa-Tiget
mine. Train service Is still blocked
between Sllverton and Durango and
the coal supply Is short.
Is bringing the wise
ones in. They know
when we say it we do it.
Clearance Salo
includes all winter
Duck coats,
C5 loves,
We are determined to
clean up each seasons
line as we go. Acquaint
yourself with these bargains.
A largo party of Elmwood citizens
will , were registered at the Hotel Riley
Bhow the sights of the big city to. I Inst evening, those on the list being
family of her father and a number of Mr. Renner ts a resident of Ravena, 'Guy II. Shrive, Frank Gillett, S. J.
other relatives, they settling in that ; Charles Mix county, J?. D., and Is a Rosemond, Carl Horton, Milton Pres
state In the year 1857. Of this rolny, relative of Mr. Krochler's. ton and SI Malrs.
' Founder of D. A. R. Dead.
New York, Jan. 7. Mrs. Flora
Adams Darling, founder or the Dangh
ters of the Revolution and United
States Daughters of 1812, died sud
denly here from apoplexy at the home
of her brother, John Qulncy Adams
She was seventy years old.
Young Heiress Who Eloped Is Located
Philadelphia, Jan. 7. Miss Roberta
De Janon and Ferdinand Cohen, thf
waiter, with whom she is said tc
have left this city on Dec. 29, are said
to have been found.
Efforts to 8ettle Road Strike fall.
Washington, Jan. 7. -Efforts it
gain an adjustment of the strike ol
switchmen on the railroads of the
northwest have bscn abandoned.
therefore now becomes my duty to or
der the secretary of agriculture to re
move you from your office as forester."
It developed at the cabinet meeting
that Pinchot wrote the famous letter
to Senator Dolliver at his own volition
and against the direct advice of his
superior, the secretary of agriculture,
It also appeared that Pinchot Induced
Senator Dolliver in advance to have
the letter read at the name time the
president's message exonerating Sec
retary Balllnger through a reporfr'of
the attorney general should be presented.
If You Do Not, They May Not Grow,
Says Expert. .
New York, Jan. 8. Plant your seed
when the moon is growing full. It
you plant them when it Is on the wane
ten chances to one they won't grow.
That is one of the most Important
things to know about growing plants
from the seed, according to Mrs. A.
Fechtlg. Mrs. Fechtlg has been rais
ing plants for her own amusement In
a city flatand on the roof of that flat
for thirty-eight yearB.
' "I can rajse almost any plant from
the seed," said Mrs. Fechtlg. "Gerani
ums, which are believed to be the
hardest possible flower to grow, ex
cept from slips, have been one of my
successes. Twice I have raised crops
of geraniums from the seed."
Friends Deny Report That Eloping
Heiress Has Been Located.
Philadelphia, Jan. 8. Every, one
connected with the search for Roberta
De Janon, the heiress who is believed
to have disappeared with Ferdinand
Cohen, a waiter, denied the report
that the girl had been found. Robert
Bulst, the wealthy grandfather of
the missing girl; Henry A. Walton,
his attorney, and the police officials
all issued denials of the report, which
gained' wide circulation. The police
are still running out clues which they
believe will lead to the finding of
the missing couple. A report that
the girl and her alleged companion
are in Boston is being Investjgated.
Combination Accused of Being Illegal
and In Restraint of Trade,
New York, Jan. 8. An indictment
against the Paper Board association,
alleging It to be an illegal combination
In restraint of trade, was returned
by the federal grand Jury. The asso
ciation comprises 140 paper manufact
urers, who were Indicted as Individ
uals and firms. Ninety defendants
represented by counsel pleaded not
guilty. Bench warrants were ordered
issued for the remaining defendants.
Favor Naturalization Bill.
Washington, Jan. 8. The Immigra
tion commission reported favorably
to the house the bill by Mr. Bennett
of Now York, making changes In the
national naturalization laws, by means
of which It Is hoped that the natural
Izatlon of aliens will be expedited
Statements were made by Messrs
Bennett and Ooldfogle to the commit
tee to the effect vthat in the larger
cities long Lines of men frequentl
waited all night in order to get action
on their applications for citizenship
Th new measure proposes extra
The undersigned will Bell at Publl
Auction at his farm two miles
south and a half mile west of
Murray and five miles north
of Nehawka.
the following described property, to
16 Head of. Good Horses art
Mules .
One span dapple grny geldings, &
years old, weight 3250. One bay
gelding, 5 years old, weight 1650.
One bay gelding, 7 years old, weight
1550. One black gelding, 7 years old,
weight 1300. One black gelding, 2
years old, weight 1500. One bay
mare, 8 years old, weight 1700. Ooft
bay mare, 7 years old, weight
One black mare, 2 years old, weight
1250. One black mare, 1 year old
One bay sucking colt. One stallion,,
coming 4 years old, weight 1800. On
sorrell horse, 6 years old, weight
1350. One span of mules, 5 years o!4.
weight 1900. One mule, 10 years old,,
weight 1050.
One spring wagon, one Jumbo
seeder, one corn drill, four farm
wagons, Badger cultivator, Deere 2
row cultivator, Avery corn plantar.
Avery walking cultivator, Deere walk
ing lister, one 7 foot Deerlng binder,
mower, one top buggy, 3-section har
row, 2 -section harrow, 16-inch stir
ring plow, new Departure cultivator,
one wood rack, 40-gallon iron kettle,
six dozen chickens, one riding lister.
one tank heater, Kemp manure
spreader, one disc, stack cover, 24x40,
four sets work harness, McCormlck
bay rake, one saddle,, one milk cow.
40 tons prairie hay, two hay racks;.
100 rods wire and numerous other
Hale to conunenco at 10 o'clock sharp.
Lunch nerved at noon,
All sums of $10 and under, cash
in hand; over $10 a credit of tea
months will be given, the purchaser
giving good bankable paper bearing;
eight per cent from date. All prop
erty must be settled for before being
removed. '
C. M. Chrlswlsser, Owner:
Robert Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
W. 0. Boedeker, Clrk. J