The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 06, 1910, Image 1

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    Neb. State Historical Soc.
NO 2
ULIlllinL UiniLU 111 IIU UllllUI
Plattsmouth Citizens Have to Dig Their Way Through Banks of
Snow This Morning Railroads Suffer Much From Storm.
Plattsmouth people got a decided
surprise this morning when they look
ed out of their windows ani found
a heavy snowstorm with some wind
accompanying It, in progress. The
fleecy mantle commenced to fall dur
ing the night and when morning
every direction. The storm passed
the Rockies yesterday and last night
moving with hurricane velocity and
rushed upon this section during the
night. The passage over the Rockies
resulted In changing the rain into
snow and this has blanketed the en-
Will We Vet It?
An order to show cause has been
filed before the Nebraska State Rail
way Commission by William Deles
Dernier et al., setting forth the fact
that the defendant Missouri Pacific
railroad company operates a depot
station and contrary to the statute
But Business Men Must Forget fails and neglects to furnish reason
ably adequate telephone connection
Their Own Selfish Interests.
The commercial club has feat up
and taken notice of the Journal's
advocacy of the Ben Schleicher fac
tory. It Is stated to the Journal man
between depot and public telephone
exchange. As a result of this filing
the railway commission has notified
the company to Install and maintain
reasonably adequate telephone con-
this morning authoritatively, that all ;nection by January 10, 1910, or ap-
came six Inches of the white covering tire west with a snowy curtain which
was over the landscape. In addition nas Impeded traffic and caused wlde
to a very heavy snow there was con- spread loss.
slderable wind and the result was Reports from the cattle ranges In
high drifts in every direction. Those ,he west are to the effect that the
who had prophesied that the winter, loFS to cattle win be vcry heavy
was drawing to a close several weeks'. Western , roads running Into the
ago found that they needed another northern and western cattle districts
look. The high drifts occasioned ?re making especial effort to get hay
great delay to trains from all direc- jnnd feed int0 those localities and such
tions. The Missouri Pacific was hav-i trains are being given right of way
lng considerable trouble with Its
trains, the morning train from the
south due here at 5:35 being four
hours late, while the train from Om
aha due here at 10:23 arrived at
12:20. The high wind drifted the
snow badly and trains are in bad
over passenger trains. The loss to
the cattle industry means a vast
fortune to the railroads who depend
upon this traffic for their earnings.
In this city the storm has been
productive of many Injuries to per
sons and considerable loss to prop-
shape, having great difficulty In mak-, erty of various sorts. There were a
lng any headway In the storm. number of men hurt at the Burlington
The Burlington was suffering like- -h"P8 mostly caused by slipping up
wise from disarranged schedules and on the ice and receiving nasty falls,
their trains from all directions were I Harry S. Austin, the well known
away off time. No. 1, the fast train Vnger who just recently took a posi
for Denver went through this city Hon In the Burlington storehouse was
auite late while No. 6 the Chicago- among those sustaining Injuries as a
Denver limited was almost three result of the storm. Mr. Austin slip
hours late, going through at 10:45 iped and fell this morning Just as he
when it was due here at 7:53. No. 'entered the shop yards and was badly
15 from the east due heer at 8: 16, bruised by the fall. It was at flrst
arrived at 9:25. This 13 just a fore-thought that he had sustained severe
cast of what is going to take place Injuries with possibly broken ribs but
this evening and tomorrow when the ! the attending surgeon, after an ex
full effect of the drifting snow can be amlnatlon concluded no bones were
fejt I broken. He will be confined to his
Burlington switchmen report the house for several days, nowever.
storm at Pacific Junction to be very Adam Wolf employed In the
severe, the snow drifting badly with a freight car department at the shops,
high wind from the north accompany-j was another victim of the storm as
lng it. Fred Denson who was among he slipped and fell this morning
those making the trip to the Junction j while entering the office of Foreman
this morning states that the storm C. M. Parker. Mr. Wolf had a bucket
is something fierce and that- people of hot water In his hands when the
here do not realize the real severity accident happened and In falling the
of it. The wind Is blowing a hurri-j water was spilled upon his right arm
cane at the Burlington bridge and severely scalding h and giving him
transnortation across the structure Is painful Injuries. Mr. Wolf will not
,ir,,r mtiittr hard tn fare. I be able to return to his work for
The storm commenced in this city several days and wil have a bad arm
during the night and at noon fully to nurse.
eieht inches of snow covered the George Grebe was another Bur-
country. This had been drifted by lington employe who will have to take
a Ptrone north and northwest wind an enforced layoff for several days.
into high drifts which practically , Mr. Grebe did not sustain his in
suspended travel in all directions. ! Juries at the shops, however. He
There was no business transacted In slipped and fell this morning as he
the city save such as was aboslutely ,went to feed his hogs at his home
necessary and the streets were practl-jon Wintersteen Hill. Ills right wrist
rftllv deserted. The storm Is a gen- and shoulder was badly bruised and
eral one over the country, .having sprained and he will be unable to
onforo.1 the United States from the. work for a number of flays.
the commercial club wants is for
Mr. Schleicher to state to the club
wlfat he wants and what ho intends
to do. If this is taken up with the
club there seems no reasonable cause
to believe that the factory can not be
obtained for this city. Plattsmouth
needs the factory and Schleicher
wants to locate here. Reports have
reached the Journal which are not
flattering to the management of the
commercial club In this particular
case but this paper does not believe
the members are deliberately-turning
down a good thing. The Journal has
always worked for riattsmouth early
and late and it intends to do so in the
future and it is with the deepest re
great that It hears of such stories.
Ben Schleicher is well known in this
city. lie is a man of more than ordin
ary good standing and he has some
thing which will well repay the com
mercial club to look Into. That he
should be kept out of here by any
nercenary considerations Is Inconceiv
able. Mr. Schleicher has a good thing
in his tongue and neckyoke and it
will help Plattsmouth to have the
factory. It can be said truly that
the commercial club wants Mr.
Schleicher to bring the matter be
fore them and that a meeting of the
directors wll be held any time he
wants to get busy.
In addition to this the commercial
club has a number of other projects
on foot which they hope to rush to a
speedy conclusion. They expect to
land a number of good factories here
during the coming winter and spring
and when 1910 closes Plattsmouth
will be the factory city of Nebraska.
That Is the hope of the commercial
club and that is their object. Platts
mouth the factory town of Nebraska
is the slogan for 1910 and Platts
mouth, the factory town of Nebraska
will be the result.
Dr. Todd of Omaha Is another
Plattsmouthonlan who wants to locate
a factory here. He has a patent neck
yoke which Is pronounced by com-
petent observers to be the best of the
kind on the market. This neckyoke
can be manufactured In Plattsmouth
and It will be. The commercial club
has the matter up with Dr. Todd and
a meeting will be held in a few days
at which the final determination of
the matter will be had. This means
at least two good industries for
Plattsmouth in 1910.
pear at the office of commission at 2
o'clock p. m., on Thursday, January
13, 1910, and show cause why an
order should not be entered. Elm
wood leader-Echo?
Pacific coast last Sunday when great
raina rtelueed the Pacific slope. The
Another accident is reported to
have happened to Mrs. J. W. Berwick
loss from the storm on the coast i3 In South Park. It is stated the lady
very heavy. The storm yesterday had slipped upon tne ice ana sustained
penetrated into the valley between severe bruises with possibly broken
the Sierras and the Rockies ana sail Dones dui ai me nine ui ima win
Lake,' Ogden and other places in that ing this could not be verified,
territory reported a devastating rain From the above which is but f
with much loss of property and great partial list of the casualties occa
delay In traffic. Passengers for the sioned by the storm some idea of its
oat pnd for the west were being had effects can be gathered. Taken
shipped by circuitous routes to their til around, it is considered one of
destination and trains are tied up la tne worst storms or. me winter.
Returns Thanks.
The Journal la requested by a resi
dent of south Ninth street to pub
licly express thanks to former mayor
F. M. Rtchey for his services in clean
ing the sidewalk from the avenue to
the High school. Mr. Richey this
morning hitched his horse to his snow
shovel and drove up the hill, leav
ing a fine path behind him readily
available for the public travel. That
he should do this Is something which
the general public must appreciate.
The Journal is also requested to pub
licly express the thanks of the people
of the second ward to Fred Helsel,
who performed a similar service for
the inhabitants of that section of the
city by using his snow plow on the
walk along Washington avenue to the
city, rendering the pathway pretty
easy for pedestrlnns. These men are
the best type of the public citizen and
have performed wonders for their
fellow townsmen in the shape of
cleaning walks and making getting
around something worth while.
J. S. Campbell of Nehawka, was
among those from that city spending
the night In this city, being a guest
at the Perkins Hotel.
George W. Vallery.
From the New Year's Denver Post
an expression Is clipped, made by
George W. Vallery, general manager
of the Colorado Midland, touching the
prospects for the coming year in the
mountain city. Mr. Vallery when in
terviewed by a reporter said: "Den
ver Is fast becoming the railroad
center of the west. Old lines are ex
tending and improving and there are
more projected extensions Into Den
ver than ever in its history." Mr.
Vallery is recognized as a leading
railroad man of that Hectlon and his
words carry great weight with them.
The Post is Justly pleased to find him
bo optimistic. Mr. Vallery also in an
other place has this to Bay of Den
ver's population: "I believe Denver
has 233,00" permanent Inhabitants
and the number is increasing natural
ly. I can see it even in my limited
way. The business of the Midland re
flects it."
Wreck Narrowly Averted.
Last Saturday a disastrous wreck
was narrowly averted at Pacific Junc
tion. As it was the wreck resulted
In the partial destruction of four mall
cars and three freight cars, all of
which were chained up and brought
to this city yesterday afternoon. The
wreck occurred by the fast mall No,
8 sideswlplng a freight as the latter
tried to get in on a siding to clear
the east bound main line for the mail
The latter train dashed into the cars
beforo they were in the clear and
resulted in making a general ralxup
The fireman on the mall train to
gether with three mall clerks was
badly bruised and injured, the exact
extent of his injuries being unknown
The news of the disaster was brought
to this city by Frank Hunter em
ployed la the yards at that point
Mr. Hunter came to this city accom
panylng the disabled cars. No. 8
the fast east bound train and was
running at a high rate of speed when
the accident happened. Mr. Hunter
returned to the Junction this after
Nicholas Halmes Is reported to bt
slightly under the weather and to be
suffering quite a good bit from a
complication of diseases. Nick's many
friends hope that he will soon recover
and be able to be back in the city
with his many friends.
In County Court.
In county court today a marriage
license was Issued to Oliver M. Waltz
aged 19, of Elmwood, and Mlfls Jes
sie B. Martin, aged 19, of Redwood
Minn. The parties are to be married
at Elmwood. The groom is a son of
M. W. Waltz, a well known resident
of Elmwood and both parties are
well known in that locality.
In county court today Judge Bee
son was engaged in hearing the re
plivin case of Scott vs. Denson. This
After Many Weary Weeks of Suffering Mrs. Elizabeth Synder,
a Most Highly Respected Lady, Died This Morning. v
Lots of Water in Milk Trust
Stock, and Despite Enormous
Prophets Propose a Rise
The investigation of the Milk Co.,
in New York city recently by Special
Deputy Attorney General Coleman
was given impetus oy a discovery
made by Marvyn Scudder, the ac
countant employed by the state to
go over the books of the large milk
combines of that city. The facts are
figures given will no doubt give the
reader some Idea as to the extent of
the milk trust throughout the land:
Counsel for the Borden Condensed
Milk company, controlling 28 per cent
of the fluid milk trade In this city
and the Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker
company were engaged today
preparing to meet the analysis of Mr.
Scudder, who placed his finding be
fore Refree Brown' yesterday.
Mr. Scudder said the books of the
Borden company showed that more
than $15,000,000 of the $20,000,000
capital stock represented "trade
marks, good will," which the ac
countant said represented" nothing
tangible in the way of assets. On
the company's capitalization of divi
dend of 6 per cent was paid on the
preferred and 10 per cent paid on the
common stock.
Mr. Scudder said the books 6howed
a surplus of $8,82-1,230 made In ten
years and Special Deputy Attorney
General Coleman Is preparing to ask
the company that if such profits are
possible with milk at 8 cents a quart
what Justification was there In rais-
ng the price to 9 cents a quart.
Mr. Scudder further showed that of
the Sheffield Farms company has
a capitalization of $5,000,000 and
more than $300,000 was for "good
will, etc." The Sheffield company
paid 15 per cent dividend last year
and to date this year 22 per cent on
Its stock and Its surplus was $962,-
672, nearly double the capital stock.
Enormous profits were shown to
have been made by the . Alexander
Campbell Milk company at 8 cents a
The Campbell company supplies
more than 1,000,000 botles of milk
every month to Brooklyn families and
Mr. Scudder showed that the net pro
fits of the company for the six months
ending last June were $19,880, or at
the rate of 26 per cent on the com
pany's capital.
With the purpose of refuting the
assertion that the companies lost
money selling milk at 8 cents a quart
Mr. Scudder submitted figures from
the books of the Borden company
showing that during the nine months
of this year ending September 30 last,
the company made a clear profit on
fluid milk and cream in New York
and Chicako of $1,076,772. This sum
exceeds by $322,947 the net profits
In the same branch of the business
In the corresponding month of 1908.
. Mr. Scudder showed that the net
profits of the Sheffield company were
generally in excess in 1909 over 1908.
Died. Snyder. Mrs. Elizabeth, at the
home of Charles Jean, near Platts
mouth, Nebraska. January 5, 1910,
aged 7." years, 7 months and 19
days. Funeral on Friday, January
7, 1910, Bt one o'clock p. in., from
the house and at two o'clock p. in.,
from the United Brethren church.
Interment at Horning cemetery.
After many weeks of suffering Mrs.
Elizabeth Snyder, a pioneer citizen of
Cass county, sank to rest this morn
ing. Mrs. Snyder has lived in this
county for nirny yours and has a
large number of friends and acquaint
ances who will be sorry to hear of
her demise. S?bo was a most excellent
lady and one of the best and kind
est of friends. Always a faithful
and devoted mother she will leave a
great void In the hearts of her child
ren. She was that best of women a
true friend and one who will be sad
ly missed by all.
The deceased was born on May 16,
1834, and lived in this state for
many years. She reared a family here
of the best of people, among them
being George W. Snyder, the well
known stock raiser and farmer of the
precinct and a daughter, Mrs. Charles
Jean. Deceased was also related to
Andrew J. Snyder, register of deeds
elect of this county.
The funeral will be held on Friday,
January 7, from the home of Charles
Joan where deeeiised was living when
the final summons enme. The ser
vices will be conducted at the United
Brethren church and interment will
lie had at the Horning cemetery. Tho
funeral will leave Mr. Jean's house at
one o'clock p. m. for the church and
services nt the latter wll bo held at
two o'clock p. m.
Mr. and Mis. E. A. Kirkpatric of
Nehawka Visit Their Sons
in the Lone Star
In speaking of the visit of Mr. and
Mrs. A. E. Klrkpatrlck to their son
Earl, In that city, the Cleburne (Tex
as) Morning Review Bays:
"Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Klrkpatrlck,
of Nehawka, (Weeping Water) Neb.,
are here visiting their son, Earl Klrk
patrlck, who Is the Santa Fe's ticket
agent at this place. When he left
home the ground was covered with
snow, and the temperature was down
in the zero neighborhood. Mr. Klrk
patrlck stated on Friday that he had
been to Texas before, and liked the
state very much, lie said the warm
In District Court.
Judge Travis this morning adjourn
ed court after having disposed of a
number of minor matters. lie entered
several orders in various cases touch
ing matters of importance before the
final adjournment of the term. In the
matter of the case of the State ex rel
Claude Butler vs. Fred Patterson, a
matter which has been pending In
the court for several months, ho en
tered an order requiring Mr. Patter
son to appear before him personally
on Monday, January 10, and explain
why he had refused to sign, allow
and settle a bill of exceptions in the
case of Bnylor vs. Butler. This case
It will be recalled arose from a gar
nishment action commenced against
Butler in Justice court before M.
Archer andjater taken on a change
of venue by the defendant to Justice
Fred- Patterson of Rock "Bluffs pre
cinct. In the trial had there Patter
son found for, the plaintiff and the
case was attempted to be taken by
error to the district court. No record
was mado of the testimony and the
Justice refused to sign tne bill of
temperature down here was very nice
He said the farmers up his way were exceptions submitted by A. N. Sum
shipping hay and food stuff to Wyom
ing to food the sheep and other stock.
Some years the wind blows the snow
off the side of the hills and mountains,
but this year the Bnow covered up
the grass. Horses, he said, would paw
tho snow away and eat the grass nny
way, but cows and sheep could not do
so well, lie Baid he had Been herds
of beef cattle break through the
creek and river ice, and freeze to
denth in the water, as they would
not move when the warm water first
ran up about their legs. They had the
idea that it would continue warm.
The visitors will be down here about
a week. Their son will see that they
have a good time while here."
Received Notice.
Wm. Holly .deputy grand patriarch
of the Odd Fellows encampment, yes
terday received notice from J. P.
Carson, grand patriarch, that he
would be present at the encampment
meeting next Friday evening, January
7, and would conduct the installation
of officers at that time. This will be
the first time in years that the grand
patriarch has visited the encampment
ami it la ovnnctpd a Inrce attendance
suit involves the possession of a wa-,of the member8 be present as a
gon and harness which Glen Scott Bpedal mrk of courtP8V t0 lhe gran(1
Over Fifty Years Arc.
Jesse York and a friends, who have
been visiting in Atchison county, Mo.,
have returned home, bringing with
them a specimen of early times in
the shape of a newspaper printed in
Pike county, Mo., in the year 1857.
The paper Includes a notice of a pub
lic sale to be held there which Is
a veritable curlouslty i nthis day and
age. The notice is as follows:
Public Sale.
State of Mlsourl, County of Pike
To whom it may concern: The un
dersigned will on Tuesday, September
29, A. D., 1857, sell at public outcry
for cash, on premises where Coon
Creek crosses the old mission road,
the following chattels, to-wlt:
yoke of oxen with yoke and chain;
wagons with bods: 3 nigger wenches;
4 buck niggers; 3 niggers; 3 nig
ger boys; 2 prairie plows; 23 steel
traps; 1 barrel of pickled cabbage;
1 hogshead of tobacco; 1 lot of nig
ger's hoes; 1 spinning wheel; 1 loom;
3 fox hounds; 1 lot of coon and skunk
skins and a lot of other articles. Are
going to California.
Free headcheese, apples and hard
This sale took place in 1857, 52
years ngo and the original copy of
the notice is in the hands of Jesse
York of this city.
van, attorney ror miner. Miinvan
filed a petition for a writ of manda
mus to make the Justice sign the nl-
lcged bill and in his complaint he
harged Ramsey & Ramsey, counsel
for Mr. Baylor with scandalous con-
uct In connection with Patterson's
refusal. Considerable bad blood has
existed between the attorneys Invol
ved and charges have been freely
made that Sullivan had no authority
from Butler to appeal the cpse and
was acting entirely on his own voli
tion to get the proceeds for himself.
The justice has failed so far to sign
any bill of exceptions or pay attention-
to an order of the court requiring
him to do so. Judge Travis' order of
this morning is made ho that he can.
explain why he has not carried out
the order of ihe court or as the order
phrases It "that the respondent may
correct any mistake he may have
made in refusing to obey the order ,
of the court through misapprehen
sion of the law or through advice
which may have been improvldently
given and received as to his duties in
the premises."
In the case of Rayles vs. Rayles the
court also entered a modification ot
the decree entered yesterday by which
all that part of the decree making the
payment of the alimony a lien upon
the lands of plaintiff and empower
ing the appointment of a receiver by
the court in case the alimony is not
paid, is stricken out. This is done by
Judge Travis on his own motion and
Is because the entry is surplusage un
der the statute.
In the case of Ilarshman vs. Royal
an order was also entered discharg
ing the restraining order and denying
the temporary injunclton asked for
to which the plaintiff excepted. Tho
cause was continued until tho next
After doing this Judge Travis de
clared the term adjourned sine die.
claims was unlawfully taken by Con
stable Denson on an execution issued
In favor of F. S. White. The case had
not been decided at the time the Jour
nal went to press.
1 patriarch.
Mrs. Chas. E. Hartford, who has
M. E. Stremer was a passenger been visiting her parents at Boone
this morning for Omaha where he la., returned home last Monday even
will spend the day. ing.
Charles Troop, the well known
farmer from near Mynnrd, is looking
at the stock market in South Om
aha today, being a passenger for that
city fills morning on the Burlington
train. ,