The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, January 03, 1910, Image 1

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ate Historic soc.
NO 1
weepihg water
Henry A. Schneider Succeeds Chester H. Smith as Postmaster,
Who Has Held Position Since 1898-Clerks to Hold Over
From Friday's Dally.
Tomorrow being the first day of
the year 1910 will witness a change
in the operating force of the local
postofflce department that will be
the first change since 1S98. Mr. II.
A. Schneider, at present register of
deeds for Cass county, will tonight
take the oath of office as postmaster
at Plattsmouth, to fill the place made
vacant by the resignation of the pres
ent incumbent, Mr. C. H. Smith. Mr.
Smith was appointed in 1898 by Pres
ident McKinley and since that time
has filled the office to the satisfac
tion of all. His absence from the
accustomed office will be noticed and
regretted by his many friends. Mr.
Schneider is also well known in this
community, having been elected to
the office of register of deeds eight
years ago and since that time he
has been very active as a citizen.
Mr. Schneider Is Chairman of the
Republican County Central commit
tee and Is prominent in the local com
mercial club.
There is no doubt but what he
will make an efficient postmaster.
For a while, at least, the present
corps of assistants will be retained.
They Dont Like the Oregon Plan
of Electing United States
Burkett and his henchmen are now
scheming to defeat the law to
nominate United States senators, and
will probably try to get the supreme
court to knock it out. If they can't
do this, their pla to ignore the law.
This won't be the first time that the
Republican schemers have defied the
will of the people, and Burkett knows
he has no chance whatever to go back
to the senate If the people are to de
cide the matter. In Bpeaklng of the
v dastardly attempt to defeat the will
of the people, the State Journal says:
"Attorneys admit that the Ollis pri
mary law admitts of a double or
doubtless interpretation when it
comes to the Question whether or not j
a United States senator is to be nomi- j
nated at the primaries in August. If .
no such officer is to be nominated in
the primary it is alleged that the
Oregon short line to the senatorship,
or the act providing for the pleading
of members of the legislature cannot
Via ofPapffvo on fnr na on olppflnn nt a
United States senator goes at the
general election. This will throw the
election of senator Into the legisla
ture where the constitution and the
federal law provides the election shall
take place. If an election cannot
take place at the general election,
and it i3 admitted that the so-called
Oregon plan does not provide for such
election, but merely the pledging of
legislators, it is likely that the Re
publican state committee will Ignore
the Oregon plan of nominating and
electing legislators. It is said by
many Republicans that the state com
mittee will meet and declare the Ore
gon plan merely optional and Ignore
its provisions. As there are believed
to be several Republicans who desire
to be nominated for Benator, any
Democrat with fair standing In his
party would be able to get a majority
of the votes at a primary. Some In
teresting developments are looked
j for when politicians of all parties be
gin to study the new election laws."
A Birthday Surprise.
Mrs. W. L. Brlssey last evening
was made the recipient of a omer
than pleasant surprise. Yesterday
marked the 49th birthday anniversary
of Mrs. W. L. Brissey, consequently
Mrs. R. B. Brissey took it upon her
self to plan this delightful surprise
and was very successful, In that, she
did not arouse the vistlm's suspicion
The victim was very much surprised
Ceremony at the Home of the
Bride's Parents,Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Moulton-
Tuesday afternoon, December 28th,
at the pretty home of her parents,
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. George II. Moul-
ton, Harriet A., the eldest daughter,
was united in holy wedlock with
Frank L. Bailey, midst relatives, a
few old friends and nelghbors.-
Large clusters of carnations, nar-
dses roses and ferns gave to the
rooms color and fragrance.
As a prelude for the wedding march
Miss Irene Thomas sang a love and
flower song. Miss Maude, the young
er sister of the bride played the
wedding march.
Her father, with a very Impressive
service, united the couple, Rev. J. C.
Street Invoked God's blessing upon
them. After receiving the good wish
es of the guests, Barbara, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Blsh
was christened by Rev. Moulton.
The guests were then Invited to the
dining room where all were served a
dinner fit for kings. It was a Jolly
party and laughter rang through the
house. Only the lateness of the hour
reminded the friends they must not
tarry longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are graduates
Narrow Escape.
Arthur E. Whitlow, formerly of
this village but now night agent of
the Missouri Pacific at Plattsmouth.
had a very narrow escape Tuesday
morning. As the morning freight
train was pulling out of Plattsmouth
Mr. Whitlow ran to the engine to de
liver train orders, and the escaping
steam made it Impossible to see the
engine, and the result was that he
was struck on the left arm and knock
ed down almost under the wheels. His
arm was severely bruised and he will
be off duty for a while, but he is
thankful that he did not lose his life
and realizes that he had a very close
call. Union Ledger.
I rlJJLU nlin
For Fifty-three Years He Had Been a Resident of Cass County
and Early in Its History Was Quite Prominent.
vhon tho trnpfits came in on her but
. . , . of the Wesleyan University and have
soon recovered and gave them a most ... .
pleasart evening.
the time was passed with msuic
and other amusements and wnich
were thoroughly enjoyed
hour a delightful three course lunch
eon was served. This luncheon was
prepared as only the ladles know how
and every one found it delightfully
appetizing and pleasant.
Those who enjoyed this most en
joyable occasion were Messrs. and
Mesdames L. F. Curtis, T. E. Jen
nings, George Lamphear, R. B. Bris
sey; Messrs. J. A. Silence, L. D. Bris
sey, W. H. Hyde; Mrs. L. F. Curtis.
many mends over the state as well
as in their home towns. They will
spend January and February visiting
At & late I onu nivuua iu vruiu, x cuu.,
New York, Wisconsin ana lowa. At
ter the middle of March they will be
at home in Valley Junction, Iowa,
near Des Moines.
The out of town friends who at
tended the wedding are Mrs. R. J.
McKenzie and son Kenneth of Cen
tral City, Mrs. Kate Smith of Ne
braska City and Mrs. E. S. Scown, a
sister of the bride from Marlon, la.
Governor Shallenberger To Con
fer With the Governors of
Oklahoma and
The Jolly Indian.
The Jolly Six Indian dancing club,
Another New Year Wedding. B a new one in the old town, but
A quiet home wedding took place tney are tne liveliest half dozen that
in this city at 1 o'clock today when you ever saw. and they are going to
Miss Hilma A. Eriekson was united give their firgt dance at coates' Hall
In marriage to Adolph W. Nord, at on next Saturday evening, January 8.
the home of the bride's parents. The The cjUD waa organized last Friday
ceremony was performed by the Rev. evening and the members are as fol-
J. E. Swanson of the Swedish church iows; Anton H. Koubeki president;
at Wahoo. The wedding was very Henry Tims, vice president; Joseph
informal, only the near relatives of Llbershal, record keeper; Frank Mack
the interested parties being present, treasurer; Frank Koubek and John
The young people are both well Thomas,' braves, who are always on
known in this city where they have the alert for pale-faces, and they are
grown up and formed many friend- going to make a double effort to have
: ships. The father of the groom, is a a groat number of them at their first
prosperous farmer and has resided ciUD ball on next Saturday evening.
northwest of Plattsmouth for many They have secured the Jacob's or-
years. chestra of Omaha, to furnish the
This young couple have many muslc and this part of the program
friends in this community who will 8 an a8sured success. A cordial lnvlta
Join the Journal in extending them tion Is extended to all. Every effort
heartiest congratulations and wish- wjil be" exerted to show you one of
the most pleasant occasions of the
dancing season.
New Year Resolves.
Don't kick against your town.
Don't go elsewhere to by what you
can by at home.
The home merchant is your
friend and you ought to be his friend.
Resolve that you will help him while
In turn he wil help you when you
need help.
Don't talk disparagingly of those
who have the best Interests of Platts
mouth. Try and convine yourself that
you ought to feel the same way.
Because your neighbor is more
fortunate than you are don't get
"grouchy" at him. Remember you
have the same chance to make money
as he has "if you only know how."
Remember that In unity there Is
harmony, and that united we thrive
and divided we fail.
Make up your mind to do all you
can for the best Interests of PlattS'
mouth In 1910.
Make up your mind to do your
buying at home, and thus assist In
building up the town, instead of glv
lng your money to Omaha merchants
who use it to build up their own
Be kind to your nrghbor and In
return he wil be kind to you.
daughter, Mrs. S. II. Schlotman, resid
ing near Mynard. Mr. Draper has
many old friends in the county, which
he represented In the legislature sev-
Ing them long life and prosperity.
An Old Resident.
Hon. D. S. Draper, for many years
a resident of Cass county, but now
of Kansas City, Kansas, gave the
Journal a call this morning. Mr
Enjoyable Christmas Celebration.
Springdale farm, the home of John
Larsh and wife and Mrs. Ella S.
Larsh, northeast of town, was the
Draper has been In South Dakota scene of a very pelasant Christmas
for nearly five months, and while en guthering last Friday and Saturday,
route home stopped oft to visit his the visiting guests beine John C.
Governor Shallenberger is ready to
join with Governor Haskell inya con
ference with reference to bank guar
anty laws, as suggested In a telegram
from Governor Haskell Tuesday even
ing. The following letter was sent to
Governor Haskell Wednesday after
noon: December 28, 1909.
Honorable C. N. Haskell. Governor of
Oklahoma, Guthrie, Okla.:
Dear Governor I have your tele
gram relative to the matter of a con
ference to be held by those officially
interested in and empowered with the
enforcement of the guarnnty of de
posits law in the state of Kansas, Ok
ilahoma and Nebraska.
In reply I will say that it seems to
me that the suggestion is a good one
and I will be very glad to assist in
any way. The laws of the three states
have all be attacked upon different
points and the federal courts in Ne
braska and Kansas have enjoined the
laws of these respective states for
different reasons, and, as you suggest
it seems to me highly to be desired
that the lawyers having in charge
the cases for the different states, and
the executive departments having in
charge the cases for the different
states, and the executive departments
having in charge the enforcement of
the laws should mutually confer and
agree as to a. general policy.
I will be very glad to hear from
you further In the matter, as doubt
less you have given it attention, and I
woud like to know if it is your Idea
to hold the conference in one of the
respective states or to confer at the
time of the meeting of governors
called for January 18 next, at Wash
Ington, D. C.
Awaiting your further communica
tion, I have the honor to remain,
Your very respectfully,
The Oklahoma telegram, received
Tuesday afternoon follows:
Gutheri, Okla. Gov. A. C. Shallen
berger, Lincoln. Nebraska, Kansas
and Oklahoma have natural Interests
In the banking law question. Our
test case .originated In state court.
Our law fully upheld by our supremo
court. Case now in United States
supreme court on appeal from state
supreme court. Will probably be
reached about February or March. I
believe all three states are mutually
Interested in the Oklahoma case and
therefore have decided to invite con
ference and mutual co-operation be
tween, Kansas, Nebraska and Okla
homa. Kindly advise me if you think
well of this conference.
Died Barker. Samuel, at the home
of Mrs. William Wetenkamp near
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on January
2, 1910, of senility, aged 78 years,
10 months and 10 days. Funeral
Tuesday, January 4, 1910, at noon,
from the residence of Mrs. William
. After a long life marked with many
experiences and one which was of the
greatest use to the citizens of Cass
county, death yesterday afternoon
claimed Samuel Barker, a Nebraska
pioneer and a man who was known
throughout the middle west in his
day, as one of its most enterprising
citizen and business men. For many
years the deceased was engaged in
the business of buying and selling
live stock in this city and vicinity
and in the course of that business he
had made and lost several fortunes.
There are many stories told of the
generosity which had characterized
tho deceased during his lifetime and
of the great liberality which had
been none of tho traits of his char
acter. He was generous to a fault
and no man living has aught to say
save good for him now that his life's
race Is run.
The deceased was born on February
22i 1830, In England, and at a ten
der age came to America which has
ever since been his home. He flrBt
came, to Nebraska in 1857 and for
more than half a century he had
been Identified with Its history. Im
mediately after his arrival here he
commenced 'the cattle business and
his natural shrewdness and excellent
business abilities enabled him to soon
accumulate a large fortune In that
industry. Ho bought cattle in this
Immediate locality and also In states
lying west and these he forwarded
to the Chicago market, being one of
the pioneer cattlemen of that market.
On thesj trips Mr. Barker Invariably
accompanied the loads and attended
to tho marketing personally. They
were generally successful and many
stories are told of prodigal gen
erosity which he displayed after an un
usually successful sale, tales which
make tho generosity of tho modern
cattleman palo into insignificance
and which made the name of Sam
Barker known throughout the mlddlo
west as synonym for a great, open
heart. In this business he continued
for many years but later reverses
came with tho onward inarch of
modern progress and he found that
his fortune had slowly dwindled
away. In his later years he made his
home principally with hia daughter,
Mrs. William Wetenkamp, where tho
curtain came down and he sank into
Married In his early manhood, tho
deceased reared a large family, se
venteen children coming to bless tho
union of whom thirteen survived
their father. His beloved wife sank
to rest in 1892, and he will be laid
to rest beside here In the Eight. Mllo
Grove cemetery.
The funeral will take place tomor
row at noon from the home of hi
daughter, Mrs. William Wetenkamp.
The services will bo conducted by
Rev. W. O. Harroll of the
church of Mynard.
Watson and wife of Nebraska City,
Samuel Kellogg and wife of Percival,
Iowa, Paul Kellogg and wife of Per
cival, Iowa, John C. Watson, Jr., of
eral years ago, all of whom will be Nebraska City, Misses Harriet and
glad to meet him. He will renew his Rachel Kellogg and Sam Kellogg Jr.,
Journey homeward next week. Like 0f Percival. Iowa. It was undoubted
all the balance of his early friends In hy the most enjoyable Christmas cele-
Cass county, he begins to feel old age bration in which any of them ever
come creeping along, but bids fair to participated, Just such a Jolly good
live many more years, lie was ac- time as might be expected at the
companied on his visit to the Journal Larsh home. The Nebraska City and
office by his son-in-law, Mr. S. H. Percival gueBts returned home Sun-
Schlotman, who Is a farmer near day. Union Ledger
IMP Kgenbergcr Wins Dor.
The second one of the full blood-
bull terrier dogs to by raffled
Deputy Recorder,
Andy Snyder, county recorder elect ed
from near Mynard, was In the city off within the past few weeks at the
today making all arrangements for Riley Hotel, by tho owner, F. II
his official duties, which will com- Dunbar, was drawn Wednesday even
mence next week. He tells us that ng by "Billy" Egenberger, the same
he does not Intend to move to riatts- party who drew the other one. It cer
mouth for the next few months, as talnly is an unusual piece of luck in
his unfinished farm duties necesslt the dog business, as the same number
ate his living on the farm for a few (94) held by the same party drew
weeks, making daily trips to and the prize. This Is the lucky portion
from during that, time. His niece, of the deal, but the unfortunate part
Miss Florence White, will be appoint- came a few days ago, when the first
ed deputy recorder, and we do not animal drawn died.
believe he could have displayed bet- W. II. Puis from near Murray, was
ter Judgment. MIsb White is an ex- looking after some business matters
cellent young lady, fully qualified In
every particular to fill the position,
and will make him a good deputy.
llringg Burg Memories.
The local editor of the Journal begs
to acknowledge the receipt of a very
handsome new year's token in the
shape of an original poem entitled
'At Strletwel8er's," the product of the
fertile brain of Frank E. Green, one
of the Lincoln News staff. The poem
Is a gem and will always be treasured
as a happy remembrance of the gold
en days long gone when life flowed
in a happy current and the wine
sparkled red in the bottles. Those
were halcyon days and to the News
man and the Journal man aa well as
their many friends, life was truly
Bohemian and the sun shone always.
The little poem of Col. Green brings
back memories of happy days long
gone and joyous hours past to come
no more. Our sincere thanks are re
turned to Co. Green and our wishes
for many more happy new year's are
his lot.
In the city today.
The Proper Nugget ion.
If the farmers will place their pen
nies In some receptacle so the rural
carriers can get them without scratch
ing tho bottom of the box with cold
fingers, they will confer a favor. Bet
ter yet, buy a quantity of stamps and
do your own work. Some times It
takes the carriers twenty to thirty
minutes to place stamps on letters
end cards, work that could and should
be done by those mailing same.
SuhNcribe for The livening Journal. Weeping Wafer Republican.
Ed. S. Tutt and Mus Edith Pitz
Step Off to Nebraska City
and Get Married.
The many friends of Ed. S. Tutt,
the late Democratic candidate for
sheriff of this county, and Miss Edith
Pitz were amazed yesterday morn
ing when they read In the Omaha
papers, that they had slipped away
from this city and had quietly been
united in marrlago in Nebraska City.
The event seems to have also es
caped the eagle eyes of the Nebraska
City newspaper men for nothing is
said of the event. According to such
reports as can be gathered Mr. Tutt
and Miss Pitz Journeyed to Nebraska
City Saturday and without ceremony,
had a minister perform the service
which united them for life. While in
the city they were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. D. Brown, friends of
theirs, who took an active part In
assisting them to fool the good peo
ple of this city. The happy couple
returned to this city last evening and
will make their future residence here.
The groom is one of the best known
and most popular young men of this
county. He is the son of John D.
Tutt, one of Nebraska's pioneers
and a most worthy citizen of the
county, and the son partakes of the
many excellent qualities of his sire.
Ed. is one of the young men of
Plattsmouth and Cass county who
are credits to It. He has lived here
practically all his life and during that
period he has earned the greatest
dmlratlon of a large circle of friends
Of spotless character and with an
unsullied reputation, he stands among
the best the county can produce In
young men. Ho formerly held the of
fice of deputy sheriff of the county
and last year was tho Democratic
candidate for the office of sheriff, re
celvtng a flattering vote.
The bride Is the handsome and ac
complished daughter of tho lato
Julius Pitz and wife and like her hus
band, Is a Cass county product, hav
lng lived upon a farm south of this
city since sho first saw the light.
he is a young lady Justly popular and
with a vast circle of friends who will
hasten to extend their congratula
tlons to her upon her start upon the
matrimonial sea.
Old IVlendM ( alls.
The Journal today was In receipt
of a visit from Peter Campbell, tho
well known and popular citizen. of
Rock Bluffs precinct. Mr. Campbell
called to renew the subscription of
his brother George, now located at
Belgrade, Neb., and, incidentally, to
visit w'lth the publisher and the edi
tors. Mr. Campbell is one of tho
kind of men the Journal Is pleased
to have call upon It and his visits
are always heartily welcome. The
snug winter does not stop this worthy
citizen from getting to tho city and
making his regular visits to his many
friends, and it is to be hoped that
many winters will nee him a wel
come guest here.
Iltijoyhig ;K1 Health.
G. E. Wiley and wife from .south
of town, were In the city Saturday,
and while here made the Journal of
fice a brief call, renewing for two
copies of the Journal, which W. M.
Wiley, father of O. E., has taken for
several years. In fact, Mr. Wiley has
always read the Journal. We are
pleased to learn that the senior
gentleman Is pnjoylng good health,
this winter, considering his advanced
years. He Is one of Cass county's
pioneer Bottlers, and one of the best
that ever landed.
Kimw Him Year Ago. (
E. Shoemaker, R. Shoemaker and
B. A. Mason from Avoca precinct,
were In the city last Friday evening,
all buying goods at the closing out
store of M. Fanger. AH three gentlo-
men were well acquainted with Mr.
Fanger, their lathers having pur
chased goods of the department storo
man when he made a specialty of
traveling through the county, Jmost
any old way, principally walking.
All the gentlemen returned to Mur
ray early In tho evening where. they
attended the ball, before returning
In District Court.
Judge Travis this morning conven
ed court for the hearing of various
equity matters which are pending
before him. Tho morning was large
ly taken up in the hearing of tfco
arguments and motions in the case
of Rayles vs. Rayles, a divorce .
tion which was heard several month
ago. Judgo Homer M. Sullivan ,tf
Broken Bow, one of the counsellor
tho plaintiff, was to Lave been "here,
but owing to have missed railroad
connections did not arrive in flna.
Matthcy Gerlng was counsel for Jacob
Rayles while Bryon Clark represented
Mrs. Rayles, the wife.