0 Tie Plattsmouth - Journal ftbllsM Senl-Wieklj it Plattsmouth, NeMn R. A. DATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoflke at PlattunMtn, Nebraska, as Becond-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE . TMs week's tumble In truBt stocks bis personal effects to Washington the same routine can again be gone to California by "moral suasion" and Knox's letter attacking Zelaya and UNION. over And tl at la the system by places his damages at 110.000. We the Mcaraguan government. Why (Ledger.) over, abu ii ai i" ""lcul ' Mahlom Applegate who was severe which the powvr rust has secured can imagine Nettle weaving a spell they should be is some mystery al- y ln runawfty 80me UlM control of the Nebraska power sites, over unsuspecting Willie and luring so. Had the Mcaraguan government ag0i , B,owly lmproving. Although lacking in mountains the him out in the world, to his great been England there would have been The condition of Ernest Smith, ..... mn .uirt damaee. He likely made a fierce ground for the amazement, but Nlc- who Is dangerously ill -with typhoid Ota Hj s 1 tiiumoau - w-- flowing streams, and for continuity fight against the despoiler of his aragua can't fight back. It Is all of supply some of Nebraska's rivers , domestic happiness we don't think, very spectacular but quite pitiful. ( The strike of the Switchmen's Un- Judge reter S. Groescup of Chi- ,Qn 0Q tfae northwestern roads seems ai;o. advocates a new political party. tQ be crumbling fa8t. n fact, It ap- worM. ' nerem 11 coum amer irom J pears to have almost fizzled out be- ,6'U:;n-8 party ana sun anoru ruum f(jre u wgg we under way -on. In Wall Stret. notably sugar stock, Indicates the trusts may at last be taking a tumble to themselves. :o:- Waltcr Wellman Is entirely safe In denouncing Explorer Cook. No body Is going to take the trouble to retaliate by denouncing Explorer Wellman. -:o: from Lincoln through and by the United States mail route, free of cost. In this respect, Burkett Is ap parently not in favor of high tariff. A petition asking Speaker Cannon to resign probably would be Just about as effective as the request to have the English lords pay taxes on tl eir estates. :o: It is a shame that the people have been robbed year after year by the nvgar trust, and a note of warning has not been ouudcd. The customs officials have nil been Republicans f( r many years back. -:o: Developments In the sugar trust Inquiry in New York show that the noM-rnment weighers received $15 a v.eik apiece for their perfidy. They not only helped to swindle ll tir government, but were wretched ly cheap about it. . :o: The big trusts are Improving their opportunity now. There Is a reason for this, too. This will be the last Republican congress for some time to come. When the change comes to a Democratic congress, the picking for the trusts will be extremely short. Mark that! :o: Only three weeks from Monday next until Christmas. Hegln your holiday advertising now In order to catch tho bulk of the trade. People In the country will buy such goods ln Plattsmouth Instead of Omaha, if they know whst Plattsmouth nier chants have in, store for Christ inns .presents. Which Is the worst, Plato, the Rockefellers. Carnegies and other magnates whose pockets bulge with extorted mljllons, or the system that enables them to fill their coffers by crushing the life out of competition and exacting unfair profits from the public? And wouldn't It be better to reform the system than to roast the oppressors it creates? :o: Every senator and congressman who was caught in tne Aldrich-Can non tariff trap are trying now to convlne the people that the tariff question Is settled and will not be re-eponed by congress again. And really, they are only wishing that their utterances will be verified. But the question will be re-opened, not only In congress, but upon every stump ln the country next year. :o: stand right at tue head. As for ex ample, the Loup rher has been found to have the most uniform Cow cf water of any river in the This property of the Nebraska river make them particularly valuable as m sources of power whenever the ne cessary fall can be secured. And opportunities of this kind are found in all Bectlons so that splendid power sites abound In practically all por tions of the state. The attention of State Engineer Simmons was some time ago at tracted by the numerous power site filings being made in bis office. He quietly begun an investigation and discovered that practically all the filings were made by irresponsible parties, and everything pointed to the fact that all were made in the interest of some one concern Under the present law, as stated, the state engineer has no choice but to accept the filings and Issue the permits regardless of the responsibil ity of the applicants. He will, how ever, ask the next legislature for a new law governing that point as well as the provision which now permits a refiling by the same party. In '.;r Crosscup Is a mystery. The uni form trend of his decisions have L-ecn so favorable to the Aldrlch- Cannon theory of government that any other theory seems grotesque, when taken in connection with Grosscup. fever, seems to remain unchanged ,at this writing. Simon Gruber, who some time agu fell and smashed his foot and ankio ln a horrible manner, is reported to be Improving Blow but sure. Miss Clee Applegate, teacher In the Plattsmouth school, spent b Thanksgiving vacation with her union men seem plentiful and it i-jmother and other relatives and stated there is no trouble in filling the places of the strikers. The war between the various labor organiza tions is blamed for the failure of the strike. There will be no successful strikes until men learn to stand to- Coloma. Cal.. gets the big John- gether, m mm m i. Ml llffl I I son-jennes ngm. ine ma oi ie . vnnn(in(d w0Pe. a number , . r v Rickard and J. J. G lease n of $101,- Joe Cannon has been ln congress thirty-five years. Why was he not elected Speaker long since, If he Is such a great man? No, that's not It. The trusts knew their mark. They knew that Cannon desired to be Speaker before he got too old. The trusts sot the trap and Old Joe fell into it, and they have him bo tightly in their grip that he can't let loosen. And there he is tho poor old fool. ' , :o: THE WATKi: I-OWKK TRl'ST. -:o:- Tl.ty have an organization In Lin-i-oln called the "Seldon Shouters," 000 and 2-3 of the moving picture receipts was accepted day before yes terday and the fight will be staged ai Coloma. It is said Jlmmp Rich roth is the real bidder and that Rick ard and Gleason really represented him. The bid Is figured to pay the flchters about $150,000. It Is be lieved the fight will take place July 4th, next. The man who can patiently sit down and read Walter Wellman s fulsome idolatry letters about Presi dent Taft, Secretary Baillnger and Chief Forester Plnchot and not dis cern what looks to be a sycophantic power in Wellman of highly Important witnesses for the government ln the sugar trust cases in New York have disappeared It Is strange how these people some times find It convenient to drop out cf sight Just when needed. The gov ernment attorneys are much exer clsed over the situation but, as a matter of fact, they should have ex pected such things. The defense ln the sugar trust cases intends to ac quit their clients if ,it is possible. At last It seems a minister has arisen, who graps the ethics of sue cess. Rev. Paul Moore strayer or Rochestef, N. Y., in a sermon ad vised the church to copy the tactics of Tammany Hall and "helps a man In a pinch." Therein has always laid the secret of, much of Tam many's success. It has succored i many of the poor and needy. It has appealed to the sense of gratitude ln man. And in so doing it has waxed strong and virile. Rev. Strayer may not meet the approval of all churchmen, but he has struck the keynote of victory. Help a man ln a pinch is a good idea and it ap peals to the muman heart. New York dispatches announce been made that the power trust has which is booming the cx-Govemor wlnM control, tor U. S. Senator. Tho organization And now, after these Immensely has addressed n communication to valuable right. Lave passed from the Sheldon at Wayside, Miss., announc '"Ja of the state to private owners, !ing their intention. If they can not the 8tat officials are endeavoring secure him for "Slippery Elmer's" to find some way of canceling the place, they will want him for gover nor. They may shout to their hearts content, but George Sheldon don't are for the governorship. Enough is nough. :o: CANNON'H LAST 8HOT. applications and regaining control. In return for these power Bites, many of which are destined to be worth hundreds of thousands of dol lars, the state of Nebraska Is paid $4 o year a site. The worst feature of the case is insist William is "batty." At Cochran, Georgia, day before that the big power trust having se- The general Interpretation put on cured control of the waters of the Fpeaker Cnnnon'H word to tho pro- different rivers and Btreams ln all gresslve Republicans, In his Kansas pftrta of the state, is not developing City speech, Is that the speaker will Bnd producing power, but is simply I make no concessions to them; that I playing the "dog In the manger," no win riMun iu iu-uM imu vu ana wniie useu refusing io uuveiop i yesterday John Howard, a negro basis that would regard the self- power Is standing In the way of all nreacher. was burned at the stake respect of the Republican "Insur- others who might desire to build for fatally shooting Will D. Booth gents' who bolted his high tariff dams and provldo electric power for Howard was incensed because Booth program. I the Nebraska towns and cities. drove his automobile up behind his It la well that right now, on the u ,8 cbargod openly ttiat the mules and scared them. Those eve of the convening of congress. s..n(lar(i ou Pomnnv u the interest who know the rroneness of many this attitude of the speaker should wnll.n hM gobbled up the Nebraska automoblllsts to enjoy a little fun by be even more definitely revealed ... .m,.. Kin- hv nwlacarlnir a man's team will retard the r " i - -. - - n -. - i :r . : . .. - v - man u oas pwu wirousuuui l venting the, generation of cheap elee-1 action of the mob with bhorrence. vacauon. iu? ri iw m ihrtcl power, to force th electric 1 In many cases Howard will be just! now la the restoration of repreeen- Jgnt cornpanles of the state to main-1 fled as many autotsta deserve kill- 4 ilna f ii m tt AHa 1 In A h All 111 Tn I i . " I i m 11 i. - a. 111 m , , , uu",uu . . ,' J7 Italn such high prices that the peo-img ror ineir recaicss nanaiing oi real obstacle to this reform Is Can- o: U86 vemlne Instead of dee- their machine. anA ho nnvwi ho rnrfiuntil. I . .. ' ' 1 ' trtcity ror ugoting purposes. this way, and in this way only, En glneer Simmons thinks the state adulation of office and can regain It lost power sites. them muBt be a mule- '5n,..vin nf mnunrvntinn" Bnva should be a man with enough sound Mr. Simmons, "the only way to con-0Kun'3 ,u lu lUD "'"D serve water power is to use it. You slbllity of reconciling Eallinger and can't conserve It by allowing the wa- Plnchot. Their whole plan and pur- ter to run away. With coal mines P080 n office are different and If the and forests it is different. Their con- one be r,Sht- then the other mu8t be servatlon lies In saving them, in min- wrong. Yet Wellman seems to be ing the coal carefully, cutting the abIe to try to make both appear ik. oorof.,n r itin u cm right with President Taft as the This state should be anxious to have ure" 1 Bra 01 ine wno,e 81luauon the water power sites taken up, but 1118 ridiculous sophistry misleads no It is necessary In order for this to do one any good that the site be used and Chicago is having a great moral that the applicants prove their good upheavel at present over the annual that Pierpont Morgan has pur faith by developing the power." flr8t ward bal1. an institution of chafled ThoSi F R .g dingg of The state board of Irrigation j8 that municipality. This ball Is given thg Equltable Assurance society preparing to go into court and test evt;ry r u lU0 seura Al" stock and now has control of the the present law under which refll- dermen Coughlin and Kenna of theL472(000 000 of agsets of that cor. Ii .. - i.....t .. i u .t.lfir8t ward and it anrmintfi li tni l . ..... office at the K e i",u"ltlu Ul,a uumu iusi -- ' poration. ine uquuaoie Assurance society represents a vast sum owned by the American public. It Is good policy or sound sense to have J. Pier pont Morgan handle this vast ealth? Thos. F. Ryan took this corporation over during the panic, revelry reigns. The directors of the incident to the exposure of crooked CollBeum were appealed to to re- work ln connection with insurance fuse the use of the hall this year but the $1,000 rental which is paid William L. Wilson is ln Jail in for It was to big to be passed up Kansas City, Kansas, for having in- and they would not cancel it! Among Bisted on taking off all his clothes on I the officers of the CollBeum Is J. A. the public street. William got the T. Hull, congressman from the Sev .. . . . iaea in nis neaa tnai me ume naa enth (Des Moines) Iowa district, come to aiscara ciotnes wniie con- Wno Is vice-president. If this doesn't ducting a street meeting and started beat him for re-election, we are bad in io carry out me meory wnen me ny fooled. The ball will bo held as II i.. J t. I fFL . J A I puin;u juRKfu uhu. me uoriors u8uai but It will like v bo tamer than heretofore friends in and near this village. A deal was made the first of thin week whereby Dr. R. L. Newell leas ed two rooms on the second story of the new Woodman building, and he intends to use them for his dental officea. Andrew Jackson McNatt of Ke nosha was down (Wednesday after noon to attend to some business mat ters and meet his many friends. Jack" says they have Just as much mud up ln their country as we have down here. Mrs. CharlcB Downs departed last Saturday for Crescent, Okla., to spend some time visiting with her parents. Her sister , Miss Nancy Smith, who has been visiting here for Bometime, accompanied her and will remain there. Linus Reynolds, who has been very sick the past week with an at tack of appendicitis, i3 very much improved at this writing and able to be up and around the house which, reports his many friends will wel come. John C. Roddy, the well known wealthy pioneer residing in Wyom ing precinct, has been seriously ill for the past several days, having heart trouble. His condition caused much alarm for a while, but we aro pleased to learn that he is now improving. G. F. McNamee departed on the forenoon train last Saturday for Hot Springs, S. D., where he entered the Battle ' Mount Sanatarlum to takjb treatment for a serious attack or rheumatism which has been troub ling him for some time. His son Amos accompanied him and reports that he stood the trip remarkably well. Wcrd comes from Lincoln that the water power trust has got a strangle hold on tho water power sites In Ne braska, and for the past few days there has been something doing in the statu engineer's .... . . . .Hbw he unheld the state will b tledl't 18 about as bad as it can bo. The capltol where tha discovery has Just ,aw Dt uPneui lue hmie ue uea unless the next legislature repeals women ai me oan aro principally the present law and enacts a new from tne underworld and toward In the meantime the power Bite drunken orgy, where decency 13 cast trust hns noHHcssinn of nil the vnlu- to tne rour winas and liaccanalian able power sites in the state :o FROM THE M'fY WORLD. we are informed by the press that Secretary of Agriculturo Wll son has canvassed fifty towns and cities, large and small, in the coun try and arrived at. the conclusion that the high price of meat is due almost entirely to the heavy profits of the retailer. His figures are very remarkable and do not seem on their face, to bo entirely reliable. For instance, he cites Kansas City. Mo. as having a profit of 28 per cent and Omaha 23 per cent, while Kan saa City, Ksa., has a profit of 60 per cent and South Omaha has 25 At Chicago day before yesterday I per cent. The two eases are almost receivers were appointed for the Identical and the secretary will bare Chicago Warehouseo t and t Terminal considerable trouble in convincing company and the Illinois Tunnel coin- the public that bla figures are right pany. These companies wero engaged I In the two casos. Aaln, he finds in building a aubway under Chicago's I the average in Minneapolis 27 per principal streets. The receivership I cent and in St. Taul 35 per cent is a friendly affair1 and means to There is no reason for this and it sauoeze out tho little stockholders, will not pass a cutlcal test. It is may monopolize it for six months by u ,g alwgy9 the mUe reowg whQ ,B claIrood the flguro8 vere arrlvod at paying a filing fee of $2. ... ' ' , I. ollv . hv fnVlnw th rolnll nrlrra chnrirnd If at the end of Blx months de-1 organized out of the company. 1 I for various cuts of beef and com velopment work has not been begun paring them with the wholesale the permit becomes void. But there One Wlllam T. Bruce has been ping houses for the beef in the Is nothing In the law to prevent tho sued by Mrs. Nettle A. Broadus at carras9 0r half carcass. With all same applicant from refiling on the Chicago for $3,000, money she claims du0 deference to the honorable se Of coume there is a postal deficit, same site, paying a second $2 filing she lent him in 1908. She recov- cretary( his figures don't track l ...I . . fc 11 I m. m. Why shouldn't there be? Or, how fee, securing a new permit and hold- erea a juagmeni. inow comes uruce I. I . . ... . V k I t, I. ..M IV... Jlnl.mnta n .a u it i. lo? T niif nir fh nronertv fnr a Recond nx wltn a counter-claim ana alleges .-Nei- n. Senator BurVett sent non and tho powers he represents The Insurgents cannot make aa cf fectlve stand until their numbers Increase, or until they have unqualt fled help from the president. The best way to augment their numbers and to procure executive assistance is to stand by the people's Interests, specially as defined by the party platform. The cause of progressive Republicanism is sure to win on these lines. Whether it wins soon or late, its original sponsors cannot ferve the country bo effectually ln any other way as by standing un flinchingly by their guns. -:o: The power sites In , Nebraska are under the supervision of the state engineer, but he his no "'choice' hut to file appllcatjons and Issue per mits whenever the law Is complied with. And about the only condition required U that the applicant, hav- ing found a desirable powr site, bodies in this country when public opinion forced James H. Hyde out of control of the corporation. Was Hyde so much worse than Morgan? Senator Moses Clapp of Mlssesota last Thursday night opened the cam paign of Senator La Follette of Wis consin, for re-election in a speech at Milwaukee. Senator Clapp as sailed the Aldrlch-Cannon tariff bill furiously and, while he did not at tack either sponsor for the bill . by name, ho made it plain that the "pro gressives" were lined up solidly, the one with the other, in opposition to it. Senator Clapp declared em phatically that congress did not re gard the rights of the consuming public when it passed the tariff bill, and he declared with equal positive ness, that Senator La Follette would not be "wiped off the map" politi cally. In fact. Senator Cjapp sound ed a clarlnon call toarma for the "in surgents." Continued Snow Storm. Those who have attended the per formance of "Way Down East" have seen an exact duplication of a New England snowstorm. This Is some thing which those who have not seen can see today if they will but look out of the window. Today the great, fleecy, white flakes have come down In a resistless torrent, burying everything alike' under Its fleecy man tle and clothing the world In a cloak of white. The snow has been gen eral all over the west and it Is ac companied by what is so far the cold est weather of the winter. This morning the thermometer on the streets registered in the neighbor hood of ten above zero, which be gins to come close to real winter. Trains are late on all roads and mails are badly disarranged. From the east less trouble is reported than from other points but there Is still delay in them. Trains from the west are all the way from one to three and four hours late and the probabilities are that by night they will be even later. The snow com menced falling yesterday and was a wet and heavy blanket which ex tends over the whole region from the Rockies to the Missouri river and by night It will be to the Mis sissippi. Colorado reports a very heavy snowfall with snappy winter temperature and to this is laid the delay in trains. In additton the en tire weBtern section of the country Is covered with ice and many acci dents are reported from ' different point on that account. All day to day the snow has come down and business Is paralysed ln every line. The winter seems to be setting t ln dead earnest and it looks as It there was . a long period of hd weather still ahead. Adverflffrd Letter List. . The following letters remain in the plattsmouth postofflce at this date (November 29) uncalled for, and unless called for within-a -rea sonable length of time they will be sent to the Dead Letter office at Washington: Miss Mae Darling, Miss Irene Lindsay, Miss Pearle Lewis, Mlsa Annie Rich, Mrs. A Turner, John F. Blxby, Walter Downer, Anton H. Polek, G. W. Surface, Elmer Sawyers, Josef Tpsl- lem For Rule. My property In Murray Is for sale and It can be bought very reasonably If taken soon. Adresa me nt Plain view, Neb. W. M. HENDRICKS. Split His Thumb. Charley Cllne, who Is working for C. L. Martin driving hack and dray, this morning ad the misfortune split -his thumb while handling a trunk. Owing to the slippery con dition of the walks,' his feet slipped and the trunk came down on his thumb catching it between the bot tom of the wagon and the trunk and splitting it wide open. The injury Is quite painful but does not inca paciate him for business and unless poisoned in some way, it will soon heal up. a'half ton ot'months, at the end of which tlras'tlo Induced him to elope with berjamazed at the vigor of Secretary Mrs. S. O. Stone Is a visitor today In Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. XiRht Operator at the M. ! A. E. Whitlow, who for some time past has been , employed at the de pot at this place, went on . train Saturday morning to Omaha, where he took the required examina tion to become an operator, pasned the examination successful y 5 d is working as night operator at ria.tsmouth.-Unlon ledger.