Tne - Plattsmouth - Journal fgblisho 5emWisei u Piittssioutli, Kebutoc I) R. A. DATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postoffice tt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. fl.SO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE They have declared that Massa- quasi martyrdom which the outrage- the people gtand for Its lawlessness chusetts is not wedded to high-pro- ous ruling of Justice Woods gave to and oppression! tprtlnn Idols: that the orotected him. But he showed no gratitude :o:- manufacturers that the protected him. But he showed no gratitude are not New Eng- for the condemnation of government LOYALTY TO NEWSPAPEKS. As an independent paper, the Lln- toln Star about fills the bill. When H says anything you can tell what It meanB without any humming and hawing about it. :o: PoBslbly no tariff law was ever passed in this country so utterly at the dictation of the money power as the one passed by the late extra fesslon of congress. Friend (Neb.) Telegram, (Rep)- :o: It is not tco early for holiday ad vertising. Don't put oft telling the people what is In BtOre for the holi day trade until after many have gone to Omaha to make their purchases. Advertise now and get the cream of the trade. Many people are lay ing In their supplies right now. I V, I,. n Junvt Inlr i nnrnnrlaftntl 4 fund for business' insurance and would as soon think of dispensing with insurance against fire as to in vite business disaster by lack of ad vertising. :o: land; that New England, though favored in the tariff revision, as we have remarked, more highly than any other section, is not really in favor of high protection graft not even when she gets more than her share of it. For the cutting down of Governor Draper's majority from 60,000 to 8.000, while Fo6s, the low tariff Republican, nominated by the Democrats for lieutenant governor, missed beating the popular young Louis Frothingham o'nly by some 5.000, has all the moral effect of an actual Democratic victory. The Dem- by injunction uttered by the Demo cratic national convention in 1896. Yet the principle Involved in the The degree of loyalty shown by the average Nebraska newspaper to its tyranny of the bench, which depriv-,home town u WQrtby of comment ed the American citizens of his lib-1 erty, at the caprice of As some areedy patients see it. ocrats made their fight squarely the hookworm Is merely something against high protection, and Sena to hartg mince pies on. tor Lodge called on his people to :o: htand by the Payne-Aldrlch bill. The It has Just about gotten so in this result was such a ratio of Democra country that a man doesn't place tic gain and Republican loss as 'himself In the hands of his friends would turn over half the Republican until he has sewn up his pockets. states in the union. Good for old :o: Massachusetts! She has never done The power of the courts is very better in her life. Harper's Week- seinshly used as well as lawfully, anc ly that Is one thing that is building up anarchy throughout the land. :o: :o:- The present cold snap will make noma peoplo wonder what they done with their lust summer's wages. This thing of letting every day look af ter itself might work in the summer time, but it won't do In the winter And no wise person will think so. :o: -:o:- In order to defeat the special pri vllege grabbers it is necessary not only to beat them, but keep on beat lng them. :o: Judging from the market reports most of those people who are in the habit of eating turkey on Thanks I i --! f 1 1 1- l.n ! . . ft ,1 ...III. Aldrlch did not find the west a B"'us Wl" "av lu ue uu w,lu very congenial climate, and he has chicken this year, retraced his stepB eastward, where :o the climate la not so cold. . He To help the heathen of other lands one man wearing a judicial robe concerns the rights guaranteed by the consti tution of the United States to every man in this country. Justice Woods assumed the powers belonging to a ury, and for this offense he ought to have been Impeached and depri ved of his ermine. , When haled before Justice Woods, and confronted with the accusation that he had disobeyed the order of that judge issued to him, forbidding him to do any act which obstructed the carrying of the mall, Debs plead ed not guilty, and followed the plea by asserting that be had done all In his power toward obedience of the order of the court that he had, as president of the American Railway union, issued to the members of that association an order command- I The reason It is more profitable to be a champion pugilist than president of the United States Is be cause the people are more willing to pay to see the pugilist perform. :o: Burkett dreads the Oregon method bought a cold wave with him, and to better their lives the general con It has been with us ever since. Terence of the Metnodlst cnurcn nas ;o. voted 11,000,000. If the heathen I i - m 4i. .,4 vHH Honnfor AMrlrh deelareq that A I Have a r.euae ui giauiuuB lue, f electing a United States Benator. We don't blame him, for it means that "Slippery" Elmer will meet his Waterloo at the primaries. The peo- rious problem confronts congress. to appreciate what clvlliza Pie have an opportunity to retire him And the people agree with him, ex- "on 18 aoln5 I0 tnem- ana It win be done In no uncertain ceP- 1081 n minus u is me cur tone of voice. -:o:- rency question and many of them think it is Aldrich. :o:- The Republican party fears the voice of the people, and that la the All advertising for the weekly edi reason why they appose the selec- tlon of the Journal should, be in tlon of United States senators at the the office by Wednesday noon of ballot box. The people are not to next week, as we will print the w trusted in the matter, if the Re- Thursday edition on Wednesday publican party can help It. "The night, on account of Thanksgiving. voice of the people Is the voice of Cod" trusts o mo trusts. :o: -:o: Are you thinking about that big holiday advertisement? Remember There is no htauncher Republican tnat the Journal is sent out daily to rgan than the Altoona, Pa., Tri- nearly 800 readers and to over 1700 uuiie, ua even n Bees me injustice twice-a-weck. More circulation than and fraud In the protective tariff js iH8ued from any other two offices theory as the Republican party has hu Cass county. worked It out. Says the Tribune: 'We do not forgei that Pennsyl vania Is specially interested in the! maintenance of the protective princi ple nor do we quarrel with that prin ciple. At the same time we are not Mind to the growing sentiment among the people that the protective system is rather onesided and that the re- rent revision waa upward instead of downward. The protection of infant Industries 1b all right: when they lecome glanta they no longer need more than a moderate degree of pro tectlon. And the protection which multiplies millionaires should throw We may be thankful that we are living this year, but that is about all we can honestly be thankful. While there seems to be plenty in the land, everything is so high in price that they are too high to reach by -poor people, especially. :o: The following is the official vote of the state on supreme Judges, with the exception of Morrill county Dean, (Dem.) 90,438; Good, (Dem.) 90,065; Sullivan, (Dem.) 91,108; Barnes, (Rep.) 93,502; Fawcett, (Rep.) 92,681; Sedwlck, (Rep.) 92,891. This will be seen that notwith standing the claim made by Billy Hayward that the atate was safe for from 15,000 to 25,000 the Repub- Senator Bourne of Oregon, chair- hcan judges went through by the -:o:- and congratulation, says the Fre mont Herald. Hardly a day passes in the examination of the newspa pers, which come to this office, but what there is shown an unswerving loyalty to every interest of the town John R. Dobbins Is being tried la Omaha for having bilked a number of "Mikes" out of their money by fake foot races and horse races and the like. The testimony shows that there certainly are some easy mark In the world and that they are n?t confined to ignorant men by any means. One man, a banker, let loose of $30,000 on these races. We guess he Is opposed to a bank guar anty law, also. The disbarment of I. J. Dunn or city wherein the paper is pub- 8eem" to ha?e brought forth oplm llshed. It does seem that if the peo- lons from manJr lasers t Omaha to pie of those towns were fully as tne effect that the P''em loyal to the newspaper, what a splen- exceeded Its authority in taking th did competition this country would draBtlc 8teP8 lt d,d- Whether it ex- see, and what remarkable progress ceeded authority or not, it can be Nebraska's small cities would make. 8a'd the action is bound to be unpop- That the people in many of the ular and doe8 not teni t0 ra,se towns are not so loyal Is exceeding- authority of the courts. A little ly apparent by the lack of support severe criticism of the courts ia of the home paper in the way of Practically warranted every now and advertlslne. We have before us then when they become careless in copies of newspapers printed In one their duties. of the of the best small cltie3 In the state, ana bath or those newspa pers have printed column after The supreme court of the state of Iowa has rendered a decision which column, urging greater united effort 18 regaraea as aimosi an exiraor- nn nnrt nf u mmmorMoi i,ndv ad. dlnary one. It has held in a case ng them to abstain from ;ul nf's which should in any manner inter- V0Cfttlng a coalHlon of the manu. brought by Mrs. Susie Brown, a fot,.i i.i.i wtoii fn,.. neeress, against the J. H. Bell cof- ces. striving to get them into har- fee company for damages for refus ness together for the upbuilding and ,n to sel1 her a CUP of coffe0' that further development of every meas- the company was justified in refus declared that he strongly suspected ! wh,ch wm Becure advancement hng as it was a private corporation that those who stopped the running lf eyery lnterest of tnat clty- Yet. and under no obligations to sell to l those two newsnaners have an ad- negroes. This Is a direct slap at do it by the railway managers ... flftDT,th cmnnoni'in tha foriomi columns from the husinesa men of constitution and considerable cur- thelr city. They are well printed iosity exists as to how the federal newspapers, alive and keen as to supreme court would rule In a siml- lty for declaring that Debs lied thank, new8 proper,y represente(i B8 iar case. - A 1 I tivo ftdsiimncA that each has a clr- The national grange, in session fere with the transportation 1 f Uie mails. And further, he believed that his order had been strictly obeyed by the men under him. He of the mail trains had been hired to themselves, for the purpose of creat ing a prejudice against his men. Justice Woods had no more author the president judge of the Paris court has for screaming out that Madam Stelnhell is a liar. It was culaUon that well warrant8 the rate at Des Moines. Ia., has passed reso- solely a question of fact for a Jury to decide. :o: they charge for advertising space, lutions favoring better public hlgn- It is unquestionably true' that in ways, instead of waterways. There this instance the business men of 18 no aouoi mere is something 10 that town are not loyal to the news- tfae highway proposition and per- papers. A town will succeed Just haps, as a general proposition it is In proportion to the zeal with which of more importance to the general pers 01 we country nave joinea in a Ug leadlng cItlzen8 and business Public than better waterways. It men back up the patriotism of its la sure that improved highways newsDaner. would save the American farmer a TIME TO GET IT Half a dozen of the big newspa- man of the senate sub-committee on public expenditures, says he is preparing a report to submit to his committee, in which he will show how the government was needlessly spending all the way from 850,000,- 000 to $100,000,000 a year. Isn't that awful? Thing of It? All this money needlessly expended by the re form party, under the guidance of Taft, Aldrlch, Cannon & Co. bare skin of their teeth. :o:- ' -:o:- That Ernest Pollard wants to get back to congress, he won't even dis pute himself. But how he is g6 Ing to do It, that's what Is now worrying Earnie. There are bo many others that are after the toga that It will be awful hard for him to make even a respectable showing outside of his own county in the prlmariea. And we might say that Hon. D. R. Sutherland of Nelson, there are many Republicans in his its sheltering hand over the laborer has annunced as a candidate for own county even that do not want and mechanic also and shield them tlie Democratic nomination for con- nlnli a8 the vote a year ag0 8hows. from the competition on the cheap Erea8 ,n tbe F,fth district next year. :o: . 0. .it. J J a. . i I wommen or Kurope who are com- mr- ouuiurmnu serveu iwo lerms in gome fellows seem to be worry ing here at the rate of a million a congress several years ago, and made ng considerably over the eight year." Allot which protection falls 8od- and we can see no reason o'clock closing law. and lay all the to do, and thus condemns itself. wnv be cannot be given an oppor- blame on Governor Shallenberger . . 1 :o: tunny to do so again. Mr. Suther- why don't they lay some of the demand for a relentless investigation and prosecution of the sugar trust It ia openly charged that the gov ernment officials charged . with the duty of prosecuting this trust for its weighing frauds have been hunt ing about for a way by which lt can escape a portion of the penalities that the law fixes for offenses of the character charged. Rich offend era against the law have gone free through court decisions and official Inactivity in the past, and they will be in the future unless public sentl ment can so Impress itself upon those whose duty it is to preserve the integrity of the principle of equality before the law that they will go af ter the wealthy magnate with , the same zeal and cold impartiality as The . average Nebraska newspaper devotes columns of space through out the year to boosting the city or lot of money, while there is a ques tion as to whether Improved 'water ways would really benefit ' anyone wants. It was true of the McKlnley bill, the Wilson bill, the Dingley bill. and the Payne bill. Two attor ney generala had refused to prose cute directors of the trust for vlola- A writer on advertising topics hits land believes that lf nominated he blame on Vic Wilson and Chief Clerk tlon of the law in relation to the . .. 1 . ..... ...... 1 1 .. . . .. . .. a bullBeye by saying: "Have you can De eieciea. lie is an aoie man. 0f House Cone? They are the jcrusning out or competion, and a new ver considered an advertising cam- and we believe that under present schemers that did the work, and! York judge recently held that this i ..1.1.1. 14 i n..v.iikn4 tt..-.. I Have b lew Bieaiuuuui uueu wuiuu lUfTU 1U WUllU It to yUUUBUCU. CiTi 1 town in the state is worthy of be- m,Sht make heaV,er tlver trftfflC ,a In - Tharo 4a nnf a rnm. I bulky artlcle8 munlty where prosperity should not relirn. not a town wherein there is I Georgetown University has de pot Just reason for boosting its ad- elded to suspend all football games vantages, however small they may until such times as rules can be de- be. The most loyal boosters are found I vised to make the games free from In the newspaper offices, and the (danger. This Is a sensible step and newspaper Itself is generally found in MN be commended by everyone who advance of the procession of nro-bas been appalled at the number of gress. Most Nebraska newspapers Injuries which have taken place dur stand for better things, seeking al- ,nK e course or the root bail sea ways to help the conditions of the son. There is scarcely a big game home town, extending eawsrlv the Played but what some of the play- when they employ the machinery of I ,come tQ neW cltlzen9 and new ers have been crippled and in some institutions, and always and fear- instances killed. The game can be lessly pushing for the more better- made Just as Interesting without ment of its citizenship and improved the dangerous features as with them 1 .1 a i in civic conditions. In many of the Bna u universities tase irteps nwnB in thi HtntA thn newsnnnora similar to Georgetown this would have an unhill task, and sometimes 800n come to pass. a most discouraging and lonesome one. But honest effort never falls, the law to grind down some poor devil, who may have what the rich man hasn't, the excuse of the pres sure of necessity. The sugar trust has for years had a mysterious hold upon government Every time a tariff bill has been con structed for twenty years, that ag gregation of law-made millionaires The Bazaar. The bazaar given by St. Mary's anil the continued devotion of thel ,,j , . ... . has been able to get everything it t , , . , , uul,a ,asi evening repealed me sig- eauors 10 me nwimeuiHg 01 civic nal success of the night before. The and commercial spirit will surely attendance was much better and the lead to the accomplishment of the ladles have cleared a handsome sum things they so loyally and persist ently strive for. FROM THE BUSY WORLD. palgn from the standpoint of an in- conditions of the political horizon, they chose the very last hours of eurance policy? You Insure against be will not bo disappointed. tne session to do It It was a cow- -:o: ardly and underhanded trick, wo know, but why noi cease kicking? The writer voted against the bill, THE EAST SPEAKS. nch contingencies' as fire, shipping disaster, dishonest employes, etc., as a matter of course, but the moment vomeone mentions advertising as al Anybody who ever heard William and would do bo again, if we had Business ouiiaer tor your particular E. Russell pronounce the words "old the opportunity, but we take our benefit, you Immediately begin to Massachusetts" in that firm, brave medicine the same as the other fel 'hedge' and vow that you cannot af- voice of his should be poignantly lows, who didn't like lt, ought to ford such an expensive luxury, etc. remlndod of htm and his Ufework do nave you ever mougnt tnai you can oy tne returns from last week s elec- :o:- be Insured against the greatest of tlon in tbe old Bay state. He had RESTORE RIGHTS OK JURIES. all commercial calamities loss of a way, too, of t appealing to "the trade? Well, you can. This view of silent peoplo" and calling on them The American Federation of Labor advertising is already accepted by to Bpeak out with their ballots. They do well in declaring for a restora many of the most successful business spoke out with good effect more tlon of the rights and dutleB of houses. The day Is past when the than once In his dny, and now they jurors. The battle fought and won pregrcBBlve merchants waste time dls ussing whether or not advertising pays. That the right kind of adver tising pays has been so thoroughly and conclusively demonstrated, tho wise business fan nowadays regards have done It again. Their utterance ln England n the eighteenth cen- In Massachusetts is. on the whole, tury muBt bo fought over in the the most Important political happen-1 western hemisphere. ing certainly tne most BlKnlficant We care nothing for Der8 as a ...... . since mo presidential election of lust politician. On tne omer nana, we autumn. I may doubt that he deserved the prosecution could not be maintained because the offense had been outlaw ed. Attorney General Wlckersham, on the theory that this is a continu ing offense and that it does not date Director Percival Lowell of the Flagstaff, Ariz, observatory reports the first snowfall on the planet Mars. This is highly Interesting but what Is really of more Interest, is snowfalls around Plattsmouth and on the outcome. There Is little which can be added to The Journal's re view printed last evening. Suffice it to say the ladles taking part in the entertainment In every way re peated their success and the entire affair was one of the best ever given in the city. NOT1CK OK ft tLK. back to the time the refinery was put out of business, is talking about u v,c,n,ty' ' We can 8tand now on starting it over again elsewhere. In the weighing frauds case, where the aW to rua u "alnfll " 00 .nvf.n,nnt hH n rlnoh man. nnnnlP,anet Earth Bu. v 1 u.ui... - of the big ones were Indicted, and the trust calmly went on committing the same offense, lt Is charged. Tho sugar trust scandal broke while congress was maktng over the tariff. In Its righteous Indignation congress reduced that Bugar tariff 5 cents a hundred 'pounds, leaving it about four times as high as lt should be. This trust Is ono of tho most 1 offensive and boldest of- the com mercial brigands, o fthe ordinary. How long must IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the matter of the Guardianship of Ree Campbell, a Minor. Notice is hereby given that In pur- nuance of an order of Hon. Harvey D. Travis, judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made and en tered on the 16th day of October, 1109, for the selling; of the real estate here inafter described, there will be sold at In a quarrel between two factions the eouth door of tho court houiie at I Pin t tnmoul h. WhrAxka. on thn 1st dv of a church at Clinton, Ind., yes- nf npi,.mh, ,909. m 1 ovioek n. m.. .t terday, Bomeone exploded a charge public vendue to the hiRhest bidder for cash, the following oexriitieii real ex- of dynamite in front of the church and wrecked It. This is a real speci- man of "rule or ruin" policy. Each faction wanted to run the church and if it could not It was determined the others could not either, hence the explosion. The church cost $50, 006. which is Borne expensive way of settling quarrels. tate, towlt: The undivided one-half of the north half of the went half of the iioiithwet quarter of Section 25, Township 11, North of Range 0, In said Cass county. Snld sule will remain one on hour. JAMES M. CAMPRRLU Cluardlan of Ree Campbell, a Minor 1). O. DWYKR, Attorney. Pa lor waie. Iledgo fence posts for sale. . Wm. Gllmour, riattsmouth, Neb.