'ptettamoutb SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION hlGUT PAGES VOLUME XX VIII PLATTSMOUTII, NEBIIASK.A. MONDAY NO MEMBER 22, 190b NO 87 lilt TIMES OF THE IIIDEPEIIDEIIT TELEPHONE GOLlPil OF OilA Their Trouble. However In No Way Affect the Plattsmouth Telephone Company. The morning Omaha papers ton tain a statement showing that tht troubles of the Independent Tele phone Company of Omaha are mul tiplying and that mechanics liens ag gregating $15,610.15 have been filed against that corporation by com panies which sold them automatic telephones aud cable. A chattel mortgage was also filed In the office of the county clerk by tho presi dent of the company for $3,300,000 payable to the Title Insurance and Trust Company of Los Angeles, Cal. The chattel mortgage covers all the property of the, company. The troubles of the company have been on for months and several schemes of reorganization have been pro posed and it is believed the present proceedings are another step in that direction. The Independent ,Company of Omaha is the long distance connec tion of the Plattsmouth Independent Company. General Manager T. H, Pollock of the local company when asked this morning as to whether proceedings In Omaha interested his company, replied that it did not in any sense except as to the physical connection of the two companies which was all the interest the local had, and which was in no wise im periled by the troubles at that point. There was no financial connection whatever between the two com panies and there would be no inter ruption of that. The Omaha com pany will undoubtedly be reorgan ized and placed upon a sound finan cial basis and there would be many extensions made so as to make the plant cover the entire territory em braced in Omaha, South Omaha and Florence. To do this required addi tional capital and these moves wore all in that direction. The Platts mouth Company would continue in the future as in the past to keep its long distance connection with the Omaha company and would benefit and profit by Improved service to be given the public by the proposed reorganization. In connection with the Independ ent business an interesting deal was closed yesterday by which the Lin coln Independent Telephone Com pany purchased the Grand Island In dependent company. This is one of the best and strongest exchanges in the state and its acquisition by the Lincoln company materially strength ens that company, as well as the In dependent interests in the state The exchange Is a new and modern one with a large list of subscribers and, added to. the Lincoln company's Hat aids largely In increasing the pat ronage and field to be covered by local and long distance lines. The Lincoln company is the connection in that city of the Plattsmouth Tele phone Company. BLOWS UP AT LUII 1,1 ISSOUHI PACIFIC II sue will provide means for improv ing the Gould system." Hereafter That Will be the Trade Mark of the Old M. P. Systen. A change Is being made all over the Missouri Pacific system in the Bomenclature of the road. Hereto fort everything In use on the system as borne the familiar trade mark f the road seal with cross ties and rails and the words "Missouri Faci le Railway." . This has been the sign used in their advertisements, on their stationery and on the paint ad signs of the road. The new sign will read "Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain" and the system will be known as the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain system. The signs on the windows of the offices in Omaha are sow being changed by the painters and the lettering of all their sta ttonery is being stamped over with the new name. The occasion for this is the adoption of the Missouri Pacific of the consolidation system in use of other roads and the re organization of all their lines under ne general head. The Missouri Pacific lines Include the Missouri Pacific proper, the Wabash Rail road, the St. Louis, Iron Mountain k. Southern, the Texas & Pacific, ttie International & Great Northern, he Denver & Rio Grando, the Col orado Midland and the Western Pacific with their feeders. Tied Up On Jury. Louis Dunkak, ' one tf Avoca b best citizens, came to town this week, called here by some legal matters and he suffered a terrible misfor tune. The sheriff landed him on a Jury and for almost forty-eight hours ending this morning at eleven o'clock, he was compelled to serve the state. He didn't expect to be in such demand when he came in and he was somewhat disturbed at being tied up for such a length of time. He was one of the members of the jury in the Mefford-Zoz case Louis returned to his home this af ternoon and vows that in the fu ture he will be chary of coming to Plattsmouth when court is in ses sion. George Towle, one of the regular panel, and a rattling good citizen of Wabash, returned to his home this afternoon after spending the week on the jury. Dan McNeely of Elmwood, one of that city's good citlens, who is also a member of the Jury panel, de parted this afternoon for his home at Elmwood, being one of those ex cused until next week. Mr. Mc Neely formerly lived in this city and has many friends here. Missouri Pacific Bond. A special from New York, under .date of November 11, says: "The long delayed new financing of the Missouri Pacific Railroad company was announced today. At the an ual meeting of stockholders Janu ary 18, 1910, authority will be ask ed to issue $175,000,000 five per ent, fifty year gold bonds. Of this sum, 29,806,000 will be offered to stockholders at $95 for each $100, tar value. ' The bonds have been underwritten by the banking firm f Kuhn, Leob & Co. The bonds will be convertible Into stock at par after September 1, 1912, and until September 1, 1932, and re deemable at $110 on or after Sep tember 1, 1917. The understand ing in Wall street Is that the Goulds have given up control of the West cm Union Telegraph Company, to the American Telephone and Tele graph Company, so that they may devote more attention to the Mis souri Pacific and alllod railroad policies, and that the sew bond la- Will Move to Murray. L. U. Upp, the Avoca .real estate hustler, was in tho city over night on business, departing this morning for Omaha. He gave the Journal a pleasant rail, and while here in formed us that he had purchased M. G. Churchill's property In Mur ray, and would remove to that vil lage the first of the month. Mr. Upp works at barbering when not busy at selling real eastate. He is right in judging Murray to be a good business point, and wo trust his change of location will prove beneficial. Woodmen Panro The members of the M. W. A., together with their families, will enjoy one of their pleasant dances on next Wednesday evening, Novem ber 24. The dance will take place at Coates' Hall and Is limited to members of tho order with their families. There will be good music and a general gooa time held as tho Woodmen always enjoy themselves on such occasions. Don't forget the place and date, Coates' Hall, No vember 24. Eireman Killed and Engineer and Brakeman Injured. Ty the explosion of the boiler of engine No. 2046 of the Burlington road yesterday afternoon at Lincoln Fireman C. R. Meacham was killed and Engineer George A. Pierce ahd Drakeman M. H. Upton injured, the former perhaps fatally. The acci dent happened near the west end of the Burlington yards at 2:05 p. m., almost at the A street crossing. En gine 2046 was bound west with an extra known in railroad parlance as 77's extra. The explosion demol ished the engine and hurled the boiler to a distance of 403 feet, the boiler striking the ground twice and turning over, something remarkable in the history of boiler explosions. There was no clue as to what caused the explosion save the fact that the crown sheet of the engine was burned, and Indicated that the boiler had gone dry and that water had been turned into it. This would have resulted In the' explosion. Per sons who witnessed the explosion said that the boiler rose straight from the trucks of the engine to a distance of fifty feet in the air and turned over twice striking the ground and making two rebounds. The unfortunate fireman was hurled backward by the explosion into the tank and nearly every bone in his body broken by the force of the explosion. In addition he was frightfully scalded and lived but a very few moments after the acci dent. Engineer Pierce was at his place on the right hand side of the engine, and was hurled through the cab window a distance of eighty feet. He sustained a broken thigh, several severe injuries to the face and head and was badly scalded. In addition he was suffering from in ternal injuries and when picked up was unconscious. He was taken to a hospital at once and at an early hour this morning had not recovered con sciousness. Attending surgeons do not hold out much hope for recov ery. Brakeman Upton was either on the engine tank, the fireman's seat or on the first car back of the en gine. There are many conflicting stories as to his whereabouts when the accident happened but the story that he was in the engine cab on the fireman's seat seems to have the most credence. He was hurled through the air a distance of fifty feet and was badly cut about the face, head and arms and also sus tained a fractured knee and broken arm. He was scalded to 'some ex tent but not so much as Pierce. It is believed he will recover, although his condition is admittedly serious. The men were all well known among railroad men running Into and out of this city, Engineer Pierce having been In the employ of the Burlington for twenty years. He had worked his way up and was considered one of the most careful men in the employ of the company. Meacham was also well known here as was Upton and 1 both men had many friends. All three of the men were married men, Pierce living at 1108 T street, Lincoln, Meacham living at 818 Vine street and'Upton at 1220 M street. An Investigation by the coroner of Lancaster county is under way and every effort will be made to fix re sponsibility. Supt. Blgnell for the company stated that nothing was known as to the cause except that indications were a dry boiler and a dropped crown sheet was the cause, however he did not express any defi nite opinion. Such accidents are rare in the his tory of railroading and when they happen they can usually be traced to lettlug the boiler go dry. Nearly everyone In this city remembers the arcident which took place In this city many years ago when engine 12 blew up while being fired up In the round house and killed and crippled a number of men. There were many conflicting stories afloat at that time as to the cause of the disaster In eluding tho theory of a dry boiler, but It was never settled to the sat isfaction of everyone Just what did cause the disaster. Promoted to Chief Clerk. Wymore, Neb., Nov. 18. L. E. Caldwell, for several years master mechanic's clerk here, has gone to Lincoln to be chief clerk for Gua Johnson, who was recently promot ed from master mechanic at this place to assistant superintendent of motive power. F. R. Walrod of Beatrtce has taken his place in Div ision Superintendent Lyman's office, made vacant by the promotion of Charles Hanson. Kl MESEIi IIAS A CLOSE CALL FOR HIS LIFE YESTERDAY flU! While Unloading Heavy Timbers From Car He is Caught by Fall- ing Timber and Thrown to Ground With Great Force-- THE riEW BRIDGE : ACROSS PLATTE Articles of Incorporation Will Be Filed As Soon As Mr. Duff Reaches The City. It was expected that articles of Incorporation of the new bridge company across the Platte river to Sarpy county would be filed yester day, but owing to the failure of R. A. Duff to get into the city In time this was not done. Mr. Duff Is tour ing Iowa In his auto and the bad roads have delayed him. He is ex pected in at any time and on his ar rival the articles will be signed and filed. He Is to be one of the heav iest stockholders in the new enter prise which can be considered prac tically assured. The name of the new corporation is to be the "Plattsmouth Auto and Wagon Bridge Company," a title which advertises Plattsmouth. In the case of many companies of this kind, the town or city building them re ceives no recognition In the title but some vague, indefinite title is adopted which does not do the com munity any good. The men back of this enterprise realize that Platts mouth is the chief beneficiary of It and they determined on the start, to put in the word Plattsmouth ' bo everyone would know where the bridge was. "' ' ;' The company Is to be incorporated for $25,000, divided into shares of $25 each and as soon as ten per cent of the capital is paid in work will start. It is expected that the work can be gotten under way within a few months at the outside and speedily rushed to completion. The new bridge will be built east of the Burlington bridge at Oreapolls, and will be a strong and substantial structure capablo of standing the spring floods and resisting the ice Thorn os Liadsey and wife and children were passengers this after noon for Murdock, where they will 2uak a. visit of several days with relatives. In District Court. The Jury in district court which had been wrangling with the case of Mefford vs. Zoz from near Green wood, brought In a verdict, giving the plaintiff John Mefford a verdict for one dollar which carries with it 'the costs of the suit. They were out almost forty-eight hours, thirty three of which was in one stretch The amount sued for was $85 which was asked for tools alleged to have been taken from the plaintiff's well boring machine while the same was being held by the defendant for money due him. After receiving the verdict of the Jury Judge Pemberton excused the members of the regula panel, who had served on the case until next Monday. The Herold-Coates damage case Is still -dragging Its length along be fore Judge Pemberton and a Jury and Is being stubbornly contested The defendant W. W. Coates was on the stand all morning and was given a fierce cross-examination by Mat they Gerlng, counsel for the plain tilt. There was a constant stream of objections by counsel for the de fendant and much wragllng bO' tween th attorneys in the case There will be Beveral othejr witness es to be heard for the defendant and the case may possibly get to the Jury sometime tomorrow. In Clerk Robertson's office a case has been filed entitled Dolly Trotter et al vs. Frederick R. Harris et al, It being a suit to partition lands bo longing to the Sarah A. Gardner estate. Among tho good citizens of Lib erty precinct in tho city today 'in terested in the drainage election is noticed George Everett, John E. Mc- Carroll, R. D. Stlne, L. J. Hall, O W. Eaton, Matthew MrQulnn, and Andrew E. Taylor.' Prom Friday's Dally. , An accident which came near cost ing Frank Kalesek his life happened about 4:10 yesterday afternoon at the work on the new Burllneton sewer. Kalesek Is employed as a laborer in Foreman Savengren's gang and In company with several others, was engaged In unloading brldgo timbers from a coal car. These timbers were very heavy and were to be used in cribbing under the tracks. The car which was loaded high above the sides with timbers standing at its highest point some twenty feet above the ground, was standing on one of the storage tracks west of the main line and several hundred yards south of the depot Four men were on top of the timbers with cant hooks and like tools engaged in pushing the tim bers off the car onto the ground. Kalesek was one of these and had given a timber a roll which turned over and started on its way to the ground. As it turned, some nails of spikes which were imbedded in the timber caught the unfortunate man by either the pants or over shirt, spectators cannot say for cer tain which, and whirled him through the air In its wake. He was turned completely over three times in his descent from the car and lighted upon the (.round underneath it. As he came down he fell across a rail on an adjoining track, his legs be ing that part of his body to He squarely over the rail while the up per part of his body was on the outside.- The timber followed him to the ground and fell across his body first, fortunately striking one end on the ground and easing the force of the blow which fell under his stomach. The timber then slid down the body across the legs as it set tled to the ground pinioning Kalesek beneath it. Foreman Savegren and his men at once removed the timber from Kalesek who was groaning and, ap parently seriously Injured. Having seen the accident and observed the manner In which the timber had struck Kalesek, Foreman Savegren was fearful of internal Injuries as the body across the stomach, hips and bowels had been caught by th first force of the falling timber and seemingly crushed. He at once sum moned a dray which was standing near and had the unfortunate man taken to the surgeon's office whire an examination was made, disclosing him to be painfully bruised but with no bones broken. Later It was de termined to have him taken home as the attending physicians were of the opinion that he had not sustain ed as bad Injuries ns thought. They were of the opinion that his injuries were not in themselves, dangerous and that with proper treatment he will recover. That he had a narrow escape from fatal injuries and possible death, Is freely admitted. Had the timber caught the legs as they lay across the track they would have snapped In two like straws, while had hla body fallen across the rail and the timber have caught it he would have sustained a broken back almost beyond preadventure. Kalesek is a married man with several children and has been hav ing considerable misfortune of late years. He has had sickness and other troubles to contend with and was in poor financial condition to. sustain these Injuries. Several years ago he had trouble with the Bur lington and was discharged from the shops here. Later he entered the bridge and building department and was ordered off the work on Instruc tions from headquarters. Still later he again secured employment and not long since was transferred to' Foreman 8ayegren' gang. He was not a member of the Burlington Voluntary Relief and was Ineligible for admission into that organization. It Is said he was a member of the Modern Woodmen. ... The condition of Mr. Kalasek to day shows marked Improvement and there is no danger but now but what he will recover. A further examination sliows that he Is suffering principally from ' bruises and that he has sustained no Inter nal Injuries and that it is a ques tion of but a short time when he will be able to be out and at work once-more. Frank Massle, one of the most pormlnent ' citizens of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was In the city today at tending to some business matters and also making a visit with friends. Frank Is one of the prominent Dem ocrats of his part of the county and was well pleased with the outcome of the fate election. His son Ilarlon Massle, accompanied him to take the examination at the county superin tendent's office. The Way One Woman Fixes Up Small Family Matters. Here Is the way one woman fixes up small family matters, and the story is well told by the Murdock correspondent of the Ashland Ga zette: "On re-entering his store room Saturday evening, after a temporary absence, L. Netl.el was surprised to find the air full of dust and flying pieces of merchandise. His first thoughts were of San Francisco and earthquakes, but ns the disturbance seemed to be confined within the walls of the building he groped his way through the seml-darkncss, overturned chairs, baby carriages, sewing machines, etc., to tho front of the room where he found a man from the vicinity of South Bend and his sister-in-law who lives in Mur dock, engaged In settling a family misunderstanding by the strong arm of nature. Fortunately for Mr. Netlzel financially and tho brother-in-law physically there was a six foot traveling man In the Btore who had Interceded In behalf or peace and prosperity, by holding the wo man, thereby saving Mr. Neltzel con siderable expense In the way of re pairing show cases, etc., and saving tho brother-in-law much physical pain and the humiliation of being beat up after having been knocked down' by the woman. As Herman Cast has not yet qualified as Justlco of the peace,' onarrests were made. Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, ft has plensed Diviue Providence to remove from our midst Brother Victor Anderson, a member of Plattsmouth Lodge N. 365, Fraternal Order of Eagles, and Whereas, In his death this lodge loses one of Its most useful and best of members, and this commun ity one of Its noblest, most upright and Blncere citizens, nnd his family a faithful, kind and loving brother; therefore be It Resolved, by Plattsmouth Lodge No. 365, Fraternal Order of Eagles that this lodgo loses one of Its most respected and unrlght members and this community one of lts'best citi zens and his family a kind and lov ing brother; nnd hv It further Resolved, that this lodge tenders to the sorrowing brothers, sisters and parents of our deceased brother our deepest and most sincere sym pathy; and be It further Resolved, thut these resolutions be spread at large upon the minute's of this lodge, and that a copy there of bo printed In the newspapers of the city of Plattsmouth and that thV charter of this lodge be draped In mourning 'for the period of thlrtj days. JAMES REBAL, JOSEPH HADRABA,' J. E. McDANIEL. Committee. Mrs. Joseph Kahoutck and daugh ter Florence, are visitors today in P.k being passengers there this Baornlnj, , l.'levalor (.'limine Hands. Last Saturday R. C. Wenzel solii his elevator, coal and Implement !usiness to E. J. lletts and P. F. Venner. Dick has almost grown up lu the elevator business and hi many friends will regret to see him step out. His successors are well and favorably known to the people of Eagle and vicinity, both as citi zens and business men and will be right at home in this business, both having had former experiences. Eaglo Beacon.