iHri EVKN1NG JOURNAL NOVEMBER IS. 1909 T(hi Awea parSmem'S Youk Little ;o;3B Hill Newt Item Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for This Department of the Seml-Weekly Journal - r - CO NODE M "V aV J K Window glass at Copes' drug store. George Braezele was up from Berlin Monday. Ralph Graham was at Weeping Water Saturday. Gubs Buss was 'a business visitor at Omaha Tuesday. Herman Cattau spent Sunday with Columbus relatives. Orlando Tefft was a business visi tor in Omaha Wednesday. Zimmerer & Gillin installed a new safe in their store this week. Henry Hunterman has been suf- fering with a sore eye the past week. E. B. Taylor was down from Sprngfleld the first part of the week. The revival meetings at the Christ ian church came to a close Sunday. Remember that November 28th., is the first number of the lecture course. J. H. F. Ruhge and Henry Fianzen were taking in the sights in Omaha Saturday. Alfred Nutzman of Bertrand, was here several days this week visiting relatives and friends. Jos. Zimmerer and family were visiting relatives near Nebraska City several days this week. Jeff Welcher and wife have pur chased the hotel at Dunbar. They will take charge about December 1st. Jos. Burhns purchased the Delles Benier farm northeast of town last week. L. U. Hupp, the real estate hustler, made the deal. Miss Clara D. Mohr and Clarence F. Witt were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, near Syracuse, on Thursday, Novem aer 11th. Miss Clara is the young est daughter of John Mohr and wife, who for a number of years lesident west of town. The wedding was a quiet one and the couple were given a reception at the palatial aew home of the bride's parents . They will reside on a farm near Syracuse. They have a host of friends in and near Avoca, who wish them happiness and prosperity Alvo A Linen Shower. Mrs. A.'E. Gass was hostess at a linen shower yesterday afternoon in honor of Miss Lena Frlcke, to which a large number were Invited. After the arrival of the guests squares of white, cambric, thimbles, nuedles and blue thread were dls tributed by the hostess and the guests were requested to embroider their name and a design of the ar ternoon and as each square was completed, they were collected by Mrs. Gass, who will make them into a quilt and -will then present it to Miss Lena. During the afternoon an elegant luncheon was served. Suspended from the center of the double open ins between the two parlors was a large white wedding bell. Follow ing the luncheon the bride-to-be was blindfolded and sea'ed under this bell. She was then handed two rib bons. which was attached to the lill and requested to pull them. The Dulling of the ribbon caused 'the bottom of the bell to fall out and the bride-to-be showered with pack ages of every shape and size. While seated under this bell the brido-to be opended these packages, which routained beautiful linen pieces. (Special Correspondence.) Fay Parsell drove the hearse to Waverly Tuesday morning, to at tend the Mr. Apin's funeral. G. P. Foreman and George Oliver returned from Mr. Foreman's son, Orrie Foreman near Valparlso, the latter part of last week. Mrs. F. S. Allen spent last Sun day with her husband, returning to University Place Sunday. George Oliver went to Elmwood via Lincoln Saturday evening, re turning Monday noon. Schuyler Wolfe had the misfor tune to fall from the hand car Mori- day forenoon receiving some very painful bruises. Mrs. W. H. Suders and daughter Mary, of Clatoning. are visiting rela tives in town. John Hilderbrant and Miss Mable Stout left Monday evening for Madi son, Neb., to visit a few days with Mr. Hilderbrant's brother, Herman and family. Miss Minnie Bailey and Mrs. Lulu Stone went to Omaha on the early morning train Wednesday. Mrs. lvershiner came in Tuesday evening from Indianapolis, Indiana, to visit her cousin, Mr. George Hall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stroemer entertained Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Stroemer at supper Monday evening. Thomas Stout was called to at tend a sick horse at Waverly last Tuesday. Miss Delia Newkirk hn3 returned home from Greenwood. J. E. Casey is serving on the jury at Plattsmouth this week. Dan Skinner and daughter, Miss Mable, and Mrs. Ada Mick went to Omaha Wednesday to do trading. J. V. Parsell will have a public sale November 27, after which be will make his future home in Lincoln. Guy Parsell, assisted by Frank Parsell, sawed a pile of posts into stovewood lengths for W. E. New kirk Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Orris Foreman returned to her home at Valparlso Sunday even ing, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Keefer, for the past week. i , Mrs.-Carlton-Gulllon was, la Om aha Tuesday shopping. Ralph Gullion is helping in his brother's confectionary. Knulish Spavin Liniment removes Hard, Soft or Calloused Lump3 and Blemishes from, horses; also Blod Spavins, Curbs. Splints, , Sweeney, Ring Bone, Stifles, Sprains, Swollen Throats, Coughts, etc. SaVe $30 by use' of one bottle. A wonderful Blemish Cure. Sold by Gering & Co., druggists. In PUtrid Court. In district court yesterday the case of Mefford vs. Zoz was finished and went to the jury. The jury was out all night and this morning was still locked up wrangling over the case. The ca9e of the State vs. Charles J. Baker wherein Baker is charged with bigamy, came up on a motion of Messrs. Sullivan and Gering as his counsel for a continuance. The ground was absent witnesses. It was fought by County Attorney Ram sey and argued at length. This morning Judge Pemberton overruled the motion and the case Is get down for trial on next Monday, Novem ber 22nd. This morning the case, of Herold vs. Coates which was tried some months ago and on one cause of action, a new trial wa3 granted, was taken up this morning by Judge Pemberton and a jury. The case is presented by Matthew Gering for Mr. Herold while Attorney Gurley & Woodruff of Omaha, are looking after the matter for Coates. The trial promises to be a sensational one in many respects and will take some little time to try. The jury in the case of Mefford vs. Zoz this afternoon when court convened came in and asked Judge Pemberton whether they had the right to divide the costs in the case. While not denying their right, the court stated it was poor policy and they returned to their jury room. At 2:15 they were still deadlocked. The progress in the case of Her old vs. Coates was being made some what faster than in the former trial and it will not take bo long to hear it. There was considerable acrimon ious wrangling between counsel for the parties and a mass of interest ing testimony introduced, the after noon session was largely occupied with reading depositions taken in Illinois and elsewhere relating to the case. The case of Mefford vs. Zoz which is mentioned above, is the first Jury case in which W. A. Robertson, the young attorney and partner with Byron Clark, has taken part. The young man virtually tried the case, although he had associated with him William Deles Dernier. He conduct ed the examination of the witnesses and made an' excellent impression. In addition he made a strong argu ment in the case. Mr. Robertson gives every promise of becoming one of the brightest members of the Cass county bar' and his many friends have extended their congratulations on the signal Bttecess which he has made in his first case before a jury. Kill Her Foe of i!0 Yeurs. "The most merciless' enemy I had for 20 years," declares Mrs. James Duncan of Haynesville, Me., "was Dyspepsia. I suffered Intensely af ter , eating or drinking and could scarcely sleep. After many remedies had failed and sevreal doctors gave me up I tried Electric Bitters, which ured me completely. Now I can eat anything. I am 70 years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again." For Indiges tion, Loss of Appetite, Kidney Trouble, Lame Back, Female Com plaints, its unequaled. Only 50c at F. O. Frlcke & Co. . Buys u 1 arm. The following is taken from a Lawrence (Neb.) paper of a recent date: "Joseph Svoboda has pur chased of Alex Riley his fine farm northwest of Lawrence four and one half miles. He paid $100 per acre, or $16,000 for the quarter, and be sides this he has 120 acres that cor ner with the new purchase, giving him in all 280 acres. Joe was a renter of the Riley farm for ten consecutive years before buying it." Mr. Svoboda was a former Platts mouth resident, and is evidently making good in in his new locality. Homes for Sale. I have just . unloaded twenty-four head of large western horses which I am offering for sale at my farm, seven miles south of Plattsmouth. Perry Marsh. Wash Your Face and Hand WITH A. D. S. . PEROXIDE SOAP Its Constant Use Tends to Keep the Skin White 25c Cake 0RA E. COPES DRUGGIST Forced Into F.xile. Wm. Upchurch of Glen Oak, Okla., was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought would cure a fright ful lung-racking cough that had do- fled all remedies for two years. Af ter six months he returned, death dogging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery." he writes, " and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thous ands yearly from desperate lung dis ease. Infallible for coughs and oclds, it dispels hoarseness and sore throat. Cures grip, bronchitis, hemorrhages, asthma, croup, whooping cough. 00c and $1, trial bottle free, guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co. (.'(Kid Ice Weather. The sharp, cold weather of last night did a lot of Ice making and this morning the small boy was in his element as skating on the back waters from the Missouri fiver was fine. The Ice is smooth with no snow or sand on it and if it should remain this way for a few days the best skating in years would 'be had. The thermometer last night crawled down almost to the zero point bul was rapidly coming up this morn ing, owing to a change in the wind which is blowing from the south. At eight o'clock the thermometer at the depot stood at eighteen above, not nearly so cold as many thought. Trains are all late this morning ns usual, No. 6 from the west being fifty minutes late and No. 15 from the east some fifteen minutes late. The M. P. train from the south this morning was on hour late. The cold weather with Ice and snow works hard on the fast trains as they cannot keep schedule time. Indications are that the weather to day will moderate and that a period of fine weather is in Bight. The Lucky Man. Wescott's held their weekly un veiling of the clock yesterday af ternoon at 3 o'clock and they had the usual big crowd present to Bee who was the lucky winner of the three green dollars. Glen Low, an employe of the Burlington shops, carried off the money, he holding ticket calling for 4:29:34, while the clock stopped at 4:G3:G6. The next unveiling takes place next Wednes day afternoon, November 24, at 3 p. in. An Important Flection. There will be an election tomor row (Friday) in Liberty precinct, including that part which It Is pro posed to create into a drainage dis trict. Under . the law the election board-for this , election consists of the county clerk and two assistants. For the purpose of assisting him, County Clerk Rosonerans has select ed J. P. Falter and Henry A. Sch neider, both of them "being familiar with land description and well quali fied for the place. The proposed district will embrace a large part of Weeping Water bottoms through Liberty prqelnct and Is considered by many a needed Improvement. Itch cured In 30 minutes by Wool ford's Ranltray Lotion. Nover falls. Sold by Gering & Co., druggists. j A Hculdccl Boy's Shrieks horrified his grandmother, Mrs Marie Taylor of Nebo, Ky., who writer that when all thought he would die Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cureC hlm.s Infallible for Burns, Scalds Cuts, Corns, Wounds, BrulseH, Bkln Eruption, Chilblains, Chapped Hands Soon routi riles. 25c at F. G Frlcke & Co. SlUIIEfS MEET And Put in Some Time Condemn ing Mist Mary Foster. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Nov. 16, 1909. Board of county commissioners met in regular session with all mem bers present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, when the following business was transacted in regular form: Bond of Charles Clapp, constable Elmwood precinct, approved. Bond of William H. Rush, road overseer Road District No. 7, approved. With reference to an article pub lished in the Louisville Courier of October 30, 1909, signed by Coun ty Superintendent Mary E. Foster In which it casts reflection upon the county board of commissioners. We ns a board denounce the charge as false. , The bill of goods she bought amounting to $700, she said she could have bought the same bill of goods from another firm for $350. The commissioners would like to know why she did not buy them there, as she had the authority to buy where she wished. She also made the 'statement "that she did not deal on as large a scale as some of the commissioners would like to have." If this is a fact, why did we as a board cut the claim from $750 to 450? She also makes the claim that she would like to know what is going on in her office. If she is not famil iar with the duties of her office, It 18 time that she post herself on said duties The county board never dictated to the superintendent the kind, quantity or quality of moods ordered un to the time this bill was present ed for payment, at which time the board passed a resolution that in the future no supplies Bhould be ordered by any county official with out first procuring an order from some member of the board. The following claims' were allow ed on the general fund: C. H. Smith, stamped envoi ones to treasurer: . .'-...$ 156.50 CVD. Qulriton, boarding city "nrlannpra ' . 7. 1 O F. - C.' D. Qulnton, salary and 'boarding county pris oners ' 203.30 L. D. Swltzer, canvassing election .returns. ; '. -i'li . . 12.40 J.'H. Donnelly, db..i.v.. 9.00 m' L. Frledrich, stlla-ry and ' ' expense. .' .'i .' : 21.10 Li l). Switzer, do... A'.. 21.25 b! I. Clements, vtewlifg body ! of Dr. Rlckard. . 6.10 C. F. Vallerysettlng -up election booths: . ' '." ... 3.00 II. G. Wellenslek, room' for ' two electlons;rA vocal ... 9.00 Joe Banning, room Tor-two elections, Liberty. '. S.00 Fred Kehne, room for one election, Plattsmouth pre cinct '-oo M. Archer, costs State vs, Wilson '" r n nnlnton. do 4.30 M. Archer, costs State vs XHltA Slnvlu-k 4.50 D. L. Amlck, witness State va MlUn Rlnvlcek 1.00 W. P. n.inisev. do L00 MonH-Unrnlrt. nrintlnir . . . . 24.30 Kloim & Dartlett, supplies 239. G!l 246- Nebraska ' Telephone. Co., rent and tolls 5.15 Peter Claus, stove and pails to poor farm 2.80 C. R. Jordan, salary and ex- ponse o-.uu Geo. Stander, wood to poor farm 300 T. J. Isner, labor at poor farm......: 1620 The following claims were allow ed on the road fundi , T. J.' Marshall, road work R. I). No. 6..,.. '.. 19-60 W. R. Brown, do. . : ... . 3.00 II. Hart, do No. . 7 . 69.20 M. Dalby, do No $..'.. 25.07 J. H.-Henegar, do No.' $ ... 130.25 The followlngrelal;ms were allow ed on the commissioners' road fund: Henry Snoke,; road 'work d.: d. no. 4? ::!.,v y.; 170.64 The following claims iwera allow ed on the bridge , fund:.. Nebraska Construction Co., bridge work.-, . 1503.20 Additional claims allowed on the general fund: I. A. Edgerton, labor at all. 42.30 I. A. Edgerton, assigned to M. L. Frledrich . !.00 Dr. J. B. Martin, 3d quart er salary Physicians dist rict No. 1 60.00 Meeting adjourned to meet Tuos- 1ay, December 7, 1909. W. E. ROSENCRANS, -County Clerk." . r , j' j;v"a. iir r a m - tuns PUT IT IN THE BANK, If vou were to die todav would vou leave behind helpless little children? The ONE way to keep them from need is to SAVE PART of the money you make. Plant it in our bank; it will grow. We will pay, you 3 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the in- erest every twelve months. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Plattsmouth, Nebraska In County Court. In county court the final decree In the matter of the estate of James C. White is under consideration by Judge Beeson. The decreo which closes out the estate and releases the executor James A. White and his bondsmen from all liability In the matter, shows that he received as executor the sum of $17,525.60 and paid out the sum of $3,747.03, leaving a balance in his hands of $13,778.57 which Is for distribution among the four heirs of the estate. The estate was excellently handled by the executor James A. AVhlte, the newly elected commissioner of Otoe county, William Delles Dernier of Elmwood being his counsel In the matter. ' ' A petition has also been filed asking for the appointment of an administratrix In the estate ' of Dr. E. T. Rlckard. The petition present ed by Lydla M. Rlckard, who asks her appointment as administratrix and sets forth that there are two heirs in addition, viz: Elsmere , R Rlckard and Edward T. Rlckard, sons, and both being minors a petition asking the appointment of their mother as guardian Is also filed. Clarence E. Tefft Is attorney, for the estate. Will Go Into I jii iid BusIiichh. A special from Denlson, Texas says: "Paul Klrkpatrlck, who has been with the Katy as commercial agent at this place for three years, has tendered his resignation, ef fective at the end of this week. He will go Into the land business and continue to reside here. He han contemplated this ' step ( for unme time." Paul is a Bon of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. KlrkpiUrlck of Nehawka. and has been in the railroad busi ness every slnc he was big enough to manipulate a telegraph instrv ment. He is a product of Cass coun ty. and has made good In everj position he has occupied in the rail road Bervlce. He will no doubt. do the same in the land business; The Journal wishes him success. Young (Jlrln Are Victim of headache, as well as older wo men, but all get quick relief and prompt, cure from' Dr. King's New Life Pillfl, the world's best remedy for sick and jieryouB hendaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your" health. Try them. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co. Fine Slock for Sale. . n A good gentle 3-year-old full blood Short Horn Durham , bull for sile. Also, 1-yenr-old male Poland China (full blood) ) hog. Call and see these nnlmala at my place two miles north west of Nehawka. ' j W. II. SCHOMAKER & SON. . , A Heal Bargain. For Sale 5 acres of line soil lay ing well, ,3 .acres, In orchard coin p rifting apples, cherries, plums and peaches. Balance In cultivation. A good four-room .. houso with good well,; Binall baru,, thicken .house and other out-bulldingH. Price $600. The land atom ty, worth ll,e money. See J. P. Faiter, Plattsmouth, Neb. .j Last Chance to Buy American Fence at These Low Prices Li a tfi IB I MRS. ROSA NORTON. Washington avenue and Ninth St f -my a Ess I1NJ VJs? l, Steel II I ."i American &lVire Co. oiiTinfnntinl. pndnrinn' fnnr. Lnilfc nn thn elaatia. hintftfl-ioint Drinci. )lo the most scientific, practical and per fect fence principle known. , It yields to great nndsudden pressure but returns again to the original shape. Thoroughly galvanized and protected against weather. FOR SALE BY Since purchasing our last car fence has ad vanced 15 per cent. We arc still selling what we have on hand at the old price. If. you need any call at once and save money. if- s u