Murray PREPARED IN I HE INTERESTS ( If unit of tlus renders of tie Journal know of a tcial vent or an item of Merest in Wt aU all items of interest. Editor Journal. CDC DC U Thh Prn'r .ho lha .Ian with a WE desire that depositors bring their pass books to bank at least once a month to have them balanced. We en ter all checks issued, on the page opposite your deposits add both pages and carry your balance forward. A check account will serve your needs TRY 17! urray State Bank MURRAY, " Guy Stokes was an Omaha visi tor Monday. Mrs. Edward Steiner was shopping In Omaha Monday. S. 0. Pitman made a business trip to Omaha Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Drcndel were Omaha visitors Monday. Fay and Pauline Oldham visited In Plattsmouth Monday evening. Mrs. Dave Lloyd is Improving nice ly since she returned from Omaha. Glen Boedeker made a business trip to Plattsmouth Monday even- Mrs. Speck, living five miles west of Mynard, Is reported seriously III. We will pay the following prices In trade: Lard 12V4c, Butter 22c, Eggs 12 Vic, Hens .09, Springs .09, Ducks .07. HOLMES & SMITH. Mrs. James' Halmes visited her sister In Omaha a few' days this week. Mrs. Gentry, living west of My nard, has been quite sick the past week. Will Drown is serving on the Jury, going up to Plattsmouth Monday evening. We have a good line of fur coats, flannel shirts, underwear and In fact, everything needed for the coming winter. HOLMES & SMITH Dr. B. F. Brendel made a profes sional trip to Plattsmouth Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. F. Brendel was able to return home from the hospital Sat urday evening. . Born to Mr. and Mrs. Marks November 16, a boy. Mother and little one doing nicely. Miles StandiHh has sold his farm south of Murray to Mr. Deles Denier cf Elmnnod, for $IH per acre. Ptak & l!aji":k manufacture the "Acorns." That meaus they are the best smoke f-r the money on the market Mrs. Dysart whh taken to Omaha hist Thursday to take treatment un der Dr. Allison. She has been very poorly for some time. Miss Margie Walker went to Platts mouth to attend the bazaar given by the St. Mary's Guild, returning home Thursday morning. Dr. B. F. Brendel was called to Greenwood Monday to examine an Insane patient. Also, to Plattsmouth ' Wednesday- to examine another patient. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mannear left Monday for Lincoln, where they will make their home. Mr. Man nar having a -position in the Have lock shops. Mrs. William Sporer entertained the Kensington Thursday afternoon much to the enjoyment of those present. A more complete account will appear In next week's issue. We regret that it was necessary for Mrs. James Loughridge to enter her brothers-law's hospital, (Dr W. K. Loughridge) at Mllford. We only hope that she will soon fully reco"T Oyster Supper. There wil be an oyster supper Klven at the Itoek Bluffs school house, (Dlst. 5) on Saturday even ing, November 27, for the benefit of the school. OK THE PEOPLE OP MURRAY DC Banff kcsnin? for Check Account. OUR bookkeeping for deposi tors is neat y done. Any points not clear to the custo mer will be cheerfully explain ed. We invite you to open an account with us, assuring that even though your deposit is small, receives our attention. NEBRASKA r- d n Mrs. Adda Stokes and Ida Boe deker were Omaha visitors Wednes day. A. L. Baker visited his wife in the hospital at Omaha Wednesday evening. For 8le Nine (9) fine Duroc Jersey Boars good size and color. H. L. OLDHAM. The Reading Class met with Mrs. Gllmore Monday afternoon with Margie Walker as leader. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Brown Monday afternoon. We have an Immense stock of children's, men's and women's over shoes. We bought before the big advance and will sell them at a low price. HOLMES & SMITH. Mr. Lou Young had the misfor une In having his lei; broken by mule falling down, while he was riding to Murray to receive some cat 1c that he had shipped from South Omaha. He was taken to his home In Mr. Boedeker's auto and Dr. Brendel was summoned, going out in Mr. Spangler's auto. He Is getting along as well as can be expected but his many friends regret the accident I'lenxantly Entertained. The tome cf Mrs. Mark White was the scene of a happy time last Wed nesday when the Aid society of the Christian church of Murray, and the society of Kenosha met there, to spend the day. There w ua no special work on hands and bo they Just "visited," as one could Imagine forty ladles to gH her would. When dinner whs called the table that met their gaze was enough for the sighs caused. Mrs. White had prepared n dinner lit for a king and to which th'ey all surely did Justice All left thanking Mrs. White for the good time and good dinner nnd hoping for a chance to go nguln sometime. A few of the men were N'icholslhere to enjoy the dinner. Those present were: Mesdamea B. Berger, Carroll. McDonald, N. Klaurens, Graves, B. F. Brendel, I. S. White, F. Moore, D. Young, L. C.apen, W. Wiley. J. Sans, W. Hutch ison, George Ray, L. Kenard, Joe Campbell, Bob Fitch. G. Shrader, C. Creamer, W". Sands, J. Hendricks, F. M. Young, M. White, M. Gobbleman, Misses Annabella Moore, Bertha Nichols, Winnie Hutchison, Mamie Groff, lsbella Young, Vera Yardly, JesBle Fitch, Marie Hutchison; Mes srs Dave Young, Frank Moore, I. S. White, Mark White, F. M. Young, Herbert Campbell, Harlan Sands and Verne Hand ricks. l.lsteu! "The , Sunshine Band" of the Chrlstlau church will hold their an nual bazaar at' the church Satur day, December 11, 1909. Come and bring your friends, prepared to buy your ChrlstmaB lfts. They will have Just what you want. Don't for get the date. For Sale! Good, gentle family horse, good harness and buggy In fair condition, but has been in uso some time. Ffiy-flve dollars will tako the whole outfit. Address or call on W. A. Scott, M. P. Agent, Murray, Neb. AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR this vicinity and Kill mad same to this Ilazaar given by the Presbyterian Missionary Society, December 4th., at Loughridge's Hall. Dinner and Supper. The ladies of the Presbyterian Missionary Society will hold their bazaar at the Loughridge Hall, on Saturday evening, December 4th. Here you will find manytbeautiful articles for sale, usually found on an occasion of their sort. Dinner and supper will also be served. Hold this date for the bazaar. Farm Hells High. A deal was completed on Wed nesday of this week, whereby Miles Standlsh disposes of his fine 140 acre farm, located near Murray to Mr. James Deles Dernier, of near Nehavvkafortheneatsum of, $16,000. The deal was made through the agencies of W. G. Boedeker of Mur ray, and L. U. Hupp, of Avoea. We are Informed that Mr. Standlsh will move to northeastern Kansas, where he will acquire new possessions in the way of farm property, and Mr. Deles Dernier will move to the late Standlsh home. Able to be Out. Judge M. Archer, who was so badly bruised by falling upon the Icy pavement In front of Crablll'B Jewelry store some days since, had so far recovered yesterday as to be able to be out of the house and on the street. He got to his of fice in the afternoon and looked after some pressing business mat ters. He Is still black and blue about the face when he struck the pavement but is feeling much bet ter and will doubtless get along all right from now on. Grand Mush Ilnll at Murray. A grand mask ball will be given at Jenkins' HalHn Murray on Thurs day night (Thanksgiving), Novem ber 25. Music will be furnished by Jacobs' orchestra of Omaha, and a general good time is assurred every one who attends. This will be one of the best balls ever held in Murray, and It will prove a rare treat to all who love to "trip the light fantastic toe." Make your arrangements to attend. Automobile Supplies. We have on hand gasoline, cy linder oil, transmission and differ ential, and cup grease, brass polish, carbide body polish, fine patches and cement. And we can get you, on short notice, and at the right prices, anything that goes to make an auto mobile, from a collar pin to a com plete auto. We solicit your patronage on any of th'ese accessories. HOLMES & SMITH. Pay Your Taxes. All patrons of the Murray State Bank, both in Mt. Pleasant and Rock Bluffs precinct, are hereby notified that they can pay their taxOt at the bank, where they will be of ficially receipted for the snme. Pattons paint at Gerlng'. IF SICK-WHY PAY Unless Health First Returns. Here Is what should 8ml enn tn cloncl Now you would not wlllin&ly imy for fooA thfttwns worthless would you? Then why iajr forniwlirlneiintll that medi cine first prove! to you lis srttml north? positively knowing vlmt 'Jr. Hhoop's Itn tnrnUvecnn (In (or the sick, 1 sny to all "clou t Py mill lii-nltli llrxt ri'turns . And l Mirk my Kustornttve with a slitui'd and sealed 30 day "No help, No pay" contract. I positively ptalen to th sirk evprywhora that "V. Shoop'ti mstorutiw is absolute ly free If it fails". Let others do the suine or eUe pass their prescriptions hy. If you nuKl morn strength, mora vitality, mora vigor or more vim, uso my Kiwtnrative tow days aim notathnlnimemaU) improvement. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys D wrong, then tet Dr. Shoop's Kestoratlvn. I do not dose the nor stimulate the Heart or Kid ooys. lor that li wrong:. Years aco 1 cast away that mistaken hie in medicine. Thn books below will best tell you how I am sueceedtna'. Those books also tell ol a tiny hidden ' In. lids nerve." no larger than a silken thread. They tell how that nerve, until it fails, actually gives to the Heart its power, Its tons, its never-SQUins action or impulse. These books will open np new and helpful Ideas to those who are not Well. They tell how the Stomach, and Kldneysearh havntbnlr 'inside' or power nerves. They tell how the KestoraUvt was especially made to ream ana revualiietnnat weak or falling inside nerves. Alt of these facts tell why I am able to aty. "It is tree if It (alls". This is why I say "takt no chance on a medicine whom maker dan not back it just at I do by this remarkable offer". Bo write me today (or the order. I have appointed homst and responsible rirurf Ista In nearly every commuuity to issue my medicines to the sick. Bui write me first for the order. All druggist sell Dr. Shoop's Restorative, but all are not authorized to give the JO day test. 8o drop me a linn please and thus save disappointment and delays. TU me also which book you need. " A postal wilt do. Besides, you are free to consult me as yrtc would your home physician. M y advlre and the book billow are yours and without cost. - Perhaps a word or two from me will clear OP some aerlousailnieut. I have helped thousands upon thousands by my private prescription or personal advice plan. My best effort is surely worth your simple request. So write now while you have It fresh In mind, or tomorrow nova! comes. J'r. Snoop, liox i;, micine, rut. Which look thill I Stat Tot Ko. 1 On Pyspensla No. 4 For Women No. 2 fm the llenrt No. ft Kor Men j No. On the Kidneyt No. 6 On KheumaUan THE JOURNAL READEBS. office it voxll apjear under this heading II W. L Cooper, Former Store House Manager for the Bur lington, Here, Goes Up Higher- From a Bloomlngton, 111., paper the following item is clipped res pecting W. L. Cooper formerly con nected with the Burlington store de partment In this city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are well known in this city and have a great many friends, who extend their congratulations to them upon the prompt advancement which he has received with the Al ton. That Mr. Cooper was a very able man, was generally conceded here by all and they were not sur prised at the recognition which he has received. The extract follows: "When It wus decided some few months past to create a distinct stores department, Mr. W. L. Coop er, formerly storekeeper of the C. B. & Q. at Plattsmouth, Neb., was selected to accept the task of reor ganization, he assuming said posi tion in February, and so effective has been his efforts and results ac complished so satisfactory, In recog nition of which circulars announc ing his appointment, effective No vember 15th. to the position of dis trict . storekeeper, have been issued, giving Mr. Cooper entire charge of Alton properties, Chicago to Kansas City and St. Louis and all branch lines. Mr. Cooper, while a com compartlve new man In Alton cir cles, is by no means a stranger to men of official railway standing, having been storekeeper for jome of the largest systems in the United States and general supply agent for the C. B. & Q. railroad, his many friends locally and otherwise will be pleased to note his appointment. Mr. Cooper and his family reside at 114 East Beecher street." Tickling, tight Coughs, can be cur ed and quickly loosened with a pre scription Druggists are dispensing everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Rerhedy. And it is so very, very dif ferent than common cough medi cines. No Opium, co Chloroform, ab solutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distress ing Cough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone, always demand Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself and see! Sold by all dealers In Old Fgypt. The people of old Egypt believed that the majority of diseases is due to improper food and that it is ne cessary to abstain from food for three days every month to give the body a chance to recover. Now-a days we do not need such treatment. If we notice that something is wrong with our digestion, Trlner's Ameri can Elixir of Bitter Wine should be used at once. It wtllN quickly strengthen the exhausted organs and bring them to their normal acti vity. They will then be able to ac cept and digest more food and to In crease bodily strength. The , digestion-, will become complete and new blood will soon fill all veins. This remedy should be tried In every family. It contains no deleterious Ingredients. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. Five Dollars Reward. The above amount will be paid to the 'finder of a coat lost west of this city some two or three weeks ago. It contained the Ten Com mandments covered with leeather and with straps attacked. This was a gift from the owner's grandfather, and will be of no use to anyone else. You can leavo same at this office or M. Fanger's store and get your reward. A clergyman writes: "Preventlcs, those little Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are working wonders In my parish." Freventlcs surely will check a cold, or the Grippe, In a very few hours. And Preventlcs are so safe and harm less. No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sickening. Fine for feverish, restless children. Box of 48 at 25c. Sold by all dealers. What Ails You? Do you feel weiik, lired, despondent, htve frequent hed cches, coatedturiCiic, litter cr bad taste in morning, "heart-burn," l:ck;mj; of, mid risings in throat cftcr eating, stomach cr burn, ioui breath, dizzy spells, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred symptoms ? If you havo c.-r c;'. ml !i number of thn r.bove symptom reu . ; Miacrln from bilioiu ness. tor;-ii :cr. i. 4 iatujestion, or dypcsi.;. Dr. ricrcj's C'.I.I;i .ntlical Discovery is maifo up cf the B;.jst vtvua'jlo medicinal principle-! Lnown to mcdictl science for the permanent cure of such conorinc! conditions. It is a most efficient liver hiviorntor, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and ncrvo ctrenjthener. The Golden Medical Cir.covcry" is rot patent medicine or secret nostrum, full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested under oath. A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm, fill habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined -glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical, forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. "the nor AT 11 BHD One of the Finest Plays That Ever Came to Omaha. To those who like "The Lion and the Mouse," "The Ringmaster" will doubtless appeal, though the only real note of similarity between the two Is the uprightness of youth and the greed of the kings of finance have for unlimited control. John LeBaron, Jr., living a con tended life of Idleness, finds that, he Is In love with Elenor Hillary, daugh ter of the much feared "Ringmast er. She returns hia affection, promis ing to marry him on the condition that he will go out In the financial world and carve a niche in the wall of workers for himself, as her father and his father have done. Upon this he agrees, and opens an office near the stock exchange. Ills policy, as he has accepted it, makes it neces sary for him to become the chief financial enemy of Hillary. In the war for control which follows, Elenor's father is exhibited as a rather unscrupulous financier, but Elenor mistakes these questionable business traits as belonging to Le Baron until Hillary confesses that It Is he and not LeBaron who Is guilty, isaturany, sne reproacnes her lover for being in direct opposi tion to her father, though she for gives him in the end, not so readily, however, as she did her father. This is the main theme of human inter est derived from a financial battle to gain control of certain smelting Interests, In which the ringmaster tries to buy a railroad of which the porter, and Rebecca Love, a very frivolous and effervescent young woman. . These young people un known to themselves, discover cer tain facts by intercepting a wireless message and ciphering it out, which starts LeBaron in his turbulent career as a power on the exchange. This play of. high finance which deals more with the technique of buying and selling stocks than the real things of general interest to humanity, was written by Olive Porter. Miss Porter, it is said, spent considerable time In the office of a Wall street financier in the capac ity of stenographer, her story is written with the knowledge of a sub ject only gained by close association, which evidently was spent In care fur observation. Miss Porter having made the dialogue between the male characters exceedingly strong, greater part is known by LeBaron. In gaining this, he expects to raise rates in shipping supplies to a cer tain plant, thereby forcing It In order to meet competition to those who a. t t ? ? ? T t t ? t t t ? t ? ? ? ? ? t ? If you don't is for the face you should try after shaving. raal condition. piih 3 THE DRUGGISTS C 1 JVC come into the combination. Here is where LeBaron displays his quixotic honesty and refuses to become a party to a scheme so unpatriotic and Inhuman. Supplementary to this main plot, are several minor plots, one being the love affair between Peter Stuyvcsant Gbbb, a young re A small piece of characterization, which Is so artistically and careful ly done, that it stands out more con spicuously than any other in the caste, is that of Harry D. Crosby, as ex-Senator Paul Graven, for perfec tion of the smallest detail, Mr. Crosby has been most studious, and he Is especially deserving of praiHw in making a minor part so life-like. "The Ringmaster," as played by' Frederic Montague, is forceful ainl strong. He rises to the situation with apparent ease and power. As the young financier, John LeBaron, Jr., H. S. Northrup is at his best. The character gives him an oppor tunity to give way to the full power of expression and voice. Another praise-worthy piece of acting is done by F. A. Yelvinyton, as the old rail road president. The other members of the caste serve to balance the whole quite well. Alice Weeks, as Elenor Hillary, is thoroughly cap able and handles the role very well indeed. Miss Anna Lee, a young . woman, played the part of Rebecca Love in a spirited manner. Clara Coleman created many laughs in the ro,e ghe lrnpersonated THROAT GARGLE Affords Relief in Forms of Sore Throat. It is especially Value able in the Treatment of Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever, Tonsilitia and Acute or Chronic Catarrh. Used Night and Morning it Produces Most Satisfactory Results by Cleansing the Mouth and Throat and Deodorizing the Breath, DOES NOT INJURE THE TEETH F. 6. Fricke & Co. DRUGGISTS EXPEBT PILL MIXERS ? ? J t T T ? ? t J T ? t n know how good I CREAM and hands it is time it. For chaps and Keeps the skin in nor Buy a tube today. Cr J J -