THE BAZAAR GIVEtl THE LADIES OF ST. MARY'S GUILD (Coates' Hall the Scene of Great Pleasure and Much Merriment, and the Entertainment a Pronounced Success The annual bazaar and entertain ment given by the members of St. Mary's Guild of St. Luke's Episco pal church, opened last evening at Coates' Hall and It promises to rival that of last year which has been conceded to be the best ever given in this city. The attendance last night was not as large as hoped for, owing to the inclement weather but Hill it was flattering and made a liandsome return to the ladies for 1heir work and outlay. In fact, they more than encouraged over the receipts and are sure that tonight will bring them in a better income than even last year. There were many features last tight of much excllence. To start with the hall was very handsomely decorated and the" several booths represented a great outlay of time und money. To enter the hall was -almost an approach to fairyland, owing to the handsome design of the several booths and the artictic ef fects of their decoration. The theme of the bazaar is the "Seven Ages of Women," something novel and out of the ordinary. It was proposed to have seven differ ent booths representing the seven hges but one booth was necessarily postponed owing to the illness of Mrs. George H. Falter, who was to ?iave been in charge of it. 'This Sooth was that of the spinster. It is a matter of general regret that Mrs. Fatler was taken 111 as her booth would, without a doubt, have teen one of the handsomest in the ;all. The first age Babyhood, and the Kixth age Motherhood were combin ed together and occupied one booth. This was a very pretty design, be ;ng In the form of a cradle with colors of white and blue something well worth witnessing. In addition to the cradle there is a huge doll at this booth which Is also handsome and especially attractive to the Ut ile folks. At this booth is sold var ious articles of baby ovear and any thing connected with Infancy can !e found here. Mrs. C. W. Baylor and Mrs. E. W. Cook have charge of this booth. Childhood is represented by a very pretty booth, erected in the orm of a gingerbread house, and here all the toothsome delicacies of fhlldhood are to be found. Ice cream, candy, pop corn, and the like and a grab-bag, where you never will know what you are going to get, from Just a few of the attrac tions at this booth which Is In charge of Miss Kittle Cummins. The lit- -He folks, who were at this booth dressed in the quaint german cos tumes of Hansel and Gretal the little German' lad and lassie of ro mance and they were quite charm ing In their make-up. The little ladies included Misses Helen Gass, Nora Livingston, Margaret Donelan, Edith Dovey and Lillian Dwyer Girlhood was a booth in form of it garden party with pretty flowers and dainty green foliage which de lighted the eye. This booth was a very tastily gotten up affair and at tracted much attention. If was in harge of Mrs. T. P. Livingston, whose youthful appearance was not ihe least attractive feature of a handsome booth. At this booth the ')dor of delicious coffee was much in evidence and also- the appear ance of Boston baked beans. Maidenhood was the booth in charge of Mrs. Edith Donelan, and It was much of a novelty, being built of what was supposed to be fish nets, .into the meshes of which were woven handsome flowers. Mrs. Donelan was assisted at this booth In serving oysters, cold slaw and the like, by a number of handsome young ladies who were dressed in white and who attracted much pat ronage to the booth. The matrons booth was in charge of Miss Barbara Gering and Mrs. Walter Scott. They were dressed In the quaint matronly costumes of many years ago and presented an ap pearance at once pleasing and home like and a genuine picture of domes ticity. At this booth 's found all kinds of fancy needle work, em broidery, pillow covers, aprons, towels, and the list might be extend ed Indefinitely, all the products of the members of the guild. St. Luke's Guild had charge of a porch party which represented old age and comfort a pretty little scene properly staged and quite in place. Here the old folks of the congregation held foijh while the younger members did the business of the evening at the several booths As a pleasing feature cf the en tertainment, a minstrel show was given on an improvised stage, a number of the young ladles ap pearing in a genuine blackface act and making about the handsomest colored poulatlon ever seen in Ne braska, or anywhere else. The pro gram was a typical minstrel one, and solos, gags, Jigs, reels and every Including singing, both ensemble thing which goes to make up a real minstrel performance. The opening chorus was a medley of popular songs ' which had been especially arranged for the occasion by Mrs. V II. S. Austin and it was a pleasing effect. Solos were given by Miss Gladys Sullivan, who scored a distinct hit, and mention of whose work as an endman or woman, as it might be, should be made. Miss Sullivan seemed thoroughly at home in her gags and also in singing and carried off much aplause. Miss Gretchen Donnelly also favored the audience with a solo which took exceptionally well, Miss Donnelly having a sweet voice and one well suited to the show. Miss Helen Kline, who is also well known as a splendid singer, rendered a solo of much beauty and also met with her share of approbation. .Miss Edna Petersen Ms also deserving of special mention for her work , which was high class and which divided the honors with the others. Miss Mollie Seivers favored the audience with a dance which made a distinct hit Miss Seivers is a handsome young woman, and proved last evening that she was a dancer of more than ordinary ability. The generous ap plause which greeted her from the audience served to emphasize her success. .Mrs H. S. Austin also gave a solo in her own inimitable man ner. and carled away her sharo cf the honors, as is I'&ucl. - All told the minstrel was a huge success and aided largely in making the en tire entertainment a big one. So great was the success of the perfor mance that a second rendition was necessary to accomodate all who wished to enjoy it. fn addition to those spoken of above, Misses Flor ence Dovey, Varna Hatt, . Bernice Newell and; Dorothy Brltt deserve special mention for the excellence of their work In the performance. The young ladies were dressed in white shirts and black dress coat wjth large white, paper chrysanthe mums as butten hole boquetts, some thing very distinctive and out of the ordinary. It may be said In connection with the bazaar that it has been intend ed to Tiold the market at the spin sters' booth but this was changed owing to Mrs. Falter's illness and It was held at the girlhood booth. It was a grand success In every way and netted a fine sum of money. The bazaar and entertainment is repeated tonight, and there Is every prospect that it will draw a record breaking crowd. It surely deserves to do so. II V 3C '.I'tlWHI Mrs. Henrichsen Demonstrates Her Qualities at a Hostess. One of the most pleasant enter tainments held in the city in some line, was that tendered the mem bers of the Kensington club, a local organization of ladles, by Mrs. Will Ian Hlnrichsen at her charming home on North Third street. The enter tainment took place from two to five o'clock and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. For the occasion Mrs. Hln richsen had the house handsomely decorated, especially the dining room, where an elegant collation was ser ved the guests during the course of the entertainment. The afternoon was spent at cards and music, the latter consisting of both vocal and instrumental selec tions while various games of the former were indulged in. Just pre- 0113 to the close of the entertain ment the dining room was thrown open and the dinner served. It was such a repast as Mrs. Hlnrichsen knows best how to serve and was a constant source of delight to the guests. After the dinner had been served the guests departed for their homes, extending their warmest thanks to their hostess for the splen did entertainment she had afforded them. , Those who were present Included Mesdames Olga Croskary, Flora Waddick, John Lutz, George Bruhl, Andrew Kroehler and Fred Hezner. "The good things of life"- are not all good things 7 ir 3 ' . '.y I .1:" I u, 1 I -- . - :t I 1 iltrr.jfflM mMW-M.i .1 S iMJKJl it 1 ', to eat. About now we have visions of the roast turkey, the cider and doughnuts, such as "mother used to make," and does yet, we hope. But there are good things to wear that deserve attention-your attention. We have a Jot of them here made especi ally for us. HART, SGHAFFNER & MARX fine clothes are the chief among them; but we'll fit you in fine shirts, neck wear, underwear, gloves-things for dress or every day use; all as good as we can find. Suits and Overcoats SIO to S30 FOR AGED PEOPLE Old Folk Should tx Careful in Their Selection of Regulative Medicine. rr trv right Hart ScharTnrr & Marx The Home of Hart, Shaffntr & Marx ClotliiH Manhattan Shirts Stitwn Hats We are Sole Agents fsrthe Famous Ed. V. . Price Tailored to Order Clothes. With advanced age comes Inact ive bowel movement and sluggish liver. Nature Is unable to perform her proper functions and requires assistance. Otherwise, there is con stant suffering from constipation and its' attedant evils. Old folks should never use physic that Is harsh and irritating. We have a safe, dependable and altogether ideal remedy that Is par ticularly adapted to the require ments of aged people and persons r-f weak constitution who suffer from constipation or other bowel disorder. We are so certain that Is will com pletely and give absolute satisfac tion in every particular that we of fer them ,ith our personal guar- intee that they shall cost the user nothing If they fail to substantiate ;ur claims. This remedy Is called Rexall Orderlies. Hexall Orderlies are eaten like candy. They have a soothing, heal ing, strengthening, tonic and regu lative action upon the dry -mucous lining and the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel. They produce a natur al, successive (attraction and relax ation of the muscular fibres cf the bowel walls, generating a wave-like motion which forces their contents onward and outward; thus simulat ing nature in perfect bowel move ment. They tone up and strengthen the nerves and muscles and restore the bowels and associate organs to more vigorous and healthy activity. They may be taken at any time without Inconvience; do not cause any griping, nausea, -dbirrhoen, ex- esslve looseness, patufmce or other disagreeable effect. Try Ilexall Orderlies on cur guarantee: ."6 tablets 23 cents, and 12 tablets 10 cents. , Remember you can. obtain xall Remedies in I'lattsmouth nt our store The Rexall Store. F. 0. Fricke & Co., union block. Among the members of the petit Jury drawn for the next term of federal court at Lincoln are John Albert, of this city; Peter Eveland, of Murdock; former Congressman B. M. Pollard, of Nehawka; and A. V. Sturm of Nehawka. The name of John A. Donelan appears on the list, also from Weeping Water. The Jurors are summoned to report on November 29, at 2 o'clock p. m. Our young friend, H. G. Wellen siek, cashier of the bank at Avoca, and one of the rising young attor neys of eastern Nebraska, called on the Journal today, previous to his departure for home. He was here attending to matters in the district court. It ic always a pleasure to have Herman give us a call. Pigs for Sale. A pair of fine Berkshire pigs, sub ject to register, for sale. Wm. Gil mour, Plattsmouth, Neb. Poland China Pigs tor Sale. A few fine Poland China pigs for Bale. Wm. Gllmour, Plattsmouth Neb. f arm for Rale, A 102-acre farm for sale; goo improvements; seven miles south of Plattsmouth and four miles north east of Murray. W. II. HAKES, riattsmouth. Neb.. R. F. D. No. 1. William Gllmour, tne well known Rock Bluffs farmer is in the city this afternoon attending to business matters. It Isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak Stomach if one goes at it cor rectly. And this is true of the Ileurt and Kidneys. The old fashioned way of dosing the Stomach or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is surely wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed out this errr. 'Go to the weak or ailing nervta of these organs," said he. Each inside organ has Us controlling or "inside nerve." When these nerves fall then those organs must surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists every where to dispense and recommend Dr, Shoop's Restorative. A few days' test will surely tell! Sold by all dealers Miss Etha Crabill is among those spending today in Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. John Lutz was a passenger for Omaha this morning on the early train, going there for a visit with her niece. ' Mrs. Emmons Ptak is spending today in Omaha with friends, go ing to that city this morning on the early train. John Brady is among those spend ing today in Omaha, having gone to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. M. Howiand Is r. visitor to day ytn Omaha, having gone to that city this morning on the early Bur lington train. . Sliss Florence Dovey la among those spending the day In Omaha, having been a passenger for that city this morning. Misses Matilda and Christine Soennichsen are visiting with rela tives today in Omaha, going to that city this morning. Mrs. John Geiser is spending to day in Omaha, going there this morning on the early Burlington train for the day. Attorney Gurley & Woodruff of Omaha, who now represent W. W. Coates In the Coates-Herold case, rre in the city today on that busi ness. Charles Helms nd wife of Green wood, who have been attending to business in the city for several days, departed this morning for their home. John Chapman, who has recently been suffering from appendicitis, has so far recovered that he was able to make a trip to Lincoln this morning, going there for a brief visit with friends. Philip It. Melsinger 'came' In this afternoon from his farm in Eight Mile '(Jrove precinct to look after some business matters. He reports the roads as very slippery hut In good condition otherwise. James W. Thomas is visit(ng the Horticultural show In Council Bluffs, la., today, going there on the morn ing train. Mr. Thomas who la a prom inent fruit grower of this vicinity, intends to place an order for more fruit trees for spring delivery and will develop the industry in fine shape. T. W. Benson and wife of Earl- ham, 'la., who have been visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Mark lies, were passengers for Council Bluffs, la., this morning. Mrs. lies accom panied them for a day's visit The party drove In this morning from the lies home. Funeral at Weeping Water. The .funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Drum, wife of Ord Drum, was held from the Methodist Episcopal church at Weeping Water Monday afternoon The services were In charge of Rev. Mr. Chapman of Elmwood. Mrs. Drum is survived by a husband and two children. She was born in Cass county and was thirty-one years of age. John Wunderllrh, the well known Democrat, and excellent citizen of Nehawka precinct, . came up last evening to look after some Important business matters, returning home this morning. Ed. Donat was a visitor today at the hospital In Omaha with his wife. It is pleasant to note that Mrs. Donat is getting along finely and doing just as well as could be possible after the severe operation she underwent There is now small doubt but she will speedily recover and will soon be able toreturn to her home quite well. Read the pain formula on a box of Ping Pain Tablets. Then ask your doctor If there Is a better one. Pain means congestion blood pressuro somewhere. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and ice! 20 for 25c. For sale by all dealers. Mrs. Ralph Towle of South Om aha, Is In the city making a visit with her pareuts, A. N. Sullivan and wife. Peter Campbell, one of the good citizens of Rock Bluffs precinct, is in the city today attending to busi ness matters. I. Pearlman came down this af ternoon from Omaha to loog after some business matters in, the city for a few hours. Mrs. Alex Blsanz and Mrs. Bru bacher of Pekln, 111., were two pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day. Mrs. Fred Kunsman and daugh ter Miss Elizabeth, spent yesterday afternoon in Omaha, being passen gers for that city on the morning train. A healthy man ia a king in his own right; an unhealthy man Is an unhappy slave. Burdock Blood Bit ters builds up sound health keeps you well. Miss Josephine Burlanek Is a visi tor today with friends In Omaha, going there on the Burlington train this morning. Carl Kunsman is spending today In South Omaha attending the cattle market, going to that city on the morning train. Thomas E. Parmele came in this morning .from Louisville to look after, business matters in the city and visit with his family. Mrs. Pearl Bay less and two child ren are expected to arrive in the city this afternoon for a visit of a week or ten days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brady. H. T. Comer, one of Liberty pre cinct's enterprtalng farmers. Is In the city today attending to business matters, driving up from his home this morning. 1 John Janda, who has been farm ing near Fairfield, Neb., for some time past, is In the city attending to syne business mntters, coming In last evening. W. C. Brown of Murray came up on the early morning train to look after some business matters, return lng home on the 10:15 train. Billy says he enjoyed his recent outing very much. The county treasury was some en riched this morning when the Mis souri Pacific paid into the treasury, the sum of SI 6,265.18 in full for their personal taxes. This makes quite a valuable addition to county funds at the present time,, payment being made to county treasurer Schlater. William Chalfant, one of Liberty precinct's best and most prominent citizens, drove In this morning to attend to business matters and fav ored the Journal with a pleasant call. Mr. Chalfant returned to his home this afternoon, driving back. Adolph Rhode came down this af ternoon on No. 92 from Lincoln for a short visit with his mother In this city. He was a caller at the Jour nal office for a few moments and the boys were all glad to welcome him. He was accompanied by II. G Peate, vice-president of the Llncol Typographical Union No. 209. A party of ladies visiting today in Omaha Is composed of Mesdames Bennet Chrlswelser, her daughter In-law Mrs. Capple Chrlswelsser Mrs. Thomas Sullivan and Mra. Will lam Taylor. Mrs. Capple Chrisweiser formerly lived in Furnas county and Just recently moved back to this county, where she and her husband will make their future home. CORED TO SW CURED. How a Plattsmouth Citizen Found Complete Freedom From Kidney Troubles. If you suffer from backache , From urinary troubles From any disease of the kidneys. Be cured to stay cured. Doan's Kidney Pills make lasting cures. Plattsmouth people testify. Here's one case of it: Herman Tiekottcr, corner Ninth A Day Streets, Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I never used another medicine that brought as great benefit as Doan's Kidney Pills. My kidneys caused me such suffering and there was a dull, ired ache across the small of my baek that distressed me a great deal. If I stooped, my back pained me severely and in the morning when I arose, I felt as tired as when I went to bed. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills so highly praised, I procured a box at Gering & Co.'s drug store and it van not long before I was thoroughly re lieved. (Statement given June I, 1906.) On December 29, 1908, Mr. Tie kotter said: "I cheerfully confirm my former endorsement of Doan'a Kidney Pills. I ha' e had no tronbl J from my kidneys since this remedy cured me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's - and take no other. Montana Exhibit. The Burlington has Issued a schedule of the Montana exhibit ar of the Great Northern rail road. This car which Is Ivl. harge of W. E. French, contains an exhibit of the products or the state cf Montana and is said to be very fine collection of them. It is too be taken all over the Burling- on system and is to arrive in this Ity on train No. 30 at 3: 50 p. m., on December 4tli, to remain over night and depart on No. 15, at 8:16 m. on December 5th. The car will be placed upon a siding where will be convlcnt for public in spection and where it can remain during the period for which it is scheduled. A representative of the Great Northern road will travel In advance of the car vlBlting each place where it is scheduled to stop with advertising matter which is for public distribution. Owing to the short stop which the car will make in this city, those desiring to visit It and inspect the products which it contains, should bear . the date In mind. There will be grains, both small and coarse and fruits of all kinds as well as an exhibit of the mineral wealth of the state. John P. Haugh, Charley Ander son and son Arthur, all of Green wood, who are here attending court as witnesses, gave the Journal pleasant call thla morning, and while here Mr. Haugh bad his name en rolled for the Old Reliable. Mrs. Haugh accompanied her husband to the city. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is created from pure parched grains, malt, nuts, etc. no real coffee in it. Fine In flavor Is "made in a minute." No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiling. Sample free. F. S. White.