DAILY PERSONAL NEWS Short Items of Interest From Mon day's Evening Journal Miss Mary E. Foster spent Sun day with her parents at Union. Frank Kombrlst was a passenger for Pacific Junction, where he is do ing some building work. Arthur Troop came In this moriv las from his farm to go to Omaha and South Omaha on business. Henry Donat departed this morn iajr for his route on the road, leav ing for the north on the early train. Mrs. N. H. Isbell and son John are spending today in Omaha, going there on the early train this morn ing. George Snyder came In this morn ing from his home in the precinct to make a trip to South Omaha to day. Mrs. Paul Budlg and little son are spending today In Omaha, going there on the' early train this morn ing. Miss Ethel Cowles was an over ttanday visitor in the city, returning t Omaha this morning on the early train. Miss Anna Tewes was a passenger for Omaha this morning on the early train, where she will spend several days. John Nemetz and wife are spend ing today In Omaha, going up to buy holiday goods and make other visits. ' ) -yg Byron Clark ia attending to pro fessional business in Omaha today, going to that city on the morning train. Mrs. It. Stringer was a passenger for Omaha this morning, where she will spend the day visiting with friends. Peter Clans is looking after busi ness mutters in Omaha today, going to that city this morning on the early train. Feter C. Hansen spent Sunday in the city visiting with his folks, re turning to Omaha this morning on the M. P. train. J. II. Oltroegge departed this morning for his route on the road after having spent Sunday with his family In this city. S. II. Shumaker is attending to business in Council muffs, la., hav- iig gone to that city this morning ton the early train. Carl Kunsman Is among those in South Omaha today, going thero to buy different kinds of meats ofr the people, mostly live steaks and roasts. William Weber was a representa tive of the Eagles present at the fun eral today In lluvelock of the late Victor Anderson, going there on the morning train. Eric I leek in an is among those from this city who attended th funeral of the late Victor Anderson at llavelock today, going up on the morning train. Miss Alice Kerr, who has been vis iting at Ithaca, Nob., returned to tfels city Saturday morning. She left for Council IllufTs. la., this af ternoon, where she will 'make her home this winter. W. M. Brown and wife of Colum bus, Neb., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Donat, accompanying them to Omaha this morning, where Mrs. Donat will enter St. Joseph's hospi tal for an operation today. Mrs. J. E. McCnrroll came up from Union lust evening for a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. (3.. Larson. She left this afternoon for Anderson, la., being called there by the illness of a brother. Thomas L. Murphy spent Sunday In the city visiting with his folks aud friends, returning to Omnha this morning on the Burlington train, having been one of the victims of the M. P.'s playful habit of chang ing time. """""wAHHV t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y Y Y Y Y GUTHM AN & CORY. Proprietors Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska RATES $1.00 PER DAY We Solicit the Farmers' Trade t and Guarantee WHEN IN THE CITY GIVE US A CALL The Perkins Hotel t Y Y Y Y V Master Richard Elster Is reported on the sick list, having an attack of diptherla. Mrs. William Holly is spending to day In Omaha, going to that city on tae morning Burlington train. Mrs. W. H. Newell was a passen ger for the north this morning, go ing to Omaha to spend the day. Bruce Rosencrans was a visitor over Sunday in the city with his folks, returning to Lincoln last evening.- Frank McElroy was among the Bugles going to Lincoln to attend the funeral of the late Victor An derson. James W. Newell and wife were guests over Sunday of their parents In this city, returning to Omaha last evening. Mrs. Kern Fogarty of Havelock returned to her home after spending sevral days in th city visiting rela tives and friends. Sam B. lams, a prominent attor ney of Lincoln, came down this morn ing to look after some business mat ters in the city. Mrs. J. P. Falter and daughter Miss Emma, are visiting today in Omaha, having gone there this morn ing on the early train. Mrs. Joe Hiber departed last Sat urday afternoon for North Platte, wihere she will spend several weeks visiting with relatives. Henry Hesse of the brass foundry, was a passenger for Havelock this morning, where lie will attend the funeral of the late Victor Anderson Jos. Hadraba Is one of the Eagle delegation from this city to the fun eral of the late Victor Anderson at Havelock, going there on the morn ing train. Mrs. Charles Miller was a pas senger this morning for Omaha where she will visit with relatives during the day. J. 0. Ulchey and wife were pus sengers Saturday for Union where they will make a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Claud Everett. Mrs. Seward Fellows of'Keosau uua, la., who has been the guest of Senator Banning and family at Un ion, passed through the city this morning en route home. Mayor W. F. Gillespie of Mynard, was a visitor Saturday afternoon In the city mingling with the people and expressing his satisfaction over the Democratic victory In the county. A gang of Burlington machlnests were in the city over Sunday, com ing down to make some needed re pairs nt the shops here a:id return ing to Omaha this morning. Jack McDanlels was a passenger for Omaha this morning, going there to drive back with a horso and bug gy which his son recently purchased. He expects to be back this even ing. Mrs. W. K. Morse of Clarkson, Neb., who has been in the city visit ing with her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Larkin was a visitor today In Om aha. Mrs. Larkin accompanying her. Mrs. Matt Spader of South Om aha was In the city today In attend ance upon the funeral of the late Mrs. Kennedy, calling upon the Jour nal and renewing her subscription to the paper for another year. Her vis It was one much appreciated by the editor and publisher. Mrs. W. H. Miller of San Bernardi no, California, who bus been visiting relatives and friends In this vicinity for the past few weeks, departed for Omaha this morning, where she will visit for a short time and then will visit her niece, Mrs. Johnson, formerly Madge Wilson.nnd nephew Lloyd Wilson, after which she will return to her home In California, Y Y X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Satisfaction. LOUIS VI LLK. (Courier.) Mrs. T. E. Parmele was In Louis ville Thursday. Mrs. P. C. Stander entertained about fifty young p:ople at her home Friday evening. Hugh Murphy has a gang of men at work blasting out a road for the laying of a side track at his new quarry. Marshal Charley Hogan was call ed to Omaha Wednesday to the bed side of his mother. C. M. Seybert is wearing the star in his absence. Little Eva Williams celebrated her eighth birthday anniversary Tues day evening at her home, with eighteen of her school mates in at tendance. Lunch was served and a pleasant time enjoyed by ail. "There will be something doing In Louisville when Murphy gets his Wg quarry In operation," remarked a friend at our elbow. There is al ways something doing in Louisville, but the opening of this big Institu tion is sure to help to keep things moving. Charley Urwin sold his dray biI- nesB on the first of the month U Floyd Tennant. Ever since Charley has been big enough to handle a cracker box or whistle a tune he has run a dray In Louisville, and he having been preceded by his father. We understand that Mr. Urwin will move on a farm In the spring. The Courier and every man, woman and child In Louisville will wish him suc cess. Was Thero When Soldiers Returned. Among the Hillsdale items In the Glenwood Tribune we take the fol lowing: "Mrs. Val Burkel and son Robbie of Plattsmouth visited from Satur day till Monday with Mr. and Mrs M. N. Anthony. Mrs. Burkel will be remembered by some of the old resi dents, as she was formerly Mi3s Nan Sampson, daughter of E. B. Samp son. She says she was at Glenwood the day the soldiers were given a reception when they came home from the army, which was Septem ber !). 1865, but she was not old enough to take part In the program, as she was born on that day." Fine Stock for SI A good gentle 3-year-old full blood Short Horn Durham bull for sale. Also, 1-year-old male Poland China (full blood) ) hog. Call and see theRe animals at my place two miles north west of Nehawka. W. II. SCHOMAKEIt & SON. Horses for Sale. I have just unloaded twenty-four head of large western horses which I am offering for sale at my farm, seven miles south of Plattsmouth. Perry Marsh. TUB COUNTY COURT nv n.i. COUNTY OP CASS. NEBRASKA. In the matter of the Estate of Frank M. Svohoda, Deceased. NOTICR TO CREDITORS. Notice Is liereby given that at 8 o'clock a. m. on the 15th day of No vember. A. I). 190!., and at 8 o'clock a m. on the 17th day of May, A. D. 1910 hearings will be had upon all claims against the estate, of the above named decedent, by which lust named hour all claims muKt be' riled and claims not Hied will bo barred at said time. Hy the Ouurt: (Seal.) ALLEN J. BKESON, County Judge. Byron Clark and TV. A. Robertson, At tonieys. XOTHK OF FIVM. S KTT LI'HE X T. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In tlit matter of the estate of Regina Wolf, deceased. All persons Interested In said estnte will take notice that Edward Kgen bcrger, administrator do bonis non thereof, has filed his final Bccount and report of the- administration of said estate and a .petition for final settle ment of suld account and allowance thereof and for the discharge of such administrator. A heating upon said account and pe tition has been. set by the court at the county court room at Plattsmouth, Ne braska on the 20th day of November, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m, when any and all persons Interested In said estate may appear and contest such petition and account. Dated this 26th day of October, 1909. ALLEN J. BEESON, County Judge. IX O. DWYER, Attorney. MITICB OF SAI.K. -I IN THE DISTRICT' COURT OF CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the matter of the Guardianship of Ree Campbell, a Minor. Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of lion. Harvey D. Travis, Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made and en tered on the 16th day of October, 1909, for the selling of the real estate here inafter described, there will be sold at tho south door of the court house at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 1st day of December, 1909. at 1 o'clock p. in., at publlo vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real es tate, towlt: The undivided one-half of the north half of the west half of the southwest quarter of Section 23. Township 11, North of Range 8, In said Cass county. Said sale will remain one one hour. JAMES M. CAMPBELL, Ouardlan of Ree Campbell, a Minor D. O. DWYKU, Attorney. II The Bohemian Catholic Sokols of Plattsmouth Entertained by Friends A large number of the members of the Bohemian Catholic Sokols were visitors In South Omaha Sunday and were the guests of the Catho lic Sokol's of that city. The occas ion was made one for reviewing the work of the National Catholic Sokol tournament recently held in Chicago. Dinner was given the visitors by their South Omaha friends who made them thoroughly enjoy their visit. After dinner a parade of the two lodges was had, headed by a fine band, and ending at the hall, where there was speech-making and music. Rev. Hundalek delivered an address which was particularly well received and greeted with much ap plause. A number of quartettes and national anthems were sung which the audience all joined in and which were grand in their melody. After wards the line hall of the society was thrown open to the boys and girls and dancing and. a general good time was had. ' Nearly all the visitors re mained until the last train, return ing to their homes in this city in the night more than pleased with the royal time shown them by their South Omaha friends and brothers. Among those attendln from this city were J. M. Jiro'usek and family, Charles Gradevil and family, Jos. N'evotny and family, Frank Janda and wife, Frank Slavlcek and fam ily, Messrs. Jos. Libershal, Anton H. Kouhek, Frank Ashenbrenner, Jas. Burnanek, Tom Gradevil, Matt Jir ousek. Funeral of Mrs. Kennedy. The funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Kennedy took place this morning from the Durlington station, the re mains arriving from her late home in Omaha on the 9:45 train and being immediately taken from the train to the Catholic cemetery In West Oak Hill, where they were laid to rest beside those fo her husband and three children. There was a very large attendance of friends from this city and vicinity, all those who had known her In past years when she resided here uniting in an ex pression of sympathy with the sor rowing family. At the grave ser vices were conducted by Rev. Father Shine of St. John's church of which for many years, deceased was a most constant atendant. The services were of the Impressive nature of that faith. There was a very large funeral held In Omaha pervious to bringing the remains to this city. There were many very handsome floral of ferings and a great many of them! were left at the church owing to the impossibility of transporting them to this city. AH of the children of the deceased were present at the services In this city except Mrs. Joseph McCaffrey of Omaha, who was too seriously 111 to permit her attendance and Mrs. Leo Shroder of Perham, Minn., whose small child was so ill she could not attend. Those of the children at tending were John Kennedy of To peka, Kas., Felix Kennedy of Sheri dan, Wyo., Edward Kennedy of Mar quette, Mich., Mrs. John McCann of South Omaha, Miss Anna Kennedy of Omaha and Miss Blanche Ken nedy of Omaha. In addition the out-of-town friends attending the funeral were John Drennan and sis ter, Mrs. James Green and daughter and son, Mrs. Lyman, daughter and son, Thomt.3 Flynn, Mr. Hoffman, the funeral director, Ed. Dee, Drs. McAvoy and Dwyer, Michael Roach and F. A. Murphy of Omaha and James Grace and children of South Omaha. The out-of-town guests were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Walling and Mrs. A. naxter Smith during their stay in the city, returning to their homes on the afternoon Burlington train. The pall bearers who assisted at the last sad rites to this most lovable and estimable lady were Thomas Flynn, Ed. Dee, Patrick Grace, Dr. McAvoy, Dr. Dwyer, Michael Roach, F. A. Murphy of Omaha and Thomas Walling of this city. For Kale. Small farm, 13-1-2 acres, 1-1-2 miles south of riaattsmouth, on Rock Bluff road; good Improvements with plenty of apples, pears, grapes and other fruit. Possession given either with crop or after crop la taken off. Further particulars and terms of Claus Jess at the farm. Pigs for Sale. A pair of fine Berkshire pigs, sub ject to register, for sale. Wm. Gil mour, Plattsmouth, Neb. C. E. Metzger of Cedar Creek spent last sight In the city looking after business matters. DAILY PERSONAL NEWS i ) Short Items of Interest From Tues i ? day Evening's William Krisky and family were passengers this afternoon for Omaha, where they will visit relatives. John Livingston Is a business visi tor today in South Omaha, going there to attend the stock market. George Kaffenberger Is in the city today on business,, coming in from his farm west of the city this morn ing. Mrs. H. S. Austin Is among those spending today In Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Byron Clark and wife were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day with friends. Thomas and Grover Will are spending today in Omaha, having been -passengers for that city on the morning train. J. H. Mel8inger, one of Cedar Creek's responsible and upright citi zens, is looking after business mat ters today in the city. John Urlsh is among the farm ers from southwest of the city, com ing In this morning for transacting business among our business men. J. E. Barwlck, the land man, is attending to business matters today in Omaha, having been a passenger for .that city this morning on the early train. C. O. Larson came down from Bellevue yesterday morning for a short visit with his parents, return ing on the 5 o'clock train over the Missouri Pacific. Adam Fornoff, one of the good citizens of Eight Mile Grove pre cinct, was in the city today, driving in this morning from his farm near Cedar Cree'i. J. F. Wolff, the prominent busi nessman of Cedar Creek Is among those having business matters in the iity to attend to, coming down this morning on the Schuyler and return ing this afternoon. Friend3 are in receipt of post cards from Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sharp, which were mailed at Osceola. Ark., and bearing a picture of the steamer 'Stacker Lee." which they boarded at St. Louis for New Orleans. Mrs. Tolf Hanson of Omaha came down last evening with Mrs. Hanson, the mother of her late busband, to complete arrangements for the en trance of the latter into the Masonic Home In this city. Mrs. Tolf Hanson returned to Omaha this morning on the Burlington train. Mr. Kessler of Pekin, 111., was a visitor in the city this morning and met a great many of the old time residents of that locality now locat ed In this vicinity. He had quite a pleasant visit with J. H. Melsinger and J. P. Keil, two of Pekin's form er residents, who happened to be In the city today. The Journal this afternoon was In receipt of a call from John G. Chase, who has been living near Murray and who Is now moving to Hartlng ton, Cedar county. Mr. Chase is one of the finest young men of the Murray neighborhood and the Jour nal notes his departure with the deep est regret. He renewed the paper and it will follow him to his new home. It is pleasant to be able to send the paper with our subscribers when they leave our section and the Journal certainly wishes Mr. Chase and his wife the greatest of good fortune in their new home. County Attorney Ramsey this af ternoon filed a complaint before Jus tice M. Archer against Vim T. Smith and Alnslee Wilson charging them with burglarizing a bunk car, the property of the Missouri Pacific Rail way company, on Saturday last, and taking therefrom a coat, some tools and food. These are two of the men captured Saturday by Sheriff Quin ton, as told in the Journal. There has been no date set for their exami nation and it Is possible they will plead guilty, although this is not certain. Frank A. MsElroy, adjuster of the Shawneo Fire Insurance company of Topeka, Kas., which carried the In surance upon the household goods of C. A. Peterson, destroyed by fire on the 30th day of last October, was in tho city this morning and made an adjustment of the loss which was satisfactory to both Mr. Peter son and the company. The amount of the adjustment was paid over to Mr. Peterson by the adjuster and the matter Is closed. This Is a quick settlement and one which the assur red appreciated. M... Archer is the local agent for the Shawnee com pany. Y Y Y ? Y Y Daily Journal O. A. Nystrom is a business via tor today in Omaha, going to that city this morning on the Burlingt. train. Mrs. H. K. Dunbar Is spending t day In Omaha, being a passengr for that city this morning on th early train. John J. Svoboda is spending t day in Omaha, where he will viwtt with friends and also look after business matters, Mrs. Hendricks and baby of Om aha, came down Ibis morning for a visit of several days with her sU- ter, Mrs. Fay Woodford. Mrs. Snyder of Omaha, who has been visiting in the city, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Ander son; returned to her home this morn ing. Julius Piti came In this morn ing from his home south of the city and was a passenger for South Om aha this morning, going to the stock market. Miss Alice Hubbell, who has bet-xi stopping at the home of A. A. Wetea kamp near the city for sometime' past, departed this morning for her home at Bartlett, Ia. Miss Ethel Ballance departed this morning for Peru, Neb., where she takes up her studies at the state normal school. Miss Ballance will be gone until Christmas, when she will return for the holiday vaca tion. The adjuster of the Shawnee In surance company was in the city yes terday making the adjustment of loss on the household goods of C. A. Peterson whose home burned receat ly. He had $500 insurance in tae Shawnee company of which M. Archer Is agent. W. S. Soper of Nebraska City spet last night in the city looking after some business matters. Mr. Sopr has recently purchased a studio fat Nebraska City and Is doing a ban- some business there. From his re cord In this city, it is evident tke good people of the town down the river have secured a finished artist in Mr. Soper and he is bespoken a generous patronage. The party of freight car repairers. which was transferred to Edgemoit, D., last week for work, have fin ished their task and returned ito this city this moruing. The party contained some dozen of the em ployes and were called away on a rush Job just before election. They were glad to get through and baofc home again and regretted exceeding ly having to lose their vote9. The entire party were Democrats in pon tics and caused that party a ser ious loss as their votes might ha saved several of the candidates. Dr. E. D. Cummins and wife aaJ Mrs. J. W. Crabill made an automo bile trip yesterday to Weeping Wa ter, going over to pay a sympathe tic visit to te widow of the late Dr. Rickard, and take a last look at tW good friend. Dr. Cummins fouid that he would be unable to get awy from here tomorrow to attend the runeral and for this reason ha thought best to go over yesterday. Returning, the party made the r from Weeping Water In one hor and nineteen minutes. Considering the fact that the run was made after nightfall the time una vppv fni i v- IHOl, I'lmngcs I lands. An important transfer of propertr took place today when the Perkiis Hotel property was sold by Charles F. Guthman to John Cory. The consideration is announced as $7 - 000. Mr. Cory assumes control of the property on the 15th., of the month, Mr. Guthman retiring froai all connection with the hotel. The change is more in name than in aay- tning else as Mr. Cory has had a hand in the management of the hotel' for several years,. being one of the firm of Guthman & Cory. He has proven in that time to be an excellent hotel man and one who understands thoroughly the needs of the public. Under his management the hotel will undoubtedly keep the ugn ranic wnich it has had in th past and will be a hostelry which will merit the patronage of the puh Ilc Mr. Guthman who retires from the management of the house is a gentleman with many friends in the travelln public and during his con nection with the business he has demonprated Ms capacity to handle hotels. It is not given out as to lJust the line of business he will take up In the future.