The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1909, Image 1

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    11 I! e-
f ( ri J H i i hi i
shmi-vi;i;kly i-ditiom- i.ioiit pahks
NO Si!
io nit nous
The Result cf the Election in Cass County is Cor
t.Snly Very Crstifytas to Domccraia
. lection ve.-tcn!..y m p.-o-
dm-thv cf several sui'viii-is nad re-
suited in the virion for the inn ir
part cf the Democratic tu l.i t. The tlio coin it. slow an-1 it was late in the
chief stirpils. was the victory of An-s night, or rat'.;er tally riornliir;, when
drew J.,Snydir, Demoi 1 at;;; camli- j tho count was fii.ishe.l.
date for register c f deeds. Si.ydcr ( TJio f cures on the state ticket ore
ran like wild-lire In this eity, the pre-j very meager, ami U is haul to Fay
cinet and several other adjoining pre- huw ,ju, supreme judges are running,
ducts, while Daft, 1 1 i -s opponent, did j ncitui es from til" state at large arc
not come up to expectations in the I likewise meager, and the result is
country precincts. Snyder, who Is L morally s3 1 d to he in doubt,
well known in this city, received ni s is always tin case, there -were
very . ha'tid-onie vote in every ward j many disappointed friends ef the scv
and his. home precinct, Fhutstuouth, ;ral candidates on the county ticket,
roiled up a banner majority for bi:n,
he heading the ticket there. ...
'Frank Schlater, Democratic candi
date for re-election as treasurer also
surprised the bathes in the size cf
his 'majority, lie easily heading the
ticket. Stark, who opposed him, fail
ed to poll the vote hoped for by his
friends in the west end of the coun
'ty, Schlater making unexpected gains
and largely keeping his opponent
from getting near the normal Re
publican majority in that section.
From unofficial returns Schlater's
majority is placed . today at 607,
something remarkable In this county
and Indicative of his overwhelming
popularity. He states that he is deep
ly grateful to the public for their
generous support.
George hushinsky, who was mak
ing the race for county clerk against
I). C. Morgan, made an unexpectedly
good showing In Plattsmouth, where
he has lived for so many years and
where he is well acquainted, cutting
Morgan's majority to surprisingly
small dimensions. A number of
causes combined to accomplish this!
result, which, however, was offset by
Morgan's remarkable race in the
country. The heavy Republican pre
cincts of the country gave Morgan
great support and saved his election
by the margin of 89 votes. It was
realized early in the day that hushin
sky was running well here, and that
the reverse was true in the country,
but that either one would do as well
as they did surprised acute observ-
County Judge Beeson secured a re
election by a wide margin, Judge
Archer failing to obtain support
where It was expected and running
poorly in Democratic precincts and
wards. This fight was largely over
looked in the fierce struggle for sev
eral other offices and this 'doubtless
assisted largely in making Beeson'i
wiajorlty so large.
Miss Mary Foster defeated E. E.
dell, the Republican candidate by a
handsome margin and secured a de
served re-election. Miss Foster was
strong in this city and In several of
the country precincts, maintaining a
handsome lead over Odell in several
places where it was thought he might
toake gains.
Sheriff Qulnton was re-elceted for
a third term by a large majority over
Ed. S. Tutt, Democratic candidate.
but still far under the majority which
he received two years ago. As was
the case with several other races a
umber of causes entered into this
fight and Qulnton made unexpected
and unlooked for gains In Democratic
wards and precincts, while losing
some in Republican localities.
Commissioner Friedrich was re
elected by the narrow margin of 79
votes, making gains in the Demo
' ratlc wards and precincts and losing
in the Republican. This race had
heen figured out as a close one, but
the Democrats at the close were con
fident of victory for George P. Mel
singer, their candidate, who had made
a splendid fight. Several peculiar
omblnatlons in different parts of the
county helped Friedrich largely and,
in fact, saved him.
Coroner Clements secured a re
election, defeating E. Ratnour by
something close to the normal Re
publican majority. On the lower of
fices on the ticket there was little
fight and the vote was nearly normal.
. The tickets, as a general thing,
were considerably scratched and this
was not confined to any party, Re
publican tickets carrying the names
of several Democratic candidates, be
ing encountered in practically all the
wards and precincts, while Demo-
i Isl
!,i..;k' t' Koch boarirg t
in: ii s of
.ui'IMr.ti s
This made
individual Ut publican
were a!.--.') vimv mimerou
especially in this city, where about
all the candidates were well known
and had many personal friends. The
result was in doubt all day, as both
parties had pood organizations and
were working like beavers. To this
fact the immense amount of scratch
ing is laid. A3 a general proposition
the Democrats seem better satisfied
with the outcome than the Repub
licans, the latter losing several can
didates -whom they regarded as un
usually strong,"especially hushinsky,
for whom a desperate fight was made.
Reports from the country indicate
a similar feeling over several of the
candidates from that section.
Unofficial returns except on cor
oner and surveyor are given below.
The returns on the latter offices are
Incomplete, but enough is known to
make the election of Geo. Trunken
boltz, Republican, for surveyor as
sured, with close prospects for the
coroner between Ratnour, Demo
crat, and Clements, Republican. In
dications put Trunkenboltz's ma
jority at about ISO, while the ma
jority for either Clements or Rat
nour will be small, with the indica
tions favoring Clements:
Morgan. Democrat 1962
hushinsky, Republican 1873
Morgans majority, 8!).
Schlater, Democrat 22 St
Stark, Repui lican 1607
Schlater's majority, 677.
County Judge.
Archer, Democrat 1653
Beeson, Republican 2153
Beeson's majority, 500.
Tutt, Democrat 1691
Qulnton, Republican 2151
Qulnton's majority, 440.
Foster, Democrat 2001
O'Dell, Republican 1841
Foster's majority, 160.
Register of Deeds.
Snyder, Democrat 1921
Daft. Republican 1873
Snyder's majority, 4 8.
Meislnger, Democrat 1865
Friedrich, Republican 1944
Frledrlch's majority, 79.
On the city ticket P. E. Ruffner Is
elected assessor over J. C. hlnde
man by a small majority.
For district assessor the indica
tions point to the almost certain suc
cess of Albert D. Despain, Democrat,
over.A. P. Barnes, Republican. There
was no contest on John Denson and
James Iligley, Republican candidates
for constable, and they aro doubt
less chosen although a large num
ber of personal friends toted for
Ed. Donat all over the city and had
he been on the ticket officially he
would doubtless have been one of
the winners.
The race for Justices of the peace
probably resulted in the election of
John Cory and William B. Rishel,
Democrats, although the latter is
not certain; J. C. York seeming to
be running him a strong race.
Complete returns from four wards
in the city on the city ticket give
the following result, the Fifth ward
City Assessor.
Ruffner, Democrat 364
hindeman, Republican 387
District Assessor.
Despain, Democrat 435
Barnes, Republican 298
Denson, Republican 415
Higley, Republican 3C3
Justices of the Pence.
RlBhel, Democrat 338
Cory, Democrat 422
York, Republican 317
Sullivan, Republican 305
C. O. LarBon went to Bellevue this
afternoon, whom ha U.-I1I romima hint
studies at Belevue college.
UiWiil! LlilL!
F.xcilxrr; CcrJcit, a Larje Atttnc'.
r.r.ce it J Eweiycne Presenl
Ci-joj ca the Kver.t
i , y ev :in
us of !'. o
the boy's basket
1 rrl
i' freshmen, smpho
1 senior hir:-es cf
enraged in a most
ecitin; fame at
e freshmen trad so
played the first
n the lirtt half le-
a nil. r a
C:U-.s !,'!'!.
l!u'i'..(,i -o team
Karue, vl'e score
in i I i to N in t ivor ct tile sr.pi-.n
nere:! !:d the s.-eend half rave tlw:
so.ijl'.i.niori s 2 5 and the fr'j;' 17.
The iio.t g-rve w-.'s between the and the s.'iihm;. From tin
start the jur.lors went i i?.ht afi-r the
t-CM'ors and k'-;.t it up. The score hi
tUo Tinst half was .21 to 17 in favor
of the Junior and in the second half
the score v. aa 1:2 to 17 in favor of
the juniors.
Next Thursday evcnir.g the girls'
basket ball team will play a girls'
team of the local High school, after
which the sophomore boys will play
tho juniors. The, boy's team win
ning in this game will be the cham
pion team and will enjoy an oyster
supper which C. C. Wescott Sons
have very kindly premised to the
daywinning team.
The games of Saturday evening
were good and we can say that the
games on next Thursday evening will
be equally ns Interesting. A num
ber of the members of each class
were present and urged their par
ticular team on with their class yells.
The line-up of the tennis were as
Freshmen Carl Sattler, c;
Dalton, f.; Glen Edwards, f;
Windham, g.; Will Bell, g.
Sophomores Charles Bell, c;
Ralph Larson, f. ; Ren Frans, f.;
Henry McMaken, g.; Vance Todd, g.
Juniors Lester Dalton, c; Carl
Reese, f.; John Falter, f,; Henry Eg-
enberger, g. ;, Conrad Schlater, g.
Seniors Wayne Dickson, c. ; he-
land Iiriggs,' f.; Edward Kanka, f. ;
George Dovey, g.; FrancU Whelan, g.
II. 1. Ruffner nt Home.
Our good Democratic friend, Peter
E. Ruffner, returned home last Sat
urday evening from Arlington,
where he has been packing apples,
and entered the fray as a candidate
for assessor. Ed. deserves the vote
of every taxpayer and property hol
der in the community and will be
elected easily. As a Judge of prop
erty values he is unexcelled, and the
poor man especially can depend upon
him. He found several interesting
and welcome items waiting him, in
cluding one telling of the good for
tune of his son Grover, who has been
conducting a lumber yard at Silver
Creek, Neb. This young man Jias
taken a position with the Hoard
Lumber company, and is placed in
charge of a yard at Duncan, Neb., at
a substantial advance in his salary.
His other son, Horace, who is em
ployed by the Porter-Ryerson-Hoob-ler
company in Omaha, also writes
him of a promotion in that firm and
a substantial advance in salary.
Everything taken together, Ed. seems
to have everything coming his way,
which Is pleasing information to his
many friends in Cass county.
Lights on Main Street Tonight.
The work of Superintendent Cla-
baugh of the Nebraska Lighting com
pany is commencing to show up, the
eighteen gas lights ordered by the
city having been put in place and
ready for business at the present
time and tonight the citizens can
come down and find a progressive
movement of a Democratic govern
ment in good light on Main street
and the prospects for light on the
avenues being bright. Mr. Clabaugh
states that he exepects to have his
force at work next Monday on string
ing wires on the city streets and that
it will be but a few days until the en
tire city will blaze and worth seeing.
General prospects for Plnttsmouth
were never better than now and Mr.
Clabaugh is working with all his
might toward securing the benefits of
a live, progressive town for this place.
I'lne Stock for Sale.
A good gentle 3-year-old full blood
Short Horn Durham bull for sale.
Also, 1-year-old male Poland China
( full blood ) ), hog. Call and see these
animals at my place two miles north-
west of K'f.hnuUn
I 1 ' ''J' S'H I'T", IV V I'M 0 ' i VM' V i
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niot-.r is ci:e cf the 1 e-t c
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kno'.vu ahilitv.
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A.V Cpporlurhy to Sccvre Coih
anJ En
ter tr.:nmer.t.
With big crops, fat bank accounts
i.iul with prosperity reigning su
preme i;i every country home, it is
the duty of every farmer to' look
around for opportunities whereby bis
children can gain impressions that.
wUl prove beneficial to them through
life nr.l If by taking advantage of
these, lie can, at the same time, se
cure ( r hiiuialf and his good wife
much needed rest and recreation, it
would seem that such an opportunity
should appeal to him. This oppor
tnnty 13 offered In connection with
the International Live Stock Exposi
tion, which will be held In Chicago
from November 27 to December 10.
The champions of the leading shows
of the world, in fact, the finest speci
mens of cattle, horses, sheep and
swine that the world produces will
here compete for supremacy and final
honors. Do you know what this
means? Can you realize what a lib
eral education such a collection pro
duced by the world's foremost feed-
ers and breeders means to your
Tin' best brains, the greatest mas
ters of the live stock industry, the
foremost live stock specialists will
here demonstrate what can be ac
complished, and shrewd farmers will
begin to think of these tilings and
endeavor to make arrangements so
that they can profit by the teachings
of this great international exposi
tion. The coming show gives promise of
being the greatest of this splendid
series of events, and the manage
ment Is planning to offer a program
that will far eclipse anything that
has ever been offered in the past
delightful music, dashing perform
ances and brilliant evening entertain
ments, combined with educational op
portunities unequaled in the world.
Where can a greater combination be
found at such a nominal outlay of
money. Education, entertainment, a
pleasure trip and recreation all in
one. Why not plan a pleasant sur
prise for the folks at home and take
advantage of these exceptional op
portunities? At the Ghost Convention.
About fifty were conveyed to the
home of Mrtand Mrs. M. S. Briggs on
Chicago avenue, Saturday evening,
where they attended the annual con
vention of ghosts, given by the Loyal
Daughters, members of Mrs. Briggs1
Sunday school class of tho Christian
church. The house had been approp
riately decorated with witches, black
cats, hands and jack-'o-lanters. In
the search for cat eyes, represented
by corn candy, Miss Eleanor Todd
was awarded the prize. In a contest
Miss Anna Petersen proved to bo the
best guesser and was awarded the
prize. During the evening a fortune
teller apportioned wealth and hand
some lovers and sweethearts to thoBe
who wore brave enough to test their
fate. The pleasures of the evening
were a luncheon consisting of
witches' stew on half shell (pump
kin pie), frog legs (fried nut bars),
seeds of evil (apples), when I and
you were young (milk). Tins con
vention proved very successful bo
dally and financially, and much of
the Buccess was duo to tho untiring
efforts of Miss Shlpman.
Farm for 8al,
A 102-acre fa:m for Bale; goo
Improvements; seven miles south of
Plattsmouth and four miles north
east of Murray. W. II. RAKES.
Plnttsmouth, Neb., It. F. D. No. 1.
Hans Tama departed this morning
for work on the O'Neill line of the
"i v...-,.,
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iii'ii' r (hi.
to ta.
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i'd a pi tii
to the I'll
for a wiit et (-!
I t-'iatcse circuit leurt of
U fc-r the Knhth di.-trict in t'ie
cf !; Chicago, r.a;-lin",t(.n C-
(j'i!ii'-j, p'tiiioner, agaiiist. I.
f-.tatis of Aweri'-a, re; ;H;ndent. This
disc I'.rcws out of an I'llieireJ faii-are
of tho, Burlington & Quiiuy
'to apply certain safety appliances to
iti cars, remit ing in t.a aetlon
brought by I ho I'liiled t'.tates to re-j
cover a penalty of $100. The traut-1 ai'Crn-.ed, with costs, the dechd in of
ing of a writ of certinrati today to at-j Ihe supreme court of .Wbraska in tin
to' neys of tho Cliici'so, Bui lingti n & jcii-e of fc arah S. Fell,- plaintiff in ( r
Quincy fn.intu them tin opportunity rc.r, against Eii.atu th East on, d"
to review (he entire case hi fore the i fe'idaut in error. Justice Harlan
supreme couit of the 1'nitcd Stat s. J an 1 Brewer dissi-ntid from the de-
"Chicf Justice. Fuller today grant
ed the petition of Crigsby & Grigsby
of Sioux Falls, S. D., for a writ of cer
tiorari to to the Unite. 1 Slates circuit
court of appeals for the Eighth dis
trict In the case of John McClelland,
James S. McClelland, William S. Mc
Clelland against John E. Garland,
United States district judge for the
Cost and Importance of a Twelve
Foot Channel
The cost of building and equipp
ing high grade railroads ranges from
$25,000 to $60,000 per mile, accord
ing to the topog'-aphh al and engi
neering conditions encountered. It is
estimated that a twelve-foot channel
could be made In the Missouri river
from St. Louis to Sioux City, la., at
a cost of about $60,000 per mile. This
bannel, once secured, would be prac
tically self-maintaining, for which the
stream properly confined to the cur
rent would do the dredging. There
fore, tho Missouri river, even on the
deep-channel basis, would be much
cheaper traffic way, in the long run,
than a railroad. The capacity of tho
river, with such a channel, would bo
practically unlimited. It could easily
carry all the products of Us whole
watershed If it were desirable and
feasible to bring these products
aboard the river craft. The best way
to secure the deep channel Is to make
use of the present channel. The pro
posed boat line offers not alone a
good Investment In direct returns on
guaranteed business, but it offers still
greater returns in reduced freight
rates and still greater returns In the
encouragement of river traffic and
river Improvement In general. The
new boat line will have all the freight
It can handle, but its chief business
after all will be to promote tho use
of the Missouri river on tho largest
seule. Kansas City Star.
State TcncherV Association.
A special from Lincoln says: "Tho
auditorium Is fast being converted
into a place fit for the industrial ex
hibit of the public schools of the state
to be given in connection with the
State Teachers' association, which be
gins Wedneseday.
"In the exhibition the entire work
of the public school will be shown,
including the Industrial department,
the making of furniture, Implements
and useful articles. The university
will give the model farm, showing
the farm bouse built so that the sun
will strike every room at some period
of the day. In the exhibition of tho
university is a wagon which was
made at the university farm, even to
the iron work on it. This exhibit will
also contain an exhibit of soil. This
Is the first time any industrial exhibit
of such magnitude has ever been un
dertaken at a teachers' meeting in
Nebraska. The auditorium will bo
open day and night during the asso
ciation meeting and the public is in
vited free of charge."
E. J. RIchey was looking after
some business matters In Omaha this
111' $ " ,1
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t . t. W i 4. ) h . 1 . i w U J
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Kiel in-
re I a
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- John
X I'ovi r!y valued at !
a.iieants to tills t ; oale a
t'lc-lla'id. IJlis county,
!'. Ch Ha-.i.l, l'ulal.i
Ihe i
c. .
William S. McClelland. Teller county,
Colerado, and Wah.-r y VI. -'land and
hd'.viird McClellnnd ef Al!e;;heny
eouiity, T, nnsyh ania.
"Justice M.Ketria, in tl'
court in an (tpinlou n
ndered today
clsioii of the majority of Ihe court.
This Is an action to quiet title to an
undivided one-half interest in a cer
tain tract of land in Hamilton coun
ty and to cancel and annul a certain
mortgage and deed execut. , by de
fendant, Edmund V. Fall, to the de
fendants, W. II. Fall ar.d Elizabeth
l ulled in ll. r EtVorts.
Miss Elizabeth 1). Wilson, repre
senting tho Midland chautauqua und
in advance of Walter Howe, Shake
spearian reader, was In the city yes
terday to try and arrange for Mr.
Howe's appearance In this city. She
was unsuccessful, the local Shake
spearian dub not seeing the way
clear to make an engagement. Miss
Wilson Is a young woman of pleas
ing personality and engaging man
ners, and made a most excellent im
pression with the ladies nf thy club.
It is possible that she will make an
engagement in the in-ar future for
another enteitalnmi'iit which she is
connected with. She was much dls
appclntid at being unable to locate
her attraction here, but cxpnvsed
herself as being highly delighted nt
the treatment she received from our
Among u Finest.
John Rutherford yesterday after
noon brought to town a number of
ears of corn which rank among the
finest ever raised In Cass county. Ouo
of the ears weighs twenty-six ounces,
something which Is phenomenal. A
number of others In his field weigh
as high as twenty-four ounces, and
from that on down, but this was the
prize winner. In addition to being
large and heavy the corn was solid
and the cob small, which Is nn Indi
cation of its high grade. Mr. Ruth
erford reports his corn as turning
out finely and the yield being far
better than he supposed when he
started shucking. Mr. Rutherford Is
a careful farmer and a hard worker,
and the results of his work shows up
very well.
New Members' Reception.
The Christian church will hold a
reception Wedneseday evening of this
week to the new members who united
with the church during the Wilhlt.e
Ttickerman meeting. A special pro
gram, including music, readings and
addresses will be given. The ladies
of the church will serve refresh
ments. It Is very important that all
the members of the church be pres
ent, whether new or old, to have part
In the assignment of the new mem
bers. The pnstor urges a full attend
ance of the entire membership of the
church. A most profitable meeting
for the welfare of the church is cer
tain If the attendance requested Is se
cured. Accident at the Shops.
A Mr. Wilcox, working in the shops
last evening, suffered a severe injury
to one of his knees by the accidental
slipping of a jack which he was using.
Tho Jack slipped, letting several
heavy timbers catch his knee and
badly bruise it. Ho was brought up
town to the company surgeon, whero
the injury was attended to and it will
be several days before he la able to
return to his work, lie was fortu
nate in that the Injury was not more
severe, as he might bave broken hi
leg very easily.