The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 28, 1909, Image 1

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    State Hj,t
ftlattsmoutb- Journal
NO 80
in im msi sum
The One Who Did the Shooting States it Was Done
in Self Defense and Gave Himself Up.
Too much indulgence in liquor,
ctupled with a card game, yesterday
lead to a shooting near Avoca, in
which Henry Martin sustained
wounds which are painful, although
net serious. Martin, in company with
Charles Steele, a brother-in-law of
hte, and several other parties was a
guest at the home of Jens Rasmus
sea, a well known and highly re
spected citizen living about one mile
west of the village of Avoca. The
party had been Indulging in some
drinks, although their condition was
lot noticeably intoxicated, and had
also been having a little card game,
using poker chips as counters. Steele
amd Martin had not been on the best
of terms for some time, and accord
ing to Steele the liquor which Martin
had drank affected his feelings and
roused up the ill feeling. Steele had
won all the chips and the party was
hantering Martin over his ill luck,
when he got irritated and angry and
fiially announced that he would "fix
him now," referring to Steele. With
this Idea in mind he left the room
where they had been playing and
went out into the yard, securing some
stones, which he commenced throw
ing in through the open door.
' Steele and the others tried to get
him to desist from his pastime, ac
cording to Steele's story, and finally
they went out into the yard. Mar
tia went after Steele a3 soon as he
got out, and tried to beat him up a
let, but the latter warded off the
blows and finally Martin drew a knife
aid started to carve Steele with it.
The latter retreated to the house and
, seized.a ,22 calibre rifle which was
standing there, and claims he intend
ed to frighten Martin away. He fin
ally fired the gun and the bullet pene
trated Martin's right hip, making a
painful flesh wound. It was not ser
ieus in its nature and did not prevent
Martin making his way to Avoca,
where Dr. Brendel was called upon to
Culmination of the Acci
dental Shooting Near
As the culmination of the shooting
of Mrs. Alex Hunter, near Murray,
last Wednesday night, the unfortu
nate lady died at the hospital in Om
aha yesterday morning. The remains
were brought to this city yesterday
afternoon and the funeral will take
place from the home of her father,
Jesse Heiner, this afternoon.
Every effort was made to locate
the bullet by the surgeons at the
hespital, and it was probed for re
peatedly, but without success. It was
seen that death was almost inevit
able after the failure to get the bul
let, and the end was forecasted early.
It is improbable that an inquest will
be held, as Sheriff Quinton, it is Bald,
dees not consider such a course nec
. eseary. The story of the shooting,
as it has been told, gives the Impres
sion that the shooting was entirely
accidental, although there are many
who cast doubts upon it and who be
lieve that a careful investigation
should bo made of the matter.
Mrs. Hunter was 38 years of age
and was the' mother of several chil
dren. She and her husband had been
residents of this city and vicinity for
a numoer or years, several years
since some of their children were
taken away from them by the state
board and placed in the home for the
friendless, as It was shown they were
not being properly taken care of and
raised. The family is a poor one and
ta rather straightened circumstances
A number of relatives and friends
of the deceased woman arrived In the
city this morning to attend the fu
neral, which took place this after-
Boon, as above stated.
Fresh oysters.. Stews, 26c; fries,
36c. Barclay's restaurant.
dress the wound. He did bo and
later Martin went to a hospital at
Omaha for treatment."
Steele, shortly after the shooting,
also went to Avoca and 6aw Dr.
Brendel, telling him of the circum
stances of the trouble, and asking his
advice about the matter. Dr. Bren
del advised him to call the sheriff up
and tell him of the trouble and also
surrender himself to the authorities.
This Steel done, calling up the sher
iff and telling him of the occurrence
Sheriff Quinton advised the constable
of the precinct to take Steele into
custody and deliver him to him at
Union this morning, which was done,
Steele surrendering and accompany'
ing the constable to Union, where
they met Sheriff Quinton, who took
him in charge and brought him here
to the county Jail.
County Attorney Ramsey inter
viewed Steele at the jail and learned
from him his story of the trouble,
making a good caso of self defense
out of the story. Mr. Ramsey this
afternoon will go to Avoca, where he
will interview the various witnesses
to the affair and endeavor to get the
exact status of the matter from them
Pending this investigation no com
plaint will be filed against Steele, and
it seems probable none will be filed if
hl3 story turns out to be correct
There Is small probability of secur
ing a conviction if Steele's story is
corroborated by the others, and there
would be no use wasting time and
money in presocutlon. (
The parties to the matter, with
the exception of Mr. Rasmussen, are
all Americans, and the whole trouble
according to surface Indications, rises
over some family troubles and a too
free indulgence in liquor. Mr. Ram
sey will also Interview the injured
man at the Omaha hospital before
his return and get his story. No
serious trouble for Martin from the
injury is apprehended, as it is under
stood to be merely a flesh wound
llmk l'rom OKI Virginia.
M. Mauzy and wife, who returned I
Friday from their extended six weeks'
trip to Virginia, Washington, Phila
delphia, Niagara Falls, Montreal, De
troit and other eastern points,
brought with them several specimens
of fine apples which they obtained
from Mr. Cy. Palmer of Highland
county, Virginia. Mr. Palmer is a
brother-in-law of A. S. Will of this
city, and is a well known orchardist
of his local city. The apples are very
fine ones, being large and solid, and
give every indication of being excel
lent keepers. Mr. Palmer has a fine
orchard and usually has large crops,
but this season has not been a good
one and the crop is short. Judging
from the specimens which Mr. Mauzy
brought back, though, he certainly
must raise some monsters If these are
small. Mr. Mauzy states that he had
a very fine trip and ho is much im
proved in health by it. He and his
wife visited at Niagara Falls for sev
eral days, and from there took in
Hamilton and Toronto, Canada, re
turning via Detroit. They were much
Impressed with that part of Canada
which they visited, but Mike says
that after all he believes Illinois.
Iowa and Nebraska are three states
which are vastly superior to any other
territory which they covered. Gen
eral conditions here are better than
elsewhere, and while the corn crop
may be a little short, it is better as
a rule than any other section of the
country can show.
Up rom Nelmwka,
Ex-Congressman Pollard, Vilas
Sheldon and Dr. Walker came up
from Nehawka Sunday. Mrs. Wal
ker came as far as B. W. Livingston's,
south of town, and visited with her
sister until Mr. Pollard had inter
viewed his employes at the News of
fice. Dr. Walker was solicited to ae
company them, and this gave the lat
tor's wife an opportunity to spend a
few hours with her sister, Mrs. Llv
lngston. They came up In Mr. Shel
don's auto, and returned In the aft
Mrs. E. D. Cummins
today in Omahn
is spending
The Lighting Company
Will Goon Give the
Old Town Plenty.
Active work toward lighting the
city was commenced this morning
when Superintendent Clabaugh of the
Nebraska Lighting company put a
gang of men at work to connect up
the gas lamps with the mains. The
posts will remain on the sites now
occupied on Main street; that is, one
on the southwest corner and one on
the northeast corner of each cross
street. This was determined upon at
a special meeting of the council com
mittee last Saturday night. In addi
tion the members agreed upon a di
vision of the lights for each ward,
and it was determined to place them
where they would give the greatest
benefit to the people throughout the
entire city. Realizing that the lim
ited number of lights for the large
territory to be lighted will not per
mit all streets to be lighted, the
council will do the best it can, and as
the city gets In shape more lights
will be added.
The two principal avenues are to
have both gas and incandescent
lights, especially Washington avenue
to the M. P. depot, while the remain
ing streets will be lighted by lncan
descents. The council tonight will
complete arrangements for the lights
and will provide suitable locations
In connection with the lighting
question, it can be stated that there
is a prospect that the lights and
power will be furnished here by the
Omaha Nebraksa Lighting company,
negotiations to that end being on
foot, although this is not definitely
known. The local plant, which is es
sentially a gas plant, will take care
of that end of the contract, while if
suitable terms can be made with the
Omaha company, power and light will
be wired here from that city. Further
particulars concerning this proposed
deal cannot now be obtained, and It
may not materialize.
Shop Employes Gratified.
The men of the Burlington shops
are more than gratified at the an
nouncement of the company of an ad
vance of 1 cent an hour in wages.
This, of course, does not apply to
piece work, but merely to the men
who work shop time. However, near
ly all the men get in more or less
shop time, and the advance will bene
fit every one to a greater or less de
gree. The advance Is also to date
from September 1, and this an addi
tional surprise. While most people
may think the advance a small one,
yet it is not when everything is con
sidered, and makes a material in
crease In the pay roll of the com
pany for the month. The reason for
the advance Is understood to be the
return of good times throughout the
country, and the necessity for in
creasing wages to keep up with the
advance in the cost of living. The
cost of foodstuffs and clothing and
shoes has been mado higher from
different causes, and the railroad
management realizes that wages
should advance to enable the men
to obtain the benefits of the good
times. As the Burlington employs
thousands of men In their various
shops the advance means a big In
crease in expenses.
The Xew Hull Finished.
The new hall of the Bohemian
Catholic Turners is now completed
throughout, and has been tastily dec
orated inside, the walls of the gym
nasium, or hall proper, being hand
Bomely finished in hard finish, while
the ceiling has been painted a light
blue, making a beautiful combina
tion. This organization has several
classes of Turners taking lessons, in
cluding a beginners' class under the
direction of President Matt Jlrousek.
A large number of visitors were
present yesterday and were treated
to a Bight of the class at Its practice,
the little fellows doing some fine
work, he organization Is In a flour
ishing condition and on the highway
to prosperity.
Mrs. James A. Walker and her
daughter, Mrs. Dr. George H. Gil
more of Murray, came In this morn
ing and were passengers for Omaha
on the morning train, where they
'will spend the day.
Injured in Itiiiinway.
Two prominent citizens from the
vicinity of Union -were badly Injured
hist Friday evening in a runaway.
The victims were II. W. Lloyd and
Mahlon Applegate, who were driving
homo in the early evening, having a
spirited team. An automobile which
came up cn thom suddenly scared
the team, which bolted and ran. The
men did their best to stop the team,
but wi re uVaMe to do so. and In turn
ing a crney jMiVvagon In which they
'...'11... . . ' .. ... .1 1. ..
w t'l ty i iuu- no vuHt'i. turn nit? jiit'ii
hurled violently v the ground. Mr.
Appl'egktewa'i the $icst severely in-
ii, sustaining a broken
hip and
badly bruised, while
Mr. Iioyd
bruise) on
able to bu
"Jfa. with a painful
In. The latter was
j help, however, and
Mr. Apple
was Immediately con-
V i - - 1 '
home and medical aid
summoned! It w
ill be some time be
fore the laker, gentleman is well, but
Mr. Lloyd will Boon be himself again.
' Injured at Weeping Water.
A. T. Sidwell, a traveling man In
the employ of the Cudahy Packing
company, last Thursday sustained
severe Injuries at Weeping Water,
He was riding in the caboose of the
local freight train out of that city
when it stopped to do some switch
ing. Several cars were kicked into
the caboose while Sid well was stand
ing on his feet, and the force of their
Impact threw him the full length of
the car, lighting on his head and
shoulders against the end. He was
knocked unconscious and remained in
that condition for' three hours and
taken to the hotel at Weeping Water,
being conveyed to his home in Omaha
Friday. Reports from that city are
to the effect that he is very sore nnd
much bruised, but no permanent In
jury Is thought to exist. Doubtless
a heavy damage suit will be filed
against the railroad company for the
carelessness of the trainmen.
Wants an Ordinance Passed.
Chief of Police Amick today de
clared himself as being in favor of
passing an ordinance to arrest any
person running an automobile
through the city while under the In
fluence of liquor. He cites a num
ber of cases where parties have run
their machines In a very reckless
manner while under the influence of
liquor and a number of narrow es
capes from Injury or possible death.
He states that the offenders are not
local automobllists, as a rule, but
comprise outsiders, who run through
the streets with no regard for the
rights of pedestrians or drivers of
teams. He believes the council should
pass an ordinance which would have
so strict a penalty that every one
would recognize It and pay some at
tention to it. He states he would
rigorously enforce the ordinance to
the letter and asked the Journal to
call public attention to It.
Woodmen Unveil Monument.
The local camp of tho Woodmen of
the World yesterday held an unvell-
ng of a monument to the late Charles
Telpel at Oak Hill cemetery. There
was a large attendance of members
of the camp who met at their hall In
the morning and marched to the
cemetery, where the impressive un
veiling ceremonies took plac., par
ticipated in by the officers of the
lodge. The monument feature of the
Woodmen is one of the most attrac
tive features which the membership
In this order carries, and is a most
beautiful one. During their exist
ence here as a lodge they hav-e had
occasion to bury several members,
and in each caso a handsomo monu
ment has been erected to mark their
last resting place, the same being al
ways unveiled with imposing services.
Will Make No Mistake.
The voters of Cass county will not
make any mistake by re-electing
Frank Schlater county treasurer. His
record of two years is without a flaw
and merit is what is neoded in public
office. The only complaint reported
against Mr. Schlater is that he Is a
rich man. While he is nowhere near
the door of want, Frank is not a rich
man. We have no rich men in this
country only the multi-millionaires
can claim this distinction in these
days. In these days of graft, greed
and financial wreckage, if a man at
tains a competency, it is to his credit,
and this is Mr. Schlater's position
and his opponents will have to urge
something stronger If they defeat him
In this canvass. He la the right ar
ticle in tho right Joint, and will be
elected.- Lincoln Herald.
Mrs. Charles E. Duke is a visitor
today In Omaha, goiDg there on the
early train.
III 11
Prospecting for Another
Sewer West of the
Burlington Shops.
F. T. Darrow, district engineer of
the Burlington, was In tho city this
afternoon looking over tho site of the
proposed storm water sewer along the
west side of tho Burlington Bhops.
He will make a report on the project
at once, and expressed himself as
favorable to its construction. It is
said the company has set aside 510,-
000 for the construction of this big
drainage ditch and that it will be put
in so as to thoroughly protect the
shops., The city will be asked to va
cate a portion of Lincoln avenue for
this purpose, and doubtless will do
so without delay, just as soon as the
formal report is made. In addition
the city contemplates extending the
drainage ditch up the avenue to such
a point as will certainly insure pro
tection against floods. Mr. Darrow
also took occasion to look into a pro
posed gravel pit south of the Bhops,
and there is a possibility that one
may be opened there. If this is done
this will give employment to a large
number of men for some time, and
will make a handsome Increase in the
company's pay roll at this place. It
is believed that work on the propos
ed sewer will commence soon, and
that it will be hurried to completion.
Judge Archer Kntertnlns Relatives.
Judge and Mrs. M. Archer are en
Joying a visit from George S. McNur
lin, wife and son, formerly of Havo
lock. Mr. McNurlln is a Bon-ln-law
of Judge Archer's and has been a
resident of Haveiock for twenty years
past, only recently selling out there
and taking up a homestead in Mor
rill county, along side that of Will
Archer, who has been farming there
for several years. Mr. Archer has
been very prosperous and raised ex
cellent crops on his farm. . Mr. Mc-
Nurlln concluded to follow his ex
ample and secure some of his pros
perity. They will be Judge Archer's
guests for several days before leaving
for their home.
Delegates Elected.
The following persons have been
elected as delegates from the Meth
odist Sunday school to the county
Sunday school convention at Elm-
wood, Tuesday and Wednesday of
this week: R. H. Elliott, George
Hall, Lillian Thompson, Alice Tuey,
Margaret Mapes, Mrs. Klldow, T. W.
Glenn, Maiden Brown, W. L. Austin,
Clara Austin, Mrs. Howland, Mm
Wade Windham, C. C. Wescott. The
delegation expects to leave tomorrow
morning on the 9:45 M. P. train,
making close connection at Union,
reaching Elm wood by 11 o'clock
Others who are going should aim to
go on this train. A good time Is
promised. ,
In County Court.
In county court today Judge Bee-
soon heard several small matters, In
cluding the final settlement of tho
August Stohlman estate. The ac
counts of the administrator were ex
amined and approved and the bonds
men released from any further lia
bility on the bond.
In the matter of tho estate of
Lewis Gustln, who died in 1888, an
administrator was appointed, Hiram
Kuntz of Elmwood being designated
In that capacity and accepting the
post. The estate will bo closed up to
convey title to some real estate in the
west part of the county. No marriage
licenses were issued this morning.
Benefit Dnnco a 8uccc.hh.
The boneflt dance given last Satur
day at Coatcs' hall for the M. W. A
band was the largest attended In the
city for a long time, and a superb
time was had. The music for the
dance was given by the Plattsmouth
orchestra, composed of membors of
the band, and It was as good as could
be obtained anywhere. A great many
couples enjoyed the pleasant hours,
and the outcome was voted a big sue
cess. The band boys will clear quite
a neat sum from the entertainment.
They will probably give other dances
during the winter.
George Reihart and Aug. Ossen
kop of Louisville and Charles Rei
hart of near Cullum were Sunday
visitors In Plattsmouth.
Brand New Boiler.
Superintendent F. V. Weber of tho
Plultsmouth Water company today
commenced the installation tf a
brand new boiler at the water plant,
the sanio having just been received.
This will take some little time and
considerable labor, but it was badly
needed. This is tho commencement
of a series of improvements which
tho water company will make and in
volves the expenditure of a good sum
of money In the city and locality.
hi iii us
Ex-ConvictCof Nebraska
Could NotOResist
After spending several years Jn
the penitentiary at Lincoln for burg
lary, and just securing his freedom,
an ex-convlct could not resist the
temptation to commit another crime,
and is now In the county Jail wait
ing the operation of the law and pre
pared to accept another sentence in
the penitentiary. This man wbh
brought down from Lincoln, where
he had been taken into custody by
the officers by Missouri Pacific Spe
cial Officer MacLaren and turned
over to Sheriff Quinton this morning.
Some ten days ago a car was
broken into at Union and two pairs
of Rhoes taken. Special officers de
tailed to look into the case fastened
the crime upon the man now under
arrest, and word went out to take
him Into custody, he being located at
Lincoln. The officers at that point
placed him under arrest, largely upon
suspicion and Judging by his past ree-
ord. Special Agent MacLaren was
notified and he had no trouble In
Identifying the prisoner as the man
he wanted. In addition to this a
confession was made by the prisoner,
who expressed his desire to plead
guilty and commence the service cf
his sentence.
Owing to the absence of the county
attorney, who is at Avoca investigat
ing the Martin shooting, the necesr
sary complaint cannot be filed until
tomorrow, when a complaint will
likely be made and the prisoner ar
raigned. A plea of guilty will carry
with It a penitentiary sentence, ami
this the prisoner will doubtless com
mence to serve at once.
It Is stated that the name of the
ex-convict la Robinson, and that he
Is an old offender.
Kicked in Kje by Colt.
George Stones and wife from be
tween Murray and Mynard came 1n
this morning and were passengers for
Omaha, where their six-year-old son
hns been spending several dnys In a
hospital, being treated for a badly
cut eye. The little fellow some ten
days ago was playing near the barn
with some companions and ran be
hind a colt just ns one of the other
children struck the animal with a
cob. The animal jumped and kicked
nnd Just renched the lad with his foot
catching him Just above tho left eye
and inflicting nn ugly gash. Surgi
cal aid was had at once and the
wound sewed up. Owing to the posi
tion of tho wound it was hard to
keep it sewed together and it had
become opened nnd irritated. In
order to prevent serious consequences
It was thought best to take the little
fellow to the hospital for treatment
and it is thought a few days should
fix him all right. He was taken up
Saturday and will probably bo
brought back this evening.
Finished Copy for Docket.
Clerk Robertson of tho district
court has finished the copy for the
docket for the next term of district
court, which convenes on November
8. The first week will be devoted to
equity business and the jury will re
port for service on the 15th. The
docket is light, there being at pres
ent but thirty-three cases, compris
ing six law, twenty-five equity and
two criminal cases for trial. It Is
probable that there will be several
additional cases filed before the
docket Is printed, but in any event
there is small liklihood of the total
being more than thirty-six or thlrjy
clght. The criminal docket Is uulto
light, and In marked contrast to that
of the past several terms.
A. J. Leplnsky, sales agent for the
Blatz Brewing company, came dowu
from Omaha this afternoon on No.
92 to look after business matters In
connection with his brewery business.