The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 21, 1909, Image 7

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    TCue A7ca apgiirlmeo ATI
,1 i II ill n
Newt Item Gathered Each' Week by a Special Reporter for Thlt Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
-Fine candies at Copes'.
.E. E. Odell was in town Tuesday.
'"The farmers have begun husking
A brass band is being organized in
Henry Hillman was up from Berlin
Sunday. . .
Orville Ogden. held a public sale
Henry Wulf was at Omaha Wed
nesday with cattle.
Edward Hensley was here from
Berlin Wednesday.
Miss Nancy Fleishman is visiting
relatives in Missouri.
Ben Mohr was transacting busi
ness at Omaha Tuesday.
Sheriff Qulnton was over from
Plattsmouth Friday evening.
A large line of postcards and al
bums at Copes' drug store.
Mrs. J. W. Brendel Is spending the
week with Lincoln friends.
George Cotton was up from Au
burn several days this week.
Henry Maseman waa transacting
business at Omaha Wednesday.
Clarence Tefft and family were
here from Weeping Water Sunday.
Msr.' Henry Abker was here from
Berlin Saturday visiting with relatives.
Louis Carsten is attending the I. O.
O. F. grand lodge at Lincoln this
H. G. , Wellensiek was a business
visitor near Syracuse Wednesday
Mrs. F. W. Ruhge and daughters,
Sophia and Louise, were Omaha visi
tors Thursday.
William Gillin and Miss Louise
Ruhge attended the football game at
Omaha Saturday.
Mrs. M. D. Marquardt and daugh
ter Selma were visiting Lincoln
friends this week.
George Braezele, who is proprietor
of the Berlin hotel, was a visitor in
our city Saturday.
Jeff Welther aid foroe are paint
ing the large new banot Vilas Shel
don, north of town'-
Miss Virgia Ethiidge of Cook, vis
ited at the home of Ora E. Copes sev
eral days this week.
A box social will be held at the
town hall, by the school on October
21. Prepare to attend. .,"'.'
Isaac Ellsworth moved his house
hold effects and family to Auburn
this week, where they will reside.
John Neumeister and mother re
turned Friday evening from a visit
with relatives in western Nebraska.
Orlando Tefft was at Lincoln this
week looking after business matters
and attending the Odd Fellows' grand
lodge. , , . , ' .
Miss Stella Opp, who is teaching
school at . Papillion, spent several
days last week with her parents in
Avoca. '.
Ralph and Lloyd Graham were at
Omaha Saturday attending the foot
ball game between Nebraska . and
Minnesota.' -
W. A. Hollenberger and family,
formerly residents of Avoca, have
moved to Canada, where they will
reside in the future.
Chicken thieves got busy at E.
Nutzman's, south of town, one night
last week and relieved him of several
hundred chickens.
John Benecke and Mrs. Albert Ben-
ecke were at Omaha Wednesday to
see Albert, who was operated 'on at
one of the hospitals last week.
School Notes.
The number of the pupils of the
high school and intermediate room
J A Pleasant Social Even.
One of the most pleasant social
events which has taken place in the
city for sometime past was a delight
ful birthday party tendered Mrs. Jos.
W. Peters at her charming home
on Granite street, yesterday after
noon. Quite unexpectedly, a num
ber of Mrs. Peters' good friends came
in on her, taking her completely un
awares and treating her to a genuine
surprise. The party came prepared
to spend a pleasant afternoon and
The Bank Duiiding Practically
Wrecked, Dut the oncy in
V Vault Undisturbed.
For the third successive time in
had been thoughtful enough to be several years an attempt was made
well provided with the essentials of last night to burglarize the Manley
a splendid lunch which was partaken bank, and a desperate effort to get
of later In the day. into the vault and secure the coin
t While greatly surprised and some- known to be there was made. The
what embarressed by the unexpect- attempt was made some time during
ed call, Mrs. Peters promptly made the night between the hours of 12
her welcome guests at home and the and 3 o'clock, ThomaB Keckler, the
afternoon was most delightfully well known citizen of Manley hearing
spent, music, games and social con- the maurauders In their work. Mr.
versation In the handsome Peters Keckler did not realize . what the
dining room. The guests departed noise' was at the time and for that
for their homes in the early evening I reason he did not'' rafse an alarm,
after having wished Mrs. Peters the The burglars had effected an en-
recurrence of many more birthdays, .raiice to the bank building by pry-
the one which they observed being ng Up the' west window of the bank-
her thirty-sixth anniversary. The ;ng room! ' This building ' stands at
entire afternoon was one of unalloy- he extreme west end' of the village
ed pleasure for both Mrs. Peters and ind stands alone at some little dls-
her guests. ance removed from the other busl-
.'' Those attending were Mesdames ness buildings of the town, hence the
Matt Joy, Charles Bell, Sol.-Adam- burglars worked in comparative Be
son, George Born, B. G. Wurl, J. W. curlty from apprehension. " .'
Bookmeyer, John Busch and Ward The effect of their wbrk was not
Clark. , discovered until this mornine when
Cashier Rau went to open up for
Stomach troubles would more luslness. It was found that after
quickly if the Idea " of treating entering the room by the west wln-
the cause, rather than the effect, dow the burglars had, immediate'
have been decreased somewhat by the would come Into practice. A tiny, attacked the heavy steel vault, using
sudden departure of three of the du- Inside, hiddon nerve, says Dr. Shoop, dynamite or nltro-glycerlne In blow
"I I. ! . I .
nils. Mary and Mable Stotler and Mar- governs and gives strength to the Ing down the doors. They used a
garet Ellsworth. They will make stomach. A branch also goes to
Auburn their future home. the Heart, and one to the Kidneys.
A box social will be given by the When these "Inside nerves" fail,
tenth and eleventh grades Thursday then the organs must falter. Dr.
evening, October 21, at the town hall. Shoop's Restorative Is directed speci
fically to these failing nerves. With
Monday, Tuesi:y and Wednesday at
the Burwood, for the Fire t
- Time in Omaha.
. . . ...... . i
in "Going Some," the comedy of
college and western life by Taul Arm
strong and Rex Beach, there occurs
u foot race between a varsity sprinter a swift-legged runner of the
plains. The authors in arranging
this for their final scene for the'r
comedy have evolved a most realis
tlc piece of stage busluess.
Practically the entire story hinges
on the race. J. Wallingford Speed,
an eastern college "head-yeller," as
he ia contemptuously referred to,
visits the Flying Heart ranch in New
Mexico and literally "stalls" every
body Into the belief that he Is a
champion sprinter, This he does to
earn the love of girl who is also
visiting the ranch,: For. many moons
tically uninjured. Paper money had thn eowbovs .have been: waiting for
been badly torn up by the force of gome on9 race, against the cook of
the explosive, however, and papers tne centipede ranch, - who by his
and books torn to shreds. Tom stated prowega nas W0B i frgm the Flying
that his Insurance policy covered the,Heart buncn not onjy their wages.
building that it will take quite a sum
to place It in repair. Nine holes had
been drilled Into the steel door of
the safe and nine shots fired, but
from inexperience or some other
cause none of the shots had proven
effective and the steel door was prac-
Everybody cordially invited.
t Special Correspondence.)
Henry Hardknock was doing busi
ness at Murdock on Thursday of last
Julius Shelkey and family of
South Dakota ' are visiting relatives
here for a few weeks.
Charles Jordan was at Greenwood
Friday of last week.
Charles- M. Jordan, Mfss Minnie
Bailey; 'Ellrfer Ktyv'er and Miss Cora
Stout attended the dance at Green
wood last Friday evening.
George Cook returned Saturday
fVom Beaver City, where he has been
visiting his brother.
Jake -Newland and family of Eagle
spent Sunday at the home of C. C.
Bucknell , . .
Judge Archer, Democratic candi
date for county judge; F. E. Schlater
for treasurer, and D. C. Morgan for
county clerk on the Democratic tick
et, were In town associating' with the
veters the latter part of last week.
John-Keefer and wife'of San Bar
nardlno, Cal.', who have been visiting
relatives and friends' for the past six
weeks, ' started home Sunday even
Mr. ana Mrs. jonn weickei re
turned from Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleman re
turned from Lincoln Monday after
noon. ' " ,''
Contractdr Pe'rVtiooiVwlll finish
grading: tie ' 8 witch extension Thurs
day In' the1 eastvpart"of the, Rock Is
land yards.-''' ; "il '"" '
Miss Orpha Mullen'returned to her
school idutiea at Murdock" Sunday.
Miss Marie Stroemer, Alfred Stroe
mer and Verl Llnch Sundayed at
Commissioner Jordan went to
Plattsmouth Monday.
County Judge A. J. Beeson, Sher
iff C. D. Qulnton, George Lushlnsky,
for county clerk; L. H. Daft, for reg
ister of deeds, and J. Gerry Stark, for
treasurer, all Republicans, were shy
ing around the city last week.
vast quantity of explosives in the
work and blew' the outer door into
smalF pieces. Papers and documents
of all kinds were scattered over the
bank floor a fid a scene of desolation
was what greeted the startled cash-
in 48 hours after starting the Re- er When he opened up. However,
istoratlve treatment patients say they the' inside door, or the one with the
realize a gain. Sold by all dealers. time lock guarding the money in the
vault, stood the strain and was not
Makliut an Energetic Canvass. wrecked, thus defeating the purpose
building, as well as the contents of
the safe and he does not lose a cent
by the affair.
Sheriff Qulnton will likely arrive
at the scene of the robbery some time
In the early part of the afternoon.
It is stated that the telephone op
erator was unable to locate htm this
morning' for a Ion time after, news
of the robbery was received, and It
was nearly 9 o'clock in the morning
before he could be found to- make a
report of the trouble to. Concluding
that the robbers had too big a start
to warrant any especial hurry to
catch them, : he tock ' the train
around by Union and Weeping Water
Instead of going directly to the scene
of the trouble.
Charles C. Parmele, In speaking
of the robbery this afternoon, said
that he believed It now to be the
work of some one working where
there was a quantity of dynamite
stored and where they, would be
handy to the bank. There are sev
eral such places within a compara
tively short distance of Manley, and
the theory is quite reasonable and
George P. Melslnger, the popular of the robbers.'
Democratic , candidate., for county The terrific force of tb,e explosion
Farms. '
A Few Bargains in Dundy Ceuntr
160-acre farm within one mile' of
good town; fine alfalfa land; $3,500,
one-half cash, balance 7 per cent.
Also three quarters.. of, Jand, further
cnmmtRHtnner. snent n f pw hniirn In badly bulged the east wart 'of the
Mrs. J. w. Manners has been sick the dty tMg morningi Mr jltjl8 building and will cause a loss In this
Inger has been making an energetic respect of many dollars. Evidently
rnnvnKB and thn inrilratlnna tnr hln the; force Of the explbbtve UBed WBS
Improving. Her son Charley and wife tr,mnhn t election r ereiw. He misdirected, as the 'same force which
of Plattsmouth came up Monday to k. ..iia-i - --' Lni;rfn
UT.V-1? hs5Pd -Wr.pon,, James U k66a officer and is a citizen with a opened the vauU if U' had been prop- from .town,, from. 12,600'-to :f 3.600.
iland wife of Havelock, . came .down , ' . , ,., t'- ; These will be ODen for a ahott time
Sunday, returning home Tuesday he wl t a tremendous vote in the 1 Evidently they 'had ' figured.: that only at these price. For furthdr In-
known for
nntee that
iu un cicv.icU. a iui u6o ic7 ""r ": " , "7r IN THE COUNTY COURT OP TlE
singer is a vote for one of Cass coun- another assault pn the inner dpqr, .... county op cass, Nebraska.
ty 8 Dest and ablest Citizens. uui maun bireeujr ueimriure. , ; jn me mailer or me l-aiaie or franK
. AWn na PrfhWep Rail TinA InvpH-JM. Bvoboda. Deceased. ..-.i '' 1
atm IM. Hrmfpir tinrt fnnnrt that nn mnHfiT had I. y v"" i
' . . - . . .. . . ; j:.... -ijtV Notice l Hereby given. . that .at , 8
ur. snoop s t;ouga Kemeay us cura- The Straub Brothers, with , their oeen laaen, ne ai once noua ner; U'clock a. m. on the 15th day of mo
tiye properties. Tickling or dry herd of Galloways are still winning iff .Qulnton in -wis city ana aiso vemiier. A. n. 1909. and at 8 o'clock 'd.
bronchial coughs : quickly and safely prizes at the different exhibits.' At ThomaB E. Parmele of Louisville, m. on the 7th day of May. a.' n. 1910,
vlnlrt tn thli hto-hlv efTootlva Pmiirh Uk imi.n' Pnvoi ' ntt nHnnnl owner fif hfe-'lrflrfill::' The hearings will be had upon all claims
j o J ' " o- . nuy..u .i. . -.. I. .1 !.. (!, ... .1,
medicine.. Dr.. Shoop assures moth- stock show they won 1st oh aged sheriff departed for : the Bcene'W.the fc ,u,,, ,.,
ers that they can with safety give bull, 2d on 2-year-old, 1st and. d on robbery on the M. P. train this morn-1 ciaims must be nied and claims not
. . . . I . . . - I i, L i ' . j .t. -.jL: .a Ttl;f u I i .a u.m . . - a. ti I J . '
to even very young uaoes. . xno duii caives,.ist on cows. ana. 1st on img i s;u, bj"'b oy wuy oi uuiuiuuieu wm uo ur m sum iimn,
Ed. Stroemer drove In from
Barneston the latter part of last
The wholesome, harmless green
leaves and tender stems of a lung
healing mountainous shrub, give, to
ei a tremenaou8 vote in we m mcnuj, ur unu usuicu. iuui - F"-r i......,
where he has been 'so well t'he;noise of 'the' ' explos(onAvould formation write J. G. Clans..' PMfaM
ir so long a time, Is a guar- arouse the town arid , had. fled 4n- mouth, Neb. . .. " .
it he-is the man who ought continently after' the heavy.!, blast, , ... - , '. -i ' lr. '
champion, cow,- champion and IWeeplng Water,' ahd will arrive
ad champion' bull and' 1st on at tljfl Bcene abbuty nooii, br laten
opium, no chloroform absolutely I heifer;
nothing harsh or harmful. It calms I bill, grand
the distressing- cough, and heals the exhibition herd. .. .. Meantime the robbers will have se-
sensitive membranes... Accept nol At the Missouri, state fair last cured a long start from capture.
other. Demind Dr. Shoop's. Sold week they won every first prize In A telephone message this morning
By the Court:
(Seal.) .. .,.
County Judge.
Byron Clark and W. A. Robertson, At
torneys. .
but even their, talking machine..
When they learn that Speed can "go
pome" they ask him to race the coolr.
He accepts. This he does because
word has reached him that Culver
Covington, the real Yale ehnmplon,
is expected at the ranch. Speed
argues, to his trainer, who Is a most
humorous Broadway type, tran
planted In all of his Innocence to the
western life of the plains, that when
Covington, arrlvta he will plead sick
or Injured and withdraw. Of course,
Covington arrives, , but the authors
bring him In on crutches. The cow
boys have attached a penalty to
Speed's acceptance the penalty be
ing death not only fof him but his
trainer. How these two men pre con
stantly confronted with disaster of
one kind and another affords much
humorous by-play. The trainer, for
example, begins to "warm up" to a
Spanish scnorlta and Is repulsed by
a greaser at the point of a six shoot
er. How the authors manage t)
keep up this antagonism between
the character for the four acts, clear
ly shows the grasp they have on their
knowledge of play-writing.
Likewise, the Introduction of the
Fresno Nightingale,, who 1b a trlller
with weak plpfl, furnishes the means
of Injecting enough villainy Into the
piece to keep Speed and his trainer
constantly In hot water. Then, too,
In the types of, cowboys, which are
usually so trite on the stage, Mr.
Armstrong '1 ahd' Mr.' Bearh have
drawn at leasf'tottr' distinct and pal-,
pltatlng1' characters, all 'with n view to .
tho comedy, without1 once allowing
them to step beyond the picture. The
locals, or rather the atmosphere, is
excellently preserved,- -making "Go
ing Some" one of the most delightful
plain of the season. ? But to return
to' 'the story. .Without letting the
author's .''cat, out of the bag," al
though Covington' is unable to run.
this can In no wise affect. Speed, for
the reason that he Is under contract
with" a penalty of death; The race is
run by Speed and actually' won; his
reward, of course,' being' the girl.
The cast IS an' unusually cotnpeteiji
one and the play was' tooth' rehearsed
and staged by , tho a.utUurs, "Going
Some" will be sqen M' ithe Burwood
theater, Omaha, .pext.iMonday,' Tues
day and Wednesday, matinee. This is
the first tlmo j lt ,,ii(fl (appeared out
side of New A'prki city. . ,,
by all dealers.
$7.00 Per Barrel by Spring.
That apples will be 7 a barrel
wholesale in Omaha before spring, is
the prediction of Robert Trimble of
the Snyder-Trimble company, whole
sale frut dealers of Omaha.
class and groups, with one exception, from; John Tlghe, the Manley grain
including both grand champion bull dealer, states that opinion there is
and cow. Nebraska City News. divided as to whether the bandits en
tered the' town on the M. P., leaving
Notice. the same way, or whether they had
.The annual meeting of the Cass automobile in waiting and affected!
county Farmer's. Protective assocla-1 their Journey in that manner. So far
tion will be held at Louisville on I as he was able to learn at , the time
No New York apples will be ship- Saturday, Oct. 30th, at two o'clock he was talking,, which was early this
ped west this fall, he says, and the P- m- Ior ine Purpose or electing or- morning, no ciue naavoeen wuna io
supply in Colorado, Montana, Utah flcers for the ensuing year and tran- the culprits, nor was" there any rea-
and- California will soon be ex
Nebraska, Missouri and Iowa must
J. E. Parsell went to Lincoln Mon-PP'y the middle west, Mr. Trimble
says, ana me crop in mese siaies is
sacting such business as may come son t6 hazard a guess as to whether
before the meeting. - they came from Omaha or Lincoln.
J. G. MEISINGER. Sec. I Mr. Parmele, the owner of the bank,
was:on the ground, and stated that
day evening.
Ray Parsell came home to the par
ental abode last Wedneseday from
South Dakota.
J. E. Casey was transacting bust
ess in .Lincoln Tuesday, returning
kome Wedneseday.
The Stroemer Lumber and Grain
cempany shipped hogs and cattle to
South Omaha -markets Tuesday.
Mrs. A. I. Bird and children drove
te Waverly Saturday.
not heavy.
"The talk about' good apples go
Cass county ticket? You know who
ing to waste in Iowa and Nebraska tney are? - WelI there lg Andy Sny
Wa sh Your Face and Hand
A. d. s.
mmm- soap
Its Constant Use Tends
to Keep the Skin White
25c Cake
Why not pull off your coat and go the bank had suffered no' losa, qb it
work and boost for the native-born was ,n8ured against burglary and
that ' (he insurance company would
have the handling of the capture of I
A A 1 M A 1 I
orchards because there is no market k. . ..' ..." inB our8,a. we a-ioouug Vno
for them is all bosh" Savs Mr. Trim- uc" ' lul1' r,"UK Dtn'aier- loss, wnich la nominal.
ble. "It is true that many apples are u- u- uorg&n and Miss Mary E. Fob- varies u. rarmeiev or wis city,
in n rm,rt hut thpv bta ter. Our candidate for coiintv ludee who Is not himself interested, in the
wormy or bruised by the fall from M. Archer, is not a 'native-born, but b,nnk' TT? f mtb,D',a Ub
I . - I stance: that tho bank rarrlpn hurr-
We tree. I ho la nna nt Ilia nnrlv nlnno.n Alan I.
If Mr. Trimble's prediction proves! I . . l"a- "ry insurance and Coula not lose
ii;pfirir i'. MPiHinvor raninmia rnr .null, if ik nv,nm
true, there is at least one man In " n" w ' w uiHiv,iT..
Cass county who demonstrated good commissioner, has been a citizen of beeri' successful; ' Mr. Partnelb is of
Judgment by storing his entire ap- Cass county many years, and entitles the opinion that the robbery was done
pie crop. And that is our old friend, him to be rated as one of the early
u uu " "" settlers. Then there is Fred Patter- In(o th.l ,innk , ,hB Tinst hJ
building especially for this purpose. , , into that bank In the past, and he
iur Burveyor, anu fj. uamour, inclines to tne bener mat tney came
from Omaha, or some other city on
the M. P. late train. The Isolated po
sltlon of Manley, In his opinion,
makes It a particularly attractive
spot for robbers.
Charles C. Pnrmele received a tele
phone meHHtiKo from his , brother,
Thomas E., at Manley, slating that
the bank building won practically
totally wrecked by tho burglars. They
had used a tremendous nmount of
some explosive, cither iiltro-filycerine
or dynumlto, and had so damaged the
torn Sbdtoiri&:ziuitrffcv
akJv- "I
To quickly check a cold, druggists
are dispensing everywhere, a clever
Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Pre
ventlcs. Take rrevcntlcs at the
sneeze stage, to head off nil colds,
liox of 48 2."c. All dealers.
for coroner, who have been citizens
of Cbhs county for ninny years. All
of them should be elected, and will
be if the voters do their duty.
15. B. Danlher, the popular fanner
from the near Murray, was In tho
city today, driving in to attend to
brrtness matters.
To quickly chock a cold, druggists
are dispensing everywhere, a clever
Candy Cold Cure Tablet called I're
ventlcs. Preventlcs are nlno fine for
feverish children. Take Preventlcs
nt the sneeze stiiRo, to head off nil
colds. Box of 4 7 2:.c. All dealprs.
Add dignity, independence, safety to yourself
and tothoc who depend on you. Get out of that
rut of living beyond your income. Saving money
acts on the mind like exercise acts onthc muscles.
It sends new ideas through the brain. Start that
savings account now.
Wc will pay you 3 per cent interest on the
money you put in our bank and compound the
interest every 12 months.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska