Murray Bepafimemt rUia'AKED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE OK MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY FOR THE JOURNAL READEBS. 1 If initt ! the readers of tht JounuU ktme of o aortal enl or an item of interest in this vicinity and kM mati tame to this office it vntt appear under this heading WtvMut all items of iiUerest. Edittrr JirurnaL t 0 DC DC This Dank Docs tha Uan with rfnr U the Bookkeeping for a Check Account. E desire 'that depositors 'bring Iheif 'pass books to bank at least once 4 month to have them' balanced.' We en ter all checks Issued, on the page opposite your deposit add both pages and' carry your balance forWard.' " ' ! 1 ' i OUR bookkeeping for deposi. tors is neat y done. Any points not clear to the custc : mer will be cheerfully explain ed. We invite you to open an account, with us, assuring that even though your deposit 1b small, receives our attention. A check account will serve your needs TRY IT! Murray State Bank MURRAY, NEBRASKA VERY DISTRESS ING ACCIDENT Commissioner's Proceedings Mrs. Hunter, of Rear Murray, Dan gerously Wounded by Accidental Shooting. ' 1 A distressing and possibly fatal accident occurred near midnight last night at the home of Alex Hunter, near Murray. The victim of the ac cident was airs. Hunter, who was dangerously and .probably fatally wounded by the accidentaly discharge 22 calibre rifle. The Huitfers, of a who live on' then Mrs. Gertrude M, A cz 3C DC n Mrs. William .Brown was an Om aha, visitor Monday. .... . Mr. and Mrs. 8. 0. Pitman spent Sunday with the family of John Urish. Mr. and Mrs. 0. 8. Davis spent Sunday with Mr. Uavla' father, John A. Davis. Guy Stokes and his mother, Mrs. Adda Stokes, were " Omaha visitors Holiday. ' '" '. George S. Hay .was a county seat visitor Tuesday, looking after some business matters.,, Dr.. G. II. GIlmore'wnH called out f town on professional business a t: umber of days this week. Our good old friend, James Wal ker, Is numbered with the sick. ' We l'opn that his Illness is not serious. The new Bteol rails being. put down by the' Missouri, sPaplflc baa almost reached Murray, and several board lag cars are sidetracked here. II. Gllmore, Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mrs. James Loughrldge, Mrs. Lloyd Gap pen, Misses Margie Walker and Pauline Oldham. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter of Mur ray were the recipients of a visit last Friday night from the Btork, who left with them a fine baby girl. Both mother and daughter are reported as doing famously, and the father is getting along just as well as could possibly be expected. The happy par ents have been congratulated upon all sides upon the addition of this fine young lady to their family. , Wiley farm, were, preparing for bed Mr. Hunter jetjrlngj and the. wife Jvst geuing reaa to at aoput 11:30 The rifle, which is kept In the house as a protection. against burglars, was leaning against the foot of the bed, and Mrs. Hunter, attempted to move it to the head of the bed when it was in some manner discharged, the bul let taking effect and entering the body of the unfortunate woman be tween the eighth and ninth ribs and ranging downward Into the abdomen Mr. Hunter was roused by the shot and the fall of his wife and leaped from the bed, picking the lady up and placing her on the bed. He then sent a hurried call to Dr. J. F. Brendel of Murray, who responded, at once. He found Mrs. Hunter. on the bed and made a hasty examination of the wound, discovering that It was a. very dangerous one. Arrangements were made at once .to .'bring her to this city for examination by Dr. T. . P, Livingston,, and. thlV, was done this morning as Boon as, a stretcher could be procured and the . woman made or ., travel. , . She, was II. V. Ariaimt, Lecturer. The next number of the Murray lecture course will be II. V. Adams, who Is one of the finest lecturers ex tant.' The following is sufficient to convince the patrons of that fact: Des Moines, la., I. am very jealous for the reputa tlon of the platform and all who oc cupy It, especially the lecturer. Be- Mrs. Addle Stokes Is quite sick at cnu8e ' this I am delighted that II. present, but lier man friends hope V. Adams has decided - to give-his i j will be able to resume nor uuties "i"i,uui yuem vi imaa sua nt-ari to the platform. I have known him for many years and the years of ac at the office in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis of Call (fornia, arrived yesterday and will be lie guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Davis. Mrs. Davis. Is better known 1- this locality as Inez Heaser. The Sunshine band of the Chris tian church will give a "red .hot" so cial at, the homo of F. M. Young, Sr., Saturday, October' 30, 190$. Supper 15 cepts. Good time for all. Come. Don Hhoden returned from Fre mont uesedny, where he had been t ) see bis brother, Dr. Hhoden, whose life has been despaired of for several weeks. Dr. Hhoden Is well known In this community, where he was reared to manhood, and- -all ? hope he will speedily recover. The Castle Square.'1 entertainers juve a splendid program In the Pres byterian church Saturday night. The church was crowded and all declared It tho best entertainment we have bad herej This company is one, If not the best, on the road, and if they turn to our town they will cer tainly be greeted with another full . 'Is!". bouse. Mrs. Dave Lloyd was taken to Om aha this week to be re-operated upon. It will be remembered; Chat a portion cf the bone br one of her lower limbs bothered her some tlm since and she was operated upon and a portion of the affected bono was removed. Mrs. Lloyd has suffered a great deal from the affected bone. II. V. Adams, lecturer, will be the uext number of the entertainment courso at the Christian church, Wed nesday, November 3. Mr., Adams is called "A man wjth a subject; a man with an object; a man with a mes sage." Ills lectures ' are enlivened with a fine vein of fresh wit and hu mor. Bo sure to hear him. The C. L. S. C. class has been formed for the coming winter. Their course will Include "The Greek View of Life," by G. Lowes Dickinson; "The Homeric Stories Iliad and Odyssey;" "Social Life at Rome," by William Ward Fowler; "Tho Friend ly Stars," by Martha Evans Martin, and "Woman in tho Progress of Civ ilization," by Georgo Willis Cook. Tho class consists of tho following members: Mrs. J. A. Walker, Mrs, G qualntance have ripened into a real brotherhood. All classes will be in spired by his manly presence, clean life, scholarly attainments and elo quent and practical lectures. I know of no man who, In my judgment, will do all the people who hear him great er good than Mr. Adams. I am san guine and enthusiastic for bis fu mre as a piauorm power, ir a com mitteeman should ask me to name a man who would please all, entertain all and edify all and one who would leave the whole community admiring a manly man and saying nothing but good words for the Lyceum move ment, I would say get II. V. Adams, I will class him as the "all-round man." , am fully conscious that the above are strong words, but ten years of acquaintance explain why I use them and go thus on record. Very cordially, . L. B. WICKERSHAM. Penny Social. The Royal Neighbor ladles of Mur ray will give a penny social at the MW.'fl. hall on Saturday evening October 23, to which all are invited to attend. Come and bring your pen' nles and enjoy a good social time Remember the date Saturday. Oc tober 23. ' easy enou conscious, and. .'stated!, that' the acci dent took place just as outlined above. The rl.fle. wlh. which the wound was a, .22 .jalibre ,Hopklns & Allen gun. ; .,' , .; An examination made by.Drs. Liv ingston and Brende) as soon as Mrs Hunter had reached here resulted in a determination to take her to a ioT; pita In Omaha, where an operation, for the recovery of the bullet could be made and where better care could be giver her. This was done this aft ernoon, the lady being taken on a stretcher to that city at 1:68. Mrs. Hunter is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Helner of this city, and they were notified of. her misfor tune within, a very few moments after it happened, hurrying to her bedside at once. They also accom panied her to, Omaha this afternoon. 6.24 47.25 37.00 11.60 19.95 1 R 9S T7TT "tt . Automobile Supplies. We have on hand gasoline, cy Under oil, transmission and . differ ential, and cup grease, brass polish, carbide body polish, fine patches and cement. And we , can .get you, on. short notice, and at the right prices, anything that goes to make an auto mobile, from,, a collar pin to a com plete auto. . , . , We solicit your patronage on any of these accessories. .. t ' . HOLMES &) SMITH. . Mrtu Julius Engelkcmeler of near Murray Is reported as being seriously ill. Her. many -'friends In that' com munity extend their best 'wishes' for her speedy 'recovery,' and trust the Illness will not'be'of long duration. Plattsmouth, Neb.. Oct. 19, 1909. Board of county commissioners met In regular session with all mem bers present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved, where upon the following business was transacted In regular form: The following claims weer allowed on the general fund: P. Ralney livery $ 6.00 W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., sup plies . . A. U. Morse & Co., mdse... H. G ruber, livery C. L. Stull, steer killed on county bridge H. M. Soennlchsen, mdse to poor , 22.15 Stone Mercantile Co., mdse to poor Hammond & Stephens, sup plies L. D. Switzer, salary and ex penses Geo. Sheesley, livery M. L. ' Frledrlch, salary and expenses 19.30 C. R. Jordan, same 23.00 Klopp & Bartlett, supplies.. 173.15 C. B. Nagelman, salary phy sician Dlst. No. .4. . 10.00 Harry Johnson, labor at court house 6.66 C. D. Qulnton, salary and boarding county prisoners. 262.55 Same, city prisoners 16.90 C. II. Smith, postal supplies. , 36.86 B. C. Marquardt, mdse to poor 11.20 W. C. Ramsey, expense acc. . 32.11 Claims allowed on the road fund: C, B. & Q. R. R., freight on culvert Wm. Ketch, road work R. D. No. 11 A. J. Box, same No. 14. ... . John Waterman, same No. 1 Same A. Sutton, same No. 16 Stroemer Lumber Co., lum ber R. D. No. 16 : 39.41 Henry Snoke, road work Dlst. No. 16 64.94 Chas. Sutton, same... 25.90 Geo. Hall, same Hans Kemp, same No. 1 . C. F. Vallery, same.... 128.00 A. N. Speer, lumber R. D. No. 8 86.00 J. II. Heneger, road work Dls No. 9 . . . 163.20 Plattsmouth City Treasurer, Bame No. 17 500.00 Wm. Stohlman, road work Dlst. No. 8 240.45 Geo. A. B. Hicks, same No. 2 14.56 Beach Mfg. Co., culvert R. D. No. 1 Same, No. 2 Geo. Horn, road work R. D. No. 2 Ben Beckman, same No. 10. . Edmunds -& Brown, lumber R. D. No. 10 Claims allowed on the bridge fund John Waterman, bridge lum ber 8.70 W. B. Banning, same 146.95 Stroemer Lumber Co., same.. 32.60 Jacob Opp, bridge work.... 100.00 Edmunds & Brown, bridge lumber 300.00 Claims allowed on the commission ers fund: W. C. Bartlett, road work R. D. No. 15 136.70 H. C. McMaken & Son, road work Dls. No. 17 15.75 ' C. D. Qulnton filed with the coun ty board a request that they check up nis books Immediately and the board refused to grant the. request until the last of the year, at whlqh time the board will check the books of all the. county officers, as the law provides. Coal to poor and to poor farm to C. W. Baylor. Coal to the court house to J. V. Egenberger. No further business meeting ad journed to meet November 4, 1909. i In the matter of the organization of Liberty drainage district, order lor an election was Issued. Sheriff filed his quarterly reports for second and third quarters of 1909 and same were approved. ' W. E. ROSENCRANS, ' ' County Clerk. YouVe going to buy a suit this Fall. If you're as wise as you think you are, it will be a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. Yqu can't buy better clothes, be cause they're not made. You'll get none but all-wool fabrics produced by the greatest style makers in the country. Double guaranteed-first by the makers, then by us. We want you to see our extreme ly large assortment of these good clothes. ' The new rough weaves in grays, greens and blues are swell. The prices on these good clothes 01 8 to 030 We have other guaranteed values 01 0 to 01 6.50 I 1 12.00 JS-' , I I fe,' 5.00 I IV-f I 12.50 B ' fclfer . mm x. m 't i n a i m m Cprrif ht 1909 by Hart Scbiffrm Ic Marl Mil The Jlontt of llart, Shaffner & Marx Clothes Manhattan Shirts Stetson Mats I Adler Gloves and Mittens. Lined and unlined, All sizes. Mentor & Cooper Union Suits $1.00 to $3.60 MYXAK1). 9.00 69.00 , 99.88 40.24 2.15 213.79 92.69 For Rale I - Good, gentle family horse, good harness 'ahd buggy in fair condition, but has been In use some time. Ffly-ttve-dollars will take the whole outfit. v'Address . or cnll on W. A. Scott, M. P. Agent, Murray, Neb. ' Farm for Kale. A 102-acre farm for sale; good Improvements; seven miles south of Plattsmouth and four miles north east of Murray. W. II. RAKES. Plattsmouth, Neb., R. F. D. No. 1. Horses for Sale. I have Just unloaded twenty-four head of large western horses which I am offering for sale at my farm, seven miles south of Plattsmouth. Perry Marsh. Shorthorns for Bate. Three good registered Shorthorn ycarMng bulls for sale. Also good fresh milk cows. Mark White. Timothy Todd. ','' .M seed 'for I,'.,. ..I. T . sale.'; II, ' G. EVx5Sevvva owWxc )0ycs; ccokvs& fto sy scm cjjccuo ; QSSS8 0VGVl0VCW0Tn To 0es bcwcJveixoX ejfccte,awas Vrojj & CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOLO BY LEADING DRUGGISTS SO'ABOTT-! , 1 ; Old Folks F.njoy Visits; Our old friend, Conrad Schlater, was a visitor this morning at the Ma sonic home, where he has so many old friends, and while there he re galed them with many pieces , of music, which they much appreciated. They stated to him that they dearly loved to have their friends call, and especially those of a musical ten dency, as It greatly aided them In passing the lonesome hours. When their visitors were few and far be tween it seemed that they were for gotten, and they were lonely. They hoped that their many good friends would appreciate their state and favor them with calU as frequently as they might spare the time. Mr. Schlater attends the home as regu larly aa his health will permit and greatly enjoys his visits to these good people. T. J. Rhodon of Waukeeney, Kas., Is in the city today, having come up from his home for medical attention. Whllo here Mr. Rhodon made the Journal a pleasant call and one much appreciated. Miss Mary I'ropst lu a visitor In Omaha, going to that city this morn ing on tho early train. Mrs. William Stokes was visiting friends In Murray, Sunday. Roy Cole was a passenger for Lin coln Wednesday. A. J. Snyder and wife visited rela tives In Plattsmouth Sunday. G. W. Snyder attended the cattle sale In Omaha Wednesday, purchas ing a car. Mrs. Frank Trooper and children of Elmwood, Neb., who have been visiting with D. J. Lairs, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. A. A. Wetenkamp spent a few days in Omaha this week with her son Arthur, who is taking treatment of Dr. Glfford. Miss Carrie Newcomer returned to her home at York, Neb., after a few days' visit at Robert Propst's. . Mrs. Alice White of Plattsmouth Is .visiting at A. J. Snyder's this week. Will Newcomer and Miss Ella An dreeson of York, Neb.,' was visiting Mynard friends Sunday. A. S. Wills has shipped four cars of cattle In from the west to feed for the winter. We Learn by Mistakes. Whenever in your life you make a mistake, it should teach you a les son. There Is no -master who never made a mistake, and we should profit by mistakes of others. Most com monly errors against health are com mitted; we know well what we should avoid, but often neglect so to do. If such errors become a habit with you, you should know how to correct them. In diseases of the stomach, due to excesses and errors in the diet, Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine will be found excellent, because it brings the overworked organs to their normal activity. It will streng then the stomach and the bowels, I purify the blood, give you a good ap ! petite and a restful . sleep.. Use it when you need strength, when you feel lndlsposd. At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333-1339 South - Ashland' avenue, Chicago, III, Will Go to Old Mexico. Mrs. W. L. Mellinger, formerly Miss Grace McDonald, and her Bmall son, were passengers through this city this morning from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Ira McDonald, at Murray, for a visit at Gravity, la., with relatives for some time. Mrs. Mellinger will later Join her husband at Monterey, Mexico, where he Is su perintendent of the mission schools there. She has been waiting until health conditions had Improved there, having been the victim of a great flood last summer. John Nemetz. who has been spend ing several days In Omaha returned home, this morning. Fine Apples.,... Miles Standlsh, the solid farmer from Rock Bluffs precinct, was in the city yesterday, driving up from his home near Murray with a flae ' load of apples which he had bo trouble in disposing of. Miles is strongly of the opinion that apples will bring a fancy price by next spring and that the fruit raisers who disposed of all their stock will regTet it. He has not disposed of all lis stock but will carry some over for the spring market. His many good friends will be glad to know that he has been enjoying good health and has had a prosperous year. A. Walker, formerly of the Majestic theater, was a passenger this morn ing for Omaha, accompanying Prof. Austin to complete arrangements for taking over the theater, T1Mr. Walker expects to open "a picture fcshQW; in Kansas City in' .'''fewdayshayag.. secured a location In that city. ; ,, . (QyLDY NOT NAME SELLS JHRI SOW'S CHOCOLATES THEY'RE SO GOOD YOU KNOW H The Red Gross Drug Store .. .,r- . r- . Mar-iwM w r- W W l aW