The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 14, 1909, Image 1

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    Statfl Hlitoricj soe.
NO 76
General De Wall, Former Sec
retary of State of the Trans
vaal Speaks at St. Paul'
Church Sunday
General Epke Rolf De Wall, M. D.,
Ph. D. and D. D., nephew of Paul
Kruger, president of the Transvall
republic, and himself secretary of
state of that republic, and comman
der of the MIddleoerg brigade during
the war with England attended the
installation exercises of Rev. Steger of
St. Paul's Evangelical church yes
terday, and delivered an address In
the evening to a good sized audience
and he was listened to with great in
terest. He was quite a distinguished
visitor, and since coming to America
after the Boer war he has resided
most of the time in Texas.
General De Wall, a true patriot,
sacrificed his all for bis country his
four sons, his wife and two daugh
ters, his home and property valued
at $900,000, his country Itself, for
he was banished. But still he- Is
filled with a great love of his coun
try, would go there if he could, would
gladly sacrifice more to aid his coun
trymen securing freedom.
"Their dream," he says, "is to have
a great United States, embracing all
oi soutnern Amca, and I reel sure
that It will come in time. Other na
tions are losing the respect for Eng
land that they once had. In a few
years she is apt to have a war with
Germany; she is bound to have
trouble in India, and so I believe that
the republic in southern Africa will
surely exist. The people have not
to the field of battle and sacrificed
everything except his life, his honor
and his patriotic bravery on the altar
of his country.
He tells of the cause of the war,
saying that It was religious, and for
civil liberty on the part of the Boers
and commercial on the part of the
British, who wanted the land and
the diamond mines.
General De Wall was wounded four
times during the war, the last time
dangerously, and it was at this time,
after the fierce battle of February 28,
1902, that he was compelled to sur
render. Three of his were killed in
one battle and his fourth son was
killed two days later. His wife and
two daughters were taken to one of
the British concentration camps,
where the families of the Boers were
herded after the home and been
burned to the ground. Here with
the cruel treatment afforded them,
all three were taken sick, disease
spreading throughout the camp and
all three died.
General De Wall tells one funny
story of the war. One of his small
companies captured 600 British sol
diers seven miles from Pretoria,
There would be some difficulty get
ting all of the British soldiers back
with the small force that he had. He
suggested that the English soldiers
be lined up, forbidden to communi
cate with each other and if any of
them did or attempted to escape that
they be shot. But an Irishman,
yet recovered from the war and never O'Neill, nephew of the then chief of
will while under England's yoke. Be-'police of Chicago, and a member of
cause of the cruelty of the English the Irish brigade which fought for
la the war, as well as all of the rea- the Boers, suggested a different plan,
eons which brought the war about, He went among the British Boldlers
the Boers are more bitter than ever and then lined them up for the gen
agalnset England." eral to Inspect. The Irishman had
Only last Christmas General De cut the suspender button off of the
Wall went back to his fatherland, j trousers of every soldier, so that
hoping that he would be forgotten, or they stood clutching their trousers
that they would no longer keep him with both hands. This way they
out, but they would not even let , marched Into camp,
him land In South Africa. He has Though born In the Transvall coun
travelcd considerably in this coun-!try, General De Wall studied In Eu
try, making his home In Texas, in: rope, graduating in theology at Lln
the oBer colony there, coming from; den, in medicine at Heldelburg and
Deputy Fire Commissioner- Johnson
Cautions Dealers and Consumers
A. V. Johnson, chief deputy fire
commissioner, has issued a bulletin
dealing with gasoline in which he
recommends that fire department
chiefs and village authorities be re
quired to make investigations with
reference to merchants who over
stock their cellars 'or warehouses
with gasoline.
The bulletin also recommends that
where merchants carry large stocks
of gasoline they Bhould be required
to store them in a pit or cave at a
distance from buildings and out
houses, piping the same to their store
Chief Deputy Johnson gives the
following advice to people who use
"The gasoline stove is very use
ful, but it may be a death dealing
monster. Every one who uses a gaso
line stove should see to it that it is
kept thoroughly clean and free from
rust. If care is exercised In using
this stove while filling it and in clos
ing the valves it may be operated
with safety.
"Burning gasoline may be extin
guished by smothering with wet rags,
flour, sand or ashes if the amount of
fluid is small. Throwing water only
spreads the blazing stuff."
.Here are some of the hints sug
gested In the bulletin:
Reservoirs of gasoline stoves
should be outside of the buildings.
Reservoirs should not be complete
ly filled.
Be sure to close every burner
tightly when not in use.
;The opening through which the
tank is filled should be kept tightly
closed at all times.
Watch your reservoirs and "burn
ers for leaks.
Gasoline is more dangerous than
powder. Therefore, all cans should
bs kept tightly closed.
The bulletin states that during
the year of 1908 one person in every
44,000 in the United States was
burned to death by gasoline explos
ions, most of the victims being
women and children.
Revival Meeting Closes.
The tent meeting held by the '
Christian church closed last night,
after a successful campaign of three
weeks. There were 109 accessions
to the church, and doubtless much
good In addition was done. Evangllst
Wllhite was at his best last night,
and put everyone In a good humor
with Lis witlcisms. He departed
for Pittsburg on the midnight M. P.
train via Kansas City. He was ac
companied by B. A. McElwaln, who
will visit his brother for a few days.
Rev. Wilhlte's time is taken up
until 1911, the dates and places of
holding meetings being fixed in ad
vance. On his return from Pittsburg he
will go to Chillcothe, Mo., where he
will begin a Beries of meetings and
from that place he goes to Wyoming.
Reports of Polico Judge Archer
and Other City Officials
Advertised Letter List.
The following letters remain In
the Plattsmouth postofflce uncalled
for this 11th day of October, 1909,
and unless called for within a rea
sonable length of time they will be
sent to the dead letter office at Wash
ington. In calling for same please say
"advertised:" Miss Cordelia Deibel,
Miss Katherine Fair, Mrs. J. W. Mer
rill, Mrs. Pearl Ratle, Mrs. Scott
Rqss, R. D. Blunt, Hugo Berg, Arthur
C. j Campbell, G. A. Crisman, August
Cummins, R. Edwards, Biondl Ezze-
Undo, Otto Finder, F. C. Frlnk, C.
W Hlxon, Frank Kislik, Joe Lloyd,
A. Lee, Fred McDonald, Charlie
Morning, L. G. Satterlee, Amll 6111-
gef, Frank Sltzman, John Henry
Wagner, Fred L. Weir.
the West Indies and landing In Flor
ida in 1903.
The forefathers cf the general
were French Hugenots and driven
from their country they went to
South Africa in 1603. All of his an
cestors since that time have lived in
that country and become (wealthy
He was In the room when Paul
Kruger signed the declaration of war
after spending twenty-four hours in
prayer and calling upon God to wit
less that he was not to blame. He
pasted upon the document the Eng
lish version of the forty-sixth psalm.
This was after be had Issued an ulti
matum calling upon the English to
withdraw the troops.
Mr. De Wall was president of the
volksrath, or congress, chosen by the
people, and in that position was sec
retary of Btate. The chairman of the
eommlttees formed Mr. Kruger's cab
inet He had been pastor of the
largest Presbyterian churc la Pre
toria, but he went from the pulpit
taking his degree of D. D. at the Uni
versity of Baum. !
Now General De Wall stands a
man without country, or relatives.
The English welcome back to the
Transvaal the Boers, but not the
leaders. Past middle age. almost
penniless now where once he was
wealthy, with a past saddened by the
untimely death of all his family, with
little hope of life In his own country
again, in the future, one is Inspired
with pity for him when coming in
contact with him. 1
"I may go back to Europe again
to live," said the general, though
with no ties to draw him anywhere
except where he Is debarred, he did
not seem to be certain of what his
plans would be.
Democratic In the extreme, plain
ly, almost poorly dressed now, one
yet can see the power In his calm
face, which resembles In many ways
that of Paul Kruger, and the courage
which would Inspire him to sacrifice
so much for his country.
Bells Fine Farm.
Frank Young, residing two and
ne-half miles northeast of Murray,
Mld his farm of 120 acres last week,
the purchaser is an Iowa man, and
he paid $110 per acre for the land.
The farm was one William Young,
Frank's father, settled on In 1854,
and has been in the Young family
during the fifty-five years since. It
Is not known whether Mr. Young
ontemplates removing from Cass
ounty. He owns a fine farm in Wis
consin, but it is to be hoped this fam
ily will conclude to remain In old
MIhs Kittle Melslngor of Pekln,
111., arrived this morning and will
visit relatives in this locality for a
lime. She was accompanied by Miss
Viola Decker, who has been vlHltlng
relatives In Illinois for the past nine
IiltUe Hoy Die.
Little Willie, the 4-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crablll, died this
morning at 3 o'clock from the dread
disease, dlpptherla. The little boy and
his mother had been visiting rela
tives here, having come from their
home at Wakeny, Kas., some days
since. The father, W. E. Crablll, re
celved a wire this morning Inform
lng him of the sad event, and came
immediately to this city. The fu
neral occurred this afternoon from
the resldenco of Mrs. Howland, and
was private. The parents and rela
tives have the deepest sympathy of
the entire community In this time of
C. D. Clnpp of Elmwood was In
the rlty today on business supposed
to bo connected with the selection
of a successor to C. II. Smith In
the postofflce.
A Birthday Surprise.
A number of young ladles entered
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hatt, Jr., Friday evening and most
agreeably surprised Miss Ina -Hatt.
The occasion was In honor of her
birthday anniversary. After Miss Ina
had recovered from the shock the
young ladies indulged in various
games which occasioned much mer
rlment. During the evening light
refreshments were served. Miss Ina
was the recipient of many presents,
which will assist her in remembering
the iappy event. Those who par
ticipated in this most pleasant sur
prise was Misses Cecil Hawkenbary,
Hazel Tuey, Verna Hatt, Gertrude
Morgan, Mattle Larson, Elizabeth
Kerr, Anglo McCarroll.
Trial at Louisville.
Saturday afternoon a jury trial
was held In Justice court, In which
John Group was plaintiff and Bert
hilpot defendant. Monday evening an
automobile driven by Bert Phllpot
flrghtened the Group horse as the
children were going home from
school. No serious injuries other
than that the conveyance was broken
to pieces. This damage Mr. Phllpot
was asked topay, but refused to do.
The Jury disagreed. Another trial
will be held. We cannot say as to
the case of Mr. Phllpot, but com
plaints come from every section of
Cass county as to the recklessness
of auto drivers, who make people
with vehicles turn out of the road to
let them pass, are numerous, and
auto drivers should understand that
they are only entitled to one-half
the road, the same as vehicle driv
ers. There are many auto drivers
who respect the rights In the roads
to others, but there are some who do
not think that vehicles have any
rights that they are bound to re
Curs Numerous.
Saturday morning two curs got
Into an altercation on the street
near the Baylor coal office. The
owners of the dogi were present and
encouraged'the disgraceful affair.
is almost as brutal for dogs to fight
as for men to engage In the diversion
Night Policeman N. Jones heard the
racket and he was soon on the scene
wun nis irusiy revolver, lie gave
the owners about two minutes to
part the dogs or the policeman would
make them bite the dust. The dogs
were separated, but the owners were
sore and offered to severally do
things to the officer. Officer Jones
Is to be complimented for his enforce'
ment of law. There is nothing more
disgusting than a lot of snarling
fighting, yelping curs.
Miss Ella Loti of Lockport, 111.
who was here for several days visit
lng her brother-in-law, Abe Rupley
and niece, Mrs. J. W. Grasaman and
family, departed this afternoon for
Council Bluffs to visit friends and
thenca homo frnm a vlulf .HV hni
I brother Louis in California.
Damaged by Steam.
YeBterday afternoon at Charles
Ilerger's bakery the steam was turn
ed Into his store room and was not
discovered until some damngo was
done. A radiator had been recently
moved and although the steam had
been turned off, In some mysterious
way the valve had gotten open, and
the room filled with steam before It
was discovered by O. C. Dovey, who
happened to pass at the time. The
Coates block Janitor, George Ver
heul, was notified and turned the
steam off and opened the doors. The
varnish on the counters and part of
the furniture was slightly damaged
Nothing else was injured to speak of
A lllff Concern.
W. W. Owen, traveling salesman
for the Independent Harvester com
pany, spent a few hours In this city
today looking after business mat
ters. The new company was organ
lzed Boon after the agricultural Ira
plement trust was formed, and has
for its stockholders farmers scat
tered throughout the west. There
are over i 20 of the stockholders in
Nebraska. Its manufacturing plant
la located at Piano, III., and covers
110,000 square feet of ground, and
has a capital of $100,000.
Buys Car of Apples.
Charles Welllver of Eddyvlllo,
Neb., came to South Omaha with
load of cattle last Friday and took
a run down to Murray to spend
day or two with his friend, Dave
Young. He accompanied Mr. Young
to Plattsmouth Saturday and pur
chased a car load of apples from the
popular apple merchants, Rundle &
Co. .The car will be loaded Monday
and started to Dawson county. Mr
Welllver says crops In his locality
this year were fine. He harvested
700 bushels of potatoes off of about
five acres of ground.
Improvement nt Union.
H. SwenK, a contractor from Lin
coin, was here Monday to meet with
pnrtles that aro putting up new
brick buildings. Mr. Swenk landed
the Woodmnn hall Job, and In con
vernation with the Ledger editor ho
Informed us thnt ho Intends to start
six men nt work tbo first of this
week and rush It until the building
Is completed. Ledger.
The city fathers met In their re
gular session last evening and when
Mayor Sattler let fall the gavel,
calling the assembly to order, all the
member! were present except Coun
cilman Dovey of the First and Book-
meyer of Third. The minutes of the
former meeting were approved. Pe
titions and communications were
the next order of business, but
strange as it may seem there was no
one wanting anything, and the first
time within the knowledge of the
writer that nothing was doing In this
The treasurer's report then occu
pied the attention of the council, be
ing produced on the report of the
finance committee, of which Mr.
Stelmker is chairman. The report
showed the road fund overdrawn,
and none of the funds showed much
of a balance except the school fund.
The report showed the condition of
the treasury on September .30 to be
on hand and receipts since former
report $1,454.84, and an overdraft
of $5,711.16, leaving In the treas
ury $2,743.68, all of which belongs
to the teachers' fund. Chairman
Stelmker made quite an extended
statement regarding the Btate of the
treasury, and urged the council to
take necessary steps to reimburse
the different funds which were now
so low. In this connection, it was
mentioned that no bills could be paid
for want of funds. And Councilman
Dwyer read the law directing that
no warrant could be drawn on any
fund exceeding 85 per cent of the
current levy, unless there was suf
ficient funds In the fund to pay the
claim for which the warrant was
drawn. With this law before them
the members did not feel that any
money could be expended and paid
out of the trensury.
On motion of Mr. Dwyer the re
port of the finance committee went
over until the next meeting.
The chief of police's report show
ing fifteen arrests was read and
. 1 At Ml .
piueeu on nie. me my clerk re
ported having collected $51. The
report wns referred to the finance
committee. The UBunl renort from
the chief of the fire department was
read and referred to the fire and
water committee.
The report of the police Judge
showed rather a quiet month, $6 be
ing the amount of fines collected.
When the fire and water commit
tee were asked to report and it ask
ed for further time. This committer
had under consideration the con
struction of a hose house in the west
ern part of the city. The fire com
pany asking for an appropriation of
$50 to build the house and the com
pany would use the surplus of $150,
which it has in Its treasury to equip
the hose cart for that part of the
city. On account of lack of funds the
city could not spend the money just
at present.
Councilman Kurtz, chairman of
the cemetery committee, reported
that there was a small amount of
work needed on one of the drive
ways, and the work should be done
before winter. The work could bo
done with a team and plow and two
men In a half day. It was ordered
done and to be paid in poll taxes.
An ordinance regulating the price
of lots in the cemetery was read for
the first time.
Chairman of the Police Committee
Mendenhall reported the tramp hotel
out of repair, and winter coming on.
The matter was placed in the hands
of the committee to look after. Un
der the head of new business, Coun
cilman Weber of ' the Second ward,
stated that John Bajeck had the ma
terial on the ground for a cement
walk adjacent to his premises on
West Main street, and that the grad
ing would not amount to more than
$3. The gradiag for thla work was
ordered done and paid with poll tax.
Under the head of new business
the condition of the trensury was
again discussed. Councilman Neu
man stated that . the occupation
taxes due from the fire Insurance
companies would amount to quite a
sum, and that the clerk should make
a list and secure these amounts at
once. Mr. Stelmker suggested that
possibly there was money due the
city from 'the paving of Main street
and from the permanent walks laid,
and that If the parties wer6 notified
of the need of the city they would
come forward with what they owed
the city. Mr. Stelmker assured the
council that something must be done
to get funds to pay the running ex
penses of the city, after which the
council adjourned to their next reg
ular meeting.
A Farewell Party.
Saturday evening members of the
Knights and Ladles of Security
tendered a farewell reception to
Morgan Waybrlght and wife at the
residence of Judge Allen J. Beeson.
Hot rolls and coffee and toothsome
viands and fruits were served and
a delightful social evening spent.
There were about thirty prsent. Mr.
and Mrs. Waybrlght will depart
Thursday for their home In Califor
nia. The good wishes of their manv
Plattsmouth friends will attend
Accident Near Union.
Henry Elchel, 16 years old, met
with a very painful accident last
Friday afternoon that will put him
on the shelf" for awhile. He was
helping thresh at Walter Johnson's
farm, west of town, and while work
ing on the stack he slipped and fell,
landing on a post that was sticking
up out of the ground, and he re
ceived a very painful Injury to his
leg. At last report he was getting
along nicely. Union Ledger.
Return From Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richey arrived
home Saturday afternoon from Gre
nada, Colo., where they have been
spending several months. We are
plensed to note Mr. Richey looking
so well after rccuporatlng Blnce his
long siege of sickness In the eprlng
and summer. Evidently the Colo
rado climate agrees with both, as
Mrs. Richey Is. also looking remark
ably well.
Kunny Southern Allwrtn.
C. E. and E. II. Wescott returned
from Canada Saturday morning,
where they have spent several weeks
looking after their real estate Inter
ests and also seeking rest from work.
They were both more pleased than
ever with the country and Its out
look. They own a half section near
Gllechen, one quarter of which la un
der plow, and the other quarter Is
being broken this fall and will bo
tillable land next year. Crops are
all that could be desired and the
yield of the wheat and oats crops
surpass that of Nebraska soil. Their
land is near that of W. S. Soper, for
merly of this city, and he and hla
estimable wife are there living on
their farm as happy as can be. Our
travelers just missed seeing them,
they having driven away from their
farm but a short time before the
Messrs. Wescotts arrived.
Calgary is a fine city which has
doubled Its population In a few
months, being now 31,000. There
is a half section of fine land near this
city which C. E. Wescott & Sons have
their eye on and will likely pur
chase before long.
The capital of the province Is Ed
monton, which Is a beautiful city of
20,000 population. Messrs. Wescott
arrived at the latter place Just in
time to witness the laying of the cor
ner stono of the parliament building.
Tho ceremony was witnessed by a
great crowd of citizens, and was a
most Interesting spectacle.
Ruth Mann, little niece of George
B. Mann, Is suffering from an at
tack of diphtheria and n quarantine
card was plnced at tho residence to
Rex Young and A. L. Baker of
Murray were In the city yesterday
looking after the adjustment of the
telephone war !n that village. Mrs.
Tom Stokes was alw a Plattsmouth
visitor for the same purpose.