The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 11, 1909, Image 1

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    m' "tat. Hlltori
l Soc.
NO 75
The Republican State Commit
tee Sending Out Payne-Ald-rich
"Stuff" to the Dis
gust of Editors.
On account of the fact that the
press bureau of the Republican state
committee has apparently inclined
toward the standpat side of the tar
iff controversy in its .selection of
newspaper clippings sent out in the
form of a weekly bulletin, some of
tke progressive Republican papers
in the state are not making use of
the material furnished them. While
the bulk of the matter refers to
state issues and the candidates for
state officer, some extracts on the
tariff are quoted, and these seem
to be unformly in defense of the
Payne-Aldrich bill.
The Lincoln News (Rep.) says that
Chairman Hayward's pet phrase,
"near Republican," as applied to
members of the party who have seen
fit to criticise that piece of legis
lation, is occasionally found in these
articles. The effect has been to of
fend the editors of progressive news
papers who took a leading part in
the movement for state reforms three
years ago and have constantly up
held the protective doctrine, but who
do not accept the Payne-Aldrich bill
as one which harmonizes with it.
The editors are standing by the party
ticket in spite of the affront offered
them, but they do not relish hav
ing the guns of the organization
turned upon them from state head
The compiler of the press bulletins
is Frank E. Helvey of Nebraska City,
a politician of the standpat school
who has been appointed to the fed
eral office of census supervisor for
the First Nebraska district. He is
performing this work for the state
committee in spite of an order by
President Taft that nobody connect
od with the taking of the census
should have anything whatever to do
with anv nolitical organization. It is
Correspondence Letter From Charles
D. Grimes Sojourning in Texas.
Waco, Texas, Oct. 3, 1909. Par
sons Is the division point of the M.,
K. & T., and is essentially a rail
road town. The main shops, the
general storehouse and the real es
sential elements of the railroad are
centered here, where the line
names are the euphonlstic as the In
dian language. There is Chetopa
and Muscogee, and Atoka and Big
Cabin, and one can't tell near all,
but each is either Indian In its
nature, or the English translation
thereof. And at each station now
the aborigine appears not many
full bloods, but mostly quarter and
eighth bloods, some of the latter so
near white that only an expert can
tell the difference. They have the
wanderlust of their white brethren,
and delight to get on the train and
"go somewhere." They make a good
race of people and, unlike the negro,
the mixed blood has produced bene-
An Accountant Employed to In
vestigate Books and Learn
the Reason if Possible.
to St. Louis and to ncial resulU as a rule. Some of the
understood that the material he pre
pares each week has the approval of
Chairman Hayward before it Is mail
ed out to the Republican press. Five
bulletins in all have been distributed.
One of the clippings given a pro
minent place is taken from the
Plattsmouth News-Herald and treats
the whole subject of tariff revision
as free trade in disguise. It says
that the demand for revision within
the Republican party was inspired
by Democratic newspapers which
pretended to be Republican. This
is the paper owned by Former Con
gressman Pollard of Nehawka, who
is seeking another nomination next
Secretary Barnard was the only
officer of the Republican state com
mittee present at headquarters this
morning when a reporter called. He
said the preparation of the press
matter did not come under his su
pervision, but though there had been
no studied effort to favor one faction
in the tariff controversy. He sup
posed the aim was to send out an
assortment of clippings which would
uphold the tenets of the party gen
erally and help its candidates. Re
publican editors, Barnard stated,
are not under obligation to use the
material provided them unless they
consider it suitable.
Editors who .do not endorse the
Payne-Aldrich bill are insisting that
the state committee should keep
hands off in the matter and let the
sentiment of the party determine
what attitude shall be taken a year
hence, when the tariff will be an Is
sue. They do not ask that literature
favoring their own views be circulat
ed from headquarters but object to
having standpat doctrine promulgat-
j eu wiruugu iuc itaiij iiiuuiicio,
Jiew Minister at Wabash.
The new pastor of the M. E. j
church at Wabash, Rev. W. B. Cor
Is, will, next Sunday evening
ftreach upon the subject, "Death
and Afterwards." ' At the last serv
ice in this church much interest was
i evidenced by the large congregation
piesent, and it Is expected that there
will be an equally good attendance
ext Sunday. Mr. Cornish is a young
pan recently from New Jersey, and
Is a student of Wesleyan university.
The subject of the morning sermon
will be "Consecration.". All are cor
dially Invited to be present and
those who come will be warmly wel
comed. It is Intended to make the
service throughout the fall and win
ter bright, brief and breezy.
Weeping Water Republican.
Rev. Cornish preached at Mynard
and Eight Mile Grove churches be
fore Koine to Wabash for several
Months, and his congregations were
very much pleased with his work.
The church at Wabash is fortunate
la his location there. They will find
aim a young man of high moral
standing, and a preacher of consld
able ability.
The Revival Meetings.
Last night at the big tent, near
the court house, there was a good
crowd in attendance and a good time
was had, Rev. R. G. Dungan being
present, though the meetings were
conducted as usual by Rev. Wilhite
and the singing by Mr. Tuckerman.
Two additions were obtained, mak
ing the entire number thus far nlnty
flve, with prospects for being great
ly over 100 before the meetings close
with the services of Sunday even
lng. The subject for this evening
will be the "Problem of Life and
Their Solution." by the Rev. Wil
hite. This is a Bermon which none
should miss who can in any way find
it possible to attend. These meet
Ings have been a source of much
good for the city of Plattsmouth,
and all should appreciate them to
that extent that they give this able
and eloquent minister a good audi
ence at every occasion. Come, every
one tonight, and hear an excellent
Continue Their Journey.
From Frlday'i Dally.
Rev. R. G. Dungan ana wiie came
it last evening from Mitchell, Neb.,
and visit with friends in this city
ver night and attended the tent
meeting, departing this morning for
Des MolneB, where they will visit for
a few days with the parents of Rev
Dungan before departing for the na
tional convention of the Christian
church to be held at Pittsburg, Pa.,
next week. Mr. and Mr3. Dungan
are looking well, and Rev. Dungan
tolls us that he has a homestead
near the place where he Is preaching.
He Is very enthusiastic regarding the
ountry there, and thinks there Is no
place just llko Scotts Bluff county.
Mr. Isaac Wiles and wife and Luke
Wiles and wlfo and little daughter
will depart for rittsburg, Pa., to
morrow, where they will vibit the
onvcntlon of the Christian church.
They will visit over the east to a
great extent while away.
Nothing of a Business Nature.
F. Frazier, postal inspector for
this district, and living in Omaha,
was a visitor in the city last even
lng, returning to Omaha thia morn
lng. He protested that his visit at
this time had nothing of a business
nature about it, which we can take
with a grain of salt. This Is the
Banie fellow who some time since
bad such a time getting to this place
to spend Sunday with a charming
young lady, and had to come on a
hand car from Pacific Junction, and
In a hard rain.
Missouri Hanauiias.
J. C. York presented to ye editor
yesterday with several Missouri ban
anas, or in other words pawpaws
His father-in-law sent up a half
bushel from Watson, Mo., and know
lng the fondness of a Mlssourlan for
this celebrated fruit brought us a few
Mr. York has our thanks for thu
reminding us of our younger days
when we delighted In gathering the
Missouri banana from tho bush
about the same time that perslm
mons were ripe, and how we relished
branches off
Kansas City. For the train I was on
there was a brief twenty-minute
stop for supper, and I regaled my
self with a real meal. Usually one
cannot commend eating house meals,
but this was an exception. For 50
cents one enjoyed a feast, plenty to
eat and excellently prepared. The
bill of fare included real spring
chicken, vintage of 1909, and por
terhouse steak with all necessary
side dishes. The service was prompt
and the young women who passed
the soup and the hard-boiled eggs
were fair to gaze upon, hence the
better appetite. I ate a good meal
and was tempted to tip the waitress
then, being still in Kansas, I was
afraid of violating a law of some
kind and restrained myself. I paid
at the bar excuse me, the cashier's
desk, and ambled out to the train
just as the conductor cheerily bawl
ed out "All aboard."
When I had left the car to go to
the dining room I had deposited a
valise in my seat to hold same
until my return and I march
ed back serenely confident I could
prove my property and demand Its
return. I found my grip, but It had
been set in front of an inside seat,
while the chair I had occupied held
a blonde young woman In a gray
Jacket, who had her head out of the
window and was conversing with an
other young woman on the station
platform. I paused and sized up the
situation in fear and trembling. In
tne cnair nenina sat tne young
woman in the open-work box with
er lynx-like eye on me, and I was
almost afraid to say anything lest
this newly-come young woman did
as she had and sternly rebuked me.
patiently waited until the train
had left the station, and I knew the
Parsons police couldn't get me,
when I timidly Inquired of the
oionae young woman lr she was
lone and whether the seat next to
her was occupied or not. She grat
Ifled me by stating It was not and
volunteered to give up my seat next
the window, which I, of course, gal
laniiy reruBea to nsien to. I saw
the young woman behind was visibly
shocked over the proceedings, and I
was deeply grateful. Yes, I was
tickled to have been able to score one
on the person who had so hurail
iated me and more than ever grate
ful that she had turned me down
for the new divinity was what Is
commonly known as a "peach." Tall,
with handsome, well developed
form, shoulders about three feet
across more or less and a fine,
full, healthy face, gray eyes and a
luxurious growth of splendid golden
hair. She had the ancient ruin in
the back seat backed off the boards,
And she had some sense, also
My efforts to be entertaining met
with a ready response and by the
time Oklahoma was reached we were
the best of friends. She was going
to Dallas to visit friends, and clear
Into that town wo . rode together,
and a pleasanter trip one could not
well make, I told her of the way
the ancient lady to the rear had
turned me down, which vastly
amused her. Also I told her what
thought of such conduct, which
amused her more. She turned out
to be an employe in the supply de
partment of the Katy and a young
lady who lived In the country near
Parsons. A delightful conversation
1st, an entertaining and pleasant
traveling companion, she has the
grateful thanks of a weary pilgrim
Parsons Is a real city. It is well
lighted, with a splendid system of
water works and a street car system
of recent completion. Like all south
weBtcm towns it has had an amaz
ing growth In the past few years.
Tho Katy shops have boon recently
enlarged and rebuilt and tho store
house has alHO been enlarged. It Is
the mainstay of the town, but there
Is a fine farming country about here
also. As In all other places, how
ever, the drouth has gotten in Its
work and crops are short.
A few miles south of Parsons and
we enter the land of the Indian
the Btate of Oklahoma. And the
There has been so much said about
the law which compels county of
ficials to make quarterly reports to
hrlehtest minds of the .auntrv have
sprung from this cross of the white the county commissioners, and why
American with the red. One strlk- the commissioners ordered Sheriff
lng example is Senator Robert Owen Quinton to make out his Beveral
of Oklahoma and Senator Curtis of quarterly rpport8 that we pr,nt
Kansas, both Intellectually the peer
of the pure blood white.
As one crosses the Oklahoma line
he encounters that peculiarly south
ern institution, the "Jim Crow" law.
Separate cars for negroes and whites
are required and one has but to see
this law In working order to give it
his unqualified endorsement. It has
proven beneficial to both races wher
ever It has been tried. The rights
of both are safeguarded and a Be
vere penalty is provided for the
white who seats himself in the
negro cat, as well ns for the negro
who Invades the white's car. And
not alone are the persons at fault
tnnnH-xil lnf otcn rnllrnafl prim. I . - .
' , , and after tho 6th day of April, 1907,
imny iieriiuuing il, unu u euu uv
seen the law is enforced to the letter.
To my mind the law is better also,
n that it protects both races from
annoyance. Those among the whites
who object to associating with the
negro are protected, while the negro
below the resolution which was pre
sented to the board, which no doubt
was the reason for that body's action
In the matter:
County of Cass, ss.
Whereas, Carrol D. Quinton ia the
duly elected, qualified and acting
sheriff of the County of Cass and
State of Nebraska, and has been such
ever since tho 6th day of April, 1907;
Whereas, There was a law duly
passed by the legislature of the State
of Nebraska, In the year 1907, and
approved by the governor of the
state and in full force and effect from
relative to the fees of the office of
sheriff in this state and tho making
of quarterly reports of all fees earned
ana collected, which contained the
following proviso, towlt
Provided, further, That the sheriff
shall, on the first Tuesday in Jan-
in his turn Is protected against in- unry, April, July and October of each
suit and injury from the white. Of
course, when the law was first put
into operation there was trouble at
the towns with the large negro pop
ulation, but time has worn this
away, and it Is now generally ac
cepted as a wise law.
year, make a report to the board of
county commissioners or supervisors
under oath showtng the different
items of fees except mileage collected
or earned, from whom, at what time
and for what service, and the total
amount of fees collected or earned by
such officer since the last report and
also the amount collected or earned
for the current year, and he shall
then pay all fees earned to the comi
ty treasurer; and
Whereas, Tho provisions of the
portion of said law quoted above
have not been coirmlleii with hv nnl.l
Carrol D. Quinton; there,
Be It Resolved, by the board of
county commissioners of the County
of Cass, In the State of Nebraska,
In session this 5th day of October,
1909, at Plattsmouth, Neb., That we
forthwith employ an expert account
ant to carefully examine and check
the records of the several courts of
this county, the fee book of the said
sheriff and other records showing
any nnd all fees earned or collected
by said sheriff, and all bills and re
ceipts rendered by said sheriff to the
board of county commissioners of
this county for any and all services
performed by Bald sheriff since the
taking effect of tho law above quoted
and referred to ami that said expert
accountant report his findings to this
board Immediately after making the
Wants the Job,
Postmaster Smith has been made
the victim of his enemies, who want
to dictate the appointment of his
successor. Plattsmouth Journal.
Dr. R. H. Rhoden's Death at Fremont
Prophesied Three Months Ago.
In apparent fulfillment of a clenth
prophecy, made to him three months
ago, Dr. R. H. Rhoden faced his end,
postofflce fight Is waxing from a (iPadIv affection of tho heart
It may be that the candl- ast njght, The physician had been
auu-a are a uuiu previous in uic to(j WUen first he found that an
matter of petitions. There has been ailment was upon him and consulted
no thorough Investigation or the two fal0us specialists In Omaha,
charges, and It may bo that they are that no probably would not live out
trumped up. But evidently some of
the aspirants believe In the early
worm theory. Plattsmouth Journnl.
We don't believe there is a per
son In Plattsmouth or anywhere else
who knows Postmaster C. H. Smith
but deeply regret that any such
charges should be made against him
as have been published in all the
state daily papers. His many friends
sincerely trust that there Is nothing
to tne cnarges that cannot be ex
plained to the satisfaction of the de
partment. We fall to see, however,
wherein he haa been made the vic
tim of his enemies. If Mr. Smith
Is guilty of wrong it Is no fault of
his enemies. Because a man cornea
out with a petition It does not neces
sarily mean that they are his ene
mles. If Mr. Smith is ousted it
stands to reason the new appointee
three months. Tho Drs. Mayo diag
nosed Dr. Rhoden's caso nnd gave
him a hopeless verdict at that time,
pronouncing his affliction hardening
of the aorta.
Following the prediction of his end
Dr. Rhoden returned to Fremont and
continued In the active practice of
his profession, never Bpeaklng a word
of his affliction. He appeared for
weeks afterward to be In perfect
health, and with It, showed apparent
The only sign of ailment was the
gradual Ions of weight and a scarce
ly perceptible pallor which grew
steadily to the approaching crisis.
From a title and hearty man of over
200 pounds In weight, the physician
wasted away to a weight of about
150 pounds. Two weeks ago the dia
ls the one who is Johnny on the eaHe firBt beRan t0 t,Knten 118 grlp-
ana us viciun was rorcea 10 remain
spot. Weeping Water Republican.
Election Proclamation.
Governor Shallenbcrger has Issued
an election proclamation. If the
non-partlBan Judiciary law had been
upheld by the supreme court this
duty would not have been necessary,
but under the law as it exists the
governor ia required to Issue a pro
clamatlon and get It into the hands of
county clerka twenty days before the
general election. The governor's
proclamation la dated October 1, but
pending the receipt of printed
copies, it was not announced. The
proclamation Is very brief, as fol
Under and by virtue of the author
ity vested In me by the provisions of
section eleven (11) of chapter
twenty-six (26) of the compiled sta
tutes of Nebraska for tho year 1909,
entitled "elections," I, Ashton C,
Shallenberger, governor of the state
In bed.
During the past three days the
physician rapidly has grown worse to
the point where his death last night
was given as possibly a matter of
hours. Only the members of his fam
lly and the two attending physicians,
Dr. Martin and Dr. Allison of Omaha,
were permitted to enter the patient's
room. Up to 2 o'clock this morning
Dr. Rhoden lingered In the same con
The above is from the Fremont
Dally Herald of Thursday morning,
and the Dr. Rhoden referred to Is
brother of Don and G. W. Rhoden,
who live In and near Murray, and
grew to manhood In Cass county
The Journal regrets Dr. Rhoden's
fatal Illness, and hopes for tho best
The Herald of Friday morning con
tains the following, which Indicates
thero Is no possible hope for the doc
tor's recovery;
No special change was reported In
The "BIr Six" (invention.
Six big subjects for six big men.
Two big days of big things at the
ninth annual convention of the Cass
county Sunday School association, to
be held at Elm wood, Tuesday and
Wednesday, October 26 and 27. The
officers of the county association are
making great plans for this meeting,
and wlde-awako Sunday school peo
ple are looking forward to it with
a great deal of anticipation. The out
side talent for the program Includes
such names as Dr. J. M. Kersey, pas
tor Frist chunh of Omaha; also state
superintendent of teacher training
for Nebraska; Dr. Fletcher Slsson
of First church, Nebraska City; J.
M. Merrill, also one of the state of
ficers; Byron Beat, the whirlwind of
Lincoln, Neb.; C. H. Lewis, the new
state secretary, and last but by no
means least, MIhs Margaret Brown
of Grand Island, the new expert su
perintendent of elementary work lu
the state. TheBe Hpeakers are all
new on the convention platform of
this country. The program commit
tee haa selected them with great
care and reference to their special
fitness for the subjects which they
will handle. Such an array of tal
ent has scarcely ever been brought
to a single county convention, and it
only by reason of fortunate cir
cumstances that they have been se
cured. In view of this, we most
earnestly urge upon all Sunday
schools of the county to send large
and representative delegations to this
convention, especially those who are
looking towards larger and better
things in the Sunday school field.
The best local talent In the county
will also be engaged on this program
and the most progressive workers la
the county will aid by their council
and presence. The convention will
begin on Tuesday at 1 p. m. and close
with the evening session on Wednes
day. Tho six big subjects that will
occupy the main numbers of the pro
gram are: Teacher training, mis
sionary, temperance, elementary, In
termediate and adult. Elmwood had
provided free entertainment for all
delegates. Send namea early to L.
A. Chapman, Elmwood. Neb.
of Nebraska, do hereby issue my pro-
clamatlon declaring that on Tuesday, Dr. Rhoden's condition last night ex
tho 2d day of November, A. D., 1909, flt that he had had a llttlo better
there will be an election held at the "Ight Wednesday, and consequently
usual places of voting in said state showed a trifle more strength and vl
for tho letelon nf tho following of- tallty during part of yesterday. He
fleers, towlt: Three Judges of the M" critically sick mnn, and it ia re
supreme court; two regentB of the Hably stated by those attending him
state university; one regent of the thftt he physician s chances for re
state unlveraltT to fill vacatcy. covery are very slim
Explain Himself.
The articles that have appeared
In t ho Lincoln Journal nnd other
papers might lead tho public to be
lieve that I am carrying bouio per
son's money nround in my pocket
and refusing to glvo It up. In Jus
tice to my family, my friends and
myself I an prompted to say that
tho government has always received
every cent belonging to It, and I do
not owe an employe In this office one
penny, and I have not a single penny
of any person's money that I have
obtained wrongfully.