The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1909, Image 8

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Short Items of Interest From Mon-
day's Evening Journal ):
George and Harry Poisnll spent
Sunday with home folks.
G. P. Meisinger and wife of Cedar
Creek transacted business in Platts
mouth today.
Will Rummell of west of the city
was trading with Plattsmouth store
keepers today.
Peter Ilalmes was in from the
farm today transacting business with
our merchants.
Frank Smith of the Journal force
spent Sunday with relatives at Union,
returning last evening.
Earl Hassler, who is attending
business college in Omaha, spent
Sunday with home folks.
E. W. Moreland and Ed. Sands of
near Murray were in the city today
looking after business matters.
Mat Jerousek, chief clerk at the
Weecott clothing emporium, was an
Omaha passenger this afternoon.
D. M. Jones, who has been visiting
relatives at Franklin, Ind., for some
time, returned to Plattsmouth Satur
day. Mrs. Asher Clark returned to Crete
with her daughter today, departing
on the afternoon train.
Charles Duke came down from Om
aha and spent Sunday with his fam
ily, returning this afternoon.
Frank Blotzer and two sons, Frank
and John of Cullom, were In the city
today looking after business matters.
G. G. Meisinger and wife and
daughter, Miss Edna, were looking
after business matters In the county
Keat today.
Henry Jess, who Is working at his
trade in Omnha, came down Satur
day evening, returning on the Sun
day afternoon train.
Miss Gretchen Walsh of Lincoln
arrived Saturday evening to be the
guest of Mrs. W. W. Wlndhnm and
other friends for a few days.
William Meisinger and wife were
In the city today with their guests,
Fred Dreeson and wife, who are vis
iting relatives and friends here.
A. C. Carey and son W. R. of
Sarpy county drove down yesterday
on some Important business matters
and returned In the evening.
Mrs. E. J. Etheredge and Mrs.
Nichols, both of Greenwood, arrived
today to be the guests of their sister,
Mrs. E. S. McEIwain for a time.
Amos Yost, the sweet potato king
from Ilartlett, la., brought a wagon
load of the toothsome tuber to this
city this afternoon and disposed of
them to the merchants.
Judge 11. S. Ramsey left this after
noon for Sidney, lu., whero he goes
to argue a motion for a new trial In
the case of the State vs. Mrs. M. C.
MIhs Helen Chapman and Miss Ruth
Johnson went to Omaha yesterday
and visited John Chapman at Im
manuel hospital. John was feeling
cheerful, and his operation has been
deferred for a day or two.
Mrs. J. V. Egenberger spent yes
terday at the bedside of her son Will.
Next Thursday ho will be moved over
to the new hospital, where he will re
main about three weekB. Will Is get
ting along fine and is on the way to
George Weyrlch of Pekin, 111., who
has been visiting friends in this com
munity for a few days, departed for
Plalnview this morning. George A.
Meisinger accompanied Mr. Weyrlch
to Omaha.
MIbs Harriet Kearney, dressmaker,
room 6 old Sherwood block, returned
from a week's visit last Friday even
ing with friends at Council Bluffs
and Treynor, la. Miss Kearney had
not taken a vacation for some years
and she feels that the rest has done
her much good.
GUTHMAN & CORY, Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : : : : Nebraska
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
CZZD and Guarantee Satisfaction, t
The Perkins Hotel
Mrs. E. E. Hilton spent Sunday In
Omaha, returning last evening.
G. M. Drew, attorney of Omaha
spent Sunday with Plattsmouth rela
George Dodge and wife spent Sun
day with their son, Dr. Dodge and
T. C. Vroman was called to Omaha
this morning on business of Import
Lawrence Bauer ana wire were
Omaha passengers on the morning
train today.
P. A. Barrows was called to Om
aha on important business this
Carl Kunzman, the meat merchant,
went to South Omaha to buy cattle
this morning.
Mrs. C. A. Rawles went to Glen
wood this morning to spend the day
with friends.
Dr. Frank Cummings spent Sun
day at the hospital visiting his little
Tom Murphy came in Saturday
evening to spend Sunday with his
mother and sisters.
John Schaefer was in the city to
day, accompanying Mr. and Mrs.
Weyrlch to the train.
A. Claybaugh of the light company
was a passenger to Shenandoah on
the morning train today.
Washington Smith and wife of
Omaha arrived last evening to be the
guest of friends for a time.
MIhs Mary Propst went to Omaha
on the morning train today to look
after some business matters.
A. F. lledengren, superintendent
of bridges for the Burlington, do-
parted for Ashland this morning.
John Carninek of Omaha spent
Sunday in this city with relatives, re
turning to his work this morning.
Joe Kubes and wife of Crete spent
Sunday with Frank Dvrok and wife,
departing for their home this morn
Miss Belle Rosa will sing "I Re
member You," from "The Girls from
Guttenburg," tonight at the Par
Tho Journal's old friend, Conrad
Schlater, is reported on the sick list
today. Mr. Schlater feels the weight
of his 77 years at times.
J. W. Lnrkln and wife and daugh
ter Mildred were the guests of Harry
Smith and wife at their country home
over Sunday.
Ex-Congressman E. M. Pollard was
In the city yesterday consulting the
editor of the News-Herald on Import
ant matters.
Mrs. E. Drew of Omaha visited
over Sunday with her sisters, Mrs
Cummins and Mrs. Kennedy, return
ing to her home this morning.
A. Hudson of Spooner, la., who
has been spending a few days with
his son, 0. Hudson, in this city, re
turned to his home this morning.
Philip Weyrlch and wife and son
Roney, who have been visiting
friends near Plattsmouth for a few
days, departed for their home today.
Mrs. 0. C. Shamron of Columbus
returned to her home this morning
after a few days' visit with her sis
ters, Mrs. Leesley and Mrs. McVicker,
Mrs. D. B. S. Prather and children
of Audubon, la., who have been the
guests of her slater, Mrs- C. S. John
son, for a few days, departed for
their home this morning.
Henry Guthman came in from
Waterloo, Neb., Sunday, and return
ed Sunday afternoon. Henry came on
horseback and said fifty miles was a
long distance for a man to ride these
days, but he wanted to bring the an
tral over and leave It, and he took
that way of getting the horse here.
v vvvv !
l. COl.NTV fOlHT.
State of Nebraska,
County of Cass, us.
In the matter of the estate of Levi
rtuMterholtz, Deceased.
To Ail I'erBons Interested:
You are hereby notified that there
will be a hearing upon the petition of
the exueutrix for tinal settlement of
Huld estate before this court at i'lattg
inouth. in said county, on the 5th day
of October, 190K, at 10 o'clock a. m.
That all objections. If any, must be
tiled on or before said day and hour of
meet i UK.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the mild countv court of Kaid county,
thin 9th day of September, 1909.
County Judge.
Order to Show Cause
I n the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska
In the mutter of the iruardiaiibhlp of llee
Ca'iiplx'll. a minor.
The causa came on for hearing upon the peti
tion of James M. Catiipliell, iruardlan of Kee
Camplxdl, a minor, praylnir tor a license, to sell
the undivided one half of the north half of the
west half of the southwest
quarter of sect ion 35, township 11, rant'efl. '.n
Cass county, Nebraska, for the purpose of con
verting said property Into money to assist In
advancing the education of said minor and for
rein vestment.
It Is therefore ordered that all persons In
terested In said estate apiiear liefore me at my
otlice In the court house at riattsmouth, Ne
braska on Die ltilh day of October lUWt, at the
hour of 1 o'clock p. m. to show cause why a
license should not lie wanted to fcaid guardian
to sell said real estate.
Dated this 2bth day of Auirnst WOO
Hakvet I). Travis
Judire of the District Court.
D. O. Pwyer, attorney.
Cans County, as.
In the matter of the estate of John
V. EKenberger, deceased.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Administrator of said estate, be
fore me, County Judire of Cass county,
Nebraska, at the County court room In
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
Ziftn flay or September, iu, and on
the 31st day of March. 1910. at 9
o'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose
or presenting tneir claims ror exam
Ination, adjustment and allowance.
Klx months from the 28th day of
September, 1909, are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, tind one year for the Ad
ministrator to settle said estate .
Witness my hand nnd seal of said
County Court, at I'lattsmouth. Ne
hraska, this 27th dal of August, 1909,
Cnnntv .Tudire
By virtue of an order of palp, Issued
by James Robertson, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court, within and for the County
or l ass, Mate of Nebraska, and to me
directed, I will on the 16th dav of Oc
toher. A. II. 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m
of said day, at the south door of the
Court House, in said countv and state
sell at public auction, to the highest
nuicier, lor cash, the following d
scribed real estute, towit: Lots five
rr.) and six (fi), block four (4), In
Mungers f irst addition to the Vil
lage of Alvo. in the Countv of Cass
State of Nebraska, the same having
been ordered sold under decree of
foreclosure, by said court, to satisfy r
decree of Judgment in the sum of
I79ri.4u and costs recovered hv Meli
clnth I. Htone, executrix of the last
will and testament of Isaac Stone, de
ceased, against Belle Bennett, Roy
Bennett. Willard L. Clltes (or Clyte),
Kva J'.valene elites (or ( Ivte),
a minor, and Willard L. elites (or
Clyte), her natural guardian, Elmer
Bennett and Maude Bennett, his wife,
Arzllla Foreman (nee Bennett), and
(ieorge P. Foreman, Jr., her husband
Earle Bennett, a minor, and Belle Ben
nett, his naturnl guardian, defendants
Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska
July 19, 1909.
C. D.
Rnmsev &
Attorneys for
In re-estnte of KrMik M. Svolxsla, decease?!
To All Persons Interested:
You are hereby notllled that on the l.Mh dav
of September, A. I) WW. Thomas S. Svolsxla
tiled his iH'tillon asking that an liistrnient, now
tiled In this court. purporting to lie the hist will
and testament of said deceased, lie admitted
to nrohutc
Hearing will lie had uiioii said petit ion at my
olllce ul the court house in theciivof p alts
mouth, county of ( ass, Nebraska, on thellth
day of October. A. P.. I null, ttl eight o clock a,
in., In-fore which hour all objections must be
Dated (his tilth day of September. A. !., 11W0.
Al.l.KN .1. Rkksov,
Con nly .) udge.
Ilyron Clark and William A. Kolicrlson,
Attorneys. .
Bridge Company Meet.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Platte River Bridge
company was held Monday afternoon.
About 100 shares were represented
either in persons or by proxy. The
reports showed the company to be in
good condition. A 10 per cent in
terest dividend was declared. W. F.
Dler was re-elected as a director of
the company. All the other officers
hold over for another year. The
bridge fills a longfelt want and is be
coming the popular route from Om
aha to Lincoln and the southwest.
Iluys Homo in riuttaniouth.
Mrs. Thomas Sullivan has pur
chased the residence property for
merly owned by George Porter, trav
eling agent of the Omaha Bee. Mr.
Porter came to his city last Friday
and closed the deal. This property
Is very desirable, Mr. Porter having
put it in excellent shape, with con
crete walks and retaining walls,
Plattsmouth citizens will be glad to
welcome Mrs. Sullivan to the city,
and she is locating In a splendid
Advertised Letter List.
The following letters remain in the
Plattsmouth postofflce up to the pres
ent date (October 4, 1909) uncalled
for. If not called for within a rea
sonable length of time they will be
forwarded to tho dead letter office at
Washington, rieaso say "advertised"
when called for: Mrs. Ella Marsh,
Miss Bessie Maystlck, Miss Eva Tor-
ter, L. IT. Brown, V. M. Ferguson,
Joe Goodron, C. J. Mcllwaln, A. C.
McGllway, Lee Oslen, W. H. Roas-
nen, F. C. Surface, P. W. Wilson.
Mr. liaison, the News-Herald's
new man mentioned in last night's
Journal, has resigned his position
and accepted a place with a Btove
J. D. Cross arrived home Tuesday
from Akron, O., where he was called
a few weeks ago by the death of his
Herman Relcke and wife, residing
northwest of town, are the happy
parents of a fine new daughter that
registered at their home Tuesday
A. II. Shoemaker and family, who
spent several days visiting with rel
atives and friends near Union, left
last Friday for their home at Fort
Scott, Kas.
George Stltes, who has been hav
ing quite a serious time with typhoid
fever, was able to come down town
last Saturday for the first time, and
his many friends are glad to see him
out again.
J. B. Roddy, our energetic stock
buyer, accompanied by L. J. Hall,
was out looking for cattle Thursday
of last week, and it is a known fact
that he buys if they are to be bought
and before they returned they had
visited Wabash, Murdock and South
Mrs. Clara Frans, accompanied by
her daughters, Mrs. Ada Jones and
Miss Callie Frans, departed last Fri
day for her home at Kingfisher, Ok.,
after having visited some time with
Thede Frans and family in this vil
lage and Will A. Frans and family in
Dick Conrad arrived last Saturday
morning from Canyon City, Texas, to
make a visit with his many friends
in Union and vicinity, and needless
to say he was given the glad hand by
every one. He says that Texas is a
great country, but admits that he has
a warm spot for Cass county.
G. F. McXamee and wife arrived
home last Saturday afternoon from
an eight months' trip through the
west, visiting in Colorado with their
son Charley and daughter, Mrs. A. R.
Eikenbary, and also with their son,
Winnie McXamee and family, In Los
Angeles, Cal. They visited many
places of interest and report a most
pleasant trip.
Work on the new brick buildings
has been delayeed somewhat on ac
count of masons being busy, but next
week the town will be alive with
them, as several will be here from
Lincoln. Tho foundations for the
Upton-Leach buildings were finished
several days ago, and ready for the
brick work as soon as the masons
get here.
The work of laying the foundation
for the new Woodman building was
. ... , . , .
commenced this week, and when the
u ,u, , . . . , ,
hllildlnp' la rnmn hitcH ho lnral onmn
. ""p"---"
can boast of one of the fineBt homes
In this section of the Btate. W. B.
Banning has charge of the work, and
lie intends to finish as soon as pos
sible. 1XMAYOOI).
( Leader-Echo.)
Mrs. Eva Ilorton, little Mary Mc
Caig and Mrs. Isaac Mairs are nunv
hered with the sick.
Fred Langhorst und wife of Wap-
paconetta, O., are enjoying a visit at
the homes of his brothers, L. F. and
Julius Langhorst, In this city.
It is being reported that the Chris
tian church will send their pastor to
the Disciples' centennial, which con
venes at Pittsburg, Pa., October 11
Another case of typhoid fever is
reported at the home of Edgar Per
ry, on the Mlnford farm, east of
town. His brother Frank, who had
been, working for William Atchison,
has a very pronounced case of the
Miss Virginia Harnsberger of Elm-
wood and Ralph Keckler of Manley
were married in Omaha Wednesday,
October 29. They were accompanied
by Miss Cecelia Brekenfeld of Elm
wood and Will Rau of Manley.
Matt Kunz was operated upon for
appendicitis at an Omaha hospital
Wednesday. His many Elmwood
friends will be sorry to learn this and
all will join with the Leader-Echo in
the hope that he will soon pull
through, and be restored to his usual
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Steohr. Mrs.
Alice Meisinger and Mrs. Laura Wal
linger of near Cedar Creek were here
Sunday attending the funeral of their
aunt, Mrs. Margaret Hayes. George
Kaffenberger and wife and Mrs. L. H.
Becker of Plattsmouth, friends of the
deceased, were also present.
John Miller returned Inst evening
from the hospital at Omaha, having
recovered so far from a very critical
operation as to be about with the
use of a cane. He is doing excep
tionally well, especially when It is
known that his was the moHt difficult
operation ever attempted by the sur.
geon in charge and life at times was
almost extinct.
To all members of the M. W. A. camp
of Mynard: You are requested to be
present at the next meeting, October
9, 1909. BEN F. HORNING,
Veneralbe Council.
Wall papar at Gering & Co.'s.
Short Items of Interest From Tues
day Evening's Daily Journal
H. Spies was a business visitor in
the metropolis this morning.
Bob Propst of Mynard was a
Plattsmouth visitor last evening.
A. S. Will departed for Akron, Col.,
and other western points this morn
ing. II. Xorton of the M. P. was a pas
senger to Omaha on the morning
train today.
Mrs. Tippens went. to Glenwood on
Xo. 6 this morning to spend the day
with friends.
Adam Meisinger was a business vis
itor in the city this morning from
Cedar Creek.
Waldmar Soennichsen and Howard
Hilton returned last evening from a
visit at Omaha.
Charles Martin and wife spent the
day in Omaha, going on the early
train this morning.
J. R. Kelly was a passenger to
Council Bluffs this morning to look
after business matters for the day.
Mrs. Loretta Ault and daughter,
Mrs. B. E. Snodgrass, were Omaha
passengers on the early train today.
E. II. Spangler and wife and sister,
Mrs. Stephen Wiles, spent the day In
the metropolis, going on the early
train today.
William DelesDenler, the Elm
wood attorney, was in the city today
looking after business in, the probate
Mrs. John Beeson and Mrs. X. II.
Isbell went to Immanuel hospital this
morning to see John Isbell, who was
operated on a few days ago.
Mrs. Captain Hoover of Louisville
returned to her home yesterday after
noon, having been the guest of Geo.
Schoeman and wife for a few days.
Mrs. J. D. Bulger and little son of
Omaha came in this morning and will
visit for a few days with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Leonard.
Mrs. Judge Xewell and daughter,
Miss Bernice, were Omaha passen
gers on the morning train today,
where they visited friends for a time
.ma. u. c. uuukihh ana son Dean
,ont tn 1T . 7 . t 7
went t0 Union yesterday to meet her
-v ..v..
I t Tr T i .
sister-in-law, Mrs. G. G. Douglas, who
was accompanying the remains of
her little son Leland to Elmwood for
F. A. Hall of Brooklyn, X. Y., con
ducted Bible study last evening at
the home of M. M. Beal, departing
for Omaha this morning.
Peter Sitzman, Frank Boetal and
Raymond Henry departed for Cedar
Creek by team last evening, where
they will spend a short time fishing
in the lake.
F. W. Xolting and little daughter
(..race departed for Lincoln this
morning, where they will visit Mrs.
Nolting, who has been in the sanl
tarloum for some time.
Frank Mlchin departed for Omaha
this morning, where he purchased
machinery and molds for a cigar
manufactory which he will start at
Ord, Xeb., in the near future.
Dr. J. H. Hall is having his resi
dence treated to a refinlshlng on the
exterior and adding to its appear
ance. M. W. Thomas is doing the
Mrs. R. Smith and Mrs. Will Hag-
wood of Carson, la., came in this
morning and are visiting at the home
of the former's brother-in-law, Harry
Smith and wife, of northwest of the
Mrs. II. H. Kuhney and little Clara
returned this morning from a few
days' visit at the home of the for
mer's daughter, Mrs. Ron MayfLeld
and husband, where they have en
Joyed a very nice visit.
H. J. Rundle, the apple man. went
to Omaha to get a lar load of apple
barrels this morning. This firm has
shipped fourteen cars of apples from
Plattsmouth in the last two weeks.
Seven car loads were sent by this
firm to St. Louis last week, four of
them going from Plattsmouth.
Messrs. Frank Creamer and C. T.
Richards of South Bend were business
visitors in the city this morning, re
turning home on the afternoon train.
While In the city these gentlemen
made this office a very pleasant call.
They are both the best of men and
such as we are glad to have call.
Come again, gentlemen, when In the
Judge H. D. Travis departed last
evening for Waukeney, Kas., where
he goes to look after his farming in
terests. Mr. Travis recently pur
chased another farm in that neigh
borhood and considers land a first
class Investment. Many of the citi
zens of riattsmouth and vicinity have
interests there and all are well satisfied.
Mrs. W. T. Melburn was a passen
ger to Omaha on the morning train
Miss Jessie Miner went to Mynard
this morning to visit friends in that
Mrs. J. H. Sherra of Rock Bluff
was a visitor with friends in the city
this afternoon.
Luther Renner of Rock Bluffs was
looking after business matters in the
city this morning.
Mrs. V. V. Leonard departed this
morning for Kansas City to visit rel
atives for a few days.
William Hogabone, mayor of La
Platte, was a business visitor in the
county seat this morning.
Tom Isner and W. S. Mason went
to Murray this morning to do some
work for Colonel Jenkins.
Dr. J. H. Hall was called to Om
aha on professional business tod&v.
and departed on Xo. 15.
G. A. B. Hicks of Cullom was look
ing after business and renewing r.
quaintances in the city for a few
hours this morning.
Mrs. W. M. Holden of Scotts Bluff,
who has been the guest of Mrs. Joe
Fitzgerald for a few days, departed
for her home this morning.
Lon Childers, mayor of Oreannlis
was a business visitor in the county
seat this morning looking after some
business matters and returning home
on a later train.
J. W. Balson, the new business
manager of the Xews-IIerald, came
down from Omaha this morning to
look over the field of his future
labors. We acknowledge a pleasant
Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and daugh
ters, Misses Mary and Anna, went to
the hospital this morning at Omaha
to spend the day with Will, who Is re
covering nicely from the operation
had some days since.
William Frans and wife and daugh
ter, Mrs. Cross of Union, spent a few
hours in the city today en route from
Bartlett, la., to their home. The
party has been visiting relatives in
Hartley for a short time.
A. S. Will departed for the west
this afternoon, where he will look
after the purchase of some cattle
for feeding purpose, if they can be
found at prices that will pay. His
first stop will be at Akron, Colo.
Abe Babitz played the violin at tae
tent last night, being introduced by '
Major Flemke. The major says he
Played a selection which "Was onae
Played in front of the Czar of Rus
sia," and on an instrument present
ed to Abe by the czar's family. Abe's
selection was very well received by
the audience.
Yesterday the contractor. T.
Larson, began the erection of a barn
for A. M. Smith on what Is known as
the Holshuh place to replace the ona
which was destroyed by fire a few
weeks since. Mr. Smith is very for
tunate in securing the services of
such an excellent workman as Mr.
Larson, and this Insures the best of
J. A. Collins and R. P. Squires
electricians for the Burllneton
ing charge of the telephone system
tor me company, came down from
Ashland this morning and looked
after some business for the company
and departed for" home this aftor.
noon, taking with them the gasolme
car which has been in the local shops
for a general overhauling.
The Apple Crop.
J. H. Adams of west of Mvnard ha
been hauling apples from his orchard
ror the past week and delivering
them to the people who are shlppia?
to cnicago. The crop, beside
Mr. Adams wishes to retain for hl
own use and that of the immediate
neighborhood, will net him something
like $900. When taken in conne.
tion with other products of the farm
snows up well tn the right side f
the farming ledger.
J. C. Peterson will market
thing over $400 worth of apples
from his young orchard, Bouthwest of
the city this year. This is the first
crop of the orchard, which has a.
Burned any size, as the trees are Just
coming well Into bearing. Mr. Peter
son is to be congratulated on the
good investment he has made in ta
venture of an up-to-date orchard.
For Sale! j
Good, gentle family horse.
harness and buggy in fair conditio
but has been in use some time.
Ffly-flve dollars will take the whole
outfit. Address or call on W.
Scott, M. P. Ant, Murray, Neb.