The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1909, Image 7

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Correspondence Letter From Charles
D. Grimes Sojourning in Texas.
Waco., Texas, October 2, 1909.
This is still Saturday so far as this
eVentful and veracious history of a
1,000 mile Journey Is concerned. I
spoke of the cruel and quite un
justified rebuke administered to me
by the young female with the large
feet and openwork sox. Well, this
young female, who truly stated she
was "capable of tendin' to her own
business," soon transferred her seat
to one directly to my rear, having
first exposed her Independence by
producing a stenographer's notebook
and a phrase-book of a well known
business college and here we will
leave her but for only a little while
as we will come back and when we
are back we will be there.
Throughout this section of east
ern Kansas there are Indications of
a rain at no long past period but
still it Is very dry. The rain had in
a measure revived pastures and they
were green in places where the life
fluid had toucned them a pleasing
contrast to the dead and burled
out fields 'of corn and the dry, dusty
newly plowed fields.
Our train made very fast time now
for we had lost a few minutes and
along here we passed the "Katy
Flyer," north-bound. A rush, a roar,
and a great cloud of dust and this
palatial train rolled away into the
distance. There Is a good deal of
work being done on the tracks along
here and extra gangs of Italians or
Greeks were a common sight. The
old time "terrier" has gone his way
on the southern and southwestern
roads just as he is a reminiscence In
the north and west and his place is
taken by the races from the south
of Europe. One of the mysteries of
the times is what has become of the
old time laborer. But a few years
ago and he was a familiar face the
country over today he is but
flitting memory of the past, a strange
creature from the mist cf years.
Along here we passed the town of
Oakwdod-'-so called, I presume, be
cause there are no oaks or other
trees In sight. It is a cluster of
frame houses set out In the open
prairie without a sign of a tree for
miles. Why it is called Oakwood
must remain a mystery. There is
room' for speculation as It may have
been founded by some traveller from
a wooded land who longed for
glimpse of his woods when he was
set down in this far reach of prairie
land." ' " ' " '
Moran was the next place of any
Importance, we stopped at. It is a
good-sized and apparently a lively
town, with' plenty of business on its
streets. ' It is" one of the important
towns of""thls section; It Is about
here that the land of tanks com
mehees." 'Out door and above grbun
cisterns 'are in 'sight nearly every
wherej these being of galvanized iron
to catch ahdhoh'l the rains for drink
ing' purposes, almost a sure sign of
poor well water. ; 'These tanks form
an unbroken line" now from Moran
to the Mexican' bbrder: Our under
ground cisterns are not used here
nor do they even appear to have been
tried. Why this is,' I cannot say."
It' was atone 6f the. small towns
nearMorari that 1 noted the sign of
Adam Fetzer and I .wondered If he
was a relatives 'of our Joe.' 'He seem-1
ed'to be a person' ot some . conse
quence ln'.his., community as he had
his .name on nearly every building
and-Industry In the:tow'n. 'This-was
another case of" where Adam was the
first man.
Savonburg was one or the towns
along here and it was a progressive
little place. A portable rock crusher
was breaking rock for macadamiz
ing the one block of principal street,
while two men -were scattering the
pieces over the street and leveling
them up. Savonburg means soap
town I suspicion as somewhere I
remember reading that Bavon In
French meant soap and burg, I guess
it ts the town, so soaptown goes. There
were a few natives at the station
who bore an Indication of profound
Ignorance, as they seemed guiltless
of their town's name, evidences of
soap being sadly lacking.
And while on this subject, I recall
that at every station there was one
person rotincd to the point of cor
pulence who seemed to bo a standing
iilgn of how good it was to live In
Kansas or what a fraud prohibition
was in it's workings. I couldn't
quite tell which. Thero was also one
girl at every station with a blue ging
ham dress on and watery blue eyes.
These two persons are bo lmpres
od on my memory by constant visi
bility that I am sure they are two
of Kansas best products.
Throughout my trip down through
this state, I have found my portable,
ollapsablo drinking cup my best
friend. The Kansas law regarding
dividual cup Is strictly enforced
and he who travels In the sunflower
6tate, does well to carry his own.
I loaned mine to several pretty girls
who were shy but sternly refused all
others. I, however, endorse the
crusade and never again will I travel
without my own cup. It guards
aeainst disease especially, when I
use the celebrated disinfectant pre
pared by Drs. Miller & Egenberger
f Plattsmouth, Neb., U. S. A. This
disinfectant has a dark-brown color
nd when an overdose Is taken It
leaves a dark-brown stain In the
mouth. A number of different doc
tors in Plattsmouth handlo it under
different names. But "a rose, etc."
It tastes alike generally.
It Is at Erie that a glimpse of the
oil section of the state is had. Here
mmense tauks line the tracks and a
large refinery is in full operation.
This oil comes In Its crude form
from the fields lying south and west
of Erie through pipe lines which de
liver the product to the refinery. I
do not know whether this refinery
is a standard oil plant or independent
as there are a number of the latter
plants throughout this region. Erie
is a nice looking and business-like
place, a little city hustling and
igorous and the oil business is one
of its main stays. It is the last im
portant town before Parsons, where
we connect with the St. Louis line.
West of Moran and Erie lies Chanute,
Independence, Cherryvale,' Neodesha
and other important oil points. But
it Is now' Parsons with twenty min
utes for supper.
All Who
Would Etyoy
good health, with its blessings, must un
derstand, quite clearly, that it involves the
question of right living with all the terra
implies. With proper knowledge of what
is best, each hour of recreation, of enjoy
ment, of contemplation and of effort m.iy
be made to contribute to living aright.
Then the use of medicines may be dis
penscd with to advantage, but under or
dinary conditions in many instances a
simple, wholesome remedy may be invalu
able if taken at the proper time and the
California Fig Syrup Co. holds that it is
alike important to present the subject
truthfully and to supply the one perfect
laxative to those desiring it.
Consequently, the Company's Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna gives general
satisfaction. To get its beneficial effects
buy the genuine, manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale
by all leading druggists.
Mr. Ralph Keckler of Manley and
Miss Virginia Harnsburger of Elm-
wood were married in Omaha Wed
nesday, September 29. This young
couple are highly respected and pop
ular and well known. They will
make their home on a farm two miles
south of Manley, where Mr. Keckler
has been farming the past year. Mr
Keckler is exceptionally well known
throughout Cass county as a baseball
pitcher, as he pitched the season for
Manley and has proven himself a lit
tle wonder.
William Stohlnian has at last ar
rived at Manley with a bunch of
teams and graded our streets and
placed in a few new crossings, which
has been needed for a long time. We
expect to see Manley in first-class
shape when William gets through
D. D. Brann is moving his stock
of goods in his new store building
which is just completed on upper
Main street. Mr. Brann has put up
a very nice store Du.iiuing,. wnicn
greatly adds to our little town. He
will increase his stock by putting in
hardware and dry goods. All he asks
is to call and see him. He has th
goods and will sell them right.
round the Classes.. .
Yesterday the writer, while re
lieving Judge Douglas, the regula
reporter, lost his glasses, and after
taking one circuit of the street in
vain endeavor to find them,, bought
another pair, and on returning to
the" office found the former ones safe
Wade' Windham having found them
and brought them in, for which .ac
cep't thanks.
(Special Correspondence.)
John Clites and Alex Sklles took
in the street carnival at Murdock on
E. M. Stone, George Sheesley, Carl
ton Gulllon and Charles Jordan were
Murdock visitors Thursday and re
port a fine time at the street fair.
HornTo Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Ayers, September 27, 1909, a Im
pound girl. Charles Is all smiles.
A barn on one of George Halls
farms burned Thursday afternoon.
Will Sutton was an Omaha visitor
Friday cf last week.
The eighth grade of Alvo school
went to South Bend last Wedneseday
to visit the state fisheries and to
gather specimens for botany work.
Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull of Lincoln
. ... 1 T-l ..!..., lnlr
were visiting unaries winiiauim
Dally market letter from the M.
L. Williams Commission company,
Coates block, Plattsmouth, Neb.:
Wheat During the fore part of
the Besslon this cereal advanced ow
Ing to heavy buying by Findley and
Barrell. The price was pushed up
almost lc, when the pit crowd and
many commission houses became
heavy sellers, which eased the mar
ket up quite noticeably. The day's
purchase by Findley and Barrell will
be over 2,000,000 bushels, supposed
to have been bought for Armour,
while some think for George Patten,
brother of the wheat king. The mar
ket closed strong.
Corn The market took on a bear
ish tendency owing to the anticipated
government report which will be due
at 1 o'clock on the 8th of each month.
It Is expected that this report will
be bearish, or about 77 per cent, or
below the ten year average.
Oats Were weak in sympathy
with corn, and also the market Is
due to the Immense crop, which this
year will far excell any year for a
long time. ; ' '
High.- Low.
Dec. 1.02
May 1.03
July 99
P2 1.01U
98 U
Hogs 5t?10c lower; quality and
clearances fair. Estimated hogs for
tomorrow, 11,000 head. '
Cattle Strong; receipts 2,000
head. .
Sheep 10c lower; receipts, 10,000
in w a w r
I .. S M7 II I
A National Bank is an absolutely safe place
to put your money because the United States
Government is behind it.
Ask our patrons how we treat THEM.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska,
M. W. A. Band In Oiiialui.
The Plattsmouth M. W. A. band
returned late last night from their
trip to Omaha, where they played in
the big parade. The M. P. train was
an hour late and got the boys into
Weather forecast. ,ha union station behind tho time
Friday; colder in went portion to-
night; cooler Friday.
Illinois Partly cloudy and some
what warmer tonight; Friday in
creasing cloudiness with probably
and wife the latter part of last week, bowers jn extreme north portion,
Indiana and Michigan Fair and
E. S. Tutt of .Plattsmouth, Demo
cratic eanuiuaie ior snerni, was i
this vicinity looking after his Inter
ests last Friday.
George Frolich returned from Spo-
Uupp. Wash., last Wednesday, lie
warmer tonight; Friday slowly ris
ing temperature. ' ' .
Missouri Partly cloudy tonight;
Friday cloudy with rain In west portion.
Wisconsin Partly cloudy tonight
and warmer tonight and Friday; in
dent tho spasnn there looking after creasing cloudiness.
1 1 IT .!.. l ...I. V. - I I
IUWU lIUHl'lllt'd Willi TUMI lillC IU"
business and pleasure.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bennett moved
to University Place last Saturday,
where Mr. Bennett has work.
San Cashner, one of our hardware
merchants, was doing business in
Lincoln Tuesday and ; Wednesday, i. .
Isaac Toland was a' business vlsi'
tor to Lincoln Tuesday, returning
home Wedneseday. ;
Tom Hanson came in Monday to
night or Friday; slightly warmer to
night in extreem east,
South Dakota Showers tonight or
Friday; colder. i
. Kansas Showers tonight or Fri
day; cooler.
. Weather- Man.
Mllinois and Ohio' valley: Tempera
ture. 48 to 58; clear. West;- Tem
perature, 60 to 64; clear. Valen
tine, trace. Southwest: Tempera
t'urfl, 54 to 68;' clear. Canadian
northwest: Temperature -32 to 52;
it u-th h s k ster. airs, 1 naries ciouoy. - wumonaion,. trace xiaine
An,iPrnn and family for a-few days. Ford, trace,; Mediclne..Lodge, trace;
' I ItMnnim.rr r rwi A VMthn'ADt' 'In m
. . , . I ?V 111 ill (iv. ft, ll (lie. -wi in n rni . jiiii
Will Koyies reiurneu iu mm ,)(,rature, 46 to 64; clear. Bismarck,
in Lincoln Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. Clarei-e 'Curyea re-
turned from Seldeiv, Kas.;- Monday. r-'t
! :J. A. Shaffer spent Sunday. -flnd
Monday visiting Fred Weaver.-hear
South Bend. m--
:Born To Mr. and Mrs. J. '!. New-
kirk, on October-5,' 1909 an eight-.
pound daughter
Miss Minnie Jochlm of Louisville
visited in this city yesterday, and., we,
are . glad to hear she has recovered
from the severe operation she under
went last, spring, as she Is one of
Cass county's finest young ladles,
and haB a pleasant word to speak to
all whom Bhe meets. . . . i
K SicK
Don't risk even one idngle penny
And I will tell rou why I lay thU.
It li txKSUM evwy Mckam of Dr. Sboop'f
medicine u aowiumy rice v " (
No on need rhk eren one itngle penny,
Jutt think what thli meant to the sufferlnf
. No rink, nqMcyne, nothing whatever un
lent hntlth flrrgtumi for 30 lull a7. ana
without the iWfJ "'Re penny, you cn i
either of my tft Ainii4unedlee Dr. Shoo
Reiterative or Wf HKfaft Mneumtlc Remedy
Than urhv tmlr tti, fhinm wh.tAV.rt
Why purchate any medicine whose
maker aare not M ujwi as i ao oy
this remarkable ofrerl
inrihMldn.. I .m naitenAr to you.
M "No MDjrurDeyWiaui iiM made Dr,
In the land. TbIM)&0Wd.: Uke
nftithtnM urh.eTviw nm."
For twenty teen Dr. Hhoop'l medicine have
become thoroughly utannartiitea an over America.
And I havejCNfinjted honwt and reipon
Ihl. rininlit. liFlv(vFlty 4m vlllan evry.
where to arTriaU,iAr)d your. Theeo
elected drunfcu J r.ClA1Vni medicine with
the irk and Trne entire risk li mine alone.
Hut write me (1 ret for an order.
1 hv an .lent in almoitt every commttn-
Its but all druggist are not authorised to grant
the 3Udy ut.
Ho drop m a line, plense-and thus ave all
lumvilnlnHinu And drlavi.
Ktiidce, you are free to consult me by totter
ai you would your home pnytimn. do to ireei
ml fullv if nu dittlre. My advice and the bool
below are your anu without cot rernap a
word nr two from me will clear ud tome wrlou
ailment. I havo helped thouxamlRupon thousand
hy my private pretcription or pomotitl advice
l''Rn' Bclde, the book will open up new and
helpful idee to you. They tell of myl year ex
prience at the
. 11,.. 1. n .. T -. nnLl
M- onH Mm 1.7 M St nllfl ..TTI It J TBI I ""A V" . " 1- ' ; V'Y "V'j l- "
. . , that two members of the bear party
William Kitzdwenfto Lincoln-in.a-nL, fofatQfalatlo'n
uta Wednesday.: .' . ' ' Baid that only one had cdvered. ' It
.-Mrs: A. Brunkaw-stiettt the fore Was. noticed. that the , Armour houses
narfof the week In ?Omahu. - . was, a goou juyer pi ...necemoer
lucau.,jr ,ir...Uw.., . ,...v. lne.0r tvhoat ear y 'find 'had taken
Newkirtc, Harry Vickers and Owen lt ln and.KOiie long 500,000 bushels
SimpklnB:'were driving-down-a hill at the top. - Barrell bought-around
a shaft broke. -wblchv frightened the 11.02 for December , and Ware-Le-
horse.-causing .the animal to run top ruon ,n,cloBe
away.' The -buggy waa broken and 'touch vjtn the cn8h,Bituatlon were, in
the occupants ; thrown out. Mr. a few lnfltances. Inclined to b bull;
Bimpkins was paralyzed .In the' lower for a tftrflart hlght. They said
.. . . ... - , . that wHh' n;; decline bf 10c ln vash
In home and in HokdI
and relief are told of
liiKldn nene
Ui. All Pliaiw Thev LMI It Ifit ills!
no lnrer t'hAu a'illliiVpWii (Ut glv.e to the
llimrt lu iiiuiuT. How the Stomach and Kidney
meh hv their linlde or Dower nerve. Hoy
tlinne orirant urely (alter wheu thene cotitmllng
nr m.ii. r nervHrfiuJin to full, ilow Dr. Bhnop i
RetnniUveirnVHiitu4 tbLt Uieao falling nerve
and rebuild. rfiidKitVVVyf'i reitorn th loM
lime and nnw. n rati mivarhelD you If It I
within the Dnwer nf medlirfl- to do lo. My bent
eltort Immrely worth yiiiiJipleronue. So write
now. while it 1 fresh 'hr'mitid, n tomorrow
never come. Dr. Hhoop, box U. Racine, Wl
Which Book thaU t Sae TmI
Ko. 1 On PynpepKl No. 4 For Women
Nn ! On the H.rt No. 6 For Men
No. S On the Kidney No. 0 On Kiumatli.
trafe; ' DeVil'S'i'Lake, 'trace;' Itapid
("Uy. -01-- ' " ' ' '! .''-'
il )' , i' v . '
1 .. fcM3irkct:4J(tH).r.
", yfhe Chicago; InWi-Ocean. say a:
heat It was the gossip or. ,Uu
wlii'.-it nit tlint the lnadlnir bear
li(;tis(s had' tifceh' the' X 6 St buyers of
wlrPii't for 'two' dirts' anil tHa't several
oM.he,lflrBfHt-h.)rlfl ;kadi covered' the
cals so crowded that they could not
get a ride to tho den, where tho par
ade started from. Tho parade had
started before our band arrived and
was making up, so that the Platts
mouth band got their position. Thero
were eleven bands in the big parade,
with two floats and a number of
other attractions between the bands.
The Instructions were to play
every alternate block which was done
for some time, but when the parade
reached, the rough sections of the
route, the boys could hardly bo ex
pected to play that often. The M.
W. A. band had twenty pieces and
presented a fine appearance, winning
much favorable comment. And when
the march was finished the crowds
gathered around our boys and insist
ed on having several extra selections,
which were played, attracting the at
tention and favorable comment of
the management. Plattsmouth may
well feel proud of. ,its band, which
ln their new uniforms made a splen
did attraction for the fine parade.
The parade eifdcd -afiout 10 o'clock
and 'the boys were tired from the
long march. ' ' ' : " '' !
Kntert-alns Ladies' Aid.
Mrs. S. E. McRlwain, assisted by
Mrs. Klam Pnrmele, delightfully en
tertained the ladles of the Christian
church at her pleasant home on Oak
street yesterday afternoon from 3 to
5. This was red letter day in the
life of the Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church, nearly seventy
ladies being present. After the reg
ular devotional service and a short
address by Evangelist Wllhite in tin
interest of the revival which he is
conducting in this city, dainty re
freshments were served, and every
body present voted that Mrs. McEl
waln was one of the most royal en
tertaineis tho society had ever had.
Those present from out of town were
Mrs. E. J. Etheredge and Mrs. Nich
ols, both of Oreenwood, and Mis.
Anna Porter of Lincoln.
' Served 'ns' coffee, 'the 'new coffee
substitute' known to 'grocers' every--wlfoYe
as -Dr.'Slibop's'llea'ltfi dbffeei
will trick 'even-a c'offe'e'f Xpert'.' ' Not
a grain of real coffee In it either. Pure
healthful toasted grains, "rtialt; nuts,
etc., have benso cleverly 'blended
as . to give, a wonderfully satisfying
coffee taste and flavor.' Andlt'ls
'made ln a minute," "too! - No ted
ious 20. to 30 minutes' boiling Test
It and see. Dr. Fhoop created Health
Coffee that the people might have a
genuine coffee substitute, and one
that would be thoroughly satisfy
ing In every possible, respect. Kold
by F. S. White.
Stomach troubles would more
quickly If tho Idea of treating
the cause, rather than the effect,
would come Into practice. A tiny,
inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop,
governs and gives strength to the
stomach. . A, branch, also goes to
the Heart,. and one to the Kidneys.
When these "Inside nerves" fail,
then the organs niust falter. Dr.
Shoop's Restorative directed spiM-N
llcally .to these failing nerves. With
in 48 , hours after ..starting . the Re
storative treatment .patients say they
realize a gain. Sold hy all dealers.
HmbB and Mr. Vickers was uncon
sclous for some time. Mr. Newklrk
escaped unhurt, ((
Miss Violet Ough, 'visited her
father Saturday anfl, Sunday,.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Powell of Lin-,
corn In two-weeks the market was on
a joew crop, basis,, as old, lw. 2 corn
is selling at 69 c in , store, of 2c
over December. 'Country holders did
not sell as freeTy'-yeskwroVty' because
of the- recent decline; but. have more
thnn tho iinnnl nuanJlf v wild, and the
coin visited Mrs. Powell's father Sun- movement is expected, to be liberal
day, returning to Lincoln Sunday for a month to come hs long as. the
evening. ',V nPrnmt,ill enhlno- Whnnt at! thfr
Mr. and Mrs. rrea Keerer went 10 opening was firm with values V M
Lincoln Wedneseday to visit ..Air. up, being influenced by tne steaui
ifnnfor'a nnronts nes8 of American cables' -yesterday
Phil Duer and wife were at Omaha ?na. iae B..aip "K XP " """I
taking the Ak-Sar-Den Sunday and durI'n(? the morning the market was
Monday. firmly held and good support valueB
Bert Kitzel was at Murdock Thurs- worked up 66 . Strength was at-
J ..In. .1 Ih. .I.l fair UlOUlfU lO UIW HCttltllJ UU IllKUiM
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keefer return
ed to their home at Lawrence, la.
Miss Grace Buckner and her
brother George returned home Frl-
Manitoba offerings, very few Pacific
coast offerings and the reports of
locusts being numerous. Argentine
cargoes were firmly held with offer
ings few and the spot market was
firm. At midday thero was a slight
reaction from top prices on a less
day from a ten day's visit with their active demand, but the undertone
cousin, Orvil Ducknell and family, la
Nuckols county.
Albert Foreman went to Murdock
street fair Thursday evening.
Art Klyver attended K. P. lodge In
Elmwood Tuesday evening.
was firm, with vnlues ffl higher
than yesterday, with December firm
ly held. Corn Market dull and fea
tureless with values unchnrt""''
Kngineer Bell Here.
William Bell of Grand Island stop
ped here today en route to Gales-
Some Apples. l)UrKi IU f to ca9n hIs p(.n8on chock
Isaac Pollard & Sons of the No- Mr. Boll used to be nn engineer on
braska fruit farm have shipped to the Burlington, and claims to have
date of their own raising sixteen crossed with the first engine on the
cars of apples. The late winter ap- big bridge when lt was finished. He
pies have not been gathered yet. Tho quit railroading ln the 1888 strike,
late crop will amount to many cars, and has been at tho Grand Island
They have also shipped of their own Soldiers' home for some years. He
manufacture three cars of cider and says he has no living relatives, and
two of vinegar. (goes to Calesburg to visit friends.
Sam Shoemaker wag called to Om-
aha'on business this morning. .
' , Take. Went cm Trip. :.
' John' Hehrlch '.f the'H. It. Goring
Drug, company deMirted this "morn---ing'for
lKnver,i'Coin.V,vh(,re he-'will
enjoy the -niouiltttln "tiir-' for 'X 'ftf
weeks.. He .whs. nxouL-uanled by-hts
father,; Jaqob .Henrfch. : After. vlew
Ing the sights-at Uenver for a. lime
they will go. u, Colorado Springs and
view Plke'p,Pek; and other Interest
ing placca-. ,.!) .,, - '
I ' !'!. " ')!. "'
Mayor J.,P Sutter and wife and
daughter Miss", 6lga," attended' the
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities today. Presi
dent of the Council -Stelmker will oc
cupy the chair' in the absence or the'
mayor from the city.
.. -J
r ' --.,.,1
Please call
and see my
line of hats.