The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1909, Image 6

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    M UITB y J8pBFiM
If anu of the mtihrs of tkt Journal know of a s-vil eriut r an ikw ofuUerest in
wild all item uf interest. Editor Journal.
A Check Account rend
ers safety and conven
ience to the holder
TI 1 1C man who has a check account at the bank
and pays by check is marked as an individual of
the more reliable sort. He is looked upon by his
fellows as prudent and discreet. He stands high
er in the community.
It is well worth considering when a man may ob- U
t tain safety and convenience for money matters.
If you have not a full knowledge of the workings
of the check account, we will be glad to explain.
The method off a Check Account
is simple and easily learned
i , i r. r 1 " .'
.'. 1 ' i ' '
Murray State Bank
Capital Stock
01 0,000.00
ii u
Charles and James Campbell
spent Sunday with their parents In
Mrs. John West was taken sud
denly very sick Sunday night with
heart trouble. At this time she Is
some better.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman enter
tained quite a number of friends at
an evening dinner Saturday.
Mr. James Wlllard moved from the
Mlnfurd place, JiiHt north of town, to
the placed owned by the Slocum
estate, east of Murray.
William Porter, the well man at
NVhawka, and his brother Blair, from
near Union, were visiting with Col.
Snavely and family over Sunday.
Mrs. William A. Drown entertained
several friends at dinner Saturday
evening. The table was artistically
decorated, and everybody enjoyed the
Mrs. Rev. Spiegel, who lives six
miles west of Murray, la very low
from an operation performed some
time ago. Little hopes are enter
tained for her recovery.
Will Brown accepted the nomina
tion for Justice of the peace on one
condition and that was "That a cer
tain young lady should got married
and would permit him to officiate at
the wedding.
Charles Bocdekcr returned from
Tecoe Valley, N. M., last Friday.
While there he bought 9C0 acres of
Rue land. lie seems to think there
Is food speculation In these lands,
as they are very productive.
The Ed. P. Harlow Show company
has come and gone. They gave a
good show for the price, but the
youngsters who bad studied the show
bills with all their wild and fanciful
pictures say "They don't show what
they said they would." After while,
when they are older,, "Peoplo don't
do what they say they will," and then
they will understand life as It. Is.
' ,v .' r .j :
1-, ,,
-" ' ' - - a f '.'mm
Jj At Murray, Saturday Even- B
mg, uctooer it, iyuy
Get your tickets reserved at the bank Sat
urday afternoon, October ). No
extra charge.
The fall wheat Is looking fine In
this section of the county. The only
method for planting winter wheat Is
by press drill. In sowing twenty
acres a press drill will pay for it
self, so one farmer claims.
James Brown left Monday evening
for Dese Moines, la., where he will
attend a fine stock show. He makes
this trip Intending to Invest If he
finds anything within reasonable
Theodore Amlck made a demon
stration with bis Ford automobile to
show Its power. If any doubts the
power of this machine let him take a
Joy ride over some of Murray's steep
hills and you will hear him cry,
"Hold! Enough."
Peoplo In this vicinity are a little
shy of Ak-Sar-Ben and his car strike.
If the festlvltlese In our metropolis
are not ' better attended by other
towns than Murray "King Samson"
ian write "fizzle" on his record book
this season. It Is right, for If Om
aha does not help the strikers she
deserves a black eye.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman gave a
dinner to quite a number of friends
last Thursday. The repast was
bountiful and all enjoyed the kind
hospitality of this generous family.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Davis,
Dr. and Mrs. Gllmoro, Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Brown, Mrs. Mary Allison and
Mrs. S. O. Pitman.
A farewell supper was given by
William McDanlels and W. C. Brown
to W. A. Scott, the popular station
agent at the M. P. Mr. 8cott leaves
for a vacation In the northern wilds,
where he wJH jdo some hunting and
trapping. The evening was "'enjoy
ably spent and the supper would put
a Taft 'possum dinner in the shade.
Mr. McDanlels will have charge of
the M. P. station during Scott's ab
sence. The Date
thin vicinity and will mad name to tht
O. A. Davis made a business trip!
to Omaha Tuesday. r
Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. Churchill at
tended the Ak-Sar-Ben Monday even
ing. Mrs. H. G. Todd and Mrs. William
Brown spent Wednesday at Nebraska
Ad Boedeker delivered his corn
here Tuesday from Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct. Mrs. Torrence Fleming entertained
a number of friends Wednesday
Mr. Archie Holmes and daughter,
Mrs. Smith, took in the Ak-Sar-Ben
Miss Vinces Ferguson of Dunbar
la visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. W. Ed
munds, this week.
Dr. G. II. Gtlmore spent Wednes
day In Omaha visiting his patients at
the different hospitals.
Will Smith, our genial merchant,
did not attend the Ak-Sar-Ben car
nival this season.
Albert Young and H. Gregg went
up to Omaha to see the Ak-Sar-Ben
sights Tuesday evening.
Charles Countryman . and wife
and Will Countryman and wife were
Ak-Sar-Ben visitors Wednesday.
Mrs. G. II. Gilmore left on the M.
P. train Tuesday evening for a few
days' visit In Omaha with relatives
Don't forget that Saturday, Oc
tober 16, is the date when the Castle
Square entertainers will be at Mur
W. J. Phllpot and family took the
early morning train here Wednesday
for Omaha, where they visited the
Pauline and Fay Oldham were
Omaha visitors Monday, going up to
attend the United States Marine
band concert at the auditorium.
Harry Johnson showed the boys
one day last week how to catch a
ball with his left eye. He felt some
what swelled up over the exhibition
Miss Isabell Young Is spending
the week at Bethany, Neb., visiting
friends and attended the dedication
exercises of the new Christian church
at that place.
It Is understood that Howard
Graves has bought out the harness
and buggy business of John Cook
John has been planning on moving
Into northern Nebraska.
The 3-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Tarns met with an ac
cldent Tuesday evening. In which
the little fellow's foot was severely
scalded by overturning a hot cup of
Mr. Jules Graves came In on the
evening train Tuesday to visit his
mother, who is sick at Rock Bluff,
Mrs. Graves has Improved some dur
Ing the past week, but is not out of
Leonard Murray loaded his car
Saturday for Woods county, Okla,
Leonard has a farm In Oklahoma of
180 acres. It cost him $20 per acre
three years ago and la now valued at
$40 per acre.
The Ladles' Aid society of the
Christian church will meet at the
home of Mrs. Lloyd Gapen WedneBe
day, October 13. Come early In the
morning- and bring your thimbles.
Charles Boedeker had a runaway
Saturday. He turned his team into a
hedge to stop them. He did. When
he came out he looked like an Apache
Indian on the warpath. . Pretty bad
ly scratched, but nothing worse.
Dr. William Loughridge came In
from the Hudson-Fulton festivities
Monday evening. .While In the east
he spent some time at Johns Hop
kins Medical college. Dr. Lough
ridge operates, a private hospital at
Mllford, Neb., which has proven
quite successful.
The Castle Square entertainers
were a pleasing, surprise to those
who attended. 'The company is com
posed of artists of excellent musical
ability and Is one of the best attrac
tions that has appeared here in years.
Their rendition of the "Toreador
Song" from Carmen and "Miserere"
from II Trovatore was indeel excel
lent. Should the quartet appear here
tt'Knln they will bo greeted with a
bumper house. Ardock (N. D.)
The entertainment by the Castle
Square entertainers caused a gen
uine sensation among the lovers of
good singing, and those who were
not present missed a rare treat. A
more perfect part singing by male
voices has seldom been heard In Hal
lock. The program was good
throughout. Mr. Wnrdwell Is a
reader of unquestionable talent and
his work brought vigorous recalls.
Mr. Grant enjoys a keen senso of
genuine Irish wit and knows exactly
how to use it in his Irish monologue,
convulsing his audlenco with laugh
ter. Hallock (Minn.) Enterprise.
offict it mil appear under tlUn heading'
' ' ' I
Mr. and Mrs. Mack Churchill were
n Omaha Monday evening.
Mrs. O'Leary departed Thursday
norning for her home iu Cleveland,
R. Minford and family drove to
Plattsmouth Tuesday evening in their
new auto.
The teachers' reading course will
meet Saturday afternoon at the
school house. i
Mr. Frank Smith and wife from
Ong, Neb., are visiting his brother,
W. S. Smith and wife.
Mrs. J. W. Berger and Mrs. Chas.
Carrell were shopping In Platts
mouth Wednesday tight.
Clara and Lena Young were home
visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex. Young were
visiting Saturday and Sunday with
relatives at Weeping Water. ,
Miss Eunice Ferguson from Ne
braska City Is here visiting her aunt,
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds this week.
Postmaster Baker and daughter
Opha went to Omaha Wednesday
evening to see the big parade.
A. L. Baker and wife attended the
meeting at Plattsmouth Tuesday
evening, driving up In Rans auto.
The entertainment given by the
Castle Square male quartet will be
gin at 8 p. m. Be on time and hear
it all.
Mrs. Mira McDonald is expecting
a visit from her daughter, Grace,
next week, who is on her way to her
new home in Mexico.
Don't forget to come In to the bank
Saturday afternoon and get your
tickets for the entertainment Satur
day evening, October 16.
C. D. Spangler and wife, and Wm.
Sporer and wife were shopping in
Omaha Friday, driving up in their
auto. ,
G. M. Minford and family and
Charles Mutz and wife took advant
age of the good weather and drove
to Omaha Sunday In their auto.
Mrs. George Mutz is here keeping
house for her daughter-in-law, Mrs.
Charles Mutz, while she is taking
a few days vacation in Omaha this
Those going to Omaha Wednesday
a. m. to see the carnival were Wil
Ham Sporer and family, J. W. Ed
munds, and wife, Eunice Ferguson,
Dr. B. F. Brendel,. Mrs. H. S. Smith,
Ida Boedeker and Dr. G. H. Gil
Entertains in Honor of Guest.
Mrs. T. W. Fleming entertain
ed a number of her lady friends at
her home Wednesday afternoon in
honor of her friend, Mrs. Cora
O'Leary, who Is visiting her from
Cleveland, Ohio.
The afternoon was spent in social
conversation. At the usual hour a
three course luncheon was served
which was one of the finest we ever
have enjoyed.
At the departing hour all - pro
nounced Mrs. Fleming a royal en
tertainer. Following were those
present: Mesdames B. F. Brendel,
H. C. Long, D. C. Rhoden, T. J.
Brendel, C. D. Spangler, A. L. Baker,
G. W. Rhoden, H. W. Beck, Steve
Copenhaver, 'Charles Mutz,"1 George
Mutz of Omaha; Cora Keplener of
Nehawka; Cora O'Leary of Cleve
land, Ohio; Miss Gertrude Long,
Bessie Brendel and Mrs. T. W. Flem
ing. School Report.
The following is the report of the
primary department of the Murray
school: Following are the pupils
that were neither absent nor tardy
during the month of September:
Freddie McCuIlough, Everett Spang
ler, George Copenhaver, Margaret
Spangler, Grace Long, Walker Gil
more and Kenneth Lindsay. Maude
usterholtz, Teacher.
Its a Top Notch Doer.
Great deeds compel regard. The
world crowns Its doers. That's why
the American people have crowned
Dr. King's New Discovery, the King
of Throat and Lung remedies. Every
atom is a health force. It kills
germs and colds and la grippe van
ish. It heals cough-racked mem
branees and coughing stops. Sore,
Inflamed bronchial tubes and lunga
are cured and hemorrhages cense.Dr.
Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C, writes
"It cured me of lung trouble, pro
nounced hopeless by all doctors."
50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Albert Thlerolf and wife of Star,
Neb., who have been the guests of
relatives In this vicinity, were Om
aha passengers on the early train this
morning. Mr. Thlerolf expects to re
turn to Holt county Saturday.
Square Feet:
two coats to the gallon, that's what
The Sherwin-Williams Paint
will cover. And on a good surface it will cover more
than that. No paint will do better, and very few
paints will do as well. Maximum coyering capacity,
easiest spreading qualities, longest wear, and greatest
economy are what we claim for S. W. P. It's the one
safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. !?.
If you want to save money in painting let us show i
you the way. We sell paints for all kinds of good I
painting. "
Druggists and Paint Dealers.
We want.your paint trade .
Automobile Supplies.
We have on hand gasoline, cy
linder oil, transmission and differ
ential, and cup grease, brass polish,
carbide body polish, fine patches and
cement. And we can get you, on
short notice, and at the right prices,
anything that goes to make an auto
mobile, from a collar pin to a com
plete auto.
We solicit your patronage on any
of these accessories.
Obituary of Mrs. Mary B. Miller.
Mrs. Mary Barry Miller was born
October 7, 1848, and died Saturday
evening, October 2, 1909, after a lin
gering sickness from chronic Bright's
Mrs. Miller, who was well known
to the old settlers of this state, came
to Cass county In 1867. She was born
In Noble county, Ohio, and was the
daughter of Thomas L. and Sarah
Headly Barry, old settlers in Ne
braska, and now deceased. Mrs.
Miller was first married to G. W.
Young, February 6, 1868, who serv
ed two terms as county commissioner
In the 90's, and who now resides
near Alva, Okla. To them was born
Mrs. Hattie J. Davis, living near
Murray; Mrs. John Murray and Miss
Ada Young, both living near Alva,
Okla. Four children were lost dur
ing an epidemic of diphtheria. One
sister survives her, Mrs. James Worth
of Thurston county, this state.
On February 7, 1907, she was
united in marriage with Mr. Chris.
Miller, and since which time up to
the time of her -death, they made
their home in Murray, Neb. For
many years Mrs. Miller was a de
voted member of the United Breth
ren church at Otterbeln, but since
making her home in Murray she
united with the Christian church, the
church convenient to her borne.
The funeral took place Monday
afternoon and was held at the Otter
beln church in Mt. Pleasant precinct
by Rev. Luther Moore, the Christian
minister from the church at Platts
mouth. A large number of old
neighbors gathered at the church to
pay their last sad respects tp one
they had so well known.
The solden hills are sear; another
season closes, when nature does not
die, but simply falls asleep, the
requiem of the mourners die today,
an echoing dirge from that unknown
shore .that we, shall triumph our
Death'; ""' - "; ' - .'-''"'
"Death is dawn.
The waking from a weary night
Of fevers unto truth and light."
German St. Paul's Church.
As it was announced last Sunday,
our harvest home festival, "Ernte
dankfest," will be held next Sunday,
October 10, at the usual time. The
offerings of this day are for the in
valid pastors of our German Evan
gelical synod of North America. .J.
H. Steger, pastor.
Murray State Bank
Of Murray, Nebraska,
Cliarter No. 57S
incolltoratcd In tlip State of Nebraska, at the
close of business Auirust :1, UWtf.
Loans and discounts &il.(W" XI
Overdraft, secured and unsecured... I. UK) Mil
Itnnklntf house, furnll nre. and fixtures 2.7!i." 00
Current expenses and taxes paid ti;i7 24
line from national, statu and private
Imnks and ImnkerN 7,5,-,! 07
Checks and Items of exchange.. 37 2T
Currency 2,;itii mi
Hold coin r.M OH
Silver, nickels and cents.... ., 5.'I7 Hf 3.0.V! 15
Total JtW,32 2H
Capital stvk paid In iio.ono 00
Surplus fund .in) 00
I'ihIIvIiIimI profit 04
IndlTldiial di'iHislts subject to
cheek 4tl,n.i or
Demand certificates of dciioslt KCJ IW
Time certllli'ates of deposit. .. t)..isM 114
Total ...fifl,KH A
State or Nkhhaska, I
Count y of Cass. ( I, W. 1. Iloedcker.
cashier of the alsive named hank, do hereby
swear that the aliov statement Is a correct
and true copy of the reixirt make to the state
bauklnif hoard. W. (1. Mokiikkkh, Cashier.
Attiwf U'hah. C. 1'AHMKi.K. Director.
aim si. j ymn nitt,MANi 1 itrH-tr.
PulwuTllied and sworn to before me. this 8th
day "f September, HHlt.
IsbalI H. C. West.
Notary l'u hi lc
A Correction.
In our write-up of the automobile
accident, in which there appears an
inference that the driver was drunk.
The auto is owned by John Urlsh,
and his son Henry was the driver.
We are sorry they put this infer
ence upon the article, because the
young man never drank a drop of
liquor in his life. The Journal is
always willing to correct errors that
creep into its columns, and in jus
tice to Mr. Urlsh and the young man
we are glad to make this correc
tion. Bystanders say that the auto
was not going at the rate that was
reported, and was going at a rate of
only about four miles an hour, or
Fine Apples.
Our old friend, J. II. Tarns, left
at this office today a quantity of the
finest looking winter apples we have
seen this season. There are several
varieties, and they are all very solid
and fine in appearance. Mr. Tarns
Is superintendent of the county farm
and the fruit crop, like all other
crops raised on the farm since his
Incumbency, is first-class in every
particular. Mr. Tarns has evidently
demonstrated that "he Is the right
man In the right place."
Attend Lodge at Elm wood.
B. A. Wurl, J. E. McDaniel, Henry
Coos, W. E.'Rosencrans and Grover
Will autoed over to the city of Elm
wood Tuesday evening and attended
K. of P. lodge. They made a quick
trip, going the forty or more miles
in less than two hours. After lodge '
the ' entire party" made the return
trip to Plattsmouth, the night being
fine, with moonlight to keep them
out of the rough places.
Red Men, Take Notice.
There will be a meeting Friday,
October 8, next, at 8 o'clock at the
hall in the Coates block to take up
the matter of class to be Initiated and
going to Omaha October 19. All Red
Men as well as the pale fares (thoee
to be initiated) are requested to be
present Friday evening, - when they
will receive receipts and instruc
tions. A full attendance Is desired
of all Indians and pale faces.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership of E. O. Doved ft Son,
heretofore composed of the signers
hereof, is ,.bjr .mutual , consent , this
day dissolved: Oliver C.vDoved" re
tiring therefrom. The business of
said partnership will be conducted
hereafter under the name of E. G.
Doved ft Son, by George E. Dorey
and Horatio N. Dovey, who assume
all debts and liabilities of tne former
firm and willpay the same.
Plattsmouth, Neb., September 22,
Timothy seed for sale. H. G.
Yinol Bestored This Man's
"Several years ago I was attacked by
a severe case of grippe, which left me
with a hacking cough, soreness in my
chest, and bronchitis. I took nearly
every kind of cough syrup sold on the
market, besides medicine given me by
I received no permanent relief until
my druggist asked me to try Vlnol,
and after taking three bottles I waa
entirely cured.
I believe Vinol to be the greatest
blessing ever offered to the public, ad
it does what la claimed for it." R. E. R.
Hicks, Maplesvllle, Ala.
The reason Vlnol cures chronic
coughs, colds and pulmonary troublej
is because it contains tonic Iron and
all the healing and body building ele
ments of cod liver oil but no oil.
Vlnol Is also unexcelled as a strength
builder for old people, delicate children,
weak and run-down persons, and after
CERING & CO. Druggists