The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1909, Image 3

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TA t
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Now Is the Opportunity to Secure a
The Bennett company of Omaha have leased a store room
in the Riley block, near the postoffice, in Plattsmouth, and will
A sell to the highest bidder one of their high grade pianos which
will be on exhibition at the store
Wattles' Domineering Spirit the
Cause of Continuance.;
H 5 H
The most serious accident since
the street car company began filling
the places of Its striking employes
with men of little experience occur
red Tuesday night at Thirtieth and
Harney streets, when a Benson car as they could be placed. This prop-
At which time all bids, sealed, coming in addressed to the
Bennett Co., Plattsmouth, Neb.; will be opened by the editor of A
the Journal, and the highest bidder takes the piano. We also
have made arrangements with the company to give 15 per cent $
discount on all pianos sold here in the next 30 days.
The following are our makes of pianos: Ives 6c Pond, Chick- jt
$ ering 6c Sons, Krell Auto Grand, Packard, Auto Piano, Mendel- y
4 sohn, Bennett Co., Kohler & Campbell, Kuntzman, Henry and
X S. G. Linderman, Sterling, Huntington and Howard. All guaran-
y teed for 10 years and on easy payments, or cheap for cash, v
Give us a call.
C. F. KNAPTON, Manager
Riley Hotel Block, near Postoffice Plattsmouth, Neb.
Local Event.
William Hunter and wife and chil
dren were Omaha visitors on the
morning train today.
John Stones of Murray drove to
this city this morning and boarded
No. 15 for Omaha.
H. E. Weldman and wife visited
Omaha friends this morning and re
mained for the parade. . , ,
Colonel H. C. McMaken went to
South Omaha this morning, where he
'was called on business.
D. B. Ebersol went to Omaha this
morning to look after business mat
ters and to view the parade.
P. A. Melsinger and wife were In
the city last evening, having spent
the day at the carnival at Omaha.
J. A. Klser and wife and son Guy
and wife were visitors in Omaha to
iaj, where they, took in the carnival.
Joseph Fetzer, the shoe man, took
ft day off and visited Omaha, depart
ing on the early train this morning.
Mrs. Ward Clark and children
visited the Ak-Sar-Ben for the day,
going to Omaha on the morning
' Mrs. Elam ParnM4evan4 Mrs.Booth
spent the day with Omaha friends,
and incidentally inspected the parade
on Sixteenth street.
Hiss Ruth Johnson went to Om
aha on the early train this morning,
where she spent the day with friends.
Roy Thompson, the expressman,
returned from Omaha this morning,
where he has been visiting friends
for a time.
Dr. E. W. Cook and wife and D.
Hawksworth and wife attended the
Ak-Sar-Ben festivltlese in Omaha to
day. John Rough of Weeping Water
.spent the day yesterday in Omaha
and came to Plattsmouth last even
ing, where he transacted business of
importance today.
, Clerk of the District Court James
M. Robertson and' wife were passen
gers to Omaha this niornhg where
hey witnessed the carnival festlvl
ties during the day.
R. A. nates came up this morn
ing from Kansas City and will re
main a few days, probably returning
Saturday morning. Considering
everything he is looking pretty well,
and reports Mesdames R. A. and .M.
A. Rates doing well.
Our genial rrlend, Dr. 0. H. Gil
more, of Murray, passed through the
, city last evening en route home from
Omaha, where he had business, com
j lng down on the evening Rurllngton
I passenger train. He was met here
J by his own team and driver and
I taken home. The doctor gave the
I Journal a call, whore he always re
1 calves a cordial greeting.
Dr. J. S. Livingston was called to
Omaha this morning on important
Ben Glenn of Gothenburg, Neb., is
the guest of his parents, T. W. Glenn
and wife.
Elbert Wiles and his mother, Mrs.
M. G. Wiles, were Ornaha passengers
this morning.
A. L. Anderson departed for a
trip through the state this morning,
leaving on No. 15.
Mrs. Robert Troop and Mrs .1. C. !
Peterson spent the day with friends
in Omaha today.
Mrs. .George Porter of Lincoln is
in the city the guest of friends for
a few days.
John Kraeger, accompanied by his
brother, were Omaha passengers by -early
train today. t
H. N. Dovey was a South Omaha
passenger this forenoon, where he
was called on business.
J. R. Denson has been on the elck
Quite a number of this section
shelled corn last week, among them
being Schafer Bros., August Engel
kemelr, Ed. Gansemer and Otto Puis.
Leslie Gregory did the shelling.
James Tllson lost a fine horse last
R. A. Young returned last week
from a few weeks' visit In Oregon.
While there he attended the Seattle
B. L'.' Dawsan gave his last plat-
night, which
form dance Saturday
was largely attended.
Leonard Manning moved his house
hold goods to Oklahoma Saturday,
where he and his family will make
their future home.
Quite a number in this city at
tended the great show at Murray
Saturday afternoon and evening.
Mrs. Rev. Spriegel is on the sick
.list this week.
Herman Pankonin of Louisville
was a Manle Grove caller last Frl-
list for a few days, not being able to day
be on the streets yesterday. 1 RpmMnh(ir thA riuh ,,.,.. , !..
Rev. C. A. Falk will preach In the: kins' hall at Murray Saturday night,
Swedish Mission church at 8 o'clock ! October 9. V Everybody invited.
tonight. Rev. Falk was pastor here!
some years ago.
Jacob Fornoff of Cedar Creek was
in .the. city today on buslness.r and
while here called and "renewed his
subscription to the Journal.
A. Kaffenberger was in the city to
day with a wagon load of nice pota
toes. Mr. K. had two loads of surplus
potatoes this year, which he Is sell
ing at 60. cents per bushel.
H. M. Soennlchsen has a car of fine
potatoes just from Hemlngford, Neb.
These tubers are being retailed from
the car at 60 cents per bushel. Last
year potatoes were 65 and 70 cents
from the car. This car is of the
Early Ohio variety, and well worth
the price.
D. P. Jackson has just received a
load of new stoves, which he Is push
ing. He also sells the Goodrich sew
ing machine at a sum which would
surprise one for its cheapness. The
machine Is handsome and does the
same work as many of the high
priced machines.
Will Renner and wife spent Sun
day at the home of Charles Herren.
John Klnser began Monday to plas
ter the new .house of L., II. Puis. .
Ad. Baedeker-shelled corn Tues
day and delivered it to the Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gansemer
made a trip to Murray Tuesday
men out, at their old wage, taking
seniority in the order of application.
The offer included a statement to
the effect that the remaining strikers
would be employed from time to time
struck a Harney street car amid-
hlps, hurling it several feet and
seriously injuring three passengers,
George Marley, L. W. Brlttain and
Fred Halverson, all residents of Om
aha. Marley is Injured Internally
and may die. Both cars were badly
John Miller was run down by a
Dodge street car at Dodge and
Twelfth streets and suffered concus
sion of the brain. Conductor Em
manuel Harris and Motorman A.
Thompson, both imported strike
breakers, were arrested and will be
held, pending the result of, Miller's
injuries. , .
A proposition for re-employment
of the striking street car men, re
ceived from President G. W. Wattles
by a committee from the Central
Labor union, was rejected at a meet
ing of the strikers at Labor temple
Wednesday afternoon.
The offer made by Mr. Wattles as
reported by the committee proposed
the employment at once of 125 of the
osltion, typewritten, but unsigned by
Mr. Wattles, was presented at the
The statement purports to have
been Issued at 4:30 o'clock to the
labor committee as an amendment to
a verbal statement made In the morn
ing. It is emphatically declared that
the company does not In any way re
cede from the proposition made by
the company and signed by the five
mayors. It is asserted that at the
morning meeting, Mr. Wattle had
said that the company was no longer
requiring men to sign pledges to
keep out of the union, but this is re
tracted In the final written statement.
The street car company is re
sponsible for every accident that
happens. Through the domineering
spirit of President Wattles of the car
company, the strike is still on and
bids fair to remain so, and people
who have the courage to board the
cars are running a great risk of los
ing their lives or being crippled for
the balance of their days. y
Wash Your Face and Hands
A. D. S.
Its Constant Use Tends
to Keep the Skin White
25c Cake
Returns From West.
Captain Isaac Wiles returned yes
terday from a three weeks' sojourn
near Mlnatare, Neb., where he owns a
ranch. Captain Wiles says that it
has been a prosperous year in that
section of the state, and the crops
planted there are looking fine. Beets
and hay especially are making a full
crop. Mr. Wiles la well pleased with
that country and his Investment
Deserts Wife and Children for a Mote
Fascinating and Younger Lady.
For three weeks the people of Ash
land have been talking of the almost
simultaneous disappearance of Rev.
Howard R. Van Auken, pastor of the
Congregational church here, and Miss
Bertha Bowman, a professional nurse
from Lincoln.. Their departure fol
lowed the interception of a note
written to Miss Bowman by the
preacher which was written with the
evident purpose of appointing a time
and place for a meeting. Before
leaving the city. Van Auken placed
his resignation in the hands of the
church board at its request. He left
his wife and three children, the old
est of whom is 8 years of age and the
youngest an infant, who have since
gone to live at Middleville, Mich.,
with Mrs. Van Auken's father, who
came to Ashland for them.
The deposed and departed min
ister is about 35 years of age, a man
of good appearance and physical
vigor. He is a fine pulpit orator and
was popular with his congregation.
He4iad been here about two years,
coming from Indiana.
Just before Miss Bowman left Ash
land she wrote a note to her Bister
at Fairbury, stating that she was go
ing to Colorado and would stop at
Fairbury on the way. ' She did not
stop, however, and her sister has
neither seen nor heard anything from
her since that time.
In the mntter of the extate of Au-
KiiHt Ktohlman, Deceased.
All persons IriterpHted In unit! estate
are hereby notified that there will lie
a hearing upon the petition of the ail
mlnlHtrutrlx for final settlement of
unlil extate before thin court at I'lnttH
mouth In said county and state on the
2fith day of October, 1909, at 10 o'clock
a. in., and that all obJectlonH thereto
ninut be filed on or before nald day
and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of
the county court of said county thlH
4th day of October, A. I). 1909,
County Judge,
liamsey St ltaniHcy, Attorneys for
Wante and Repair.
The human body Is 'a picture of
the world's work. A constant' strug
gle, with gain on one side and loss!
on the other, waste and repair; The
minute cells, of which the body con
sists, die and their loss is replaced
by new-born cells. As long as the
body Is capable to repair the whole
loss It Is in the state of health. If
the waste Is larger than the repair,
some organs of the body become
weak and diseased. You should then
UH8 Trlner's American Elixir of Bit
ter Wine, a perfectly reliable tonic
which will stimulate all organs to
work and thus make a hasty repair.
Use it In all diseases connected with
loss of appetite and bodily strength.
At drug stores. Jos. Trlner, 1333
39 South Ashland avenue, Chicago,
No One at Home When Fire Was Bis
coverd and Cause Unknown.
About 10 o'clock this morning the
Are alarm was turned on, the cause
being a Are at the home of J. Mat
sen, who lives in the Fifth ward. Mr.
Matsen had left the house only a
short time before and came down
town, and when Informed that his
house was burning could hardly
credit the truth. Mrs. Matsen Is In
the hospital at Omaha, so that no one
was In the house at the time the
Are started. There was some delay
in getting the alarm turned on, but
the house was so far out that there
was not sufficient bose in town to
take the water to It. The fire com
pany made an effort to get to the
Ore with the hose cart, but when it
was found that the fire was so far
out, the hose carts were abandoned,
and Chief Kobeck and the men hur
ried to the place, thinking they might
render some aid. Water was brought
from a nearby well until the rope
broke. The cellar was all that could
be saved.' The house was a total loss
as well as the furniture. The house
was owned by L..Hlskey, who resides
in Missouri, and It is nol known
whether "It was Insured or not.
Mr. Matsen had about $600 worth
of furniture and $300 Insurance. It
Is not known how the fire started.
It was first seen by Mrs. Thomas,
who Immediately tried to get the
shops, but falling called Mr. Kobeck,
who understood that It was Hrasky's
house on Wlntersteen hill, and there
the hose carts tried to go. When
they had climbed the hill the fire
could be seen still further out. The
hose carts were then left at the
school house and with Walter Scott's
team hurried to the scene of the fire,
The mistake probably made two or
three minutes difference In the time
of arrival, but nothing could have
been done to save the house, as it
was too far gone when the alarm was
turned In.
Wllhlte-Tuckerman Meetings.
Notwithstanding that many Platts
mouth people went to Omaha last
night, the tent was filled with an
attentive audience, which was deep
ly Impressed with Mr. Wllhlte's elo
quent sermon on "Christ the King."
'Why Christ Refused an Earthly
Crown" was the leading question of
the sermon. It Is evident that these
meetings are just reaching their best
work. Ten souls were added to the
church yesterday, which brings the
grand total up to ninety-three addi
tions In less than three weeks. Many
others are almost persuaded to yield
to Christ and the closing days of the
meeting will doubtless be the best.
In some way the word has been
passed out that these meetings will
close on Saturday night of this week.
This is a mistake. The meetings will
close Sunday evening. They should
continue another week, but this will
be Impossible. Next Tueseday even
ing a public reception for all the new
members will be held at the tent.
More definite announcements will be
made later. Five were immersed at
the close of the services last night.
Tonight the evangelist will speak on
the subject, "The Christian Life ot
the Man in This World."
' DrcHMinnkliiK Mrs. Norton, Wash
ington avenue and Ninth street.
Miss Dulsy Thomas, who has been
spending a month with her parents,
James Thomas and wife, returned to
Clarlnda, la., on No. 6 this morning.
Post card pictures of Merchants'
Carnival, Labor day floats, parades,
hoso fight and other interesting
events now on sale, 2 for 5c. Ne
metz & Co.
Plenty at Hhops.
The track force on repair of
freight cars, under the foremanshlp
of C. M. Parker, assisted by E. C
Akerman, are working full time with
about 175 men. With this force there
can be turned out from fifteen to
twenty-five cars dally, depending on
the amount of repair needed on the
car. Other departments are JiiBt as
busy as the track force, and one sees
a busy lot of men In all departments
when going through the shop.
. ' 'A Ckwe CalL
John Hansel and family had a close
call from'belng Instantly killed at a.
crossing near Union by Missouri
Pacific passenger train one day this
week. The team was npon the creas
ing when the train came on them
suddenly from around a curve. The
team was whirled from the track.
turning the vehicle over, but clear of
the track. All of the occupants ot
the vehicle were Injured by the fall
and the daughter quite severely.
Will Wlntw in ftouth.
D. M. Barr of Pasco, Wash., who
la the guest of his nephew, J. 8. Hall
and other relatives, visited Omaha
and the Ak-Sar-Ben today. Mr. Barr
was a soldier in the One Hundred
and Third Pennsylvania volunteers.
and fought under McClelland. He is
on bis way to Georgia to spend the
winter, as the cold winds of the north
are too much to endure. Mr. Barr
likes the Nebraska weather In the
fall, and thinks the weather great
Little Child Dies.
The little child of Mr. and Mm.
Gebhart, residing in the south part
of the city, died yesterday. The fu
neral occurred this afternoon at the
residence, Rev. Luther Moore of the
Christian church conducting the serv
ice, assisted by Rev. Wilhlte, the
Does not Color the Hair
Hair railing out? Troubled with dandruff? Want more hair? An elegant dreulng?
lnrrrotViontv Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnln. Sodium Chlorld.
IIISIKUlKlU-. lap!lkuffl, Alcohol. Water. Perfume.
We believe doctors endorse this formula, or we would not put it up.
Does mot CoJor the Hlair
.T 0 Arm rvwptttv, T.owoll,