The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1909, Image 1

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    fl Soe.
moutb journal.
NO 71
Those Asking for Votes on Their
Record as Citizens and Ex
cellent Qualities for Office
Following is a brief mention of the
Democratic candidates to be voted
for at the election on Tueseday, No
vember 2. Read over the list and see
If they are not good enough for you
to vote for. They are all first-class
men In every particular and no one
can question their character as citi
zens nor their qualifications to fill
the office for which they are candi
dates: . .
For County Clerk.
At "the head of the ticket stands
the name of D. C. Morgan for coun
ty clerk. This gentleman was reared
in Cass county and from boyhood up
has always borne a name for honesty
and integrity among his fellowmen.
In whatever business pursuits he has
had an eye only to the best interests
of his employer. As deputy county
clerk no person who had business
with that office ever went away with
out he could speak a good word for
Clell Morgan as a most clever gentle
man, and one who is abundantly
fitted for the position for which he is
a candidate. The voters of Cass
county, irrespective or politics, vote
for the best men, and in this Instance
they are bound to support D. C. Mor
gan. For Treasurer.
There is but little use to say even
a word in behalf of Frank E. Schlater
for the second term, so acceptably
to the people of Cass county has he
filled the office of county treasurer
that his name has become a house
hold word in almost every home In
Cass county. Frank Schlater was
born and reared In Cass county, and
every one who knows him speaks In
glowing terms of his excellent man
hood and how efficiently he has look
ed after the interests of the taxpay
ers of the county. His record as
county treasurer i3 one of the best
ever made, and he should be re
elected because he has proved to be
an efficient and faithful servant of
the people of his native county.
For County Judge.
M. Archer is a pioneer settler of
Cass county, and has lived in Platts
mouth many years, and no one can
say ought against him as an honest,
upright citizen. He has been a prac
ticing attorney for a number of years
and is well versed in all the essentials
that go to make up an efficient coun
ty Judge. He is an old citizen and
he schould be honored with an elec
tion to the position for which he Is
so abundantly able to fill.
For Sheriff.
Ed. S. Tutt, the Democratic candi
date for sheriff, is a young man born
and reared In Cass county. His father
is a pioneer of Cass county, an hon
est and upright citizen, and no better
man ever drew the breath of life than
hta son Ed. He served two years as
denuty under Sheriff John D. Mc-
Bride, and therefore has already had
considerable experience in this line.
Mr.. Tutt la very popular among the
people who know him, and we will
guarantee that if he Bhould be elected
for the first and second terms he will
not ask for the third.
County Superintendent.
For county superintendent of
Bchools, the present incumbent, Miss
Install Officers,
riattsmouth council No. 379 last
night held their annual Installation
of officers. President C. H. Smith
presided during the transaction of
the routine business, and appointed
Past President Dr. C. A. Marshall,
national president, to conduct the in
stallation ceremony. Dr. Marshall
filled all the chairs with national of
ficers, to whom the retiring officers
surrendered the regalia of the order.
The persons inducted Into office
were J. E. Douglas, president; R. B.
Windham, vice president; Mrs.
Whalen, second vice president; Miss
Hermla Windham, prelate; Mrs.
Duke, conductor; Edith Buzell,
financier; Wade Windham, corre
sponding secretary; Joseph Polrler,
After the Installation ceremony
was carried out, the lodge adjourned
and refreshments were served. There
Mary E. Foster, is a candidate for re
election. That she has filled the po
sitlon with credit to herself and the
schools of Cass county no one can
successfully dispute. She has been
very attentive to her official dutiese,
and so well has she pleased all who
are interested in the schools of the
county, that they will vote to retain
her for the second term. She was
reared in Cass county and educated
In state institutions of learning.
For Register 01 needs.
In the person of Andrew J. Sny
der we have another young man who
Is asking to be elected to office In the
county of his birth. Andy Snyder was
educated In the common schools, and
has applied himself in all that will
go to qualify him for the office of
register of deeds. He has followed
farming most of his time, and is high
ly respected by all who know him.
lie is making a thorough canvass of
the county, and is making friends in
all sections. He is one of the clev
erest men in the world, and this goes
very far in the make-up of an ef
ficient and faithful county official.
County Surveyor.
Fred Patterson, our candidate for
surveyor, is a pioneer resident of Cass
county, and versed himself In the art
of surveying when a young man, and
in years gone by has done consider
able work in that line, and still sur
veys some for old friends occasional
ly. Mr. Patterson Is about as well
qualified for surveyor as any one in
the county, and should be elected. He
Is a nice, genial gentleman, and we
are very positive that if elected he
will fill the bill to perfection.
For Coroner.
E. Ratnour of Weeping Water is
our candidate for coroner, and we
take the liberty of saying that we
don't believe there is a more compe
tent man in the county to fill the of
fice of county coroner. He has been
In the undertaking business for many
years, is an elegant gentleman, and
he should be elected because he is so
well fitted for the office. He was a
candidate two years ago, and came
within a very few votes of being
County Commissioner.
One of the best men in Cass coun
ty is George P. Meisinger, candidate
for commissioner. He belongs to one
of the largest and most respected
families in the county. None of the
Meisingers ever asked for an office,
and it was with the hardest work
that George P. could be prevailed
upon to run for one of the most Im
portant positions In the gift of the
people of the county. The people
need a man upon that board of the
ability of Mr. Meisinger, and if elec
ted this paper will guarantee that the
interests of all will be looked after,
with no special privileges to any fa
vorite. City Assessor.
The Democrats made no mistake
when they nominated E. P. Ruffner
for city assessor. Mr. Ruffner under
stands assessing property as well as
any man in Cass county, having at
times served as assistant assessor,
The people know his excellent quali
fications for this position, and. of
course.'wlll support him.
were about forty members present
and participated in the meeting. A
resolution was adopted by the order
to call on the owner of the hall for
damage done to the piona belonging
to the local council during the Red
Men a dance, held in the hall since
the last meeting of the council
Three applications for membership
were acted on favorably by the coun
Returns From Hospital.
Henry Hirz, Jr., went to Omaha
this morning to bring home the
young man, Peter Hoerr, from the
hospital, where he has been for two
weeks recovering from an operation
for appendicitis. Mr. Hoerr has
made a speedy recovery, having
taken the disease two weeks ago last
Saturday, and was operated on the
following Monday.
Some New Evidence in Shooting Last
Friday Night at Jesse Blunt's. ...
There have been some new de
velopments in the shooting affair
chronicled in these columns Satur
day evening. A Journal representa
tive visited the scene of the shoot
ing and looked over the ground since
writing the former article. There is
unmistakable evidence of a shot hav
ing been fired from the front of Mr.
Blunt's residence. The hole In the
screen, the plastering off the wall
near where he said he sat, and the
broken wlndown pain In the adjoin
ing room, and the Imprint of the
bullet in the storm sash where it
lodged are all there as represented.
There are some facts which were not
evident when the former article was
written, at least not understood by
the writer. The chief of police found
the blood stained handkerchief on the
ground in the orchard, where it was
supposed the body of a man had lain
in the grass the next morning. The
neighbors heard the shots fired, or
rather two rifle cracks a small one
first and a larger one but a few se
conds after. Blunt's gun was a gov
ernment 32-20, while the ball found
in the sash was a .22. There was
but one loaded shell In Blunt's gun
and the second attempt to shoot
showed him that his magazine was
empty. He then ran to the nearest
neighbor's and secured a gun, and
the neighbor went with him back to
the Blunt residence. He then went to
Mr. Wynn's and phoned for the po
lice. There is no blood stains on the
grass where the body of the wound
ed man is supposed to have lain, near
where the handkerchief was found.
It seems that Mr. Blunt and the
neighbor think there were two per
sons Interested, as it would have been
impossible for the man who fired the
shot from the point he is supposed
to have stood to have climbed the
hill and gotten as far back of the
house In the time it took Blunt to get
his rifle and shoot.
Death of Mrs. V. O. McDonald.
Died, September 27, 1909, at her
home in this city, at 3:30 a. m. of
paralysis, Mrs. Zoe McDonald, aged
31 years 2 months and 25 days.
Mrs. McDonald, whose maiden
name was Miss Zoe Clifford, was born
n Plattsmouth, Ne,b., July 2, 1878.
She was married to Charles McDon
ald in this city March 10, 1895.
Mrs. McDonald had been ailing for
about two weeks, but was not con
sidered dangerous until Friday noon.
She was sitting up when she told her
husband that she felt dizzy, and he
assisted her to her room and she had
no sooner been placed In bed when
she received a paralytic stroke. She
never spoke from that time, although
she was perfectly rational to the
Zoe Clifford grew up from child
hood In Louisville and was the eld
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G.
Clifford. She was beloved by all for
her gentle disposition and noble
She leaves to mourn her a hus
band and four little boys, George,
aged 14; Richard, aged 12; Man
ford, aged 6, and Clifford, aged 3,
besides a father and mother, two sis
ters and three brothers.
The funeral occurred from the M.
E. church at 2 o'clock Tuesday after
noon, conducted by Rev. George M
Jones, assisted by Elder G. W. May
field, and the remains were follower
to their last resting place in River
View cemetery by a large gathering
of sympathizing relatives and friends
ueain, inaeea, seems sad even
when the aged person who has lived
the alloted time of three score years
and ten, but doubly so when a young
mother In the very prime of her life
s taken from her little children, who
so much need a mother's care and
protection. Yet Death is no respector
of persons. All that Is born must
Among the out-of-town relatives
who attended the funeral were: Mrs
Martha O Nell, grandmother of the
deceased; James, Henry and Charles
O'Nell and Mrs. Emma O'Neil-Slmon
of Logan, la., and Mr. and Mrs
Frank Killpack of Neola, la. Loute
vllle Courier.
The voters of Cass county are go
Ing to demonstrate they appreciate
meritorious services by re-electing
Frank Schlater county treasurer by a
handsome majority. Here's our. hat
off to Schlater, one of the best ever
Lincoln Herald.
Ik-nth of Little Hoy.
J. E. Douglas received a message
from his brother, Dr. G. G. Douglass
of Cortland, that the doctor's little
son Lei and died at Excelsior Springs,
Mo., yesterday morning. The little
fellow had been ailing for some time,
but was not thought Beriously 111.
About a week ago his parents took
hlin to Excelsior Springs to see if the
change would not benefit him. The
funeral will take place at Elmwood
Brandies and Wattles Wax Indignant
Over Strike Controversy.
At a conference of business men
of Omaha last Saturday with the
street car officials the strike situa
tion was under consideration, and
the discussion had waxed warm.
Right at this point the Interference
of. mutual friends Is all that pre
vented a mix-up between Emil Bran
dels of the J. L. Brandeis company
and President Wattles of the traction
company. Brandeis had Insisted that
the strike was hurting business, and
that if he would make a few minor
concessions, he (Wattles) could set
tle the strike within an hour. One
word brought on another, and at last
Wattles intimated that Brandeis
warped tho truth. This was more
than Brandeis would stand, and rls-
ng to his feet, he made a pass at
Wattles, missing him by a few inches.
The two men squared off, prepara
tory to coming together. Friends
came to the rescue, and led the bel
ligerents away.
As a parting shot Brandeis re
marked that he was going to New
York shortly, and that he would see
that there was a new president of the
Omaha Street Railway company, pro
viding his influence counted for any
thing. ,
Friends of the two men have tried
to prevent the mix-up from becom
ing public property, but it has leaked
out, and tonight it is the talk of the
At the County Farm.
J. H. Tarns, superintendent of the
county farm, was in the city this
morning in quest of Louis Worrborn,
one of his charges, who is not Just
right In the upper story. Louis made
his escape last night and no one
knows where he went. He was
dressed in ordinary working clothes
and Is a man about 45 years of age.
Mr. Tarns says this has been a very
good year for the farm. That he
marketed a car load of apples last
week and has another almost ready
to ship. He will get $400 out of the
fruit this year. He has thrashed 450
bushels of wheat and 650 bushels of
oata. Most of this grain will be mar
keted, as he has enough wheat In the
mill from last year's crop to last the
county family for a year. There are
fourteen inmates at this time, nine
men and five women, nearly all Infirm
from age. The farm is well stocked
with cattle and hogs and horses suf
flcient to work the land. Everybody
connected with the Institution seems
satisfied, and affairs seem to be work
ing smoothly.
En Ever Welcome Visitor.
Ex-Sheriff John D. McBride and
family came down Saturday evening
and were the guests of relatives in
the city until Sunday evening, where
they returned to their home In South
Omaha, where Mr. McBride is con
nected with one of the commission
firms. It does one good to gaze upon
Mack's good-natured contenance, and
no one ever gets a warmer welcome
In Plattsmouth. He was sheriff of
Cass county two terms, and run the
third time against his own desire,
and was defeated by the present in
cumbent by less than forty majority
on the third term proposition, which
he Is now endeavoring to work upon
the people himself.
Visiting Old Neighbor and Friends,
Fred W. Dreeson, who, with his
family, of near Unadllla, Otoe coun
ty, have been visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity for the past
week, gave the Journal a call Satur
day. Mr. DreeRon removed from
near Plattsmouth several years ago
where he purchased a farm, and we
are pleased to say, is prospering. He
lives in a good section of Otoe coun
ty, and is surrounded by an excellent
community, and he and his family
are well pleased with their surround
ings. The Journal Is always pleased
to note the prosperity of Ita frienas,
The Edict Has Gone Forth That Post
master Smith Must Step Down.
The following is taken from the
Lincoln Journal of this morning:
"Senator Burkett has been notified
from Washington that he Is to rec
ommend a successor to Chester H.
Smith, postmaster at Plattsmouth,
which is taken to mean that Mr.
Smith has been, or is to be dismissed
at once. Mr. Smith was recently in
dicted by the federal grand jury for
having received part of the pay of his
assistant, amounting between Sep
tember of 1903 and Sept. of 1906 to
$1,395.83. In the indictment of the
grand Jury he Is charged with em
"Mr. Smith is a pioneer settler of
Cass county and has been postmaster
for twelve years. He was appointed
first by Judge J. B. Strode when he
wns in congress from the First dis
trict, and h.ia been continued under
each succeeding administration. The
trial of the case has not come off as
yet, but It Is supposed the depart
ment will not wait until the termina
tion of the case before demanding his
"Several Plattsmouth Republicans
are fishing for the place. II. A.
Schneider, Republican committeeman
from his district on the state com
mittee, has many backers. Frank
Murphy is another citizen of the city
who would not. refuse the stipend of
$2,100 a year. Ex-Judge J. A. Doug
Ins has a following, and two or three
others are sub-rosa making stren
uous efforts to Impress the Nebraska
senators with their fitness for the
place. Cinee Congressman Magulre
of the First district is a Democrat the
selection of postmasters falls to the
wo senators, who must both sign the
The Murphy referred to above is
Tom Murphy, a young man who was
reared in Plattsmouth, and the Doug
las referred to is former County
Judge J. E. Douglas. Both are dyed-
n-the-wool Republicans, and the for
mer has never Held an official posi
tion of any kind, but Is thoroughly
competent to fill the bill.
Anliciputiag the resignation of
Postmaster C. II. Smith at Platts
mouth, or his removal from office as
a result of the federal court indict
ment brought against him for with
holding part of an employe's salary,
several candidates for the place are
already in the field working up sup
port through petitions and endorse
ments, says the Lincoln News. Re
ports brought to Lincoln by Platts
mouth residents that the competition
has become unusually keen to land
the appointment. H. A. Schneider,
Judge J. E. Douglas and Tom E.
Murphy are all working for It, and
the prospects are that one or two
others will get into the race.
Up to this time, Smith has not
shown any Intention of quitting and
no move has been made to oust him.
He is serving his third term as post
master, having been first named
eleven years ago on the recommenda
tion of J. B. Strode, who was then
congressman. George L. Farley, for
merly editor of a Plattsmouth news
paper and superintendent of schools
for Cass county, tried to get the post-
office after Smith had had it for two
terms, but was unsuccessful. It is
supposed Farley will take advantage
of the present situation to make a bid
for it.
The Plattsmouth office Is of the
second class and pays a salary of $2,-
100 a year, making it a plum suf
ficient to arouse the appetites of local
politicians. All of the men who want
to succeed Smith have been more or
less prominent in the politics of the
city and county. Schneider is at pres
ent holding the office of register of
deeds and has served as chairman of
the Republican central committee
He Is the First district member of the
state executive committee, appointed
by Chairman Hayward, and may get
the latter's endorsement for the post
mastership. Douglas was once coun
ty Judge and Murphy was secretary
of the county commltteo for one or
two years. Farley, as before stated,
was a member of the county office
holding regime at one time.
Mrs. Asher Clark of Lob Angeles,
Cal., Mrs. Ed. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Job.
Droege and Mrs. Scotten drove down
near Murray la8t Friday, where they
spent a pleasant afternoon with
Grandma Daniher.
Slight Altercation.
Two young men got into a mix up
Saturday night in the Jamison pool
hall over the ability of one of them
(Ry. McFarland) to pick apples with
speed. The timekeeper at the Rundle
Co. apple packing establishment
was in a game of billiards when Mc
Farland entered the hall, and the
trouble started, which resulted in the
other landing on McFarland's head
with a cue. A slight gash was cut
on McFarland's head, from which the
blood flowed rather freely. Tho blow
angered McFarland and he made a
dash for his assailant, who made a
hasty getaway. Some of the by
standers persuaded McFarland to go
to a doctor's office, but he would not
go Inside to have his wound dressed,
saying that it did not amount to any
thing. NEW HAVE
One Hundred Men Employed on Works
and Foundation Completed.
In reference to tho new shops be
ing built, the Sunday Lincoln Jour
nal says: "About 100 meu are at
work on the new machine shops of
the Burlington at Havelock. It is un
derstood this force will soon be in
creased, the company desiring to get
the building under roof before cold ,
weather conies. Tho workmen have
now nearly completed the placing of
the foundations, which stand about
two feet above the ground level, ami
the building will soon be ready for
the pressed brick walls.
"Thirty cars of brick for the build
ing have been unloaded and about
fifteen more are on the tracks for un
loading. Moro brick Is in transit.
Tracks have been laid for the un
loading of material. A great deal of
steel will be used in the roofing of
this structure, the Burlington hav
ing bought recently 1,000 tonu of
fabricated steel for new buildings at
its Nebraska shop plants.
"The new machine shop ia to bc
fitted with the most modern of ma
chinery, much of which will be elec
trically driven. When it is placed in
commission it will mean a rearrange
ment of shop work and much now
done in the old shop will be handled
in the new.
"It Is understood at Havelock that
immediately following the comple
tion of the machine shop, a three
story storehouse will be built and
that immediately thereafter other
needed shop buildings will be built.
General Manager lloldrege, In a re
cent address to the Lincoln city coun
cil's union depot committee, said that
his company is planning to spend be
tween $900,000 and $1,000,000 at
"When tho new buildings are com
pleted it will be necessary to make a
rearrangement of pnrt of the shop
yards, and some of this work may be
started soon."
Arrogant Power.
The Fremont Herald sizes up the
Omaha strike about right, as follows:
"The exhibition of arrogant power
n Omaha on part of the street rail
way corporation drives along the de
mand for compulsory arbitration
The Omaha public is concerned in
the matter as much as the laborer or
the car company. The question at
Omaha Is apparently one of wages,
but really one of vengeance on part
of the corporation. It says it will
teach men who ask for an Increase
of wages a lesson. It says It will
punish the committee who made the
request, and the demand for more
wages. It is now willing to con
cede some of the demands, but to
avoid a settlement of the strike.
says the strike Is over, it Is history,
and tho company will go right on as
It pleases, employing whom it may.
In tho meantime the people of Om
aha walk to and from their labors,
fearing to ride upon the cars, know
ing not what moment may develop
vlolenco that would injure them.
When newspapers and the publio
clamor for arbitration, as they are
now doing, compulsory arbitration
of strikes will become a law, and
then we shall see the ending of all
such troubles."
R. A. Bates, who came up Thurs
day morning on business matters, re
turned to Kansas City Saturday
night. Ills wife will probably be op
era ted upon some time thl3 week,
and If she recovers sufficiently, ho
will como up ngnln one week from
Tuesday. Ho will also submit to an
other operation this week.