The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 04, 1909, Image 1

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NO 73
Vain Pica of the Business Men
and Nothing to Indicate a
Settlement Soon.
Omaha, Sept. 30. All efforts to'.
bring about a settlement of the street
car employes' strike by arbitration
so far have been Ineffective. Last
evening fifty business men of the
city called upon President Wattles
of the street railway company and
urged him to agree to come plan of
arbitration, representing to him that
the present situation is Injuring bus
iness. Nothing resulted from the
A statement by the management
of the Ak-Sar-Ben festival, -which
opened yesterday, shows that the at
tendance was 45 per cent less than
on the opening day a year ago. This
is regarded as wholly due to the
street car strike.
Last night a riot call came from
the Ames avenue car barn and a
sheriff's posse was sent In answer. It
was found that the crew of a Flor
ence car had refused to carry a load
of residents of that suburb home
after collecting their fares. The pas
sengers drove the crew off and ran
the car home themselves. The car
men walked back to the car barns
and sent in the riot call.
It is reported that the crew of a
Dundee car used similar tactics and
succeeded in collecting a second fare
from the passengers.
C. O. Pratt, international vice
president of the street railway men's
union announced today that the
Iowa state board of arbitration will
be asked to intervene in the strike
of the employes of the Omaha and
Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany. Mr. Pratt also said a petition
Missouri Hivcr Towns Would Be Re
vived When Government Is
Wrested From Hail roads.
Superintendent J. W. Crabtree of
the normal school at Peru was in the
city today en route to Lincoln. He
has long been an advocate of the
idea of wrestling the control of the
government from the railroads and
improve the waterways, so as to en
able the people to get cheaper trans
' portatlon.
He says that as soon as the gov
ernment concludes to take steps
along the line of Improving the riv
ers and make them so they are nav
igable, that the people will do the
rest, and put In plenty of steam
boats, which will haul all of the
freight that is needed. He cites the
waterways of Germany, and other
foreign countries, and how they have
been improved and put in shape so
they can be of service to the people.
He contends that the Missouri river
cap be made navigable at all stages
of the water and be able to give the
people cheaper freight rates and en
able them to be free from the th rot
ling Influences of the railroads.
When this is done, he continued,
"Nebraska City will soon leap ahead
of Lincoln, or any other Inland town
and the Missouri river towns will be
the towns of the west, and to them
will come all of the business." Ne
braska City News.
Entertains Altar Society.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guthman en
tertained the members of the Altar
society of St. John's church and their
friends at their spacious home last
Wedneseday evening. A largo num
ber of Catholics and non-Catholics
were present and participated In this
pleasant entertainment." Games.
Biich as "high-five' and other simi
lar ones were engaged In. Mrs. J.
W. Gamble sang two solos, which
were much appreciated, and Conrad
Schlater, the oldest musician in the
city, played an instrumental selec
tion. The evening was thoroughly
enjoyed by all present, and the so
ciety has been urged to duplicate
the entertainment soon.
1 He
lerman Klietch, the Weeping
)Vater miller, was in the city over
sight, and departed for Omaha this
is being prepared asking the inter
state commerce commission to take
action on the ground that the com
pany which operates in two states is
not observing its franchise require
ments. Several cars were blocked tonight
near Twenty-fourth street and Ames
avenue as a result of obstruction be
ing placed on the track. A number
of soldiers from Fort Omaha were
near by, and an altervatlon between
them and strike-breakers brought a
street car load of police to the spot.
The car carrying the officers was
stoned and the polite charged the
crowd, arresting two boys and sev
eral Boldiers. The latter claim they
were merely bystanders.
The first attempt since the strike
began to run cars at night was made
tonight. Service was discontinued,
however, about 9 o'clock.
Governor Shallenberger will not
interfere in the Omaha strike until
the local authorltiese and interests
have exhausted every means at hand
to effect an amicable settlement.
This disposition he communicated
to Private Secretary Furse this
The governor returns to Lincoln
at midnight tonight and will find
Deputy Labor Commissioner Mau
pln's detailed report of findings at
Omaha on his desk.
This report, it is believed, will In
dicate the need of state investigation.
The governor feels that if he
moved at once his Intrusion would
be resented and this he is trying to
That Bridge Suit.
County Attorney W. C. Ramsey
was called to Papillion this morning
to argue a motion In the Louisville
bridge suit.
The case involves the sum of $3,
000 for Cass county if the suit is
won. The action grows out of the
sum spent by. the county some years
ago to repair the bridge at a time
when the commissioners of Sarpy
county would not agree to pay for
half of the repairs. The supreme
court has held that Sarpy was liable
for the construction of one half of
the structure, and Cass brought suit
for one-half of the repairs some years
ago when Judge Root was county
attorney. The case has been to the
supreme court more than once, and
at this time County Attorney Ram
sey has filed a motion to strike out
a part of the amended answer, and
his motion he has gone to argue to
day. At the High School.
Rev. Wllhlte addressed the stu
dents at the chapel hour this morn
ing, delivering a very impressive
Hon. R. B. Windham and Major
Flemke were visitors at chapel this
Prof. J. W. Gamble departs tonight
to be present', at the dedication of
the Beatrice high school, which will
be one of the finest structures of Its
kind in the state. Among the other
prominent educators Invited to be
present is Prof. Davidson, superin
tendent of the Omaha Bchools; Pres
ident Crabtree of the Peru normal,
both of whom have been connected
with the Beatrice high school In the
past and the chancellor of the state
Tomorrow night Prof. Gamble will
attend the School Masters' club,
which meets at the Lincoln hotel,
Why is a good cook good? Be
cause the good cook prepares good
meals. Why are our salted peanuts
better than the ordinary kind? Be
cause prepared by an expert candy
maker. Nemetz & Co.
John Fcezok of Bickelton, WaHh.,
Is the guest of Dave Amlck and wife.
Mr. Feezcl has been In the western
country lor several years, and en
joys his visit Id the Interior very
A Chilly Koceptlon.
Senator Elmer J. Burkett, the
oil tongued gentleman who halls
from Lincoln, came to this city last
evening and remained over until this
morning, and went from here to Sy
racuse, where he delivered a speech
this afternoon. He was given a rather
chilly reception while he was here,
and only one or two of the Repub
lican leaders even dropped Into the
hotel to say "how dry" or shake his
hand. He felt the frosty reception
and looked around for a kind person
to take him in charge and say some
thing that would drive away that
lonely feeling. The people of this
state have long since passed up El
mer as belonging to the class of pub
lic officers th,at are inclined to the
belief: "The public be damned,"
until they want to go back to Wash
ington, and then they are around try
ing to explain why they have mis
represented the people so long, and
promise to be better, but the people
are getting wise to these pie crust
promises and know what they mean
and how little they are kept. Elmer
feels the chill which Is awaiting him
when he comes up to the pie counter
to ask for another term. Nebraska
City News, Sept. 30.
tail road Improvement.
The Missouri Pacific is making
great improvement at this place as
well as all along the line. The steel
gang and construction crew, with
George Taylor and D. W. West as
foreman, have been rushing the
work, having about forty men, and
the laying of the new heavy rails has
now reached a point about three
miles north of here. The laborers
are. principally Italians and Greeks,
and their boarding cars located here
make quite a colony. The need of
additional tracks at this point has
been evident for a long time, and last
week the company's civil engineer,
Mr. Sullivan, was here and started
the work. The grading is now near
ing completion, Foreman Fred Clu
gey rushing the work with fifteen
teams and twenty men. The Lincoln
branch track will be extended
further south, and on the west side
of it tftere will be two new tracks
extending from Main street crossing
to a point about one-fourth mile
south, thus affording five tracks for
handling the trains at this place. An
engineer was here yesterday morn
ing making calculations for other
Improvements, among which we are
told will bo larger and more con
venient coal chutes In place of the
old one. Union Ledger.
Win Diamond King.
Nemetz & Co.'s diamond ring con
test terminated yesterday, and the
votes were counted last night by a
committee composed of John Bajeck,
Hugo Asemissen and A. J. Kobeck.
The winners of the prizes were Miss
Alice Tuey, the diamond ring, and
Miss Olga Sattler, the five-piece sil
ver tea service. Miss Tuey received
10,654 votes and Miss Sattler 7,742
votes. The diamond ring, for which
both these popular young ladies were
striving, was purchased of John
Crabill at a cost of $75. Other young
ladles made very creditable records
as vote getters, they being Misses
Janet Brantner, Laura Tower, Wini
fred Parmele and Pearl O'Neal, in
the order named. Others did almost
as well, there being twenty names
represented In the list.
Nemetz & Co. thank each contest
ant and their friends for the increas
ed volume of business secured
through this medium of advertising.
One nice feature connected with th
contest Is that the prizes were fur
nished by Plattsmouth merchants.
Hcturns Front Murdock.
Judge M. Archer returned from
the Murdock carnival last evening,
and opened court again this morn
ing. Those who were waiting for the
judge's return to get drunk can now
do bo, knowing that the fine and
costs will be meted out in regular
doses. The Judge says the carnival
was well attended, and that the com
mittee had provided for the enter
tainment of the candidates, among
other things was a good horso race
for them to bet on. There was a
snake-eating girl, which (lid not In
terest him much, as the Judge does
not care for snukes, not even In his
boots. The light harness horses were
In evidence and made a very cred
itable showing, especially one double
team, which was fine.
Lonnle Mead and wife of Union
were Plattsmouth visitors for a few
hours between trains yesterday, hav
ing gone to Omaha on the early
Give Dollars Away.
Every Wednesday at 3 p. m.. C. E.
Wescott's Sons actually give away
$3 in cash, current money of the
United States, to some of 'their cash
custbmers who happens to hold a
time card showing the time nearest
the minute the clock stops. An eight
day clock Is wound and placed In the
window and the face covered each
Wednesday. Before the time arrives
for uncovering the clock it has run
down and Btopped. With each dol
lar's worth of goods sold for cash,
the firm issues a card on which is the
face of a clock represented, with
hands Indicating different hours and
minutes and seconds.
On each Wednesday the clock Is
taken from the window at the time
nearest the time on the bottom of the
card gets the prize of $3. This pro
ceeding has occurred each Wednes
day for three weeks and will con
tinue until December 15. William
Patterson of Murray drew the first
$3 yesterday. There was a crowd in
the store when the clock was uncov
ered yesterday afternoon. The clock
showed 4:02:44, while the winning
card showed 4:20:00. One dollar
cash purchase gets a card.
To the Public.
We wish to present to the people
of Plattsmouth the proposed work of
the Gospel Army. We want It under
stood the work Is to bo interdenom
inational. All persons becoming in
terested In the work will be encour
aged to take membership with the
church of their choice. The purpose
of the Gospel Army is to buy the
German M. E. chapel, to be used as
a meeting place, and the property
to be placed in the hands of a board
of trustees of reliable citizens, who
will have complete control of the
same. Should the work ever cease
the property would be sold and the
funds derived therefrom divided
among the churches of the city, to
be used as a missionary money. The
work of this mission is to be along
the lines of the Y. M. C. A., working
for the uplifting of the community.
Every citizen should take an Interest
in this work, which is only a labor
of love'. W. R. FLEMKE.
Western Commander.
Dividing the "Swajr."
The following from the World-
Herald illustrates the way the scab
street conductors and motormen di
vide up the money they are filching
from the street car company: "A
motorman on the Sherman avenue
line took no chances on securing hli
share of the "divvy" with the con
ductor. After the conductor hud col
lectod all the fares, the motorman
slowed down his car to a snail's pace
and continued to creep along for a
block or two until the conductor
came to the front end of the car.
Then the motorman demanded his
"Bhare," and after his associate had
divided a handful of money the mo
torman shoved the lever around to
the highest notch and the car soon
made up the lost time."
Confessions Every Night.
The meetings at the tent, which
are being conducted by Evangelists
Wilhite and Tuckerman, not only
continue to draw large crowds, but
there ' is a deepening interest on
every hand. In the sermon last night
Mr. Wllhlte presented "Ten Reasons
for Believing the Bible." The evan
gelist's arguments are clear and
pointed. A very Impressive feature
of the services last night was the
special music by the quartet, which
sang "Let the Lower Lights Be Burn
ing." In response to the Invitation
a number came out and confessed
their faith In Christ. There are con
fessions every night. Regular serv
ices tonight at 8 o'clock.
The (lovcnior's Proclamation.
We note in Governor Shallen
berger'B proclamation enumerating
the number of corporations that had
failed to comply with the law en
acted last winter "The Plattsmouth
Driving association." If all the cor
porations are as dead as this one
there Is no use of this advertising
There was Buch an association here
ten or fifteen years ago, but it went
the way of many other associations,
and grounds long since put to use
for farming purposes.
G. M. Marks of near Nehawka was
In the city yesterday and called to re
newed his faith In the Journal an
other year. Mr. Marks Is one of the
substantial farmers of Cass county,
and one of the best fellows In the
world, and we are always glad to
meet him.
Jesse Blunt Has a Close Call From a
Rifle Shot Early Last Night.
Last night about 9 o'clock a most
atrocious murder was attempted at
the residence of Jesse Blunt. He
was sitting in his home with his back
to the door mending a hoop net. The
door was open, but the screen was
closed. Mr. Blunt was unconscious
of any danger near when suddenly
be heard a shot, and a rifle ball
passed within an Inch of his head,
crashed through a wall In front of
him and passed through a window,
and the ball was found lodged in the
storm sash. The rifle ball has been
preserved and will be produced in
court at the proper time. As soon as
the shot was fired Mr. Blunt sprang
to his feet, got his rifle from its ac
customed place and went out of the
back door, as he had heard footsteps
retreating around the house. The
moon was just rising in the east, and
the form of a man could be seen
running down through the orchard.
Mr. Blunt raised hl3 rifle, which is a
32 calibre 20, and fired at the re
treating figure. He pulled the trig
ger, but his magazine was empty,
and he was afraid to proceed further
until he had reinforcements and
more ammunition. Jesso then went
to Mr. Winn's and phoned for the
police, but did not get any of them
for some time. When he finally got
the police an investigation of the
premises was made, and on the side
of the orchard furthest from the
house In which the would-be mur
derer ran, was found a bloody hand
kerchief. The chief of police has
some strong clues, and it is thought
the bloody assassin will be located In
a few days and be brought to justice.
The Journal gives the above rela
tion of facts bb they were given to it,
and does not vouch for the truth of
the story.
Wedding Bells.
Last Wednesday at high noon, at
the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Irv Stall, Mr. Fred A.
Herman and Henrietta Clara Stall
were united in marriage, the Rev.
Paul Von Teorne officiating.
Promptly at high noon, to the
strains of the wedding march played
by Miss Burner, the bride and groom
took their places under an arch of
green and white In the parlor. The
bride was attended by her sister,
Miss Elsie Stall, and her cousin, Miss
Stella Stall of Lincoln, the groom by
his brother, Charles Herman, and Mr.
Will Erskine of Prairie Home.
After the words were spoken
which united them in the bonds of
wedlock, those present sat down to
the tables, which were literally
groaning with good things to eat.
The dining room was decorated with
pink and white. In the evening the
young couple were treated to sere
nades by two different chlvari
Both the bride and groom were
born and reared in this community
The bride is the eldest daughter of
Irv Stall. , The groom Is the eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Herman
Both are Industrious, capable young
people, and are highly esteemed In
the community. The Beacon Joins
with their many friends In extending
congratulations and wishing them a
long and happy married life. Eagle
At the Ferry.
' The Missouri river is at a very
low stage at present, and has caused
the owners of the ferry boat con
slderable trouble and expense to
keep In touch with her on the east
ern shore. It is confined in such a
narrow channel that It was neces
sary to bridge out several rods from
the east shore In order to connect
up with the boat. Lumber now is
almost as high as millinery goods,
and the married man can under
stand how the ferryman feels.
Iletiirus From Oklahoma.
Edward Duffy, who has been
spending three weeks In Oklahoma
looking after his real estate inter
esta, returned this morning. Mr.
Duffy has two sons residing on farms
of their own near his land lying close
to Speermore. In his locality there
was seasonable rains, bo that crops
were better than in many places.
Broom corn was selling from (80 per
ton upward, and that Is a broom
corn country.
Ia'q Applegate.
Born October 4, 1856, In Mont
gomery county, Iowa. Died at 6:30
p. m., Friday, September 24, 1909,
at his home one mile west of Union,
While the death of Lee Applegate
Is a matter of deep regret to the
numerous friends who have known
him for so many years, it was no
surprise to those who knew of his
condition the past few weeks. Ills
health had been failing several
years, and for some time he had
been unable to do but part of the
farm work. About ten days prior to
his death he suffered an attaok of
pneumonia, and his physical condi
tion at that time rendered it impos
sible for him to withstand the at
tack. He grew weaker gradually un
til the Master's summons came last
Friday evening, his mother, wife,
three daughters and two sous being
at his bedside. Funeral services
were held at the residence at 1
o'clock Monday afternoon, conducted
by W. A. Taylor of Union. The choir
sang "Asleep in Jesus" and "Thou
Thlnkest, Lord, of Me." Also a solo
was rendered by Ray Frans, "In the
Realms of Eternal Bliss," and
'Abide With Me," by the choir. The
text was "For the living know they
must die." EcYl. 9:5. After the
services the remains were taken to
the Mt. Pleasant cemetery and laid
to rest beside the father whose death .
occurred September 14, 1905. The
pallbearers were William Wolfe,
Reuben Sllne, Duke Frans, W. B.
Manning, Sunt ' Gilford and Frauk
Leo Applegate was one of the well
known residents of this county, hav-
ng come here with his parents in
18G(i, since which time he made his
home within a short distance of this
village, lie was the only son of Mar
garet and Isaac N. Applegate, the
former now living near here and the
latter's death having occurred four
years ago. Ie secured his educa
tion in the public schools and work
ed on a farm, and on February 14.
1883, he was married to Miss Ida
Warlleld at Watson, Mo. They were
the parents of live sons c d three
daughters, namely, Joy It., Tames,
Paul, Palmer, Gene, Cleora, Delia
and Jessie. Of the children Joy Is
In Oklahoma and James and Paul are
In Seattle, Wash., none of whom
could be notified In time for them
to rench here for the funeral. All
the others were present. Mr. Apple
gate was a man who had many
friends and was always true to the
confidence nnd triiHt. they reposed in
him, and the largo number of ac
quaintances who aceoinpiuiied the
remains to their home in the ceme
tery attested the high esteem in
which he was held by the people of
this community, and the family have
the sincere sympathy of all In their
sad bereavement. Union Lodger.
Social Workci-s Entertain.
The Social Workers of the Metho
dist church were entertained yester
day afternoon from 3 to 6 o'clock.
The rooms were tastefully decorated
with autumn leaves and golden rod
artistically arranged throughout. The
guests were entertained In social con
versation for a time when the hos
tess announced that they were to
make a search for the north pole.
The company was divided In two
parts, one side representing Dr.
Cook's party, with Mrs. Johnson as
Dr. Cook, the other side, headed by
Mrs. John Crabill, representing Peary
and his followers. After some rangle
with the geographical society, Mrs.
Frank Morgan made the statement
that neither side had located the pole
and that It was yet north and started
In pursuit nnd by the aid of chart and
compass finally arrived at the home
of Mrs. A. J. Beeson, where the ob
ject of their search was found, sur
rounded by Eskimos and polar bears.
The surrounding territory was cov
ered with snow; there was no light
except the dim twilight made by a
few candlese. Everything was snow
covered, nnd when sufficient observa
tions wero made to make the matter
reasonably sure, Dr. Cook planted the
emblem of his country on the apex ot
the pole.
Peary arrived in time to assist Dr.
Cook In serving the punch and waf
ers. The explorers then Bhook hands
and returned to the home of Mrs.
Campbell. The next bit of entertain
ment consisted of a packago contest,
after which ices and cakes were serv
ed by tho hostess, assisted by Helen
Judgo Travis returned from Faw
nee City today, where ho has been
holding court for the past week, and
where an Important damage suit
against the C, B. ft Q. railroad was