The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1909, Image 2

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ITadrld is Celebrating Virtual
End of the War.
Troops Under General Marina Occupy
Moorish Stronghold Without Resist
ance Spanish Forces Plant Flag
on Summit of Mount Guruga Moors
Said to Have Doubled Back and
Joined In Attack on Sotomayo.
Madrid, Sept. 30. Madrid' is be
flagged and Illuminated in honor of
the Spanish arms in Africa, which
were crowned' by the occupation of
Mount Guruga, the Moorish strong
hold. Crowds filled the Puerta del
Sol and the surrounding streets, ac
claiming the news which marks a
glorious ending of the war and the
early return of the troops.
After the reverse of July 27 and
the subsequent losses suffered, Gen
eral Marina decided that it would be
a useless waste of life to proceed on
a small scale In the operations, and
that the Moors, who have been mak
ing raids front rocky fastnesses of
Mount Guruga, must be dislodged or
outflanked. Accordingly, he withdrew
his advance posts and waited, until he
C0PVrzrrar topoajl
lad 60,000 troops and sixty-eight can
Boa, which were divided into two col
umns on Sept. 20. One column was
sent north to Cape Tres Forctas to
prevent the possibility of a rear attack
and the other was sent southward.
Both operations were successful, and
after Nador and Zoluan were taken
the Moors evidently found themselves
outflanked, and evacuated the terri
tory, for no resistance was encount
ered when the Spanish forces Bcaled
the sides of the mountain and planted
the flag on Ub summit.
What has become of the main body
of the Moors Is not clear from the of
ficial dispatches. Unofficial reports In
timate that General Marina accom
panied' the column to the south and
the Moors doubled back west of the
mountain and Joined In a surprise at
tack upon General Sotomayo. Official
circles, however, seem convinced that
the Moors are thoroughly discouraged
and the successful wlndup of the cam
paign is expected to arouse a wave of
political enthusiasm which will great
ly strengthened the Maura govern
Run Down by Fast Mall on North
western Near the Bluffs.
Council nut', la., Sept. 30. A fine
appearing man, apparently about fifty
years old, vns killed one mile north
of Council niuffs by tyolng hit by the
fast mall on the Northwestern rail
road. The dead man was walking on
the tracks. In trying to avoid a
freight train he stepped from one
track directly In front of the mail
train. There was not a scrap of paper
on his person by which he might be
Jeffries Has a Cold.
Paris, Sept. 30. James J. Jeffries,
the American heavyweight fighter, is
doing his work at a suburb of Paris,
preparatory to his meeting with Jack
Johnson, the colored champion. Jef
fries' training has been stopped by a
cold, contracted while he was at
Rbelms, and' for two days the pugilist
was confined to his room. His wife,
however, says that his Illness was
light, and expects that he will be
able to take up his hard training in a
day or two.
Spokane Freight Rate Case.
.Spokane, Wash., Sept. 30. The tak
ing of testimony In the Spokane
freight rate cases was begun before
Commissioner Prouty of the inter
state commerce commission. Attorney
Stephens, for Spokane shippers, pre
sented numerous exhibits and Indi
cated the nature of the testimony
that will be submitted to uphold the
demand for lower freight rates.
Chicago Club Fined $500.
Cincinnati. 8ept. 30. A fine of $500
was Imposed against the Chicago Na
tional League club by the national
baseball commission. The fine Is to
be applied as damages In favor of
ibe Toronto (Can.) club as an out
come of a controversy concerning
Player Pfeffer. President Murphy wai
sharply criticised.
. mm -
Osborne Binder Sold as "Independent"
After Absorption by Trust.
St. Louis, Sept 30. That the Os
borne binder was sold as an ".inde
pendent" machine until 1905, although
the company manufacturing it baa
been absorbed by the International
Harvester company of New Jersey in
1903, was i the testimony here of L.
Grannemann of New Haven, Mo., a
former agent of the big corporation,
and summoned by it as a witness for
the defense in the suit of the state to
oust the company from Missouri. for
alleged violation of the antitrust
Mr. Grannemann did not explain
why this course was adopted with the
Osborne machine. It is the contention
of the state, however, that after the
formation of the New Jersey company
some of the subsidiary plants posed
as "independent" in order to sell
goods to people who were prejudiced
against large corporations.
The proceedings were before Judge
Theodore Brace, special commissioner
of the Missouri supreme court for the
taking of testimony in the suit. All
witnesses were called by the defepse,
the state having rested its case sev
eral weeks ago, and were agents or
former agents for the company.
The agent witnesses testified gem
erally that the Increase in the prices
of binders and mowers had been much
less than for other farm machinery. .
' i ii i im
Indianapolis News Gases Can
not Be Longer Continued.
Indlannpolls, Sept. 30. Judge An
derson of the United States district
court refused to grant the plea of the
government for a recontinuance of
the bearing of Delavan Smith and
Charlos R. Williams, proprietors of
the Indjanapolia News, who are
charged with criminal libel in having
published articles alleged to intimate
that there was corruption In the sale
of the Panama canal zone to the Unit
ed States.
The hearing will be resumed be
fore Judge Anderson on Oct. 11.
Judge Anderson said In his ruling
that the defendants were under Jn
dictment and either should have their
hearing or be discharged. He Bald the
mattor had been long delayed by the
"You may write to the attorney gen
eral and tell him that I will not con
sent to further delay(" sakl the court
to Charles W. Miller, United Sts ei
attorney for Indiana.
Mr. Miller submitted that the bear
Ing of Messrs. Smith and Williams
should be postponed until after the
New York World trial in New York,
Oct. 20.
Messrs. Smith and Williams were
Indicted by the federal grand Jury of
the District of Columbia. It is alleged
they are guilty of criminal libel
against Theodore Roosevelt, William
Nelson Cromwell, Charles P. Taft and
others. The defendants" are under
bond of $50,000 each.
The district court is now to deter
mine whether or net they shall be re
moved to Washington for trial.
Meet at Kansas City and Form Perma
nent Organization.
Kansas City. Sept. 30. A perma
nent organization of postal employees
of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska,
Oklahoma and Arkansas was formed
at their convention here. It will bt
known as the Southwest Postal asso
ciation and represents 35,000 posta.
F. M. Fllson, postmaster at Cam
eron, Mo., wns elected president; W.
C. Markham, postmaster at Baldwin,
Kan., secretary; W. G. Haskell of Ce
dar Rapjds, la., and Edward Sizer of
Lincoln, Neb., were among the vice
presidents chosen.
Resolutions were adopted urging
congress to legislate favorably on the
following matters: City delivery in
all second clnss offices; substitutes to
be provided for rural carriers; farms
to be numbered consecutively; long
time leases on postofflce sites or Dur-
Kansas City was chosen for next
year's meeting place.
Mew Hospital Chief at Iowa Falls.
Iowa Falls. Ia., Spt. 30. Miss El
len Sterling of Manchester is the new
superintendent of Ellsworth hospital
in this city. Miss Sterling Is a grad
uate of the state hospital at the uni
versity In Iowa City. Miss Sterling
succeeds Mss Goodale, who resigned
to accept the superlntendeney of the
homeopathic hospital at the state uni
versity. Balloon Lands at Rockport, Mo.
Bt. Joseph, Mo., Sent. 30. A eov.
A nment balloon sent up by the eath
bureau from Bluemont, Va., landed
Hi Rockport, Mo. A device for r.
Jrdlng the temperature and ho
Might attained was In the hnskot nt
tfje balloon. It was sent back to Blue
Torpedo Boats Reach St. Louis.
St. Louis, Sept. 30. The four tor-
pedo boats sent here to take part In
the centonnlal celebration of fill I in In
and later to escort President Taft
on his river voyage to New, Orleans
arrived hero seventy two hours ahead
of time.
III i. uiiUL
Auto and Aviation Park on Jersey
Meadows. .''
WILL COST OVER $2,000,000.
Aim Is to Make the Establishment the
Center of Aerial Racing and Experi
mentation In This Country How the
Automobile Track, Five Miles Long,
Will Be Built.
Before another year has gone by
New York city will have within fifteen
minutes of its downtown section not
alone the largest and finest automobile
race track in the country, but also a
fully equipped aviation park for the
trying out and racing of aeroplanes
and other air craft. The proposed au
tomobile race track will be five miles
long, and Its estimated cost Is between
$2,500,000 and $3,000,000. The aim will
be to make the park the center of all
aerial races and tests In this country.
A syndicnte, of which P. S. Parish,
president of a realty company. Is the
bead, which Includes Arthur Alexan
der and George Robertson, wlnuer of
the last Vanderbilt cup race, and
Y orthlngton M. Jacobus, a New Jer
sey civil engineer, has obtained an
option on '4(i6 acres of land on the
Ilackensack' meadows, lying between
the Newark plank road and the Peun
sylvnnla railroad tracks, on which It
Is proposed to build the park. - A nuni
ber of well known automobile munu
facturers are also interested In the
project, their interests being looked
after by Messrs. Robertson and Alex
ander. 1 '
The land is at present' only partly
developed; but, according lo the terms
of the option, the selling company
agrees to fill In and Improve the prop
erty. Mr. Jacobus has drawn the
plans of the tract, every bit of which
will be within the view of the spec
tators in the grand stand. The latter
will be a huge structure, capable of
sentlng close to 100,000 persons. He
has also .completed plans for conven
iences required by the experimenters
and racers with airships. The track
Itself will be built from the sugges
tions of Robertson and will consist of
an oval shaped two mile course for
speed racing, surrounded by a three
mile course which, with the former
will be used for road racing. On the
outer track, directly opposite the grand
stand, -will be a series of bills and
curves, Including a hairpin turn, on
which It Is expected a thorough test
of the cars In the races will be had.
One of the proposed hills will be 120
feet high, with a 12 to 18 per cent
Coming Into the straight, the course
will be slightly downward, and It Is
expected that a speed of 100 mUes an
hour will be attained by the racing
cars. Several plans for the safety of
both the spectators and the drivers
are also under consideration, the one
meeting the most favor and the most
likely to be adopted being tho build
ing of the track a foot or two below
the surrounding ground, the latter to
be banked with thick layers of soft
sand, so that If a car should suddenly,
because of some accident to the steer
ing gear, swerve from the track It
would quickly be brought to a stop
without Injury to the driver or the
spectators who might be near by.
Plans for financing the project are
well under way, a number of well
known automobile manufacturers hav
Ing pledged large sums of money for
the purpose.
First Cats of Gid In United 8tates
Found In Central New York.
The first authentic case In the Unit
ed States of gid, a brain disease pecul
iar to sheep, has been found on a
farm In central New York state, ac
cording to Dr. V. A. Moore, director
of the State College of Veterinary
The dlseose, he sold, la common In
Great Britain and Germany, but had
never been definitely found In this
Tho malady Is a form of staggers
and Is often fatal, but Dr. Moore says
prompt preventive measures will quick
ly check Its spread.
Mouse Trimmed Hat the Latest.
If there any longer exists any doubt
In the masculine mind as to tho eman
cipation of women It should be dis
pelled by the newest mlllluery model
the mouse trimmed hat. The French
masters of millinery have now gone
to "far and furrln" parts for their
newest creation In headgear. This hat
Is a combination of a sunshade and
an umbrella and Is guaranteed to
withstand both sunshine and rain. It
Is worked out I t one of the new dull
blues, with two of the most cunning
stuffed mice gayly scampering around
the crown and brim.
A Novel Coat of Arms.
The province of Ontnrlo has obtain
ed tho royal warrant for the coat of
arms of Its choice, and Its distinguish
ing features are such as will appeal to
sportsmen, the "supporters" of the
shield being a moose and a wapiti.
while the crest Is a black bear. There
was some discussion as to the pro
priety of choosing the bear rather than
the beaver, but the height of opinion
was la favor of the former, and On
tario boasts the only coat of arms in
the world In which all the animals,
bold the rank of game.
fc.iahonu Commissioner Craws on
.state Guaranty Fun&.
Cklai.onia City, Gala., bel. 3J.--VVitn
a supply of money reui ou l.o
the stats guaranty iuud, japy.c.ici t..
by the taih on hand in the uauk, tL.
Lank Commissioner Young paid ajo-i
40u depositors of the Columbia Lai:.,
and Trust company, which suspv.jd.
Tuesday. No excitement prevailed,
the people apparently trusting tin.
state guaranty.
The report started that a number
of state banks would resist any as
sessment by the state to protect th
Columbia company's depositors wa
dispelled when the officials announced
they had been assured of the support
of the state bankers.
Interest throughout the state was In
tense. The Columbia company as the
reserve for perhaps 150 other state
banks and had on deposit $1,300,000
of their deposits. The failure In the
application of the guaranty law would
mean ruin to many of these and c
financial panic in the state.
Bank Defaulter Pleads Guilty.
New Haven, Conn., Sept 30. Fred
erick H. Brigham, the former book
keeper of the Merchants National
bank of this .city, who was lndicteo
for abstracting $92,000 of the bank's
funds, and of making faise entries on
the books of the bank, pleaded guilty
to the second court before Judge
Piatt and was sentenced to five years
In the' federal penitentiary at Atlanta
Makes Tour of Grounds and
' Will Deliver Address,
Seai'tle, Wash., Sept. 30. President
Taft reached tie Pacific toast last
night, Just two weeks after hjs start
from Boston. During all of this time
he has beeu steadily heading for the
west. Here a new phase of the jour
ney begins, and when he leaves Set
tle for Tacoma tomorrow afternoon
and leaves that city at midnight his
course will be south until Los Angeles
Is reached, and then comes the turn
once more to face the rising sun.
The Resident's visit to the Alaska
Yukon-Pacific exposition began at
9:30 this morning and Mr. Taft first
toured the1 grounds. After luncheon he
will make an address In the natural
amphitheater. The president also will
speak at a banquet at the exposition
grounds this evening, so entire
day will be devoted to t,he fair. , .
The president, on his way to Seat
tie, passed through another Sfctlor
which displayed Its marvels In the
way of fruit raising. At North Yakima
where he made an address, the presi
dent saw one of the oldest Irrigated
fruit districts in the far west. The
great yield of apples especially at
tracted his attention and he said he
was fond of them.
The president met an old Cincinnati
sweetheart at North Yakima. She is
Mrs. Betty Hodges, formerly Mls
Betty Evans, and Mr. Tuft was bes
man at her wedding. The president
told of the meeting In the course c!
bis speech.
Defends His Action in Appearing in
Uniform in Chicago Parade.
Washington, Sept. 30. General
Frederick D. Grant, commanding the
Department of the Lakes, and Secre
tary of War Dickinson discussed In
formally at the war department the
criticism which has been directed at
the former because he appeared In
the uniform of his rank at the head
of a so called temperance parade In
Chicago last Saturday. Just what
passed between the two men was not
Earlier in the day General Grant
had justified his action In appearing
In the parade on the ground that It
was a demonstration in favor of good
government and was not a temper
ance parade.
Innsmuch as no orders were Irsued
to General Giant to march In the pa
rade, Secretary Dickinson holds the
opinion that the former's presence
therein cannot be regarded as an offl
clal action or as giving the govern
ment's stamp of approval to the ob
lect of the demonstration.
While General Grant is a total ab
stainer, he Is an ardent advocate ol
the canteen at army posts.
Three First Degree Murder True
Bills in Two Days.
Des Moines, Sept. 30. The Polk
county grand jury broke all rec
ords when It returned two Indictments
charging first degree murder, one
against John Smeltzer, slayer of De
tectlve Frank Di'ftnege, and the othei
against Frank Webster, held for shoot
ing and killing George Talbart. These
with the Indictment for murder In the
first degree returned against Mrs. Nel
lie Taylor, makes three first degree
murder true bills In two days, which
the court house officials say breaks
all records.
Fatal Wreck In Auto Race. '
Rlverhead, L. 1., Sept 30. Herbert
II. Lyttle, one of the best known
professional automobile racers In the
country, was dange; jiwly hurt and his
mechanician, James Bates, was fatal
ly Injured' In the Long Island ctock
car races near Rlverhond.
Tall Says H; Is Pledged ft
Garry Out Roosevelt Policies.
Chief Executive Urges Immediate Re
lief for Settlers in Arid Lands Wil
Recommend $10,000,000 Bond Issui
to Complete Great Irrigation Proj
ects Upon Which Work Has Best
Suspended Because of Lack of Funds
Spokane, Wash., Sept. 29. Presi
dent Taft delivered here his lone an
tlclpated speech on the conservatiot
of natural resources and outlined the
policy of his administration on thit
subject of supreme importance to al.
the west. .
Mr. Taft broadly took the stand thai
while the present administration is
pledged to follow out the policies ol
Mr. Roosevelt, such a pledge does not
Involve him in any obligation to carrj
out those policies without congres
sional ' authorization. The president
added, however, thtt be would take
every step and exert every Influence
upon, congress to enact legislation
which shall - best subserve the nur
poses' and requirements of the sltua
tlon. . - .
. Will Urge Bond Issue.
President Taft created much enthu
slasra when he announced ..that he
would urge upon congress the neces
sity of authorizing the secretary ol
the interior to Issue $10,000,000 bonds
for the completion of irrigation nroi
ects In the west upon which work has
been suspended because of lack ol
funds and the discovery that the
projectors, In their enthusiasm, - did
not closely observe the limitations of
the reclamation act. Hardships have
been worked upon many settlers
through the suspension of work, and
Senator Borah of Idaho and other
western senators and representatives
have urged upon the president that
a bond Issue was the only way by
which Justice could be done.
Mr. Taft declared congress did' not
Intend that the government should
undertake projects which could not ne
currently paid for out of the proceeds
or the sales of public lands, but added
that he has been Impressed durine his
visit to the west of the necessity for
immediate relief.
It was here In Spokane a little while
ago that the National Irrigation con
grcrs met and the BaTlinger-Pinchot
controversy arose. Secretary Ball In
ncr was criticised for having recom
mended and secured the remen.tog for
entry or lands containing wter nower
sites which had been withdrawn by
Mr. Roosevelt. It was asserted that a
"water power trust" haj been formed
to take up all of these lands and that
the strong conservation policy begun
by Mr. Pinchot, with- the support oi
Mr. Roosevelt, had practically been
abandoned. .
President Taft gave credit both to
Mr. Pinchot and to Mr. Balllnger. He
rererrea to the wonderful work of Mr.
Pinchot and said that while that
work had brought denunciation at
first, It was now generally reali7'
that the reforms Inaugurated by Mr.
Pinchot were not only necessary, but
should have been begun ten years ago.
Defends Reopening of Lands.
The president defended the reopen
ing of lands by the present administra
tion as a compliance with existina
laws, and declared Mr. Ballinger's
views are in strict accord with those
of the administration, and that he has
been helpful and will use his powerful
influence as secretary of the Interior
to support the president In securing
congressional action that will put the
Roosevelt policy of conservation on a
firmer basis. Mr. Taft stated that the
4,700,000 acres of water power lands
withdrawn from the general entry by
the last administration has been re
duced' to 450,000 acres under the pres
ent administration. The latter num
ber, however, he pointed out, contain
more accertalned power sites than did
the original withdrawals.
The president further stated it must
be understood that these withdrawals
are only temporary, to permit con
gress to act upon a recommendation
he will make that the government be
authorized to grant or lease power
sites to private concerns, to be devel
oped' under general government con-
trol and supervision. If congress fails
to act upon this recommendation, the
president says he knows of no war In
which the withdrawn lands can much
longer be withheld from cfriims filed
under the general land laws.
Mr. Taft opposed the sueirestlon
that settlers should be allowed longer
than ten years In which to renay the
government for water Becured through
governmental Irrigation projects. Ha
Bays a longer term would not conduce
to thrift and' would domy work on
additional projects which should be
Unitarian Church Conference.
Chicago, Sept. 29. An attack on the
liquor Industry by Rev. Joseph H.
Crooker of Boston, president of the
Unitarian Temperance society, a de
nunciation of high churchmen and
plea for a fund of $100,000 to further
the work of the Unitarian Sunday
school society, were features of the
econd days' session of the Unitarian
church conference in sestlon here.
Twenty-live Thousand . Troops
in Line at New York.
Former Circles Statue of Liberty In
Aeroplane Big Dirigibles Miserably
Fall in Their Attempted Flight to Al
bany Baldwin Lands In Hudson
River Fete Envoys Are Guests a(
Notable Banquet.
New York, Sept. 30. The principal
event of today s program of the Hud
son-Fulton celebration was the
tary parade, in which more than 25.
000 troops marched. It was partici
pated In by the United States army,
navy and marine corps, the national
guard and naval militia and marines
and sailors from the foreign vessels
now anchored in the Hudson. Mllliona
of people lined the route of the parade.
Wright Clrcle3 Statue of Liberty.
. Wilbur Wright successfully circled
the great statue of liberty at the en
trance of New Yorw harbor in bin
aeroplane, while in the upper part of
the city two huge dirigible balloons
failed lngioriously in their task. Thi
was a victory for the heavier-than-air
machine. While both Wl'ight and
Glenn H. Curtlss soared frotu the
aerodrome on Governor's island ia
their motor propelled bi planes, both
great dirigibles, manned respectively
by Captain Thomas Baldwin ' and
George L. Tomliuson, and entered in
the New York to Albany race, were
forced to descend because of difficul
ties encountered before they were welt
under way.
Wilbur WrJght made three sensa
tional flights and Curtlss made one
brief, though successful, test spin of
thirty seconds' duration. Baldwua,
with his dirigible, landed in the Hud
son river less than an hour after tho
start, while Tomllnson, alter remain
ing In the air from 11:36 a. m. until
1:80 p. m., came to earth twenty-two
miles from his starting point Neither
of the dirigible pilots was Injured nor
was either craft Berlously damaged.
Envoys to Fete at Banquet
. The vice president of the United
States and the governor of New York,
the personal representatives of the
emperors of Germany and Japan, the
diplomatic representees of tweniy
flve nations and the special delegates
of twenty-eight, st down to tables
last night In the great banquet hall or
the Hotel Aster as the official guests
of the Hudson-Fulton celebration com
mission. There were. In addition, the
officers of eight navjes and the ad
mirals of four, a representative of the
United States senate in the person
of Ellhu Root, members of the New
York state legislature and officers of
the municipality of New York. It
was one of the most brilliant banquets
that the country has ever seen.
At the speakers' table were Jonkher
J. Loudon, the minister from the
Netherlands; Admiral von Koester,
the personal representative of (the
kaiser; Admiral of the Fleet Sir Ed
ward Seymour, His Imperial Highness
Prince Kunl, Admiral le Pord of the
French fleet, Vice President Sherman,
Governor Hughes, Senator Root ana
Justice Brewer of the United States
suprome court. In their speeches
were not only the usual International
amenities, but an appreciation of the
double glimpse backward Into history
afforded' by the reproduction of the
Clermont and the Half Moon and the
flights of Wilbur Wright over the
lame waters these craft made famous.
Dr. Cook and Commander Peary
found mention In the speech of Vice
President Sherman, who rejoiced that
an American "It matters not who"
had followed Hudson's index finger to
the pole.
Captain Disappears From Ship.
San Francisco, Sept. 30. According
to members of the crow of the bark
entlne Amazon, which arrived here
from Newcastle, Australia, Captain
Oraff disappeared mysteriously rrom
lit cabin as the vessel was being
towed to sea and has not since been
Two Men Rob Colorado Bank,
(lies wood Springs, Colo., Sept SO.-
Two men entered the Citizens' Na
tional bank In broad daylight here
and", aiLtr holding up two tellers, rob-
ti tie sole and escaped on horseback
r i i v i '
if -'l ' ' , I