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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1909)
month Sournal. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXVI11 TLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 190b NO 71 TPbe ' ' " A NOBLE WO MAN AT REST Life Sketch of Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse, Who Died at Omaha. (By Basil S. Ramsey.) DIED September 211909, at 3:30 o'clock a. m., at Emmanuel hos pital, Omaha, of metastatic carci noma, Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse, aged 43 years 5 months 9 days. Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse, whose maiden name was Miss Lillian Kate Swearingen, was born April 12,1 18(6, at Minerva, Stark county, O., and at the time of her death was 43 , years 5 months 9 days old. She waB a lineal deaecendant of Gerrett Van Swearingen, who was a native of Beemsterdam, Holland, a member of a soble family, and who emigrated to America in 1657. In April, 1669, Gerett Van Swearingen and wife, a native of Valenciennes, France, wtoee maiden name was Barbarah De Barrette, with their two child ren were, on petition of Lord Balti more, naturalized as American citi zens by special act of the Maryland geieral assembly. Their descend- aats became scattered over Mary-! land, Virginia, Western Pennsyl vania and eastern Ohio, and were among the early pioneer settlers who planted civilization In those forest bound regions, where for centuries wild beasts and savage Indians had roamed unmolested. Among . those descendants was the father of Mrs. Hasse, Jackson Swearingen, who, as orderly sergeant, of Company F, Thirty-second Ohio volunteers, serv ed throughout the great civil war. He died May 23, 1883, at Sabetha, Nemaha county, Kas. His wife, mother of Mrs. Hasse, was before her marriage Miss May M. Hostet ter, a lady of high culture and Chris tian character. Her death occurred at the then home of her daughter, Mrs. Hasse, at Plattsmouth, Neb., on May 18, 1904. Both Mr. and Mrs. Swearingen now rest in the ceme tery at Sabetha, Kas. Their family consisted of Melvin D., for more than thirty years, and now engaged as railroad agent and telegraph op erator; William A., for a number of years engaged as railroad agent and telegraph operator for ;the M. P. at Elmwood, Plattsmouth and Union, Cass county, Neb. For a number of years he was deputy county clerk of Cass county, Neb., and now resides in South Omaha. Mrs. Hasse, the subject of this sketch, was the eldest daughter. Alverda M., familiarly known as Dora, graduated from the Weeping Water academy, engaged for a time in teaching instrumental music, and now one of the principals in a cele brated and popular theatrical troupe traveling through the eastern cities. Edna M. married Henry E. Weid man and resides in Plattsmouth, Neb. Mrs. Hasse, at the age of 18, en tered Mount Union college at Mount Union, Stark county O., from which she graduated with high honors in both music and bookkeeping. Some time after the death of her father in 1883 her family removed to Weep ing Water, Cass county, Neb. At this place, on October 2, 1889, she was married to William A. Hasse. To this union one daughter, Beatrice, was born on July 30, 1890, who sur vives her mother, and who is now taking a regular course in the Clark son hospital at Omaha for the pro fession of a trained nurse,. For some time, while living in Weeping Water, Mrs. Hasse was deputy postmistress, which position she filled with signal ability and universal satisfaction to the general public. On October 1, 1894, she accepted the appointment of clerk of the county court for Cass county, Neb., when the writer had the honor of holding the position of county Judge. By her superior at tainments as an expert accountant and bookkeeper, united with unusual and high ability, the county court records were soon made models of perfection, system, neatness and beauty, and the admiration of every one. For nearly two years she filled this position while the writer was connty Judge. Her work and serv ices as clerk of the county court were so highly appreciated and so val uable that she continued In this re- sponsible position during four years wlth Judge George M. Spurlock, and durlne four years with Judge J. E. Douglass, making altogether nearly ten consecutive years. After leaving this position she became bookkeeper for the Bank of Cass County, where she remained for three years, and until she and her daughter-Beatrice removed to Lincoln, Neb., in Septem ber, 1907. At Lincoln she was in the employ of Woods B ros.' Investment com pany as bookkeeper and accountant, which position she held until stricken with the malady which caused her death. '' - Some months previous to her last illness she was operated upon for a supposed cancerous affection, and for a time the operation was believed to have eradicated the disease. But about three months ago the malady returned and she was again taken to Emmanuel hospital in Omaha. There she received the most careful attention of the trained nurses and the untiring efforts of Drs. T. P. and J. S. Livingston of Plattsmouth, and of Dr. Byron B. Davis of Omaha. But the combined efforts of these able and. faithful physicians and surgeons and the tender care and labor of faithful nurses could not stay the touch of death. Funeral services were held at 2:30 p. m., "Wednesday, September 22, 1909, at the large and commodious undertaking establishment of Arthur Jackson in Omaha. Mr. Jackson and wife had been valued and Intimate friends of deceased during her resi dence at Plattsmouth. When she finally realized that no nope 'existed for her recovery and that death was Inevitable within a short time, she carefully arranged all her business matters, gave directions for funeral services and arrangements, selecting the place, the minister, the choir and musical selections. A large number of friends attended the serv ices many from Plattsmouth, Weeping Water and a number from Lincoln. The beautiful casket was sur rounded and covered with no less beautiful wreaths and flowers, thus attesting the love and high respect of relatives and the many friends for her, who had gone. Rev. Dr. J. T. Baird of Platts mouth, her old pastor, conducted the services. Ills address was able and eloquent and brought many to tears in his touching reference to the high character, many virtues and beauti ful Christian life of deceased. A quartet, selected by deceased consisting of Mrs. E. H. Wescott Mrs. Everett Eaton and B. A. McEl wain, all of Plattsmouth, and Arthur Jackson of Omaha, most beautifully touchingly and tenderly rendered the following, especially selected by de ceased: "Savior, Comfort Me,' "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me," and "Sun of My Soul." Mrs. Lillian K. Hasse was a woman of exceptionally strong intellect and analytical mind. Her training in girlhood, while attending Mount Union college, laid the foundation for success in her chosen life work The records she kept and made dur Ing nearly ten years of faithful work while clerk of the county court of Cass county, Neb., will long remain a monument to her exceptional abil Ity and skill. Of a most genial happy and lovable nature, she at traded and made friends of every one. She was a member of the Con gregatlonal church at Weeping Water, but after removing to Platts mouth attended the Presbyterian church, of which Rev. Dr. Baird, wh officiated at the services in Omaha was the pastor. Her whole life was that of an exemplary, high minded noble Christian woman. Her mem ory will long be cherished by her many friends, and especially by those who had been associated with her In social, business and official life After the close of the services the body was followed by many sorrow ing relatives and friends to the M P. depot, from whence it was taken to Sabetha, Kas., where all that was mortal of a loving daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, a noble woman- hood, were tenderly placed by the side of father and mother, and be-. neath vine and rose, where she now quietly sleeps while tear-drops em balm and consecrate her memory. Mandamus Granted. In the district court this after noon Judge Travis handed down a decision in the now famous case of Bailor vs. Butler. The case was tried below before Justice of the Peace Patterson of Rock Bluff, and the issues found against Butler, who took an appeal, or rather desired t take error to the district court, and requested Judge Patterson to make out a bill of exceptions, but as part of the evidence before the court was oral and he was not a court of rec ord, Judge Patterson refused to sign bill of exceptions. Butler then went before .Judge Travis and peti tioned the court to issue a writ of mandamus compelling the Justice to sign the bill of exceptions. On Sep tember 10 the district court's min utes show that cause was submitted on demurrer ora tenus to answer of respondent (Patterson), which was sustained. The record yesterday" from ' the court's minutes shows:-' "Answer of respondent dismissed and court finds allegations of petition to be true ex cept as to matter stricken out. A peremptory writ of mandamus is or dered to issue to respondent to cer tify bill of exceptions in due form.'! A motion for a new trial will be filed at once and the matter will probably go to the supreme court for final adjudication. In County Court. Before Judge Beeson this morn ing was heard the petition of Eliza beth Keune, . praying that general administration of the estate of Gus tave Keune be dispensed with, and that decree of heirship be entered without further expenditure of time or money. This Is the estate of the unfortunate young German who was accidentally drowned in the Platte river about a month age. The estate consists of thirteen acres of real estate, on which a small house which wag the homestead of the family, and a small amount of personal property. A wise provision of the law allows small estates to be settled without the usual formalities all being carried out, hence the mat ter was all wound at the first hear Ing. Small Favors Thankfully Received The Lincoln Journal says: "One measure passed by the Democratic eglslature that hasn't as yet been declared unconstitutional was a law pertaining to public health, which requires that teachers in the public schools submit to medical examina tion before they begin work, par ticularly where there Is suspicion of tuberculosis. Since that form of mortal terror has been declared catching It Is well that every pre caution be used to prevent the spread In the schools or mischief of that kind. It Is well for Johnny to have an education, always provld ed that he Issue forth, his mind dis ciplined for life's activities and his body not minus one lung. Let the law be enforced." Concensus of Opinion. The opinion is rapidly growing that if either of the claimants to the north pole Is lying it will bo found Peary is the one. He has certainly shown very bad taste, and he Is con ceded to have more reason for fraudulent claim than Dr. Cook, since he has been a lifetime seeking the polo and he has made more noise about his departure. , So it is not lm probable that he would be moved by great jealousy to rush In his claim for l he very reason that he gave for taking no white man with him, " could not bear to divide the honor." Peary Is a brave and enduring ex plorer, but he has in this Cook mat ter shown himself a small, narrow minded person, even If he believes Cook never got there. Lincoln Star. . Funeral of Mrs. Hayen. Mrs. Margaret Hayes died last Thursday at the home of Allle Hayes south of town, of tumor of the liver aged 71 years 1 month 6 days. She was born August 11, 1838, and was married In Ohio to J. C. Hayes. The funeral was held Sunday, September 19, at 3 o'clock from the Christian church, Elmwood, Rev. Campbell of ficiating, assisted by Rev. Cyrus Al ton. The services were largely at tended, she having been a resident of Elmwood for many years. Weeping! Water Republican. IMg rnrade in Omaha. President Ford of the Central Labor union states that not less than 15,000 members of organized labor will parade the streets of Omaha either Saturday or Sunday after- noon. This will demonstrate to a dead moral certainty that all the unions are with the street car strik ers: "These men will parade the streets to show that they support the striking street car men. The street railway company is running cars, and I am here to say that Mr. Wat tles' company runs its cars on the streets of Omaha by the grace of these very worklngmen who will par ade the streets, because these men are sovereign voters, while the street railway company Is merely a crea ture of the voters after all," Mr. Ford stated to the newspaper men. This organized .labor demonstra tion probably will be the largest in the history of the city if the plans outlined by Mr. Ford are carried out. Omaha's Shame. The Kearney. Democrat says: "The smallest thing that a big city ever committed ;,is charged , up to the shame of -Omaha, purposely neglected to invite the governor of Nebraska to participate In the re ception of President Taft. The city of Omaha la too great to commit such an act and not be punished for It is too large and cosmopolitan, tt any rate, to have permitted such a thing to be done. But the gov ernor of the great state of Nebraska will grow larger and stronger, and the city of Omaha will grow smaller and weaker from the effects of such studied Insults." The Democrat should bear in mind that it was not Omaha people In general who. are to blame for this discourtesy, but that was influenced by the small-bore politician, Victor Rosewater. Alfalfa Bumper Crop. Julius Pitts was a caller at the Journal office this morning, and had with him a sample of alfalfa cut from his third crop, which is about eighteen inches in height, and was loaded with seed. Julius says there no doubt - but the soil here is adapted to the thrifty growth of this grass, and the yield per acre Is very great. An alfalfa meal mill could be operated here with profit, as the syrup for the meal and fuel for run nlng the plant could be shipped in cheaper than the hay could be trans ported elsewhere. It Is hoped that the Commercial club and farmers will get together and start the enter prise, as It would not only be a bene fit to the town, but also to the farm era hereabouts. 1 Patient Operated On. The young man mentioned in Tuesday's daily, cousin of Henry Hirz, Jr., was operated on that day at 10 o'clock, and his appendix re moved. It was in bad shape, had already bursted, and a delay of few hours would have endangered his life. The patient is doing nicely and will make a speedy recovery, unless something unforseen should turn the tide against him. Dr. Cummins de serves great credit for speedy work on this case. Nerved Buffet Luncheon. Mr. and Mrs.' Gould were hostesses to a party of friends In their parlors at the Hotel Riley last evening. A buffet luncheon was served. The In vited guests were: Misses Cora Walker, Mae Patterson, Genevlve Howard, Pearl Nichols; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gobelman, Messrs. Robert Hayese, George B. Mann and W. A. Sharp. Before the Court. Walter Speck, who was fined some time ago for assault upon one Miller, appeared in district court yesterday and arranged to pay the costs, which amounted to something over $50. Speck is to pay in the amount at the rate of $10 on the 2 2d of each month. His brother Claus will stand as surety for the amount. Card of Tlianks. We tender our slncerest thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly aided us In the sickness and death of our dear babe. ANTONE TRILITY. MR 8. ANTONE TRILITY. Sim. Upton of Union was in the city Inst evening an a visit with his many old-time friends. His wife leaves for the Pacific coast tomor- row, where she will spend the win ter. Nebraeka city News. THE LIGHT Strangers Do Not Admire a City Without Electric Light; We walked down the street with a gentleman last night, who said that this was his first visit to Platts mouth. Of course, we interrogated him in regard th his business and he replied that he was on a prospecting tour, and had heard a great deal of Plattsmouth In Indiana (his home) from friends who had visited here, and he had a curiosity to see the town for himself. He said we had a much larger town than he expected to see, and that It waa built up bet ter, but he was surprised when he learned that we .are . deficient of street -Ugh ta. . We remarked to him that for many years we had been trying to fill this deficiency, but some how things would not work In that direction. "Why," he said, "we have no towns in the Hoosler state with 1,500 population that is with- OMAHA . STRIKE Is Assuming Larger Proportions and Ho Indications of Settlement. The following from the World- Herald would indicate that the strike lacked a good deal of being settled In Omaha yet: "A small riot broke out teenth and Capitol avenue after noon yesterday, when at Six shortly Alfred Anderson, driving a Schlitz beer wagon, stopped in front of a street car and refused to move. Ten cars were soon blockaded and a howling mob Jeered the car crews. "Captain Mostyn was on his way to the police station In civilian's clothes. He was on an east-bound Dodge car, and when he saw the crowd at Capitol avenue, he Jumped off and hurried to the scene, lfe or dered Anderson to drive on, but An derson Jeered at him. Captain Mos tlyn then led the team to one side by the bits and pulled Anderson off the wagon, placing him under arrest. "The mob started to take Ander son away from the officer, possibly not realizing, In his civilian's clothes, that Mostyn was an official. The captain drew his revolver and stood the crowd off until the patrol wagon arrived with a squad of police. In dispersing the crowd, B. A. Saly, aged 68, an employe of the Me geath Stationery company, living at 615 South Seventeenth street, was beaten by an officer whose name Is unknown. Saly sustained many bruises and cuts on the head and a badly bruiser arm. Witnesses told Chief Donahue that the attack waB entirely unwarranted. Saly says he was merely on his way to work and was endeavoring to get out of the way and couldn t do It fast enough to Bult the officer." The Wllliite Meeting. At the MethodiBt church last even ing there was a good attendance. Rev. Wllhhlte preached with his usual vigor. His subject was the "Value of Time," and was based on the scripture, 1 Corinthians 7-29. Mr. Tuckerman sang one or two solos and his splendid voice and perfect enunciation makes his singing most enjoyable. There were seven persons came forward to signify their lnten tlon to take up the better life. This makes twenty-eight up to the pres ent who have come out since the be ginning of the meetings. The meet Ing will be held in the tent tonight, and stoves will be placed at con venlent Intervals, which will make It comfortable. There will be many candidates for baptism and the ord nance will be administered at the tent tonight. Will Fight of Akron, Colo., arrived In the city last evening, where he will vicH his parents and friends in Plattsmouth and vicinity for a few iduys. MAT- ONCE ORE J out electric lights, and here Is a city of 6,000 people doing without this necessity." He could not understand it, and we could not explain to htm why. This is not the first time that strangers entering the city have wou dered at this state of affairs. And when strangers notice this defect we think it is time for the Commercial club to get their hustling clothes on and do something In this direction right now. A city of the size of Plattsmouth without street lights la not a good advertisement, and gives Grangers the Impression that we are on the old fogy order, and nine times out of ten If they come here with a view of locating they would go away without telling their business. Let us all get to work and have street lights installed before cold and dis agreeable weather sets in. America's Com Crop. : Uncle Sam's last figures Indicate that this year's corn crop will amount to 2,648,000,00.0 bushels. This Is a deterioration of over, 300,- . 000,000 bushels in one month and puts an end to all talk about a bum per yield of corn In 1 Ti09. If these estimates shall prove to be accurate the final crop will, be 20,000,000 . bushels under that of last year and.. 279,000,000 bushels' less than the banner crop harvest ' of all time, N which was In 1906. But last year the best that Secre tary Wilcox could do on September. I was to come within 73,000,000'. bushels of the crop that was actually husked. If he underestimates to the same extent now 1909 will beat 1908.' for last year's September estimate was 53,000,000 bushels under (he present prediction. In nearly all in-, stances the forecasts fall short of re sults. But It Is now fairly certain that this country will shortly tuck away lu the crib one of the. half-dozen biggest corn crops ever grown. And even if the yield shall fall a few mil lion bushels below earlier expecta tions it will still be worth hundreds " of millions of dollars more than any crop ever grown In any year in any other country. ' In Police Court. Judge Archer's court was busy yesterday afternoon distributing Jus tice to the citizens and denizens of this community. A complaint was filed by Dr. Barnes, charging Will lam Williams with being a bad In dian, in that he had used opprobrious epithets and dark threats against the person of complulnant. The sheriff was called upon to serve the warrant which he did speedily. The matter was given an airing before the court. which resulted In a nominal fine be ing placed to the credit of Williams. It appeared that Williams had been somewhat under the influence of liquor, and he admitted that he had drank some. Owing to the fact that Williams la a ward of the govern ment it was thought beBt to let him go to his home In Kansas. He be longs In the jurisdiction of the Mor ton (Kas.) agency, and gets his money there. He Is "a fine ball player, and while on the team did not indulge In drink, and when not drunk Is a very gentlemanly Indian. He departed last night for his home, where he says he owns a nice little farm. Visit Hospital. Mrs. Guy McMaken accompanied Mrs. J. R. Mayfleld to Immanuel hos pital at Omaha this morning, where they visited J. R. Mayfleld, who has been in the hospital for the past three weeks. Mr. Mayfleld was op erated on for appendicitis about two weeks ago, and is getting along nicely. His wife expects to have htm home next week. Mrs. F. J. Janda departed for Havelock this morning, where she will for a few days be the gueBt of friends.