The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 20, 1909, Image 2
The - Plattsmouth - Journal f Published Seml-Weeklat Plattsmouth, Nebraska r R. A. DATES, Publisher. E.ite.-ii at tha Posta.'fke at Plattsmiuth, Nebraska, mccrd-elas matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE When Taft conies to Omaha this week just watch Dllly Hayward and Little Mr. Rosewater holding on to his coat-tall while he sojourns In the metropolis. :o: An Omaha optician bought a farm of 306 acres near Central City In 1900 for $30 an acre and Bold It the other day for $81 per acre net. And still there are farmers in Nebraska who think it Is time to bunt up a new farm in far off Canada. -:o:- Some Republican papers are of I fering very flimsy arguments In shielding the supreme court for Its action on the non-partisan Judiciary law, passed by the legislature. The fact is the law wns all right, and rank partlsanism Is the only cause for such a decision. The people are favorable to non-partisan courts, and they will have them In Nebraska sooner or later. -:o:- nilly Hayward and Vicky Rose water Bcem to be "all in all" the Republican party in Nebraska. Hay ward will have his choice of being the Republican nominee for gover nor or for congress. If he decides he wants to go to congress, and ho can get Rosewater to consent to his notion, Tom Majors will be his choice for governor. Dllly and Vicky will have everything their own way, or they are not going to play, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. The edict has gone forth to this ef fect to the Republican masses. r :o: Every one who has read Judge Sullivan's, letter will respect him more highly than ever. It Is a plain, honest expression of the great est Jurist that ever sat upon the su preme bench of Nebraska, and de acrveB great thought from the voters. He Is not a man that will beat around the bush to make votes, and would rather the people of the state would understand where he stands than be elected this fall a member of the "supreme court. Every voter should nd in ire such a man upon the supremo bench. :o: An excellent proposal has been made by Director Durand of the census bureau to farmers through out the country with a view to ob taining accurate reports In the agri cultural census to bo taken 'next year. He advises farmers to make a moro or less detailed record of their operations during this present year In order to co-operate with the census taker, who will visit them next April. It Is assumed, of course, that tho bookkeeping of the average farm Is quite as well looked after na the other departments of farm work, but It Is pointed out that the entries mnde this year should be In line with points to be covered in the census. -:o:- Talk about your llvo towns, but Louisville conies in for her share of the honors In this direction. The right kind of boosters are at the head of tho management of that town. They took a notion all of a sudden that they wanted a street carnival, and It did not take them a half day to raise the money to do the business, and on September 23, 24 and 25 the grand event comes off. They are not half way boosters up there, and when they take a no tion to do anything they go light after It without much parleying. Re member the dates. " :o: The best evidence In the world that there should bo' a non-partisan Judiciary, Is tho manner In which tho Republicans on the supreme bench treated the non-partisan Ju diciary law, passed by tho legisla ture last winter. The courts of the land should be non-partisan. A Judge should not let politics inter fere In rendering a decision, but there have been Judges who have been guilty of so doing. Elect Judges Irrespective of their politics, and then there will be no occasion for them to be Influenced by party af filiations in their actions on the bench. Let the courts be free from politics and all parties will receive Justice at their hands. :o: According to a special to the Om aha Ree from Lincoln, some of the Republican county assessors are op posed to the law passed by the legis lature last winter, wherein It pro vides for the election of precinct as sessors instead of giving the county assessor power to appoint them. The election of precinct assessors is what the people desire, and where the shoe pinches the most Is that giving the county assessor the power to appoint assists In building up a political machine In the counties controlled by Republicans. We have failed to hear any complaint from Democratic assessors. "Let the peo ple rule." -:o: It will be a cold day In August when C. O. Whedon succeeds In getting Slippery Elmer to debate the Payne-Aldrlch tariff bill with him. The fact Is, Ilurkott is unable to de bate the question with a 10-year-old school boy, and at the same time give a plausable excuse for going back on his constituents. Mr. Whe don Is pretty smart, and has a long head on his shoulders. He knows that If he can get Durkett in a Joint discussion he would do him up to a fare-you-well, and that it would sil ence Durkett so effectively that he would never be heard of after serv ing his present term as senator. Doth are Republicans, but ono Is with the peoplo of Nebraska and the other Is against them. The Democratic newspapers, those especially that are so officious In the matter, should let up on the gubernatorial agitation. Let It pass until after the election this fall, any way. All this discussion for and against Mayor Dahlman Is uncalled for. He is a better Democrat than some of those fellows who keep barking at his heels, and he has shown It time and time again. In ense Governor Shallenberger is re nominated, and we can see no reason why he should not be, every Demo cratic vote will be needed to elect him, and those papers that are howl lng down Jim Dubinin are doing the party an injury. Mayor Dahlmnn has thousands of friends In every section of Nebraska, and the work these newspapers are doing Is simply calculated to do a great deal of harm when tho proper time arrives. :o: The Republicans are casting about for. a suitable candidate for governor and are suggesting many names, but they seem to overlook the man who will most likely re ceive the nomination. We refer to ex-Governor George Sheldon of Ne hawka, Cass county. Tho question of prohibition Is one that will have to be settled next year, and It will be a hot fight. In all probability the Democrats will declare in favor of county option and the Republicans will come out flat-footed for prohi bition. Sheldon realizes this, and lust week, in welcoming a number of ministers who held a meeting in lila town, he fdlscussod the liquor question and announced that ho was a prohibitionist. He made tho state ment as plain as ho poBslbly could: "I am a prohibitionist," he said. That means Hayward, Tom Majors and several others will have to get into the prohibition band wagon If they want to stand any show for the nom ination next year. It was a bold strike on the part of Mr. Sheldon. Nebraska City News. :o: Judge Good is now in his 50th year, twenty-five years of which time he has been a resident of Wahoo, Neb., and the office he now holds is the first and only one he has ever accepted. In view of the abova it Is not too much to say that If elevated to the supreme bench he will make one of the most able, fearless and Incorruptible Judges the state has ever known, and his election would be a distinct recognition of the non partisan sentiment so largely prev alent throughout the state among voters of all parties. Wahoo Demo crat. JUXJK II. F. GOOD. Last Tuesday Judge B. F. Good of this city, with Judge J. J. Sullivan of Omaha and Judge J. R. Dean of Broken Bow, was nominated for Judge of the supreme court by the Democratic ana People's Independent voters. In this regard we desire to say that Judge Good Is unquestion ably the strongest candidate any party could name In this Judicial dis trict, where he Is best known, having served the people on the district bench for almost ten years. An evi dence of his popularity in this dis trict la shown by the following ser ies of election triumphs: In 1899 Judge Good defeated Judge Sedg wick of York by 2,009; in 1903 the district was Republican by approxi mately 700 votes, but Judge Good was elected over his opponent by 908; In 1907 he again won out by 1,116. In this year the district was again normally Republican. Nothing can speak stronger for the popularity of Judge Good In his home district than his continuous endorsement by the voters of all parties. While serv ing his first term, with the assist ance of Judge Corcoran, he publish ed tho popular legal work, "Nebras ka Instructions to Juries and Law Digest." This book has had the largest sale of any local legal work ever publish ed in the state and the large edition Is now nearly exhausted. Ho was ono of the lecturers In the law de partment of the state university as long as Judge Reese was connected with the institution. In his ten years of service on the district bench he has had the least number of re versals at the hands of the higher court, than any judge in the state for a like period, and during all that time has never held a railroad pass Believing that railways do not grant these favors without expectation of future reward he has always declined to become a pass rider. In his ad ministration of Justice he has been fearless. When necessary he has not hesitated to call grand Juries for-the suppression of boot-legging, gamb ling and prostitution, evils that are dlfllcut to reach by any other method and the fact that today there is not a house of prostitution or gambling hell In the Fifth district is largely due to his fearless and ener getic administration. During his servlco on the bench he has tried many celebrated cases, among which are the Champion desertion case of Seward county and the LUlle murder mystery at David City. HAYWARD A.l CONGRESS. The special correspondent of the World-Herald from Lincoln says: To tho recent rumor that Will Hayward, chairman of the state Republican committee, was groomed for con gressman from the First Nebraska district at a meeting of stand-pat Re publicans at Washington at tho close of the special tariff session of con gress is now added the information that Hayward was told exactly what view to express regarding the bank guaranty in Nebraska, and that hla rabid speech beforo tho stato conven tion of Republicans was practically dlt. luted from the leaders back east. It la said that this conference was the sourco from which a tip came t tint llaywnrd should be made chairman of the state committee again, a tip that bowled Clyde Ber nard aside from a position which he had securely within his grasp. The Hayward conference at Wash ington was a puzzler at the time. Hayward came bark with his lips sealed. His first definite utterance on anything was his speech attack ing C. O. Whedon for his views on bank currency. Then followed an other artistic job of silence. ' Next Hayward said that he would express his views on the primary through a magazine article, and did not care to be quoted on the subject. After this more silence. The curious feature 'of the recent rumors is that they come from Re publican sources that have Interests at stake in this year's and next year's elections, and that riayward has gone to no pains to deny the statement that he will be lined up against Ern est Pollard and other First district hopefuls. :o: The shoe manufacturers of Mass achusetts tell us they are pleased with the provisions of the new tariff law. Certainly, when hides were re duced and shoes were Increased. :o: When Taft went up and down this country promising tariff revision "downward" prior to his election, he may have meant what he said. But if he did he has since shown a' re markable capacity to back track in obedience to the behest of the great Aldrich. :o: With meats, groceries and cloth ing climbing higher and higher the laboring man is wondering why his wages don't climb too. He Isn't a part of the graft that goes with the game of prosperity. More tariff and Taft and the laboring man will be come a serf. :o: Peter Mortensen, formerly state treasurer, was a caller among his friends at the Btate house Tuesday, and being mentioned as a Republican candidate for governor, of course, greeted his friends quite warmly. In cidentally, he indicated his belief that Governor Shallenberger would be a hard man to beat for re-election. Peter Is pretty well posted on the politics of Nebraska, and knew what he was talking about. :o: ALDRICH AM) HIS PROPIIir President Taft has begun tl notable 13,000 mile journey which is to take him into every section of the union, and has delivered bis first message to the Americav people since the adjournment of the special session of congress. It is a message that will prove neither pleasing nor encouraging to those who have been hoping that he would take advantage of this trip to place himself courageously at the head of the progressive element of the Republican party. For the first important pronounce ment he makes Is to take a flat-footed stand In favor of a gigantic central bank of issue. He couples this with a warm eulogy of Senator Aldrich, to whose financial plans, as yet un formulated, he gives in advance a blanket endorsement which cannot but sound ominous to those who do not believe, with his friend the pres ident, that the controlling purpose of the life of the senator from Rhode Island is "an earnest desire to aid the people." The fundamental purpose of a cen tral bank of Issue, as stated by the president himself, is to "place some form of control over the money mar ket and the reserves In the hands of an intelligent body of financiers re sponsible to the government." The president, of course, agrees heartily with his pure-minded and unselfish friend, Senator Aldrich, that it will be Important to keep this central bank, with Its vast powers, "free from Wall Btreet ' influences" and free also from "manipulation for po litical purposes." These soft words will butter no parsnips. Intelligent men know that whenever "an intelligent body of financiers" Is placed in Biipreme con trol of the money volume it means Wall Btreet financiers, and Wall street In control. So, too, do we know that when we speak of the financiers who are to be entrusted with management of this bank and bo with control over currency and credits and prices, as being "respon sible to the government," It is mere ly a euphemism which ever so deli cately suggests the real fact, which is that the government would be re sponsible to Wall street. In our mind's eye we. can see the FALL ( j - Km :. ' , k uvfln "intelligent financiers" of the First National bank of New Y'ork, of the City National, of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of J. P. Morgan & Co., and others of similar caliber, unselfishly and patri otically taking plenary control of the money volume with an eye single to the general welfare, and their'hearts deeply impressed with a sense of their "responsibility to the govern ment!" We can see these same eminent financiers, with great statesmen like Cortelyou, Frank Hitchcock and oth ers to aid them, and with a presi dency and a congress hanging in the balance, scrupulously refraining from using the decisive power vested in their hands to defeat the election of candidates who sacreliglously chal lenged their divine right and were seeking the overthrow of their sys tem Senator Aldrich's mission is but half performed. With the invaluable assistance of the president of the United States he was able to write upon the statute books a tariff law which lays tribute on the entire country for the benefit of the cotton and woolen manufac turers of New England and the great Industrial trusts of New Y'ork, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Now, again with the assistance of the president, he means to vest su preme control over the banking busi ness of the country, and over the cir culating medium, in ths tender keep ing of "intelligent financiers" who are, of course, "free from Wall street influences.' If, after this has been accomplish ed, there still remains any loose change anywhere in the country on which the Atlantic seaboard has not been given a first mortgage, Senator Aldrich, again abetted and supported by the admiring president, may for a third time indulge his "earnest de sire to aid the people" by saddling us with a shipping subsidy. Great is Aldrich and Taft is his prophet. World-Herald. Keep It before the voters of Cass county that George P. Meislnger is one of the best and most competent men that ever ran for the office of Low Rates TO THE NORTHWEST: Cheap one-way Colonist fares to the North west, 1'uget Sound and California, September 15th to October 15th; daily through trains to the Northwest via the Great Northern; also via the Northern Pacific. To California, daily through toarist' sleepers via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City. ROUND TRIP TO PACIFIC C0AST:-Very low Seattle and California round trip excursion tickets on sale during September. This is' the last chance to obtain these cheap rates for the greatest railroad jour ney in the World. EASTB0UND: Special round trip rates to Chicago, Kansas City, Lincoln, Omaha, St. Joseph, St. Louis", August 28th to Septemher 5th and from September 11th to September 19th. Daily low thirty day round trip rates from Chicago to Atlantic cities and resorts. September is the last month for the special vacation rates to Colo rado. Homeseekers' excursions September 7th and 21st. !:iiilfii0inii litiiiffi FHI?n3DI?n3 Please call and soo my line of hats. IMleirs county commissioner in Cass county. Being as honest as the day is long, and well qualified in every way for this responsible position, the tax payers can depend upon their Inter ests being carefully guarded in his election. -:o:- Can a candidate expect the sup port of his opponent at the primary, in the general election, when he and his closest friends went over the county and told that he was illiterate and incompetent? , :o: If the people of Cass county are favorable to a third term in office they will vote for Quinton; if not they will support Ed. Tutt for sher iff. No man could possibly be more opposed to a third term four years ago than the man who is now run ning himself for the third term. -:o:- The Weeping Water Republican editor never attempted to be funny without making a damphool of him self. In referring to what the Jour nal said about Miss Foster's excel lent qualities for the office she is ably filling, the grouchy editor of the Republican tries to be smart, but if there is any sense to what he says in reply to the Journal's article we fail to detect it. While talking of grouchy newspaper men, Olive comes very near taking the whole bake shop. -:o:- For four years D. C. Morgan has served as deputy county clerk, and it Is the universal sentiment of all those who have had business In that office that a more genial, competent man never served the people of Cass county. "Clell." as he Is famillary known, Is an out and out gentleman wherever you meet him, in or out of office, and his excellent qualities for county clerk is accepted as among the very best of those who have held that office. A vote for Clell Morgan means a vote for a splendid official, and no mistake, and that he should be elected will be the decision of the voters at the polls this fall. ,:o: Paints at Gering's. . ; - for Autumn Consult nearest ticket agent; he has latest advice of special rates. W. L. PICKETT, Ticket Agent. L. W. Wakelhy, G. P. A., Omaha.