The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 17, 1909, Image 2

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Don't Try to Be Somebody Oilier
Than Your Simple Self.
We laugh at the mule that stands
at the fence, neglecting to tat, and
looks longingly Into the adjoining
pasture, Imagining that the grass
there Is sweeter than his own.
It Is laughable, and yet It Is the
same trait that we who call ourselves
wiser than the mule exhibit all
through our lives.
We begin early. How quickly a
baby will drop whatever he Is play
ing with to grasp at that which Is
withheld from him!
A tendency to undervalue what we
have and to overvalue what others
have seems to be an element of our
. Many a young writer feels that he
would be quite happy If he could
write history as Flske; yet the story
Is told of Flske that his great desire
was to sing. Compliments on his
writings or lectures brought no sweet
ness to him, but favorable words of
his singing filled him with joy.
The mule at the fence has plenty
of company. The poor think the
rich must bo happy; the rich envy
the poor their lack of cares. The un
successful deem the successful ones
content; the successful miss the keen
Joy of triumph in their days of hard
We see only the thorns In our own
vocations, only the roses In those of
others. The shop girl would be an
actress; the cook would change places
with the mistress; the lawyer sees
the advantage of being a doctor, the
doctor of those being a lawyer. The
country boy leans on his plow handles
and looks toward the city with long-J
Ing eyes. And the city youths yearn
for the green of the country, or the
free life of the seas.
Distant pastures always seem green.
A rough broken country appears
level, a few miles away. Working
all over the world generally Bee an
easier way to make money at some
other business, or In some other place
than where they are located.
The reason Is obvious. People
know all the difficulties and draw
backs of their present condition. If
they would only stop and consider
that the same or possibly greater dif
ficulties are to be encountered else
where, they would not be anxious to
throw away a certainty for an uncer
tainty. We laugh at the mule at the fence,
and very properly so; but why not
laugh at ourselves as we see oursel
ves at his Bide?
Don't try to be somebody else; do
the best you can where you are.
In Honor of lUrtliriay.
On Wednesday afternoon last Mrs.
II. N. Dovey, at her charming home
on North Fifth street, entertained a
large number of invited guests at a
progressive visiting party given In
honor of Mrs. E. 0. Dovey, the oc
casion being the eighty-second birth
day of that venerable lady. A very
large number of the friends of this
distinguished pioneer lady called to
pay their respects and to extend their
congratulations upon ber completion
of another year In a long life, and to
wish her the happy return of many
more anniversaries. Refreshments
were served.
The Invited guests Included the
following: Mesdames James A. Wal
ker of Murray, John Chalfant of Mur
ray, John Duck, II. II. Burgess, W. D.
Jones, Conrad Schlater, William
Claus, F. 8. White, A. W, White, V.
V. Leonard. R. It. Livingston, Jacob
'Vallery, C. II. Parmele, Paul Gerlng,
F. G. Frlcke, Allen Ileeson, S. E. Mc
Elwaln, J. W. Johnson, Thomas Pol
lock, Peter Mann, P. E. Ruffner, II.
J. Strelght, James Archer, William
Dixon, J. II. Thrasher, Henry Boeck,
John Simpson, D. Ilawksworth, J. S.
Wendell, Curtis Moore, William Bal
lance, W. A. White, W. K. Fox, 0. C.
Dovey, G. E. Dovey, Miss Sarah
Mrs. John Hayes Die).
The death of Mrs. John Hayes,
wife of former County Commissioner
Hayes, is reported this afternoon as
having occurred at Weeping Water
this morning. Particulars cannot be
obtained today in time for this issue
nor can the date of the funeral be ob
tained. Cause for Delay,
If our dally was somewhat late
last evening and the Weekly Journal
one day late this week, you can at
tribute it to the fact that our engine
got out of whack yesterday and
wouldn't perform its duty. As such
misfortunes occur once in a while,
and it takes considerable of engine
physician to get things in running or
der Bfaln. This is simply an apology
for t' "il delay.
Dally market letter from the M.
L. Williams Commission company,
Coates block, Plattsmouth, Neb.:
Wheat Market dull and feature
less this morning with selling by
locals, which caused a slump in
pikes. Realizing on profits caused
a decline and the market closed at a
material decrease from yesterday
Foreign cables indicated a market
some higher with the exception of
Paris, which closed lower. Cash
wheat at Minneapolis was easy. Large
offerings of new Argentine wheat
were reported from abroad, causing
heaviness in the farther months.
Northwestern receipts continued
large. The market today closed at
12:30 p. m. Instead of the usual hour
Corn Market lower, closing at
the low point for the day. General
conditions dull. Foreign cables gen
erally unchanged. Argentine ship
ments for this week small with pre
dictions for an Increased shipment
for next week. Country offerings
generally were light In contrast to
tho offerings of several days before.
Bartlett-Patten doing the bulk of the
3elling with Ware & Leland the best
buyers. Armour was doing some
buying of December corn. Close
quiet and lower.
Oats Market opened with rush
buying orders which caused a bulge
at the start, later easing off end clos
ing at a decline. There was consid
erable buying of May and December.
Ware & Leland were buying Septem
ber. The selling was scattering.
Market closed much as other grains
quiet and lower.
Open. High. Low. Close.
Sep. 1.03 1,03 1.02 1.02
Dec. 98 99 98 98
May 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.01
Sep. 68 68 68 68
Dec. 61 61 60 60
May 63 63 62 62
Sep. 41 41 40 40
Dec. 40 40 40 40y4
May 42 43 42 42
Hogs Market weak today and
lower, closing about 5c under yester-
dnv. Clearances good and ciallty
fair. Receipts 12,000 head, against
11.000. estimated. A year ago re
ceipts were 11,000; 7,600 left over
from yesterday. Estimated for to
morrow 8,000.
Cattle Market steady on receipts
of 2,000. Estimated for tomorrow
Sheep Market steady. Receipts
for today 10,000, and estimated re
ceipts tomorrow of 2,000.
Primary movement: Wheat Re
ceipts 1,454,000, against 2,102,000;
shipments 951,000, against 712,000.
Corn Receipts 489,000, against
566.000; shipments 231,000, against
410.000. Oats Receipts 589,000,
against 869,000; shipments 350,000,
against 507,000.
Northwestern enrs received. Min
neapolis 523, against 744; Duluth
716, against 525; Winnipeg 562,
against 383.
Argentine visible today: Wheat,
368,000 bushels; corn, 2, 966,000.
Week ago 368,000 and 3,738,000.
Year ago, 1,440,000 and 1,942,000.
Argentine shipments: Wheat, 296,
000; corn, 1,097,000. Australian
shipments: Wheat, 240,000 bushels.
John English wires: Covered 160
miles today, running eighty miles
southwest from Fort Wayne, seventy
miles east from Logansport and
found condition of corn good. Much
of It is showing heavy yields. Ad
vanced quality good. Soil In good
shape for seeding wheat. Weather
fine. Winter wheat farmers are busy
preparing the soil, which Is in a good
condition to receive the seed.
Chicago cash corn Steady to l-4c
lower. Oats steady.
Estimated cars in Chicago tomor
row: Wheat, 51; corn, 327; oats,
Weather Map.
Illinois and Ohio valley: Clear;
temperature, 4 8 to 62. West: Clear;
temperature, 50 to 62. Southwest:
Clear; temperature, 50 to 66. Ca
nadian northwest: Clear; tempera
ture, 36 to 62. Northwest: Clear;
temperature, 42 to 54..
Meat her Forecast.
Nebraska Partly cloudy tonight
and Saturday; warmer tonight in
west portion.
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Mis
souri Fair tonight and Snturday;
Kansas Fair tonight and Satur
day. Wisconsin, Iowa and Dakotas
Generally fair tonight and Saturday;
rising temperature.
Market (ioKnlp.
The Chicago Inter-Ocean says
Wheat Ggsslp among wheat traders
last night was mixed and few of them
saw anything more than a scalping
market. Operators said there was
nothing on which to induce nurchas
erg except for a quick advance. The
bear leaders saw more reason to be
lieve that the northwestern move
ment Is beginning to overtake the de
mand and should a soiling pressure
develop In the way of hedges, the
market is In no shape to take It as
the advance of nearly 7c from the
low point for December has decreas
ed the shorts and converted a lot of
speculators to the bull side. Traders
were possessed at the compulsive
situation, there being weakness and
big movement of wheat In the north
west and light receipts, and large
ensh premiums in the winter wheat
districts. Traders said that the
crowd had got short Wednesday night
and long on Thursday's bulge, and
most of them had sold out on the
late break. Corn Speculators said
that September Is heavily oversold.
They figure there Is a shortage of 4,-
000,000 bushels and It Is only two
weeks to the end of the month. Con
tract stocks are down close to 200,
000 bushels, and there is only 1,000,
000 bushels of all kinds of corn in
store. There will have to be some
lively hustling for the shorts to get
In. There are several good sized
lines held by commission houses, who
have it In their power to get prices
higher. Attention was called last
night to the light country offerings
In the past two days, while early in
the week they were heavy when
prices were lower than yesterday's.
As traders put it, country sold enough
in the opening days of the week to
keep them busy for the remainder of
th week.
Broomhall cables: The strength In
American yesterday caused shorts to
cover at .the opening, which caused
1-4 higher. Following the opening
the market gained additional strength
with an advance of 1-8 to 1-2 owing
to the light shipments from Argen
tine and unfavorable bullish Italian
official reports. There was good buy
ing in this market by big interest and
millers. During the morning some
pressure developed and part of the
advance was lost, this was in the way
of realizing, stimulated by large of
ferings of new crop of Argentine
wheat, and March as a result was
particularly heavy. At midday the
market was Irregular, the nearby
months being 5-8 higher and firmly
held, while March was easy and un
changed. Corn Steady and about
dull. The small Argentine shipments
this week stimulated rather a better
demand. Spot markets were lower
and predictions were for more liberal
Argentine shipments next week.
Laying Steel Rails and Placing the Bed
in First-class Condition,
Before the close or the year the
Missouri Pacific management hopes
to have new steel rails on the road
between Falls City and Omaha. Steel
gangs have been working all sum
mer and now new steel Is laid from
the south as far north as Union.
Eighty pound rails are replacing the
old lighter track material.
A large surfacing gang has been
doing Borne work on the Lincoln line
during the past few weeks and many
of the rough places In the track
have been taken out. It Is under
stood that next season heavy rails
will be on the Lincoln line, and the
surfacing is preliminary to the plac
ing of heavier track.
At the present the company has
heavy rails between Union and Kan
sas City, and the physical condition
of the property has been in other
ways improved by surfacing and
Extensive yard plans are being
worked out for Falls City and when
the new yards there are completed
Falls City will be made an important
division point for the Nebraska lines.
The business on the Nebraska end
of the system has outgrown the old
facilities for handling it, and new
yards, passing tracks and traffic
handling appurtenances must be in
stalled before the road Is placed in
position to handle the business that
is now offered the company.
Reports from various centers on
the Missouri Pacific are that the
Gould management Is spending large
sums for the betterment of the prop
erty, and that the physical conditions
will be much improved on many lines
of the big Bjstem. Recent Informa
tion from the St. Louis headquarters
is that the company has placed large
orders for engines and cars and that
new equipment will be received from
time to time from now on. State
Had a Fine Time.
Practically all the big delegation
of Eagles who attended the parade
from this city yesterday have return
ed from Omaha full of enthusiasm
over the Bhowlng which their lodge
presented. The parade was a good
one, although not so large as had
been anticipated. The boys all vote
the Eagles one of the best lodges In
existence, and came back more en
thusiastic than ever in support of it.
The grand lodge has been one of the
most successful in the history' of this
young and vigorous order, and gives
promise of the good times to come at
future gatherings. The visitors from
here did not have to endure some of
the high prices which Omaha soaked
her visitors, but they are unsparing
In denouncing such business manage
ment, as it is calculated in their
opinion to end that city'B chance for
other conventions.
UlK Fish.
Messrs. Price and Barr, the fisher
men, this morning brought up one of
the finest strings of fish seen here in
recent years. The catch was a large
one of yellow catfish, ranging in size
from about three or four pounds up
to forty. The fish were strung on
an oar and photographed by the 01
sen Photograph company, making a
mighty appetizing and pleasing dis
play. There was no trouble in dis
posing of the catch, as every one who
saw them was a bidder for Borne.
Miss Louise Gorder is spending to
day in Omaha, going to that city on
Fdwin Jeary Asks the Appointment of
Executor in 0. L. Clapp Estate.
In county court Attorney Edwin
Jeary of Elmwood has filed petitions
In two probate cases which will af
fect the administration of the estate
of two former Elmwood residents. In
the case of Dorian L. Clapp he has
filed a petition for one of the heirs,
asking his (Jeary's) appointment as
executor of the estate. The petition
sets forth the heirs as follows: Henry
L. Clapp, son, Elmwood; Charles D
Clapp, son, Elmwood; Smith J. Clapp,
son, Logan, la.; Cory Robinson,
grandson, Sumas, Wash.; Charles
Robinson, grandson, Sumas, Wash.;
William Robinson, grandson, Sumas,
Wash.; Addie Holbrook, grand
daughter, Portland, Or.; Grace Egan,
grand daughter, Boston, Mass. The
value of the real estate is set forth
as $18,000 and the personal property
as $700. The petition in the matter
of the estate of Wilhelmlna Kacz
mareck, deceased, asks that adminis
tration of the estate be granted to H.
II. Swartz and fixes the value of the
personal property at $2,000 and the
realty at $1,000. The heira are as
follows: Annette M. Clark, daugh
ter, Elmwood; Edwin Kazcmareck,
son, Cheney, Wash.; Minnie Kaez
mareck, daughter, Elmwood; Joseph
Kaczmareck, son, Elmwood, Anton
Kaczmareck, son, Elmwood, Evelyn
Kaczmareck, daughter, Elmwood.
Returns From the West.
Charles Guthman returned home
this morning from his long trip to
the Pacific coast looking brown and
hearty and feeling, as he expressed It,
"mighty fine." During his trip Mr.
Guthman visited the Seattle exposi
tion and different cities on the coast.
He found the exposition a fine one,
but not as large as that at Omaha,
nor so complete In all departments.
However, It waa highly creditable to
the coast country and reflects great
credit on the management, which
had done everything possible to make
a great showing for the coast. He
greatly enjoyed visiting the several
departments. He visited Seattle, To
coma, Portland, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Salt Lake and other points
and found them all marvelous cities,
especially San Francisco, which has
risen from Its ruins In fine shape, and
Is once more an Imperial city. Los
Angeles was another city which ex
hibited signs of a marvelous growth,
and which is a wonder. Salt Lake,
with its many attractive sights, was
also something which more than re
paid the trip to see, while all the
others were pleasing and beautiful.
On his return he stopped off In Om
aha to spend a day with the Eagles,
of which order he is a prominent
member locally, and he had a most
enjoyable time. The Eagles had a
parade which was large enough to
please the most exacting and he
greatly appreciated it.
Settling the West.
James J. Hill, chairman of the
Great Northern, declared yesterday
In an interview that the greatest
thing that has been done In recent
years for the upbuilding and per
manent insuring of national prosper
ity Jn the United States was the adop
tion of a liberal policy in regard to
the opening to settlement of govern
ment lands In the west. Mr. Hill
arrived In the city from New York
on the Twentieth Century limited
train. While visiting the Burlngton
offices he talked briefly and appeared
optimistic over what he declared was
to be a new era of Increased pros
perity in the United States. "The re
cent movement toward the more
rapid development of the western
lands," he said, " is doing more than
any one thing to equalize the popu
lation and consequently the country's
prosperity. Chicago Tribune.
Married at Court House.
Judge Deeson yesterday afternoon
united in marriage Charles F. Steck,
aged 21, and Miss Emma Christine
Anderson, aged 20, both of Omaha.
The ceremony took place at his of
fice In the court house, being wit
nessed by several of the employes in
the building.
Foot Seriously Injured.'
Yesterday afternoon Ellis Goolsby,
who is engaged in hauling coal from
the Egenberger coal yards sustained
a severe and painful Injury to hit
right foot. While engaged In un
loading a car of coal he had the mis
fortune to let a car door slip from
his hand and fall upon the foot. The
Injury is a serious one and will keep
him from work for some time to
come, as the foot is badly crushed
and bruised. A physician was Im
mediately summoned, and he made
an examination, finding that no
bones were broken, although the foot
was crushed so badly that the escape
from broken bones was marvelous.
WlIIilte-Tuckeriuan Reception.
Mr. E. C. Tuckerman arrived In
the city Wednesday night to complete
arrangements for beginning the big
revival In the mammoth tent north
of the court house. Mr. Tuckerman
is organizing a large chorus, which
Is meeting In the Christian church
for drill work. Everybody Is pleased
with his work and personality. On
Saturday evening the people of Platts
mouth will meet in the tent and hold
a reception in honor of Mr. Wilhlte
and Mr. and Mrs. Tuckerman. A
special program Is being prepared to
h May Be
"A harn rhill nam hrniidh
4 V- VillUf SMa V Vl
rThen fever, with great
jbe your experience, send
, have pneumonia! If your
exactly what you have
No alcohol m this cough medicine. . C. Ayer Co., LowtllMas.
Keep the bowels in good condition. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime will cause
an increased flow of bile, and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following.
i. 8. DIM & $
With the opening up of Fall and now that school
has commenced the urgent call for shoes for
the boys ?.nd girls comes and you want footwear
that is strong, serviceable and proper style. We
believe the Red School House Shoe fills the bill. If
you have never had them in your family try a pair;
they will give you satisfaction.
HOSIERY. Knowing that our customers appreci
ate good Hosiery we wish to call your attention to
our new Fall stock probably larger than everand
we want also to mention the fact that in addition
to the advance in duty there has been a very heavy
advance in cotton which means higher prices, but
we were fortunate in placing our orders for all our
Hosiery the first part of the year and we intend to
give our customers the benefit in the way of the
low prices prevailing before the advance. This ap
plies to our full line of Ladies', Children's, Boys
and Men's, also our guarantee hosiery.
Quite a Fad for Fall Warm and Comfortable
Some excellent values in Ladies Oxford grey and
Cardinal at $2.25. Sizes 34 to 40.
Ladies' white and oxford, white and red, and
oxford and red at $3.00.
Ladies' oxford, white, and cardinal, fancy stitch,
double breasted at $3.50.
Ladies' white, brown and grey trimmed, extra
good quality at $5.50.
Misses Sweaters, white nnd cardinal trimmed
at $1.50.
Misses Sweaters, sizes 30 to 34, oxford and cardi
nal trimmed, brown and tan trimmed at $1.50.
Children's Sweaters, all white, white and blue
trimmed, white and pink trimmed at $1.25
s. mm
Please call
and see my
line of hats.
make this a royal good time. The
ladies of the church will be prepared
to serve refreshments free of charge
to all who attend the reception, and
the public is cordially urged to come
and make these good people feel wel
come. All services will be held in
the tent Sunday, which is expected
to be a day of great things. Follow
ing Sunday there will be services
every night in the tent
Mrs. Pauline Hutter of Chicago,
111., who has been visiting with Mrs.
J. M. Jirousek and family, returned
this morning to her home.
thp rhpet nifhriilt hrpnrhinrf
VllVv MlttlVMl fj. Hl VMUIlll
prostration." If this should
for your doctor. You may
doctor cannot come at once,
done. Then do as he says.