The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 13, 1909, Image 1

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    N State :ii6tl.rjiK. .
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Reduces Running Time of the
Chicago -Denver Trains
Two Hours
The effect of the speed war which
has been inaugurated between the
Chicago-Denver roads will be noticed
in a small degree in this city, com
mencing day after tomorrow. The
Burlington has issued a new time
card, taking effect on Sunday, Sep
tember 12, at. 12:01 a. m., which
makes a number of very Important
changes in the running time of its
trains. The time between Chicago
and Denver is reduced two hours by
the new card, a corresponding
change being made in the running
time of east bound trains. This has
been met by the Northwestern,
which announces a like reduction
an a cut to a flat twelve hours of
its Chicago-Omaha trains. The end
of the war is not in sight, as it seems
to have just started.
The changes in west bound trains
which effect this city are in No. 15,
the train now due here at 8:08 a. m.
Commencing Sunday .morning, Sep
tember 12, this train will leave for
Omaha and Lincoln at 8:16 a. m.,
eight Inlnutes later than now. It
arrives in Omaha at 8:50. No. 1 is
also changed a few minutes, going
through here at 5:45 a. m. This
train does not stop here, however.
Going east, train No. 6, now due
here at 8:08 a. m., will leave on
Sunday morning, September 12, at
7:53 a. m., fifteen minutes earlier
than now. It leaves Omaha at 7.20
a. m. No. 2 will leave for the east
at 5 p. m. instead of 5:02 as now,
a change of two minutes earlier. No.
. 2.6,. the Schuyler from Omaha, will
arrive at 4 p. m., five minutes later
than now, and leaves Omaia on the
same time as at present
These changes are all that affect
Plattsmouth. No. 14 leaves Omaha
on the same time as at present
Henry Falls A deep.
One Henry Martin, an employe of
the Nehawka stone quarries, yester
day journeyed to Nebraska City,
and while there visited sundry and
divers palaces of dissipation and sin,
stowing away large and copious
quantities of assorted liquors and
things principally liquors. In the
after hours of the day, when Old Sol
in his pristllne glory shed his rays
from the western sky, Henry be
thought him of home and his bunk
amid the limestone hills of Nehawka,
and boarded the fast-to-the-track
limited on the M. P., thinking that
soon Morpheus would gather him in
his arms and in the quiet village of
Nehawka, where original sin never
"enters, he would slumber peacefully
away his Nebraska City Jag. But,
alas and alackaday! the sleep god
got to Henry before the town of
Union, where he should have
transferred his load, was reached,
and ' he came on to this city,
where several stalwart and stout
gentlemen yclept one conductor and
one brakeman unloaded Henry and
his package on the platform. Then
sped the train merrily away toward
the Jungles of South Omaha, leav
ing Henry loudly walling his hard
luck and heaping curses upon the
day he was born. Indeed, the longer
Henry thought over the fruitless re
sults of his dash for the pole, the
stronger he became and anon he
gave vent to thoughts about what
he would do to the Missouri Pacific
Railroad company and Its property.
War and arson breathed through his
nostrils and 6qulrted in great jets
from his mouth. He waxed even
stronger and began to make sugges
tions as to what was about to take
place with the agent of said corpora
tion until he had that Individual In
a state of alarm as well as siege.
Agent Norton wanted to go to sup
per and he was afraid to go In the
dark, hence he called up the police
and requested them to slough Henry.
El Chieftain Toro Amlck at once
raided Henry and hauled him away
to the donjon keep, where he re
posed at Intervals the whole night
long. This morning Henry was haled
before Judge Archer, who has dealt
out even-handed Justice for lo! these
8:30 p. m. and arrlvese here at
9:25 p. m. The revised time card is
as follows:
No. 1 Denver and west.. .5:45 a.m.
No. 15 Omaha and Lincoln 8:16 a.m.
No. 13 Schuyler and west.. 3:20 p.m.
No. 23 Omaha 1:58 p.m.
No. 10 Chicago and east.. .3:02 a.m.
No. 6 Chicago and south.. 7:53 a.m.
No. 4 Iowa local 9:54 a.m.
No. 92 Pacific Junction ...1:12 p.m.
No. 2 Chicago and south. .5:00 p.m.
No. 20 Pacific Junction . . .2:40 p.m.
No. 26 From Omaha 4:00 p.m.
No. 14 Pacific Junction ...9:25p.m.
As noted above, the speed war
is spreading and this morning's Om
aha Bee has the following additional
information touching the proposed
faster time of the roads which Is of
"The Union Pacific has met the
cut In running time announced by
the Burlington between Chicago and
Denver and has gone that road one
better by speeding up the time of
two of its trains, the change to be
effective September 12.
"Some time ago the Burlington an
nounced that its Nob. 1 and 6 would
cut the running time two hours be
tween Chicago and Denver. The
Union Pacific, with its . connections
at Omaha, the Northwestern and
Milwaukee, will run two trains a day
each way in twenty-seven hours and
thirty minutes.
"A speed war was anticipated when
the Burlington made its announce
ment, as it - was known that the
Union Pacific, with Its double tracks,
could make the time. The Mil
waukee and Northwestern have re
lieved that road of most of the ex
tra speed by hurrying up the Omaha
Chicago trains a couple of hours."
many years. The latter, learning
that Henry had imported his Jag
from Nebraska City, proceeded to
read him a lecture upon the folly of
going to that place for a load when
Plattsmouth had some really fine
goods for the people, and gave him
one simoleon and trimmings worth
of his celebrated brand of justice.
Henry was permitted to return to
his hard labors In the Nehawka
quarry upon a promise to always
stay in Nebraska City a fearsome
punishment, but one well suited to
the occasion. And all this happened
after 8 of the clock.
Prove Their Honesty.
Last week two Weeping Water
young men, Jefferson Stout and Ev
erett Baldwin, went to Lincoln to
take In the Buffalo Bill shows. They
got in a crowd and a Lincoln citizen
who was jostled around, discovered
he had been robbed of $15. He had
noticed the boys next to him and
had them arrested and duly Incar
cerated In a place where It is hard
to see a Buffalo Bill show. They
had a hearing Thursday morning
and the boys had no trouble clearing
themselves of the charge, establish
ing a reputation that allayed all sus
picion in the eyes of Judge Bacon,
who tried the case, and they were
discharged. J. W.. Colbert, Charles
Bird and Mrs. Russell were wit
nesses present. The boys, of course,
are rather sore over the affair and
who wouldn't be to be arrested for
picking pockets, put In Jail, and then
have the newspapers speak of them
as from the country. Never mind,
boys; don't think hard of the old
soldier who prosecuted you, but
think how good that Bacon was.
Weeping Water Republican.
James Shannon of Lamar, Colo.,
who had been in the city for several
days making a visit with J. C. Peter
sen and family, departed last even
ing for Chicago and Canada, where
he Is called . by business matters.
Mr. Shannon will be remembered by
many of the older residents of the
city, having been a former resident
and a brother of John Shannon, the
well known liveryman of earlier
Death of Fine Man.
The following clipping from the
Burlington (la.) Evening Gazette
refers to the death of a brother of
Mrs. Columbus Neff of this city. The
death of this estimable young man
occurred last Tuesday morning. In
her grief at the loss of her beloved
brother, Mrs. Neff has the sincere
and heartfelt sympathy of a great
number of good friends and ac
quaintances in this city and vicinity:
Edward Adam Ertz, carriage pain
ter at Wehman & Ebert's, passed
away at 11:20 o'clock this morning
at his home, 502 Vine street. Heart
trouble caused by typhoid fever was
the Immediate cause of death, al
though his illness had lasted over a
long period. He was born June 26,
1879, and is survived by his widowed
mother and the following brothers
and Bisters: Joseph, John, Fred
erick of Burlington, Charles of Wind
son, Canada; Henry of Monmouth,
Mrs. Mollie Stepp of Burlington and
Mrs. Columbus Neff of Plattsmouth,
Neb. Deceased had been employed
at Wehman and Ebert's until Illness
caused him to give up his work.
O'Day Goes West.
T. J. O'Day packed the Nehawka
Register plant and shipped it to Mai
den, Wash., where he will publish a
paper, Nehawka for a time will be
without her booster, but it is more
than likely some one with visions of
a fortune in it, will locate a plant
there and again inform the people
of that place that what they should
do Is to pasture their cows out of
town and build cement walks. Ne
hawka may not be of sufficient size
to support a newspaper, but she has
a set of business men who are the
real article, and while they may be
stubborn enough to want their own
way, yet they are a generous, whole
souled bunch of citizens. We used
to think that Nehawka people paid
their newspaper debts better than
any other locality, and those are the
boys that oil the machinery. We
wish Mr. O'Day good luck. We un
derstand he has a splendid opening,
and we know that he can hustle the
news. -Weeping Water Republican.
John Janda Doing Well.
John Janda, formerly street com
missioner, but now engaged in farm
ing near Lawrence, Neb., is in the
city visiting relatives and meeting
friends. John states that he is thor
oughly well pleased with farming,
and will not go back to any other oc
cupation. He has had good luck
and met with much success, despite
a bad hail storm which has swept
over his land. He says his corn will
make about forty bushels to the
acre, which is very good under all
conditions. Spring wheat was badly
damaged by the hall and fruit east
of him was also destroyed. Despite
this he says the people through that
section have done as well as they
do in any part of the country, and
have no kick coming. John will re
main several days and meet old
Suffers Severe Injuries.
Charles S. Forbes several days
since had the misfortune to suffer a
fall which resulted in the breaking
of a rib and the fracture of another.
Returning home In the night he
stumbled over a basket of apples
which were setting just in front of
the door, the fall throwing him from
the porch and causing the injuries.
Owing to the darkness he was un
able to see the apples In time to pre
vent stumbling over them. This Is
the first serious injury Mr. Forbes
has suffered since his connection
with the Burlington, a period of
twenty-seven years, and the attend
ing surgeons state that it Is fortu
nate his injuries are no more serious
than they are. It will take some
time to recover.
To lie Operated On.
Councilman Frank Neuman was a
passenger for Omaha this morning,
going up to be present at an opera
tion which is to be performed today
on his daughter Ella. The young
lady was taken to a hospital in that
city last evening by Dr. E. D. Cum
mins, and last night the latter tele
phoned Mr. Neuman to the effect
that an operation was necessary,
and that he had probably better be
present. This will bo the second
operation the young lady has had to
undergo, having had a previous ex
perience of her illness which neces
sitated an operation.
Miss Claire Dovey was a passenger
this morning for Omaha on tlt early
Burlington train.
Thomas Waxed Wroth.
One Thomas Murray came iu last
night on the midnight M. P. train
from the Jungles of South Omaha
and bethought him he would travel
to the Perkins house and seek repose
on one of Mine Host Cory's downy
couches. With such a commendable
bject in his head and other things
f a more excitable nature In his
stomach, he hurried to the hostelry
ihlch had closed for the night all
nbeknowns of Thomas. This state
of affairs made Thomas peevish In
the extreme and he rattled upon the
massive oaken doors In an effort to
arouse some one who had a key.
His first effort proving vain, he re
newed the effort with more strength
than before, and added to it strong,
coarse, manly voice which had
echoed and re-echoed amid the lime
stone quarries of Nehawka for lo!
these many years. This falling to
produce the desired results Thomas
proceeded to unload a vocabulary
full of profanity with many strange
oaths and much obscenity mixed
therein. Furthermore, Thomas threw
the boots into the door with vio
lence and vigor, and announced his
Intention of "kicking the d door
In." This last had its due effect and
the proprietor speedily opened up
and allowed Thomas to come In and
tell what he thought of the way said
hostelry was conducted, which he
did with all the refreshing breezl
ness for which the Btrong men of the
Nehawka quarries are noted. Even
tually he departed some quieter and
doubtless secured a room elsewhere,
but those in the house remained in
fear and trembling the remainder of
the night expecting another assault
from the mighty Nehawkan.
Gospel Army Mission.
A Gospel Army mission is to or
ganized and opened In this city,
Major W. R. Flemke being the prime
mover in the scheme. Major Flemke
will be recalled as having spoken in
this city several times on his experi
ences in Russia and other foreign
countries. A meeting was held yes
terday afternoon at the Perkins
house, at which the organization
was tentatively formed. It was de
cided to incorporate under the law,
the following trustees being selected:'
Bedford B. Warthen, Jesse P. Perry,
Mary L. Warthen, William R.
Flemke. The meeting decided to
'buy or lease a suitable church or
hall In which to hold meetings. The
meetings are conducted similar , to
those of the Amelcarn Volunteers.
The meetings are to start about Oc
tober 15.
Cory lluys Cozy Corner.
The Cozy corner, Tom Troop's
cigar store at the corner of Third
and Main streets, has changed hands,
Mr. Troop selling it to John Cory,
proprietor of the Perkins house and
retiring from the business. Mr.
Cory expects to reopen the place on
Saturday evening, September 11,
after having thoroughly overhauled
the place and restocked It with new
goods. He will devote his entire
time to running the place, having
decided to resign as night policeman
on Saturday evening. That he will
make It a success goes without say
ing, as he Is thoroughly experienced
in various lines of business and is a
well known and populur man. He
solicits the business of his many
friends, and all of the old custom
ers of Mr. Troop, and assures them
of prompt and courteous treatment.
He will handle a full line of cigars,1
all of local manufacture, and also a I
line of smoking and chewing to
bacco, confectionery, and the like.
Makes a Fine Showing.
Police Judge Archer has compiled
his monthly report for the month of
August, and It shows a very quiet
state of affairs in police circles. He
only had four culprits before him
during the month and none of them
had serious charges against them,
two paid fines and' In two cases the
fines were suspended and the parties
permitted to leave town. This shows
an unusually nice state of affairs for
a city so large, and makes a decided
ly favorable comment on the gen
eral good character of the emmun
ity. Buys Store Buildings.
J. I. Corley purchased this week
the brick block owned by Henry Sit
ing, it Is the property now occu
pied by Mr. Corley and the room in
which the H. T. Fischer harness
shop Is located. The purchase price
wbb $3,200, and Is a very reasonable
figure. Weeping Water Republican.
Judge A. N.Sullivan Files Sen
sational Paper in Suit of C.
W. Baylor vs. Claud Butler
A. N. Sullivan this morning filed
a mandamus case in District Clerk
Robertson's office which contains
some allegations scandalous in their
nature and which will lead to a lively
time this afternoon when the case is
set for hearing before Judge Travis.
The case in which the allegations are
made arises out of the now nortious
garnishment case of Baylor vs. But
ler. This case, it will be recalled
was started In May last by Attorneys
Ramsey & Ramsey for C. W. Baylor,
the coal merchant, before Judge M.
Archer of this city. Baylor seeking
to recover Judgment for coal sold
the defendant, Claude Butler, and
also garnishing the C, B. & Q. rail
way, for which corporation Butler
was working. The usual causes for
attachment and garnishment were
alleged. The case was taken on
change of venue by the defendant
Butler to the nearest Justice, which
In this case happened to be Fred
Patterson, Justice of the peace of
Rock Bluff precinct. Here the de
fendant filed a motion to dissolve the
attachment and garnishment, alleg
ing in support of his motion that he
was the head of a family consisting
of a wife and four children, and sup
porting his motion by the affidavits
of himself and Supterlntendent Balrd
of the local Burlington shops. On
the hearing before Patterson the tes
timony of Baylor was taken and the
Justice refused to dissolve the gar
nishment and overruled the motion
of the defendant. The case was then
taken to district court by Sullivan as
attorney for Butler.
In the due course of time Sullivan
prepared what purported to be a
bill of exceptions in the case con
tained his recollection of the testi
mony as given by Baylor, and on
July 16 served same upon Messrs.
Ramsey & Ramsey, attorneys for
Baylor. They returned it to him and
refused to sign it on the grounds
that the testimony as set out was un
true and Incorrec t. The petition of
Sullivan, filed this morning, Btatcs
that they did not state wherein It
was Incorrect. The petition further
goes on to state that Sullivan had
asked the respondent In the man
damus case, Justice of the Peace Pat
terson, to correct the same and that
he refused so to do.
The petition for the mandamus
goes on to state that the grounds
upon which the original suit wbb
brought and garnishment mnde were
untrue and alleges Butler's wages as
exempt. It then launches Into a
series of sensational charges against
the attorneys for Baylor characteriz
Blunt Brings Wig Suit.
Jesse F. Blunt, who was Injured
by a fall from a locomotive on March
21 of this year, has filed suit in the
office of District Clerk Robertson
against tho Burlington for fifteen
thousand ( $ 15.000 ) dollars damages.
The petition which, Is quite exten
sive, alleges the due incorporation of
the C, B. & Q. railway and sets
forth the usual allegations concern
ing the duty of tho company to fur
nish its employes with proper and
safe appliances with which to operate
Its railroad and trains. The petition
goes on to set forth that on March
20, 1909, the plaintiff was employed
by the defendant In the capacity of a
locomotive fireman, and that on
March 21 he was engaged In filling
the sand dome of engine 1979 from
the sand bin at McCook, Neb. He
alleges that the engine was Btarted
suddenly and with a Jerk and that
the shock threw him from the top of
the locomotive to the ground, a dis
tance of twelve feet. He alleges
that his knee cap was dislocated
and injured, and that the Injuries
so complained of are permanent and
destroy his ability to make a living.
He also alleges that the hand, or
guard rail, on the engine was loose
and that by reason of this he was
unable to save himself from the fall.
He la described as a stout, henlthy
man of the age of 35 yenrB, and tho
prayer of the petition, after reciting
ing their conduct In refusing to sign
the purported bill of exceptions as
"corrupt, malicious and collusive and
solely for the purpose of depriving
the relator (Butler) of his constitu
tional rights to have a rehearing in
court," and further goes on to al
lege that Baylor's attorneys have
"full control and Influence over the
respondent (Patterson) and corrupt
ly used his Influence for said un
lawful purpose." The petition further
states that mandamus is the solo and
only relief the relator has In the
premises, and the prayer asks that a
writ of mandamus Issue to Patterson
to allow said bill of exceptions as
prepared by Sullivan.
The petition asking the writ is
verified by A. N. Sullivan as attorney
for Butler, who is stated to be ab
sent from Cass county. After it was
filed Judge Travis made an order
setting the matter down for hearing
this afternoon at 2 o'clock.
The respondent filed the affidavit
of C. W. Baylor, alleging that Butler
is a non-resident of Cass county, this
being In support of a motion for se
curity for costs which Patterson's
counsel 'filed at once. This will bo
argued this afternoon.
County Attorney Ramsey, who Is
the principal attorney for Baylor,
who refused to sign the purported
bill of exceptions, states that If Sul
livan could be reached, he would
Instantly institute suit against him
In damages, but as he could not col
lect anything he did not consider he
would take that course regarding
the scandalous allegations of the pe
tition. He denied In toto anything
that savored of corruption or In
fluence in the hearing of the case be
fore Patterson, and denounced Sulli
van's allegations In scathing lan
guage. Other parties who claim to be fa
miliar with the facts state that the
case w.j decided by Patterson solely
because the attorney for the defend
ant Butler failed to allege and set up
that the money garnished was ex
empt under the law. On the testi
mony there wns no doubt of the bill
being owing and without pleading
the exemption, no course was left
the Justice save to decide as he did.
The healing of the case will be
attended without doubt with verbal
fireworks unless Judge Travis com
pells all parties to restrain them
selves. In addition there is a Ifkll
hood of other steps being taken by
the parties considering themselves
aggrieved 'in the serious charges
which Sullivan has made and the end
of the proceedings seems far away.
the several items of cost which tho
injury occasioned him, such ns nurs
ing, medical attendance, etc., places
the damages at $15,000. Blunt has
been off duty ever since except for
a few days, when ho made a trip to
McCook, and It was understood he
wns to return to work, but did not
do BO.
Frank Dwnlni. Sued for Divorce.
Augusta Bowen Dunlop has
brought suit for divorce from Frank
H." Dunlop on the ground of deser
tion. Dunlop cut quite a dash here
a few years ago, but got into trouble,
and later followed this with experi
ence at KansaB City and Denver that
brought about his conviction for
fraudulent work. World-Herald.
Dunlop will be recalled by many
here, he having visited in the city
sometime ago.
Victor Anderson Quite III.
The condition of Victor Anderson,
who hns been so 111 for several
weeks past, Is reported today as be
ing quite Bcrlous. The young man
Is reported as suffering from a com
plication of complaints and as being
quite weak. Ills friends, who are a
great many, unite In the hope that
he will speedily rally and Boon be
eomo himself again. He is in the
hands of a trained nurBe and is re
ceiving every possible attention.