The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 09, 1909, Image 8

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!t Short Items of Interest From Fri-
X day's Evening Journal
Ed. Itallance and family spent
Sunday and yesterday in the city
visiting with George Ballance and
Mrs. 1'. H. Ft ilds of Omaha, who
spent Sunday in the city making a
visit with her folks, returned to her
home this morning.
C. V, Holmes of Havelock was
among the big crowd coming down
to spend Labor day in the city, re
turning last evening.
John Skoumal and wife and Mrs.
James Skoumal of Omaha were in
the city over Sunday, called here by
the death of Frank M. Svoboda.
' Miss Nellie Ryan of Gretna, Neb.,
who has been visiting In the city
with Charles Magulre and family,
returned to her home this morning.
R. 0. Wagner and family of Have
lock were in the city yesterday, com
ing down to visit with Mrs. Wag
jier' folk! over Sunday and Labor
Thomas Egah and family were In
the city over Sunday, called here
by the death of the little son of Pat
rick Egan, returning to Wymore yes
terday. Anton Tuma and wife, son Joe,
and several small children all visited
over Sunday with William Stitzman
and family, returning home Sunday
Mrs. S. A. Anderson and children
of Lincoln, who have been visiting
In the city with Q. K. Staata and
family, departed for their home this
Myron and Roy McElwaln of Kan
sas City have been in the city for
several days visiting with their
mother and brother, returning to
their home yesterday.
Ralph White, manager of the Ne
braska Telephone company at Ne
braska City, came up Saturday even
Ing and spent Sunday and Labor
day in the city with relatives and
friends, being a passenger this morn
ing for Omaha.
Theodore Miller and mother, who
have been visiting in the city with
Henry Stelnhaucr and family depart
ed this morning for Craig, Mo.,
where they will visit with other rel
Ed. Dutton, a former Plattsmouth
boy, was a visitor yesterday In the
city, coming down for Labor day.
This was his first visit here for many
years, and he met many old friends
who were glad to see him once more.
Kern Fogarty and family of Have
lock were In the city during Satur
day, Sunday and yesterday, called
here by the death of Frank M. Svo
boda. Kern met many old friends
here and all were glad to renew his
At the I'armele. Horace Mann
and Cad Franks presenting their
original character singing and trav
esty oddity, "From the Subline to the
Ridiculous." Seventeen minutes of
solid pleasure In this one act, besides
the mnny new moving pictures. All
for the small price of G and 10 cents.
Mrs. Jonn Reich departed this
morning for Newcastle, Wyo., where
she makes n visit with her nephew,
Julius nuck. Mr. lluck hns been
visiting in this city with relatives for
several days and departed this morn
ing for his home, accompanying
Mrs. Reich.
Hans Tains departed this morning
for Tripp county, South Dakota,
where he goes to take up his claim
It will be recalled that Mr. Tarns was
one of the fortunate men la the
drawing for claims at Dnllas, S. I).,
last year, and he has secured a good
pleco of land. He will stay the re
quired length of time on the land
and Improve it and get it in shape
for farming next year.
GUTHMAN &CORY, Proprietors
Plattsmouth, : ; : : Nebraska
We Solicit the Farmers' Trade
and Guarantee Satisfaction. CZD
The Perkins Hotel
1444 AtV AaVAA AV 4 AaV AeVAW W4 -
Prof. J. W. Gamble and wife spent
Sunday with friends in Fort Crook.
Frank Hawksworth came In for a
short visit with his folks, returning
to his work in Lincoln today.
Miss Lucas and Miss Nelson of
Omaha spent Sunday In the city the
guests of Mrs. O. M. Strelght.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water Is transacting legal business
in the city today, coming in this
Glenn Smith of the Nebraska Con
struction company is looking after
business with the county commis
sioners today.
William Shrlsman of the Burling
ton's engineering force, Is in the
city today In connection with com
pany business.
County Commissioner Jordan
came down this morning from bis
home at AIvo and is attending the
board meeting.
John A. Hennlngs of Eight Mile
Grove precinct is in the city today
attending to business matters, driv
ing in this morning.
Ren Reckman Is in the city today,
driving In from his farm. Uncle Ben
has quite regained hia health and Is
hale and hearty once more.
Emll Walters, the contractor, who
has several big contracts on hand at
University Place, Is In the city mak
ing a visit with his family.
Mrs. Fred Blckford and two
daughters of Omaha, who have been
visiting in the city with Ben Brooks
and family, departed this morning
for their home.
Commissioner J. L. Switzer Is at
tending the regular meeting of the
board of commissioners today, com
ing In last evening from his home at
Weeping Water.
Gus. Peln is in the city, having
come down from Beemer for a few
days visit with his family. He is
looking and feeling fine and Is en
Joying .the best of health.
France Ballance spent Sunday and
Labor day in the city visiting with
relatives and friends and enjoying
the sights of the carnival. He re
turned to his work at Glenwood this
There was a big crowd of "root
ers on the special train yesterday
over the Missouri PacMc to Fort
Crook, something like 100 availing
themselves of the opportunity to
hear the band and see the soldiers
play ball. They all report a fine time
and were well pleased with their
William Chrlsman of the Burllng-
the city today looking after business
matters. He Is considerably lrrl
tated at the outcome of the Manley-
Plattsmouth ball game last Saturday
and denounces the decision of the
umpire In heated language. It is un
fortunate that the matter enme up,
as Mr. Stohlman has always been a
good friend of the local team.
Frank Schlater, one of the bat
ever, Is the Democratic candidate for
re-election as treasurer of Casa coun
ty. Having served the people faith
fully and well In that capacity one
term, his majority this year ought
to bo increased. There are no bet
ter officials than Mr. Schlater and it
does our soul good to grnsp his hon
est fist occasionally. Lincoln Her
v . iu. w cbcou s sons announce
that at 3 o'clock tomorrow (Wed
I .... .. . . ...
iH-nuny; tuu'iuoon iney win open
the clock In their window and an
nounce the exact time at which It
stopped. The party holding the
ticket showing nearest this announc
eu tune receives one dollar. The
party holding it must be In the house
at the time. A large crowd will be
in attendance.
sY Wafc AaVAafc 4L Aifc Ak Jk Alfc Jik Afc Jk
Carl Kunsman is spending this
afternoon In Omaha, being a busi
ness visitor there on the mall train.
Will Fltpgerald of Auburn, who
has been playing ball there for sev
eral months, has returned home. Will
made a splendid record for himself
during his stay in that c.'ty and is
considered by the Auburuitcs as one
cf their best players.
Leonard Born Is mourning the loss
of his tine driving horse. The animal
took sick last Saturday and nothing
could bo dene for it, it expirln?
within n short time. It was one of
the best drivers in ti.e county and
was very valuable.
"From the Sublime to the Ridicul
ous," original character singing by
the well known Mann and Franks at
the Parmele. These are the best
character people In the profession
and you will not hesitate to say so
after you have seen them.
Go With a Rush.
The demand for that wonderful
Stomach, Liver and Kidney cure,
Dr. King's New Life Pills is as
tounding. F. C. Fricke & Co. say
they never saw the like. It's be
cause they never fall to cure Sour
Stomach, Constipation, Indigestion,
Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Head
ache, Cbilla and Malaria. Only 25c.
F. C. Fricke & Co.
School Opens.
The fall term of the public schools
opened today and the streets have
been black with children starting in
once more at their studies. School
111 not be in full swing before to
morrow, but the first day will 'be
taken up in getting the children
lined up and In selecting books. The
attendance for the first day is appar
ently large.
Dunce at Cedar Creek.
George Horn begs to announce
that he will give a dance at Cedar
Creek on Saturday evening, Septem
ber 11. A good orchestra from Om
aha (has been engaged for the oc
casion and a fine time will be had.
Coal! Coal! .
I have Just received a car load of
excellent coal. Wm. Richardson.
Mynard, Neb.
Shorthorns tot Bale.
Three good registered Shorthorn
yearling bulls for sale. Also good
fresh milk cows. Mark White.
Cnsii Pnnntv. am
In the matter of the estate of John
r.KennerRer, deceased.
MITICK Is hereby riven that tha
creditor or nam deceased will mpet I
ou AiinimiHiraior or sa HI pstnto ho.
fore me, County Judge of Cans county,
Nehraxka, at the County court room in
riHiixmouin, in said county, on the
Kth dny of September. 1909. B n il n n
he 31st day of March. 1910. at A
'clock a. m., each day, for the purpose
f presenting their claims for enum.
lnatlon, adJuHtment and allowance.
"ix month from the 2Hth ,inv n
September, 109. are allowed for the
redltors of nab! deceased to nreuent
heir claims, and one year for the Ad.
mlnlstrator to settle aaid estate .
Witness my hand nnd Heal of nld
County Court, at l'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, thin 27th dal of AUKUSt, 1909.
County Judge.
Order to Show Cause
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska
In (he matter of the irtiardlxii.liiii it lion
Camplsll. a minor. ,
1 because came on for hearlnirniuin Urn
Hon of .1 Hint's M. Camolicll. iriiimll
Campliell. a minor, praylnir for a license to sell
me uniiiritirii one-nauor I lie north half of the
weai 11 air ot the southwest
lliarterof section 25. townvhln 11.
Ciss county, Nebraska, for the purpose ofcon-
vertlnirsald proHrty Into money to assist In
advancing the education of said minor and for
It Ik therefore ordered that all twi'ttfina In.
terestcd In said estate ams'nr lief ore me at my
office In the court house at l'lattsmouth. Ne
braska on the lilth day of Octolier I WW. at the
hour of 1 o'clock p.m. to show cause why a
license should not lie (framed tosald trtiardian
to Hell said real estate.
Paled this 2Mh day of Autrust IUcH
IIakvrv 1. Travis.
.lllflkTH fit tllM lltstfli.l I .111,..
D. O. Dwyer, attorney.
MITK'K Ob' M A 1. 10.
In the mntter of the estate nf r. itirl nil
U-..I ., I "
i nil, lie, ensiMi
Notice Is hereby tlven that In pur
suance of an order of Hon. Harvey 11.
Trnvls. Judre of the district court of
i uhs county, Kehrnsku, made nnd en
lereu on me 24 tiny of July, 19011,
hereinafter described there, will bo
"m ai i lie souin door
house m the city of l'lattsmouth on the,
fir fhA fnn rf
iuui ouy or Mepiemtier, lUH, at 1 o'clock
p. m., at public vendue to the hlirhest
bidder for cash, the follnwlnir ,i....
crlbed real estate, towlt:
HcKlnnlnff at a point fortv-one (il)
rods north of the center of section
thirteen (IS), In township twelve (12)
north, ramie thirteen (13) east, thence
runnlnn weat eighty (80) rods; thence
north eleven (11) rona; thence eltchty
(S0 finis ; thence aouth eleven (11)
rods to the place of hetrlnnlnsr, be
in the north half of Iota thirteen (13)
and fifty-three (S3) In said section,
township and ranue, as now shown on
county"''' ' ,rr,,Bulal' lract of aald
The 'undivided one-half (1-:) Cf lota
it?. n0'.,V"'. ''"V" " In block
th rteen (131. In Duke a addition to the
( llv of riattamouth, Cas county. Neb.
raska. except the rlnht-of-way of the
Omaha Southern railway over and
The undivided one. hair i.vt at..
follnwlnir tract of land towlf
lleirlnnlna: at a point thirty (30) roda
north f the renter of section thlrte-n
(13). township twelve (U north,
ranire thirteen (13) east; thence run.
nlna west rlgMv (noi rods; thence
north eleven (II) rods; thence east
eighty (SO) rods; thencn south eleven
nidi to the pint of lieKnl,lnK. belnit
the smith half of lot thirteen (111
and fifty three (53). in .i,l ,.,.n,.
township ami ranite. as shown ,y the
iiir-suisr irs.ii in sKl county eirept
the rla-ht.of-way of the (imnha Houtfi
em railway across the same,
riahl sale will remain open on hour
Imted this 2 day of AiikusI, J0, '
K P v, it n i:n in: n f 1 k r;
D. O. UWVKU."lr",0r """"
Local Events.
J. P. Falter was a business visitor
today in Omaha, going there on the
morning train.
Herman Itichter and wife were
state fair visitors today, going to
Lincoln this morning.
Colonel II. C. McMaken Is looking
iftcr business matters today In Om
aha aad South Omaha.
V. Zuiker is a business visitor to
day in Omaha, going there tills
:i;crai:ig on the early train.
.Vrs. C. E. Duke Is spending today
in Omaha, gclng to that city this
Tioi-ning on the early train.
Mrs. II. E. Wcidman Is spending
today In Omaha, having gone there
on the early train this morning.
Mrs. Catrina Busche Is visiting
with relatives In Omaha today, hav
ing gone to that city this morning.
Mrs. Fred Kunsman and daugh
ter, Miss Elizabeth, are spending to
day In Omaha visiting with friends.
Miss Teresa Ilemple 1 3 taking In
the state fair today, going there
this morning on the early train.
John Sharp was among those visit
ing the state fair in Lincoln today,
going to that city cn the morning
Mrs. F. C. Weber and Trnwy are
visiting with friends in Lincoln to
day, going there on the morning
Miss Myrtle Poisall was .a passen
ger this morning for Fremont, where
she will visit with relatives and
Frank llrasky and wife are seeing
the sights of the state fair today In
Lincoln, going there on the morning
Mrs. John Gelser is among those
spending the day In Omaha, going to
that city this morning on the early
George Hlld, the popular and well
known farmer from west of the city,
Is in today attending to business
Mrs. G. V. Gregg and daughter,
Miss Louise, of Dunlap, la., have
been visiting in the city with Mr.
Gregg for several days.
Albert A. Watenkamp and family
braved the heavy rain of this morn
ing and came In from the country to
make a trip to the state fair at Lin
coin. '
John Reuland and daughter were
! passengers for Lincoln, where they
will visit the state fair, Mr. Reuland
returning to his work at University
Place later.
Frank Kalasek, who has been
In the city during the carnival, re
turned to his work with the Bur
lington bridge crew at Chalco this
Miss Ethel Smith is among those
from the city attending the state
fair today, having gone to Lincoln
this morning.
George Burnett, who spent sev
eral days In the city with his fam
ily, departed this morning for his
work near Chalco.
Mr. A. B. Schultz, who has been
quite sick for the past few weeks,
Is still confined to his bed, and there
seems to be but very little change
in his condition.
Mrs. B. F. Huffman and sister,
Miss Georgia Matous, were passen
gers this morning for Omaha, where
they will spend the day.
Gus Peln, who has been spending
sevfral days in the city with his
family, departed this morning for
his work at Beemer, Neb.
Hans Selvers and daughter, Miss
Alma, who have been visiting with
relatives at Chicago and eastern
points, returned to their home this
Mrs. Sol Adamson and sister, Mrs.
Joseph McCnlcb, who has been her
guecBt for several days, departed for
Omaha on the morning train, where
they will spend the day.
A. S. Will, who has been spending
the past month In northern Mexico
t i ji a
u,nui"B 10 80me mining interests
in which ne is interested, has re
turned to his home In this city.
Don't fail to read Fanger's ad. in
this Issue of the Journal. He Is of
fering some sensational prices on
spring millinery. It Is now going to
move at the prices he Is offering for
next Saturday only.
Emu Walters, wife and family
departed this morning for Lincoln
and University Place, where he has
several contracts. The family will
attend the state fair today and to
rormer County Attorney Ilawls of
Granada, Colo., who has been spend
Ing several days In the city with hi
family, has returned to his ranch
management at that point. He ex
pecm to met j. o. nirhey, the
former manager, there, as he ha
recovered sufficiently to permit hi
making the trip to that place from
lienver. The ranch, which la owned
by th Cass Land company, has had
a prosperous year, and has cleared
(iille a good um for Its owners, who
are all prominent Cass county men
Body is Found Under Steps of
Omaha School.
Othello Ratliff Evidently Mjrdered
During the Night, but Slajer Has
Not Been Apprehended Lad's
Clothing Almost Torn Frcm His
Body and Its Position Indicates He
Died in Intense Pain.
Omaha, Sept. 8. The body of
Othelio Katlitt, an eleven-year-old col
ored boy, was found under the steps
of the Kcllora public scuool at Tweu-ty-second
and Mcholas streets. The
discovery vas made oy the jauitcr be
fore the tiuiQ of opening school, which
began the fall term Tuesday. The
condition of the body indicates that
the boy was killed by being beaten on
the head with bricks. Numerous pools
of blood were by the body and near
the porch and the blood was fresh,
indicating that the little fellow had
been killed during the night.
The boy's skull was crushed and hia
face terribly mutilated. The boy had
attended a wild west show, the show
grounds being but a block from the
school house. He went with his sis
ter, aged sixteen, but they became
separated. She says she last saw hln.
in company with a colored man who
appeared to be connected with the
The lad's clothing had been almost
torn from his body. The body was
found in a position indicating that he
had died in intense pain. The motive
for the crime Js as yet undiscovered.
Last Quarantine Card at Stromsburg
Taken Down.
Stromsburg, Neb., Sept. 8. The last
Individual case of quarantine on ac
count of spinal meningitis, or polio
myolitis, as it is now determined to
be, was raised here. The enjdemic
covered' a period of ten weeks and
was a matter of much concern to the
people of this city for a time, but it
was soon gotten under control, and
most of those attacked by the disease
were ill but a day or two. There were
between thirty and forty cases alto
gether, and there has been but one
death resulted, and there has been
but one death from the disease in the
farming country tributary to this city.
Public meetings are now bejng held
as usual and fear of a fresh outbreak
of the epidemic has disappeared.
Investigating Soldiers' Home.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 8. The state
board' of public lands and buildings
will go to Grand Island next week to
investigate the reports of inmates of
the home that the institution is not
properly conducted and that goods de
livered to the home are not always in
accordance with the contract. Gov
ernor Shallenberger, at his own re
quest, will accompany the board and
take part In the Investigation.
Unite to Prevent Suspicious Fires.
Omaha, Sept. 8. The state special
Insurance agents and adjusters held
a meeting at the Rome for the pur
pose of forming a new organization,
the State Fire Prevcntjve association.
The purpose of the new organization
Is the investigation of suspicious fires
and co-operation with the state ofB
cials In securing compliance with
building laws.
Pioneers' Meeting.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 8. The meeting
or tne rioneers' Association of Ne
braska was held at University temple,
with Governor Shallenberger, Allen
W. Field and J. II. Culver as the
Machine Falls to Earth and Crushes
Its Manipulator.
Juvlsy-sur-Orge, France, Sept: 8
K. Lefebvre, the French aviator, has
leen killed by a fall from his aero
plane in which he was practicing over
the aviation field here.
M. Lefebvre sustained mortal In
Juries when the machine crashed to
the ground. Aid was rendered, but
he died soon afterward.
Watching for Castro.
San Juan, P. R., Sept. 8. Two rep.
resentatlves sent here by President
Gomez of Venezuela are watching for
the possible landing of ex-President
Castro. They say that a large reward
will be given to any one submitting
Information of nn attempt by General
Castro to land at Porto Rico or the
adjacent Islands.
Alaskan Volcano in Eruption.
San Francisco, Sept. 8. Captain M,
Webber, master of the Alaska steam
er Iehua, which arrived from the
Aleutian Jslands, reports that when
his vessel left the Islnnds the volcano
Akutan was in violent eruption. Lava
was Issuing In great volumes. This Is
the first disturbance reported since
Dam Breaks In Arliona.
Prescott, Arl., Sept. 8. The darn
near here has broken and a number of
lives have been lost. There Is a serl
Otis washout on the Santa Fo road
near here.
To sell the best paint in the world
-at the fairest price -to assart best .
results to our customers. 4
That paint we know it
Lowe Brothers
"High Standard" Paint
Let nt show you Color cardi arsl
Uaotiful Thej are frtt, 4
Weyrich ;& Hadraba
Just as Scores of Plattsmouth Peo
ple Have. .
Waiting doesn't pay.
If you neglect the aching back.
Urinary troubles, diabetes, surely
Doan'a Kidney Pills relieve back
Cure every kidney 111.
Plattsmouth citizens endorse them,
E. M. Buttery, Cor., Sixth & Wal
nut Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebr.,
says: "It did not require a long use
to prove to me that Doan's Kidney
Pills are a remedy of merit. I often
had pains In my hips, so severe that
could hardly work and there was
also a lameness across my loins. I
had reason to believe that these
troubles were caused by disordered
kidneys and hearing Doan's Kidney
Pills so highly spoken of, I made up
my mind to try them. I procured a
box at Gerlng & Co.'s drug store
and they brought me prompt and ef
fective relief."
(Statement given June 19, 1909.)
On December 29, 1908, Mr. But
tery said: "I still have a good word
to say for Doan's Kidney Pills. I
heartily confirm the statement I made
over two years ago In their favor."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Albert Pappe of Mlnco, Okla., vmu
has been visiting relatives in this
city and vicinity for several weeks
past, departed this morning for
Pekin, III., where he will make a
further visit with relatives and
friends before returning home.
Statement of the Condition
of riattsmouth, Nebraska, on the 30th
day of June, 1U09.
First mortirace loans 1100,1.10 pi
Stock Ion lis 14.4tt Ml
Cash 1.104 53
liclliniiicia interest, premium, tines
and dues 1,5117 48
Other assets. Insurance and taxes
paid anil advanced K44 55
Real estate contracts 4. 1 HI 24
Total $122,.t 51
Capital Ptock paid up $ K.74D 00 '
Keservn fund 3.5oti HX
Other liabilities, dividends declared, 26.073 63
Total !l 22,329 51
Receipts amp Expenpitithes for the Yiar. June 30, im.
Halanee on hand July 1, l0H 4.525 M
lues 27,81 H 0(1
Interest and Ones I0.4K4 44
Iians repaid 17.1121 00
Menherslnp feea 150 Ift
Transfer fee in 50
Keal estate eontrai'l .. S75 ig
Insurance and taxes paid and ad
vanced 53 37
Total ....$ 00,918 64
I-oans I 26,748 M
Kxiienst'M id
rin'k redeemed 31.200 HI
Cash on hand 1,104 53
InWreHton bills payable 153 70
Insurance and taies paid and ad
vanced i 00
Real estate contracts ov 00
Total f 60,91 (4
Cass County
I. Henry H. florin, wvretary nf the abnve
named association, do solemnly swear that the
foreirolnir statement of the condition of said as
sociation. Is true and correct to the beta of my
knowledge and belief.
Approved: Secretary.
II, M. 80KXNICIISEN, nireclors.
Pulncrlbed and sworn to before nit this sth
day of heptemlier. Iirno.
Tiiom Wai.i.imi.
Iheai..J Notary I'ubllo.