The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 30, 1909, Image 3

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    The Last Voyage
Donna IsoJbel
By Randall Parrish
Author of Bob Hampton ot Placer.
Illustrations by Deaborn Melvil
i :
rux bcl and took you in my arms.
Bat I couldn't tell you I could not
tell you. I felt that if wa were
saved you must leara it from ether
lips than mine."
"But now we both know."
She lifted her eyes suddenly, ayei
misty with tears, and I realized the
truth forever.
Loaning Books.
You have In your library a set of
books that you very much prize. The
et is Incomplete because a year ago
neighbor who has since removed to
another city, borrowed two volumes
and did not return them. Your first
mistake was la loaning the books;
your next, In not reclaiming after the
lapse of two or three months. I would
rather loan a complete set from my
library than to break it by the loan ot
a single volume. One many always
give a friend permission to come and
read such a book In the room where it
fcelongs. When anyone borrows a book
and retains it indefinitely, a note
should be sent, politely begging for Us
return. People do not borrow , your
clothing, Jewelry or bric-a-brac, but,
trangely enough, many persons dis
play no reluctance in asking the loan
of a book. You, of course, have your
own exceptions; there are dear friends
to whom books are precious, who
lenow how to care for them and with
-whom it is a pleasure to exchange
them at discretion. Woman's Home
More Than He Could Say.
A native-born American member of
party of four business men who of
ten lunched together took great de
light In Joking the others on tholr for
eign birth.
"It's all very well for you fellows
to talk about what we need in this
country," he said, "but when you come
to think of it, you're really only in
truders. Not one of you was born here.
You're welcome to this country, of
course, but you really oughtn't to for
ret what you owe us natives who open
our doors to you."
"Maybe," said an Irishman In the
arty, thoughtfully. "Maybe. But
thfcre's one thing you seem to forget:
I came into this country wld me fare
paid an' me clothes on me back. Can
you say the same?" Everybody's
An Exception.
"Thus culinary Journal states that
all good cooks peel their onions under
water," remarked the boarder who is
always reading odd items.
"That's nothing unusual," laughed
he comedian boarder. "I know a cook
who peels his vegetables underwater."
"Not at all. He is cock on a sub
marine boat."
23:15 0'C!ock.
A New York manufacturing cuncern
1n which onlv one-half of the emulovea
work in the daytime has a 24 hour
clock in the timekeeper's office, by
which the work record Is noted. The
business day begins at one o'clock in
the morning, and when other clocks
indicate mldr.ignl OJ.a factory time
piece shows that it Is It V-ijck. The
men who go in work at the ordi
narily known as six p. m., re
corded as having started at 18 oYlock.
The people In charge of the work tny
that this change In the timekeeping
method has prevented many errors,
and although, it took the men a little
while to become accustomed to It they
now speak of 14 and 16 o'clock In a
matter-of-fact way and without the
smile which at first the strange fig
ures provoked.
Relief for Toothache.
If the tooth has a cavity use liquid
ammonia. Spray from medicine drop
per directly into the cavity. He very
sure and not touch the tender gum. If
there is an ulcerated root prepare a
poultice of flaxseed meal, mixed with
water. But in a small vessel and ap
ply to the gum, covering the swelling.
Spread on small pieces of linen no
larger than the end of the finger, fold
one thickness over the poultice. Re
new Just aa fast as they cool. This
will soften the ulceration and cause it
to break in a short time. Have a sec
ond party prepare the poultice, If pos
sible, as It must be done quickly. Keep
hot water bottle outside of bandage.
One Way to Appear Young.
A wise young woman gives as her
reason for having learned the vertical
writing: "This form cf writing has
been used for but a few years In some
Khools. When I have occasion to
write to anybody they are very apt to
conclude from my handwriting that I
have been out of school but a few
years, and accordingly 1 will be consid
ered a real young woman.
"This does not count for so much at
present, for I am only 23 years, but It
msy count a great deal in getting ma
a start In the friendship of a man
later. I will not of course He about triy
ge, but I will get a more favorable
Preparations for Pioneer day,
September 2, continue apace and this
now promises to be one of the great
est days of the big meeting.
Chairman Windham has been mak
ing great preparations for the day
and is sparing no effort to secure
good attractions. He is today in re
ceipt of communications from Hon.
F. E. White and Hon. Orlando Tefft
signifying their intention of attend
ing the big meeting and accepting
the Invatatlons to deliver addresses
that day. Senator Tefft speaks dur
ing the afternoon, while Mr. White
addresses the banquet in the even
ing. Both are well known and pop
ular speakers and will be listened
to with great attention.
Mr. Windham also announces that
the speaking will be held in the big
tent north of the court house, the
Invitation of the Christian church
people being accepted. This is done
because of the long climb up the hill
to Garfield park and the nearness of
the tent to Main street.
Mr. Windham has also secured the
office of McMaken & Sons for the
place of exhibit relics of the pioneer
days. Everyone having anything re
lating to early Nebraska is Invited
to bring the same to this place, where
they will be placed in show. Col.
McMaken has arranged his magnifi
cent exhibit so that it can be shown
to advantage and the place will be a
vertltable museum of early Nebraska.
Several very highly Interesting
relics of early days have been secured
In addition to his fine exhibit. J.
C. Coleman has kindly donated for
use at the exhibition the old organ
brought to Nebraska when the Me
thodist church was established. Con
rad Schlater at that time played the
instrument and was the first organ
player In this vicinity. As a memen
to of the old days he will play this
same organ, a priceless relic, on
September 2 and the present Metho
dist choir will sing. This will be
highly interesting and a striking re
membrance of the past.
Another relic will be the bell from
Peter A. Sarpy's ferry boat which
operated at St. Mary's and later at
Oreapolls, fifty years ago. The boat
was sunk In the Platte river and all
which ever was recovered of It was
the bell which was donated to the
Catholics of this city by Sarpy. Later
It passed into the hands of John
Fitzgerald, who donated it to St.
John's church when the latter was
founded. Afterwards It was given to
Conrad Schlater when a larger bell
was obtained for the church and he
in turn passed it on to his sons for
use on their ranch. It was condi
tioned that it should return to him
when they sold the ranch and later It
came back here, and has been In use
on the Schlater-Fltzgerald property
north of this city. Mr. Schlater
kindly has this on exhibition as an
interesting relic of early days.
These are not near all but they
show the genreal trend of the exhi
bits, rioneer day will be a winner
for true.
A reception committee of ladles
for active service at Coates' hall on
Pioneers' day, September 2, has been
selected and the members notified
of their choice. This committee will
consist of Mesdames S. L. Thomas,
E. E. Hilton, II. J. Strelght, E. A.
Kirkpatrlck, William Taylor, L. C.
Todd and Miss Olive Guss. These
will be the active reception commit
tee and will hold forth at Coates'
hall on Thursday, September 2 .
An honorary reception committee
consisting of a number of the aged
pioneer ladies of Nebraska has also
been selected and invitations have
been sent them asking their attend
ance on Thursday, September 2:
Mesdames J. F. Buck, Lloyd Gapen,
Allen Beeson, W. W. Wiley, Isaac
Wiles and George Mayfleld.
Over 100 tickets for the pioneers'
banquet Thursday evening, Septem
ber 2, have been sold and those of
the aged citizens desiring places at
the festal board should send In their
applications early, as the number
who can bo accommodated are lim
ited. 'Not over 200 can be accom
modated, it is said, and thoso who
have not yet secured tickets will do
well to send In for them.
Shorthorns for Bale.
Three sood registered Shorthorn
year.'ing bulls for sale. Also good
fresh milk cows. Mark White.
of Merchants Carnival. Platts
mouth, Nebraska.
Live Stock Exhibit, open all day 8:30 a. m.
Agricultural Exhibit, open all day 8:30 a.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main streets .... 9:30a.m.
M. W. A. Band March to B. & M. depot 9:45 a. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fourth and Main streets 10:00 a. m.
Trapeze Performances (Free), corner Fourth and Main 10:10 a.m.
M. W. A. Band March to Live Stock Enclosure .110:35 a. m.
Judging Live Stock By Professor Ashby, of Neb. State Farm.l0:35 a. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Seventh and Main streets.. . .11:00 a. m.
Balloon Ascension, corner Seventh and Main streets 11:00a.m.
Noon 12:00 m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fourth and Main streets.... 1:30p.m.
Slack Wire Performance, corner Fourth and Main streets... 1:30p.m.
Judging Agricultural Exhibit By Prof. Ashby, Neb. State F. 2:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner 6th and Main streets 2:00 p. m.
Trapeze Performance (Free), corner Sixth and Main 2:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Vine -streets ; 2:30 p. m.
Horse Show and Live Stock Parade, start corner Sixth and
Main streets, south to Main, east to Fourth, north to
Vine, west to Sixth.. 3:00p.m.
M. W. A. Band March from corner Slx'h ?.r.u Main to Baseball
Park 3:40 p.m.
Baseball game Louisville vs. Plattsmouth 4:.00p. m.
Holders of Cash Prize Coupons will meet Committee at Wes-
cott's Store 5:00 p. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 7:50 p.m.
Slack Wire Performance, corner Sixth and Main 8:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, Court House Square 8:30-9:30 p. in.
Many other amusements continuously all day.
Pioneer and Home Coming Day, September 2.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fouth and Main 9:00 a.m.
Trapeze Performance, corner Fourth and Main 10:00 a.m.
Ft. Crook Military Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 10:30 a. ni.
Slack Wire Performance, corner Sixth and Main 10:30 a.m.
M. W. A. Band and Ft. Crook Band, corner 7th and Main. . .11:00 a. m.
Balloon Ascension, corner Seventh and Main 11:00 a.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fourth and Main 1:30 p. m.
Trapeze Performances, coiner Fourth and Main 1:30 p.m.
Ft. Crook Military Band Concert 1:50 p. m.
Speaking By Governor A. C. Shallenberger, Hon. E. M. Pol
lard, jx-Governor George L. Sheldon, lion. G. M. Spur
lock, Hon. Orlando Tefft, Dr. M. M. Butler 2:00 p. m.
Ft. Crook Military Band and M. W. A. Band, March from cor
ner Fourth and Main to Baseball Park 3:40 p. m.
Baseball Game, Ft. Crook vs. Plattsmouth 4:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 6:00 p.m.
Pioneer Banquet and Reminiscences at Coates' Hall 6:00 p.m.
Ft. Crook Military Dance at Turner Hall 9:30 p. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 9:30 a.m.
M. W. A. Band March to B. & M. depot 9:45 a. m.
Trapeze Performances, corner Fourth and Main 10:00 a.m.
Burlington Parade .10: SO a. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Seventh and Main 11:00 a.m.
Balloon Ascension, corner Seventh ani Main 11:00 a.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, Court House Square 11:30 a.m.
Wrestling Match, Court House Square 11:30 a. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Third and Main 1:15 p. m.
Slack Wire Performances, corner Third and Main 1:15 p. m.
Fire Department Cart Race 1:45 p. m.
Fire Department Nozzle Fight 2:00 p. m.
Band Concert ' jOplm'.
Tug-of-War, Havelock vs. Plattsmouth 3:00 p.m.
100-Yard Dash, Havelock vs. Plattsmouth 3:15 p.m.
220-Yard Dash, Havelock vs. Plattsmouth 3:30 p.m.
Band, March from corner Sixth and Main to Baseball Park . . 3:45 p. m.
Baseball Game, Havelock vs. Plattsinouth 4:00 p. m.
Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 7:00 p. m!
Trapeze Performances, corner Sixth and Main 7:00 p.m.
Band Concert, corner Third and Main 7:30 p!m.
Slack Wire Performance, corner Third and Main 8:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Third and Main 9:30 a. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, March to Baseball Park 9:45 a. m.
Baseball Game, Union vs. Plattsmouth 10:00 a. m,
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Sixth and Main 11:00 a.m.
Trapeze Performance, corner Sixth and Main 11:00 a.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Third and Main 1:00 p.m.
Bicycle Race, from Third to Sixth; Prize $1 1:00 p.m.
M. W. A. Band, corner Sixth and Main 1:15 p. m.
Boys' Race, on Sixth between Pearl and Main; Prize $1 1:15 p.m.
M. W. A. Band, corner ,Slxth"and Main '. 1:25 p. m.
100-Yard Dash, on Sixth between Vine and Main; Prize $10. 1:25 p.m.
M. W. A. Band, corner Third and Main 1 :35 p. m.
Slack Wire Performance, corner Third and Main 1:35 p.m.
Automobile Race, start corner Vino and Sixth; Prize $20 2:00 p. m.
M. W. A. Rand Concert, Court House Square 3:00 p.m.
Wrestling Match, Court House Square;' Prize $20 3:00 p.m.
Motor Cycle Race, start corner Sixth and Main 3:30 p.m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fifth and Main 3:45 p.m.
Turners' Exhibition, corner Fifth and Main 3:45 p.m.
Baseball Game, Manley vs. Plattsmouth ', 4:00 p. m!
Girls' Race, on Vine between Fifth and Sixth; Trlze $1 4:00 p. m.
Barrel Race, on Vine between Fifth 4nd Sixth; Prize $1 4:15 p. m!
Egg Race, on Vine between Fifth and SIrth; Prize $1 4:30 p. m!
Three-Legged Race, on Vine between Fifth and Sixth; Prize $1 4:30 p. m.
Sack Race, on Vine between Fifth and Sixth; Prize $1 4:50 p. m!
Hoop Race, on Vino between Fifth and Sixth 5;00 p. m.
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner Fourth and Main 5:15 p. m!
Trapeze Performances, corner Fourth annd Main 5:15 p. m!
Greased Pig, on Main between Fourth and Fifth C:30 p. m!
M. W. A. Band Concert, corner 8eventh and Main 7 -no p. m.
Balloon Ascension, corner Feventh and Main 7-nop.m!
M. W. A. Band Concert, corn, r Sixth an1 Main 7 10 p.m.
Slack Wire Performance, corner flxth ' Vain 8:00 p. m.
This hot weather takes shirts and lots of them. A man
that is doing any hard work at all needs a fresh shirt
every day. This means that you have to have a good
supply on hand. We can help yon. For Carnival
Week we have just secured from a large jobber a lot
of soft shirts with collars attached, which were slightly
soiled by machine oil in manufacturing them. On some
of them you can scarcely notice it, and on all of them it
will come out in the first washing. These shirts arejfull
cut with long full sleeves, double sewed throughout, and
are mostly black and white patterns that will not fade.
At the present price of cotton these shirts could not be
made for less than 75c or $1. We bought thel
lot at a great reduction and are going to give
you the benefit by pricing them to you at
1 bis would scarcely buy the material alone. We have
all sizes now. Better come before they are broken.
From now until the close of Carnival Week we are going
to offer you all of our 50c and 75c balbriggan plaiu and
tancy underwear at the remarkahly low price of I
Understand this ts our regular line of under
wear and as long as the sizes last you can
buy them at 39c, CASH MONEY.
Now, about those fine Quality Suits that we are selling
at half price. We have 11 of them left. They are good
sizes and elegant patterns. You certainly can't make
money any faster than by buying them. You can wear
any of them till snow flies, aud they'll be ready to do
service for you next spring. Look in our corner win
1 dow and you will see 3 of these suits just half price.
Handkerchiefs We have sold over 40 dozen of
men's plain white kerchiefs this summer at 5c each. The
greatest handkerchief bargain ever brought to Platts
mouth. We still have a few left at 5c a half a dime.
There are many other Carnival Bargains in here that
you will do well to avail yourself of. "Come early and
avoid the rush" applies in this case.
, Uoscotrs ons
Return From South lakotu.
Messrs. Adam Kaffenborger and
Adam FornofT, who have been spend
ing several days on their farms near
Huron, S. I)., have returned to their
homes in this vicinity, returning Inst
evening. They report that the hail
storm several weeks ago In that sec
tion did an incalculable amount of
damage to the crops, and that the
loss Is very heavy. Mr. KalTen
berger's land was on the edge of the
storm, and ho did not suffer as se
verely as most others. His tenant
had a number of acres of wheat cut
before the storm came, and this Is
yielding well, the remainder being
largely a loss. His corn was also
badly cut by the hall and will not
yield anything like as heavy as it
should. Mr. KalTenborger, however,
thinks himself very fortunate to es
cape so happily. Mr. Fornolt wus
not so fortunate and the wheat on
his farm Is practically a total loss,
as nono of It had been cut when the
storm took place. Corn generally
throughout that country Is fine
and in good condition and, barring
an early frost, will make u good
Miss Anna Fisher Is expected to
arrive In the city this evening for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Anton W.
Vetcsnik until after the carnival.
The banquet to be given at Coates'
hall on September 2 at 6 o'clock p.
m. is not confined to pioneers and
old settlers, but it is open to every
ono who wishes to attend. One of
the prlnclplo objects of meeting
around the banquet board is to
blcMid together early territorial rem
iniscences with those of statehood.
There will be responses from persons
representing every period since the
organization of the territory up to
the present time. It Is the deHlre
thol ihoso who are now eDjoying the
blessings of the present may hear
and loam something about what
those who were laying tho founda
tions for present state prosperity
passed through with. A most elab
orate provision will be made for the
tables, and tho occnslon will bo en
livened with music. Price of tickets,
50 cents. Make application to any
of the undersigned, or buy of ticket
Next Wednesday the big event
opens In Plnttsniouth. Will you be
idea of Carnival Week is to meet old acquaintances
and form new.
To our old customers we wish to say: We want
you ts make our store your headquarters during
the Carnival, and bring your triends with you.
Of course we are here for business and would be
pleased to quote you prices on Drugs, Glass, Lead
and Oils, Paints, or anything in our line that
would interest you but come in and say "Hello"
anyway as we are always glad to sec you whether
you wish to purchase or not. Watch this space
next week for our special line of Rcxall Goods
which will be on display during the Carnival.
The Rexall Store
F. t Friclio & Co., Prep