The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1909, Image 4

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8 Short Items of Interest From Fri- X
X day's Evening Journal X
Thomas Walling In spending to
day in Omaha, going to that city on
the early Burlington train.
Mrs. George Kllnger was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha,
whecr she will spend the day.
Mrs. Joe Holly Is spending today
with friends In Omaha, having gone
to that city on the morning train.
Mrs. M. J. Burrows Is among
those spending the day In Omaha, go
ing to the city on the morning train.
Miss Tonlo Janda Is spending to
day In Omaha, being a passenger on
the morning train for that city.
Philip Fornoff, a brother of Mrs.
John Busche, departed this morning
on the early train for Tekln, HI.
Mrs. W. II. Ralney Is a visitor to
day In Omaha, having gone to that
city this morning on the early train.
Mrs. Carl Miller was a passenger
this morning for Omaha, where she
will spend the day visiting with
Miss Mary Hobschledt Is spending
the day In Omaha, having been a
passenger on the morning train for
that city.
Mrs. C. A. Johnson is spending
today In Omaha, being a passenger
for that city this morning on the
early train.
Mrs. Charles Bell is among those
visiting In Omaha today, having
gone to that city this morning on the
early train.
Miss Ella Anderson, who has been
visiting with friends in Lincoln for
several weeks, has returned to her
home in this city.
Mrs. Oeorge Thomas and son Carl
are spending today In Omaha, hav
ing been passengers on the early
train for that city.
August Gordor Is transacting bus
iness today in Omaha, having gone
to that city this morning on the
early train.
County Commissioner Frledrleh Is
looking after his fences at Elmwood,
having gone out to that city this
morning on the M. P. train.
Mrs. Anton Bvoboda Is among
those visiting with friends in Om
aha today, being a passenger on the
early Burlington train for that city.
Jim Donnelly of Plattsmouth Is as
sisting J. M. Teegarden In the City
National bank and Is giving the best
of satisfaction. Weeping Water Re
publican. Mrs. Frank Steppat and mother,
Mrs. L. Trllllty, are spending today
with friends in Omaha, having gone
to that cily on tne early Burlington
Mrs. R. L. Johnson, who has been
visiting In the city the guest of
George W. M:Cracken and wife, re
turned to her home at Orient, la., to
Miss Aldeiman of Plalnvlew, Neb.,
who has been visiting with Miss Ida
Weldenian for a day, returned to
her home this morning on the early
Chris Ebert, wife and children,
who have been making a vlitit to
Hans Kemp and family for several
days, returned to their home at
Itockport, Mo., this morning.
Mrs. A. L. differ came In this
morning from h-r homo near My
tiard and was a passenger on the
early train for Omaha, where she
Will spend the day with friends.
Glen Smith, of the Nebraska Con
struction company, Is spending today
in the country, having come In last
evening and going out this morning
to look after some bridge work.
H. B. Weldman and wife, who
have been spending several days In
the city with Mr. Weidman's folks
and other relatives and friends, de
parted on the morning train for Om
aha. Miss Katie York, who hns been
visiting with relatives at Watson,
Mo., and Peru, Neb., returned to her
home In this city yesterday. She Is
accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Tay
lor, who will make a visit with J. C.
York and family for several days.
Mrs. Frank Young, Jr., who came
up from her home near Murray this
morning, was nn Omaha passenger
on the morning Burlington train.
Fhe lias Just received a letter from
her husband, who Is at his farm In
Minnesota, stating that he Is getting
along nicely with his harvest and so
curing a .".ne crop of wheat. The
wenther has been ideal for this pur
pose, being cool and clear with prac
tically no rain, making conditions
Just right. He Is enjoying the best
of health, and Is more than pleased
with the outcome of his Minnesota
land purchases.
Mrs. Bertha Petersen is spending
the afternoon In Omaha, going up
to that city on No. 23.
H. N. and 0. C. Dovey were Om
aha passengers this afternoon on No.
23, going up on business.
Mrs. A. F. Seybert of Cullom Is
spending today in the cKy, coming
In from her home this morning.
Mrs. John S. Hall Is spending the
afternoon in Omaha, having been a
passenger on No. 23 for that city.
A laugh every minute at the Pur
mele thin week. Siaw mid Clifton,
colored coincdluns, nil the week.
J. P. Falter Is among those hav
ing business matters in Omaha to
look after, going to that city on the
early morning train.
Mrs. W. E. Rosencrans and daugh
ter, Miss Mary, are spending a few
days at the Elmwood Chautauqua,
going there this morning.
William Chalfant, from near
Union, is In the city this afternoon
attending to business matters, hav
ing driven up from hU home this
Our young friend, Glen Vallery,
brought his father, Walt Vtulery In
town lust evening for surgical treat
ment to a mashed finger, and while
here called and subscribed for the
C. T. Wiley and daughter, Miss
Lena, of Elmo, Mo., who have been
visiting in the city the guests of
Colonel M. A. Bates and family, de
parted this morning on the Burling
ton train for their home.
P. W. Tlghe, while over from
Manley on business this morning,
gave the Journal a pleasant call, and
while here renewed his allegiance to
the Old Reliable. He Is a firm be
liever In the Journal's Democracy.
The I. L. Knight house on the
south side, was sold last week to N.
C. llalmes, the miller, for $2500. It
was a bargain and Is a very nice
home which will be appreciated by
the purchasers. Mr. Halmes was a
long J me In selecting a home of his
own, but has finally been landed.
Weeping Water Republican.
The managers of the G. A. R.
Reunion at Weeping Water, demon
at rated excellent Judgment when
they employed the Plattsmouth City
Band. They can depend upon re
ceiving their money's worth In the
very latest and bent of music. Platts
mouth has three bands and they are
all up-to-date musicians.
Charley Restor, who has been en
Joying a vacation of several weeks
In Colorado Springs and oljier Colo
rado points, returned to his home In
this city this morning looking the
picture of health and feeling as fine
as he looks. He states that he had
a delightful time and enjoyed his
visit hugely and that It did him a
world of good.
For a good time you should at
tend the dance glveen at the home
of Bird Dawson, two miles north and
three enst of Weeping Water, Aug
ust 21. There will be good floors,
good puslc and plenty to eat. Every
body cordially Invited. Remember
the date and place to have a good
time. Weeping Water Republican.
Mrs. Eliza Goodln came in this
morning from her home in the coun
try to aHend to some business mat
ters In the city. While here she
paid the Journal a call and renewed
her subscription to the paper for
another year. She also left the pub
lished a memento of her visit In the
shape of a rlpo and luscious cante-
loupe which was puch appreciated
A complaint has been filed In
ciounty court by County Attorney
Ramsey seeking to have the custody
of Ray and Goldie Anton, minor
children o( Carl and Dell Anton
taken from their parents and con
fided to the Nebraska Children's
Home Koclety, an association of Om
aha, Neb., which finds homes for
orphan and friendless children. The
matter will be for hearing before
Judgj lieeson thla afternoon.
C. S. usk, who has been spend
ing the week in the city In the In
terest of the National Cash Register
company, returned to his Omaha of
fice this afternoon. Mr. Lusk has
engawd a room and will return with
his line of registers for the big fall
festival. He will hold open house at
the Hotel Riley, and visiting mer
chants and business men aro In
vited to pay him a call and look over
the latest novelties in the cash reg
ister line. He will havo his electric
machines on exhibition, arrange
ments for a day current during car
nival week having been made. The
exhibit will be tho best ever put
forth In this section by the cash reg
ister people, and will be interesting
and Instructive.
Glen Rawls departs this evening
for Kansas City, Mo., where he will
i visit for several days.
George Polsall and James Wynn
are engaged In work In Omaha, hav-
jlng gone to that city on the morning
Rev. Johnson, a minister of South
Omaha, will occupy the pulpit of the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
both morning and evening.
Jake Jilek, the basket maker, is
among those spending today In Om
aha, having taken up a supply of
baskets for the market at that place.
Peter Campbell, one of Rock
Bluff precinct's best citizens and
farmers, came In this morning and
took the early Burlington train for
Omaha, where he Is called today by
business matters. .
Sam Gutman, the traveling repre
sentatives of the Mountain Distill
ing company and located at Des
Moines, la., is in the city today at
tending to business matters and vis
iting with old friends.
Russel York departed yesterday
for Oregon, where he has secured
employment. He goes to the same
locality where Frank Robinson Is
living, having secured work with him
and getting good pay for his serv
ices. Councilman John Schulhof and
family Jeparted this afternoon for
a trip of several weeks' duration to
Denver, Colorado Springs and other
Colorado points, expecting to enjoy
a hard-earned vacation after the hot
summer months.
The condition of aged Mrs. J. M.
Woodson, who had the misfortune to
fracture her hip several days since
is reported as not so favorable. Her
age, accompanied by the extremely
hot weather of the past few days,
have militated against her to some
degree, but It Is believed she will
eventually make headway and recover.
Shorthorns for Sale.
Three good registered Shorthorn
yearling bulls for sale. Also good
fresh milk cows. Mark White.
In tlip matter of the estate of
TliomnB L. Campbell, deceased.
To All Persons Interested :
You are hereby notified, tbn there
will he a heat-inn upon the report and
petition for final settlement In above
estate before this cmirt at Platts
mouth, In bhM count v, on the 24th (lav
of August, 1H09, at 10 o c-lork a m. All
objections must be filed on or before
said time.
allen .t. nrcrcsox.
County JudKe.
ijj cor xt v co hit.
State of Nebraska, County of Caps. ss.
In the matter of the estate of John
Valentine KKenberprer, deceased.
To All Persona Interested :
You are hereby notified that there
has been died In this court a petition,
prnylnK therein that above estate be
administered and an administrator be
You are further notified that a hearing
will be had upon said petition before
said court In the county court room at
I'lattsmouth, In said county, on the
24th day of August, 1(109, at 2 o'clock
p. tn., and that all objections, '( any.
must be tiled on or before said day and
hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and real of the
county couit of said county this 4th
duy of August, 1909.
(Seal.) County Judge.
HKASKA. In the matter of the estate of John
II. Hauer, deceased.
This cause came on for hearing
upon the petition of John Albert
Kaucr, administrator, with will an
nexed of the estate of John H. Hauer,
deceased, prylng for a license to sell
the following described real estate be
longing to said estate, and situated
In Cuss county, State of Nebraska, to
wn :
The northwest epiarter and the
southwest quarter of the northeast
quarter of section thirty (30), In
quarter of section thirty (30), In town
ship eleven (11) of range eleven (11),
east of the 6th 1. M., for the purpose
of paving all debts allowed against
said estate for which upon proper no
tice may lie allowed against said
estate, and the cost of administration,
there not being sufficient personal
property nemnging to said estate to
pay said debts and expenses.
That all persons Interested In said
estate appear before me at the oflloe
of the Clerk of the District Court at
I'lattsmouth, Cass county.Nebraska.on
the 6th day of September, 190!), at the
hour of ten o'clock a. m., to show
cause why license should not be
grnnted said administrator as prayed
In said petition.
a copy of this notice tie published for
four successive weeks prior to the
tlrnw fixed for said hearing In the
Plattsmouth Journal, a weekly news
paper published at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, and of general circulation In
said count v.
Dnted this 17th day of July. 1909. .
.11 t I). Travis
Judge Dlsrrlct Court.
Ttv vlrtllM nt an nnlim . nlA
sued by James Robertson, Clerk of
the District Court, within and for the
C'ntltltV nf Paul StntA t V.V...l.n
- m - ....... ...(. t i.rinannn,
and to me directed, I will on the 2Kth
uuy oi August, a. u. jvv, at 10 o clock
a. m., of said clay, at the south door
Of tllA f'nMft llrtu.A In a.. 1.1 .. . .. 1
........ - " ' ,11 r-aiil ll.UULy nilU
state, sell at publlo auction, to the
highest bidder, for cash, the follownlg
described real estate, towlt: Lots five
fH) and six (6), block four (4), In
Monger's First addition to the Vil
lage of Alvo, In the County of Cass,
State of Nebraska, the same having
been ordered a decrehrdluet Tin hire
been ordered sold under decree of
fceolosure, by said court, to sntlsfy a
deeree and judgment In the sum of
I79.V45 and oomIn rpcnvurmt l... in
elnth P. Stone, executrix of the lust
will and testament of Isnc tRone, de-
rpflAAit iiTfllnut IIaIIa I, t.
Dennett, Wlllard L. Clltes (or Clyte),
Eva Evnlene Clltes (or Clvtej, a
minor, and Wlllard U Clltes (or
civte), her natural guardian, Elmer
Itennett and Maude Dennett, his wife,
A r 1 1 1 II 1.' . 1 II i n n .,.. ,
i, t,.ri j'fruiriir, anil
Oeorge P. roraman, Jr., her husband;
I'.nrle Dennett, a minor, and Helle
Dennett, his initiirnl uim.-.IInn ,i.f.,.i.
1te,1 nt MuMomAnlh V t. ...... T.
July 19. 1909.
P.nmsev & Rgev. Attorneys for
! 5 ig Davs of Eo
Esa rra
II PA fo)M
ill ibMlliv
ii i
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
OBtOiiltor (
4 and
The Biggest Event Ever Undertaken in Cass County
Grand Free Attractions Every Day
Base Ball Games every day. Band Concerts every eay. Thrill
ing Acrobatic Performance every day. Mammoth Agricultural
and Live Stock Exhibit. Balloon Ascensions. Giant Parades.
Automobile Races. Wrestling Match. Many New Features.
Something Doing Every Minute
is Galled Agricultural Day
There will be the Greatest Horse Show ever given in this
' part of Nebraska. Finest' display of Pure Bred Cattle
' ever given. The Hog Show will be a wonder. The Poultry
Show will be a marvel. A magnificent Horticltural exhibit.
Far.n pnxlucts of all kinds. Come, you cannot afford to miss it.
is Called Pioneer's Day
BL ll Old Settlers and their families will be there. A day
' of reminiscences. State officers of Territorial Associa
tion will attend. Speeches on early Nebraska by able and
eloquent speakers. Exhibit of early Nebraska relics. Feasts
and banquets. Home coming day. Come and visit your
old friends.
is Called Merchant's Day
THE grandest display of merchandise ever made in Cass
county. Bargains, souvenirs, refreshments. Brilliant
attractions at every store. This is the day when the mer
chants will undertake to show you a good time free. Mer
chants' hospitality. A day of gayety. ' ,
Q is Called Games and Sports Day
There will be a wrestling match, balloon ascension, auto
mobile races, bicycle races, base ball games, band con
certs, turners' exhibition, acrobatic performances. Scores of
other games and sports. Come and enjoy the fun. It will
be fun all the time. Fun from morning till night.
Sent. S is Called Labor Day
IANT Parades. The Burlington railway shops will be
" closed. A Burlington exhibit will be given. The fire
department will give an exhibition. Distinguished speakers
will deliver eloquent addresses. Base ball games. Band
concerts. Labor organizations and lodges from all parts of
Southeastern Nebraska will be invited to participate. Prize
contests between lodge and drill teams in uniform. Come
and enjoy the day.
Under Auspices of the Commercial Club