The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1909, Image 1

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    now. mt
NO 62
An Enthusiastic
A meeting of the executive com
pittee In charge of the carnival was
held last night and It was a large
ly attended and enthusiastic one.
The members of the committed arriv
ed full of good news and the meet
ing was pronounced one of the test
yet held. An especially flattering
report of arrangements for Labor
day was received from Central Fore
man Hayes of the Burlington. He
had had the matter of a joint cele
bration of the day with Havelock up
and it had been well received by
the latter city. The people of that
place will attend In force and there
will be all kinds of contests arrang
ed between the shopmen of the two
places. Mr. Hayes etates he had re
ceived assurance that the Havelock
ball team and a strong team of track
athletes would be on hand and that
they would come prepared for gore.
There will be a big wrestling match
between the champions of the two
shops, which will be a splendid con
test and well worth traveling miles
to see. A foot race for a good purse
between the fastest runner In the
local shops and Havelock's champion
will be on the program, and it will
be exciting In the extreme. The re
mainder of the athletic sports will
be highly interesting.
The live stock committee reported
that there was every Indication of a
monster exhibit, and that some of
the best calttle ever shown In Ne
braska would be on the ground for
the occasion. Ample space for this
display has been arranged for, and
those exhibiting will find themselves
well cared for.- A-large number
far more than anticipated of the
stock growers in this section have
agreed on entering their cuttle, and
the several breeds will have excel
lent representation. The horsemen
of this section have also taken a
deep interest in the proposed dis
play, and there will be a large num
ber of prize-winning stallions with
their get on the grounds. At the re
quest of the several horsemen they
will be allowed to make their own
arrangements for exhibiting their
animals, and this makes a big dis
play sure. A large number of rais
ers of pure-bred hogs will be on the
ground, and their display promises
to furnish a most Interesting feature
of the biggest exhibition ever seen
in this section. The poultry fanciers
of the county are enthusiastic over
A Trip Hugely Enjoyed.
W. D. Jones is at home again after
spending four days at the camp at
Cedar Creek. He Is looking fine and
brown as a berry from his short va
cation and reports that he had an
immense time and enjoyed himself
hugely. The party camping there Is
composed of Pollock Parmele, Hen
and Sam Windham and Dwlght Pat
terson, and they have been getting
all the enjoyment out of the trip.
They have caught some fish, mostly
8unfish, as the bass are not biting
jet. Hon. R. B. Windham went out
last evening to spend some time with
them, and W. H. Newell was also a
visitor at their camp for several
m-llghtful Lawn Social.
The Presbyterian young people
last evening gave a most delightful
lawn social at the home of J. M.
Roberts on High School hill. The
handsome and spacious lawn was dec
orated for the occasion, myriads of
Japanese lanters shedding light over
the grounds and making the cool,
pleasant evening most enjoyable.
There was a large attendance and a
rare time had. Ice cream ami cake
was served and the entire evening
was made one long to be remem
bered as a most pretty affair.
lief urn to Hi Firt I,ov.
Dr. R. L. Newell and wife, who
formerly resided here, but later In
Omaha, have become citizens of our
village again, and the doctor has
opened Li J dental office in the Davis
building, east of the bank. His abil
ity as a dent'st is already known to
Union peile, and we are pleased to
welcome him and his estimable wife
as permanent residents of our vil
lage. Union Ledger.
Meeting of the
Last Night
the showing to be made of their
fowls, and already enough entries
have been made to insure a great
big chicken show. A set of com
petent Judges will be chosen for the
live stock, horses, hogs and chickens,
comprising some of the most noted
Judges in the country, and the
awards will be strictly on the merits
of the animals and fowls. Another
striking feature of the opening day
will be the parade of the animals.
It Is proposed to have all the cattle
and horses In line and give the peo
ple a grand. free Btreet parade of the
beauties of Nebraska stock. This
will be something in itself sufficient
to attract vast crowds. The details
for arrangements for Pioneers' day
were discussed at some length and
the committee had in a flattering re
port on the outlook. There will be
a vast number of the old-tlpe Platts
mouth and Cass county people pres
ent and a grand good time assured.
This day will be the day when the
Ft. Crook ball team will be here,
and a special train from that place
is expected to bring hundreds to
swell the crowd and root for their
favorites. It now looks as if Pio
neers' day would be one of the prize
winners in the celebration. The
Merchants' day program Is not in as
forward shape as could be hoped for
and more work Is required at once
on this. The matter of the pure food
show seems to be about to go by the
board for inattention, and the com
mittee in charge of that celebration
needs stirring up and to get busy.
This ought to be one of the great,
big days, but work is needed on the.
program and the arrangements, and
that at once. Sports and games are
coming along nicely and a good pro
gram Is being arranged. The great,
big spectacle will be the automobile
races, which will be over a course
some eight miles in length and with
all conditions of track. This will be
a splendid test for the machines and
well worth taking in. The snorting,
puffing and throbbing machines will
dash over the course in record time,
and the spectacle will be one to
thrill and excite the spectators.
Altogether the meeting was a
great one and shows that every one
Is alive to the Importance of making
September 1 to 6 red letter days in
Plattsmouth annals, and that there
will be the biggest time ever givtn
In Cass county on those dates.
Wedding Hells.
On last Sunday evening, while all
was going as merry as a marriage
bell at the Chautauqua the marriage
of William Sargent and Mrs. Dora
Wadick occurred at the Christian
parsonage, Elder L. A. Chapman of
ficiating. The bride was attired in
blue silk with a hat trimmed with
lillles of the valley. The groom was
neatly dressed in the regulation
The wedding was a quiet affair,
Howard and Glenn Wadick, the two
little sons of the bride, being the
only witnesses of the marriage out
side of the pastor and his wife.
The bride and groom will be at
home In the Sargent residence after
September 1.
The Leader-Echo Joins with a host
of friend? In this entire community
In wishiig Mr. and Mrs. Sargent
much happiness and a long and suc
cessful career together.
They are both very popular In
this community, and each being the
owner of property In Elmwood, bid
fare to become lifelong residents In
our teautiful village. Leader-Echo.
Card of Thank.
The undersigned desires to ex
tend his sincere thanks to the shop
boys and the members of the fire de
partment for the splendid work they
did In saving his property from de
struction or loss by fire yesterday
afternoon. He appreciates the care
they displayed in removing his goods
to safety and afterwards repludig
them in his hones without Iofs to
John Group of Louisville U spend
ing the day In the city on business,
coming down this morning on the
Burlington to do a Great Amount of
Building on Their Lines
in Nebiaska This Year.
The New York Journal of Com
merce, discussing railroad conditions
In tbe country, prints some Interest
ing news. Among other things It
speaks of the action of the Burling
ton in ordering structural steel for
new shop buildings in Nebraska.
Presumably this means buildings at
Havelock, although there Is nothing
In the article to make this certain.
The article In part Is as follows:
"The rail contracts placed aggre
gated 45,000 tons, Including girder
rails and light sections. Bridge or
ders have been numerous, but very
small individually, the largest con
tract being for the Wlnstton & Salem
railroad, requiring 4,000 tons of
steel. This contract was divided
between the Pennsylvania Steel com
pany' and the Virginia Bridge com
pany. The Pennsylvania Steel com
pany has also received supplemen
tary orders for two small bridges for
the Erie and four small bridges
were also placed by the Pennsyl
vania lines west: by the New Haven,
the Baltimore & Ohio and the Nor
folk & Southern, while the C, B. &
Q. have ordered 1,000 tons for rail
way shops in Nebraska. The total
railway structural contracts placed
during the week aggregated about
9,000 tons. The principal work now
in sight includes 22,000 tons for the
New York, Westchester & Boston
railroad, bids for which go In today,
and 9,000 tons for the Pullman car
shops, contracts for which are ex
pected any moment.
"Railroad activity is probably best
expressed in the placing of contracts
for cars than for other equipment,
and additional Important contracts
probably will be placed within the
next few weeks. The Baltimore &
Ohio a Tew days ago finally placed
orders for upwards of 3,700 cars,
details of which have already been
given, and they are still negotiating
for 2,000 cars. Other car orders
pending include 2.000 for the Rock
Island, 1,000 for the Pittsburg &
Lake Erie, 1,000 additional for the
Burlington, while the Merchants'
Dispatch Is to build 1,000 refriger
ator cars In Its own shops and la now
negotiating for 3,500 tons of steel
under-frames. In addition to the
Baltimore & Ohio contract, small
orders have been placed by various
roads aggregating 110 cars. Con
tracts for locomotives have been re
leased a little more freely, and with
in the week the engine builders have
booked orders for seventy-five. The
principal contracts, as already noted,
Include twenty-five for the Great
Northern, seventeen for the North
ern Pacific and five for the Burling
ton. The other orders were small,
ranging from one to seven each. It
Is also understood that the Balti
more & Ohio lias virtually placed an
order for sixty-eight locomotives.
"Additional evidence of returning
prosperity Is furnished by the fort
nightly figures regarding the supply
of Idle freight cars Just given out by
the American Railway association.
In the two weeks ended August 4 no
fewer than 36,181 cars were put
Into commission, or about 15 per
cent of the entire surplus, which on
July 21 stood at 243,354 and Is now
reduced to 207,173. This compares
with a surplusage of 333,019 cars on
January 6, and constitutes the larg
est reduction made In any fortnight
since September, 1908. Of the addi
tional equipment placed In service,
12,575 are box cars, 17,189 of the
coal, hopper and gondola varieties
and 2,986 flat cars. The total sur
plus now reported Is less than since
December 9, 1908, the surplusage of
box cars 'smaller than at any time
since April 28, that of flat cars
smaller than for any time within a
year and of coal, hopper, and gondola
cars smaller than on any date since
December 9 last. The surplusage
now reported Is about 50 per cent of
the maximum of 1908, which was
413,338 on April 29 of last year and
Is 74,448 below the corresponding
period of last year. Should the pres
ent ratio of putting cars Into use for
mercantile purpose?, oaI and ore
hauling and transportation of the
crops continue the loads will experi
ence a serious shortage before "Oc
tober." .
Adam Mild is spending today In
the city attending to business mat
ters, driving In from his farm west
of the city. '
Man led In California.
Tho following, taken from the
I rnsauena it. ai.j uuuy News, reiaics
to the marriage of a former Cass
county young lady, Miss Harriet
Inez Hesscr, daughter of W. J. Hes
ser, a former resident of tho county,
and a young lady who was born and
raised in this vicinity. She has a
great many friends throughout east
ern Cass county who will extend
their best wishes and hopes for a
long and happy wedded life:
One of the prettiest weddings of
tho week took place Thursday after
noon at 3 o'clock when Miss Har
riet Inez Hesscr, daughter of Mr. W.
J. Hesser, 2265 San Pasqual street,
became the bride of Mr. Roy R.
Davis of Grant, Neb.
The ceremony took place on the
lawn under a large palm, and was
most impressive. Rev. Matt S.
Hughes, paBtor of the First Metho
dist church, of which tbe bride is a
member, officiated. Miss Gertrude
Pitman, an Intimate friend of the
bride, was the maid of honor, and
wore a charming frock of pink. Joe
Giddings acted as best man.
The bride, who Is a beautiful bru
nette girl, looked very pretty in her
wedding gown of filmy white ma
terial, elaborately trimmed with
lace. She wore no veil, but carried
a beautiful bouquet of pink Cecil
Bruner roses.
Miss Kahlcr played tho bridal
chorus from Lohengrin as the bridal
party came onto tbe lawn, and dur
ing the ceremony she played softly
several beautiful selections.
After the Bolemn words had been
spoken which made them man and
wife, an Informal reception was held
In the house, which was decorated
In pink Mamon Cochet roses and
ferns. Long tables were decorated
with the pretty blossoms and ferns,
and here the collation was served.
Punch was served during the after
noon by Miss Bertha Pitman and
Miss Nellie Younger.
Mr. and Mrs. Davis left in the
evening for a wedding trip to Seat
tle and other interesting northern
points, after which they will go to
Grant, Neb., where they will make
their home. Dr. Davis Is connected
with his father In business. The
bride's going away suit was of tan,
and she wore a becoming large black
Among the guests at the wedding
were Mr. W. J. Hesser, father of the
bride; Mrs. Emma Van Cleave, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Gaten of Wyoming,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hesscr of Lob An
geles, Mrs. Young and daughters,
Miss Lillian Young and Miss' May
Young; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mac
Cormlck, Mr. and Mrs. Renner, Miss
Ina Renner, Mr. and Mrs. Warwick,
Mr. and Mrs. Cassell, Fern Cassell,
Milo Cassell, Mrs. Engals, Basil En
gals, Mr. and Mrs. Kegress, Mr. and
Mrs. Monroe, Mr. and Mrs. Younger,
Miss Nellie Younger, Miss Gertrude
Pitman, Miss Bertha Pitman, Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson, Joe Giddings and
Will Have Special Train.
Agent Norton of the Missouri Pa
cific this morning received a dis
patch telling him that the railroad
would operate a special train from
Elmwood to this city on Thursday,
September 2, leaving that place at 8
a. m., and returning, leaving this
city at 7 p. m. for a guarantee of
$117. This Is the train asked for by
the Commercial club, and It will
doubtless bo secured. The train
should have been secured from
Eagle to this city, as there are quite
a number In that city who desire to
come here for the reunion a" fes
tival. The train also leaves this
city too early to be satisfactory and
It should leave not earlier than 9 p.
m., and 10 o'clock would be better
yet. The matter Is now well under
way, however, and doubtless some
action will be taken at once which
will enable the committee to adver
tise the train as a sure thing.
KuiTcr Severe Injury.
Hugo Asemissen yesterday had
the misfortune to badly crush sev
eral of his toes on his lift foot. In
lifting a radiator from th floor. It
slipped and fell, catching the foot
beneath It and crushing It quite
severely. He at once had a physician
summoned and a hurried examina
tion took place. This did not dis
close the presenco of any broken
bones, owing to the swollen condi
tion of the foot which had quickly
swelled to several times its natural
size. It Is to be hoped that no ser
ious results follow his unfortunate
experience with the big mass cf
Iron, and that he can soon discard
tbe cane he Is using.
Narrow Fscnpc From Drowning.
'According to J. R. Denson, there
was a very narrow escape from
drowning last evening on the Mis
souri river, near Rock point. John
Richardson, who has been engaged
In fishing near that place for some
time past, was out in a boat in com
pany with his two young sons, Floyd
and Hertzcl. The latter, who Is the
smallest, was dabbling hit hands In
the water when in some manner he
lost his balance and fell In to the
river. At the time his father was
engaged In baiting hie lines and did
not notice anything wrong until It
was too late. They were fishing at
the tine In mid-channel, where the
water is of unknown depth. Hear
ing the boy fall out of the boat, Mr.
Richardson plunged In and swam to
save him. He reached him Just as
he went down for the third time and
caught him by the arm. Mr. Rich
ardson, who is a powerful man, had
his bands full to sustain the well
nigh drowned boy and save himself
In the swift current while waiting
for tho boat. In the meantime Floyd,
the other boy, had lost control of
himself and seemed unable to handle
the boat. At last he mastered him
self and, recovering his presence of
mind, rowed quickly to the spot
where he assisted Mr. Richardson
and the other lad Into the boat. They
were very nearly exhausted and at
once put for shore, thankful to have
both escaped from a watery grave.
More Damage Tim it Reported.
The fire, a brief mention pf which
was made in yesterday's paper took
place Just as the Journal went to
press and details were not available
until today. It occurred In what Is
known as the Egenberger property
on south Sixth street and created
more damage than the first reports
Indicated. A wood shed and part of
the house caught, the estimated loss
being in the neighborhood of S 150.
The house which is a double one,
part of which is occupied by the fam
ily of George Gobelman caught and
was In lmment danger of burning
when the department arrived and
speedily put out the flames. The
woodBhed was entirely destroyed.
Shop men seeing the flames left their
work and hurried to the scene, rend
ering excellent work in removing Mr.
Gobelman'a household goods In snfe
ty. These were taken out carefully
and when the fire was out, taken back
by the department and the shopmen
without loss to Mr. Gobelman, some
thing which he much appreciated.
The property was insured by Mr.
Egenberger In the Delaware Insur
ance company for ? 4 00, the policy
being In full force and effect, conse
quently his loss will be nothing.
Kill The Curs.
Some weeks ago the Journal en
tered a protest against the constant
run of dogs upon the public streets
and called upon the city authorities
to take steps to suppress them. Ample
time hns passed and no steps what
ever have been taken to suppress
this nuisance. It is something which
is a disgrace to any community to
have the streets Infested with snarl
ing, barking, yelping and fighting
curs and the authorities can do noth
ing better toward earning their sal
aries than to cut loose with their
guns and rid the town of a lot of
them. In addition to the spectacle
which Is presented, there Is the con
stant danger from persons being bit
ten. This summer there have been
a number of cases of dog bites re
ported, fortunately none of them ser
ious, but with the prevalence of the
canines upon the streets, a bad case
may occur any day. At the Burling
ton station this morning the spectacle
which greeted ladles who were there
waiting for the trains. Let tbe auth
orities wake up and proceed to clean
out a lot of these curs and receive
the thanks of the public for their
May Ieave liiittiiiiitli.
A. Clabaugh, manager of the Ne
braska Lighting company, Is spend
ing today In Omaha, having reached
this city from Shenandoah, la., last
evening. He did this by striking an
automobile; ride from that place to
Nebraska City, where he caught the
M. P. train. Mr. Clabaugh has the
offer of the management of the She
nandoah light. flint under considera
tion, and it Is possible he may ac
cept same and I'-nve this c'Aj, a
thing to bk regretted, as he Is a
hustling lend energetic manager, and
has made himself well liked since be
took boM of the local plant.
County Attorney Ramsey is spend
ing the day In Omaha looking after
professional business.
Not a I'usNcngi-r Killed.
A report from Chicago snys that
the Burlington and Pennsylvania
railroads have pussed a year of oper
ation with a record of not having
killed a single pnssenger. Tho re
port reads:
"During tho last fiscal yenr the
Burlington road opernted Its pns
senger trains without having killed
a single passenger. This remark
able record was equaled, so far as
known through any official announce
ment by only one other road, tho
Pennsylvania. The year during
which this record was made closed
June 30, 1909, but the figures giving
the number of passengers carried
have not been complied. Th Ilur
llngton record, together with that
made by the Pennsylvania, indicates
that the railroads are progressing in
the art of safe operation of railroad
trains. This Is accounted for by
operating men by the extens!.--. of
the block signals, by better discipline
and by Improved methods of track
construction and maintenance."
An operating official high In tho
runclls of Burlington chiefs said dur
ing the past year that safe operation
of trains is regarded as one of the
surest devices of cutting down opera
tion cost. The Hill Idea Is to elimin
ate claims for damages resulting
from train accidents and thus cut
down money paid for damages and
for court costs and attorneys' fees.
He declared that the railroads are
now moving rapidly toward a period
when the number of court suits will
be materially reduced ami tho law
courts will be resorted to only when
there is no other equitable means of
settlement. It train accidents can
be prevented one item that has drawn
heavily on the operation expense ac
count will bo eliminated. State
Will Exhibit Fine Stock.
C. Bengen and wife came In this
morning from their home near My
nard and are attending to business
matters in the city. Mr. Benson is
one of the best fancy stock raisers
In the county, and he Intends to at
tend the fall festival stock show
here and bring in some of his bent
animals, so that people in the county
can see what Is being dono In tho
way of raising fine cattlo. From
those acquainted with his herd, it is
learned that bis animals are among
the very finest in the state, and tho
show will be helped a great deal by
his decision to exhibit. His neigh
bor, George Kaffenbcrger, also a
breeder of fancy Btock, will also have
a fine lot on exhibition, and the riv
alry between them, which la entirely
friendly, will be quite spirited and
promises the very best of animals on
LoM'd Ills Fore Finger.
T. W. Vallery, the well known
citizen of Murray, last evening suf
fered an accident which cost him the
fore finger of his left hand. As ho
was engaged In piling some heavy
timbers at his home tie had his fin
ger In some mnnner caught between
two of them, and the same was bad
ly crushed and broken. Help was
quickly at hand and he was hurried
ly taken Into a rig and brought to
this city, where surgical aid was
summoned. It was found on exam
ination that the finger was ho badly
cruiiied and bruised that amputa
tion would be necessary and tho op
eration was performed at once. Mr.
Vallery's many friends In this city
and throughout Cass county will
hear of his misfortune with regret,
and trust that It will not be a grent
while until he has quite recovered
from the ill effects of the Injury.
Will Return the Compliment.
Messrs. Charles A. Maloney, John
Drexel and E. P. Brandt of Omaha
and ex-Mayor Gerlng, who consti
tuted a committee from the Knights
of Ak-Sar-Bcn, returned" to Omaha
last evening after having canvassed
the business men of the city for a
special train to Omaha on Monday,
August 30 for Initiation Into tho
Ak-Sar-Ben. According to the gen
tlemen the special, which Is assured,
will bo met at the Burlington sta
tion by street cars, which will take
the visitors directly to the den,
where a time will be shown them.
A special will return to this city
after the harrowing rites have been
finished. The knights have promised
to fend a large delegation to this
city, during the fall festival and to
retirn liattimotith's good will
wkh Interet.t. '-' .
. J'
V. imam Pun, Sr., is sporillng tue
flay In h city attending to busnicfda
matters, Imlng driven In from his
farm this morning. '