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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
i I !J tT5 I "11 4 1 rEW FALL SHIRTS J en U We have opened the biggest part of our large stock of Fall Shirts, among them will be found all the new shades, such as London Smoke, Grays, Shades of Green, Whites in stripe effects. All new and swell. Now would be a good time -to lay In your fall supply, when you can get any size in all shades. , - ; ,i Hart, Schaffner & Marx Fall Models .now .on C. C. J A - . . . . . -J .-- Display. Glad to have you see them. The Home of Hurt, Schaffner if- Murx Clothes Stetson t ; MimltatUii Shirts Judge Travis went down to Ne braska City yesterday . morning to hear an application hi chambers, .re turning In the evening." A. J. Patterson, D. A. Patterson and Fred Warner are three Weeping Water gentlemen who were guests In the city over night having bualnesa matters here to look after. 1 Chris Gruenther.j In- his Platte Center Signal, tells of a young man who was shy several hundred dol lars with a grain firm there, but rather than believe he was natur ally, dishonest, Chris says he "only tried to go at automobile speed on a wheelbarrow income."' " There are a great many such cases, take the United States over. mA m I W U s Owing to the heavy shortage in the cotton crop there has been quite an advance in the price of all cotton fabrics. We were fortunate in having a fair supply of most kinds of cotton goods on hand be fore the advance. These we will share with our cus tomers as long as they last at the old prices. Last Call on Wash Goods All our 20c and 25c Flaxons and Tissues at per yard .. 12 1-2c Shirt waiste suits sold at $1.85, reduced to. .$1.39 Mendell's make a guarantee full and well made Laces and Lace Insertions, an extraordinary value, at 10c up to 7 inches wide. We are. showing some very .good, bargains ( in Ladies Muslin Underwear, ' to close Gowns, sold at 58c, 89c, $1.25, now 48c, 75c, 98c Drawers, Lace and Embroidered trimmed, sold at 50c. now 39c 75c and $1.00 Drawers, now 50c EXTRAORDINARY GOOD VALUE IN SKIRTS $1.25 and $1.50 skirts, now . . . . 98c $1.75 u $1i48 $2.00 to $2.25 ' ' " " $1.68" $2.50 " $1.89 $3.00 " $2.48 $3.50 - $2.95 & You should examine the above offer. We EJ H know you will appreciate the reduction Corset Covers sold at 15c " " 35c 4i it ti s r :o: we Corset Covers and Skirts slightly soiled at a big reduction. 1 e. g. wm & Joe H. Smith Is looking very ..lone some since-his wife and soil left a week' ago for a visit with friends and relatives In Havelock. He Is fondly looking for the date of their return next Sunday. ' It Is up to the people now to make good and give the baseball boys some patronage. On Saturday, Aug. 14th, they will play the strong Union team and the game will be a good one. Help the boys out and attend. If you can't attend get a ticket and send your wife, sister or mother they all 'enjoy the game. Union is playing good ball and Manager War ren has a good, fast bunch together. Now turn out and show you appreci ate their efforts. U U " 1 to 25c to close at 10c to 50c " 25c ii m n - oc at K Ml g so The c(mmisku house cf M. L. - : 1 1 : , Hv: .u : - ... . j ., t ICt ilt a UHII 4 0 i V t- M U MUM AU ' !ns bt's'nes in ttu Coates block, tins -tiornin? reported ' that probable showers were frfi-ast fr this sec tion taaay and tonight. There was i heavy shower in Chicago, 111., last evening at 5 o'clock but tn!s com ing was hot and sjry. The rain was coming this way and there were showers Tallin at various Illinois points this morning. The rain would bo about due to strike this section tonight, - unless some ' tinforseen change occurs In weather conditions. St. Louis had a Vain last night also. Wheat opened a little higher this morning with small change In corn. Gives, Them Thirty Pays lrolmtlon. An Investigation by Judge Archer Into the trouble between the Wilson family and the Miller family in the second w ard . last . evening,, disclosed that the wrong woman had been ar rested for the assault on the Wilson child and Judge Archer did not hold Mrs. Watson Miller against whom the complaint was filed. The trouble between the two families was patch ed . up and it was , decided to let all go on a thirty da8 probation. " .Married In Omulia. . Yesterday Ja Omaha Miss Anua R. Kanka of this city, was united In marriage to C. L. Pittman of that city. A number of the Immediate relatives of the contracting parties were present and the wedding had all the aspects .of a . quiet , home af fair. ' Miss Frances Kanka of this city, a sister. ofr. the, bride, acted as bridesmaid and "Ward T. rittmari,"'a brother of the groom was grooms man. Tbefbrid?' la quite well known In this city, where' she has lived all her life and where she has made herself a host of frleuils'.For four years Miss Kanka was a teacher in the public? schools of this city and In that capacity she' haa made herself an enviable record. She is an" ac complished and handsome young wo man and one with many rare at tainments. Her many friends In this city and vicinity extend to her best wishes and hopes for a long and happy married life. Had a Good Meeting. A meeting of the committee hav ing in charge Pioneer day of the fall festival was held yesterday af ternoon at the office of the Chair man, Hon. R. B. Windham. The full membership consisting of Con rad Schlater, H. C. McMaken, Henry Elkenhary, . B. S. Ramsey, S. L. Thomas, J. M. Mclsinger and Thoa. Wiles were present. J. W. Johnson has declined to serve on the com mittee owing to presure of personal business. The committee decided to make Pioneer day a home coming day for Plattsmouth people especially, and request the public to send in ad dresses, etc., of people whom the committee will Invite to return for that occasion. Ex-residents are specially wanted. Steps toward out lining a program were taken and It was decided to have a meeting In the park in the afternoon at which speeches will be made by public men, including Governor ' Shallenberger, ex-Governor Sheldon, ex-Congress-fan Pollard and many other of equal prominence. Visits between long aeperated friends will also take place and it is planned to have this af ternoon one of the most sociable of the festival. At six ''o'clock ' in - the evening , a banquet will be given at Coatea hall to the pioneers at which speeches by the old settlers will be featur ed. There will also be many toasts responded to on this occasion. The reading of old settlors, newspaper clippings and the like, will also be a feature of the banquet. In addition an exhibit of relics of the early days will be made In the hall and me mentos from the collections of Con rad Schlater, Col. McMaken and a host of others on view. Chairman Windham suggests that parties hav ing relics of the early days Inform the committee so that suitable ar rangements can bo made for hand ling and displaying them. He also wants the citizens generally to make themselves committees on , enter tainment for visitors on that day and to guraantee everyone a good time. The meeting was an enthusiastic one and promises every success for ' the occasion. ConcriH Culmt Itwrlvwl. The county commissioners this morning received by freight five sec Hons of the big concrete culvert which they are putting In west of the city. The sections are of con crete reinforced with steel rods and are calculated to stand an Immense strain. They are also large enough to carry a great amount of water and make a splendid substitute for a bridge. They are being hauled out to the work this morning and in a very short time they will be roll ed In place and spliced together. u mmm ml a a . ? ? ? ? t t ? t ? t t ; t ? V ? t ? ? ? ? Y IJOW are vour Oxfords? If you can use another Dair. here's our Oxford months of good Oxford weather ahead of us, and we make this Great Oxford Clearance Sal?, while the buyer still has an opportunity to get full value out of his investment this season, and then have a good pair of Oxfords ready for next spring. . This is not a sale of odds and ends of Oxfords, but a clean sweep sale of the best Oxfords tor Men,-Women, Boys, Misses and Children, that we have shown this season. All our Oxfords in choice Black, Tan and Colored leathers of all sorts, go. Oxfords' Ties, Pumps, etc., in latest models. Just note these styles and cut prices and, Oxford yourself for the future. Do it now! Goods at these prices are for CASH ONLY. Women's Department X ? I Florsheim $5,00 Oxfords in Patent Colt and Tan Rus sia Colt,' now. $3.75 Ralston $4.00 Oxfords in Patent Colt, Wine, Tan and l i Russia Colt, and Gun Metal, now $3.00 Douglass $3.50 Patent Calf, Gun Metal and Russia Calf $2.63 Men's $3.00 Oxfords, now $2.25 Men's $2.25 Vici Kid Oxfords, new $1.69 " 25 PER CENT OFF on Men's Women's and Children's Bare foot Sandals, V T i ? I V 2 V Feteeir's z ? ? Y Local Events. Mrs. L. Kline was a passenger for Omaha this morning, where she will spend the day. O. C Dovey was a business visi tor today in Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Carl G. Frlcke, city treasurer, was In Omaha yesterday afternoon, go ing there on business matters on No. 23. Dert Pollock was attending to tele phone business north yesterday af ternoon, going up on No. 23 for that purpose. Miss Emma Myers Is spending the day looking after business matters In Omaha, having gone up on the morning train. . Miss Mae Murphy is spending the day with friends In Omaha, going to that city this morning on the early train. Mrs. F. R. Whitaker and daughter departed this morning for Omaha, where they will spend the day with friends. Miss Ellen Carlson was a passen ger on the morning train for Have lock, where she will spend the day visiting friends. Peter Campbell, the well known Rock Bluffs precinct farmer, was looking after business in the city yes terday, coming In the morning. Mrs. A. J. Trilllty and family were passengers this morning on the early train for Omaha, where they will spend several days with relatives. County Attorney Ramsey la spend ing today in Omaha attending to professional business, having been a passenger for that city on the morn ing train. T. P. Kcnnlsh of New York City, who spent several months here dur ing 'the winter, arrived In the city this morning for a visit with George E. Dovey and family. Mrs. Dr. Cook and her toother, Mrs. I), llawksworth, were passen gers this morning on the early train for Omaha, where they will spend the day visiting friends. J. M. Mclsinger and family from Eight Mile Grovo precinct drove In yesterday afternoon from their farm and are visiting with friends and transacting business In the city. County Clrk Rosencrans who has Buy Words Hou Two lines $3.50 Oxfords in Tan Vici Russian Calf and Patent Colt, now ; $2.63 Three lines of $3.00 Tan Russian Calf, Tan Vici, Patent Colt and Gun Metal, now $2.25 Three lines $2.50 Tan Russian Calf, Wine, Gun Metal, Patent Colt. Vici Kid, now $1.88 Women's $2.00 Vici, Oxfords.- $ 50 Womee's $1.75 Vici Oxfords $1.32 Misses oud Cnildren's $1.50 Patent Colt, Tan Vici, and Vici Kid Oxfords $.3 ShoeS THE SHOERY Miss Claire Coleman Is spending several days In Omaha, the guest of friends. been putting In several days In the county delivering election supplies, returned home .Tuesday evwtlng, having completed his task. Mrs. II. Severs and daughters, Misses Anna and Sophia, departed this morning for Plalnvlew, Neb., to spend a week with friends and rela tives, former Cass county people. C. E. Branson, a prominent busi ness man of Elmwood, was attending to business In the city yesterday. He Is alsoaguestof County Clerk Rosen crant whom he succeeded In busi ness In Elmwood. Miss Delia Tartsch was a passen ger this morning on the early train for Omaha, where she will meet her little nephew, from 8loux City, la., who is coming down to spend sev eral days with the family. Mrs. Cora Miller and little son of St. Louis, Mo., are making an ex tended visit with A. L. Huffer and family at Mynard, having come In several days since. Mrs. Miller Is quite well known here where she has visited several times before. Livingston Rlc hey, who has been campaigning in Nehawka and Weep ing Water In the interest of the pat ent school stove of which he Is salesman, returned home last even ing and will depart for Louisville either this evening or tomorrow on the same mission. Mrs. Ernest Ploeger and daughter Minnie departed this . morning for Omaha, where they will make the Decennary arrangements for the fun eral of Mrs. Ploegnr's daughter, Mrs. Fred Koehler, wh died there ft terday. . It la not known whether or not Mrs. Koehler will be burled at that point or In this city, nn no an nouncement of the funeral ran bo made today. Nick Haimes, the ve'eran farmer of the precinct, wag In the city yes terday attending to business matters. In conversation with a Journal re porter Mr. Haimes states that a good rain would work wonders now for corn, but even If It does not come he thinks there will bo an abund ance. He states that his crop Is going to bo a good one and that most of his neighbors are also In good shape. He Is not one of those who complains and believes that there will be plenty for every one. ? ? t t t ? ? ? ? ? t t t t X ? ? ? T t ? T ? ? Y t f ? T t t t Onnnrtunitvi fh' 1 Men's Department tore I ? Y Art Hughey, the popular traveling man, was In the city today visit ing his customers and taking orders. Iter. Krncst O'Neill, a jrreat pul pt orator At the Klmwood rliauUu qua on Sunday, Aug. 22. Hpecial Iran from I'lattmnoutli tC Mm. AuNlin will give two new lm tatlons of (VeNta Victoria) the Kng. IIhIi Cottier ttlnger tonight and the rent of the week, at the 1'arniele. Col. Charles Grotte of Omaha la In the city today, making a busi ness call upon Capt. F. G. Even bergor and also on Ed. Egenberger. A. Clabaugh, of the Nebraska Lighting company,' is in Omaha to day looking after matters in con nection with the street lighting dur ing carnival week. ; H. L. Oldham and wife came up last evening from their home at Murray to make a short visit with George Oldham and Mn.Dora Moore, both of Hhom haw been under the Mra. II. Gartelman has received word from her brother Charles A. Klnnamon, well known In this city, that he Is enjoying his first vacation in twelve years In the Dig Horn country. He has taken his family with him and they are having a fine time In the mountains enjoying hunting and fishing. Charley, who Is quite well known here is entitled to a vacation as he Is one of the Burlington's most faithful employes and one who sticks to his work at, all times. He Is the Democratic can didate for county clerk of Lancaster county and Is Bald to stand an ex cellent show for election. -:o:- ItUHlneM In Moving Itapldly. The Omaha division of the Bur lington, which reaches from PaciAo Junction, Omaha, Sioux City, O'Neill and Schuyler to Lincoln la just now handling a business about equal to this period In 1907. The division W moving about 1,200 cars per day. It has a heavy tonnage from the Omaha parking houses and to and from the Omaha wholesalers, as well as get ting almost everything from the Lin coln division. The Lincoln division car movement is now said to be In excess of 100 cars a day, and this too with the new wheat movement not unusually strong. It Is claimed that a great deal of traffic would be turned loose following another gen eral rain. This would be the signal for holders of old corn to get their product on the market at the earliest moment. Lincoln Journal. it LI 4 '