The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1909, Image 2
! A M;n Imnfs Lrtt.-r to the Public. 1 , It is with jleiisure that I wish to i say a f-w Words to the p-opl that I B F? f i have b en' customers at wy pla of .. lUUvVU Lalt I business in, Uie past, and to" those! ON THE SURE ROAD T Mrs. Alice Towle Rallies Finely After Operation Friday v.' a i i 301 Mrs. Alice Towle, into whom blood as transfused from her brother, Charles N. Sullivan, In the South Omaha haspital last Friday, is re ported to be on the sure road to recovery. Her temperature was normal yesterday morning for the first time In several months' and she was able to take more substantial food. Her heart action is better than at any time since she was taken ill. . Charles N. Sullivan, the brother, from bom the blood uas taken, was a little weak and nervous for a few days afterwards. He Is said to be as well and as strong now as ever, but will not be able to use his right arm Into which the Incision was made, for several weeks. World-Herald. ' ' Charles N. Sullivan,' who Is visit ing for a few days with his parents In this city, is getting along all right no far as be Is concerned and is little .the, worse for his experience. He Is pale from the loss of so much tl'ood, but aside from this, feels fine and as soon as he recovers from the weakening effects of the operation, he will be able to return to his work Ho describes some of the details of the operation which are quite lnter fstlng. When the inclHlon wh'ch was wveral inches in length was made, fth irifcidhetle was. afl ministered as this' would nave "Tiad an instant ef fect on Mrs. Towle and there was a great . deal ot pain .attached to 'the operation. Ills head was turned away and-'" the1 attending surgeons would not allow him to see what was transpiring for fear of the ill 1 effects I r that mav become my customers in the future. I must say that I have striven to be honest and upright, in my deal ings with the people that entered my store for the past three and one half "years that I have betn in busi ness here, and I certainly will do so in the future. I do appreciate the kindness of all those who have dealt with me, and would gladly greet as many more as could And their way into my store. I have an up-to-date line of Fur niture, Carpets and Rugs at prices that are absoutely right. Now, you y i tiigifsiEnteiiiiint which might follow. . He did not know how much blood was taken from him until . sometime later. Aside from being weak at the loss of blood, he noticed no Immediate ill effects. He will be here several days before returning to Omaha. Mrs. Towle's many, friends here will be more than pleased to learn of her recovery and. return to nor mal health once more, and have every assurance that It will be per manent. Dr, Henry is the name of the surgeon who performed the operation which is regarded as a re markable one In medical circles. He first heard of the idea from a news naner Item concerning a simlliar not succeed In business without making a profit on what he sells. I must say that I have not adver tised the discounts that I allow to my cash customers. Only once or twice did I advertise a special dis count sale. - My jcilscounts to the cash custom era are 5 and 10 per cent, according to the line they. buy, which I have had In force since I am In business here, and I must say that if 1 could do an entirely cash business that 1 could cut my percentage some lower, so that I could give still , bettei prices than I am now giving. - - You are all welcome to come in And look over my line whether you n novel and. O .: and at once tnnh h trm for that nolnt where P" " uot- e are glad to show ho interviewed the surgeon who had J have and give you the conducted the operation and learned Prlce8' 8nd tnat 18 the only way that from him the details. He found he would be called upon to use the pro cess much sooner thnn he anticipat ed. Advertising the Festival. Throe automobiles nre engaged today In advertising the fall fcstlvnl out in the county. ThoHo"are the machines of Chat-leu C. I'armele, which contains In addition- to Pollock Pnnnele, the chauffeur, ("has. 0. Parmelo, Henry Schneider and Frank Schlnter. The machine of Charles Troop, driven by Arthur Troop and ' occupied by Charles Troop, K. II. Wescott and John Nemetz. The ma chine of John Crnbill, driven by the owner and containing A. L. Tidd and Doe. Young. They will post bills and distribute advertising matter over a portion of the county. The automobiles at noon had made Mynurd, Murray,' Union, Nehawka and Avoca, getting to Weeping. Wa ter In good shape at noon. They found that word had been sent out ahead of their coming and they were expected . overy where. They met with a hearty reception at all points and are promised big crowds for the entire week. Mr. Tldd of the com mittee telephoned the Journal at noon that the committee was more than pleased at the reception given them at all points and especially pleased at the enthusiasm they had encountered not alone in the towns but on the road. They leave Weep Ing Water at one and will go to Manley, Louisville, Cedar Creek and arrive here at about live o'clock this evening a record breaking trip and covering more than half of the coun ty caBlly. ..,.. Several Matters in l'rolmtc In county court a petition hns been filed asking the appointment of A. L. Tldd as administrator of the estate of Hannah l!lak, deceased. MIhh I'.lack had some Insurance and also some ' building and loan stock which It Is desired to clone out. Mr. Tldd filed the petition. A suit has also been commenced In ccuuty court against J. K. von Horn by the First National bank of this city for $200' and ' Interest on a promissory note 'given by Von Durn to Win. ' F. Gillespie and as signed by him to" the First National bank. A nntltli n tin a nlwo licctl field In . - .. to give the best service possible county court for the appointment of . , ., . , T..v e. Frncst Ahl as administrator of the estate rf Wank Ingram, deceased. Ingram lived near Louisville and at the time of his death was possessor of quite an amount of property which It Is desired to realize on. Robt. R. Nlcklcs, the well known Rock "Huffs precinct farmer, Is In the city this morning attending to business mutters. you can satisfy yourself. In the line of Carpets and Rugs we buy only the best. In the Furniture line we aim to have the best, with some of the medium. We also handle the Crystal Re frl'jerator, one or the very best on the market. We have other styles As It Is still summer and you may be In need of a Refrigerator, then you should call In and see our line. I also handle one of the h( st makes of Sewing Machines on the market, the Domestic, at prices that are right. few words more, and that Is in regard to the 1'ndertaklng and Fu neral Directing. There are times when you are compelled to have the services of an Undertaker, . If we are called on, we attend to all calls whether day or night. ' It is our aim Michael Hlld and John P. Sattler, Licensed Kmbalmers. ' . " Yours Respectfully, ' MICHAEL HILD, Proprietor. '. The big store, on .South Sixth street, Plattsmouthl Neb. Spent The Day In Town. A pnrty of good citizens of the Manley neighborhood came down this mcrnlng on the Schuyler train and spent the day looking after bus! Hess matters and visiting with friends. The party consisted of A. Kreiklow and wife, John Rohrdanz, mother and sister, Mrs. Smith of llrvdock. Huh Mr. Krecklow and Mr. Kohrdnnz are well known and popular citizens of their community and are also excellent farmers. They are well "acquainted here and their many friends In the city were glad to have them make a call during their stay. ' The best Is the cneapest, are the best. 'Acorns' "WHEN "VOUlVE WorkedHard J&R,MONEY XPUTtlT.IN. Take Out Final Papers. Yesterday was a field day in dis trict court when five foreign born citizens received their final papers. Those receiving them were Harry and James Greer of Alvo, Carl An derson, AIvo; Wm. Bouchel, and Frxl Rauers. The two Greers are residents of Alvo and renounced al legiance to the King of Great Brit ain. They are natives of Ireland. Anderson renounced the King of Swenden, where he was born. Boui h- el, who lives In the west end of the county, gave his postoffice address as Waverly, and also renounced King Edward of England,, where he was born, Rauers was a subject of the Kaiser and born in Germany, but he renounces Kaiser Bill. It made some work for Clerk Robortson to straightening out these worthy men. I 7 A tt in . v s h Just as a few bushels of wheat planted in the ground become many bushels of grain, so will the money you put in our bank from time to time bc como a big sum. The interest we will pay you will hcln it crow We will pay you three per cent interest on the money you deposit in our bank and compound the interest every twelve months. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Tbe I'lonoern of Oish County. It Is the urgent request of the Committee on Pioneer and Old Set tlers day at the carnival, . that all persons knowing the address of any of the early Bottlers of Cass county, send the same at once, to either of the undersigned. It la also desired that anyone having papers, printed during the early days, or records of any kind, . or articles, associated with Pioneer days, furnish the same to the committee. We will also gladly receive suggestions from any one, tending to make the 2nd, daj of September one of absorglng In terest. . Act promptly ; R. II. WINDHAM, Chalrmnn. S. RAMSEY, Secretary, O ! i I II fell W ti Si lini'lilcr Cut II ii ml. Ti.i.. . ....., i Jills llll'l lllii nuitiii linn I'lint i . . . I . If . I'.. 1. ...I I ....... nn (1 CIOCK. ,irs. II. j. MiuinutT whh vn- gaged In cleaning a lamp chimney when It exploded, making two deep n, I listM It i till riit .1itvn t h it I tlliMll'II III II mill's i7 u u'v bird finger which was several In- t lit D 111 Hllfcl" I" M"1- " ' the other down the iuslilo of the . 1. . . ... I . fl... 1,i,l.iM n nniiil Id nluil llllllllU. I lit' liiuvi n'iiut id quite long. The chimney which bad I' I.. 1., 1.1.,... ,,. Ill 1 II nurin ii in a... . " ! "- i II... I.,,. ... ...ii-i l peruiuir iiuiihhm, iih- mm-i ..n ind the extreme top of the chimney .I.....I.... ..f nit. I l.,nllitr (tin tuldillrt iwninft 'ii uii i' iii nh ' ti,.. . lilniii.-v mil I, I Tlio Intnrles i tin- i j - - . .. t m . . ... Ill it painiui are inn u.iuseriiun. MWs Mnnota Perry Is spending the clsjr In Omaha, being a passen ger for that city on the morning 1 1 ' ? WJ 4 ? 3 1 A n n rrv n n n "T ' i htmu ifK" Ess i! Plattsmouth, Ne brask a nDflhrlIiinP (1 1 ll II II II 11 The Biggest Event Ever Undertaken in Cass County Grand Free Attractions Even Dai Base Ball Games every day. Band Concerts every eay. Thrill ing Acrobatic Performance every day. Mammoth Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibit. Balloon Ascensions. Giant Parades. Automobile Races. Wrestling Match. Many New Features. Som ething Doing Every Minute is Called Agricultural Day Therb will be the Greatest Horse Show ever given in this part of Nebraska Finest display of Thoroughbred Cattle' evlrYivenrhTHoY Show a wonder," The j Poultry Show will be a marvel. Farm products of all kinds. Come,-you cannot afford , to miss it. is Galled Pioneer's Day All Old Settlers and their, families will be there. A day of, reminiscences. State officers of Territorial Associa tion will attend. Speeches on early Nebraska by able and eloquent speakers. Exhibit of early Nebraska relics. Feasts and banquets. Home coming day. Come and visit your old friends. is Called Merchant's Day THE' grandest display of merchandise ever matle in ass county. Bargains, souvenirs, refreshments. Brilliant attractions at every store. This is the day when the mer chants will undertake to show you a good time free. Mer chants' hospitality. A day of gayety. CI). Q is Galled Games and Sports Day I T H EKE will be a wrestling match, balloon ascension, auto mobile races, bicycle races, base ball games, band con- 1 certs, turners' exhibition, acrobatic performances. Scores of other games and sports. Come and enjoy the fun. It will be fun all the time". Fun from morning till night. SGpt. is Called Labor Day Giant Parados. The Burlington railway shops will be closed. A Burlington exhibit will be given. The fire department will give an exhibition. Distinguished speakers will deliver eloquent addresses. Base ball games. Band concerts. Labor organizations and lodges from all parts of Southeastern Nebraska will be invited to participate. Prize contests between lodge and drill teams in uniform. Come and enjoy the day. Under Auspices of the Commercial Club i Plattsmouth, Nebraska train.